T 7- ; lory of th Democratic party a ma, Jorlty , of Congressmen front New England were Democrat. The Dem ocrats having sixteen and the Re- Greatest Problem In,, 'the Katlonal Game," by F. C. Lane, "Batall UP Eoolisiand Magazines to Date,," by J. C. Morse, and .under the title "College Arnercla," two ar t, r publicans eleven. And there U not tides. ,The New Football Rales. by the slightest doubt that the Repub-1 Wajtsr Camp and "The Outlook In llcans -would have had the majority I Football Football Dave. by Donald ;. l mil. W ,4 . , KT Vnar. IWIIV.! ' mmm t i I f land.:--.-".. -Xi- .' ., ' ,.: nsrtviw' noNDAaE."" by Mr. Nancy KeeA Brown. Roxborouglv Ce. Boston. H' -x -5. native of Camdeh ft G, and has spent many, seasons in western Nona carouov ' h honir was "written in Hen .tor.Ai.v4ii last summer, .:A Broken liondate.rjntroduoe mny thivru-tr nd proves in auxovr of human nature,' by th manner in which gh handles' tnem. , ' :T, vf .Mrtw "famaron.''' th. hroln th story.' resides with her father in . Mstorlo Lafaystts ,H1U : Jut outside t ftmden. R- C At th Opening Of '- th story, Herman rteUher, her fa- thrs guest, declares nis her .nT. when .:. reiue . threatens ta wak- publl -A terrible , cretmbich will Involve her father eif T e save her father, she prom- Ises o marry the vllatn of th story. s To her, 8 ner tatner avows n iu tat kit.'to meini ot prov In ftTalatlOn declare her faith in him; ana oners- for his honor and name. ! arti FMAar la Introleed to -Mul frry, the Camden home of the t Pares, and to Arnold; pa-e. Marlon's promised nueoana. v ArUfcJhji -PUnf"' ocone.ln which Marlon attempt to break her eh tragwncnt with Arnold Page, but can- '' tot deny that sn stm ioves 'm. : ana la stricken with brain fever, and i ll, taken by hrr 'ther to a Char, lotto ; hospital, to an eminent pnyei- elan who 1 also an old friend. Arn- M Paa-a . follows .hare mere, ana - whe he 'arrives sh Is thought to ' be dying. Because he wished It so r earnestly, and because tne pnysicmn '" announced that there was no hope for har. her father consented for the mamas ceremony to oe reaa. ' old knew that this was but a token -., f spiritual union, and not a icgai mrrira accordtna- to North Caro- . Una law. ' u.(a rnvri of course, or "i there would have been no more of . . . . . A 1. ...... M 4 - xne story. Aor iu; lomiuou Camden and Arnold Page, unable to stay In the face of the situation ban emna ewer to New York, the father and daughter decided to go sway ae- eretly and lose their Identity In some Urge city. They finally de- elded upon Chicago. ' Fletcher legal wife, la Introduced, ' flret In Mob. where Fletcher ep r pears and takes her away to Baluda. t North Carolina. He eatablishe her , ther with her baby and negro mnmy. , whose dialect, by the way. Is very . good. He represents tiimself to be r tier brother and aasurea her It Is all for the best, promising to return ' shortly and take her away. Lata one night, he gos to th- church where they were married and al the rec ord, after which he writes her that they were never legally married and ' that he ha cast her off. There Is a myiterlous eharacter, i Julia Lesport, who has suffered greet- ry at Fletcher s hands and seeks r- venge on him. There la also Fletch er'a myatartou valet, who like an avenglna spirit ,1s constantly turning ( p in time to witness Fletcher's crimes. He witnesses the attempt to destroy the marriage record and ecures It himself. He r tnsei Fletcher's burning of the Cameron's noma In Chicago, and the abduction : of Marlon Cameron from the flames, after It is thought Charles Cameron to burned to death- , After chloroforming Marion, Fletcher takes her to a place out aids mt Chicago,, whers h also .keeps, L yoong jrlrV wh6m hi treatmont has fraid, iarlon, jailer I a. stern old jwomass'andj she Is kept closely Im- 1 iond until the day before Fletrh-af-rr is going to make her wed him. Then itfce mysterious valet appes ra throigh a sliding panel In the wall, arid promise to rescue her that nlsht withltha ald .o f the., old womun. who turn fcuto be an unfortunate yhnm MartoOiat1tlr had befrlendnd enr fcefot: Bhe make her escape, end . Kb IrTTprtmslon- tn left that h baa Committed suicide In a neighboring .Jtond. I Marlon Is next introduced under an assumed name, as govcrn-sa to very haufhty woman In Richmond. Va. The son falls In love with Mai Ion t and Is Imploring her to marry Mm. wnn his mother appears and Merlon li ordered from the house. While wandering about tne street, he comes face to face with hr fa ther, and while she Is exclaiming ovr the Joy of their reunion and t ea , ring him to take her and floe to ' Mexico, Herman Fletcher appear. He refusea to trust them further and threatens to call a police and have Chartea Cameron arrested; hut do . Blsts upo ntheir promise to return tit nee to LeFsyette hall and prepare for the wedding on September 1. ' -tVI Pirujv 'euioq ujnini Xaq, never-been -home. Marlon 1i vsry , "bitter toward Herman Fletcher hut Kaa grown Indifferent to tier fale. Th day and hour of the ere tnony arrive. Just as they ur blng ' married there Is great confusion ; autstde, crowd arrives, Fletcher s tiafcoVid over to an officer,,' an '11 gray i lialrad man., Charlne Capieron s old , -time business partner. (ntroditues ', himself, he had AongUit thousht dead, snd Chr)t Cftrtiere woa his s;uppoeel murderer) PrttttWa wife ' and child are present also, s Jul!a lesport. whac;w Identical;, with f, the mysterious yslrt, produces ha ireof f I1imr many? crtm-j. Arnold. rh Is also In the party la constituted s tnoaKronm an tne ceremony ron wnuesA; 'r.'v,V.ft. i Everybody la nurfectlv nvnnv when ibe story 'ends-H,- villain r having committed suicide In prison and ws S are left to conclude that. they ;.4U . laved .lupy.;vrtf, A PRINCES. AND CHIEFTAIN'?.' f $ : SU would iot attsr i Neptun for his " trident,''.; . ' T' f Or Jovs ftc's pvt t .thunder. HI 1 Marti hi -jHontk' f, What hts breast .forges; that hi tongue , Perhaps a much In 1ove a In ad miration they called AUen O. , Thur man ,f the old dmn." 5 Th appeiia tlon woud better fit Roger Q. Mill. Thurman was dominated by hla un. cle "Old Bill" Allen, who forc4 him COMMON COLDS XWT BX TAXSJT - . SERIOUSLT For un!ci cured they sap tha vitality and lower ti-a vital resistance to store aerious infection. Protect your children and your- grlf by the prompt us f Foley Honey ami Tar Compound and note It qui- and decisive results, For coughs, soids, cro-in, whooping : cough, broncWtle 4 stT'ctiohs the throat, cheat and hints' It it an ever read and valuable remedy. . umber the Heme, Foley's Honey end :r Compound snd , refuse Substitutes, .. na i ta yllow package. SL ; . . .io Co.' to condone If; not ' adroeate'! "rag money.'' It probably cost him the presidency, for bad it not been for his speech of 1178 tolerating green back repudlaUon. it Is not r unlikely that ."the old Roman'' would' have been President ; despite the Paynes, John R. McLean, the tariff ring and Standard OIU In forensic debate In the Senate Allen O. Thurman never met his equal In th opposing ranks. much lea his master but-'; . A falcon towering in her pride of place. Was tr a mousing owl hawk'd at and klU'O. t Mills was made of sterner stud. They called Roacoe Conkllng the American Corlolanus. MlUs was equally lofty, and for principled sake lie would have welcomed the ostra cism exultlngly surrendered place and power and wealth and fame, - The great Texan was a disciple of i. nomas Jerrarson. He saturated him aeir with the philosophies of the Sage of Monticello as Thackeray did with the history, the tradltlona, the, letters ana tne manners of the gold en age of Queen Anne's time. Turn him to any cause or policy treated of by our proreundest political thinker and Mills could elucidate the spirit or it -Taminar aa hla garter!" He put that test to every oolitlcal creed ana plan, was inexorable In the an- plication of it and merciless in . the soiuuon or it. There was no com promise In him. He was a good ha ter, proud as Lucifer, brave as Hec tor, and atpod four aquare to every wina ina,T blew, t He entered" public life at this CaoN tal. December), I1 17 L as a member or tne roTVlMrd jConaresa and simultaneously with yi re-entry up on that theater of Alexander H. Stevens, Lucius Q. C. Lamar and John Toung Brown. Ben Hill. Dave Culberson and Joe Blackburn ap peared two years later, and John C Carlisle, Thomas B. Reed and Wil liam McKlnley came four years later. At that time the Q. O. P. marched under the bloody shirt and loyalty purged from all legislative corrup tion, cleansed from all political sin. It was the era of Credlt-Moblller. Sanborn Contracts, Leet and Stock ing, General Average, Freedman's Bureau, and all and singular other knaveries that plagued the body ool itic and were on constant expedition for an appropriation. Mills had been not only a stout soldier but brilliant in the field and was where valiant men were found. both In the Army of Northern Vir ginia led by Lee and In the Army of tne Tennessee led by Johnston and Hood. A native of Kentucky, he went to Texas when he was yet a vouth and was a caDable and auacesaful lawyor when the call to anna came. An exceptionally handsome man, he was as eloquent as he was brave and as dashing In the forum as he was splendid In battle. And now Mills waa an actor on a theater for which he waa bounteous ly endowed by nature and formld ably equipped by etudy. With a pow- errui understanding he combined a deep snd fierce sense of justice, a vigilant, and a farnatlo honesty, a co pious and a dramatic eloquence, and a courage that waa at once defying and flawless. After the most famous and arrand- ly- fought -fllllbusfer- th Hons-, aver knew had defeated Ben Butler's in famous force bill. Mills Joined the majority faction led by Morrison In the Forty-fourth Congress, which would have given the country tariff reform If the dispute over the oresl- dentlal succession and the death . of Speaker Kerr had not displaced the tariff a the paramount In that contest Mills played a brilliant Part, Kecondlng Proctor Knott in opposi tion to the eight to seven electoral commission. ''There war no greater constitutional lawyer In the land than Knott. He saw the situation clearly and ,sald: "Why throw away a vic tory you have already wont Th Democratic House wW.declar TUden elected. The