r . - ; - , 7 i ti:i. vrv . TH7 tXZSTSTXJrVOS" DZyAXliL&liP-'' TCJt JOBl)&JLR'lli Late htiflet afTvpe.- BVB8CRIPTI0X RATES , DaHy, one year, (.pottycdd) in advance. f8 00 Six Month i4it ..... . m .,. ttowyM . 4 00 rWW Mouth ..........i............... 2 00 bu wen vmrovqiilxf. mtppueajauhjmiv fiMdtdl want, nd twii A t Lateet htyta ofTvpepmd u y K or niiw fr ew tec wwgfc : One AtoMA.w . . ....... . . Aort , t . j ., WEEKLY EDITIONS --. BUUWS, SHL-ESAZ3, - nTfcZi,(ii(7eouv) to aduan... ......... 52 00 PirtrtVuny,i9iwf(Il...i.i. 2 10 A'ia!lfoni7...4.44.i.,.....i.y..... 1 00 ; . f3P" Llberfd Kedut4torJor Club. . PAMPHLETS, ClSCVLAESCSEdES,1 J 1 1 111 IV I 1 1 1 1 1 1 -III. II I , I 1:1 11 1 111 i 111111111 I vj s i-. L - 1 I M WTVr ; : 1 i I J 1 I t 4 .Ci I A- I '--J I J yi-J I .t-..t.r i ; s I ,v. .i vj: n I 1 I I I I II 1 "Ml III I - 1 I 111 . i. I 1 1 I ! 1 I ; i I ! I 1,11 I t , I I I , . I 1.1 1 1 14 1 I I 1 I " I II I 111 II K '.. I VII V If I i I f I f JT I f - . " f f. V i IK I I IB III f I ' , I f I 1 I ..III - 1 1 I AaSW S - t 1 f 1 I I ' I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 15-1 .BF , I 1 I i I VI r 1 T "i I ' I ' I II 7 ' i'hl'l,. fl "I M;: i I U U W WWW WW I "l'ilvl p MJ W Ll'l HAI4 j lv A vJ 1 1 U M ' BfT" Y ARTTMintTa and UJPXCiS. Just Eecelved another lot of mperlor 15. ! H till ft a u - T :A A 'i C1SHMEBXS AND ALPACAS, Banging In Price Irom 25 eents to One Dollar. ;!? ';' It'.ll '! J tfftt . t(ii4 'nil tlf.te'.' y.i; - I v.rtJ -t ffeli; -ft 3iff:liZit4 iifr't tt!' tW? ; .' h-j : i .'! A Few pieces of COLOKO) fCASqME, wool, 01 supenor quuutjr, o ; " ;orth$i!o6. " '"' fi'T- f ;': H Do not tall to see our LADIES' CLOAKS before buying. itwiiipaTWL " ; . ELLAS & COHEN. B 17RGESS IflCHOLSB V.) rfs jKrf tr ;.;),: t ' 1 1 ii'tiai!r "1' pj i-j.' '.i-.' ft . 'a .'-ij't i -i-! i-.y WHOLESALE AND BET AIL v- ! : . !; I fV.i "ALL KINDfi(!:fOf fiw-!"f , .:- '.( IfjttlA- "i'J n-yU't'HMVYi n't,' r ! I ItmNTTUREl 1 FUBNITUBE! T BEDDING, ftcilv , BEADING, &C. BEDDING, n miBE DEDDING, Ac FUKNITUBE ! : $ f t j u a Full Line of BDSTEADSr CCH DS sir- LOUNGES ! 1t... ny, j,,. , ; LOUNGES! ' '-J... 1 ' j Y tlH f H v - 1. -i i ,i . a-k ' a tt:i ih s, :i u .iih. . a . . ' , LOUNGES ' "1! LOUNGES 1 ' - I :-.n-n--t h tinitoif&'I .'a .'!'' bJ-tt PARLbftiN'CHAjilBEf I'ABLOB AND CHAMBEB SUITS ! vi'.i . ;fJi i (um.- . . ? o-' - i v .(-; t-!t iil .ijiu'pii $un:ir- -jri'.f'fVfi .15- COFFIfjr? of kinds an hand. . i ,,,;.-. i '.if uiAl Wr;J 1.:'.:.; So. 6 West Tradb Steeet. i . . ; ;.. jT.j' v,,,; l;i ,-' ,' vCHABLOTTE, IL t .i,rj! : ;;: ti-:. in ' . J- ' :f J . . rj tvtnlt ftlufao rf'"3t-nX3 'Uy Ladles' and GentkOTien'iB JajpEtobesr-a , ' ' ie supply. an3 , . it, .lijiii'iin . . '-HU'!, ),'..! .-.,' ) ARGAINS , - t-'MTif.' ":.i".i'H3' iw - 1 JJ RRR WW- w n TTJTS . URRR gEK AH AM REBR 3 E. G. BCEBS'.WABEB00MS,: ,i.-t.:q 'um it tim .til kUj!toW . wri! it A rg tin lyim-nJ 4iiff ,i V.U.w V'.J.tj'J-. V ' Is. -Mntn. i My Slock U very Lar, ". and embraces a Full xJne of a 'iy A":r)j -".ii. ''i'l I V' rti '.!HJ jtil JfWf&lft i AhMtttiHAMBEUt DIKING BOO i ; jritaltsnfl 1 . AS!) j OmCE FUBNITUBE' V r - ! r AU Goods Packed free of Clmrger 1 V - j ry (goods, ;ftMti0f to. A N N O U N C E M E N rr A N N O U N CE M E N X. v! mt 1 ,i(a moil, h3 VTi M.YJ "hkI 'i'"V Jhw iu :! X'jdt syj- ai.nvt i-ji ,nc' ; :--;tv:'. -i!- ; nil -XUjjtl Una Vif- :4t!'! xdT Job lot' zikum OBiXO.Ju;ui w 3iiT i t . . . OF .'