44 . CH1S. E. JOSES, atuf PrnhripfOf 1 C t r t t i ivr.. i I -i 'TreefrwJhe4oiBLipletlWter Wr -J1., viuA ky w v - r , 7 ii iii ii i Ti ht THURSDAY, FEBRAfiQ SEY. 8HEBMIJ 01 SSLTIIJTlKaCWeiUTJOy. . ftnth haa hAAii t,h iccasion of an elaborate expj$s2CB0iJ (Slfcjfews with regard tythe cctipatiop of 53f140-ft devastat?dpybeIate waft gndina letter written iaiertyjw 'onexJm Pt E. P. HowelLAof Ailanta, Georgia,of the editorial staff of. the Constitution, of that city he gives it as his opinion that the northerly part of what are known as the Southern States are more Northern lhan Southern injcliinate and. I general halac&r so ihi mdncemeots J are offered to settler from the JNorth unsurpassed by those of "Western dis tricts, to which people have flocked for years, until a wilderness has become a flourishing and wealthy civilized coun try. The one . great objeo.;4oiBip gration to the South was the existence of slavery, which : hindered settlers f rote :mUcfhg uM; ofithcl i&mehse'na tural advantages. But this preventive cause no longer obtains, and everythingi points to progressive and favorable de velopment. No man has had better opportunities for observation than Gen. Sherman. He went across Georgia by stage and back on horse back in 1843-4, when ! AT.iajiTO Bmx IIO existence xn 1004 1 r!T -it W)WRMh2 knows, a vast army from ,ChattaRpoga Lrr.nT0 o vaor oprnv rmm i .nflTrnnmon i to Atlanta and Savannah ; and just now have passed oyer the same district railway cars." He has had similar facilities for observation' in the Wes and Northwest As to social ostracism; nothing of the sort exists; and Gen. Sherman, the tenor and detestation of 1 Georgians during: the war, was received with generous Southern hospitality, as a gentleman and a fellow-countryman, 4.! . o, ov uiBUiuenJuctauiuivcwi sr . :n.nff hrJmii1 .!,.-.. Binfcu') vitrtx ii. "- ans, as by the, people Southern State, but this term does pot aPPly,as we haveoften. been attains to :twh to nAoniA who tmAWnto ""TiCl JP-Z?EW settle Georgians, what'jrotTOrt -wBtical trieksterTWiricir met i this citylast month, and who,fmmediateiy aftenHhFaivttck .topit- advantage of the disturbed state of the ..ntn, tv M..4V1 na ivii'f inai maotn'n. i as soon as3"thbeeme Towif sTtormrd.. asoproTonspon any . qrie f tMevesQdblafdrknaiida wFoevoiiiniqii.lrfy wljt witfciheiii, iand?it j tun fmm nthar stata t liva hKi nrA I words of commendation in this case I wUm atwi havA 5L mod a chancA . Cl,l3 liaill W t0 WWCUU VtWtlU HUU MA I n a ntiTtraa nnrai n orau irn arm in i nuehce, thc. grantto Geprga.rJ says Sherman-nd wnat of Georgia is equally applicable to every l 5J I othAt? tatofitAriiiAt-ariff' rAatff suit irom nis own mausiry, nis meru and virtues, and not from the acciden- tal place of his birth, aiidfwoa the greafc advantatres will fill 'vour conhtry" i ., .. . , i ,., - t - Geh. Sherman takes so lively an in- terest in this matter, that betakes pains to point out how aneiesshouW be i Tt. 3 3 . x. Va. established and mills, etc, built, to m- duce immigration anl to provide means for thoroughly utilijing the grand op- pottuTrities? 'He cloW his interesting iw,lr!L...-4 iur uj aaacrwus uu w m, j of our country has oeen, us, .miancyu subject to the diseases of childhood, buft that now having entered upon its young manhood, it should cast aside all puer- He jealousies and animosities, and act witu gvueruuB uuuiiuuu cikk;, o ouuiu- erners are only too 'readMdd. Upon the' whole Gen. Sherman's letter T in this case manifests a very different snirit Jrom that whk has marked the spirit from tnat wmcu nas maricea tne erront rar. of hla writ, now and cmAAAhAfl o -x-- i . since the war, :It is gratifying to note this radical change in the sentiments of the general of the army to observe that personal observation has brought him to see the South and the Southern question as it really j$. : Legislative Observations If a person did not know, to. the contrary, the number of bills now being; intro- Mr. James G. Moore, for many years duced into the Legislature would lead a prominent merchant : of t Company to the conclusion that there is not npwr Shops, died lastturday. iii. , tJi MrntiMiJ Col. Duncan K. MacRae, is to lecture and never was a law iNortlt arolin lortlrighUr ia .WUmingtott-.under tthe This law-maklqg bumriessisa wonder auspices of the librarj associationi ful thing anyhow, an annual fcrop) of Alawaiee WaWifffiw