CHAELOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, APRIL 26, 1CCX 7. i r -uests from the parlor, which waa j porch and Uwn party to her little to the young people of Newton. J sonalltjr and divinely, inspired utter. and over their fancy work they dls- chaperones. were CoL and Mrs. Kev with a hanJsme box of candy. In the. t ;o ing with red rosea, to the aining.i aaugnter, csatue, in ceieorauoa pi nr i Never ongnter snone tne oni 1 ancea or the beloved Bishea Rond- cussea various interesting topica eso I nan. Mra. Arrnistead Jonee, Mra. c. t-aster color with the white aatln Eas loom, which waa lovely; la -the Eae- J sixth birthday, tip rulers, preen and white, t The I . . - ." ' T.iam c&rti were little biddies with I An occasion of much pleasure -the 1 fluid to nvtrllnwhir wlt)i ' hinnil an lnsnlratinn to hlrhr inH ' hettarfing had come: but not until they bad J Ed Chambers Smith. Mrs. S. F. Tel a af . WMfr vii a i-iamiaim. annmnifti I . . i . t-. . .. j iM - - r . . . - , : i iffnmvir T n . mifl nr mnittiAAn aiirai -.Mr- rranb wavwnA. M w ann Uant surv-iba proclaimed the Resur- thaler.' Surely auch a seeaon must! Pleasantly did the time peas that be-I M. Buabee, Mra. F. H. Buabee. 'Mr. reotloa nooa, and the churches were I leave lte blessing behind and "prove (lore they realized It the hoar for part- land Mra Charles Root. Mr. and 'Mra. iiaster egg bodlea Tha delightful j past week waa a beautiful appointed J hearted people. : Eaater dresses,, and Hiving. Eaater hats came forth la all their glory end the feminine . heart - waa luncheon consisted of tongue, plmen- j dinner tendered by Dr. and Mra R- C. to nandwlchea. creamed, oeas on toast. Matheraon In compliment to Mra. B. celery wafers, atuffied olives, tomatoes 1W. Me bane, of MeDane, who la vielt-v-iih tnayonaise, peach cream, straw, ling her daughter,' Mra. C. A- Balrd. . . . . .a - I . .a a....!..... war. tha OeXneS, Binctruuuit piuucu waitr. 1 nuicu tauu utiir uwvmu, " - v ...a. , . Itoouefort cheese and coffee. Mlsa j effective decorations , or me iaoie,.i - mon aeugnirui enter Marrey Wiuiamaoa ana ranees iee i wnere me ionowing enjoyca w. n i -- duuuij mgni er me gracefully assisted tha hostess.- 'The J Mra. Mgthersotie elegant hospitality: j "noe the Lorutwo duncay rnesta were the following: Mesdamea Mra. B. W.- Meeane. m. ana ra.,. Me uie cnjiaren-.acfluited Frank Laney. W. A. Lane, o. 8. ie. I a. tfaira, Mr. j. jl. waira. aura jwtpn i nw creaitablj'.- ? CM. Griffin, J. E. As he raft. Lizzie M. Vaughn,. Mr and -Mra.' Jts. ar- L-eson. Mr. and Mrs. A., at. i-icaew. Minx rwiav Jliialek and Aavlla Llnd aay and Meaara .Robert Crewa and K. A. lUncton enjoyed tha elegant- luncheon, ao 'Z:A j beautifully served by two charming reluetant rood-bye, aesuring her of their : thorough enjoyment ,of this pleasant . occasion. out fif commission this year-en 4c count of Lent resumed active opera tiona on Monday mornlnr whan thir ty o forty couples and a-hjundred or " .i.: I Misses EUen . Gibson, Jena ' CoJ- -.Kir . . Vlli; "" ohl na Marguerite Brown. Covington, 8. H. Green, Oeorge Beaa- ley. V. E. Oaaon, RUius Armneld, K. J. Lane, of Knoirviiia. Ttenn.; K. Morrow, A. L. Monroe, Frank Arm- field and iMlas Annie Morrow. enjoyable cermans - that ever, took plac there was danced and enjoyed for. several delightful houra who attended the meeting of tha Kap rta.' Delta aororitv in" Charlotte ' Mon day and( Tuesday, have returned home. ter llllea Th bonbv. A vnrv tarca roh.'i.. bit Ailed with bonbona and adorned with -oddly-ahaped china ggs, was ; cut for by Misses Jessie'. Burton and"' Kate Ingram, Miss Burton winning.. C The collation waa beautiful- and te- J gant. The salad waa served in pannl- . kins surrounded by Httle blddlea. the -sandwiches - tiej with violet ribbon , through. tha: of whleh was thrvust . a pansy, the egg dressing on lettuce t abd adorned- with - strawberries. With I the serving -or the other accompani-arfj menu eama tha coffee. The nextf ahower threw V - damner urionro..J ia SI Til"Jl,,a "oclo7 IOn".'n Miaa Coltrane waa accompanied by a flftr Mttl. folk. wL ".1 i h! Prea' T number of her frtanda, who will be number j rf v -m m. Ii . , - " - by Mrs.- Frank Wlliiim- 7 . " f i n" L"' week or more. They .The memtoera of the Diana Club and few Invited ffuests were charmed to meet with .Mrs. E. 6- Green. Jr, Tuesday, afternoon and enjoy a game of progressive trail. The Hostess distributed dainty score cards and eooa became absorbed In this ever-excltlnr erame. Mrs. J. M. Falrley. Jr., was found at the close to be the most suocesarui nuntneas in "- 1 ." I egar hunt riven tn .! r . ' , -"-"j-- are: miss ciara ijueitira.- jacason. The Embroidery Club-was delight- !Ki 2 7?.!i.?!.r i u5.hlIirn ,e trP" earrlageato say noth- Mich,: Miss Mabel Proctor. Arcadia, fully entertained Wednesday after- ZZZ.. r o.Vj..,T "T an-llng or a whole train -of atrtxft cars. Wia; Miss Harriet Beeler. Kinsley. noon by Mrs. T. Rv Tatt,-assisted oy ,k-i- .Vr"L were in requisition io carry tne eager Kana: Miaa Marguerite Hamilton, harming daughter, .Mrs.-. J. " J.-1 vTn . iJ?.. lne I epectators to the scene. ' . . Covington. Ky.; Miss Louisa Laurence, ZZ , ue uu i a ociock ina Twin viy ui cedar Raplda Iowa; Miss Louise Ken- wouia take Place within doors, and I reeenttan ushered-, n the festivities of iiurAmHn. :. Ton . vti.a l.,tm many a foot waa bending Its way to-I the evening.