! -;!! tiliiij)'! '.'atT CHILDREN'S TINE FANCY HS'ItOS ! tJi ; ! r-'-fi ImvflT" - H H OO n' BEK RKK t"' T H HO g S II B R K T.y, i H H OO BSS8 n EEE R R Y CLOSED O U "Hai, rt.'lr'. tut ',-r1 3-in" .) A TTTT oo NB U OOO EE AA T O ONNNOOB A A T , .O-jAaSH.Q EE A A T OQ ?T KN COO BBS S ALEXANDER & HARRIS. Feb. 1st 1 Oil' GBET0NO I fBETONO I BETON& ;v..'t'n .uf -OBKTOMC.ii I HAVE JUST ' BEClVKl V 'J '' ?' .'.'o ' UST BECEIYEi- ,l. The hand orfy()f CtdfjCTONS of " the season, Also anew lot of - 1 I : . ii 'rl .i i, i :f't .'ii.iif ! '1 JU HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSEBTINGS. ' Don't fall to look at my new Abdominal OOO OO RRR sSSc EEKTTTTrSSo OOO OR RS-E T g s O O ORBS 8S0EB T SS, S J UU UK no aBi 1 E OOO OO R R SS" KKK T New lot ot Crochet and Diagonal ;U'.- .ii.-.J.ii. DBESS BUTTONS. i Still' have a few fine Cloaks to close out at half their real value. A new lot of Black and White Satin. Also MONOGRAM BOTTLING !;- if. "i-t. :,!.;- ici or!-- J !p '?!!:, ' . - Hx .' I' i Tof Skirt Protectors. Respectfully, T. TT SETGLE. " "I Opft.'tl0tte Hotel Trefoil t, Charlotte, NJD. ADIES' CLOAKS. iADlES' CLOAKS. LADIES' CLOAK O LADIES' CLOAK k5. THE GBEATEST B A B G A I NO HE GBEATEST B A B G A I Np OF THE SEASO-VT F THE SEASOll. ZNH HUNDRED CHOICE LADIES' CIOAKQ KJwt HUNDBEB CHOICE tiABIES' CLOAKC7 'ilwrtii (.,.; M..lf .ia.rfr 's-h; TUST BSCKIVEO BY EXPRKSi Jtj U8T RKCKI VKD BT EXPRE8 r'ttAi.. .i-tTott :uvms ) riv. t cj i Which will da olr without reserve, at sacrl- : j ficing prices, - Don't fail to come and look at-: '; j,. jOZUl. i 4. it tj B WEEPING BEDUCTION Of FORMER PRICE WEEPING BEDUCTION ot FORMEB PRICE Q mvtU wtil Bill W 03 rwH ftlMx to : 1 XTOW IS YOUR OTANC't11 '1 1 inoi"?. 5; OW IS YOUR CHANOX1P ' jjimtti -i!. a latuar &iu ja . f.-;! . rpo BUY A CLOAK tfOR, AI3HBISTMAS GIFnp 1 0 BUY A CLOAK ObH&ISTMAS GIF A " - , , , - I 4 , A T HALF PH I C Tjlitiu1.. I -.i.T, H AIF.lPJiICJl. f - , - -, , .ir. -irf ' j ; Ei Si"'- .nl-n; i-'0HiMOBBISftBBOe.? - " - i K MORRIS ft BBO&; ,3.11 JIf ti ; fl iro ,fu. J My 'rramifaUier's clock was1 too '. high otthe shelfi And It reached forty fee below the- fioor nln h And be used to take a lightning rod to wind tthliq., While he stood onlhetop of fiie dobrT" 5 ' Itrailwirte.stofliRe Jong, funA'erhg wa "When he d?e(flt tan taster than fcetbjdL . And er, ery; time4hat-he4ieard-the-tune, 1 ii ,theioWriiiaiiwoJ4 .'ahoY "f tZ lC3tony the ewUre congregaitoikifio t jttM AuVMI'ea'rs'wlttisn!' Tick, tock; tick, toek.' -tonl' tam tam; torn torn-1 WhlstJiog anroarbaekattt .TlckTtockffock oolsof teo o1ii iiSriaiiii-IiaUi Sx-nitcua -i-fiTihttC t? if went! ' Fastorf toan?hVlefotIutJl "i Ji'i-Wheathe oldiman-diedliijuo'J imiVa The man who. Jived, down, at tne corner of the vv ivu w t vivo nav a wivuu yw w)wwwii- 1 He made a bass solo of i'lIy.Grandfba 3eckj And hewwa sang anTSerju... ' i, And he sang it while the oeggatkm cried; But his neck; tie; fitted hls-nect-too-Oght, 9cru3tmiim people wjia jyhlatie . and rml al men had'hefDed the musician to jrony-nrae owft w wiinoaiiumDenng,; ji,aj TWinuMtudlndw botes ot ttid erlcket: ontmm bering; vifLji-iitf;tTf- n&:tit . ,xoptL,Swtt; T00U..D00H ?cloW"ri ' tn ButWsneck;:tIe; washaofeditgjilr 11 , Kjonjj heday-heidted..tii jfu u i-.