eennear- laws appearing to be as necessary as an ly half acerrturvsince the organization annual crop of, corn or potatoes. . . , Af he MJ-zZiJn-'jZ'fZLMM. i?Jhrt' A book contamisg. theminutes of its There are 999 men who cag talk loud- ,3, and the list of names who ly of high taxes and extravagance lit have signed the pleege has been kept for government to one who is able to sug- forty-six years. Some time prior to this gestimiaible,ai4ra t.ffiJJLHS tl 4j t y, 4-i I 71 vicinity from the counties or Chatham, The remedyiswhat the people are in- j Eandolph met and drew tetefcted ioJmowlngM naf -.,! up the pledge inl these words "We, foolish lot of ffejnowsif ''EVety'ndW arid thaitwamiU not in any case use ardent then they go 'out for a strolLj but un-v spirit ourselves, or procure or furnish it wisely choose their hour and thus lay -tor lowers as an TrrtMe of entertain- nZZTZ 7?2 JtZLZl IT i 'fi ing, uerareuajrunKu, uiuikuuh iuubv pleasant time to be out in the fresh air hours they rnav go forth and njcy the 11.. a A IJ lJ-j; i 4. - ueauues oi uAtpreiuunoie4fveu .u any ratA w dron this Miorovwtion or their benefit, lamwmgtliattheyir be very tired of being bothered and fooled with , by a parcel of peopl'SSMiftinu!ally run- nlng after them every time they go out Ki iAirW r t "f tofhgwPy. a a k j m p 1 4ztMrWiikHhtis!Lk , "r . 1 w-, r. ti , We print thLTmorning the bill which haibMn rntucedtonhe CnerJarA sembly by the committee ortcaalarieM ana iees vo.estaDiisa me iees i or tne clerks courts, . alsbthe bilT to mpromisetxyMmute add settle the State debt; . mtrodtteedby f-hut cfatfl dv.t i3 r,W of theptma an Superior fi- KSaI sheriffs and others. We print tic- fSai, earise and Won.: 3hi iTlw,3 fw tnflrtihe -tollowing manners He.;climbed . will have the support of this yery influ- tree with the leather reins inr his hand, enuai commuiee, jso decisive ac- tion has been ; taken' upon! either of erwmrxs At"tresent'theJbins!are printed merely for. the information, of otir readers. i-. J , , r . r7- crmr JACo.fw bjst SFJEiT 2ta r It greatly to be hoped that the Demo iacr ior me auuuuu. ; j i - , v . . I . i i St. v. a jurors in me jj ec rai cc .r j i vferv utmost l-2 tirlri nr iton td one of the &pprc jMation bills, if this is found necessary, It is quite true that the Republican tne Lextentorj qeteanngj pne bvvtovtiJV iu4jwiih.h tu n. hvb ill . Vinnnlfto which iavbe attached, SKS3 t5 choto.touWTJUta viU not.-They, are: playing now at bluff,and it is the duty of the Democrats i-A Mt1iAm mtt inhATraamPL At all IT -:r r" :r! - " events me people nave sunereu quiw now ludflre Of the United otates DlS- I tef bakinrof -hfn atiS6TdeAfts nbf table amongltalOTfeWCesmoniHtsrwho, j their breadasbuttereLaji(l Jiurnea fl ... . ,r.AOLliri njitrti .S.. - I Sseuie in-JUS .rnnrr. BYr.mnpa -jnwm- rATirA. moral worth niilture. and Rociai l Dfani.nr from thft inrifta Waiiafl t.hft I lueu wiiu repicacni iuw uuoiiuuouuuo 1 uinotiake the ironclad oath, which ial totm remMinrfeatures of Re-1 r . . . v . 4. - adopted tne proscnptive iorms and iea- i tures of Cromwell's policy in England and applied it to the United States. And j what is most remarkable in this con- nection i&tbaLtheuiudgewiuLmost of-1 foTiei vaIv. cnfnm tliwi rnjai . '.from 1 the juries couTdirottnie the t)ath him self if caued on as a juror i i XUIO W C VCiiMU 011U , JJ AVAU vuv shoulder between' Ihe 'eyes. A judge sitting on the benchjdoes not himself pos- sess the oualiflcation which he requires - ... Deiore .maHWiCOiBB junK,!, -ire-. ' i . 4. , ' WTUIPIIIOJLffiOlI J CftnAKTMBK j We have just sete Wthb' Ltorial article of the Sprinfffield.(Mass.) vMiEtfWXritemiM ca,ii a nrpi 8njji)eri an iin a lMner. ana has.aiwavs neen i are valuable.- -The HemtMiean avs r i j ' itT ta-r. - i i h iii t-ff. 1. 