- S ?TMCJ?aripttelOJbsatycr, - ' J01 J NSTONE JONES, y -If Office, ' Bryce'a Building I'rade'Sbr sates or wbscbiptiowI -Daily One year in advance, 00 Six months, in advance,... 3 oot Three Months, m advance,... l 60 One month, in adrance, .'.....v...'..;...;.. 50 Tr!We4klrt eneyear..i..:...::;...... $3.50 weeKiyy owe veer..."........ :6.UU LOCAL AFFAIfiS': i fr. 4S. P.CJAl.UWEIX,i Local .Editor, v-n ifHket-7The sale r yesterday amounted to4 824 bales?4 The inrkej open ed at 13-90 for low middling and closed at 14. The market is steady and is pervaded by st better' faeliug than for several previa ous days'. . , ' , , LOCAL DOTS. -Skating at Oates' Hall to-night.:, V Even the "flying ponies" have left us..,; , - Go to the SkatiugRink to-night at Oates' Three iweeks from fester Jay until i .Christra as. , : .f . 4 i ;;n:. 1 "Keno" is still popular, and "draws crowded houses.." y f- r - -7 There is Httle'bnfcittess these -days in WagriaVdrcles., :M ..... Read theTnw"-1 advertisements'" this mornings! ; .-.; r - f .-s-,;: ...;.. . There is; not quite such a pressure upon hotel men now as there was this time last week ;t.t ;'. The streets are in a slippery condition and walking: was r decidedly Unpleasant yesterday. ' 4 We'll put Charlotte against the world for good order. , Indeed its distressingly ''or, derly. . . . . ,- . ----r-:. ';.) Thos L Vail, Esq, Secretary, , says lh money due the Fair f thf Carolinaa must be paid. See nis JidVertiserneht tt J 1 Mr Joseph Gro. -hel; a young man very J well known i- tlii- Sxi . left last nhrht for I California, whicli State he will make his luture nomeTTf?-t a 15 Visitine cards this eeasonareVath! - , . 1 er larger than 'formerly, and are of board The shape is varied accord- v..w uuyov j uiikia&cu . uiisiwii mg to taste. rt ? KatVr'briafmoc. 1 AUUV1IIVU If tncK8.-or.vinaeed -any tiling else lor . 1 . - ' cm1 vs 'ti 14)dJiUKtprIUhCQSEl5yER Every body will see it there. ? , ; Ashortbut earnest.runawiMa mule attached ta a ' ' r il i'"""t"v v't':::v'-T- ' i-i- on Cyfiege .W iXyfJx tr. iyiUf i noon. Rebuildin lff Xho wOTk of irebuiid- iVlhiWeredes- ing Rudisill a wu, iV u,c uvu, ? uccooer. nas oeen uenuii. me whjui uciooer. n oef n .VA Tvi'jB viKoKriifP411 James Burfoan employe in the wuxi. w p'y'RC"vcui v"jiinaiana.seiecreai vesomiaena it to tne ' T.V .r.l ...u,,..: ' I n w Cfa -prt. U 7 77. . JJ hundredth time we Call tne auen- ning at large m i vue siiccis. ; i i o i . t. -. , WV. I nave laws 11 . .iney are nut yy Diptheria In feenvllle.