- This functien. which Is iMeMurrv. Bloom'lnaton. 1IL: Miss Ses- wards . south Newton. rnrtnniii 1 na kmiiv iinni f t.i. cimina.t. iu I . ... nwjy.a;ter .thni:df arriviJdjtriB Easter festivities, waa especially love-1 and. MlssJLallage Oates, Aahe'vllle. Fulton Hall at tha'coltoga-and sun burst foria anl hi-n tb marylly and attractive. , The club roomsj. . . - (participated In by quit a numb her charming VanNoppen, of Spray, who is mak ing an extended visit -to her parents. Aside from the pleasant chat - over the beautiful and Intricate designs of fancy- work, great amusement - was ai forded by the social feature, a pro gresatve word contest. As soon as the dosen bright erg . era bid ten In j were most-tastefully decorated and j Last week the following InviUUons the chase, her score being twelve Igueau found their places from tha j the spacclous grove that surrounds thla I presented a most attractive setting for wer issued: nnint. w t nnmibla thirteen. Mrs. I aainty pink and white score cards. Green, aaalshed hy Mesdamea V. D. with alacrity the word-building be- . Bikes and Ellie- MacKenzte served gan. on one table letters were pro- Miit. ! .HHo.ia refreshments. 1 vided to begin tha names of birds. Tha a-ueets wera the followlna: Mes- beaata or fish; on others, cities, flowers B. Blakeney, T. J. Payne, Rufus Arm neld. Ellle MacKenzia. 3. C. 6ikea, J. T. Grifflth. O. W. KochtjUky, Liszle .' Cevlncton. J. M. Falriey. Jr. Mem- tiara. Mesdamea O. 6. Blair, A. L ' Monroe, Frank Laney and Frank , Armfleld. visitors. na imnnw wear. wnen me auoiea waa -ther iAivnurfni ..' v. r. Uma had expired Miaa Daisy Buslck I !!fUl. Dn3r. ' "a larg. and Mra N. M. Pickett held the I ,i. 7,:" "V": -na llant lit . - " ''t'"" na la, ne at country home. With what - mtrrv I tha recention.. At the stairway. Mr. shouU the children rushed forth A W. 8. finlnes and Mr. Robert. 6. Gal-1 tbelr quests of hidden treasures, an I lowar received tha guests, the gra-j how-the beamlnar eves told f thmri clous courtesy of both gentlemen! enjoyment. Master Wllfon t- striking tha keynote to the delightful . i ..... . . m wnm .raw a Thursday Study Club ' at home - - - ' with Miss Jenn Coltrane - Thursday, - April twenty-third ' ' eight to ten 'p. m- -' "- al Ivm filtavinm - . one celvlng Una wera: Mr. and Mra Peter j stonewall Jackson Training' School A. Oorrell, Mr. and Mrs.' W. H. Wll- . , , - -.. - - lard, Mr. Thomas xyaca ina uimi 'Mrs, Lawrence Boynton,-or sing- Caro Buxton. Mr., and Mrs. George ham ton, N. T., who has bean the guest W. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. i nomas of Mrs. B. E. Harris, - ror Mra. E. jH." Fellowa Mlsa Jannette Badger, Miss Catherine Badger, . Mr. Bartiell "Wise, Mr. W. W. Vaaa, -Mr. and Mrs.. H. Vf. Wilier." Mrs. Erwln Holt. Miss Jane -Ward. TAr. and Jura. Cavin Dortch, Miaa Jannie Coffin, Mra R. C Strong. Mrs. R. .D. Wi Connor, Mrs. A. B. Andrews--and Mrs. 8.- R. Raney, ' Quite a number of younar, ladies of I course of cream and cake waa exauia-? tha -city greatly enjoyed, ten morning Italy lovely. The cream waa In tha?rf german viven Monday by th cadets I cnape of fruit flowera, or a heart, 'or of tha A. AM. College complimentary "hearU and flowera" how. suitable at to tha Wake Forest College Daseoam ror mating time. Each plate waa dif-'j team and atudenta accompanying the J ferent. The-blocks of different colored ti team. This waa in r unen au anu i caae bad the fancy icing of violets. 'wl Mr sua sbl vcrw uclcobiui mail a - v a jib wuilb aann viiiifl minri wara in ' i This . waa followed Monday night I tha ahaoe of ea The favors ware tha by an Easter german ny tna .f l itapp aeareat little Easter . colored - baskata ft Aflpha. Alpha Epsilon chapter, com- I with a real nest of eggs over whlca. i .V pllmenUry to Kappa Sigma, Kappa tiny chick peeped from tha aide .of Alpha, Sigma Mu and tsigma- Phi tha basket, i t,.;4il .. Mrs. Armfield's , guesU were: Mes- ft: Fred Grlswold, E. R, Brlggs, . Frank Armfleld, Jlerbert McGraw, Guy Dun-. can. Wyatt Armfleld, Thomas Gold, " 00 Gordon Burnett, ' Win ' Snow, ' Jesse Armfleld, Thomas ' Gold, W C Beav- ' ens. Rector Tate; Misses Jessie-Bur- ! ton. Kate Ingram. ' Connie .Charles. Hy Walker. Alii Burton. Laura ; Kirkman, Francis Ingram and L, Ir win Paylor. . - .v-1- Thls waa ahto in number of visiting fraternity men and Raleigh and vlaltlng ladlea -' The patronesses were Mra D.-H. Hill, Mrs. James 'A. Higga. - Mra B. B. Skinner, Mrs. Franklin McNeill, .Mrs. A. W. Knox, Mrs. -Paul Lee. Mrs. Jamee H. Poa, Mrs. C. O.- Latu and Mrs, M. T. Nor ria. NORTH WILKESBORO. Correspondence of The Oeerrer. ' tniba.KAaA A nHl fPflA n. BoolT-Oub -aned a 1.. Misses May Goolby k I srViakaf msfWM ai nil vat'ai nwmvx t A aa spectively. as a reminder of their ttuT them Wn young girl Tinany vase and a Japanese plate, ue- i uiuB spent a bright Eaa- iicious reireanmenta were servea. Mrs. V. T Pa hill will h. klI.M n ha club at Its next meeting. Mr afternoon littl. Mia. 5".!,ic" ""h - "tZ S. yuvrana Bnyder ervfart.l.4 . . " ""'"" '".I" 77,-"-. The Eaater' german given by , the Capital Club waa to have; bean bald Tuesday night of the past week but several I owing to the music festival and other She waa I events scheduled It was decided by tha Maaiin. Mr. Huher Hanes and Miss I weeks, has returned homo. t and nthera - In the I aceomnanled hv Mra Harria and little l-houae committee to cost Done the af nuneh room, which was effectively daughter. Elizabeth, who wlU visit in I fair to April 10th. . Flans are afoot r ' .. . l a... i n . r a . . l . n 1. 