1 1 4vli. mil i.ur i 11 iiirii nir i i .w hwh mr -r-t- . ' S'foC if utpnthan toe ,tetimony of 4he so men who met in convention a. OU UIGU W UU UlCt 111 UUUVCUtlUU t VIlrtl- I lotte?lTrL last -Week lawverNDu- gcatteffd ffoM Vifemia tJ Georfifialhtid their universal testifuonjr was to the I u,e uuert,J gycu ureu w luuiiv aim - - j r . . i wera nut into resolutions Jor..circuui-. I , wiv no hivj .v..jvv. ..uv ....i4U4u.4vu i taon far and wide, with the assertion tnat tne laws are genenuijr as wen en-1 i016; for Southern outrages, the convention thought that Iff thef "carefully sift- ed, it would be found that the same con duct wonld have gotten the complain- ants into trouble in any section. Rev. Afattoon, prpsirffintof.the cnlnred, universUy. at Charlotte, andlormeflyJ rresbttenan missionary to Siam from NewYork State, was the first man to the resolution. - - - au narties concerned are to be con- gratulated upon the restablishment of friendiy relatfohar pet Ween Vte Qarolina hlllTJltUl T iClftUUlW 44-4W VWlVlllll. I Central and Raleigh '& -AusrusU Air T.ine Tlailroad romnaiues wherehv the Line Railroad compswiW whereby the Seaboard Air Line route, via Ham- fT. M. t" , : ' . , T etf 19 V-eHestallished. , - Our local fpl- "Jfjai.'i"a';iii i.. xjmaa tl. uuunr vrn mcsiuiv ui. 11113 imrxng ucru 1 m ' f "a1 ) v M - f T if ? " ' TofonHhoiatirT r wiiifoma The estate of the late J. G. Williams, of Raleigh, is valued at $450,000. incipient incendiary fire was check-' ed in' WJZmirigton Monday evening. ' T Two sea captains had a shooting fi olic in Wilmington Monday. Neither was hurt TY firiiingtm'tm,)iittayir v uosier streeui, ucuupieu uv iwo uoiot- ed women named Sarah A llen and Vir affafr a m0st disgusting . .one. , The --t. . -1 1 j .4. . 4. i enua b parents axe )i;nu t?v- JVVIff qn I to the house of these two women oni To J0! heat it throughont almost the entire Saturday night, each one, .taking it turn about with the 'sVitclf, ahd 'finally left ft lying on the floor where it was found dea the moming. On tlie decision ? the jury of inquest being announced, tne women were arrest ea -ana sent to Jail to await trial The Greenville r&O jrM'saviir. On J Wedf eadajrjdae Jobrv; Allispn? living I wc . -tu"" itv , , iijfiwi J ing weary of this life, he secured a pair ni leainer reins, proceeded to tne woods I near by, and put an end to his life in i securely iasienea one end - to ; a limb some, distajvee rom the body of the tree, I formed a noose at th other end whinh inches of the trronnd: tta w fnnn I banging in this position by his friends, 2? h,IS appearance when-r found he Suffered , awful ar.raT.cn. Int., . -TV ,r j3 - ViCltu vo nis.xeuer. as ms necK was r-iTr," I1 'vf.'!liS 1 -t v 1 WIVrlPlTFIH CONGRESS. - rri Vs' Naval and Indian 1 it 'ai lCt ! ! WV! T.-J r y n." Jr. A irX U ,ry IJ.S.Ali. Sargent, of California, rxom the.com- mittee on naval affairs, reported favor- gffwSH. ?? ireat fFl vx6 ta - w tiaden shiDsat Queenstown.- and that the appUtttoXlhietecMand report thereon,and said rewr recommendation toereoi 5f7thersecrel tary of thenayy, shall be forwardedto w :Jm auuuu mtureuiuj ;.rjww ! such aDnlication shall be made exceot hefeln nrovided. Yf also rfiitorteii tertoorAhArwih arwtmTniiniAatinttfroTiri theBubtooU Hesaid thecoinmitteowaal inMnt mmrl: a fMa uxQfnn hiithi. I : zo.t . i x . , 4.-. ... j-iii. - I to ebStoe mto the circumstances ,171 4." .v. I i ujwpnawuu reswiuwuii ua wo. i xsaiumore board or trade and a remonM stranp.fi of shin owners Of that citY I against the proposed amendment to the H agauiou viou. uixvxxux. v w wo 1 poatoffice appropriation. bUlto.estabUsh J Brardlian mail steamship Klines. Order-1 j a. lj jijb wu now oeing Deiore me aenaie.-; i ! The Senate passed the House bill creating a northern judicial district of Texas. The bill to supply additional library accommodations was discussed J and the bill to restriftt Chinese irami- I . i 4t House. The House is in committee I on the legislative, judicial and a. a .a T1 i - uOTTZZdt havin, made considerable progress on the bill I kepublican caucus, i , L..-. s.jv-ii. t. I ; attawixwmMH3iteu oy i W I Jhconmittfift appomted by tfta Rr nnhliAari mpmhAiN of the Satiata to nre- I senate to nrtr i nn thdM-riisf'l wA& iUW vrMV I session agreed to-day that besides tne I SSf """,c" tJ jimSh BreliaraMrlialrbtf ted,iqsjtrnasteir ftHinjstxmo te. . . committee pkoceedesgs. ; ; At an intormai meetintr or tne sorter f rt . Mesai of Cincinnati : Solomon, of South Caro-1 na. and lunn, of londa. No other busmess, although a meeting of the committee is called for to-morrow. It a.. JT?!,,3 next, at 1 Which .time th4ibOTe. Ctamed are exT :a s xA S 4 ik Ai4 r ia An Important Decision by a Virginia , j; . ,,n 'Judge. JVIli 31U. 1J, X CUIUiil V 1Z. XII LUC iIll' 4uvnuujiv, i' cuiuai r x. iu wo u ii I tivHUufoo mnif .Mnrf fo in I 7rf AdolnhnS fHimati TrxiASVor'thA I violation of the election lawslrl fdrcF suai from the nolline room in the fifth SS aSSSSiiSF froS ward of Petersburg, continued from yesterday, Judge