--fn- 'WtffjK rilT hj trtif-l HtfiM 'lt' -sin Ant. then handsome,, young maijllwno sang temifr fj Was also addicted to the tnnefti Hit ,: 'riniij He used to pitch the air about twenty octaves higher Than the keyWJt of OWmfflrhTthe moon. His cracked aotesr pierced through afeure fields above : Jill Olympus: couldn't sleep If it tried; , L , But great, Jove; gave-one-of-hia-bolts A shove; i ,ni And the yoHHg man-Hdled. y-uwRtoJl J L'ifi; KfLivi Mij t . iin-n! Wrd-jtUxui Chorus, tor pat tenor ; voices, Iwlth , a Muyentig kind of an lntOnattoq on thunder; incncatryef the feelings of 'yunginan JwheBiheJlstruaiJBy llgatnm&i NpWiBjaJiogethetlii; j,nn Jiiu upto1ttgi faitiMm, hi Squack. se.'aBXMJsqilaeBJsuacklfifViJif; lna SquHekwllhniit mmj unvoting 01 gtwlnlna of mnnv bling, -i. Squack, squacfcdOAkjtiiti) Squack, but the thun; derl got-mlghty-close-to-the gOneda-ay-heAiledf ' There were forty million people In the land of our birth. .. . . With voices from A sqneak fo a roar,' 5'5, ' ' 1 And they warbled that tune through the ends of the earth. In the church, in the car and the store. Till the old man's ghost resought the g'impses of the moon, And he tore at his silver-flowing hair; And the old; man! whenever-he-he&rd that tune. Would cavort and swear. Chant, softly by any person of the company who knows the words, with old man obligate: Ninety years without slumbering 1 !I !!! !!!! !!!!! His lifes second&lnumb'rlng 1-7-1! ; Wr--!!Jl 1U But It stopped short 1 - B!(EBVATi91li'l):!i V'-.iT.'1 1 The "w atcn-dog'8 honest bark" may be all right, bat It Is the'qulet dog that puts in the bites. Hart ford Journal. .vr:7"-,xrj Musician You say yod have a desire toTweojne a musician, and have a good ear for music. Judg ing from the ear on the photograph enclosed in your letter, we should think you had a better ear foralea4penclWOtofe m,. The Princess Louise, It Is predicted, will work a notable dress reform among the women fithls continent Her attire is very simple, and she makes no display ot Jewels. At !& recent ;eater talnment at Rldeau Hall she wore no ornaments whatever, not even a brooeh. '. Herrimannerfl are charming; her guest, whether he be a Prime Min ister or a trembling child, she' places instantly at ease. She is a most genUe and kindly young lady;' v -a 1 Poor Herbert! How I wish you did not have to slave so ar that horrible store from momingtlll night!" said his wife, as. with a toad, caress, she seacea nerseu on ner nusuana s Knee, ana gecuiy stroke the auburn locks from his sloping brow. And the grave, stern man of business understood her at once, and answered: "Well, Suale.whatls it a bonnet or what? Go light on me, for money; is scarcer than ever." vmoago lrwune. Matt Carpenter's bosom friend is a barber Chas. Frlcke, of Milwaukee. They ride out together, Hlna t'ruvafKaw anil 1iV1j1 nAHHwl HAnfaMnAO nva UUIO WUAAl UUU UUtU fVUIUMM WUlvl vliVv VIV1 twin mugs of beer. How the attachment came: aoout no one appears 10 Know, dui i.ne out uerman Frlcke would lay down his life any day tor Carpen ter. When-told of his nomination : the other dar he dropped his razor, burst Into tears and atd:i "By Got, 1 neier vas so nappy in au my uie. Washing toa Current Topici. Wash. Cor. Baltimore Sun, 9th. It is understood among Louisiana politicians , nere. ttxat senator neuogg ana ms xneuas hhvb lateiy ouutmeu a controlling interest in the New Orleans TtmesL a conservative journal,' and the leading one of the city. It is said td ibej tne intention to reorganize its scan ana to change its policy in the interestjyf: the .Republican party 01 Louisiana. 