Republican Senate ft't'l proclaim Hayea elected. That amounts to no election, and Artl-1 XII of theohstftutton then pre-,1 vails, the election la thrown Into the House, and the Democratic House will rhooae Tllden." Had the He pubiicans held the Democratic cards thy would not have lost a trick; but the; Demoorats followed Randall and Howltt Instead of Knott and Mills and they did not take a trick. There never was a more drsmattc acene in a legislative body than that when Ml'ls took the floor to oppose tho doctoral commlsalon. With cla rion voice, magnificent attitude and flashing eye he began: The effect was electrical. ut the flat had gone forth. The Democrats were bewildered and walked right in to the trap let for them. Randall was thrice elected Sperkor after the death of Kerr, and packed the ways and means committee no as to make It Impossible to tinker with the tariff When Randall was the caucus nominee for Sppaker the la.t time Mills bolted, and that same day Pig Iron Kelley bolted Garfield, the Republican eaucm nominee for Spenker of the Forty-sixth Congrees. Randall wa too much of a protec tionist for Mills and Garfield was too much of a free trader for Kelley. Hut when the Forty-eighth Con gress was organised Carlisle beat Randall fo, Speaker In the Demo cratic caucus, yet Randall waa pow erful enough to boat the Morrison bill of that Congress and he also defeated the Morrison bill of the Forty-ninth Congress. Morrison was defeated for re-election in 1$8 and Mills became chairman of ways and means of the Fiftieth Congress. He brought In a bill providing for free raw materials and tariff for revenue only on the finished product ready for th ultimate consumer and pass ed It through Randall mustered nearly two-score Democrats In oppo sition. . When Mill brought In th bill and took the floor to discus It Mc Klnley was recognised and hoped that I he Republican aide would allow the thelrman of the ways and means committee to make his speech with out interruption. "I Invite interrup tion!" roared the Rupert from Texas and he always did. When Harrison was elected Pre14nt McKlnley sup planted Mills a chairman of the ways and means and brought In a bill revising the tariff up. an inveter ate Republican habit : Th country repudiated tha Mc Klnley tariff ln.HJO oven mere am phsttrally than It subsequently con. detuned tha Payn tariff in ll. Mills made tour of New England, pleading for f re raw materials and tariff' for revetrv only on th finish ed produeti, with the result that Now Hamprhlrs and Rhode Island sent solid Democratlo delegations to Con greaa Only one- Reoubiican ama from Connecticut and th .Mass cnusetta , ueiegatlOB contained a tne, Jorlty Of two to ' one of Democrats. Thus for th first time in th his In that Congress, th Fifty-second, the1 rtamnenfa " had the biaaast ma Jorlty any party ever had In thai! body, end Mill was th logical an- dldat for Speaker, ana Bpeaxer would have been if n naa auowen V. m.tft ki J U ana a, Mlull.l dateTand his 1 whole' heart waa In ,t, Oaatonla, Sept M.-rOn of tha not for any personal vanity, but be-J'tnost anjoyabt and profltabl, meet caue he believed he -incarnated a jn(( 0f mar kini y.r .held, in Oaa- areai woi, nn mi uvm in aeaalon, the lr.t evening,. Carli.le. Senator. ! and i Morrison, an - ex member, were Jn Mllla", room. Mill S!1? rai rurted V and aaTdHSr.ri.w member. P-t. would voU for 'MUM U be got a place 08 river and harj There war IBB or more visiting Ma nors. "All right!" exclaimed Carlisle ,on- , MtertaiBmant and Morrison. "tU him he abalt have . T ,ooaI ntertainmant It." "What' thetr" - yelled Mill. "Tell him no such, thing. 1 aoao lutely refuse to have any slate." was magnificent.-Put it iwasn v pou - tics. It was Roger Q. Muia rrom crown to heel, xrom . sain w mar row. . Crisp was chosen Speaker, and x cept that Mllla waa th exponent a great, idea Crlsn was th much! mbrVcVpable ;man for the ; plac Springer was made chairman of waye r . c a.Ma. and meana and brought in Burner- oua bill providing free raw mate rials, th first wool, for which Mr. Bailey of Texas voted, as he voted for all others On the Issue of Mlllsism Cieveiana waa elected President. The Wilson bill was MUlslem Incarnated; but It was slaatered over with .party per fidy and party- dishonor In the Sen ate by Gorman or axaryiana. snrnn of New Jersey and Murpny or new York and Cleveland allowed It to o come a law without his signature. Then the allver question cam on to ahnva the tariff out of its paramount- cy. Just as the disputed presidential succession had in is if. Mllla waa elected Senator, In which body he servfM until 1899. He en tered nubile life poor, and he retired from It ooor. and never etateaman had cleaner hands or clearer con science than his. H mignt nave been a millionaire had he not scorn -.A l Ana Hilt i fllAfl M died waithman. wealth legitimately ac - ouired bv the fortunat development r .nn,a landed orooertv he owned In Texas. He waa a very great man. and his like I not in puoiici me w . An1 TTia HIDI HIU UlllU vanta. ' Know ye not that there I a prihee and a great man fallen this day in iaraeiT AINSLEE'S. The complete novel. always feature of an allatory