-A gen- ileman just from there, tellatusi that dipthei ia is raging , seriously, in Green vOlW. C.f and that there vere! - -J 1 ik- u TrtMJov-'' vv regret to learn tins. . tr . . "J;"- f The i New Opera House. The brick work on. the new opera house harbeen completed and the wall is now ready, to receivathe roof ;! We maeasonably x- w- r pect that the buJIdink witl- hi pushed fjo h completion at an early day. He breathed his last:at Winnsboro; S C, .otf i mnmlnir ' t '1 half tiaat three In thiscuyWiu learn j3J,,,aa weauuvum;? lavacv v" tTf5 r4Wrr HOUSE on thecoruer; or Uollege . ana llarge amount otyats just arnyea, ana lori . uVtKMlUitit tr the deatk;: of ihel cbn6erned;? -Htl I" H hrHf5 I . I Fourth StreetsJUi f J AS. H'-i'?ARSOX-t ' 1 sale by G.W. CHALK,, Jti 1 r -UteLAii.MM Mh annnjp&UDittSnnHhV;partf.l dec4-iw 1 r t octl ' College Stree ; ., . . . ' ... , ,:..,. I "".awifi".) Il ...nt to call t rBeVi X. 8, Burkhead, D.D. This gen ' ' tU5nan, who for two years has 'ministered . M'AA-wiortAW flfTrtnn Strt 'ME.' ' s Chureh'&'liQirdugs; will hold his last n.ihoniMiWnce vear with' his Think W TAttirn our thanxs tO UOU .;, ... . . ' n t rwu. a. tf, United States v,Branch Mint, in this ty, . for tbe annual Operators, Montoomerv, Ala i arri?ed in the city yes- terday morning, and entered upbn fbe dis- charge of his duties Woperatordf the Sou- thern and AtUntlc Telegraph Company at v: ia v. wt Br,notAi Mr AV U ' Poir'i.ChariotteiTrWhile- Cities i -'and Singers; the Chapjpsn Eistcr:, the; Hack t Stewardi this $&ning.V DrfBurkbead Will ;v The tuttwfromUSouth ' J leave 'the city "toinorrow moroipg. . . Carolina and Alabama. u--t .t ;ju'ii .-u.,:,:,q"'.r.. tmt r ' " i' ;.Below-is list-of .them, -together with report of the Director of the Mint -to the uainoun wterary dub i j - T ''SecKtaiy - of.theTreasury,fo& the, fiscal sorito be preUd of their gifted orator1 1 HABEI&PN & McLUEE, : 'md&i ; Juntsb; 1873. IMs a book: ' Th President of the. College addressed AUCTI0N AND r COMMISSION . MER 4ntainiriguch valuable in formation: ; the graduating class onhe:Women We rl.y f CHANTS, - i ' 7IV l".-: . (college-street; : rkI?2-!ViVAM-LMr: Tenrv. of .Th concert, and a splendid one it wafe, .u -. ; - : Jueuranenreld, wno goes iience w -t' --.c ' . . . , j ,v . f STREET, ' - " : I 'i s tntoVA Xir-Line llailroad "The Exiled JHerp. - ... . ... -... . ? . ... i. .-.s'i. .-; ! 1 Ti rr '7 VVuir ; Mi Tennie M Venable, 'Alabama, r'The. ..Where we. areonband to give prompt telegraph tfflce iq that city..,: . Miss lennie lu euau , , personal attenUon to all business entrusted towns all ronndru3. of less'size and note Miss'CaTrie P. Williams, South thah Charlotte, 'tr 3 bcins entertained by Hihe Pride of the Palmetto State." the Tremaine" Bothers, the S whs Dell ' Miss Lula II Hutcheson, Virgin! n.t a .it. . r.. t Atts Almost nr?o Unnu Ji Keia. ouuuif wuvuu . . , . . - - j - r t w..uuujmnw iiuuyca, r-- ' , : v -;. . f I tenaea to snu pruuipt reiurus muui,tEf. i i i-.'J1:M' ii J ' f.: KFrtttpn4Tiifl.fTfrtrjiruition" ' . I ' - . '11 naDiy gets tue.SV-uf I - " . , I . WE CIEAH DUSlfiESS. 'J itthisseasonfromeveryone.ofthetreupes WiSs Mattie F.iiutcneson, 'r ;V - :;T go named. Poor Charlotte! Why Sa this edictory.-,; r . . . .j ur.v.,? 