1 a. i.. 11 k.ini..i g..i,, ...r. 1 decorated, delicious puncn w ! Dcrtnion, a-a. n H. wuj r.-ia ber ef eH.. V. -" a num- bv Mesdamea R. B.oauoway. ; - anair ana quite a numoer or out-oi r., ' T rrrntl"' " n.""r ao on College J t V T.ii-- ntia carter Woodruff ' Rev. and Mrs. Plato Durham have I town gueaU Is expected The 15a na Soucl Club which Is com- posed of tha girls of the younger set ' ' -waa entertained by Miss Clara Har-' mon Tuesday evening. After a must- - cal programme by Mlasea . Brlggs,, y-y Mann, and Walker, dainty -refresh- -. ments era served. .' '.' , ,.;r.-j 1 formally at luncheon one day tha paat week, when her guesta were 'Mra. charming meeting with Mlas Ruth IPllson Friday evening, every member iwith, only one exception . being prei at. Instead of the regular book tor discussion several pieces were read, tailing the origin of Easter euid .how It Is celebrated In different countriea Those who took part were alias Ruth Pllaqn.. Miss Kate Craner and . Mlas Louise Flniey. A little fcaar was given to eaoh with lnatruc Jona to eo and find the rabbit neata. UUl renewed their youth and enjoyed . in tha hunt for the hidden eggs with ea much eagerness as they did in days ef yore. Next waa a progressiva game of 'Jack-ln-the-Buah" clayed with pea ruts. Miss Hattle Edwards was the gnost . fortunate contestant and waa presented with a box of candy. After delicious refreshments of Ices and take, for which tha hostess has an enviable reputation, all reluctantly vended their way homeward with rleaaant memoriee of a most delight ul evening. The community had the pleasure of . ttearlnf llalPh Bingham, the noted humorist,. Impersonator and musician. end for an hour the audience waa highly entertained with fits selections. Auvlla Lindsay and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Fitzgerald. ia9 cniioren hmA . . i - - : - - i , ... "ma at various Eaater d Charles, worneet. - J" successful niaa j iTT 1 Tha reception waa ioikj-ou j - wnn nr. . .vuvu. -r ? germanTwhlch was daneed -by the eupy the parsonage as soonas wma home Mrs. C. A. Balrd was the charming nostees to the Friday Afternoon Club at her home on Market street, when ner guests were Mesdamea B. M. Ca rt 1 11, H. X. Blnford, E. P. Cahill, C. O McMtchael. R. C. Matheraon, J. O Ragadale, J. J. VanNoppen. T.-R appropriate prise. On -nf-Hna" .Tl ?"roru.w"iv" "T- mlZZZZA eh...V m. in it. . h.,u, . -a u largest numoer w fw'" v - a rangiea web mat iu. I f . . .. m 4 iaaa nm I - . . - .-v.a . . . w An tne nail room noor. a - 1 THE SOLID COMFORT WOMAJf. , ; T. .a 14. .1. a...l. TV " " . . . k , " r " I There's some what Ukes tna alsnasr Kina Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Llbchford enter- Monday afternoon at an Easter egg hunt for their little daughter, An- pie. . 1 . wnjen waa oitua f Marvlana. Virginia o 1 wut ncr vwn w -" wuuna ina ihr.oH ,m . 1 "j . . -,, 1 founri . " J. ,' l ana was the Old North State neing wen vU.TO louaa a lny chick much tn h. -whj. I . . . ...hna,nta- tvnt. I delight The littia Z. :r". ".wf enw?- .' L a'e1 J. " r;i T-vai Mra W H. Adams and Miss Pattle special Intareat are Mlas Louise Pit riven nacer an : -Z. '"J i" 01 L -a-m to Adama of Monroe are visiting Dr. tlnger and Mr. James Leigh Skinner. j - . . . ". mu luia IO I Tne SDiriL Ol nMwv" : . .. . . . I ... .w. ... -v. .a - a a rabbit and rhbv.n. ..- 12" . : w-...., v.iks and the danc-. ana Mrs. w. u. nousion. I l n vuurcn " vw cuovju draw Tha weddings hat are 6 lake 1 place next week and are awaited, with PraVN. M. PlckltC W." C. Jones', .il 0aUher th. rabb"n rnttau;. T t Til chantecleer crowed - . Ttharrin and Mr Croand Mr md WMaZr at Tw toe. when theyrV ee4ead J. Bart Webster and Misses Jennie Jri, Neva Bollck the chicken In protest Altogether. It was a Ae- Mr. and Mrs. J. B ! .fi "n "r- fifn-Jh Thiav For P,um they're tender and forgtvln. Cardw.ll. Auvlla Lindsay and f"- Jhen the children wera dlvldeS Ughtful Eaatertlde. perfect In weather. W Mr . J F. Hurley attended tj their weight ta averdce Buslck. As a diversion! a '. Into four .eta and tV nn'mber and eharac- meeting of the North Carolina Pre Don tner. wm . a-aemoia . . " - 1 ... vmb wa I iurvuuav - . . . . audiences Iva .am. alla a ,1 .