maga zine, la entitled, "The Sunshine Wid ow." bv Isola Forrester, There are also eleven short stories and a novel ette, "Passing the Love of Woman," by H. F. Prevost Battersby. THE WIDE WORLD. Among the contests of this magaxlne for the coming moutn is an aitlole which de. scribes the experience of a man who waa burled alive in a mining disas ter. "Eight Days in a Burning Mine." The article is a relation of fact CENTURY Dr. Arthur C. McQlf fert's article, "Martin Luther and Hia Work." will continue in the Oc tober lasue-wHh an account of that Important step In human progrets, the upbuilding of a new church. Wil liam Winter contributes his fifth ar ticle on "Shakespeare on the Stage. This paper deala with "Kin Henry VIII,' and the notaoie actors who have played the little part. An at tractive article appear, "The Garden In Town," written by Francea Dun can and Illustrated by Alfred uren nan and Alden Plerson., Reverend Francis B. Clark, founder of- the Christian Endeavor and president of the American National Society of the World's Christian Endeavor Union," has written an article on the spirit, work, and growth of th society which will be published in th October Century. YOUNOS. The October number of this magazine is decidedly entertain ing. The contents include among other things a novelette, "Calla," by Unes O. Thompson, a story Th Broadway Shine," by Walter Jones Ih wMth a generoua chorua girl ex poaerrto an wexpenencea vveiern youth, who has Just arrfed In New York with five hundred dollar and an Intense desire to do the stunts, the ugliness of tne Broadway l.fe undented :h IU dazsl'.ng appanrrmc of gayety. She opens hia eyea to things as they are and sends Mm back hon'i- before he has time t trln himself by going the pace. SMART SET "The Otth," a com plete novel by Yyndham Martyn la a charming etory. Norton Campbe'l contributes a uniqu and moat amue lngly written tale, "A Suppressed Story," in which Smith, a peaceful law abiding citizen, while walking home through Central Park at a rath- er late hour was passed b7 a sus picious looking person wto brushed against him In the darkness. At once 8mlth felt , for hla watch, It waa gone. Instantly he started after the other; man, who fled before him. After a short chase Bmlth vertooK htm. easily overpowered him and wrenched from his cienched fli what he had expected, a watch. On ranch ing home he vpulled it out nf : his pocket and found to his dismay that it was not his watch. It waa nfr- ly deposited In his wife'a Jewel 'ne. The poem and other ah Mt stories av well written and quite ntertn'nmg. "Smart Set" la what it claims to bo, "A magasln of olevrncaa." HAMPTON COLUMBIAN "Th Heathen Invasion," by Mabel Porter Daggett : give much startling and alarming Information- about th growth of heathen religion in Amer ica, Mary E. Wllktna-Frman writes about New England village as nobody else ever haa. 'Th steep le." which appears In tha October number of Hampton Columban, poa esse In a marked degree that quaint charm characteristic of th author, . Another article whMh nill npnw-r next month la "The Thre-Cant Far Fight," by Tom Lv Johnson. t - ST. NICHOLAS. Fiv serial stories are concluded In this . issue. Antony them am, "Th Forest Caetawaya," by ,Frdnen v onn .Baruett. nnd "Dorothy th Motor-Olrl.'Vby Kather me Carwon. Thr are also other etorlea, pictures, and poema which win appeal to vry ; boy and girt By far vth most attractive depart ment 01 me-maaaain ia tne - Bt Nicholas League which contains eon trtbutions from th league member, reader ; of ; th maraclne. not over seventeen year old. stories, drawings, photographa, and poeroa ; , ' 4 BASEBALL. The content of this magasln for October Include, "Th . ,;, MASON'S AT. GASTONIA. - 1 .-1 ..v ' .1 it ISnJoyaUto and Profl table Meeting of Itnpreaentatlvc , of .Twenty-Oae nei UMgtm in Twenty-TWrd District.. 1 onn-i tn n. ni....'',;. 1 , e ' . ' -A ' &' - , v 1 . LZ Tli- .Tl S 1" - 1 wnmnwurn weniy-"o" l Masonic lodges in this. , the twenty third alatrlct. .mbrnc4nf , Uncoln. a-wla4 and Owton; countleav - l I oaatonia a Wednesday and Thnrtday. I wmmwe aparea no pain to make - i vneir any nor Pleasant. Thursday iti morning mi the Tinting Masona were t wen. on an auto ride to , Spencer 1 mountain, citisens of the town fur- 1 niamna macninee, Tne no was aengntiui on and waa thoroughly Thiil"aita ,ftinnA e. o'clock, tha- Masona their., wives. . J wtva MWWfB - . Vll m . V 2uJJ??:'WV' daughter, slater and lady ( friend Sf.'Jftw2!!8-4 by df el - 1 Pro I mm. at the tnnlnalnn itf h(k gram, at ' th conclusion t which detlcioua refreshment were aerved. Th exercises were held in the pyth lan hail and Mr. J. H. Separk was master of ceremonies; When he call ed the house to order a few minutes past S o'clock every seat waa taken and aome wara etandln There were more than SOO Persona present at tne afternoon exerclsea, Thursday night the third degree was conferred upon Mr. George Wit lis of Oaatonla by tha degree team of Oastonla Lodge No. set. Following tne conrernng 01 the degree a smok er was enjoyed lasting till midnight At this aeaalon there were present 100 visiting Masons and ISO or mora local Masona. It waa a