Hughes ruled to the effect that deputy marshals at elections have no right in such room during the progreaaaf; theoting-wilosfl hia nrea- ence is needed to.auell an actual distur-. ' D bance) fer f H, supervisorbe ntidal need of DrOtection. or if f rand be at-1 tempts l. xne evidence not being of a character to sustahnroch charge the district attorney entered a nolle prose- qui and the prisoner was discharged. x ...... I ' ' Cerman Kelchstag-tlie Emperor's ' bpeeCB. Speech. T , ,n ,. ' . , BERLIN, Feb. 12. The German Reich- stag was opened today by the Emperor T7iiim ,n t.. u iiiinni uiucibuu, iw uibbw-w nuiu bers for assisting in the suppression of the socialist agitation, and lioped they ""riTA-'r"""" wouia conunue to support tne govern-1 ment as far as was-necessary ; for the nf th -ftH-i:.. vii Ho VMma, V V WWA... V . 4. MUV. MUV eu uie auouuon oi article nve oi tne treaty of . Prague,:and referred.with pleasure w i,ae inenoiy relations witn Austria and the results of the Berlin Congress, lie declared that the Tela- tiontbetweenGermanyandalltheothet pew-erf irrf tts d'AtiVH 7A-nfInno ti lioh hoi1 inflrtotiAo: In hehalf or V. n ; behalf of Eurepean peace. Ra8slan8 Plajiie disappearing. Sr. PiEfisBimGiFiBTi'lThe Golds publishes the If oflerwanz; telegram from j prrnpipaimemoersoij.tnwuree av; Astrachah: "According to official and . . J " 4 1 , , i 1 " private repons vne epiaemic. nas en tirely disappeared." Therer have been no cases in tks government for several dayl."' vrnt io. lmi3 mhos:-" --. -; ' 1 ' Republican alit In a Tewn Election. KepuDiicaH-wain m a iwn tiecuon. - : . - .4 NewBI&htO, iVI., 'JW 12.rrfte- liuiiu uuiu jrawiuaj g iwnu uwuvu ui this county show a decided Republican wain Tl.hoarAf ftnArvior whinh. was last year composed entirely of j port stwiser to Great Britain y tV Con Democrats, will this year consist of I nentiMhimelf,:K iwmfimo-.fi three Democrats and: two Republicans. 1 Mohand aReslraed Eecelienhli dHcna.ai -tow. o) aZut iS at Aim m "ifi jj a 4. -i- uii :u ,TT-k UlCU 1UCII IUUO 1UMI jiUUUCHVlilC.VrJ SatuTttay.lnsBarcliot J.m RObmsV wuu nau Mccirj MMajtuij-uki wci vtsr w eouecv' cne rarrroaa tax rrom Taylor county "in satisf action of" ludtrment Of the United' Stte XXrCUit rtf Louisville Robinson, i recewershii: Lf Itr (t'Tilvrn& ' . i u Jam Wl Wallack. sister-in-ljiw 4.4 limWIUUnJ . TT U44..V4U D40IA;1 111 IO T vi. mwhu A.. , ttauayit, wwwya xn ew . x urn, vvm. k. a Branch, NJ r yesterday, The coal mmeraat-AsMami, Kvuwln haye been, on a strike th.e past few' irmnthi'Vhave . Tesutaed'' work without ariy.concessions4ia.Ying been; madejsJ tne owners. , . j . ; .j . x"' -...- , Be,AaaiaeRes1iItyl-'"s&,:X0,' ." I - - ... , ii-i- ?. i " ' It makes no dlfTerenee how many -physklaTis,-eri how much medlolne you; have tried, it la now an eso tabilshed fact that German Syrup is the only ieme uj wnicn uao given cumpiew sausiacaon in severe cases of Lunz Diseases. It is true there are vet thousands of persons -who bjo- iedl8poged id, xiiiviu auu iiuug aiiecuuus, tjousumpuon, uem orrhages. Asthma, Severe Colds settled on the Breast, Pneumonia, Whooping Cough, Ac, who have no personal knowledge ofBoschee's German Syrup. To such we would say that 50,000 dozen were sold last year without one complaint. Con sumptives try Just one bottle, r Regular size 75 oenta. Sold by all druajista In America. 11UU1 JJVUJ,aviJIt5 B4J' iVUVWUl AWU 11 UU- I .hfranfa aal ueveoreajianiiecf evfLonor XYSiJK.'is.-ViZlv lui ? oepiemwr A Serious I :r. rcncewltt. rade. quite par yzc l dj nc tri , .ucnn?y now ext .de to he car 3rs and the wora atraarlv'nn t.hA o-H o j 'I ii striIfl ftmftT1)T tha sailors has liwomn more een- eral grtat difficulty , is experienced in obtain crews save at considerably ' were await batk4mn -tafmi,hn1lthrni tnirry fvQ VT 1 F "J 4 1 J . V .4L. J- J. I InluimMI and others to prevent .the men from nrtfnWi H1HHi 'fllO , Hi anil t ! la Sfitf,lftd. heTcdpf So7eOTKS,;H doS;5d Vo X Kmtirht fiiftmlasjww- .TEhe loeaLf rXT '".r-XVT?; i Ar,' f WWA" ST?i??fS 5- vm yeruyw moie9pw,,wnose syem re or lnanr war prapr oraer,.vu as a nteauvw, v.un, I aAha tn wtttha mnrn-l-honiTrit Of Castoc or, riMhivfflrad;iJatt , Wood and Ussoelantoe imttttveiwwew Wup? .Mw.f Auiiiwrii ia ma moatL tmnraoiuu auu Blm tn ' BIMr JDenUHRWlVt JLUluntSSQ .MiaiJTi i SmKSWS dnctt fmn ruTtDMAsaBi vnteu SOOOTS-.vl fflafioaP'r S3ikjaea a:imtrieiiV imd,the.m1ra(aeslll iMiriM MMtttito anfMllDrvi RS iio Jus- it.d3ilc-a.