SECTION TVO , ' PAGES 1' TO 8 ' PAGES 1 TO G : i I ' y RALEIGH .' : . Correspondence of The Observer, Ralelh, 8pt. M.-One of th mo it n Joyabla. aoclal tvcnta f tl ww wi . i th porch prty given Tuesday vnlng t-y Mr.; Sherwood Hlxgi ner oeauv i in hom on Nort ' Blount ret, com Bllmentry to ML . Ioul Lmr, j'of "Florida, end , ter luii, Ml KmUy SIlirk Tb porch -wa mot. rUtIcally deoormUd wltn flaw nd ppttd planU and tha evening proved to b i moat ' dKllghtfUl on. i.Tha ku-U were Misaea - Iuia Lamar, KmUy Hlgfra, Jramlna . HlKKa, Lucy Haywood, WUla Norrla, ; Caro flray, , L.ula McDonald, Roaa and Lllllo Uklnnar, Fanny JohnaqH, Ullla ' rrnU and Ellfl Brownj Manama. Lewia 4 Smith, Buck Hnrrtp. Tc Ward. Will Crow, Oaorf HaU. Chaa. Jotinaon, Hu brt Haywood, Cglea, Searai, Falaoa and ' Mr. Lao. D. Haartt ntartalne(l tha ' Johnaon Pattlaraw Chapter : . of tha Pauthtera of tha Confederacy Wodnee db -at ternoon at S o'clock. After tha bimlneea-wae dlaouaaed dainty refreah- pitnta wara aervea by tnt noiaa. " ';:... j,-.- j i - ; v- , " Tha weddlna- of Mlaa Julia. Rankin i" Hutchlnaa and Mr. Henry Debnam traa celebrated- Wadpeaday morntna; at 10 o'clock at tha homof tha tirtda'a " . parenta, . Mr. and Mra.- Cetidoa Hutoa - Life..- ! -- ' Mra. Tom BlmiMon ' of WlnatOn-Balem. la vlaltlng her mother, Mrs., EX B. Rob erta. Mlaa Mitchell DaddelL f . Car thaga. waa In tha city thta week. Mra. ' Aahley Home, of Clayton, la vlaltlnr her mother, Mra. Belvtn. MIm 0a4le Rob- ' bina haa aona to Wlnaton-Salam. where aha en era tha Sakim Famala CoUegav . Mlaa Maraaret Brldca mi aona to Fay - ettavllle. Mlaa Lucy Petty, of-Crthae, la rtaitlnr her alttar, Mra. PaJrnar Jr--'- man. fine will later on enter tha Bap - tlat tTnlYeralty here. Mra.' Thaokar, of : " Norfolk, who haa been tha Burnt of Dr. Delta-Dixon Carroll for aome week, haa . ' returned to ber home.Mr. and Mra. , Haaten Poa and MJaeea Willi and Beaai Law hart returned from liorebeed City. Mlaa MatU Reaa enttrUlnJ Thora- day aranlna at her home en Polk afreet. In honor of Mlaa EUtsabath Perrlnston, of Batterten. Md., at a delifhtful porch .'party, the porch being- pretuly decorated In lanteroa and potted plant. At each of a number of table a different ram . waa played. - After Aba ame dellfhtful refreahmeau - were aaryao, Mra. K. p. v Brown aad Mlaa Edltb. Jloyater presided ovar the punch bowl. Aaalatlng Mlaa . Raea la receiving wer Ml - Bailie ;- Rea aad Mlaa UueL . . 4 -. ( v"'Mra. Hubert . A. Royat and children ' have returned to tha city, at tat apand ln 'the past three ' montha 4 Ocean Grove and other reeorta and at Mra, " Ruyater a old. Home, in Maryland,, . . '".:..., . !- i ' Mlaa Lfeste Boirera left thla week for -' noanoke, Va., rhuaa. .. ri'"L'nl. . acaool. . She wae-aiHHJKiiNuiied ly itor i' . tar. Mlaa Karnle Rogara who will apead ,' .h ew -day wita kar.- . . ,, r Mlaaea Jana . 'Ward, Sadie -. Boot and -'laabell Buabea, alt of Ralelich. and Mlaa .Basal Leak, of Durham, wlu4ert bera . In illu to aoend tha eammar abroad. have arrived In New Tork and ar -an their way non....,. . . - . - , , Mrs. James A Wolfe and Miss Annie -Wolfe are at Durham. Mlaaea avey and ' Emma Roberta are visiting relatives in ": Mawbern Mra. Aabury and Mlaa Iran Hall, who have been spending aome time-With Mrs. Oeorg B. Crater, have - . returned to Charlotte. Mrs, T. J. Deu- pree and children, of Memphis, . Tenn., who have been vlaldng CoL F. A Olds, have raturaed to their home. Mr. lea era aoent the eummer at Morehead City. Mlaa Blanch Blake has returned - Mrs. Ellsa-T. Williams tad daughter, . and Governor Bloxham, of Florid, ar in the dty, the gueata of Dr. and Mra. "AB. Hawklna, it their btautUul home .-: on North Bloust trset, , v ,- ( ( ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Bouahatl gavs 'a dining Friday evening In honor f .' their i eon, acr. uaorg Heea. wno lert - this week for Chapel Hill, where he haa . entftred the ' University. The) guests draaent were: Mlaaea Katharlna koKar. '-Lucy Moor, Pearl Heck, Annie Jones . n lummie rtaywooa; Measrs. - huiq .'. Thompaon, Rudolph Turk, T. K. Bruner, . wames- woyner ana ueorg ssn,. . v Mlases Kathaleen and Xotilae Bern r'Ard entertained a party of "Huaahlnora" , at tha home of their parenta on North ' Maunders street. Col. Olda waS there - with - bis ' graphaphona and' fumlahed ' ', ' muilo. Dainty refreshments war served .; urinr the evening. i y " Friday eveplng Mr; John D. -Mangum ; gave a delightful .tally-bo party to- a Correspondance of The Observer, i. Rockingham, Sept. It. -Mrs. James Pickett . Leak entertained the ; Mar ried -Ladles Book. Club on Wed nesday afternoon. Ar feature) of tjie ntertalnment was '; an observation contest.: whtoh was unique and at tractive. Tha guests priie - was won by Mrs. H. A. Feushee, the members' i Mlu Plnlrl Btuli ' Inltlhli VVreahments wer servsd with Mrs. yLek'e usual exquisite alt 111. Out-of xows guests werei aieaaameis Airrea Dockery, Mary Smith, N. II. D. WU oa,ii, A roushee, Fred Brewer, VUses Dockery and McDonald.