-. I a glVCn On f .. . - I -.1. u. halnjul t make I ASSOClatlOll in UnariOIlS tnS WBa. I .I-IS" iJOTHlwir. ' ."'r.u "tr;: Hahw. ..I" 'Tw,n? r0": ter ot in. ,'--- -7 , folk. Tha ceremonies for both are o "a T.mS?.." '.la" V.TA"V iaTr-Za a-.V"- nd Cotton- It bright ana oeauiuu.. Mra J. M. Grler and son. Robert, to be especially pretty. a vsa an BB3B n riW moat ataaJa I SBawaaa-a-a-- l I . . a-. a. 11- . -aar V V , "viuai , . are visiting in siaiesviue. . u. chlidr Ti'A n.."LMn ma.rla fM., w. ,: uuiuunr i urayt,. jr., '"a-- -- --- nrs. a. b. .Alien, in niiwuiui. maae rrom rabbit and mit v.... I . v a. beautiful "in- I B n v.,.. vav h. j , .... , as u L I nuBinu UWMi a ' - i.ur. nu i a. X . jj. . . m..w . ,v' "rw,iAnnl XillUn won ner In honor of the team. T" oin- turnaa from putsburg. Pw where latter r n, naFrntta Scbrum tha big room at the elegant home of his tney attended the marrlaga of their C. O. McMlcbael and Mlas Auvlla Lindsay tying for tha first prize, which tbey could nke althln a aivn ii,. by lot fell to Mra. McMlcbael. Tha taveral children JZ booby was presented to Mrs. B. M. Ca mil. ueiiclous refreshments were served and an exceedingly pleasant afternoon spent at this hospitable noma. latter contest the word Chicken and Nn. wniik i i.mrnnr, i . . Mrs. T. W. Walters and Miss May " " "J-" relrennients Whila the Grace Gaither led on mrenta waa beautifully decorated In n Mr; Morrison Fetzer to Miss Dor- n blue and whUe. University ors. othy siocum. Miss Theresa King, or ,me effects were t i Kiizaoetn uoiiege. v.nariwvi. ""uru POINT. Correspondence of The Observer. High Point, April 23. Thursday af ternoon the pretty, apartments of Mrs .William Clay Jo nee wera glad with tha Easter . season ana tne re- what's graceful as tha wilier, - u . But I prefers a woman with a form that's like a pillar. . v: .,v, , V -I' j." ; W-.-, Tha eomfertubblo bunchy anas with china Z.l i . '. that's sorter double . A woman with a ohln ilka that ain't never .. buntln' trouble :v r. - Ki si si : ?4 I .don't believe so much In looks; these' i4 gala that's so good lookln' . n Ain't never wuth a hill e' beans when It oomea down' to eookla. ' aU. thay'ra fonder of good llvta'. I never did go much on bones, a'though I never tried 'em. Onlass they've got two hundred pound or so of fleeh to hide 'era. ..a. 4. f oiirj, oiiu MB I war. K.n . - I WniiW IIIV Ba.aaw . I - - . l " va ua CMahv. . amv. . " " " Ooolsby left Friday morning, the A na Uttlo ones iB the menu and table decorations, her cousin. Miss Mary Bingham, dus- currtnc newness and fresh neea of all The Ladles' Aid Society of the M. E. church served supper Tuesday ev ening from to o'clock. Many people were present and are indebted to the ladles for not only a good sup per bat e fine time. The proceeds sunountea to ill. is. former to join her husband In Little Rock, Ark., wh-jre they will spend part of the summer, and Mlaa.Ools- by, w he has been visiting Ursr Wal ters, to return to her home at Chat ham, Va. While In town Miss Golsby nas been tne recipient of many social attentions, attesting her popularity among the people of this place. pronounced this bad ever bad. the best time they covers were Hald for sixteen a this ing Easter. delightful six course ; A e TAtii'i and Its Monday a. larsra numSar t ww 1 V" ""f" 1 Tr-Y.tten. and young went to Hickory on both Many of the Eaater guests are stilt RALEIGH: The Ladles' Missionary Society of lha Presbyterian chruch held Us monthly meeting with Mrs. J. R. Fin- ley. Africa was the subject for dis cussion and Interesting , pieces were read. It waa a very enthualastlo gathering,' having the largest number present in tne history of the society. - LENOIR. Correspondence ef The Observer. Lenoir, April tl. -The Zeb Vance chapter or the Daughters of the Con federacy met with Mra M. O. Shearer Tuesday afternoon. After discussing Business or local and connectlonal in terest, the programme for the after noon was taken up. Gen. N. B. For rest was the subject of the selections read by. Mrs. M. L. Gwyn and Miss ' ftadie Jonea. The glimpses into his life, both as private citizen and sol- flier, were Intensely Interesting. Miss Cadi Jones was appointed by the president to organize a local junior enapter. Mra Shearer, assisted by IMlss- Annie Shearer, served delightful Ice cream and cakea and the social 'half-hour was much enjoyed. of The Herald's office, and Miss Flor ence Payne, of Reldsvllle, were united In marriage at the home of the bride's erandmother, Mrs. Harrison, April JOth. Mr. ana Mrs. j. o. wall announce the marriage of their daughter, Eu genia, to Mr. Hugh Atwood Fennel! of Richmond. Va.. which will take place the 29th of April. train and in buggy to talta In the bah hH,hTnl Th Obeanrr. Ur aoclal roe-Unr WWh tha incnus enjoyed tne dellarhifnl hnani. mar, ia the guest ei ww... -1 wee oi ' - - tuJItu . ,ui.. .,.. . . I 1 . . . ... a...llnat Thornton. I k. Iw ahnw aHwan Wed nSHdAT after- Th. porch ZTyJi wiro biaumullv il ViS U the gut""of her ajjter. n uae"r The eu-plce. of the Wo- In lova and appreciation of her be decorated with K, ."il'i! li WW. Brlggs. at the Hotel ,.,.. club of juieign. An espec reavemant. there was no business to Frances Miss Beulah ' Barker, or uiiy handsome array of little people be ttaciemcted; tha first hail hour was Ruiiaburv is tne guest of Miss Marion I wa8 enured for the contest, the prises spent In aoclal converse and then the "... .... cii . nraena. 1 w .nit. , tAP their In- I a....... ..,, ka. i.a Tn nrr'&om- trtnalc Mil rtUttom' thi honor ITvenSen-vM poem7f '155 as Tlse.-Mr. Llndy .."a conveyea. v nasi -. un.i oi eacn ywnm- wee w . - "Z"7a Vreit oomberraUon. .a' ira - vmvj tv IDUU1K WlUCn 'W lO Ula Wl J .OSl f le. V.