i::::(.n:!o SO. 15 TO 13 IZ3 New Tork, Aug. 87. Bullish private crop report tended to confirm expectation of ft lower condition figure from Washington Monday, led to a further broadening of bunlness tn the Cotton msrhet here today.' Trading, In fact, wan considered more ac tive and general than at any time since early In the Summer and January con tracts sold up to 10.14, or l points above tho ow level of last Monday and over a a cent a pound above the low price reached on the break of laat July. Closing price were off from the beat under realising but the final tone waa steady at a net advance of from II to is point for the day. The market opened at an advance of 4 to T point and during the flrst few minute aold 14 to IT point net higher on overnight buying order, covering and frech bull sup port Inspired by the flrmnea In Liverpool, prospects of higher rain in the South, and lumor that soma of yesterday' buying her had bees for Russian account There was naturally a good deal of realising at the advance, which carried prices more .than 12.50 per bale above the low level of the eariev week and there may also have - been a little Southern selling, but all f , ferlncs were readily absorbed and th mar ket later sold still higher on the detailed weather reports and bullish private condi tion figures. October contracts touched 1.71 and December 10.01; with the general list selling . 13 to 16 points above last night's closing' figure during the middle of the afternoon. Demand then became somewhat less active and there were reactions of some I or-I. points under realising. Two private crop reorta were Issued, one plac ing the condition at TO. I per cent against 78.5 last month and the other (It against 17.5 last month. Futures closed stead?. ' ... Open. High. Low. Close. October 1. .. .,..1,65 1. 73 1.65 Mi 1.(5 December, . , 1.16 January J. 81 March.. .. .. ... 19.1 May.. ..- ... ... 10.44 10.03 10.14 10. St 10.55 0 04 18.00 10.3 11.61 I.I4 10.10 10.40 peteettosteady middling 1.05; no sale. -upland HEAIIY Eliyil FEUTUpED - , New " Orleans, " Aug. IT. Heavy buying again waa the feature of the cotton mar ket today and prlcee were sent It to It points over yesterday's close at the highest levels. The gain- was well maintained np to th' close, which, wss at a net advance of il to II points. Unfavorable crop ac counts, a continued good spot demand at higher prices and talk or an organised nun movement were the main Influences oper ating for higher levels. The market opened at the rise on good rabies and scores of telegrams from Texas, Arkansas and Alabama telling of extensive crop deterioration from various causes. Damaging flood In Arkansas were report ed. Alabama sent In reports of rust. Many 11,-1. . II.. .Aalllna nf K UHIIWI1 W. . 11 " . V ....... 1, .. w. . ' " condition of the crop were made, one. of them putting the . Texas condition at II, while another claimed a 20-point drop for Arkansas. Bullish predictions of the aver age condition for the entire belt were around 70 per cent of the normal. Around the first call prices were 15 points up and by noon the advance Was widened lo I tl of a cent ., While there were rumor of much .hedge selling on the part of the South at th advance a good spot demand waa In evi dence and local price were advanced It point on total sales of 2,000 bales. On of the features of the session was the re port that leading operators had combined tn a movement to put prices higher. Futures closed .steady at . an advance of II te II points. . ... Closing bldst October 1.41) December I. Hi January 1.14; March 10.01; May 10.17, Spot- ootton. steady, II points up; sales the, spot 110; to arrive 450; middling .IS..': V . . . ,..... .'