- . , Mhts Bailie McDonald was at horns Wednesday .evening- ' to the) young folks of the town, In honor of. her 'lOi, Mlaa McDonald, of Texas. ; A " lu iary bird pie was served early In the evening and by the Bnlted efforts of v all present .It .was solved. Mlaa lat LeGrand was awarded the prise, a beautiful v amethyst cross, ., she. being the most - expert receiver of Did among the ladle.' Mr, John W. Coles', skill won the gentleman's prise, a scarf . pin .The axtreme lioneaty- of Mr. John ' Armlatead got for him the booby. : Mlaa Lena, TArry received the consolation. Mrs. Mc ' Donald presided at the punch bowl, xkd Mrs. Brewer. Misses M ovale Long td ' Anna Thomas served delicious i:raam And cake. Mrs. Alfred Dockery, of ITernando, , Mia., Is vial ting her daughter, , Mrs. J. 8. Covington, Mlaa Iltty Me ; Donald is the guest of, Miss Riilllo 4 McDonald. Mrs. II. C. Dockery .has fine to Hendoraonvlllu. -Mra, H. A. l Aushee snd intl dauKhter- are- at Mr. Fnnnle I , Walls' iiv. snd Mra, N. IS. D. Wilson sr vlailor at the home of thlr nlnter, Mra. it. W. JXlrand. flaa 1 Nora Thompson la M Ulnar Mlas Mnry l1htter. Mra, Thnmpaon l t Mr. William Coving ton's. Dr. and Mr. Mcl-an, of Oib rm. will bo v.Mli Mr. Uutlirln aov m rij 1(ij h. "ilra, fcltupMiin a u.l MIm I MU'"n have roturitcd Urn Ellurbd SltELBY.;; Qjrreapondenc of The ObaeryeK ; 6he)by, Sept. II.- The aoclal event of the week, and one of unuaual in terest, waa the marriage ' of Mlaa Annie-Ma Harnett to Dr. Wiiklnt, of Oaatonha. It took placo Wednia day afternoon at S o'clock " lit the home o( the brlde'a father, Mr. T. Barnett on Main street.- The ovent, though very , quiet,- was . surrounded by deep InUreat -throughout 1 the town. ., ' There wef .no , aueudani and onfy tha cloea.frtffnda-and rela tives attended tha ; ceremony.- Mlaa lovable young girl. Her many warm friends will regret that her marrla win take, ner from nnaioy to live. Dr. Wllklns Is one' o( tha progressiva and substantial young men of Oaa tonla and la popular with ; a Urge circle of people In the social and busi ness realm of Qaatonla. . - i -' '-' ' .f- O ''.- f '.V. Tha engagement of Mlaa ' Natalie Rose Harris, of Frederick's Hall, Va., to Mr. Tett. iiamrick, ,r,ot . uu place,' has been' announced, the wed dins; to take place tha nineteenth of December. -v r v v- - ,.; . ' "S . kiss Nancy Ttddy entertained de lightfully and Informally a few of her friends last Tnursday - afternoon tt half paat five. The Invited gaests were: . Mas. R. L." Ry burn, Mra. J. L Buttle, Mrs. f Ed. Lemmond, of Mansfield L.; Mrs.: Hugh O. Miller. Mlsa- Emma Prick, , Mlaaea Essie and Beaal William, of Jacksonville. Fla; Mlaa Nanct Falrley, of Rockingham, sod Miss Madge Webb. , 'Mrs.' Wilt Jennings was hostess at t six o'cliVV dinner Thursday.. 8ha had as he rueats Mrs. H. D. Lee, of Knoxvtlle, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. Hack att Blantoa, Mrs. Delia Kay wood and Miss Mary !,' of Knoxvtlle, Tenn., and Mr. Clarke, of New Tork, , , a-awaaeaaM ' Mr. ' ChaavBlanton gave a delight ful aupper party at.Clevaland Springs Saturday night - Ue had as his guests: Misses Una and Vera Webb, of -Birmingham, Ala.; Mra. Albert Blaaton, of Marlon and MJaaes Madge and Fay, Webb. ;. , The Daughter of the Confederacy held an Important and 'Interesting nesting at the court house Tuesday afternoon.' ' The' Confederate monu ment to the soldier ' of "Cleveland county,' which will be erected on tha court .square facing the west, will be unveiled the 1st of October with ap-, propriate exercises. ' s -.' Another lolly fox hunt waa enjoyed by - the young people of the town Friday sight. ' Thoee following the chaaa on horse -back were: - Mlsa Mm Eskrtdge and Mr. B. T, Falls. Miss Ora Eakrldge . and Mr, H. I. Washburn: Miss Ora Flack and Mr. Forest Eskrtdge: .Miss Eleanor Wal la o and Mr, Jap Buttle; ,M1 Fay Webb aad Mr. Orover Hamrlck; Mia Madge Webb and Mr. Henry T. 8wain, and -. Messrs.' Bate Ed. snd Geo. Blanton. The committee on (he Chlcora programmes comprising tha follow ing ladles. Mra. it. B. Miller, Mrs. Thomaa, Mrs. W. B. Nix. Mra. Hen- nessee sod 'Mlas Madge Webb met. Thursday afternoon. , ., The ' pro grammes .' have been made out and are. being printed, and the first meet Ing after the club's summer vacation will be with Mra, R," L. Rybura the 1st of October.' - Mlaa Settle Blair, whohas been pending the summer at the Shelby Hotel with her sister,. Mlaa Annie Bells, left Monday, for Cox College near Atlanta, . Oa., to " resume her work as teacher. Mr and Mrs. Tom Smith leave next week for a two weeka stay at Atlanta, Oa.- Mra. R. 1 Ryburn left last week for several weeks stay . In Fsyettvllle. Rev; T, M. Lowery snd family, of Knoxvtlle, Term..' who have been spending' sev eral weeks here at toe College Hotel left Thursday njght for their home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. . Forbes, who have been visiting Mrs, Forbes' par ents,' Sheriff and Mrs: A B. Buttle, leu Unursday morning for 4ner home in Greenville, H. C Mfa Mary E. Simmons who . has been visiting her daughter, Mrs El.-T. Webb, left Thursday for Rome." Qa. Mrs. Waa and family, of Florida, who . have been spending' the summer at the College Jlotel left Friday night Mrs. 0. M. Webb, Jr., and Mlaaea Una and Vera Snd Master Chaa. .