-J Vea 'am Jj) Mr. M. L. Mlsenhelmer, foreman decorated with lanterns, which made I Mrs. W. W. Brlggs. On Saturday afternoon. In honor of tier guest Mrs. Brevard Nixon, of Charlotte, Mrs. J. T. Jones waa at home to the ladles of the faculty of . (Davenport College. In a contest In hrhlch blanks wera to be filled with the namea of magazines, Mrs. Nixon Jron the prize, a box of dainty ruch- Ings, and Miss Crandall received the , consolation, a colored Easter egg. The : piano solos of Misses Crandall and Baylor and Mrs. C. C. Weaver, render . d with great akill. gava much pleas- tire. MJss Leila Judnon Tuttle read. I n - mer inimitable - manner, two oj Uncle Remus" stories. Mlas Jessie Courtney assisted Mrs. Jones in serv ing a light collation. Those Invited to meet Mrs. Klxon were: Misses Park . r. Rusmisell, Carr. Taylor. Crandall. (Webb. Lear. Bowman. Hexton. Tut- I!?' Howard and Courtney: Mesdamea Weaver, Munvar, C. C. Weaver. M. Courtney and C. A. Weaver. The Moravian Easter services in Wlnston-Halem were attended this year by Misses Wirt Shelton, Exle Collins and Mary Anderson and Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Roach. Dr. and Mra Roach remained over for the Easter german. Other visitors to Winston- Salem for the ball game Monday be tween the University and St. John's College of Maryland were Messrs. J. Bart Webster, Dan H. Dugaer, C. O. McMlchael and Joseph M. Vaughn. Dr. apd Mrs. E. A. Lockett. of Winston-Salem, arrived Saturday, to spend Easter at Deep Spring farm with Mrs. Lockfctt'a parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Lindsay. Miss Hilda Wall, who la attending falem Academy, spent Easter with her mother, Mrs. Mollis Wall. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Price, who spent the winter at West Palm Beach, Fla.. will return home this week. Mr. Cabrea Penn. who has been visiting his parents In Relds vllle for the past week, returned yes terday. ' of the social Miss Oertmde Hall' entertained the Wise and Otherwise Book Club at fcer home Thursday afternoon. The election of officers consumed most of the time alloted to the business ses lon; with the reiejlt following: Presi dent Mrs. W. H. Craddock; vice president Mra. Edmund Jones; libra rian, Mrs. ' W. . Covington: secre tary. Mra 3. C Beagle; corresponding Secretary, Mrs. E. F. Reld. Miss Hail erved delightful refreshments. Those present were: Mesdames Boulware, Craddock, Covington, 'Erwln, Gwyn, Hall. HenkeL Jones. Kent Martin, tfewland. McGeachfT. VI a nocks. Sea-a-le, Sely, Jones, Reld. Edmund Jonea iTr Shell, Misses, Beeil, Hall and Hamilton. - Mr and-Mra- Cr-H. A.-Ruppr of !Bluefikl, W. Ve are spending a few days at th Martin Houses Mra J. L. Kelson and little daughter are visit ing In Fort Valley. Ca. Mrs. Bre vard Klxon and Mr. and Mrs. James T. Montgomery, of Charlotte, spent last week In Lenoir visiting friends. Mrs. C E. Rapt and son are visiting In Edgemont. Miss Janle Howard visited Mlsa Tuttle st DavenportCre tarnlng to Hickory Tuesday. : ' MADISON. f orm poodenca af The Observer. ' Madison, April 14. With an "eter nal fitness of things' spring ushers in fner sunny smiles. While the gentle rains and soft, breezes unfold the ten der green leavea and purple blos eema.en4 meledlea af HtMibK 1 (111 the a!r, likewise -transformations are re produced la the beautiful and deUcata rolors of human attire and In the re newal of aoclal activities. Again out door fetes become possible; men and vn&n boys go fishing, while girls plan ricis aad lawn and porch partiea : .'r. Chixmao's pond and Mr. McMlch rs mill were the scenes of many T-eet!ars Eaater Monday. The first f r Jaote McAnaJly will give GASTONIA. Correspondence of The Observer. Gastonla, April 24. One most delightfully pleasant events of the season waa the function Tuesday afternoon. Several days pre vious beautifully engraved carda were sent out reading as follows: Mrs. David . Montgomery Jones at nome Tuesday afternoon, April twenty-first nineteen hund red a nd eight - The Misses Little, Five-thirty to .seven The guests were greeted by Miss Susie Hoffman' and Miss Mary Grey Sandlfer and shown Into the parlor, where Mrs. Jones, Misses Marion and Lore Little, Mrs. P. R. Falls. Mrs. M. H. Curry and Mrs. Andrew E. Moore received. Serving In the aalad room were: Mra. H. 11. Moore and Mra. Mary Moore Morrow. The decorations here were In red and green and the color scheme was carried out In the refreshments In the hall the deco rations were In palm and ferna and here punch waa dispensed by Mra E. H. Tuttle and Mrs. Janle Norment. Serving In the Ice cream room were Mesdamea J. Lee Robinson and John C. Moore. The decorations were In a profusion of cut roses. Seventy-five or a hundred guests enjoyed this most plessant occasion. . . me wnoie, a scene of beauty. Music end games whiled away the all too wlftly passing hours. Daintv . freehmeuis of various kinds of cream aim case were served by the fair young noatess. The guests Soma likes 'em young, but me, I don' t j : - 1 alara va AiA ntmmlAmr out-of-doors (that the tiny little Vlo- Theyre better middle-aged. Tve no ob-oti let always brings) and Mrs. Joaas Jectlons to a wldder. waa the gracious one who waa host- - , - t ess to tha W. O. T. Cub at its regu- Not toe derned smart The smartness la al ' lar aoclal meeting.-WWh tha excep-l a woman ain't my Idy , -f a com- I Jest smart enough to cook good meals ?" mlttee tha ordering of flowers to be I . an' keep the house up tidy.:?'