I The Charlotte Obseryer. PUBLISHED DY JOHNSTONE JONES. Office, Bryce's Building, Trade Street. BATES OF SUB8CRIPTIOJT. Daily, One year in advance, ...$G 00 Six months," in advance, 3 00 Three Months, in advance, 1 50 One month, in advance, 50 Tri-Werkly, ne year $3.50 Weekly, one vear 2.00 ThT4SSLVER TONGUE" ORGANS Tor Parlor Church and School. Masufactceep by KEEDUAld & SON. E. P. ESTABLISHED IN 1843. Nos. 143, 145 & 147 East, 23d St. N. Y. H Responsible parties applying for agencies in sections still unstippiied, will receive prompt attention and Ml. era 1 inducements. Parties raiding at a distance from our au th rized agents may order from our fac tory. Send for illustrated price list, july 1- (Jiu XTI'W YORK HERALD, Received Daily J 1 and sold at 6 cents each, at PUKEFOY'S. nut! G HOTEL FOR RENT. milli WINNSBORO HOTEL is for rent. JL It is large, commodious, situated near the passenger depot and in the center of the town, and is the only hotel in town. A profit aMe business has hceu done from tin- time it was r.pctied after the war until row. A Miitahle occupant run increase the business and the profits. Apple to G. H. McM ASTER, oct 3 eod3w Winnsboro, b. C. TO THE PUBLIC. DESIRE TO call attention t-i my stock of lillllS. IJ Junes ami ristols, of all U i n d s a n d prices. Ammu nition and im plements, Lin ks and Keys of all kinds. Jlctalic ammunition a general assort ment, as cheap as the cheapest. Guns, Pis tols, Locks, Keys, Parasols, Ac, etc., repair-t-il and warranted. W. B TAYLOR, Next door to Elias fc Cohen. net 1 lm Ac. 5 52- SCHOOL BOOKS. BR Y A NTS ! STEA TTON S BOOKKEEPING BULLIONS C- MORRIS' la tin grammar bullions & morris' latin reader, bullions & morris1 Latin lessons; BINGIIA MS1 LA TIN GRAMMAR ; DA VIES' NEW A LGEBRA, AND OTHER NEW SCHOOL BOOKS ON HAND nt FUREF0YfS, oct 2 tfj Tryon Street. ITIO LASSES. nr BARREL Cheap Molasses, UU 30 barrels Fine Syrup, 5 Tierces Demerara Molasses, just received at STENH0USE, MACAU LAV & CO. june 21 10,000 REAMS WRAPPING PAPER, Assorted sizes and grades from the well known Long Shoal Paper Mills, TIDDY'S fet) 2 BOOK STORE. A LARGE LOT OF INITIAL PAPER just received at TUREFOY'S oct 2 tfl Tryon Street. Wheat Dr:ui I Wheat Bran ! 18.000 lbs. Choice Braft. fast arrfved and for sale in large and small qttantftfes. Ry G- W. CHALK, OulkQ Strwt. I n in i ' - - , XTTjr "-'ft'-- Vol. X. 1873. FALL TRADE. AN ENTIRELY OF CO C3 CO LU CD CO CO I CD CD CO CO CHARLOTTE, UST- C- A VINO closed out my Old Stock during the Summer, I now offef to the trade V holesale and Ketail,-an entirely New Stock of carefully selected troods fresh from the Manufactories. While truly grateful for past favors extended me, I desire Your continued patron age. S. B MEACHAM, Sept 3 tf Sign of the Brass Boot. Clotliing J. A. YOUNG & SOI ARE now prepared to receive their may desire a complete nr partial outfit STORE, on North Tryon Street, Charlotte. I heir Stock is entirely NEW. and selected Manufacturers whose Goods are made expressly for the Southern Market. They offer DRESS SUITS of Black, warranted genuine Scotch Cas.Minere. English, French. American Plain and Fancv Cnssiiuert, in variety of styles and prices. Also, ly the single piece. Coat, rants or Velvetine, Corderov, Grav Meltons. Mixed Whitney. Imperial Worsteds, Kerev. Ac, from the Bridegroom to the Hod Carrier. Talmas, of Gray Melton, Mixed Melton, Overcoats, of every variety, style and Youths' nnd Boys' Clothing" a large and A Full Line of 1 Gentlemen's