- Webb, who havs been, rlaltlng relatives here-left Tuesday ' for ' - A snevil levMessrs. Wright and Ben Dixon, of Bessemer City and Dallas, j were in town one day laat week. Mrs. Jenkins snd Miss Louise Jenkins spent a few days In Arshevllls - last week. Mrs. Qeo. Blanton has returned from Gaffney, S. C She was accompanied by her alater, Mrs. - Bothwell Butler. Miss Mary Thomas, of Atlanta,: who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs.. Oetea, at the Shelby Hotel, left last - week for Brenan College, Gainesville, Oa. Mra. Oates left for Charlotte. Mlas 111 len Dover left -, Thursday for - Oxford where she enters College. Miss Eleanor Wallace, Georgia, Is the at tractive guest of Mlaa OraVFIark. Mrs, Arthur Leavy left laat week to Join her husband at Lowell, Mass. Mrs. Chapman, of Cllffalde. and Mlsa Lone Greon vMted relatives here last week. Mrs Fred Morgan, of Double Shoal, was- the guest, last week,' of her sister, Mn Thomas Ewers., v", y': MOROANTON.: vi 1 Correspondence of The Observer., . i Morsanlon. Sept.' 11. Mis Ada Pearson entertained last Friday even ing In honor of her guent. Miss Fran! kl Self, of Hickory, and the Misses Brand, of ,Wllmtngton. Refreshments of Ic cream, sherbet and rake were nerved to the following guests: Mlaaea Frankle Blf, of Hickory; Sue Bi !Jd, Etta Brand and Madge Brand, of Wil mington, and Elolae Erwln, ; Linda Tllllnxhast. Kathleen Smith, ' Ruth Dlrkwy, offlouaton, Tkxna; Laura Er' vlit, Katharine- Ervln, lilsnche Snx ton,' Helen Howard, Mabel Patton, K tln AndfMon and Nora Laxton; and Mrs. Robert Anderson, Lenoir Ave ry, Wllllnm Smith, Roby 'Claywell, Iti n Dvla. . Edward Ervln. Jack llctnplilii; Krnnnuol Lehman, Jeroine Conn, Otto. llanMn. . ' .1.- Mls Nancy foaraon and Mr. Al rxandcr were moat happily married at ha noma o,f the brMo'a grandmother. tt ra Tl l',in tuut U'..1n.ti.fTittf ...... . ... . . . , . -i nmmuia; ai a;n; oiwK, i.ev. v, r.v H'ilHnaw.rth, laator of the brldo, of-I IklutcU. Duly ilia lmmoniate friends I and relatives being' present 'She was married In a -handsome . dark, .blue traveling suit. ' Her only, attendant waa' her maid. .of ho no Miss Atwood Hunt,, who wore a white bgoadcloth suit. The. bride la one of Morganton'a most attractive and charming, young lad !. Mr. Alexander Is the assistant agent at the Southern depot and has many friend. They lefton the f:l0 train for Washington, t where they Will spend their honeymoon. They both have scores of - friends who . wish for them a bright and prosperous life." ' " . i . .- ( ; : ; SCOTiiAND NECK, ' . ,1' - v ,,- ,. . ' ' ' ' v'. Correspondence' of The Observer. ' . 4 - Scotland Kek, Sept. 14. All'" the parties., charades and th- UKo for the season have passed and the so xjal - lncerettta at -the town are-con- lined to vial tors to and . fr-jra . the place. .Thare la atill much social pleasure here, fur Scotland Nck al .waya has vlalOra,'. Hn. : : VV. V. Kltchln. of . Roxboro,--spent , aome daya here, and fetla conHdeAt of his re-election to Oonree, . : v-' - Ex-State Senator E. T. Clark. - Of Weldon waa bre rome- dy ago,-- Mesar M. L i. Oppnhiamor; O. . A 8nlpes gnd T.'K. Wllkorjn, of Hocky Mount hay been here' this' week. Mis Aim' poweK, of Whltakers, one of . Nash county's eharmlng yotmg ladles,- Is .vlattlna; Mlaaea Mer lam v. and Ethel Webb.--Mrs. Capt. O. J. Smith, of Klnston' has Vialted relatives here this week. Mrs. P. L. Solabury,- of Hamilton, has'been hera to visit her parents, v Dr. and Mrs. R.' M. Johnson. Mr. John B. Bay ley, a promtaent member of the fac ulty in a technical college In Texas, Is her to visit his slater, Mrs. O. T. Lampkln.-Mlss Willie Harvey, of Florida, has seen here to visit rela tive. Rev. Zack. Vincent, an Epls- copal minister who haa been doing misainnaiv -awntrar lis ininn nasi anaiTir i misnlonsry work In Idaho, haa spent some days here on a visit .to his relative. Mr. B. F. Montague, of Raleigh,. haa been here this week on a Via It to Hie 'sisters, Mesdames jt. H. Lawrence and K. E. Hllliard. Mlsa MatUe Brlnkley, of : Edgefield, haa been here some days visiting her aunt, Mra. ' R. M. Johnson. Mr. R. V. Kltchln haa moved his family to Rocky Mount where he will make his home while engaged .In business for the Atlantic Coast Line. Messrs. & W. Momeett, John W. AUback. and A J. Madry have gone- on a business trip North. Mr, . W. L. Vaughan, who spent the summer In Virginia with a fores of the United States Geological Survey service, has returned to Wake'- Forest to- resume his work as Instructor. In English. Miss Nonle-WllUford has' been In Norfolk soma days. on a visit to her I sister. Mlas Eleanor Smith, has gbne fto Rocky) Mount to reauma her-w era Mr. John B. Bray - and , brother, George, ' . havs returned -.ifrom George, who havs returned from Hickory where they had been for the tatters neaitn. -miss ions vunn naa returned to Durham to reauma her work as teacher In- the graded school there. Mlas LI la Hancock, has gone to Murfreesboro to enter the C. B. F. Institute. Miss Neda 'Taylor,' ac companied by her father.. Mr. O. K. Taylor, has gone to Greensboro this whi to enter umiwwrg . m ciiibiv Colege. Mr. and Mra ' R.-C'Josey have gone on a trip to Baltimore." - The protracted meeting '. In the Methodist church continues and' the Interest deepens. Rev. J. A Parker, of Wilmington, preaches - with great power and -the people crowd to hear mm . every ntgnt. (suite a - number have made profession and also a number have Joined the church.