-. . H sent to Mm. 8. HaUrtead Tomllnaon ' - - f ' . This marry in is scary worn, out suu-iz t I should risk It - , " . I'd know that I was sartln ot good ples an decent biscuit y if-. In Washington, . D. C. attendingthe beautiful n omens, -rne guests present . : . nan Annie HUdebrand, Louise Little. Mary Hardleter, Ada Ikerd, PauUne and Nannie Phillips; Messrs. George Mc- ivoe. Locae Mccorkle, Russel Her man, Charlie Brady, Riley Self, Har ry Williams, EarJ Humptoa, Herbert Howard and Earnest Plott. the nnia hlennlal conveniivH Gamma Sigma Alpha. Epsilon Fraxer .mhwiTir the States of Virginia, North and South Carolina and the niatri- of coiumma, ron " H. E.?Lltchford for little Mia Lltchford. ; .Martha, navne of popular book of Which the verse was descriptive. Tha contest waa aot only a well-gotten up, enjoy able - feature 6f the afternoon, but was aUso Instructive. ' ' Quito a num ber, elghf or. nine, tied for the nrst pretty bard to beat 'am. The galtlea of Easter week wera launched In Raleigh, with the threa brilliant concerts constituting tha ,iumpi., "'"-r, - -. h.,. .,. ir-tival under r" -.. the Dutch room of tne z.inz,naor '"t I !T .,or.i 1 pnie e pre, wm .. - - rr....a. .ventnr. rne mo . T . t,., . I ly iinea , ana , wuo . tiwici ona. iuTO , r-,. i i Hocieiv ana ins naieiaa roiiam muuiv, i a ani ,.ni.f mmm m-n a mm welcome waa maoe oy 1 I orchestra reonesentlnr a splendid ag- I "" L,i : , !-,. Tt. J... . llrall ' I .. .a w. .,.L..I tilanl tt aha I -.vuw. .. , a uia, auuimiaj Jwa met iniH I v'" -eek on Tuesday afternoon at tha home of Mra J. H. McLelland on Main street, and for the first time many weeks not a single member the ..unuon TtlV foVVoma masted and" the following toasU .ware m the. concerU. to OT. Irrin PyTor, In -' X ,1. an Ail ma nn Htii -haw fun, utmnnm-m eooked rlsht without no ftntlu- - H e U iu aaa -wa.a the beast my blesstn'. - " An give- ejKWiiiw - I orchestra representing a spienaia g- hlt .kki This after drawing In xnXL , A-ntlon regaUon Of the musical talent of th J X: The eocUl side of the convention g der the direction of Wade R. 1,. TJ? J2? JZStL. materialized Tuesday, even ng at B,own dean of muslc ftt thft Baptist 1 1"-"-' vm. I ain't romantic? That nay be. X don't make no pretensions,. r But when It comes to woman X win take the largo dimensions. - i H on m-atenauiea . . , Brown, aean Di music ai ma mpuw w.-i... '...tai m ui., r.iiaa.. : 7 n elegant banquet tendered by the local Umver8lty f0P Women. The event. -JSR PILES CUBED AT HOME U er alumni. At this charming function attracted immense audiences, many f?. -SI, T?inteA In . rZZ JZ.ZJT . -,elJ7jr- Dr-.o-rta. -f- ; 'Jl 'tZi.. -r;BY.OTiW ABSORPTION ,- time and several very fine .criticisms responded to: rrom English papers hostess. The author, having been discussed occasion, nothing further regarding him. The ternoon study was frnm tha war Kata-aan h, Btn.a. a. Italaa " W. C CrOOm. data and an iinnaiiallv lara-a nnmhar I A rfellclOUB menu was servea of papers were read bv the dinerent I meats were Mhw Louisa Bahhson Viewing Breth- The chorus work of the festival was METHOD. . -nil..., iUe-aa alriha Ik An a. k it te A aarl ann firrv AT KB MWrTwm I aJ '' " . T I Tat ae,. ...ffaa -am h sail He ' HaV ntf . ,. ivere read by the ran." Mr. a. . T'V"- -"- V"""'".,;,.f I and .serving the vloiet-coioroo, orange lM"A , Joseph Vance, epsilon." Rev. A. I r". "V.a Z.ZT", Ti. riri-V..- Ice. cake aad violet and' white . minta. " d r -.if tell vou how to eura ,t on a previous Wa Chapter-." r-. l7i,"' I .Jri Jf . .iV ia lattar I tha bosteaa waa asaiated by her at- yourwif at home by the new absorption was given "0r Alumn). Mr. a. 'Vlneo sister-in-law. . Mra ..W.. C. rttj.4Md ji. aua jomm. of P,C.u0the KWftJ H AnarewsTTho covert Vf the r lea ' lM3lHTYZi re fronT'your own Totality 'if r W North Carolina "The Goat, Mr. J. .. Anarew-, ei.T.,v. iia tha trtna-'a were: Meedames Jonn . tate ana M,, t,!... r.ii ..4 Mnn.... irw. I Daughters mat this week with Mra, "a - . - . ,.a ments for the annual etate convention ones present thus the afternoon prov-lalth Mr. J. H.. Andrews, or Raleigh; I 0f tn organlaaUon ' to convene here I were: . Meedames Joseph. James In May. A reception by tne wo- iFamss, Auorey noorrr, ura Edward Freese, Misses jessie anu cur assured. Bend no money, but tall Allle Burton. Ellaaboth Carwer, Em- others of this offer. Write to-day to, j . . . I W fl..,...,,.-. Da T Va4m r..Ma. . . ' ' ma King.- ine memoer- jrtm . a. , . , llnd. it nna of a-reat imnrnvamant aa wall M.lsa Adelaide FrlUf With Mr, Oinvp as knowledge. The hostess served a son, of Spartanburg, E C; Miss Ma most delicious luncheon In six ry Carter with Mr. E. E. Gray; Miss courses, and beautiful bouquets of Marglo Gray with Mr. Frank Bailey, Hllv of the vallev were souvenirs ef I Mlsa LucV Lybrook with Mr. Porter thin pleasant occasion. man's Club la to ba one of the featur es of entertainment given the visit ing delegates. well. Misses Blanche Bradshaw, Con nie Charles, Mary Alexander,- Berta Regan, X. Irvln Paylor. McGRAW-YARBROUGIi (0. Stedman; Miss Janet Crump, of Balls- Mr. and Mrs. Jenn HarreU enter- WINSTON-SALEM Correspondence of The Observer. .' , Winston-Salem. April II'. The re ception given last Wednesday by Mrs. James K. Norfleet and her sisters, iiu... 3mAijr . ..I nr.ii... a onf Mesdames R. C. Burton.-Joseph P"1-?- Whitehead, Miss Goodson and WW-.. Barnardof A sh e vilte,: The senior class of tha Babtlst kurv. with Mr. Tom BealL of Greene- I University for Women waa entertain- tainmA th. Enworth League of Waah- boro; Mlas Lois Brown wun jar. 1 ed toy tha faculty or me university 1 (.