--xaa eitfil ftfB ' ' JT'.Aal?1 - "1 . H-iwku kfr tbtt Bkitaiifttift. 7 ' r hn& PPtA-SWH.8- r&xtoem tto'mto.imWm tMiuh ai h ctiviijof aie- wnwr9H?ortam' cnaanoi. or wood poriflcattqn-icMwet Hofttettersa breparaaoa likeswie : wmedriOT tBH4&ti0Hi WMBepnmlari nerroas anmentK" B is, perhaps, the. ime6U)iii J5,5fem ; "OH aw tjauh; fl,nmi ci L.H I JiU ?isttuiM mefenut n, jiw; KnMnhvsBteiLiiTetlred rrontrincucerhaTlnX fcni hihandatH as Sasl India mission. KiTiTn WAhl mmflrtv fnt thA'i T" f - 1 . " T necrooa debility and all nervooa complaints, after Stm knowotohto wiferimifeUowiK Acmatelby this ?o : relieve human suffering. 1 win seno, nee oi enarg send, free of charge, to au who desire It, tills recipe, with fuU directions for preparing and using In German. French w-Bngii8h. Bent by mau by wllh stamD. iiamlne this paper. w. w. 149 Powers' Block, Rochester, New York. .10'.J..t ? ttt , r s .. ,, ,r ,., f . Don't let the blood i r x i i. . - . tn&imMia -ifa'1taiikNMd itauzmgagerit;Hdste! -a i5t6ihaeh,BRter&i '"PetM pie not afflicted with 'any organic or inorganic diseases igmr fflid ;haaard stophr because UWowtte ttdnj watery; deficient ta BoadstUnt treadUesare Teryimperfecflyaappllfid w!Uilt,aiKt the superndal circulation extremely feebte.-Heiu the !kodlM appearance I the eoantenance. ; .But When the Bitters are used to enrich (and ' Quicken the blood, the rosy hoe of health returns to the eheetilhe 'arame aoqutrefl tubttaaoa as Well as Vlaorr tbe aripeUte' rknproresL . and: no digesdve qiiaintf littertere Mtberwtth. 8S gratlncattoa or tMr subaeraenttranqollIty of the stomach.T. - , i iH't.; !u." 'W I a ! ., ... .. , im Qinaa muubi aum u jnwwmvf .m u a bto taonsA. and it.takea a. sreat man Daonle. to The Grand Central Hotel on Broadway, jr. I ia ? m't:&.BW.:fa . the hotel is hew kcDt ontheboth Uns the American at $20 to SaOO. and the Earopean piJX, and apwars per -day., ejegaiunawir int attaodenOopTtoesrttfecmmwcted by the hotel. TELEGHAPHIGrHABKET EEPOSTS., FDBBUABy I, J879 t crNcnoiiTi Flour oulet; lamll 4.155.25. " Jtr hTtT -V oiL forkXSkalt:. u&fiiffitofc nieats ehooiden 8.65, abort 0oa4.8Oa86V abort eiear o; naoon uuouiuera vicar nun oviafs dear aides 5afe. Whiskey In fair demand and I 11 ITU H IJIfl. JMIIOI t BlWiaWli Mlffil nrm as l.oa. , miner quiei ana Bncnangea; xancy yitis, jrii6. I ed. ,i iuj a V:Ui:. ij . f BainjioMB-oatB nrm; southern 80a84, Wee- tern white 283J4i do, ndd 80a8U Pennsyl- ranu ,8(a33jSrrSay nwrnanged; prime Penn- arlanland Maryland lOalt. Provisions atroiur. 1 i...-. m ij ok nw in RO- luiUr. njuta I load, packed new 46r ln-houlders, old LSi i Lard-waned Oeroes 7.Butter to good AmknA. wmtnm nackd ixx-m ita 17. Coftstionr,Btoearg)e8iiaj,6iWhiato doll atLOSfc. &kar euiet: a soft metou 1 St . I . tT T , . , I . 1 i I i If I 7 ' , J If i hiw icmx riouiuiev-uncnangeaj. o.Lz, 260.uineerntoW I 8.90, rood to cheioa do &96a450; Southern obur I unchanged- common to fair extra 8.90a45: rood enog? SiiuSlr T0 Btoluo'OTSJiaToSl : IBlt Suzai autetand unchanged: Cuban KSaaR. tWrnPm'nB smnaara A. viava, .araniuawa powoerea crashed Qh. Molasses steadr: Metr Orleana tow i, rooa ttico, oia zzadi new Buaas.f tuoe unchanged Fork-mess on spot 8.859.00. Lard H.Ho. w&iskey quiet at l my, - neights quiet. 00TX0N. lSoBfotiKiteady; nuMUn net reoetpta 1,909; tTO8S ; stock 21,667; exports coastwise i s; saies &our exports to ureas Kitam. f ,r , v 9leeMSi, 882; saJes 210; stocMftlOi exports 40: spinners .140: exports to Great .Br toConUnenr-. ' 'i ' . u'" ' iJ V &giMWfr'S. Bilrr4m-JFlrmt mWdlrage. low middling - gross ooastwiae Britain ns booton Jlrmi ' iddTlrirf yJfcLi row mlddDnr 1 Jir hv; cooa eramary Hue; net receipts-- isor --aies. toclt.54J25f exports to Croat i " , -r -; i ; . . . . lFIM,e!? mMdiiri.alow told" I offla: awn OHunar.wceipwojw I philadklpbia nrmrtdfflri .ci'iow mtddtlna Mfaoi t i Mod ordinary 84He. : set reeeints l.wiPMrtiii expons w mil WWW .tjv rTniddltog -9e.? ' towH mid ordinary 8c t receinta 290: i - i -r? yw.' .f. !;u.i . -it aa vfui. afAAtp- I ; " ij i i" ! jiii;' ' ' ' -' r. ' UKy i 4B? gross ; saies i.uuu; stock ou,uvte; exports I poaeOTisww weai -Mnain j?; jirance. t rtlxt 'J d A HNxwToBX-Easy; satei:miadring uphmds I oeipiB ,o,aL . Aiuericau 'Ojuoij. jinunaweaKeXr 1 seuera aiiasimgnrspnoes.1ypimas:iowmiaa ddllng rand 1 . -4 5. SI ,h ni. U.I , . i MarcB do March and-Aprlljdo,' .April and May JantiaiT'ahdJ'ebruary pep 8all'4 t lehniary' .and .iti:iwyl iWWMub-, iLl ub.f j Ji ! ifL V'i in f't ' ; ;t r-r j,- Z&ii3FTWm. steady; Sale?9.?; 000 bales! February ,f.,j,,.fr,.v,L 9.71a.'72 Apiil:.j;i-;..41iiii..i;..1.. jj;jwT- 9. 