- Rev. G. T. Lumpkin, pastor of the Bap tist church, haa Just closed an Inter esting protracted meeting at Cro wells. flrMt nrcnnvi t Inn ie nlny mifla for the rally day here next Thursday by the Halifax branch of the Houtn arn . (Jotton Aaaorlatlon. Hreatdant C C Moore, of Charlotte, and .Hon. Atfhlev Home, of Clayton, have con sented to be present and addreas the farmers and the public generally, for the rally Is designed for the entire community, . - f j " ; -:: 'hxrm Correspondence of The Observer; WsshJngton.lN. C, September 14. Washington , lias ' been rather quiet socially this week. -" Monday after noon . Mr. , W. . W. Chauncey, bf this city, cava a very delightful sail on Pamlico river on his gas boat "The sail, was given complimentary to Miss Mary - Blakely, - of this -city. Leaving the. dock st a p. m. uie happy young people 'enjoyed a de lightful sail down to Riverside Park, about five miles from the city, where' they disembarked and partodk of a delcioss feast of scuppernong grapes. The return.: trip, waa . made -without mishap and the merry-makers arriv ed home about "7:10 p. -mv Those present were: Misses Elisabeth Tay loe, Annie Fowl,-Susie Fields,' Ma mle Hrthardson, Sally Car row. ' Hel en Shaw, Gladys and Madeline Ella worth, Maud Swindell, Elale Buck, man. Ella Lea... Chauncey," Rebecca Simmons, Elizabeth Simmons, Jesse Kicks, Barah Blakely, ; Mary Jones; Messrs. Allan Chauncey, Ed. Ayers and L, A. Blakely. .-A - " Mrs. Alex. Blow, -of Greenville, haa returned after a few days visit to her daughter, Mrs. N. E. Fulford, on 'West Main, street , : a. , Mrs. Nathaniel Herding and daugh ter. Rena. are visiting ' relatives In Tarboro. ,. .:)...''..;. . Mrs. James H. Cordonxarmounoea the engagement of her daughter, Nan nie Telfar. to Mr. J. Percy Grimes, of Lexington, the wedding to take place lath fall. ,Tf rr'A. r.yV,;;-'' 'i-h'l :f- ':;Vi:0AST0A;'v;' Crorospoadence of The Observer. ' Gastonia, Sept 1 1. Mr. and Mrs. Jm. I lirysn returned Friday from their two weeks trip North, Col. and Mra. A. Ha v a we, of Norfolk, Va., who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. F. -Love, are; visiting friends snd relatives in Spartanburg, S. C Mrs. fl. 11. I'nrk and little son returned Thursday night from Apex, where they have been spending the sum mer With her parents, Mr, and Mrs". Vtley. t . I -; ' . Miss1 berth lng has return ed to Grenabor to " enter Greensboro ' Female College Mr. James It. Franklin, of the West Vlr- glnla Ind Company, la' vl Ind Company, la vlIHng irii-nui rricnoa in waatonia. air. sna Mra. Walter Culp are time In Aahrtvllln - spending some MUa (ile k'.hti' fcrd Is In lClna's Mountain fyf s, fqw days. Mr. and Mrs.: 15. H.v. Tuttle have r returned from; Lenoir, where they spent several "weeks. Messrs. Fred Bmyre ' and D..H. Jones and Mlaaea Edith Adams and Nell Smyro returned the first ' of the week from Zlrconla, . where they have been, wel apendlng some time. Mr. and Mrs. A C.! Williamson ..have been wel come visitors in Oastonla for the past tew- days. Mrs. - J. , c. La t nam i naa bean spending sometlme In Lincoln ton and Shelby, Misses Zoo-and Se Unabava gone ' to . Llncolnton ' to spend a few days with their mother and friends. Misses Mollle and Maud Separk, who 'have Nbeen visiting some weeks with Mr, and Mra. J. H. Se park,' have returned to- Raleigh, their home, ; Mr. Separk accompanied them. Mra. W. E. Klndley and Mesa 8usle Hoffman have . . returned from Toxaway, where they had a moat de ligntim siay.of a few days. Mrs, H. N. LaFar ' and her alater, Mrs, Mcljiurln, of Sumter, 8. C, are the gueata of a tew days or Mr. and lira, Pj,-B,'l-rar,i',,- . is. T On Tuesday afternoon from five to seven the U. C. Club waa delight fully entertained by Mlaa Lowry Shuford, at a porch party, complimen tary to Miss , jjertha waidrop, ot Hsndersonvnie, - and Miss Henny Rsgsdale, of Greenville. Progressive lotto waa played,' the score cards were In the shape of an ear of corn. suggesting the season. Dainty re freshments were served, Correspondence of The Observer. . Wadesboro. Bept, 14. Miss Spur lock, of NaanvUle, Tenn., the charm ing guest . of Mrs. R. E. Little, haa been favored witn many social cour tesies during her stay 'In our midst by a circle of friends who recognise U v.. thoM .... -,fu of mlnd".nd personality which we, . for lack or s better term, call magnetism. This cultured and' vera Ul young woman goes to. , bu Marya In Kuieiejn. aa teacher-of Anglian and ner friends are- looking to her to fill this position to the Queen s taste. One of. the most delightful affairs of the bummer- was the "progresalve euchre' part given by Mrs. Lee D. Kobinson on Thursday morning to honor Miss Bpurlock, of Nashville. Tenn. Slxhanded euchre was play ed, the score cards-being dainty forms of card ''spotshearts, diamonds, spades and chiba. V After an enthusl astlo gam, 1t was found that three contestants had won an equal num ber of points so Miss Spurlock, Mrs. Fred J. Cox and Miss Johnale Dun lap, were asked to cut for the prise. Chance favored Mrs Coxe when she wgff awarded a pair of. silver mani cure scissors.' tne cam taoioa, refreshing -Ices and -delicious cakes were served on ' hand-painted china which excited the admiration of every woman's Inmost soul. Ice cream waa served In -punch ' cups which complement - Mrs. Robinson' famous punch bowl, all being the ex quisite work of . her-: own skilled fingers and clever brain. The guests were: Mesdames Terrell Covington, Fred J. Coxe, J. M. Covington, Eu gene Little, J. D. Leak, J. T. Ben nett