Furnishing to complete the Wardrobe. Hats and Caps of every style and price. large stocks of Gloves, Handkerchiefs, cv Articles. The above limited outline f their stock, by calling upon them his wants can be Thev pledge themselves to spare no evcrv business transaction with them, and Wholesale FHANKEITHAL, DEALER in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY 60GDS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BONNETS, If ATS, SHAWLS, TRMIITIItfGS Ae Ready-ITIicIe Clotliiny, Boots, Shoes, Trttliks, Ilats, Enps, Umbrellas and Notions. Trade Street, near the Court House, Next door to Harty's China Store, OHABLOTTB, 3ST. O. 4 I TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN INFORMING MY FRIENDS AND THE PtfBLIC trenerallv. that I have purchased a large mined to sell as low as 1 ever did neiore. Mv Stock is entirely new and has been carefully selected with a view to meet every w.mt of mv customers. AH of my goods are of the latest style and sell as low as any dealer in this city, or elsewhere. Give me a call and be convinced. Sept 26 tf S. FRANK ENTHAL. WILLIAM RICH & CO., Wholesale NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, MILLINERY AND WHITE GOODS ATLANTA, JV. Sf-We JHtpticaie Hew tttrk rept 18 lo ' "', ' 11 i i i i i . - ; if if i i i 'i CHARLOTTE N. C, 1873. NEW STOCK SO try CO CD CO CO m CO CD CO t o r friends, and the public penerallv. who in their line, at their NEW CLOTHING Fourth Door above the Charlotte Hotel. witli care in the Northern cities, from Blue. Snuff and London Smoke cloths : of Vest. Meltons. Doe Skin Jeanes. Seal Skin. &c, in style and price to suit every buver Black Salt, Coral, Black and Blue, Beaver, price. well selected stock. Goods, comprising even' article necessary Hosiery , Neck-ties, Bows, Scarfs and Fan is only designed to assure the reader that supplied. pains to render every patron satisfied with ask to be tried. sen 3Mf. and !Retail and handsome stock or Goods and am deter have been bought very close, so that I can Dealers in GEORGIA. B SATURDAY. OCTOBER F. fi'GAXSr SO o 0Q CHAR LOTTE C. Prescription s prepared at I1 hours of the Day and night. Choice Green and Black Tea, Selected especially for Family and Inval id, at SCARR'S june 29 Iirug sto. 1 UEH spices. Just received a lot of select Spices for Pickles, Preserves, &c, at F. SCARR'S june 29 Drug Store. Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, at F. SCARR'S june 29, 1872 Drug Store. PEASE'S RESTAUR A. XT, ATLANTA, GA. Ladies' and Gents' Dining Rooms. Should you wish oysters, a golden fry, an elegant steak, a cup of good coffee, kind treatment and no charge unless we fill the bill, call and see us. Pease and ins Wife. sept 1G 12m Proprietors. 1813. 18T3. FALL AND WINTER TRADE. J. L. BROTHERS & CO. SUCCESSORS TO J W McWhirter, Trade St., Charlotte, N C, KEEP on hand a large stock of Grocer ies, Country Produce, Family supplies Tobacco, Cigars" Snuff, Notions, etc. We invite purchasers to call and exam ine our stock and prices before buying else where, as we are determined to sell as good goods at as low figures as any house in the city. We have now in store a fine lot of new Mackerel which we are offering at reduced prices. Also a choice lot of country flour, ami counrrv na,con, togeincr witn a l;rie supply of Baltimore Bacon, Sugais, Coffee, Molasses. Meal. Shirting and Cotton Yarn. Purchasers in the city can have their goods delivered st their houses. J. L. BROTHERS & CO. sep G ly Just