92a.3 May ...4..,4..,..........., ...... 10 .08aOVr' July T!;tvvtr-V:--. -A-.S i.,4 40.818.33 Anguw,... ..iw..,, ;:.,; 10.41a.412 feptember..-i-ju-.; ; 5-3 14 10 .22a.25 -V v " "fifANCTAltiifk 8 " . Niw ToBR-Mouej ' Exchange 4856 Governpiento jlrn.i New fi-a lB,,;tate bonds out'f.ir'j.j.i'-jTj.i.bl.fti, t"?fi-ii, .n .--,! inn. execu- I extanvtndls mn leocnMnewiea as wmeananai i an mn mm nHuuruuDN Diirtuwuia iuiu outujau) addresslnz Shemr, j oct9 4w -'. i aeuuemuKt 'una viciaot)f emm mnnirMi fvseiy.y eA -art cotto" ?.ur.. Off" iTP THK OBSKKVKBj c C. auri l. ebniflTj 18. 18' H J 411411 r J V jtbiutu VtViJuy " r J - .I k - Ml t Vr1;' tnir ' : . .. i. .'.4 . . ' ! H 'dl' .. ; 8.4k,Jj5 Lowar ffKutea .." 44 n V . r... ; ; . CHARLOTTE PRODUCE MARKET amoH Tibs- - J"!,1T o! I"5' -3 . NewvPerbne..r,..,;..'rnTr.i...... . : S2.25 iSplloed, " .i.5t.viiA..tf..:.ii'- 1.7o Bagging, per lb. lH4al214 Oorm, per bu8h,l:..,....1..'.'.v.w.,-.j.3 t 40a45 PiasT '" n!.a.A'..:J.VJ..-k.,t--60aB5 a7?T ahPiiAi. . . ..J...?.J.b! 45aS0 N.ahoKid.'i.r'.,:ii'.c;;.'',u 8a9 1 : rr -mr r Hams, N. Cl : k , . ..v4?-ri . . Ii ' -lOal 1 (Hams, uncanTaflsecUV., ...r.'.:'t V Hams, w Bun Mjcats Clear Bib Sides. . . v". i'Wf.rl 7"'5a6 ....... W..r-t iiiKKi Prime Bio... Good........ i!i.o f.-i Btbjjp ' ' ISugar-hoose... Molassbs .ia uuua...... New Orleans.;. ALT LiverDOol fine. v"!j r.T. ' :i 88a40 JJ.' J.-,'.."t " .".V. ' S6aBa. A ,I.:r.,;..'.!.V;i.f i.00a2.oo Sugar whitA f YeUow. . . . .... -,.....'.'. 7a8ia Potatoks -t r ,-r ..i''i , (0140 t I Irish -I '. North CaroIhw.f Xaos, per dozen. . . 12al5 1 S52WT. .V :.?.r2.76a3.0O a. T TT. . .iUi in 1. 1 i iii ... (. -xn mill j... I iy- latent rsrnTvT'uii B it.wj iw Jir.ih .as H3.J .w .n '9oj,x'80 3 flabw r; ..iy jmMw. iMvantktihnttmmnitm TrrRt.mi.!VjLii.ft!.. u 4i - W4 'Vit9J (., i, II V V EKE RRR TT XT -T XT . t T ntr- iiiini BBiui ' , w bun-j sen! ifiK. ..- . i : . . )1 IH1B .J )1I ri'.J.l tpP 'TT E ' wl ,im ! -1 P i- II I.T.T.r. LLLL B88H FOK THR CUKK OF 5ViiiAl';iaTlB COMPLAINT. -lti tPSA AXJ SICK HAOACBX- hi. .-!! saiv'. SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED LIVEB, Fain In the ricrht sldf andr the nta nf thn rlba. Increases on pressure; sometimes the pain is In tne left side; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left siae; sometimes tne pam is ieu unaer tne snouiaer blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheuma tism in the arm. . The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness: the bowels in gener al are eostrre. sometimes alternative with lax: the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, Iteavy sensation in the back park There la generally a considerable toss of memory, accom- mea wiu a pauuui aeneauoo or namig ie un oe something which ouzht to have been done. A slight, dry cough Is somettmes an attendant. The oanent oomolains ot weariness and debility: he is easUy startled, his feet an cold or bwnhur, and he complains oi a pncaiy aensaaon ine asm; ma BDinis are low: ana aimousn ne is sausnea wai ex ercise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarce ly summon an fortitude enourh to try K. In fact- he distrusto every remedy.! Several of the above srmDtoms attend the disease, but eases have oc curred where few of them existed, ret examination of the body, "after death, has shown the Liver to nave Deen extensively deranged. ' ' AtSTJX AND TEVER. 1 Dr. C McLane's Liver Pills. Incases of Arue and Fever, when taken with Quinine, are productive of the most haDor results. No better cathartle can be used, preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. We would advise all who are affiletod with this disease to nve them a. fair trial. For an bilious derancementa. and as a simple purgative, uey are unequalled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The renulne are never snear coated. Xvery box has a red wax seal on the lid. with the' Impression Dr. McL4Vkx'b Litis Pills. rhe cenuine McLAin'a Lxrxs Pills bear the Blgnathres of CL McLaub and FuxiHe Bnoa. on the wrappers: insist UDon navms tne eenuine ot. u, mclanks Ltvxb PbLxs, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pitts- punt. i-a.. tne market oeins ruu oi imBaoons or the name McLANK, spelled differently but same pronnn h soon. oecai - - FAMILY GBOCERIES, I have now in atom full supply of Groceries and family supplies. Just Received: Magnolia Hams. Also a tot of very large Turkeys. A STORE FOB BENT. &M. HOWELL' febg t2 it 1 SH ARRIVALS, FOB SALE, WANTED. - 10 boxes assorted 'Candles. 