.,..: VKW YORK COTTON REPORT. Pert Movement. New Tork, Aug. 17 New Orleans: Mid dling 111: receipt 1,713; export 1,220; sales 2,00; stock 111.245., Oalveeton: Middling 1.40; salea 110; stock 101,185. Mobile: Middling M.i receipt TS; stock ftavannah: Middling Ml; receipts S.lll; sales 1.141; Stock 11.741. . Charleston: Receipts 161: stock 41.111. Wilmington: Receipts 214; stock 11,411. Norfolk: Middling 1.00; receipts III; sales 1,441; stock 19.100. ' Baltimore: Receipts 122; stork 1,151.. Boston: Middling 1.10; stock 11,111. . Philadelphia: Middling 1.10: stock 1.2II. ' New Torkt Middling 4,06! stock I25.TH. Minor ports: Receipts 1,121; exports S. lll; stock 20.610. Total today: Receipts 1,401 exports I. J4t; stock Ut.114. - Total for week! Receipts 11,111; exports Sl.61. ... Total for season: Receipts 101,406; exports Interior Movement. - Houston: Middling 1.15; receipts 1.IJ4) shipments I.J58: sale 1,110: stock 10,12s. Memphis: Middling1 1 11) receipts It; ship ments 1,111; sales 100; stock 12.111. Aurmrta: Middlings I-I34 reer Ipts J!u. shipments S7; sales 111; stock MI. St. Louis: Middling I; receipts 181; ship ments ll; stock 12.14. ; Cincinnati: Receipts 117; shipments 154; stork 14,15s. Little Rock: Middling .! smpmn 111; sales 111: stock .6l. Dallas: Middling 1.76: sales 1.645. Total today: Receipts l.lull shipments , tl; stock Slf.Stl. HESTER'S WEEKLY STATEMENT Comparisons are to actual dates not 1 close of corresponding week In thoussnds bales. In sight for week..,. , in sight same seven days last year.., In sight for the month , In sight same date last year . In alght for season In sight ssme dste last year.. , Port receipts for season Port receipts same date last year.... Overland to mills and Canada for sea eon Overland same date last year Overland same dste year before...... Southern mill taking fof season.... Southern same date last year.. ..... 00 li 250 44 160 44 loo 21 21 S 1 10 II 12 --interior sterka In urea H P2k. Interior last yar.... .... .... ..... Foreign exports for week... Foreign sams seven daya last year... Foreign for season Foreign same date last year Northera spinners' taking and Can- ' .. ada fr week . Northers sams f day last fear. ...... Northern for season -Northern to same date last 4 , S lit 11 IS It 47 SO Statement or worms v rrw Total visible thle week.... .... I.I" Total vIstM laat week.. TV... J.1M Total visible sams dste laat year I,0 - ... . . . . - . . Ibl. M W 11. r irw vita ui.i amni .a www . Of this the total American last week 1,11 of this the total American last ' M" All other kinds this week All other kinds last week All other kinds Isst year. Ylslbl In U. S. this week.... Visible this dsts last year Visible In other ceuntrlea thl eek. Visible thl date last year 1.141 1.IM 1,421 1.04 III 1K 1.646 . WEEKLY STATISTICS. Liverpool,. Aug. ST. Weekly eotton att- ""Total forwarded to mill Tl. -ale, af which !. were American: stork 1.IS1. 0. American III.; Import I.. American 10.00; exporu t.412. HUBBARD BB03. li CO. cottox Mrjicnyn Uanovei itT'r, X T." itr.Jii.:; Ktnr lor It Cotton I-xrlianr, 'k Orlrarii Cortmi txchsnr). Ken York rroduo) Ek liritS AeorJat Ilea. brm Uwpool CoUon A-wv-latlon. - Orders olleltfd lor th purchase) and sairs of Cottoa and Cottoiiaeedl Oil for f-tirej itellrrrr. Fpevi Attr-rtfknt anil iJWtl Trrrn. '$', n tot conrairnu of spot cousa tor drJltery. ..... CorrtrponsJcacf la rlt4, . r v 1 j l j ...I I o Bin i:i lis Tt.:::3 New Tork, Aug. 27. Germany's Implied willingness to disavow the sinking of the Arabic, and Other evidence of her desire to avoid complication' with this country were again the paramount factors of today' active and strong market. Developments In other quarters which heightened specu lative optimism Included the figures com piled by the Department of Commerce In dicating that the United States now lead the entire world as an exporting Nation; another eery substantial rise In copper values abroad and further upward revision of price schedules for steel, Iron, lead and kindred products. ' These cheerful auguries wert partly nulli fied, however, by another drop In exchange on