thoroughly enjoyable occasion, aa was also the meeting Wednesday night, when th nrt ana second degrees were con ferred. . DODfGS AT DTJXX, 1 New Opera Houeo Le-ed---Bana De- atroyedby Fire Ctoioora Club Be oeives IU Cnartor. - I Special to The Observer. Dunn. Sept 21 The dtv fathers nave let the new opera house for the I I - u A . n . Mnd j w wilson being th euc- cessful bidders. They promise to give the patrons aome of th best shows that can be had; hence the theatergoers are looking forward to the opening of the hall, which will be completed In a few weeks. Mr. Ous M. Stewart, a prominent farmer, who lives at Turlington Cross Roads, had the misfortune to lose his large barn and stable by fire Thurs day night He had no Insurance, The officers of Chlcora Club have received th charter and will organ Is as soon as proper quarters can be secured. The following officers are named in the charter and . will hold office until, their eucceesor are elected: President O. M. TUghman; vice president, J. C- Clifford; secre tary and treasurer, C S. Hlcke: gov erning committee, Clarence J. Smith. W. H. Newberry, Ellis Goldstein and H. L. Godwin. Th present Indica tions are that practically all th bust ness men of the town are going to be enthusiastic members, which will. of course, make It a succeas from tha start All Advertisements Ineerted ta this eolnnui at rat of ten cent per Un of six words. No ad taken for leas than 89 cent Cash la advance. If your name appears in th tolephofj dlrecaory yon can telephone your want ad to VI and a Mil will bo mailed After Its lasertlon. SALESMAN WANTED. WANTED Salesman by old established publishers to handle new medical work. Exclusive territory and good living for energetic worker. Experience not - senttal. P. O. Box Ut Philadelphia. WANTED Traveling salesman, age Zg, wants connection' with high-class bard wars or Implement dealer. Strictly sober, capabls ot taking complete charge of Implement end of business. , Refereodsa A-l At present connected with high class concern, want to change on ac count of family. . Address W., Box S3, Dunn, N. C. , WANTED Salesman Best slds Una On earth:' clean-cut .-'proposition;. pocket samples; prompt commissions; consigned goods. Dyer Manufacturing Co., 1420 8. Michigan avenue, Chicago, Ills, : WANTED Advertising calendar and fan salesman; finest imported and domestic; liberal contract to experienced men with established trad. Manhattan Advertising Specialties Co., M Warrsa,. Nw York. WANTED Salesmen working the dtv to handle a good selling pooktt side lin. Side Line, care Observer. SALESMAN Experienced In any Un to sell general trade in North Carolina. Unexcelled specialty ' - proposition Wka brand new featur. Commission with U8 weekly for expenses. . The Contlnectal Jewelry, Co., Cleveland; Ohio. , :, f .,' CAPABLE aatemtam to eover North Car kollna with staple Una High commission. 10O monthly advance and permanent posi tion to right man. Jes H. Bmiia com pany. Detroit Mich. - 1 ... SALESTCAN Traveling.,; salary and ' ex- T kMHl M ,AMMUalAH4 Ht . ha UHVS. ambitious, snergetlc: splendid opportun . nartnnji not : aaaantial. Landmark Cigar Co Denver, Pa. SALESMAN Established house 'wants tralevlng representative In North Caro lina, Staple lin. Permanent commission contract with T4 weekly advanced to pro ducer. A-l references required.,' L. Rice Company. Detroit Mich. . ; LOST. LOST-Stlck pin vwlth small pearl; Lib ra reward if returned to H. L. Tw car Obrve , " t u ' - 4 LOST Lad gold watch, dou'Je case, Walthaa movsment Reward , if left at ObMrver. ; s - Th Observer seven days in th week cover th Carolina and 'all the story of th doings of th day- sent to your ad drew, anywher for lass than two cants a Cy. " PEOPLE'S coin TJAWTEl. WAfTED Everybody ; v know where V they can get . the 'best Cora , Whiskey made at.tb following, low prices: oiaoa ard Proof, two Ball ona. 11: 100 proof, two gallon. 4M wpreaa prepaid. J. C Coop. r, Bon. IUI -Jacksonville, F WANTED Bright girls between ' It. and a rear of age. : Attractive occupation With good salary and rapid advancement, no previous experience neoesasry. APr'l cants must live la eit with parsnta or relatives and must be able te wrnisn satisfactory references. Apply to person at.ReU Telephone Exchange. ; ; , WANTED-Reglstered druggist Smafl town. Otv referenoe and stau price. Call on or -writ Morvan Drug co Xorven, N 0. CZ-V??'-t;V.,;i.l-i' WANTED Pceltlon by ' experieneid te-. nographsr,- ef erence on request, a dress . t'W.,M, oar Observer. -. .-,- y. ,f WJrTED Expert soda dlapensar at once. Addreea V, (X Soi ta, Cr, ; ; v WANTEDt-Two newsboys t over South ;i era train between Columbia, and Char lott. Blue , suit and cash etmrtty re quired. WrtU to Union New Company, Columbia, S. a '. :.f, l---r- WANTED Men t Jearn th best busi ness la the world, the barber trade, can hare your ewn-ahep or earn, big wage. Few weeks required. Tool given, vage while learning. Write Moler Barber Cow lev 'Atlanta, Oa,1 . . !- .'