0ui tans? Are we always to iangiuu : . nmn , : rfr J tooum from this cause?:'.; r- il. .L Eeidville,flC( Dec. 3,J8T3..v sui-vlj Utte,. - , ,,.T 4 . 7 : .'.. ' v.v- v -v ' ' . 1 - ". '- 1 ' 1 ' . ' "t. " i'n , .. ,. . . . 1,1 The Pick pockets ' and Blacklegs who attended, our Fair in such num- bers.' made' a break "for ' W'ilmiriitori as son as it closed, in order to he WAH to! play Hhtti Itrlck-iUiKthe Fairhere jWe fpnt the people that city on their guard, Mr.Adam8'rSpeech.The Winnsr boro Kew& Vresen'ts nrat'rate' 1 syn- 91 tbe speechfof Mr. Adams, at our, tair lasi weeKii i ije synopsis is riTOfY0 tor while Mr. XifinriV wa atfn . Hw M,rwMW..fi.. i I. 13 fggXHwaasa ;.. ' 'Mo , ;May orS Court, Xbere, was one case in this (urt yesterday that of I witnesses the case' was postponed 1 .,-m v i i. ? " until this morning, ; when lit will be nvesiigatea. Llfvi i..rrrx 1 c? s 1 !' t T .i ; II amage Ceremony. Last. J even- 1 ing atlfalf past 6 ovclock. Mri Geor 6 . o " "mil I Mbit SoutHera Express Co in this city, was uniteu in .marriage to Miss Ida Taturnyin St. PeterV Episcopal Church. The ceremonv was tier-; formed by Rev. B. S. Bronson , the PrTTAK rtTA : I Lin traiftntfil'AfnVVri I t " v tour. ; I Painful Accident-Yesterday after! I oontjwo clock, a man by the na'"'r J0?68 Burfotofan employe in the J a I A O " - VVU. IAJ I tained a iMi..f..i '.'.v..int KWn. .k. XSfthefleAa the nana was otherwise injured. Dr J P McCombs was called to the relief nf tha i Ai-au- 7 7 , -igical aid in his power. ,.. ; . j ipfH' TSew Papers.iWe4'ave eter f i Meberved the t I first number or the jfrtgM Mason, a paper jnst started biCccprdChas: F. Harris, edjtorpVpprlefSrlJ Itlisj published iii the interest of the Masonic order-; The! paper presents a creditable appearance, and is fil ndtb, cbrfce-tpAttf-ft both orid- cra" 83 puuucauou weu wonuy vt sup- Prt- We wish friend Harris all imagiri- ftH, i,u new venture ! i i til i Lii-.ii t i x is on our laoie. us puoucauon nas just i iAi.twJknanii t r - y ? . . j n . t i I eere . t.hflnlra . frir . ilia vortf alamint . nlnnV I . lotte, Who fiasWately been Writing ome whlch have so 1 gracefully IpraseT, ted the mos? reliable in -existence. Price Of SUSV exceedingly' 'bright !"and' entertaining m?' JA 3 I needd a ak,Myour present T0P ' ' np6 mi-. -w . " t came in irood timi. A1W rn fo hmhtp I3 oine, rlKbl L)UMllblIO ULKACxlll.Ii t J ... ; bi KuyuEvuus : ir. f ni writes over i -i.Tv, i. i ... -I ever introduced. r - l r-,,,-,.-;r , NOTIwEr theiignatttce,? of L'JiDccasi&nar.'' Who is n hah.e .Wff c'nr?8,t,an affection and Ajjtfhtir wanted. Terrnsio purchasers of 1 873 T '4 io - ;-1 personal inenasnip wmcn prompted you a erruory easy. Address a 1 hegro" rnau- hfaltratf hg hi jwife sincere 'desire to glorify God and win souls hut owing tolthe absence nateai !6 G 1 h i fi")Tl''JyaiJ8 "u mevaperwgwwen upiu.AoiM Evans own peculiar and inimitable style. This nnmberia; fidled