London, demand sterling falling un der yesterday's previous low record to 4.011. . : As a whole, metal stares were the out standing Issues of the day, Tennessee Cop per absorbing - the greater part of the at tention by reason of Its wild fluctuations. Failure of the directors to declare an extra dividend, or take other action favorable to shareholders, caused a drop of 10 points In the first hour to II. Later It recovered to OOM and closed at 511. Anaeonda rose SA to 744, Utah t to 0114, American 8meltlng IH to 12 and National Lead to 15, with 1ft and 0 point advances In Federal Mining common ad preferred at 26 and 12, respectively. The better known war specialties made Ir regular gains of 1 to 8 point and United States Steel, again on tremsndous dealings; ascended 114 to T7, Its best price since tho Injection of the Arabto Incident Should forecasts of the week's money movement be fulfilled, tomorow's bank statement will show another large gain in cash, bringing excess reserves olose to th 1200,000,000 mark of last June. Bonds irregular, with small future offer ing Total. sales, par value, aggregated 12.760,000. United States bonds unchanged on call. STOCK 14 ST. TCTrrrr:. m NAMK OF STOCK. 1 ' i - i j i i ' Amer. Beet Sugar.. ,. 15 tt 5 5"4 Amer. Can 211 tihi ' Amer. Citlo pfd. bid , 41 Amer. Cotton Oil 14 12 life 62 Amer. Smelting.. .. .. 101 12 10 12 Amer. Sugar bid 101 Amer. Tel. V Tel 4 124 1214s 121H Amer, Tobacco., 1 221 221 225 Atchison., I 1111020 U 101 102 A. C. L. . .... ..... t 111 111 101 B. A O 21 12 12 12 Bethlehem Steel.. .... 10 210 214 291 B. R. T 24 15 14 16 Canadian Pacific 11 161 161 152 Central Leather It 44 44 44 C. ft O.. .. .. ... I 46 41 46 C, M. St. P.. .. .. 2 12 12 82 C. R. I. A P.. .. .. 100 22 21 22 Consolidated Oa 2 127 128 127 Corn Product 117 11 17 11 Erie 25 21 21 28 Oeneral Motor., I III 111 211 Great North, pfd. bid ..... Ill Illinois Central bid ....102 Inter.-Met. pfd. bid 71 K. C. southern.. .... 1 20 20 2 LAN............ 2 114 114 114 Liggett t Myers bid... .: 215 Lorlllard Co. bid 168 ' Maxwell Motor Co,... 10 44 42 42 M.. K. A T.. .. ..... 7 MO, Pacific. i .'. .. .. 62 4 4 4 Melt. Petroleum.. .,,.201 l 4 16 National Lead.. .. ... 15 15 04 14 N. Y. Central..' .... U It t N. T., N. H. A H. 1 12 82V. 12 N. w. bid.. .. .. 11070 Northern Peelfld.. ... It ill 1IT 101 Pennsylvania 17 10 111 101 Reading..-.. ..' .. .. 06 141 141 14l Rep. Iron A Steel pfd.. 1 102 12 101 Rep. Iron A Steel 100 46 44 44 S. A, L.. .. .. .. ... 1 14 14 14 S. A. L. pfd., .. .. .. ... 11 Bloss-Bhef. R A I I 11 55 15 Studebaker Corp., .... 11111 112 111 Southern Pacific 01 II 10 11 Southern Railway. i .. 1 11 16 16 Southern Railway pfd 41 Tenn. Copper 212 80 66 11 Texas Co. 42 148 140 141 Teiss A Pacific. .... 2 10 19 10 Union Paclfto.. ....... II 111 110 lit U. S. Rubber.. .. .... 10 II II Vi 11 IT, S. Ste-ol 158 IT 76 71 U. 8. Steel pfd 16 111 112 112 Utah Copper.. 217 11 01 18 Va.Caro. Chem.. ....114 11 10 SI Western Union., ,. 11 71 71 Tl West Bleotrlc 210 117 11 111 Allis-Chalmera.. , ,. 2 Anaconda 251 74 T2 T4 Crucible.. .. .... 122 TT Tl Tl LJ ! 1 CHICAOO GRAIN. Chicago, Aug. 27. Bearish sentiment dominated the wheat market today on im proved domestic weather conditions and a break at Winnipeg. Ths market closed weak at a net loss of 2 to 2. with Sep tember at !7ji and Becember at lift. Corn followed wheat and fell 1 to 1 to 1 eents with September 71 and De cember 82 to 83. Oats were depressed bv the slumn In other grain and under went ahef decllne-Of 1 to lto-t-4 1 . Provisions closed Irregulsr. witn rios a shade firmer, other predueta easy. The provision range at th nnlsh was I to 7 cents higher, WHEAT-- Cpen. , .18 , .IT , .74 , .11 High. . .17 .74 14 Low. ,17 .11 .71 .81 close, H .16 .71 .11 Sept., .. Dm . . .... CORN Sept Dee.. .. .. OATS Sept. .17 17. .18 IT .S8 .11 Dee . , . . . . .1 11. 80 11.71 1.01 II PORK Sept.. .. .... Oct..'