'Although there are several Mils be fore Congress relating to the general: subject of a national quarantine, thej impression seems to be that no one of, them win become aaaw-.j wniie esoutn era members generally are anxious onj the subject, members irom otner sec-j tions seem indrfEerentr- " Both Secretary Sherman and Senator; Morrill, chairman of the feenate finance committee, will makethe5 mosti actiYe' and strenuous efforts to defeat the tall reported to, the Senate yesterday redu cing the taxjan tobacco, c The mends! of '.the "bill, fttotwithstanoingi trusare , Information comes here on Xian sing, the State capital of Michigan, that negotiations are on loot to organize a bolt in case' Mr. Zach Chandler should, receive the Republican caucus nomina-j tion for United States, senator., Tpej Learislature consists of 89 Republicahs to 43 opposition.. Nearly? one-half of! the Kenubiicans are saia to oe extreme-; ly hostile to Chandler and in favor of ex-Gov. Bagley, and the scheme is to get! tne iorty-uiree j opposition. iueiuutsr CI 111 tO W lUL bUCOC J- 11U 1VJM1 wumv I nharWIlnT'tf mrtftV5fria,v nrove too atroncr. The House, committee, on invalid penj sions have authorized4 Mr. Hewitt, of! . A 1 ftham a try rpivirt, tfi thi House With ai favorable Recommendation 4'biUj storing au mvaiiu peusxuuej i ovrUiivo! been dropped from the rolls -on accoiinfe ot residence during tne re Demon, janti providing for the payment of such pen sioners from and after the passage of, the bill. The purpose of the bill is to enable Mexican .war pensioners who, were residents in the South during the rebellion to receive their pensions in the same manner as they did before Jthei war. s a - : ' 3' - s h .1 1 . u, 1 r. TZ 4 A 1 An old nhvsidan. retired from' Practice. harinS had placed In his hands by an Kast India mission ary the formula of a single vegetable remedy, foil the speedy and permanent cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure foe nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering ieuows. Aduaiea Dy tnis mntivft'Wndnfleslr to relieve human suffering. I Will send, free of charge, to all who desire it, this reoipe, with ran airecuonsior in &.muuL French' flr Enfflish-Sent lWin tier addressing with stamp, naming this paper. , W.Wj Sherar, 149 Powers7, Block, gocbesteF.lJew Yorki OCl4W ' -r Ii . Htl-f? ' " - a Cart ;t,r- liid trinn ( To all who are suffering from the errors andJn- dlscretlons of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss 01 mannooo, sc., 1 win sena a recipe toat will euro you, FBKB OB CHARGE This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the BEV. JOSEPH T. INMAN, StoOon P,BiW House, New ions wnv , Jan 25 . ( Stat proiriile.tbat tbrftenpil lAsmrt hnfaiamlryt diwber ej-Giierall Assembly. Of mtr-l. In estoldisbinic the 1 and-tbeiBuppreaaotioof thejag jf jdogsjrnd whereas e?pffrtfij(j0)ha,jion monstracea Laat mere can oe no success. .hUmAu1 1. A j 1 i I year old and noward shall be jesnatereii at.thfi same UmB.Mid to.the.saine oeffin ceraippointed ltotirpe, f tion, anasaiaiiMvinaiijretuiiied ,0 the boaidjolcojunty (KuiinssiopjespwTO sliiJlieqtiirfii aU wnerte-jualT) HtenxAievosfefOiseep vm2mnb ori? ofiiS; ThatiJtift pnvaef 4wjop, QBft mg or Keeping in tneir possession than Oner shall) ftay ,mroiyiUiES)B,1w pf oa dollars fjouBaeb additionaj jdEog-x i,; -ifiEOHS: ItahaUtheduty.ofcthesaerrr iil to collect Uiia to at .tl Karjatin ana under tfceJsamefvuattQpnp.Sf ei sari fitiling io my wA tt ..angiHOly pn, ot before titotjay of tJctobec, hait forfeit the .oamershiiMOfufihdoirior dogstOtheaherita!othrjtaevilei who shallidftstroyettcht di.or dogsjaa a i 'Sec. 4. ; That the failure o ftnjr persons toTeisterr,any5,doaiojdoir8 thatj are wnedjby.thenuor may, be fovnd ifttheic posaessioa ittjpik sujojoctwica J:pe5aonjoi; persons to a oetoaltartrf Jdollar&.teJbft recwereQbeioiieiagiceriijtftrp wrthiCbstft onhalltheiD.forjneJ3 and the other half to the public school fund of tftQ -mmty ftgitownatup adnptinf; this act as