C. M. Burns, Jr.,T. A' Mar shall, Leon Scott ' and W. C.Via; Misses Spurlock,. Johnale Dunlap, Dora Burns, Lora tittle, Marian Lit tle, Bertha -Moss and Clare Lock hart -v ' - '?.. - ."Rose Hill" was gathered unto her own when a choice set of roses and rose buds. In the laughing guise or the Bachelor Maids, was Informal ly greeted at the evergreen, arch by their - hoatesses of Tuesday evening. Misses Emma and Eunice Rose. Here on the lawn, "In the evening by the moon light" some one strummed on the old guitar .which was ac companied by sn occasional snatch of sosg and the music of hearty, girlish laughter, as vacation reminla ences were recounted and fashions. Siaux or other dear ; vanities ot rlhood were discussed. ,' Thus in In nocent communion, the . '.'bachelor daya are passing, and, aa time and place divide, dreamy - eyes Will look back on a vision of Joyous days which will sweeten all life ( Im the days to come. Before tha end of the evening' Jollity, music and - dancing were Indulged ln-doors," where- deli cious Ices and cak a , were - served. The members present were: . Misses Johnsie Bennett and Mra. T. : A Mar Johnsle Dunlap, May Dunlap Berts moss,. Kisie tsennett and Mrs. T. A. Marshall, Misses Emma and Eunice Rose. The guests of the club were: Misses Spence and Cnrrie, of Camilla, Georgia, Burns and Crowson. ' r-' ' -r-VV ,;r. ' Many of our best ' girl and boys are now . treading beaten paths to various : seats of .- learning. ' Miss Blanche Smith has srone : to Trinity College and Mlsa Ooldle Mills' has entered the Southern Conservatory of Musto in Durham, Miss Charlie Bells 'Craig, , Bessie Dockery sn Estelle Moors are at the Presbyterian College for.-.i Women In ...Charlotte while Misses Portia and Connie Hunt ley are our representatives - at Vir ginia Institute, m Brlstow. Va.-'Our boys arc distributing their ambltlonl among the University, A at M., Hor ner,' .Trinity, Dvldaon, .Oak Itldge, Clemson and Wofford.' a. . ... wl uv.,w... ...... . J7VWi spending the summer In. Virginia, will arrive home In a "few days. Her friends will not be surprised to learn that her handsome baby. Lucile' won a sliver cup as prise for the most beautiful baby at s recent baby show In West, Virginia. v;.,.;H "Mis"5 Jennie B. .Brent I7, visiting friends In Greensboro.-Mrs. v H. I. DePass, of Charlotte, Is with . her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Marshall. Mr. Benton Blalock Is visiting In A. t . - A I f .J , . . .p . I . ' FAYETTEV1LLE. Correspondence of The Obaorver Fayettevllle. Sept, 14. A beautiful home marriage took pisceyeeterday afternoon, uniting Mr.' W, P. Farrar, a . youri Wilmington lumtnoaa man, well-known snu much liked her.' and Mlas Nellie Orsy Johnson, daughter ' of , Mr. MntUitw, , W. Johnton, of ' ,, the . lovellwat . snd moat popular girls ' In Fayettevllle. The marring ceremony was impress ively performed by llev. Dr. J. J. 1111. pastor 'of the First - Ilaptl at church. The hsll snd pnrlors were lavlwhly dncorsted, but In i fnultlf'S t-iite; snd, aa the bridal pair entered tb parlor, th wedainj niarcU waa exquisitely rendered by Miss -' Mary .Wemyss,' of Newport News. -"There was a magnlfleent dlaplay of weddln girts, iiiuatratipg the popularity of these -young. ' people. Quests out-of-town were:1 Mr. and Mr. J, W. Johnson. ' of. . Jilchmond. Va.J Mrs. David Wemysa snd Miss -Wamyna, of Newport News; Mr., and Mrs. Felton, of Norfolk; Mr, - Farrar, of Wllmlng on. v " ',". :i v .-' .' The. voting contest' for the qoren of the carnival of the Independent Light Infantry next month, has- '(pen ed, snd the voting Is going on rapid ly. There are so many pretty Kay etteville girls that, the young fellows find It hard to vote; but. of course the prettiest, girl .will get It in, th-i end.." : ' . v -" i---' , ''.; ' '.ftj','.',. i'i. . t V Miss Mlta Hum bar, of Jonesboro, la the guest of Mrs. 8Ulea Bed bury, corner of Dick snd Russell streets. Mrs. A 8. Husks Is visiting Mr. and. Mrs. John K. Elliot at their beauti ful country home, .,'Horblscope.,' Mlsa Isabella Williams Is visitlngfMrs. J. A White In Augusta, Ga Mrs. W. A Cone . and daughter, Miss Mary Louise, who havs been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Q. K, Nlmocks, have returned to Laredo. Tex. Mlsa Vir ginia C. Fllppo,- head nurse of ' the Hlghsmlth' Hospltalrwho has been In New Tork to study tha hospital work In that city, has returned to her post Mrs. M. W. Raynor and chil dren, who have been vial ting Mr.and Mra l. U Cromartle at Garland, re turned yesterday. Dr. .L., B. Evans, of Clarkton, -returned home yester- day after a vuit to bis sister. Ml as Bettle W. Evans, who la a patient In the ' Hlgnsmttb .- Hospital. Messrs, Hamer and Powell, of Robeeon coun ty, and k Covington, of Latta, B. O., pauenia in xne tiignamiin naapiiai, are able to be out lnjhe sun parlor, and receive their f rtenoY " STAlVILLE. Correspondence of The Observer. Statesville, Sept 14 Marriages are still frequent occurrences In Statea- vllle and Iredell. There have been several in the country, during the paat week. At the home of the officiating: minister. Rev. V. M. Swain, In Cool Bprlng township, Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Lesley J. Current and Miss Mollle1- Woo ten were united in marriage. Mr.