.. '.. .. LARD Sept.. .a .... Oct RIBS Sept.. .. .... Oct.. .. .. .. 11.70 11.11 11 SIT I 61 1.15 11.75 UI7 1.15 11.62 1S.7T lit 1.16 1.50 1.60 . HIBBARD BROS. CO.'S LETTER. (Special to The Observer. i ' f New Tork. Aug. 2T. Liverpool wss Im pressed by the forwarding to Manchester spinners and th prtvat report of eendl tlon which Indicate that th Oovernment report on Monday - may b . Irs., than T. That market dvncd, showing so much strength that w followld th highest point, being earn II higher than yesterday. From this figure there wa a reaction of som sla. points. Spinners' takings greatly ex eeed those of a year ago and will eontlns te do so. but It I remarksbl that thos penpl M ar comparing the present enor mous business In steel with the depressed eendltlon -a. year ago calmly tell you that yea most t apply ths sams acid test t the splners' tsklnga Ths feeling has be com mere bullish, but th general idea t that W will have a subsUntlal reaction from thl advaaee tomorrow. COTTOXSEKD OIL. New Torn,- Aug .17. Cottonseed oil wa higher, final price showing a hot advanc of I to I points Shorts wsre fairly artlv buyer. Inspired by the strength In rotten and eentlaaed light offerings of crude at the South. Of the total transactions of !. barrels. ll. were switches of Sep tember to January at 24 and 21 points Th market elese steady. Spot Ml te 1.1; August III to 1.74; September III to 1.17 1 Ovteber Ml te 1.17; November I II te 174;' December 171 te f it: January III to I; February III t Ml) March I II t Ml. Total sale !!.- MONEY MARKET. W Tr. Aug. IT. Mercsntlle peper l4 to 14) sterling ; l-dy bills I II; demand 4 It It; cables 4 II It; franca: demand i.fl4! esMee IITH; msrks: demand UK) rsbles 114) lire: demssd M7) esblea Ml; rubles: demand 24; rsbles . Bar silver 41 It) Mexican dollars ITj Oov erament beada, steady) railroad boada, lr- VsksTtllalw. Tim loan, ateady) I day l4i I day I; l month IV Call money, steady; hlh t: lew IS; rul ing rate 1) last lea I; cloetng bid ll effeted at I. w r.ww iuiim rn,a us 7 . iin. ennds msr. h.i. ,t. nrm.r snd Mali tUr Tr rmr. h active sad mH wear and .. i rli "... ,f 1 Q ..' i n. r ii 1 I i.mr, tet patent, per tW. . t ' 1 lour, utrsU. iit. rnr bbl 5 74 M f nrn itwwI, r.r bti... 1. 0 Cnoice Timothy hay. per 100 1.20 foMon Seed OH and TProdocte. (Corrected Dally by Southern Cotton Cl Company.) ... . Cotton eed meal, ton... ... ... ; Cotton se-d meal, sack Cotton seed hulls, sack Cotton seed hulls, sack, ton.... ..... Cotton seed hulls, loess, ton.... ..... Cotton seed hulls, loose, per C. t4l .60 1.00 100 .41 Charlotte Produce Market Hens... 11 .12 Friers 1 15 .10 Guineas v 25 Eggs.... .... .20 .22 New cabbage, crate. . 11.25 Irish potatoes, new, bbl..... 1.75 ft) 2 2. 00 Seed Irish potatoes, bag.... 1.75 2.00 Cherlotte Cotton. (CurtveUM DaU by Bandera. Orr ti C. Middling , Good middling ... .... 1 WEEKLY COTTON REVIEW. Nw York, Aug. ST. A decidedly better tone developed In the cotton market during th week, with demand becoming more ao- tive than lor months ptfkt, while Decem ber contracts her sold up to 10.12, or over $1 per bale from the' low level of Monday and mora than $1 a bale above the low price reported, on the break of July 10, Relief from apprehension of a break . 10 dlplomatla relations with Germany , and in dications, of such a change In the German submarine program as might go a long way toward eliminating further causes for friction, seemed to be accompanied by a revival of optimism regarding more gen eral conditions and the Improvement in the market has been accompanied by re port of a better export demand, expecta tions of a bullish crop condition report from the Government on Monday, appre hensions that the- continued rains In the South were causing further deterioration In crop proepeeta and the growing conviction In some quarter that with easy money and the promise of important banking as sistance