neremawr nrovicifiCL Sec. 5. ThaRffsmh' pTitUeire tax which mav be collected as orovided for in fection WvW fchnlt hftiiannrleditathft pubiifeschool! finidf tb townships or counties in which the tax was collected. - 8x?. rJifTM act shall not i take effect or be in fotc itf anvitowndiinioricouii; iy -ot tnis tate tmiess at leastueruura of the'difie$ vrtersauryutownship WWtMfr shall makei olioatian to. the board Of county coTfimiS8ioD;eri,fcwho6e duty l shall be upoofuoli lapplication to snbtnit to the voters of alt townships wiat may tuus appiy r w iqueeuoa 01 "license, or "no hcense," and if ama jority of any taavBflhMVttote for "license" ailfthe ptoyisiBfithi&act!shU therer- arter De m torcesaid township or couuty. Sec. 7. -That all " elections held under the provisions of this 1 actihall 1 becon dneted under the same" mmtAioiigiasi now provided; bt ' iawf OritBei electiod of inetofeersto 1 the General i Assembly: Proetef'That riot more than one eleo tioft'bef eldlnii the sam year in any 46wh)s WQ&oto&JZ lash: i wJr moil from aridfter4t8!rat3BcatloHi-i'. n Jr, vi-n.'L 'h Mr.Tilden's deniatin general and in Darticulanof all andver , charsra that iasbeeni brought against; him;-either of sruiizy Knowfedge or ) or eomDUcitv or connivance iaany unlawful or. tiahoxk-f orabie attempt to secure the ; electoral ; votes of any titate, nothing more than the country naiLa.rjit.tofiXDect from him whenever the time for making such; a denial Bhdulfl&mei!S Wittithat rare! reticence and self-control which is a dis tinguishing trait in his1 character,' Mr.! TUden has Kept sencertinKi tbe fngt tim and Inlftr' f rtt( flTHbirio' should hfti found.1'! iijfter. Ms opponents -have had! their say, arid the fullest oppbrtuMit to! prefer tneir charges and present' their) proofs, Mr. TndetrhaTBWjept'away the whole wefo'bfealfed'and1 misrepresen yhafr fewfcersljns! Wi'alolie! have doubted,1 thaUtte wttalng officers or some of therrt-tr1 Flqridaf and Ijdu- lsiana were corrnpe ana vygnai men. andsasn5?V&been perfectly. willingTto, bp so regarded. There were1 ,a iKticians.1 1 mocrats debated the eioedWncv of bu vine them. If they werfr bought' hoeyer.it? littSk not uy tne Aiemocrats. 'xnat is -certain.! There is no uwco reasogr however, for supposing W i,iaPfSinlt93den was Dnw to anv-nroDosal to buv the witesofithepe pwae;efMalithan tha MrHHayos 1wasisuaWiWlyoirty &-fivm$hfi dinfeWSJQf h ; nephew,; Mli&mMat sreaqh, orafvi4r TJUden, perso)aally.u, OninthftnAiyr noacti stands;, out! Ti,:stronffer velief m the; wnoieusgracefni puainessrnan tnat tne men whQ Ulked of buying the votes or Florida orSouth ijat&uha never dared to take Mr.,Tilden..in to. their counselsi Np furthex,tiripyony is cSealtSffiSweiM'nowledge of. wnat 4eyt were, doing..; .Wheti inf oxi matiotf.df,whaO first reached !Mr..Tilden he was swift toi denoiuvce.it-'and to 'repudiate the Very! aiiin v-k Anna ! ' t"; Thl ibnvlon jftherueum, a paper of ijfiigti;itof.Atanding,.is;Tery;8e tnwrfiiTemf somamen anwomen, in A-uuaaeipni It asserts that in Ms orivatetlfe he wa ded-tdhnsli1 degrading ol ashm'gtohlitsays'oiuy athoronEh-pao 'e4 rascal could hate had .the assurance to make it. 4 It further declares' that' nt "sold nimseii po tne highest Didderr and "could be boufirht' at a. verv low" nrice. way of " 4T l J"ia,i tlunV", ? tfii liivi-.iJtT-i. kv t it. i it aonaireea at anieany, nour, Saturday mo L Jienrv iW.icKaiiiL lew Ymk, whexihe has resided since bis marriaee about a vear. aco. . . B w hla ;irswif!eibVw.the reiueiu VreM. oiterryj opposea pi pjj seemea proDaoiLtnatxne,aiiair wo come into Xbe courts, bu ompromisei was at last effected nv the counsel of r the variousparties,1.''