6 boxes choice Ova-' ter Crackers; 5 boxes Family .Washing Soap, largest 10e bars in the city. f t-i. - Also I fine Milch Cow and . one ; medium uall Cow with young calf, for sale low. 500 dozen BARTBXDGES WANTED. deea";'U..t:'..,'i-",L M- SMITH. JOTICR TO FABAfERSnT" : -,' . . ji'S . i.s 'ti-iiii wt j ." ivi3 -'ar. mi J;-: i I -hi ( i;: am prepared to STORE COTTON In my fire proof building either in basement or on the first or sec ond floors and will give warehouse receipts on which you can draw money if desired. ; Charges moderahv ..! :;; THOMAS B. GATTHEB. ctl2 B0CERIES CHEAPER THAN EYES. 0H NEjr-eoopeiii .K! i' ttr, S, n it A' '"ltj.. in -."! -iju.if r . iii..'-. iii l'j 1 flu 'I ... r i . . i:?l!l;;-.:i - NEW. FEATURES I . ..1 'I, ' 1 Tj'nrufi 1 Gome ton ht ftl. ? f ? 1j.. -uij iii ''I'M''' me for Bacon. Corn. Snenr. CoffMt. lit uawf, Hiia owner fumuyurocenes., ! Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da Tie county) - I f ,T;.'rrr'-'s icn -! -' ti , ; .-...n I u .-tn. BEST BIZ WHISX&X l' tj!?--p -j invi . i .:!i-! ttJ.O l tr -,tt, ii -v -i,) iA .liI'TvJlIf.jj.-- v,. 1 Also a fine: lot of Country Hams. , 1 sen for cash. ! All epoda-deuverintheTillj: free of charge, -vm, - i. v .(vr-iK- tJi tt cjmmtnger. ; t' Next door below WOson 4 Black's old stand; $ 0 0 t?A?i.9u.K..;,v' ! ..1. j , .. a QBDEBS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED BT -fl 1 n tis. THOMAS H. CLAITHER, ! i & f j !!lf' tr-'v- J ?,'), llaw .-J j C 0 T T 08 CO If X 1 8 1 1 0 X U S BOM kWtv.HL L' J octl2 - j ,K,f .'l Irt'ls'v-, i-;r ' - 4 - i f 1l ?,a.sr. ,3 U 1;LX 4 ' 4., It v. ii Mi-f?1 Ml 1 " 1 " ak-IV P X 3t M ST 5 : j o v: k ji : If - 'S Buy your G00K STOVES .from me, as 1 have vi good reasons why they will do your work Quick and Easy, Cheap and Clean : BECAUSE They are cheapest to bay.- - BECAUSE . They are best to us. BECAUSE They bake evenly and Quickly. BECAUSE 'V ' Their operation is perfect. BECAUSE y They always have a good draft? BECAUSE They are made pi the best material. BECAUSE ',' Tbey roast perfectly. BECAUSE! Z. They require but little' fuel. BECAUSE BECAUSE Tbey are easily managed. ttUV. 4 YTOUI TheyA'jil ( ii . i. ,ea fi U 'fr una BECAUSJ it O O KHK M 51 O K H Every Stove ganieedlo rlvsatttactlon CALDWELL HOUSE; CALDWELL HOUST ALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUSlli. - - - T'r Come Tron adjB&K ree, Oorner Tryon and Sixth Streets, .'! 1-5 :-5 'LfTT C, r r A A 4 4i .'A A. A i i S. P. CALDWELL.... ...Proprietor. - S'!' k i. may.AAAr This house is permanently established and offers 4 all tiie conveniences and "comforts of a C511 eitywin tuMfi boaramg bouse. Persons visiting the eWwm It a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. SATES Per day. transient. S1.2S: ner week. Saoa Regular table, $13.00; board and room per month, i.ua ; ianio -ra7y;i3- jvi goltxlatj moo As. G BEAT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, JdMJ.fl H 3, T. BUTLER'S. S. T. BUTLEB'S. WATCHES, -CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVJSR- FLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES.! Gold-Head Canes and everrthinr fou want for Christmas, at J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 ' ' ; WE DESIRE to mn attention to OUR STOCTT E DESIRE to caU, attention to OURSTOClV 7--17 A NCI G O O D O-ju . Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest in the market The latest styles of Perfume Boxes, lncludlBg some novelties, which win pay 'yon call and examine. I o FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases -I French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also , a full stock :of; jfljakand American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. L. R. WRISTON CO. declS THE, CENTRAL BO' Cochrane keeps the best RYE WHISXET, Stand ard Pure, Two Tears Old. JOR FTNE. WINESi . -fKK- 1B..SJ)3vt ttK f3, t li!W iilllV ': And 4U(jo, Thre Oentral Hotel Saloon. N EW LTVERT 8TABLE. ' i If you want first-class Carriages, Phaetons, Bug gies or Saddle Horses, go to the New Livery meet arriving or ueparung trams, go to the New Liven Stable. If you want your horses wen fed and well groomed go io we new uvery tsiaoie. i ew uvery tstaoie. 