th South will be readily able to flnanoe the only new crop movement. Pri vate crop reports Issued toward the end of th week euggextod . a deterioration of about T per' cent In prospect as compared with jhe.. same time lt .month and .the tendency to reduce estimate of the domes tlo crop has been accompanied by si dispo sition to emphasise the reduced acreage in Egypt and India and a possibility of purchases by the Allied Governments to offset th restrictions placed upon export business by the placing of the contraband declaration. Much of the buying on the artvanoe has been attributed to coveTtng--of4Cta.'. ' ." hw. h.. .... v..,. ... 1 Oklahoma. . . , ,, shorts, but there have been rumors of sup port from formerly prominent bull opera tors, and some of th buying her la be lieved to have . been for Russian account with a view to exports from the local stock. Realizing became more active above 10 cents for the Winter months during today's trading, and there was probably some sell ing In the expectation that further advances would meet Increased Southern offerings should the official condition figures fall to fully meet bullish predictions. BKADSTREET'S REVIEW. New York, Aug.. IT. Bradsfreet's tomor row will say: uplifting conditions continue to assert themselves In trade and industrial circles, but at the earns time there Is a degree of uneven ness In particular sections and cer tain Industries that deprives the situation of uniformity. However, optimism ss to the future seems unabated; our Interna tional political relations . appear to have Improved; some sections report larger road orders; mall order trade goes on Increas ing; the Southern situation Is brighter; money everywhere Is plentiful at low rates. Collections are somewhat easier) foreign or-1 ders for manufactured war supplies con tinue of larg proportions; higher prices prevail for Iron and steel and copper has emerged from Its recent spell of dullness. On the other hand, buyers have not en tirely divorced themselves from conserv atism; ths labor situation tends to reflect In sporadic strikes the Influence of com petitive bidding for help. Retail trade, though good In some sec tions. Is not altogether favorable, wet, cool weather In the .West having checked dis tribution; paucity Of dycetuffs curtails oper ations In some textile lines; and rallwsy freight traffic Is lighter than last year's. Weekly bank clearings 13.158.ll3.ioo, . LIVERPOOL COTTON. ' Liverpool, Aug. IT. Cotton spot stesdy; good middling 6.11: middling 6 IS; low middling 6.17; sales 10.000; for speculation and export 1.600; receipts 200. . Futures steady: August S.62; August-September 6.52; September-October 6.61; October-November 6.40; November-December 6.04; December-January 1.61; January Fbruary 6.71; Fbruery-March 6.76; March April 1.80; Aprq-May 1.13: May-June 1.11; June-July 6.11; July-August S.I2) August-September 6. 4H. NAVAL STORES. Savannah,, Oa,, Aug. IT. -Turpentine. Arm, 74; sales 167) receipts 464: shipments 111; stork 11.171. Rosin, flrmt sale 1.41: receipt 1,202) shipments 1,171; storK 11,101. Quote: A, B, 0 and D I.I2H; H 2.11: V 1.00; O and H 111: I l.l: K 1.26) H 4.11; N TI) WO I II: WW .Tfl. CHICAGO LITK8TOCK. ' rhlcat." ABf. IT.Mots, -stremrt bulk I.IS to 7.70; light T.4I to 111: mixed 4.65 to I.Odt heavy 14 t T.TI; rough 1.40 to .; pits T.el t 1.01. . . Tattle, native beef 1 -to-tt. 1 1 y eows an helters 2.00 te ITli calves t il to 12.00. Rbep, stronfi wethers 1.0 te 4.70) we 4.09 to .2I; Ismbs 111 t Lit. St OAR AND COKrKK. New Tork, Aug. 27. Raw sugar, firm) rentrtfjlal 4.71) molasses $.11) re nurd, stemdy. Coffee, spot, strady; Rio N). T, T rents) Santoa No. 4, lfc, ST. I.OI IS CASH CI RAIN. St. Louis. Aug. 21 Wheat, No. 2 red 1.01 to 110; Nn. t hard 1.01 to Ml; Sep. tember Hit! December II. Corn. No. 2. 1V to 71; No. t white TH) September 724 ) December 104. Oata No. 1. 