wicfullyfelect-1 ed articles, independent editorials, and the J j bright' paragraphs for trtiicb Capt Kvans is o notedi'Ifis "Wei! wbrfh the subscription Ja undertaking, and hope that -sut)alcribers,wifl pour, in until he says, .Annffh , . t , :; ; - I W r r The' Commencement at tteldville, U. C. Prof Burton's Iristitue reflected no: little distinction upon his pupils and himself, i , Society was listened to , with, profound af. tention by a deeply interested audience.'. 4 'The commencement of the Female OA- lege was.prouounced,'a success'?,. by.. all present,-- V i J c--A I il . ...kt.. AlVAi. AMAaUlAn. lue iuwu ui iuwi wmpu., . .'fCol J P.Thomas, of your fcity,fvras,-wel- coined by a. large : audience .and. .Floride at night, under Miss Lizzie Anderson,- 61 of otir State4, closed the delightful exercise, - The following youfig ladies compose tbe Graduating Class. TJieir compositions are ffiven with their names : ; i Inferior to those of Man Carolina a, De. ''' zin 0f Character," "SLII i:: 7 "Also,..the smam BRICKj JFELL1 A quautityr ofntin, the ear,4and a Rmith. South UaroUaa - JiV 3 S - v",t.-'iv.'i 'i.""e...s-S.- .- A '''I t .:. '...,:'.,'-: . .,.;, '-., . .- . . I . .' . i ... : RJJlJurkhea(daiid the" Ladles CngregUonfyZ . Dr Burkhead f'&EAB' PastOh: I lease accept this t cloak your congregation, (Try- the Udies of on Street Methodi ist Church) as a token of thier good wishes for you. We pray our "eaveniy nattier to Keep you under His I j Charlotte: NiC.i Dec. 4th 1873. ; f , ' ,F - .'-" . ff - - - , rr r--- ''Tr"w'wlr ' f ; i My JA Feiekps: Please accept my sin- to make the present is valued by me more hihlv than manv clnalca As Pastor of Tryon St Church, I have labored for two years, with a constant and 4 f - , con verted to God through strarQentamy.' These are the seals of my The' 3bllowin Wpondwce, Twhieh T.,VM at. M Groceries, 1 has been bandetVssrforjhbllcation,'e5r- L . - r v j J" - if ' Tobacco, ' Grain, 1 Plains itself: ' . fi . , ,r4-. . . -.. of I,! x, , ,t 'i-'u'VV '':."-::, . . " 'Powder, &c, 1 . , Chaelotte, N. C, Dee. 3rd; 18731 of, alLtlescriptions, done 111 the . latest . , . - , : . ministry arid the proofs of my apostleship. T30ARD and a room is wanted irhmedi Dear Ladies, jour presence and prayers E6!:. nave encouraged me in my toils.; May the great "Head of the Church" abundantly reward you : and when life's labors and 5?ra"tl?ns ended' may, n Tour devoted Pastor, " ' L. S. BURKHEAD. New" Advertisements. ' V nA. m.. rnr V AAVUIlS llll lllv 11CIV M I . I - 'wL j. . ue assjsieu ur secunnE iraauu uy piav S?1" Pj"?1?-. ' reesmoder- written contracts arid counsel. We also negotiate sales of Residences and Lots in negotiate sales of Residences and Lots in the city and farms in the vicinity. - - - . . v ' A. J ukaaam & hash, m-w"ome ' ; . 1.. , . . 