. Wtt lxjrd was'' 83 ;eiUB vuA, ttuuwiasi! ot uree wotnersj A -great portion of his large fortune was inherited from his 'elder brother.' Btrfua jfclord, :;I&tely friendly relations have existed between Mr Lord and his chil-j dren,'vbut' he has remained; wnder ths ,i SPLENDtO LINE OF il st.itii wima Fine Teas, all grades, Just tar, at i-i wf..i'ci.i jan60 J ?sMRitfi tf ij --ii u x - j'-J tations Dy a few tureoL explicit words of deniatl y 17Hdoubtey'ftne. evidence establishes' nung,iuxer aiingerinK uiness, at me ldence pt yhis, Wtfe. formerly-Mrsi ourteentn. street jo vrrri-oa hu.c fwrnla hmn oi tin t v4,Jc-: . I'iinolf v.f :vi.--;; -.s; .)-.f -' jo'. ii.--ju J A'tt i h't?i)'ii-i ftAUffti .if, . ii- ..:, ilJi,V f '"if Jf j)?jJijt tf;t; viloVf ,, !t,i 'i' ' : , -liii is.-; .1 1 j.-i i ; , "jam: l'- ';; j;'liJIjJ-j--.t ':)! f : 't i-JlO-fVOl'' JiMisilfei.j'riM;--r( n.i't! , : ;i. a lifcu ;; . . . ' .... . .'.i'lJOfl Mil iWi -tiaiiiilfatO-l ;tJ ili-K. Ti2J' -ft! .'.! 'i?- '.f. And to others It wni repay them to IniMt Jot ttt '! ' !!! "! 'iHi; F--5 1 ' ;fl'-i TO sjrr; H-JT;t i ! ' -.. "? - . ---(,.-. . ., , u ,;; j. -JMftl! -.j is; !.'!Ik ; .if. ,1,1 .. ; auj iii'i. -i,:;ij.f, (f;i : i, i.i.j 'iiil xjili -lOlifi J.'.jfl.!!)- llKriiff .! r- tr--.-lT -jil ei-y :.!,...,.--. . .... "f..j , .(; r You can buy English Fm and Whitney Beaver worth 132 aadm at4., CFlne Our splendid heavy Chinchilla Coats worth the cat &wa:Ft and Veti122 arid lliaO; -tjx .virrifi 89j3d InMiu j sil t ni - m ipeTof; CasetojBre -Frock rnd Sack Suits, soli 4 o.'fvv Hum fifi -A mv'ihWtl baentii Sttof Casslnwre PaiitorangnTg.W S5.60 and S6.00, ene nlform price, 94JDftTQ ,b'J t'i'i ..i t .:.; ' ; A ' . y.iji ti . . .it .ii . . i .. .f '' f.' f. .'; will be sacrificed, 'some 800' pairs' an wool Cassl ' I f I ... Haaklchel& at25. XOCLOSSOTJT. A small lot whi'-i; i IfJ 'ill i . , ': ! ; . till ..li.I tu,Uih'-iu.n w??!" Will be arranged in connection with the " Clearing garments Anti other e goods, to be slaogh ' Jn aint lnatuieea ttm nnantlrr 1 small and sum .Hid iv a if.rrnovui -til.' flOlTH. IN .61 L OT H I N vT fl.i'l -XlJ ! . FT . A-im. W Ob . i i -it i ::'.j;,; - : j ;J, if T. ft 1 tt t W a T7ATTDP4 GBEAT BEDUCTION IN PRICE. . . Having determined to reduce our stock, we now offer to the oeonle of Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the' largest, cheapest and jnostj beautiful and well selected stock - ': ' OOQ L OO TTTTH H II iHW H JK30 ,Q ia I. O O . ,T . H H II:N XV If & GO WS XATX XTSB OTTKSZD, Gonsisttngof the usual variety of MEN'S, BOY'S, Y5LlirSiiNI CHtLDBEN'S 6, L O X H I N G FOUND IN A FTBST CLASS HOUSE. '; ;; ;; ': ti..r- ..n. - t. ... . . .'..f. , . AH we ask la that ur friends and customers rive us a call, as ft will be to vour Interest, and you will save -non fifteen' to twenty per eenw oq your punaae&iS;f jh ". w ilauitjuln iaiv j f lf.T ! !-eprlngs iJoiaChaxVotte, N. e. ;-dec32 jnbBlND WHEAT EXCHANGE, v ti. VJiJliiJ-iuO Hi I i i ii ? lCTenw,AQaxess,ano wiuiis; t Turtles havlnr grain to grtrtd . ot to aett find cau4 attentton lo; au rders, AwKflM ,rrf,.f - r.) ia A'JI i.t -r Ot Whole rand Gmund Sptees. Jneludtng Fellst 'nixed spices, trr it and be "convinced that there la rnotnmg mcer XkrK,wiuBAVJi - k Com Starch, nallan - Macaroni and Tear! , Tf UIVW ( .1 n Will r A WA. W P-aacl8;9 nf b)r.'JrTJ7 ls-.-ic -i, i.i..it pX?)HOi 0uoi. Oiil f-,,.-;5 i i:T-?.T3f ..f jr f ';!'' j rl?: i ft .'