1 drlTera., promptness andreasonable prices , vlHtHAMBE&ACX). : ! ijaieluldrrre are our motto. i mar28 'gox'Qmt l?WNTTT;?a.i i pah xukYiA Ylf5 A I a . T! ii; t ...jf")- h) j v.w i) I The two stores In the Grief Alexander building lan28 tf ovtuomu rpHE BEST STOCK OF d j n T 5 v GROCERIES an CONFECTIONERIXfl In the city, at , u 4 v1 i ,! ?' 1H0Y DAVIDSON'S. mtoiloealw a 1 j it titiO MSI ia 1 wnoffyvins 00 R8.... 00 .... tw s .... f '.I- .... w .r V" Wa at- -1iV1,.wia1-.,- '. . ' H B H H HHH A TTTT mjh TTTT T T A A a a AAA ti H A A t S&ftS A ' 1 t National Bank Bvlldlng. Charlotte N. c. n h'i it .l5'Bo'?1,.0 to acknowledged "J p ana we would be pleas ed to have you call and examine for yourself before r.UMAJH 4 CO. TO THE PUBLia ' The subscriber, Trustee ef SMITH & ; OR F, begs lemra rjtx jtheyirttenUohe, , . Ch nlty to the large stock of .M rtfltrw B O 0 O O T T s AND- ' ! HM.J I "4lt, ssss oo o o o o oo KKR E KK s . BBS HHH IS- as8 now in his hands for Rlpt is WTfT;t ir. F6 1 Wsest and best'sofgUasSoutlrof Baltimore, - - - and is weU worthy the examination of any pc Whether wanting one or a thousand pair. The stock embraces . .li.T3f 3 r AN INFINITE VARIETY, from the finest to the coarsest shoe made. If yea want a pair, or any number of cases, call, and your wants can be supplied. In this conneoOorH thr subscriber- would stats that If reasonable prices can be obtained, the whole stock, both Wholesale and Retail, will be sold ? AT A BARGAIN, . either together or eparately.,-Jrorfcmor.8 fbr purchase are solicited. J. M. B. REYNOLDS, Trustee S Forbes. ' J ? Charlotte, N. C. Jan. 17, 1878 8weod. Wt&tthts and Sctrjjelrtj. fUST IN TIME. 1 i 4 We have Just received a fine selection of such Goods as you want for : UTi . s , . CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, .v...,. Such aafine Lockets and Chains. Fine Sets, Seal Rings, Initial Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins and anything to the line you may want. Mar aLl AJr0'D Tmoc. ' LMi rEwHAL18.4!JABBI0R.- dee20 J) LASNE, j FrParia, France, i ,. WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL VER PLATER, Trade Street, orrlte First isbyterlan Churca, .'Nat Gray Store. Every kind of repairs made at once at half price and warranted one year. Every kind of Jewelry or BwnxeGlMinc tokiring eilTer-Platingf and Gal vanizing made at short notice and equally as good as new. Work done ferine trade at low prices. y Apprentice wantocy with premium and good reference. ... i v . Repaired work uncalled for win be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. septl5 (fiouftttiovuxvlts. T'HE THT? THH HE (4 "DISING SUXT itdSING 8UlN. 3 WWNQUER BY 'THIS' SIGTST 71 5 a a u Tt T ii y. u a " r it n j3 -gO thought Constantlne when he beeame ft con vert, because a -Pagan" refused to absolve blm from the guilt of bis crimes, and the "christian" readily agreed, and specially manufactared for him a "sign" by which hVwas to "conquer." : Henry the VIII in turn rejected Constan tine's apeeioKy and became tho "defender of the new Seven hundred years before Constantlne lived Solo mon, who built a Temple with out-bouses, court, Ac., on 20 acres of ground, 700 wlvesOO ditto a good sized population to the acre. The Queen of Sheba admired h&'fedbvA'i tftitlk -'more than his t magnificence, and significantly remarked that "the half of his greatness had not been told her"; but after he declared tlu.t "aUU vanity," bunt high I IoOmU tiui h e&4K-rtrj.I ,tu".--f- -Places for the worship of heatftrndeUit and died. Napoleon Bonaparte, on his narrow escape from toe Inflowing tide of the Bed Sea, while passing through on the spot where Pharaoh and his horse .lalied, exclalwilT 1 tod perished fere We Pharaoh, what a text I would have furnished Ortho- L doxy" and a & Holton to advertise his Confection eries and Groceries at the "Rising Sun, on Trade street, opposite the Market House, where every thing In the above lines may be found, including Ferry's Garden 'fie is, lireen and Canned Fruits, Nuts, Teas, CoOeei Sugars, Pickles, fine Cigars and Tobacco, Toys, Aa . .1 S. HOLTON. febil . -v' tK --r ; ;. ... , Democrat tad dome' eopy.' H ! " ' "4 3'Mi 5vi; ,"'iii-Vl -;.-; TP i '4

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