0 rT'Z J Pera"s , agniija, me XJL r air of the Carolinas rous of reportinff ittitoediately at Tkii'iuitn'ra K ntnnirnt'nf Hahilitira The subscnption notes and jistsdue the Fair hay ejeep placed in ,th; hands. 6i col- IaiI,.m MaHiaa AWIflO1 ATA PYTlPfTm rl? rP- -a once asthe Society is deiendent on 'thorn to meet ite liabi - Byf mY A ik -vk-kAAr its 1 1 a hi I itina - liabilities Committee,' T. LJ VAIL, n raVbW Secretary. Dec 5 L. n ..; f -Jlf. ,4 u: J i -i&r a f M W rimn-tui win oe a regular wmmuujaiuuu X of Excelsior Lodaeifo 261: AF& AM, th . -,PH,ftVv - Members are reouest- to be punctual in their attendance. Vis- 1 I :i: 1 il ,r,all,r ntrif-ol iHnV Wthren are fraternal lv invited 1 . j ? cc-' ai Y m v i . . . i . i - r e A NETTlot of B. F.' "iGravely's ' 'Golden LJ Pancake and. Anderson's "Solace n.pwin? Tobaccos, at ,.v . , v IF. II..BUR WELL & CX) S. idee 4, r - ' : vl . Spring's. Cbrner. , n ERMAN STUDENT LA Si PS. at K 'Y UT , . BURIFELLU'":0 i dec 4; 'tKll LlU; Spring's Corner. . A N assortment of CIOARS, at ; ; Bl1 ' BTJRIVELL'S, u " tec-''""""!. "V. '""Spring's Cbrrier:' ,rNEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. OA' BARRELS Just received by1 'W'i OU - f BDR (FELL, GRIER A CQ. dec4-2t .r''--' i'- Is' . : : - For Rent, for ; 1814. , , T KB D TPELLDfO! iHOUSE on the Cor ner of Tryon and. Fourth . Streets, no w h Ff BE FBE f RJE iU5! H I td-T' niWTSWTTTT :-A "R-TTSTT. WITH A HUSH. your attentionto our very large' Undrielected -stock of Confec - , tioneries, Fruits, Nuts, Raisins, Citron wwrents. . : - -Jtr Best Apples in Charlotte. Fine Oranges. Prime Lemons. " " 4 s . TJ : Ailoa in' fl rthr Charlotte.- Ornamental Ckes. .. . i?y 2-f tiUi n . Opposite Market. - Dec4 C. S. HOLTON & CO. have opened, business as above, at our- NEW AUCTION HOUSE, i l t .BLACKS. BUILDINGS; COLLEGE We solicit ScohsignmenU of goods ; of every description: : . We will purchase- and '? 1 fettla. Real Estate .andv Merchandize j every description at the; most . favorable ms?, Ll "-.i-. y ; .oV'w- are reunested to vf-i "v"". ' mtwvT a vrrimvAiar rAITGIl fe- CHARLOTTE, H i'U. . . 11. . I 1 1 UU31UCH imwujumt.uhu,.iu"j I . r tta o.f " - " - - - I now erteageil in tll6 OBSERVER OFFICE, ; "tleo 8- .'i'""' !j it" 4 T. 4 IIIAi "IlliW AMEBIcAw ' STEAM WASHER v CLE ACIIEK? ,COI?IBIIVED. -.i, w t . . . M I H M'' , II NfflramhAVA . lXV'i .AVAF'dll I ovr: , uyj.w-'-1Ajuo. nAuui I SO,;Baleb,..C- y y,-b i t ud J .,1 fl i,vy"-.."""'i.w""f'j"M'6".' i , . WILLIAMS. & HARBISON, . Box;'248, Raleigh,' C. ; IIOtTOIV dc 5 OENEKAt AGENTS, CHARLOTTE, N; C. dec 3-Smbs ' BOARD WANTED. Billswill be paid weekly. Apply at once at , S. OFFICE. . dec 4 purn Out Your Clii m n?ys, . f n II AJT. an v oerson or Dersbns whose . JL 'cjilraneys or stove pipes shall take fire ana-msranniess tne same De m wet weauer, snau rorreip ana pay Mne sum; 01 LDancewiU berin - f ..i .... '. i ... v - . .. ' s - ' 1 AW B AUIIaMlCPOBt4M4. Duuiewiug ue w auu ueai an :, i -: . ' ' ; . TpDYVS. I wishing it for-1874. will please ihand in their subscriptions,; ; : I novl . " - their subscriptions,; ; : TIDDY & BRO.: ; I L - - - - . i ,v -ms n.5S'Mi whieiahey and 1 . Vv.Wfiil rtr,f0 ' ' Dirt i cheese nitI ;. A r Ki 1 Bm'3: W lm , I ? . . tr. French candies, ioy candies, .sugar I ... i 7 a " i : iuA!'