-tjnn' street M. E. church at their Rhen; Miss Etherldgo with Mr. John- j Tuesday evening, features belng a reiidenee Tuesday evening. Cream oox parry tor me music , -at w-ra served after a pro- a.a.a . aiaui -a annnaa e -vaas-aasa rrs- 1 r v n aa 1 .. 1 rramme - or . the , roiiowing:- Misses (Incorporated) v ston, of Virginia;- am uwsit nun ers with Mr. Cox, of Raleigh; Miss Caro Buxton with Mr. Fred Bahnaoa; Mlsa Geratenberg with Mr. Charles Vogler; Miss Wourls Shaffer with Mr. Kaetburg. of South Carolina; Miss Mra :was Ludlow with Mr. Jim Critx with Mr. Oroom, Hanes; ef .Virginia: one of the most charming evenU-of Hu'ae -tr"'i' i otfi wiia the season. Nearlv four hundred in- Mr. Agnew Bahnson; Mr. and Mrs. vitatlons were Issued and the- throngs A. H. Eller, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Sbaft- of elegantly gowned women that filled ner. "Jr. nd Mrs. c. i Bummars, Mr. the rooms with their presence attest- and Mrs. W. F. Shaffner,. Mr. and ed the popularity of the gracious hos- Mra J. L. Gilmer, Mies D. Dove with tesa. Hot houses, gardens and the Mr. Rlugh, of South Carolina: Mr. spring-heralding woodlands were laid I and Mra Pater A. GorreH; Dr. E. A. under tribute in the effective vcora- Lockett Mrs. W. T. Brown with Mr. One of the most unique and inform al functions was the trail party given by Mrs. A. A. McLean Thursdsy morning to a doxen of her, friends In honor of the Misses Little, of Wadea boro, who have been visiting In the town for the past week. After an In teresting game of trail moat dellolous and tempting refreshments were serv ed In courses. Tha favors were red leather hearts filled with bon-bona Those who enjoyed the hospitality of this alwsys cordial hostess were: Mes dames M. H. Curry, P. R. Fall D. M. Jonea 3. M. Sloan. D. R. LaFar, Misses Zae and Selma Latham. Ma mie Huss. La una Sloan, Mary Ragan, Laury Shuford, Susie Hoffman, and Miss Marion Uttlo and Miss Lora Lit tle, of Wadesboro. Mrs. H. Beeler Moore In her usual happy manner entertained, delightful ly the members ot tbs Friendly Ma with some ef her f clan da Thursday afternooe from :! to at her home on Air Line street Elegant rsrresnmentj in -courses, were served. ' NEWTON; ' Correspondence of The Oteerver. Newton. April - 24. The glorious Easter season has coma nd gone bu It brought -a-lth tt many an enjoyment tlons that filled each room with a distinctive charm. In doing the hon ors of this charming occasion Mrs. Norfleet was ssslsted tn the hall by I Mrs. Robert Norfleet who welcomed the guests. Jackson; Messrs. Sully, of North Car- ollaa; Ragan, of Virginia; Craft, of South Carolina; Lumpkin, Currln, of Caimon N. C . Mrs. W. H. . Marler Receiving wlthMrs! Norfleet were: Tuesday afternoon - at entertained progressiva euchre In honor of Mrs. .Alfred Gal- Mesdames R. C. Burton, J. P. White- head of Rocky Mount; M. E Norfleet, of Re.d.VllT;. who Is the guest W. W rn- AI1,"?1 mI: or Mra. A. H. Galloway. Mora than er, ot Washington; Mesdames Frank r JmBl Weaver, of Ashevllle; P. N. Calbert l.l'f' and T G Cotart. bunch of exquisite white ear- Under the guidance ot Mra Charles tlona by tha charmmg hostess. De Norfleet the guests passed into the 1,ciTu refreshments wars served., charmingly decorated dining room, w Wednesday afternoon Sorosla was whr- undertho- dlrectlen-of Mca- ho-tee to all the clubs of the: city damea M. D. Stockton. W. P. Hill and n1 Reciprocity Day was celebrated T. B. Crawford, delicious lees, cakes charmingly hospitable style. : No arid bon bons were served by Misses other -business was transacted, but Emorie Barber, Cassia Rose, Ellsa- the time given up to receiving and beth Hill, Lottie White and Lucy entertaining guests. A beautiful mu Shepherd. Directed by Mrs. W. P. aioal programme was -rendered and Hill, the guests passed to the punch tempting refreshments sesved. roorrl, where tempting frappe was Mra. Clement Mealy returned laet served by Mrs. R. F. Gray, assisted by week from a pleasant visit ot - two Misses Alice. Rose, Florence Brown, weeks In Baltimore. Mra. William Etta Carter and Bessie Henry. Oft- N. Reynolds la the, guest of friends In er- assisting werat Mesdames W. H. Danville, Vs. Mra. G. T. Poeton. of Marler, T, F. Marr and Percy Watson. Charlotte, who waa tha guest of Mrs. W. L. Hill during tha Eaater festlvl- Kaater In Winston-Salem la alwavs ties, has returned home.- Mrs. W. T. tha brightest season ot the year. The UW,UH Iw um1 .Mta" aoumnltiea of tha Moravian Church Etherldgo left Wednesday to attend aa carried out In their Holv WaekTI " Easier gsrmajia at Chapel Hill. services, which grow In Interest and tenderness through Good Friday Into tha sad and chastened sweetness of tha Or eat Sabbath Love Feast to burst forth in the jubilant note of Easter. Correspondence of The Observer. ak 1. a.t ft. . I.. lua. UiaaJ ( I n'ohlorr'mu. L Concord. April J I. -Mra John H. CONCORD. " v",.