-j-; , ('..tsmrU . WUBIBuiieeU : Id, DO , -f, .. , .; , JtA!Jt J")56Ji J.n ...TV'Jii I T - ,Uv.U ill rfWXNTI YAUS OUVf r i'vit.j lo ir-ofe? sil oin- Y9 I n -jti 4TC3mutKrT?ALOr: ,Ut?. r;.;-?.? ry-gt!??. m. aW.U" 4oxt iS ?V' .Jxm1 ir,i: to jidfe-0 paw ox au Mr mooes, emoraomc, uverooass WINTS1 UWaiSABE - per frteads to'earf toidote 19,1 7wiioriMxWT i.l rnil xi?iiyl irxuxm i r: Ami -TT TJCCASTOXT - 'lljIUtBANOi;; X3ASIOi.fT d -i .ton wear. miAOd we milgtre-a schedule of TtHlaywal f v. ; r. . i : - ii B tlietodrarfcaflM sale of the 1. - : '. " , - .... , ; 'si -.i!l .iii-ii ; .. . i- isIiw TOCfeibTJT4. it;i;a 'j . Overcoats, Satin lined, 40t 0 Bnet IWWCiaiter, $30, t2. 0 ire Brown Cas tors,'Grauite8?cilncifli at iTof' fliseliluM:v6 tlOSEOUT: ' Our fine TO close OUT. Our entire magnlnceat mm alt at one uniform elostbg prieel&dO, TOCtCSE ill in.,.. i f. r tl - I . . " . ; ... 1 . tml tne enttm season, l ipana w Our f 10 and $12.50 COSSTMKBS SUITS, at $7.50, jr iiil. Una ti-TOCLOBX OUTJ''1m- :f.-A.(. $7 and $7.60 at one tmlform. price, '&Xl !.' bui CUSS CVT; Our largo wieiy of J4, and450 n t,,( i;i i.iii ;i;iiv; .m.viTi to .lint) assortment ot the celebrated Wait Shirts, tn Moot and Drawers, will be sold at S3 per suJtTO CL0 -'1. t ! f n.f. ' Al 'Ii . .nil Ol AA r ana miHinra tf CA. x ; WVAW VWWflWf aWM "'..) TO C L 0 8 B: 6 U rp: 0 C L O S B O U X Clothing will be offered at prices lower than other TO CLOSE Out. , . Prices" in our regular fend desirable" goods, certain ' . . i r ' . . 1 , . . teredat less than halt value. few, and In order to procure lost whaCrotu' heart CL06Dre UT SAIA. L "sSoPPP krk niflrve . snx sxo go -Snv m ogo s TE HAVE JUST RECEIVED FRO C WbHAVB JU8T BECErVEDFBOlYl DUB" HOU9Y UB HOUSXli A full and complete tmeotsampla Goods for Spring wear; we style are au new, snracnve ana , , handmely deslgrJed;1 the .Goods u are all of Foreign Loofoa, ' .odLasii;: 7 in: :): ; French, EngrUh, Scotch and German, ' i- ir?'; -I i j -: 1 , .- ' -'' .'i'.'t.rj ' !! . and patrons to eome and look at our -Hoods, aa. ; we intend to make gatoieats to order, eheapy - er than any Northern: tailor ,ooming a ... . , through here: we have also recelv- , : ' er Butterick's Fashion Plates' Ml ' s. ' fop s.spflBgi'Juvl ainnnsBrfi v - ; we M guldft; (: -vm We solicit an early call, so as to elve us GDeroreArusheiraanuacnire, ' - BeBpectfully, th fr I'firaibloau'ifiMletst: iJ-f'JTJ. "k i-:Y Oil ;lltiii: :i;ttiiv. 1 N'. Everybody thai wantew save owner br oilllnir ot u. a we-will oell regardleas; of east, i Men's, 'Youths'; Boys' and rpHE WCLl)STANDABIlvU A - V- '-';l ' yArBBAKKS, SCAlBS.'' !'.' lf ,-., -It MJ.r ! -,i m fi-H 0V"l:iiIi! )! l'.uii.,j,Vlt 'iJ-ii'-)! w.tj .l-fit. 'tlale'Alswi,r?i,,! ,i l !. "j'S'-niJt.i w irtJ - ; I'.:' viis.l r ' XFAtlWT ALAEM MOSEY BBAWM1 k cl.il .-Mjii, Hii. ,'ilill,U 'UUidi-illl. -ii'rf -K;J JXU(I r-.i.i',.'. llhlt Aifl iff' Coffee MUla, Splee Mffls, and Store Fixtures Venej thjul r.l-tM :( rattA "!1 m :; .."s'-l -titli ..' .'l -.rw) Mil H -C'-y--fflleiniiaii map CWs Fumya. i , eodfbrCtrealank,rC. r ' S i ,irtfi.'-;'T 'icl,.'; " i-.J M.-i i : ; - j, . ,rAraANX3 4C0.,a'VJ":" ; j f iiu, j i .. vj i.if.'O I -ii ,-fp.;irrj tre- ''f -'' u. i:tlf fgr tor sale M LeaA)g fcrttyr t-' - ; j ill TTTT Ot " npS iil A'.'UTl ti 10 ?. .ffntf:i f Uoi(V luii.i i-M"i I 'jilt ,Jiv5 rifJI io -r. , .iy!rijui InuilKiimi $ ni hiui Uu,l j tfw,i Isji .liijju iiij jv.l j ,u.iiJ jjtjfjf iiOCirjrirjiaJ'i'ortjTfTVAtvAr !nj J,CtjLt,p slu -il-is-u uoir JaisTjj oi HUiTiiHdj hluoilrflino'l iiT-vi j" -a.-'ji w'-idwighii ftt iifin'Jshi mi.