-Jfc . v'accordeans,;violin3,guitars, tamborihes music boxes, &c S p ALL at A R Nisbet & Bro's and buy 0 toys of all kinds, for children.. . 71ALL at A R Nisbet & Bro's and buy U torpetloes, cannon and small fire-crack- ers, albums, vases, woric doxcs, c, suii- Lbl fnr Christmas' nresents. - T r ?. , pttWtW, Rnlft sasai Fer I - ., . a -o-1 - --. k) ris? S UHams, at oct 4 SYMONS'. LAW. rnHE nndersigned may be found at. all JLr times at his oflice over iarty s tstore. He will attenq to any mauer penaming so ' J&'O. A.'U.KAUMuY, JS.. . oct 341m TUTTjCRICK!S fashion Book for Nov- JJ; t ember for sale by., ,. . . r ' ' V 5l . McMURRAY & DAVIS OCS OW Susrar and Coffee. 100 Barrels Sugar, various brands, . : , . , 75 sacra (Jonee, nought peiore recent rise for saleby , ' ; : ,t. ,, . ';, r. .,; -' . fiTENHQTJSE, MACAinY A CO Ear Corn and Oats. & ihil . , .i .MOOKKEEPJNG, : rrUvo jixrnifn7pif . BULLION MUKKJA - ixl LA TIN GRAMMAR BULLIONS & MORRIS! , ' ! 4 4 ....". . ; . t. 4 mTr t r 4 n ei ! I ' V - - " . l LATIN LESSONS; BWQHJLMSxLA TIN GRAMMAR ' ADAVIES' NEW ALGEBRA, J - t :lf ll i wh'w'V.:.' - new School books1 ON hand 1 PUREFOY'S. i .1 1 ' OCt2-rtf ..Tryon Street.-. - CENTRAL HOTEL, if Formerly XIansion House, f ; in: C-ECCLES, Prbp'r, K-TClTARLOTTEiW C,'.', ! -u: y f ' f tf;i?r;) , TTTE announce 5 a J neat " and pleasant T lit amusement for the Winter evenings J v3pAlil.blX yROOUET. " It ,: . Tlt" V 'j : ' ; .of L v.; , w jTIDDVS. ?. I; jr Lgoa large lot new Novels fresh from Athe publishers, at ; - .)ur ; TIDDY'S. UR School Books stock is how, com nlete..;.We don't deem it i necessary into detail but si mplyi announce that Stock is full. . Call and see ,i, .... xijvjj i. ix oau. .Democrat and HSme copy ;.v , , noy 8 No 1,78, GRIER-A ALEXAHDCn. - V3 ' -iri.DXAt.K1lS. IX ,i i -v Xiiquors, TT? A Til? CTTVT7r commodious' New1 Store.' two doors above .the i Market 'Honse.' and ? their Kr: u. vv. Alexander Deing at present at the JZZ! S' ' daily receiving large additions to their pre- pensetotheir customerofras reasonable terms as any house in the eity. IT. " .1 . . pared to store from 800 to 1000 bales of cotton, and would-Tespectfnllv solicit oon- siirnnienis 01 oiton ana iToauce. wnicn and guar 1873 FALL AND WINTER TRADE TITE are now receiving onr Fall and Win T,, ter stock, to which, the, attention of Merchants and Planters is respectfully in vited,1 consisting of the following lines of heavy and fancy groceries r j r .," 20,000 tts Bulk Bacon, - 1000 Rolls heavy bagging 2i to 2f lbs to yd , 1000 Bundles Arrow Ties, j , - 1000 Sacks Salt, 100 " Fine Liverpool'Salt, -' . . .200 Coffee,: Prime, Good and Fair, 100 Bbls Sugars. A. Ex. C. Demerara and Porto Rico, ' 1 - m 150 i Syrups, S-House and Drips, ' ' 200 Boxes Adamantine Candles, ; 150 Cases Brandy Peaches,' " ' -150 '.M Oysters,' : i : ' ' :: 100 Doz Buckets, 2 and 3 hoops, 100 " Sardines, ; ' ' 200 Packages Fish,' No. 1, 2 and 3, aoW wgars, Fair taUood.. ,-. .: Tobaccos and Wbiskie a sprriiTTr fe I'iaa n.ri -tt ioVm, a-w. . . vuBUiawu wilt o uw.w , g; 50 - Zeb Valine 75 " Apple Brandy, 10 French Brand ly, . rort, Aladeria, csnerry, Blackberry and California Wines of best quality always in store -m1 Breast, Premium ane Diploma , ' COTTON OIMS, With attached Circle Flue, open to the Ron af our "office. iJ -- s ,; - I - W. H. H. HOUSTON, & CO., y, 1 Grocers & Cotton Uom mission Mercnauw, TmdfiStrMt Charlotte. Ni a;i :K,,: Nt " ' .ans21u; Ji I 5 ...i S:. t ti ' u J T T 1 Yorkyille Enquirer and Lancaster Led- mue lorm J merit ! r . ( V '1. l.'l 1 . '- A AS, E FAI R OF THE CAROLI- H. C. TURPIN, manager of the Singer Mahufocturing Company, received . , "V i best Sewing Machine for Jamily use and for the best work. The FIRST premium for the best Leather Machine was ; also awarded the Singer. Kov. 1. josh :'. -.r- ' Billing's Farmers' Allminax For the Year of our liord -! 18T4.. . Being the 98th year ov Amerikan. Liberty ; nrl nvoi- 5 thousand vears if i don!t dis- remember rong) since Adam did the bizz- ness'for us in tie gardin ov Edeni In Adam's sin, We all jined in. For sale at TIDDY'S Book Store. oct 29 COMMISSION MERCHANT, VtV'kil FOR THE SALEOr ' i -: a.. Cotton, Flour, Grain, Tobacco, and vj other ; produce. , ?: , AGENT FOR FERTILIZERS. ' t A 1 Li XT i J - " V . ' r .- vonege sireet, vuaxioii, a. s. ; sept 14 A. H. CRESVELL, Grocer and Commission Merchant, r d CnuTcn ts dray's Building . UHAKLOTXJS, JnC. . , , : . Solicits a share of the public patronage.; Having had 5 years experience in business' in Charlotte, 'I feel justified ' in guarantee ing satisfaction to all. )? v r ' au?gl3l;!- ' , ln. ; ADVE A.M. CKUJ WJLU . i ADVERTISE IN the in on nor: eivquiiier. 1 ' THE Enquirer having a large circulation lm tneounties oi juison, union Chester 1 1 field and Lancaster offers unsurpassed ad vantages as an advertising medium for the merchants ot Charlotte, j - $ t-.; taoi unanoite..' ' v Iii bed Weekly at $2 per annum by, . - BOYLIN & WOLFE, ;a.. . ;Monroe, Nl C- Published sep 10 1 t ! JENKINS & i GHANDLERi :SuoB,1iK';ii;S; Pork Packers,1 and Dealerg iri Bacon and ' ;Dry . Salted r Ileatf , Haru !.,, Qiaes. snomaers. fork, ;r i. ii ; j.' - s : : e s . Mr. WJ H. MEREDITH, Salesman and f THE FIRf nf dom-tri Ar. TonVtn. , - bers of the late firm, shall continue to carry on business at the. OLD STAND.: Gocis ' to at. the lowest market rates, and rtrnrrmt. Rfiinmisnfa alwav ; " J Send your orders to l.f"-- T- -,r.,?;'5 - s :Tit - RATES pADyraTird. 