Arrived. A LARGE stock of French Candies which we warrant pure. Also, an endless varietv of French Con fectioneries of everv description, and would he pleased to show it to our friends and customers. Also, Dried Beef, Beef Tongues and Sausage of the best quality. Smoking and Chewing Tobaco, Cigars ind bnuft. U round reas at wholesale or retail, as cheap as thev can be had in Charlotte. I'-iVcrv dav, lread of the best material, Cakes, all varieties. Pics of all kinds, Rusk Buns Rolls, to order, live and Graham Bread, with manv other articles not nec essary to mention, to all of which wc call your attention. Irade btreet, rranklin Maker, Opposite Market, sep 17 C. S. ilOLTON & CO. A BOOR FOR THE MILLION: Marriage ii A prlrRtr.Cftimselor t the iMitrricd or Ihone about to ,'marry ah this iilir.it logical 'mraterit. and rcvelatioiifol itbc sexual artteni. with the latent dineorerie. lx prodncltif aoi prevcutiog oHapring, how io .rerve the cnmpl'-xiuti. Ac. Thiii a an iuleresiiug work o I two hundred and Mxlj pace, with nmt-L-rouii egra iuga. auit couiain. valuable iarorw:tiinn fur thoc wtiu are married.Hrcoiitetiiplaie mar riaje Still it i a bnuk that ough t lo be kept uuder look and key. nud tiollaid carole.alr about the liouae. It contain, the experience and arivica o i a phT.iclao a hnne rcputatlou i world-wide, and .hould be in the pri vat drawer of eve. r male and female throiirhout I he entira (lobe. It cmbraccK everyihine on the .ubject of the gen erative .Ttem that U worth kuuwiug, and Biucb that it ot piiMinhed in any other work. Sent to anv one (Tree of postnge) for Flfiy Cent.. Addre Dr. KulU' Uispcuiiary .No. 12 Kightb f treat St. I.ouin, Mo. Notics tfl tils ASic ed tad UafoTtnnats. He fore applying to the nniorinii. quack, who advertise ia public papers. or u.ing any quauk remcdie. peru.e Dr. lt-iiu' work 110 matter what j our (lias.e ii, or how deplor able your condition. Dr. Hutu occiipi( a double tinuse of twentr-serem room.: t a i ndnr!ed by aomc o f the most celebrated medi calprnfe.Mtr. nf thlacmifttry and Kurope. and can be con ulr J per.onnllr or by niaif.on ihe dixeaae. inftitionedia uis wnrkr- Office and parlor.. No. 1 J N. Kighth atroaw Ktwoeu k.-.koi and Che.nut, bt. Louit, Uo. nov 2-d & w ly At tlio Green Eront OPT COLLEGE STREET, WTE are recei ving our fall stock of Grocer- T ies of all kinds, such as Sugar, Coffee, (Rio, Laguira and oldGovernment Java,) Lard, Hams, Cheese all kinds, Soda, Candles, Starch, Sardines, Crackers, "Wooden ware, Lead, Shot, TWirintr nndTies. LeatheT, &., ttc. All rf which we are offerinsr to the Far- niPrs at Granger's prices. Call and sue us before purchasing. ,,,T . J. S. WILLIAMSON & CO. Messrs J V Nthers, Capt. WTm M Stitt, Th n Walsh and Cant John L Deaton. are with Messrs J S Williamson & Co., and will be glad to see their tnenris, and pro mise satisfaction in every respeci. sept 20 Fresh Fish From Morthead City. TTAVING made arrangements with the fishermen, 1 snail nave iresn uxn cy erv morning, except Sunday and Monday and can furnish parties in any quantities, at short notice. Orders left at my store will hanrnmnt.lv filled. B. N. SMITH. T ft Wm. Gleasnn manaces the Fish Depart nrent. sept 25 A Large lot of Bologna Sausage in Store; PpaKnts. iust arrived: French Can- dies, the best and cheapest in the market; rtfish Potatoes and Btftter, Beef and Beef Tongues, at C. S. HOLTO & e, oct s Opposite the Market. 