- Current Is the son of Mr. j. w. current and miss, wooten the daughter of Mr. Gus Wooten. Both are popular young people and have the beat wishes of a large num ber of friends. Quite s number o young peo ple from Statesville and Loray pic nicked at Davis Sulphur Springs Tues day. . Among the number were: Pressly. Ora Phlfer. Brennie Ross, Mra J. E. P. Rosa, Misses Daisy Anna Phlfer, Mayme, Berta and May vicaery, ora and Mary biiarpe, Ad- .11. uKi. vr. Ok. r-n-. ' D.fl. Messrs. Pryor and Will Sharps, Jo. Shuford. Pressley Watt, James Viek ery, Clarence Moore and Otis Wood side. An excellent dinner was spread and the day very pleasantly spent Last Thursday evening a porch party was given at Mr. L. K. Over cash s In . - honor of Miss Brennie Rosa, of Arkansas. Refreshments were served, games played and the evening was a very pleasant social affair. Miss Ross left yesterday for hor home at Mamoth springs, Ark, At the beautiful home of her father, - Mr. T. J. Allison, on Davie avenue, last Saturday evening, Miss Elisabeth Allison dollghtfully enter talned a number of friends at a card .party. . The affair was given In honor of Mr. Raymond Allison who waa St home on-a visit. Mr. Allison returned to fniiadeipma Hunday, where he has a position with- the Baldwin Locomotive Works. Among those present at the party were Misses Lois Long, Mary Carlton, Elvle Mc Elwes snd Minnie SherrtU; Messrs. Harry L. McCall, O. E. Hughey, Flake Steele, snd W. A. Bristol. - Mrs. Mitchell's boarding house was the scene of a very pleasant aoclal function Monday night - when MlsS'Zelma Sherrill entertained a number of young people In honor of Miss Alma Coffin, of Charltte. Re freshments were served and' 'Mlas Sherrill was voted a model hostess along this line especially. A male quartette composed of Messrs.. C. E. Echerd, W. K. Strospe, J. B. Reec and C. .E. Sloan, was present and sang severs! selections. The music jf a string bsnd also added to the pleasure qf the evening. i Tuesday evening from 1o 16 Mtsg Elisabeth Evans charmingly enter talned the Toung People's Union of th First Baptlat church. Dainty refresh ments of cresm and cake were served, games played and other pleasures were Indulged In. There was- also some excellent singing and instru mental' mualo which helped In the entertaining of the' highly pleased crowd present . SALISBURY. " -..;' V ' '; - .' J' 1 Correspondence of Th Observer, VV: 1 , Salisbury, , Bept -14. Salisbury vaunts tnot herself any mors on her culture her Athens, her proud con tinuity of intellectual tradition. Mcripturaily,' her name s nemriortn must be Ichabod. How '' often has this scribe been Interviewed by the cultured. - and Importuned by the Scrlpturally-learned to, render the Information where the patroness of literature, Mrs. J. Lindsay Patterson, had gotten the name snd Inspire tlon for her, Inimitable essay, "The Days of th Right Hand." Always the Salisbury scribe anawered she was "piling Pellon , on. Osa" , to find out but lacked ' tne moral , courage . to face her own familiar friend - with the Interrogation i or i expose.; such wanton Ignorance. ' Having boen nourished at the same alma mater. but drank less deeply at the pierean soring, and knowing Mrs, Patterson. Timothy-like, had known the Script ure from - ner youtn, this scribe believed the -fVle of "Th Days of the Right Hand" had . Scriptural Origin. ' ':Y:j ( 'V.r- '-! Mr. Orin J.' Davis, , who Know Ms Bible from Geneel 'to Iteveln ti'in and atuales it -like sn- good Presbyterians, at whose feet this scribe sits for UlUllcal , learning re vealed the truth long sought for in darkness. How many Observer read ers will be honest and any they knew who, was the autnor of the v iittis eaaays of such Inilnllo and CXQUIHlte literary charm 7 Too many have confesged Ignorance now to declare iney possesaed. tne Knowledge. . r k ,77th Psalm, versea f-11 Is the exuiaiteiy - tender. apposite inspira tion: "Hath God forgotten' 'to be gracious T Hath - He In . anger shut up - HI tender -mercies? -And said. This Is my Infirmity, but I will re member th years of the Right Hand of the Most High. I will remember the works of the Lord. Surely 1 win remember thy. works or old.". - For penanc this scribe Is memor ising the 111 Psalm, with apologies to Mrs. Patterson.1 who Is the lover, the keeper, the giver of the' light "Thy word' Is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my patn."., , ,t : ; . . -- .' '.'Vr. The Tuesday Afternoon , Bonk Club came Into existence at the hospitable home of Mlsa Sadie Klutts, . which means much for the Intellectual and social life of Salisbury. Miss flora Keith chapman was elected preai dent Miss Crump vice president, sec retary, Mlaa Mary- Ferrand Hender son. The members are: Misses Mary Ferrand Henderson, Eleanor Watson, Mlttle Pander Lewis, Mary Shaver, Sadie Klutts,' Isabel Brown, Marion Helllg, Elisabeth Crump, Jes sie Lawrence; Mesdames Nettieton Payne Murphy. William. Neave. Wal ter Henderson Woodson. The first meeting will be held at "The Wil lows" Tuesday September tSth, with Miss Flora Keith Chapman aa charm ing and gracious hostess. "Blythewood." the home full ot the aroma of the old South' gentll lty and conservatism, aad savoring only-or the highest and best. in the social and Intellectual life of Sails- bury, waa the scene of beautiful hos pitality Thursday afternoon with Mlsa Elisabeth Henderson as hostess fn honor of Mrs. Archibald Hender son, of Chapel Hill. Bridge was played by the Thursday Afternoon Bridge Club. 