1 One Square one time. .U t3, i s " . two day..:, ., a . M three days.. 2 CD it5 i ii fronr, days 2 SO " five days.... 3 00 . nc ......... .......v. ..... . W i-'tn a , twu weeks... .4 5 CO V.,n v.. .4, m "B IU"UWIMMWWii.inn W i5S. Contract Advertisements' taken at proportionately low rates. .. , live Squares estimated at a croarter-odK umn, and ten squares as a balf-colunn,j 1 .D.! 'Hit..' T ?J v CM ARL OT T.IT, , nwGa Prescriptions prepared at all ' hours1 of the Day and, nibt. v , ' ? , j Clioicc CSreen and Black Tea, Selected especially for Family and: In val id, at . r. . SOARR'S . -jua29';- - ' ''-'Drugstore.'- FIKESn SPICES; . ( . J ust received r a lot ' of selecfc u Spices ' tor Pickles, Preserves, &c, at F, SOABB' . , june29' . -l DrugStora. m-ure Bsttaa uu, i Finest article in Market; :J i J at F,8CARR'S v, f " Drugstore."'' June 2$ 1872 Ul.lil ..i .'J III'.. 1 iitlt - - j : .fi j, r K 15;. THE "SILVER TONCUE'', ' O'ft'G'AN.'S : For Parlor Church and School, m .ff!; ..I MAlTOTACnraRD BT' ftJ Jfi' F. NEEDHAM tt SOW." ESTABLISHED IN 1846. I' "hi. 1 Nos. 143, 145 & 147 East, 2k,8tH. )T Responsible parties ' applying for" agehcaea in sections still ; unsuppG&i,fiill - receive frompt attention and liberal inducements arties residihg'at a' distance' frosa: our au thorized agents, may order from our ,flu tory. Send for illustrated price list.; viu,( jnlyl2Pm ' , . ' - . ' ;---lHI , - A LAEGE r, ' ' . LOT OF INITIAL PAPER ' just received at" PUREFOY'SV -oct 2 tfl Tryon Street. TUB Subscribers are now receiving and have 'in store the' following line of goods direct frpm Importers, and to.tbose at all sceptical we will show the, Bonded, warenouse receipts : Si Casks Burarundy Port. Ex Larkspeer, 3 ". Malaga Wine. t-4 ;7;. iaic-i li Pipe Jamaica Rum, " Mullen. . 10 Gals Ramsay Scotch Whisky: Mullen; H Pipe Crown Fish s Gin,, , Ex Maas, ui 2 Cases Florio Port, . .. " , " . 2 Pinet Castellon & Co.', Cognac,"1 o .-" i TE fiimmnn Ac Co" Bittera.. ... ' 2 Baskets Krue Wine. Pints. 'r ' To connoisseurs we can offer'somethhig choice, at v Jmuar w. m. u. tiuwpruj wo. . nov 14 ' 1 ' Trade Street.' Charlotte LD JAVA COFFEE, i f At same price as Rio, put up in pound packages, and 60 pounds packed" in a box, and an Old Dominion Coffee Pot, n addi tion, so that when you buy; a ' pound of coffee you stand a chance to gst the ,C9Cee pot. , ' , ; Call and examine this coffee pot as It is. thebe3t in use, at , - f - ,'x'iT . oct 21-tf . . JNO. T. BUTTS' Ifarkel On Hand, ORANGES,1 Lemons, Raisins, Dates; aiid Nuts cheaper than ever at t a i - ' rnov7-tf" PUREFOY'S.. i ' . . I "1 A AAAPAPER BAGS : j is, i ,A i I lU.UUU . .. at PUREFOY'S. i V -'June 29 ''?"'..' y:.r..& - Beef, Lard and Lard Oil. 48 South Street, Baltimore, Md. Shipping Clerk of the Old House, is with d ".'7 i Kl . Jti 111! iU lyUAilUlii...!. . .

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