.;: WANTED OontpJet quipmat ' of , raOd- ra oottoet mill machinery for removal to another location. Bend complete ta ventory and full description; siso price to 'TexA,'' car Oberver. WANTED Te . buy a Heavy Duty Type Cross Compound ConCenaing Corliss En sine, developing approximately TOO a. p. steam pressure at 130 lb. Rope wheel preierrea. box ou, narion. WANTfiD-Two or three strong yeimg mb Cm H to 8 year old to learn atoae-eutter trad. Mecklenburg Marble Granite Co. WANTED Registered pharmacist reference and salary expected. Bros, k Davis. South port, N. C. BeU WANTED-a auu you aafa. O. B Eame Sa Cow Greensboro. N. C WANTED Position of any kind (with chance of . advancement) by willing young man. Address "T. M. B.," care Observer. . :. i I . I I I , WANTED By a young man. position aa assistant drug clerk unregistered, sober and indutarloua, and willing to work. Ad' dress a. B, R car Observer. WANTED Position by saw mm manager, nea) employed, but expecting to cut out present location about December 1, Is now .open for permanent position. Fifteen years experience aa general manager largest mill In Florida. Had entire charge from, the .wood, .to ..market 'or past ten yeara - References ' from present employer and leading wholesale lumber dealer In Florida. Address Saw MUL care Box (Cs, Ocala, Florida. WANTED A position by an all-round country printer In newspaper and Job office as ad and Job man; also make-up. Address "G. C.. car Observer. WANTED Druggist partner with tLGOO, . - WANTED To aell at a sacrifice, one 1 YMn nrtla anil slKrvitf fnt-rw rmitt4ai T- - w-w a w va j awuwver. aTSJ sacrificed as we need space. If you Ic-e musto ,and love your family here' a chance to vprove It R. J. Walker, ill Park avenua WANTED To sell Jewelry buslnee in Rutherford ton; owner in bad health; choice stock. No competition. Write Horace Elliott Rutherfordton, N. C. WANTED For U. & Army: Anle-bodled unmarried men between as of U and tC; citisens of United States, of cood character and temperate habit, who - speak, read and write the English lan guage For Information apply to Recruit ing Officer, MT West Trade St, Char lotte, N. Ct I South Main St. Ashevllle. N- Ci tsott South Elm St., ainsbore, N. C) ttSI Main 8t, Columbia, & ti SM West Main St, GreenvU), S. C, or 187 West Main Bt. Spartanburg. S. O. WANTED A colored man who can lay carpets and linoleum; also hang shades. State wage. Apply by letter at one Jones Carpet Store, Columbia, 8. C. WANTED To buy 100 horse and mulea Will be at Wadsworth'- Bales Stable Friday and Saturday, September 19 and Orov Griffith. ; WANTED To buy 100 horse and mule. Wll) be at Wadvworth's 8ales 8tables Friday and Saturday, September 29 and SX Grove a Griffith.. WANTED Mai . stenographer; exper- lenced In legal work and book-keeping. Give references. Address Box "E.," Lum berion. N. C. ... WANTED-Cirriag and . wagon black smith. Must'' be competent and sober. Jobn Lewis A Sons, Greensboro, N. C. WANTED Position by experienced young offic man, Not afraid of work. Address X',X .cawyrbrvr.!.;.'v. ,-.' yy. WANTED-Roadster or runabout .auto, ; Not less than h-p. S O. 0. car Ob- WANTED A second-hand gas cooking stove. 1 Address JC K., ear Obrvr. WANTED Immediately, -competent night , nginr who must b mechanic, at four press oil mill In North Carolina. Address with, references "Box ).' Columbia, & C WANTED-Poeitlon as housekeeper or manager pantry or linen- room In hotel, by - experienced lady. . Addrass House keeper, car Observer. v ' WANTED Position by young man who don't mind work. Address A., car Ob server, .,',' '' WANTED-Positloa : of any kind (with chance of advancement) : by , willing young man, Address T, M. B.," car Observer. WANTED An experienced pantry lady. Central Hotel. Charlott. N. C. , . ! , ' ; ' WANTED By young lady, room wlta modern conveniences, in private family, close in. Address B., .oar Observer. . . . WANTED Young lady, employed d ruing th day. aa companion in private fam ily. Pleasant surroundings. Address Companion, care Observer. . FOR . SALE On second-hand". Jackson automobile. Can be seen at J. D. Smith Oarage on South Church' Street- Bacrlnoe sale If taken In next tea daya .? , .M FOR SALE 160 ten-galloa wooden book - eta, ' at a barraln, 'Llls-Ntx Company, 17-ir west Jrraa stri,,'vr .. ;?--. ' - - - r 1 . r - - V "' ' FOR BALE Underwood typewriter; good . condition. Rargaln, car Observer, FOR'SALB Jadlaa Votoreyale. 18U mod. els, very cheap. Demonstrations and prices on request Answer quick for (re sults. -Gray Sloop, Mooresvlue, Nk C F FOR. SALE-rMy horn place on County .woroe roao, about nau, mus irom coun try Club. Lot i&Oxta feet Hons modern. 4. .Leak,8pescer,.-''. . --v ....; .: FOR BALE Handsome bsnk flxtures In . stalled few year ago at cost of U.0W. WU1 sell at excepuonafly low price. Ad dress "C. C..". care '.Obsrver. r ;;, FOR SALE Handsome Dank' fixtures in stalled few -rears ago at coat of U.0CO. Will ell at exceptionally low nrtoe. Ad dress , "C.! P C,"- .oar .. Observer. ' . FOR ; 8ALBJ Ohsan.i ary kindling weed, ' sob West ' Sixth street Good Constrae Uon . Company $ vf.i FOR SALK-Jiandsbm bank flxturse lnr stalled few year, ago -at cost of HOOt WU sell at exoeptionolly low prio. Ad- ns -u, -v,.f7car vaarver;,-, A;- FOR SALE One ale alx-rooa bonae lo cated itt-nedment or Louis avenue. one block - from sprmg. Special bargata If aold at once.