- -Jifii? M Joalilw mii-)8iiU iv"l vlfKirvt JisiJj jial6jijij' t'Ull Iaa-iCi-imf fiit -J!lj;:e4-.o i aiii li.H?ii!i iw,-: wuVd-Tdl tiHeil tia 3ii4 fiHvTilrt.,; ! (mi) n n itun vi iil bhioiia Juto- tMj i-Tiiu! iv d liiw liUiil j ; adi xlld 19 wiiwl lH.Hi ,b-iY-J d) Jin iiil) kT' i "'i'lfiV Sf tertiniii-i Prices, a aefrmi giwureinejtadrpUto, Ul , mammothjstocz: of -i'i sv vci iiiT . tthtustt flro upidl 'til wl jii Ihw! thHj'IbiIj Jli-nii os -. iSr!n?Hf 01.10 Liiwaai atmimh Mtifo. i -o-x.n-iti' iik3 tiling mmiu'il? lifeq iJibh oilw otatiX rtT .vli-uojjr.t '-sft oj hii;um0f! InftBinf ! hHf 1 j:.ti ftiJUi.. ul nnui Sml ,vif;hmli(f)"i . ')uij iu ia-icaUsi ho fi7yiie i-dnsfiH 'II tied ni Jiu: ,5-iiiov ui..l !, Jestup Custom madeprnflBts. sflk sleeve" lined torsi k eteeir tZd st. flS. jQw .ae. ssprtr i oxir attr(l vaiif of Wctttedk '.il vidoif rod jo fwlnioq rfsiij-y bil 1-iHil ws'l ojUrmni'H I I IWW W' BW ttigash Worsted Frock (sud zJl).;'liL2 t-viVi fnJrinuM!i"f" -iJt tfi.v. ; ingusn worsted m biack, Brown' ana DShHA Cut- JIlJ..lll Hil IiHl i-Mi't nt miitrn.t , 9m mFmf ?n fiHhrm price, flfr TjQ fljgei; orjjTn jj i, -fui.t-iiuja-ii (i-Jj;J tj: - .-ui t''. f;n. Imtnehse assortment of Casslmeret Pants, $5, i-mimh hjhii di id-w fcsm&rKO oj.jri. , nriti-!.t j(, , n jifrf AifoH. .Ji,r . j'nj.jj, fci.iii ' -lei rt.j?fl ftiT 'V;-'-. ti;.t ,n f.tj- CLOSE OUT.1 ' rjuf remaining Atock of Latfist ore, worttj fe&g' t' f i.0ftOti0BEl0TJT; Menreer : i fttb wT !-eh i!i :tw;v if;: v", .,.t - 1 ;r si Jiic -'it u,A.t -.r.iit iW:. ' ntewbentobthe,,,,: .,M, .:i V(1, ,,,, , fil'rfuryi- i74 n''nijj;o 'iu ,kiii;; tji- " fines of Worsteds ta CoAls and Veliiead bsoke !' ;-.;eTX")!ii- i-ii .vie;i- .;!-. i meet desires. CaB jsartyt In Uis . ; , . VeryeoMhOOrr V. LA1TA a DtSM.TM ,ii ,-Jiti) . - t.n-ff 'i,,tr, t! fi,f ill, SFBDf G (ilBCULAB ; ; " ' ' ' i i.f ij;i ! .Vf'l. iJ;iI'Ji.Tf ,-. ''" :" iiiil rt'li! ff ;;: : M uj,, .i i?f j: i.'M ,..? Nrty.-tiR W I T T K, O m 8 K.X WITT K-iO,"Wk"g"iMi? -s-.ii . "-ilv;; ( ) ..i ;;.il;iIi-j.jA " '; T,;.!.'! '..i? .".I ,;;'.,!. 'j ?). V,'! . ' .''nui-i i M i i':(f-l -'i.t.l 'i fip,-, i- BAB U. C--H ,-. il - ... B A B U C ,H , ,..jr , CHARLOTTE, N.C. .. ii . i' .- ;(. Jt , iil- ! . '. - ' ' .''.; i ' ' "f, "TO ttiB L i.'i'-" -i.Ttt V'J ," .situ; ifc-il3;iu;ii. i ; ' ' f i J TTTT fcMba ,fiiiI i'i Hi 'fcnWlWrfejEB i, x hi$i j iWfrimtidii ib$u s.:t 'f"i5 ri igD''fE' H Tirfl .! vlhlJiMW 'f,.u . - s f -fRilIL-l!i:Ll-'U.i. -v:J-..-' as me i eeason vpproacnes, me quesnon l nibmlli MMita ftMlf linnx-mn ti; ; .j' : vi "When and Wl to Buy tSeaaon's Stock." . ud ,lie'v!: iiiiU edJ i-!hh. iaJJ-i As to the ", WheA". we respertfully, suggest that it depends mpoa the eeeOod of; eeiatbv n wJilch you f aratocated.' As to the " Where we tmnidtatmtfy ear m m will be the lwose for yorftouyitrora this season. . (r,iiiiw Y?;ar ItiK J;! l.'i.. "nii vi' fi X .usfs.h iS 'i1 ,v-:.,ja ; d-ila :'i'!la! J.'iiS .IVli 'n o .-!.. n n 'NOBTHEBN 11 lttu o rinr !!, teiMli t1 jfjJKi bin? ,v i'i .L t T mm a' bbx k jc .cex nrr bs If MMM AA R R K & E T K-t .siJniaitr.U 'i.lj 'nltilsv -t!i Bruefi earlier than the geaeral purcaaseES havrnj rtabunaanee" ',;t ' nuJiiiiJj-n i i i7;li.tiflu ;iJ j)i iJe3ulJiri' -i-.t - vh i-Jj c-J 1 CASBvAS A XEVEB ;U ty 1j n r' p? b ' rfin? lfy iiliil 3-'lf tofordiigpTlcefceJaaTlnga, JotaJteirpeienqejOf j 401 eats, we" iAalm to fte ablete offer sdu anyiaid , every 'adrabtage Whouseln tnid feifrs . 'Oli-i p fciioi'll j -ni llt V' en offer. , i. , -i-.-' wfr jteia'tUn iuatj anJ wDl beconlAAf ; the 2001 of OH taohflvto waIcIl we tOTB ;fj so FebruaiT 6th, 18781 ii htUii C ixil - 1