'The guests of honor were: Misses Msmle Mock. Marlon Alexander Mallett, Flora Keith Chapman, Mlttle Pender Lewis, The club members, Mrs. Robert Lee Mauney. Walter Henderson Woodson, Mrs. P. N. Brown, Savannah; Mary Led better Smith, Annie an -Louise Neave. Jeanle Caldwell Klutts, Mrs. Archibald Henderson, Mary Freeland Henderson , a Mrs. Jsmes Preston Moore will ac company Secretary Bruner to Boston, with his fine collection of gems, stones, rare minerals and magnlfleent pho tographs illustrating all parts of the State, and the splendid series of transparent photographs of the State from Toxaway to the- coast Mrs. Moore, apart from her artistic work, Is a genius and a rare beauty that will be as bright a Jewel as Secre tary Bruner could present to cultur ed Boston. She goes to Nova Scotia and will travel through the land of Evangeline before returning to Salis bury. , , . Mrs. Edwsrd J. Hale Is the guest of her niece, Mr. Harry J. Overman. Major E. J. Hall win arrive next week to welcome the "Great Com moner" to North Carolina. Ha wo on the executive and Bryan recep tion committee, In New York. Ma jor Hall has been in the foremost ranks or pubno service and aa a man of lettera he has mads North Carolina's name shine with a great er lustre. Mrs. Hate, In. the service of society. Church and State, 'la none the lesa disiingulsnedar ur. , Psui Wnitenead la a guest Of Dr. Jonit Whitehead. He came to be with his aaugnter, Mrs. Kicnard wnitenead. who Is already a record-breaker as a patient at tne w nitehead-Dtokes Benitarihm for remarkable recovery. Mrs. Claude Ramsay, a social fa vorite here, as in Seattle, Wash., will arrive soon to be the- guest of Mrs. James Hill Ramsay. Her husband. Claude C. Ramsay, a Sallsburlan. nal won the admiration and respect tor himself as a worthy cltlsen of Wash ington State and political honors are being tendered to him worthy sod or an illustrious sire, Dr. James Gra ham Hill Ramsay. Miss Janet Qulnn, a charming so cial favorite, is making her home In uranam as stenographer or Metrnne Holt Dr. W. Clarence Klutts has left Salisbury to go to Oermany for a year's atudy In surgery. Mlas Bo phis Ursre Klhtt will soon enter Converse College, Spartanburg, B. C Miss Mary Murphy returns to Red Springs-Miss Mary Dye, of" Norfolk, a.,, haa arrived and is the delight ful guest of her rharmlna- kinswoman. Mra Milton states Brown. Mr. Wil liam H. Overman has raturnod from Tate Springs, where she was th cyn osura of great admiration. Rev. W. A. LSMbeth. Thomasvlll. cama to Salisbury for . a fa w hours' visit Thursday. Hs has won tha ' loving favor of many warm friend here. Mrs. Thomas Galloway Williamson and children returned to Salisbury this week from Ashevllle on account of the serious Illness of Mr. Gallo way Williamson from a . mosquito bite. Mrs. Derrill Hart McCol lough I. AM k. ...... . A ... v.. . . . v . ,wiv, . .1 UI WW,' , T"l J T " ery, and her friends - rejoice at this assurance. Miss Katharine Stronach, who ha been spending the summer with Mrs. N. P. Murphy snd Mrs. W. M. Wiley, returned - Friday, to RsJ elgh, ''''...'.'' The ' - Elisabeth Maxwell ' Steele Chapter, North Carolina Daughters American Revolution, will hold an Important meeting ; Monday . after noon at o'clock, with ' the regent Mrs. 1 Edwin - Williamson-Overman. Election of delegatea to the Hender son congress-to be held. October IS, the date of the Edentnn tea party; also ths election . of officers for th ensuing rear. ,, :o TfYnrnTAV'-L v: '-'M-X- V JkS-l a: ' 1 Correspondence' of rrhs Observer. V l,'' Lexington, . Sept. 11. Last Friday evening. Mr. ahd Mrs. James Houston Alexander were at home to s few friends In honor of Miss Dixie Alex ander, of Charlotte, and Miss Annie B. Strickland,, of Loulsburg. - Jt whs a charming porch party , and being typical September weather, the even In was most delightfully spent In every ense of) the word. Whist wss Indulged . In. and Mlaa Ktrkkland added 'to the pleasure of the even Ing by. giving', some fine k recitations, delloloiis Ices and other tempting re freshments were served. Those who were so fortunate as to be the Ktienta of' Mr. and Mrs. ; A1exsnrir were; Mlas Aelon Trice, and Mr. Wade I'MI llpa! Ml Edna McCrery n.l :r. Itrantly Finch; Mlaa l:iln Thimii i and Mr. I'-ruswoll; Mlas I'carle M j .it '.".'i-v:-yrff;;::v-:.'. and Mr. E.lQ.. Couch; Mlsa Rosa Moffltt lid Mr, Msl Grimes; ' Mlas Velgh Hutchison and Mr. Hal Boring; . Mis Gertrude Hammer and Dr. Dav id Hill; Mlaa Edith Green and Mr. W. F. Welborn; Mlas "Kathleen Smith,, and Mr. Joe Thompson; . Mlas -May ! Thompson and Mr. Jo Moffltt; Mlas Jessie Hunt, and Mr.' James , Adder ton; Mis Camilla Hunt and Mr.. Fos ter Hanklns; Mr. and Mrs. L.-L. Bar bee, Mra: H. S. Radcllffe, Mlases Pat tle y Walker, Mary Noble Burkhead, Margaret Radcllffe and Breta NoelL The graded v schools ; opened on ; Monday. The. new building present a handsome appearance and there, h now plenty of room and a full equip -ment - of everything necessary v for godd work, and with ample grounds snd a beautiful lawn. It will indeed, r be a credit to Lexington. Following are the teachers for the ensuing year: : v v prof. w. M. Brown, principal; Misses Ellsaneth MacCall. Statesville Rosa v Moore, Greanaboro; Myrtle Surrstu, . Jackson Hill; Linda Clement Mocks-i ville; Sue . Bobbins. Lexington,-1 ; , Frances 41111, Concord; Metta Fletch- . er, Ashevllle; Margary Kesler. Mor . : gen ton; Roxle Sheet, Lexington: An- : nle B. Strickland. Loulsburg: music- ' teacher, Mlsa Marlon Orey, of Oresns ' boro. '-.. .. .