- W. O. Ross. Phone am. FOR SALE , or Lease, tt- h.p. Traction engine, t iirop Bottom wagon oeoa, good condition. :Propst,Contrtlng C, sFOR BALE On extra nice combination horse, fiv year old. chestnut' sorrell. extra high style and a perfect roaUster. Has to be Been to be appreciated. W. G. Rosa." ,."' r :r. ' ,; FOR SALE Piv-room cottage,--six acres. flv miles from square, 40O " feet on Sharon road. Mason, oar Observer. FOR 'SALE Desirable farm In Gaston county. 1W acres, s-borse farm cultiva tion, .three dwellings, barn,, cood out buildings, well located, to maeadamiaed road, churches, school, store., stronsT land, well watered, timbered, and pas ture. Other good, small and large farms. Writ for list If you wish to sell, write or see me. jonn J. oeorge, Kai Estate Agent Bessemer ctty. H. C I FOR SALE One Borneo hot soda urn, ta good ooadltion; operated, on season. Addrees Box Tt, Charlotte, H. Cv..:, FOR SALE Excelsior motorcycle. . Ad dress or call oa Thomas Norman.- at Charlott 8tcaai Bakery,, n W. Trad s tract , , j . 'i. ..r'4 FOR 8 ALB! A complete Set of second- hand bank fixtures a good as new; win be sold at a bargain. For particulars write Box Ms A Lexington, N. C. - FOR SALE Five acre land, nice resi dence and outbuilding, orchard and aloe shade trees, within quarter mil of ity limits, on Soaron road. Price, M.50S, J..K. Wolf. -'.'. r. .', FOR SALE Two wagon In good condi tion cheap. Suitable for delivery work. Weaver Organ at Piano Co., via South Poplar street irOR SALE One practically new coal kltchen range cheap. Telephone X2S-L. ' - Ba Y flit TH fl aaLe rw. I a. months old. Active and beautifully marked. Look Box 7S Dayton, Va. FOR SALE On MO bbl. roller mlflGalls. bury; 1 40 bbl. roller mill. Rockwell; house and lot, Salisbury; 90 acres land on macadam road, two miles from Salisbury; 111 health cause of sal. Address P. O. Box Hi. Salisbury. N. C. for particulars. AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Bright man or young lady to handle our goods to the hotel la North Carolina, ' Fine ; opportunity, permanent situation, w have been In this business twentyflve years. Address for full par tlculars. Hatch Hotel Register" Co., De Moines. Iowa. ' WANTED Agent. Eight dollar per hundred paid for' collecting aame and addresses. Steady work, stamp for par ticular. Calvert Bales Co H7-21I Bt. Paul atreet Baltimore, lid. - . . WANTED Local represetativ. No can vassing or soliciting required. Good In come assured. Address National Co-Op-ratlv Realty Co.. V 1U5 Marden Build ing, Washington, d. a... v ..f1.-'-- AGENTS Either eex, sen guaranteed hosiery; TO per cent profit; goods re placed free If hole appears; experience unnecessary. - 'Addrasa "Wear Proof, West Philadelphia,. Psv'-''-Apfe-',:;.v-: AGENTS Our new 1911 model incandescent , Kerosene Burner 100 candlepower light burn with or without mantle. Price defy competition. Particulars free. Sim plex Gaslight Co.; New ..York. 'M'f-i v-'i AGENTS No matter what you do your gold mine la our beautiful catalog show ing 1,000 quick-sellln; articles at low prices 'and big profits. Several sales at every house. S3 sure profit every day. Over 1.009 magnificent illustration In our new 125,000 tall catalog f re to agent.' Outfit furnished, tl.ooo prise contest begins Oc tober L Write immediately tor free catalog and territory, a. W. Holmes Co., Dept. 0 Providene, B, f. , ,. ' . , , 'if m' for nam. FOR RENt-f-Two furnished ' rooma 803 South Churoh street - FOR ' RENT Nicely , furnUhed ' -rent room, flv blocks from square. . Modern. Us of phone and bath. Call 8939. FOR RENT Two. furnished rooma, Mint atreet j ., ,( ' 808 FOR RENT Bungalow in Woodlawn: im , mediate possession. All modern ; con veniences. Rent low. Phone 16U-J. FOR RENT Furnished - rooms, light housekeeping, (01 North Poplar street FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms,, up. .' stair, with ball, for light housekeeping. Gas, bath, phona Eight block east of square. 8. Address "Hom,M: care Ob server. , ' V i 1 " FOR RENT Well furnished, very modern six-room bouss in fin location. Address If. A.. ktt cars Obaarvrr-.'yv FOR RENT Two furnlnhed rooms with use of bath. Phone zrt-L - 'J I VI' MICeiJiANKOUS. TEACHERS Many good openings dur- ing .September. 4. Enroll now. i; Not too late. Sheridan's Teachers, Agencltj, Realty building. Charlotte...-. V ; v ; BE H. DETECTIVE- Earn from K0 t . 1300 per month; traveling over the world., WrtU a T. - Ludwlc . Ii30 Soarritt Bldg t' 4 Kaosag CKyJ MKwiVjythS''-?. :'j THE"KILMOTH' BAG A cloth bag of . i cedar Shavings for the preventenoe of mothst To be put In trunk and doaet. . lias m clean sanitary Small. Answers for cedar chests. ,Bent postpaid s5c three for 11.. Agent wanted, to cedar Manu- f 8UPTJRB SWEATERS dlreot to you by "mall I, That's the only, way to buy your sweatersl.