50 BUSHELS Bolted Meal just received arid for sale at J. L. BROTUBKa SWB1 18, 1873 No 1,4316 SIMOflTON HOUSE. STATESViLLE, If. C. :0:-, fTlHE Proprietor of the above named -L Hotel respectfully invites the people of vnariocte ano rne puorc generally to call on him when they visit Statesville. He will spare neither pains nor money to make the SIMONTON HOUSE a first class HOTEL, and worthy ofpublic patronage. T. A. PRICE, nov 25-tf Proprietor. K. F. DAVIDSON, DEALER IN 9 NO. 4 WEST TRADE STEEET, "Opposite Brem, Brown fc Go's. Dry Goods fetore Metalic Burial Cases, Caskets. Sprins Beds and Mattresses, and a full assortment of Furniture, always on hand. June 21 KOTICE. 1 673 1 073 FALE AND WINTER TRADE. WE are now receiving our Fall and Win ter stock, to which the attention of Merchants and Planters is respectfully in vited, consisting of the following lines ol heavv and fancv groceries : 20,000 tts Bulk Bacon, 1000 Kolls heavy bagging 2 to 2glbs to yd 1000 Bundles Arrow Ties, 1000 Sacks Salt, 100 44 Fine Liverpool Salt, 200 44 Coffee, Prime, GothI and Fair, 100 Bbls Sugars, A Ex. C. Demerara and Porto Rico, L0 41 Syrups, S House and Drips, 200 Boxes Adamantine Candles, 150 Cases Brandy Peaches, 150 44 Oysters, 100 Doz Buckets, 2 and 3 hoops, 100 Sardines, 200 Packages Fish, No. 1, 2 and 3, 20,000 Cigars, Fair to Good. Tobaccos and Whiskies a SPECIAXTV, 200 Boxes Tobacco, N C and Va Brands, 100 Bbls N 0 Corn Whiskey, 100 Va 100 Motz celebrated corn whiskey, Ziegler's Rye Whiskey, Monongahela Rye Whiskey, Zcb Vance 'Apple Brandy, 50 50 50 75 25 Gingr 10 44 Scuppernong Wine, French Brandvs Port. Maderia. Sherrv, Blackberry and California Wines of best quality always in store. We are oeeuts lor the sale ot Ihomas Wvnn's Improved Open-Throat, Curyed Breast, Premium ane Diploma COTTON GIWS, With attached Circle Flue, open to the world ; $4 per saw; can be had on applica tion at our office. W. H. II . HOUSTON & CO., Grocers & Cotton Com mission Merchants, Trade Street, Charlotte. N. C. ong 21 Yorkville Enquirer and Lancaster Led ger copy and discontinue former advertise ment. HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERY STORE. The undersigned are now receiving, and are prepared with an entire new stock of HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES, direct from New York, where one of the tirm made extensive purchases, especially tor the Fall Trade. Having an eye to the Wholesale trade thev made heavy pur chase of Case Goods, consisting in part of Oysters, Candy, Pickles. Preserves, Jellies, Teas, &c. Also a large stock of Cigars, Musical Instruments, Toys &c. All of the stock will be sold at Wholesale or Retail ; as low as thev can he .bought in Charlotte- Purchasers will give them a call before buving as they are determined to sell. Sept. 13. A. R. NISBET & BRO. J. N. R0BS0N, Commission Merchant, Nos. 1 & 2 Atlantic Wharf. & 68 East Bay, CHARLESTON, S. C, Having ample means for adrances, a business experience of twenty year?,, and confining himself strictly to a Conm'rissfon Business, without operating n his own account, res-pectfu'Iy solicits consignments of Cotton, Flour, Corn. W heat. etc. Shipjers of Produce to htm may, at their option, have their Consignments soifl eith er in Charleston pr New. York, thus hav ing the advantage of two Markets without extra Commissions. REFERENCES : Bishop W. M. Wightmarf, S. C, Rev. T. G Summers, D. D.,Ten.,Ci.Wm. John son. Charlotte, N. C. Hon. John 1. King, Augusta, Ga., Messrs. Williams, Birnie & Co., N. Y.f Messrs. G. W. Williams & La, Charleston, b, (J. Julv 19 3m ke.hoVaL. 