- . r '..',-. WINSTON-SALEM. .. ' . ." :I. -.. Correspondence of The Observer. -' 1 ' . w tnston-Bslem. , p?iept i 14. The nomad of the summer tide who re-.- i turns to Winston-Salem after a three months absence may not exactly need : j the services of a guide but she will need someone to share and lntenal-. fy the feelings of delight with . hlch she beholds the wondrous ' signs of growth snd progress that greet her on all sides. Stately new, homes, smart commodious business ' buildings, one matchless new hostel ry, to say nothing of Uncle. Sam's;" . over-modest snd rather dlspropor-; 1 -tionate official home all mark the- strides of progress snd develop: ment In the . Twin-City. Not In? ' material things merely is' this exu-. , bersnt growth to be found. Our; 1 , schools opened last week with sn In-: cressed. attendance and with an en- ' thnsiasm on the part of pupils and ' teachers thst gives promise of the- moat prosperous session In ths snnal -.; of the school. The venerable Salem ' : Acsdemy snd College, growing richer'' each year In the loving appreciation of its patrons and In Its ever widen-,' Ing sphere of usefulness, began the ' 106th yesr of Its vigorous life wlthi a record-breaking attendance. -." - , , . -.- ' And the Carnegie Library. tin the; brief year of Its existence, has come ' to be recognised as an Institution '. more Intimately bound up with th--hspplness and . development of nouri f ., people than Its most srdent friends. snd advocates ever dreamed It would be. But the feature of the summer -tide thst has dlfferentlsted this from : all others snd made the memory of . ' It a thing of beauty and a Joy for-! ever, haa been the band concerts on, the square. These delicious expres- slons of foatertng love snd substan-" . tlsl Interest In the Dlessures of our cltlxens on the part of the board of' trade have won for this patriotic ' body the most unstinted praise snd -appreciation from the entire commu-, nity. one could almost imagine him-.. self transported to some famed mu aicat centre in the proud old world ' beyond the sea, when he mingles In ; the bright throngs of appreciative ; lovers of good mUalc who gather- on and around the square to enjoy;, every Tuesday and Friday evening, . the delightful music furnished by the Winston Cornet Bond. - . . s - The aoclal world 1 taking" swhllsf" oft now, wearing mostly kimonos is, ths morning snd low-necked - sleeves -In the afternoon, with no morel so- T - sorblng pssttms than unpacking and '- storing away summer tnings aunnsr the forenoon snd a spin In a motor ' csr when the sun goes a-westerlng. ' Thia Is well, for all- work and no, rest would make mlladl of ths social - world ss dull as a Jack knife. ; : r . Monday afternoon Mrs. -Frank' Coleman wss the agreeable hostess . to the following gyests In a delight- , rui game or nriage: mesasmes v ii i' llam N. Reynolds. D. N. Dalton. R, J. Reynolds. J. C. Buxton, Ir.Los. r Thomas, Robt Galloway, Ed. ' lAsa terJ E. W. O'Hanlon. A. H. Eller, ' J. W. Ludlow. R. D. Jewett; MisseeY Senab and Mary Crlts, Mlaa Smith. - of West Va.. th guest of Miss Mary Crlts; Misses Maxle Smith, j Annie i -Ludlow, Margaret and Frank Ilanes, Mary Taylor and Vivian Owens. -The pleasure of ths Interesting occasion ' waa enhanced by the very oppor tune arrival ot Mlsa Carroll Coleman, , -who has been enjoying a round of . rayetr In - Virginia and - elsewhere. , , She ssslsted her mother In - serving ? ths delicious refreshment. , , ' ' . LINCOON Correspondence of The Observer. Lincolnton. Sent ' II. On Tuesday-, ' of this week, Mrs. Leonard Richard- : son, entertained at luncheon, In hon . or of Miss Katherlns Hoke, at her charming country home, "Woodslde. . A faint hint ot autumn crlspness In ; ths atmosphere, with here and there an adaed touch of fall tftne flowers' and foliage, made one really alive to the passing of - summer, a season beautiful In a beautisnl spot Lart vases filled with purple) crepe myn added their old-time loveliness to t reception, room, where, after lun- - eon th gueata gathered In attract little groups to make merry, the h - of ths afternoon snd to wish all 1 . , nines to -ths lovely guest ef hompr. Miss Hoke chsrmed everyone as site sat at the piano and sang in a sweet ly unaffected manner . several songa. favorltea of her friends.- Not only ths voice,, but the strikingly ban u some, vet girlish figure of the ' ;- er, and over all. the sum le. qui ,r charm of "Woowslde," ma.le a pi - turs not soon td be forgotten and n. the guest will hold dear for mrv dsys after the everyday comrade ' : of a fair girl of Llncolnton will l but S memory.' Mrs. Richardson served , to ! guests an elegant SlX-conrte 1 i eon, rliHrmlnir In every li t ; ! V attractive renirrploee of peua- decorated the I hi favors beliiir .HU ro i i heart shaped s.-u-Ih-im. ' i i were: Mlaa Hik, !'r. 1 n-r. Mra. Wm. Ci ". I: l"hrdaon, M ra. '1 - AHi-n Klrliril:n. ' "! i a l.U l;ni- i '-. . I son. ' r. 1 ' V . ' ' ii i I 1 ' ,'i II I .

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