-.Our - Free -Booklet TteUs i th I "' r -waa "mivwi 'jwii-i ;un now ; you-v . www wv .miwit jvr wrwrj sweater yon have- bought hitherto, with out getUar genuine .sweater-oornfort and Sweater value., 'Send for this booklet to day while you have It, In mind. Union Sweater Mills.' UT Sckole tret .Brook. THE- NORTH CAROLINA Stat Building '. Communion ' invite - propoeej, f0r the i erection of a'' Stat Bulldlns? at Ralelai. '; Nrth Carolina, to be approxtmataA'60x.ja J. concrete construction with exterior -of tone, brieTsi -aad terra eotta. , AH pre- poaals must ba directed to- air Ashly v Horn,, Chairman - 8tate Bunding , Com-1 mission,' cs.r State Auditor's offic. ital lgh, N. C. and be delivered not later ' than 1 .o'clock p, m. on November V 1SU. ' Each proposal , must be aocomoaniad hr certified check fn th amount-of (S.OOt . payable to th Chairman Of the Cosamls- slon. check to be forfeited in; th event . of bidder failing-or refusing to ntr into contract If am Is awarded to him. Ay copy ef the plan and Opacification will ; be sent express collect, uoo aolioatid to P.t Thornton . Mary. jArohlteet, -tf ) Candler Building, Atlanta, Oa,. and upon ; payment ot St to cover cost of blue print ' Ing. Ashley Horn,'.- Chatrawja, W.. -Springer, Becretary. ifj-i-1, H . BOOK-KEEPEflRS, steporraphera, 'olerkg. - v a . secure positions., Business Depart ment. Sheridan's Teacher' Araueiea. i Charlott. c"S ' ' L ' ANT 1NTELUOENT person may m' steady . Inoom corresponding for news- ' paper. Experience unnecessary. Addr Press Coireapondeno Bureau. Washing- i ton,", c. . ,' i .-;',.- '.. s 0 NOT ICE Big stock. jt sixes yitrlfled pip ana oiunga. v. v. STUrr., ; .' WOMEN Sen guaranteed hose; 7 per per oentproflt; make $10 dally; full or part -time; . beginners tavesttgat. Strona Knit, Box , West Philadelphia, Fa. FREE ILLUSTRATED BOOK tells about ever .W protected poaiUoa m U. S. service. More than 0,ooo vaoancies every yeatv Ther la a big chance her for Tou aw.snu swwvos Vr. Hiram mpioy menU-Easy to get Just ask for booklet r booklet 4H Hopkins, f J tat No obligation. Earl Washington D. C. . .. IF YOU WANT position, book-keeper or stenographer, communicate prompt-. ly. .Chartott Employment Company. a'. $3 OR $ A DAY. take your pick. Here- a nunch your opportunity. Whirlwind I seller, men wild over marvelous work of aew automatic rasor blade; sip-sip. . Th 1 trick's done. Get busy with this money coining machine in your territory. Agents. salesmen, managers wanted. All or spar '? time. No experience required. Follow in structions. $L50 profit every 10 minutes. Lrfro-cnano tor bustier. Get fact, sworn proofs now. Th Never Fall Company, 1201 Col ton Bldg.. Toledo, Ohio. - . FARM FOR PROFIT in Eastern North Carolina. The "Nation's Garden Spot"; Leads other localities for vegetables..' fruits, and staple farming on small cap ital. . Homesecker ' and Investors writ Carolina Development Company, 82$ South ern Building. Wilmington, N. C. , SUITS tallored-to-meaaure for, Charlott ' trade at absolutely manufacturers ;. price a The Charlotte Troueer i Co. Up town office 418 Realty Bldg. Phone IZL LADIES We have good positions waiting if you " -will learn halrdresslng with the Hermann permanent hair wave. No v competition. Big money. Manicuring, , facial massage, electrolysis and chiropody taught Write today. Moler College, Ajk.) lanta, Ga, . . v ;,--v---ir !- FREE . B AMPLE Patented - August :' 39, Ifllt Nsw -No-Splash are winners. W dailv, nroflt dead aasv Wa can orov It Send ta fmalllng oot). Seed Filter O. Nw, York. a v. . H . , Vf TWO FINE plantations, near. Savannah, - Ga. From owners.-Only U-ntlles from Savannah, shell road and two trunk lines v of railroad. No better soli In South: Adapted toJBea Island and upland cotton, sugar-cane. corn, potatoes, ideal for win ter truck. Flowing artesian walla Num-' her one: 4,000 acres fine buildings. Num ber two! 1009 acres-fair buildings. Price -only (BO per more. Biggest bargains In the South. ,V Address Owner, Box S31, Bruns-r wick. Georgia, . v, 1M -v.o -, t to thai IF YOU WANT to make a good Income learn china, paintmg. tha moat fascinat. Ing art, Writ at One for special Intro ductory offer. All materials furnished. In ternational Art Studios. Rochester, jr. Y. CLOSING ..OUT . .PIANOS W have sev- 'ft vrw jwt j uuq ywwv, villus ww nuii seu - Immediately or reshlp before we close cur temporary Office here In Charlotte Rath er than box and reshlp the pianos we will -sell then below their, wholesale : value and give easy terms- of psyment - Vara Is an opportunity , If you expect a piano wltbla a year or tw. it wm CV. you to ook into this.; Weaver OrgaaV Piano Co., 1 South Poplar street , ' . , WILL SUB-LET most deirabl lx room house, very modern conveniences. fWUl sell t jange,,? refrigerator, carpets. , shades, qta, at low price.' Address Best Location, car Observer. , . rV., ,, TUBERCULOSIS .I conquered "Nature's Creatlon' saves ...consumptives. Writ for , testimonial , of . prominent people. Booklet free. All letters promptly an- ' swered. E. D. -Morgan, Hippodrome Bldg.. Cleveland, Ohio- .'"-!-, BEAUTY SPOTS in. hearts, clubs, stars and Other attractive designs; also some thing of special interest to college girls manicuring,' shampooing, scalp treatment' and facial message. .-Miss Mary E. Burt telephone number ZTU, Selwyn, The Obsorvet en days in tns week covers th Carolina and tUS the story of th doings of th Cay sent to your address anywher for U-.- than two cents a day. i .Tha Dujr Observer geu ti neA I