-' wu? I the Social Club at tha meeting on Frl- to share la themAnd the reverent iSfoJ-e hAita?ltT win know almpllclty of every, detail made the wha? a :daiiht?S we. Th. moat profound Imprts-ion, whlch.ww iSTJSSl greatv heightened b, th. aal.tty'per- wi TunStJSt Rutledge waa the pleasant hostess of cert and a supper thereafter In tha dining room of. the univeraity, Mann. Moore. Macey. ana Ingram M g.aaaam ' Um A A O VWt XT K as t TltatV f 1 s. a' -' ' Iaa e t a. ina jas-wsi v4-umh, I --7 J;: VnTnTS: Barbea and Mesdames, Harold and Wilson. in which people throughoupt tha State was . deeply Interested took nlu, a lliniuKh Af the Oond 8hepherd Wednesday afternoon when f" At the bookf social glvan rThursdtfy Miss Emily Gertrude Higga, daughter evening - by-the Baracaa and., Fmia- ot Mr. James A. Hlggs. : became tha I therna of the-First BapUst-church the j brlds of Mr. Gilbert Elliott Smith, a address waa delivered by Rev. J. E. prominent attorney and real estate I Hicke end in the musical programme dealer of Brooklyn, N. T. Lovely the following Hook part: Misses Book- calla and Eaater liiiea paims, rerns er. Gardner. ' Harmon and - Toung; and Southern smllax were blended Messrs. Francis, Eahelman. Bridges, wun taaterui arrangement; oi turning i Eu-bea McAdams, and . Mrs. E. E, w - ... W. -W.laaw myA WhU. I A-epilaVri. me Smith, of Brooklyn; Messrs. Allan and Jameo Higga, of Raieign. Mrs. Henry C. Walter, of Washington. D. C., was dame of honor, and Mr. Bur ton Hoylo Smith, of - Charlotte, best man. The bride was .riven away Mra - Eugene More heed . Armfleld has a habit of giving elaborate and ebarmlna' card partiea and those who are fortunate enough to be Included In her list look upon the privilege ac- RICHMOND, VA ; , The Monroe Doctrine Guarantees4 the - integ rity of the nation. The V Monroe Re : dipped - Roofing t Tin arantees jou thejest roof you can buy. x Write for Prices. Architects i Specify. ' 9-11 S. Eighth Street -35 ' vta bv her father. ' She was beautifully I corded them aa ona of rare pleasure, attired In white mesaJlna, aatln with Friday . afternoon as the aaked ones pearls ana rose point - iace. ner forsook the world of wind, without flowers were lilies of tha valley. Tha for the flowery realm wRhln . tha dams of honor wore light blue crepe charming home, the transition seem- with plctura hat: and rrled la M a,,,,, . .... from, winter into sum- ft France rosea. . The rector. Dr. L McK. Pittlnger. was assisted in tha marriage service by Rev. Walter Smith. . ot Charlotte, wncle of tha groam. . '- Quite a party of peoplo wall known socially wera here for thle wedding. Including Mra,Ia.-ll.JBmIth, Ot. New Tork: Mm, Gilbert Elliott, Mra. Thomas W. Pierce, of Brooklyn; Miss Wmm ... -; ' ; ; .uai pal - v v-..' -'lO i - ",- '" ."' 'Tilt, tner. The srat glimpse into tha hall I if yon are growing sallow, coi a ox .tne aeteruaa ana. ita - very essence, joy and flowers, tha whits Ann-tlte begins to fall. ones, ana me aencaieiy unea ones which taad ourat . into newer rrom bulb, seemed better than seed to 1U luatrate - (the bounding jEaAer Joy the resurrection. " In addition to the pure wand-Bke - lilies -and ' other Lena Smith, of Scotland Neck; Mlsa blooming bulba. tae floral display waa Gertrude Landia of Oxford: Mies simply delicloua Sitting rootn. libra-1 if von'ra feeling moody, blue.' Isabella Beall. of Charlotte; Rev. Wal ter Smith. D. D., of Charlotte: Mr. ry and hails were decorated In bloom ing plants and cut flowera till tbey C. A- Kenmore. Mr. (Henry Smith, of wer M a veritable bower mada of tle University of North Carolina; Mr. James Higgs. or Knoxvuie, -jenn.; Mr. and Mra Henry C Walter, of Washington. ' -i "-.'.. ' The Mlasea Johnson ware tha host- esses for the Kentneas Book Club Thursday afternoon. glVlng an enter tainment especially delightful Ih addl. tlon to teh club literary programme that was highly profitable as wen at of special Interest. : Taka' (twill make r' hearty, hale) & Mra Joe Person's - Remedy. , - .' , ot -'. ' '.0 i Life puts oa a sombre hue. Take (your spirits . to renew) primrosea, lilies aad gorgeous asellas In reapleadant bloom. Twaa In tha mLta itf a waaalth f hpllliani Kin.. aorne, In tha tasteful, cheerful, hos- j Un- Jo rewon'a Remedy, pltable hall ao charaoterlatlc of .the hostess, that she greeted her guests gownw m an lueaj na enecuva na- I re ..... mv(r i ii.... i a i i m . i 11 Tour kin i" "iui . iwiaa-Qis. wdiga wen) I a a . . graduated la slxe and grouped In do- . - ,u your signs. The ehorr cut reveals slippers I i,. . aad boea of m. harmonising color: ' Beat thing you can d U try la parched and dry. tjae or tna prettiest ana snoai aw i wi un 1 .. " Ughtful dances aver' given In Ra- I ware . epeetaJiy pretty and the smooth - enoy. JTf .-fl.-'V :)kf e sf - lelrh was on Monday night by Col. and Mrs. Thomas 8. Kenan. compU tnentary to their niece. Mlas Louisa Wife, of Wilmington, tha cancer e- lng mostly of tha younger set. Air. Henry Miller, however, jea tne danc ing with hia old-time grace and per fect ease. There were probably a i huaard sruests. Raney Library ball j room being used for tha aCelr. .Tha flexible neW carda with their backs of Easter lilies from which peeped Cup- aa ...a. . . ' . ia stwii were gems ana pui m. go 101., . - r tha game on.the very first start which " ;you hva rosT cheek, never f arred th'rouch the alz ronnda. I ai i ma nmsri Misses jonnia . v.nanesi ayney own wouul seek. - and Irwin Pavlor tied for Jlrat nriaa.1 " In tha cut Miss Charlee roa thslTake (don't put It off a week) nana some cut glass pun eox ana pun.1 v - - . . .' Tha hostess presented Miss Paylor I Urn. Joa Person's Remedy. V.