1HAVE removed my Jewelry Store, on Tryon Street, next to Tiddy's Book Store, where 1 am receiving a large stock of goods consisting ot line Gold and Silver Watches and chains, Ladies nne sets, lat est styles, ear-bobs, breastpins, fine plain rings, seal rings, and other fine gold rings, gold, silver and steel spectacles, to stilt all persons, clocks in great variety, ana an such goods as are usually kept in a first class jewelry store, which I will sell as low as the same can be bought anywhere else. j&AU work in the line done with neat ness and despatch, and warranted 12 months. AH goods sold warranted as re presented. A. HALKo. Tryon St., next Tiddy's Book Store, sept li Mackerel. ;ust recejvefi at RTV.vwfvrrsm f ArrATTT.AV rr atlg 20 10,000 June 29 PAPER BAGS at PtTfttEFOTTS: CHOCOLATE, Artowrodt, Gelattne. Pure v Grocrfd Pepper, Conger, Cmnafftofl 29 Wi it. BWVVELL & 00. " "a ' " -- . . . RATES OF ADVERTISING. One Square one time.... $1 00 ' " twodavs l to " three davs 2 00 " four days 2 50 five d&ys.... .......... ,. 3 00 one week 3 50 M two weeks 5 CO ' three weeks 6 50 ' " one month. 8 00 pSf Contract Advertisements taken at proportionately low rates. Five Squares estimated at a quartcr-col-umn, and ten squares as a half-column. THE CHARLOTTE FAIR I T BUTLER'S ! ! NEW GOODS. Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c. MUSIC BOO AND MANY TOO KUMKROUS TO ittSlJrTIOlsr. AT J. T. BUTLER S OPP(ITETME tfAftS'TOK HOC-8X3. October 22 THE BANK OF M1CKIEOTUBG, CHARLOTTE, K. C. Authorized Capital $,OQ,GGO. Jab. TuRsrft Tatk, President Thos. W. Dewey, Cashier, F. II . Dewey, Asst. Cashier. AT THE BANKING HOUSE CF TATE & DEWEY. This Bank Chartered Under Act of the General Assembly and dulv oreaniz'-d under Laws of the State of North Carolina with ample meafts is prepared to transa- t General Banking: Business. and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on liberal Terms. The bank will receive PenosJf-.n Rnl.?o. Clieck, and will Allow Interest According to Agreement on all Deposits left on time or issue Certificates of Deposit bearin" in- meal at iiiu race or Eight per cent 6cr Annum On all SUniS lvinir lllii!r.nu'n nvoi- Uirt davs. Gold and Silwr Coin, Bull Inn nn,-l Bank Notes Botrght and Sold. THOa. W. DEWEY, jan. i Li,6. Cash nier. Flonr, Flour, THREE Hundred Sacks Extra and Fam ily Flour in store and for sale bv o x EN HO USE, MACAULAY t CO. feb 18 RICHARD ADAM, RICHMOND STEAM BAKERY, 12th Street, Below Main. Branches 516 Broad and 1524 Main,) RICHM02STD, "V-A.. Manufacturer of all kinds of Rr pari and Crackers, Wholesale and Retail. No charge for delivery of Goods to Boats or Cars. No Chaftre for Borrck, may 1 ly. BAGGING AND TIES, &c. 50,000 Yards HeaVy Domestic and Barred Bagging, 15,00 Bundles Arrow Ties. 600 Sacks Liverpool Salt. 160 Sacks Fine Livemool Salt, in Kfna and to arrive and for sale bv 8TENH0USE, MACAULAY & CO. Hlolasses and Syrnp. 60 Barrels Common Molasses, in carrels nne oyrup, 5 Hogsheads Demerara Molasses, for sale bv 8TENHOUSE. MACAULAY fe CO. A. M. CRESWELL, 6rocer and Commission Merchant, Cor. Trade and Church Sts, Gray's Building CHARLOTTE, N. C. Solieite a share of the pttblio patronage. "ILnli- tvears experience in business in Chaflotte; I feel justified in guarantee ing satisfaction to all. r lnMlfB -A- IL CJR.ES WELL. . aug 13 ly Sdsar and Coffee. X29 P"?18 Sugar, various brands, 75 Sacks CoftVe V f for sale by J"w"b I STEKHdUSE, MACAVUAY & CO.