21; No. 2 white nominal) September 104 5 December JiH. METAL MARKET. New Tork, Aug. J7.-Copper, firm) sleo trolytlo I Ms ,, Iron, (teady and Dnvhsnged. Metal exchange quote tin quiet. 14. 21 to II Ti. At Lendon: Spot reaper Tt pnunds sterl ing, 10a: futures T2 pounds sterling, Us) elect rolytle l4.poun4a starling, Ua-apot tin 111 pounds sterling) futures 114 pound sterling; antimony 111 pounds sterling. CHICAOO CAMH liRAIN. . Chicago, Aug. IT. Wheat, No. t red l.li te l IHi Na I hard I 7 te I.SIts. Cora. N. I yellow 10 tt ll.Hi. nominal. Oat. No. I whit 144 to II 4i standard 4 te 41H Rr. No. I, II; barley II to II; timothy 1.1 te T.ll; clover I I te 11.21. . - . NEW YORE rROVIMIOKS. New Tork, Aug. It Butter, ateady; re. alpta l.lll) eresmery extras II score 11 to 21; eresmery higher scoring II H to IT; firsts 14 ta II. ' ' Eggs, firm; receipts 1.154: fresh gathered extras IIH to 21: extra first 14 4 to II) firsts II to 14; seconds 21 H to 12 t. Cheese, firm; receipts 1.141; Stat whole milk fresh flats, whits and colored specials, 114 to 11: do. colored average fancy II; do. whit 11 te 11. KANSAS CITT CAHII ORAIN. Kansas City, Me., Aag. IT Wheat. N. I hard 1.11 to 1.17; Na I red 1 11 te 1 11. Corn, No. t mixed Tl to Tl; No, 1 white Tilt: No. I yellow 24 t. Oats. No. I whit II U 41; No. 1 mlied II te II. C05rmPATIOt CURED : OVER NIGHT A imian aoa of Pa-Do-La tortlgtit Bd you enjoy a full. free, easy bowel movement in th morning. No rrtnine for r-Do-Lat la PodophyllU (May Ap ple) without thg rrlp. Po-Do-Lag cor- rart tu fos or constipation by arous ing th Liver. Increasing th flow of bll. r'l t Katun's ntispno in ih bowels. With, proper amount of bll. dlteatlon Is bowcia is perfect. No g. no ferments t tlon. so Conetlpgtlon. Don't he vl. k fterrmni. trrMhh. wnttt ef l-b-Do. from your Dmfli't now 4fld curl I v-i!iii. !.., A i. x. 27. Forei'ant: " North t nnthiin ."bowers Saturday ; Sun day probahly I ' ml warmer. South c'eiiit-' Uiowers (Saturday; Sun day partly cloudy." ( Georgia Local thunder shower Saturday and probably fc-un'lay. Alabama and J: iMlnlpp Local shower Saturday and protiably Hunday. Vlralnla Showers Saturday; Suipday probably fair and slightly warmer. Tennessee Showers Saturday; Sunday fair. . Louisiana Local thunder showers Satur day and Sjndayi Kant Texas Local thunder showers Bat urday; Sunday partly cloudy, probably showers In eaat portion, warmer In north went portion. ii Went Texas Showers Saturday; Sunday fair, slightly warmer. Oklahoma Showers Saturday; Sunday fair. LOCAL OFFICE. 8. WEATHER BO. READ. Charlotte. Aug. 27. Sunrise... 5:52 a. m. Sunset. .. . 6:57 p.m. TKMPBRATURE (In deTea 8 a. m. . 4 p. m. I p. m, "TT IT Noon ;. 88 Highest temperature.,.. , ,,, 7 Lowest tempHrature. .......... , .... 14 Mean temperature... .... ..... II Deficiency for the day T Mean temperature thla date last year. 71 PRECIPITATION (In tnoheaf Total for 24 hours ending I p. m 1.61 Total for the month to date.... ..... 4.21 Deficiency for month..., .... 0.83 Deficiency for year,... .... ........ 4 . B a Prevailing wind direction.... ..... ...N.E. a 6. ATTO, Local Forecaster. Temperature. Station and Weather at : " 7 : s p. m. .. (tutors Tim) ) 6 A? Al il at Ci I Augusta., . . , Atlanta., ,. . Boston., .'. ., Charleston, ,. Chsrlotte.. .. Chicsgo.T-r; Galveston.. . . Jacksonville, , Memphis.. .-. Mobile,, -. i tr Montgomery. . New Orleans., New York,. ,. 84 78 8 10 71 18 14 T2 2 14 10 84 -It-86 68 72 88 -84 73 70 62 80 86 W 10 71 84 78- 74 74 68 18 r 64 68 66 2 T4 .00 .00 .00 .10 1.61 r0 .00 .0ft -.01 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 TOO .00 .74 .00 .04 1.24 -0 81 82 '72 - It 80 8 82 72 -tr- 82 . H8 70 . 62 72 Pittsburg. , Raleigh., ,. St. Louis.. , Washington. Wilmington. SHARON'. Sharon, Aug. J7. Mrs. Marvin Klmbrell ot Charlotte is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Walker Kirkpatrlck. Miss Louise Held of aastotila and Miss Mary Reid of Charlotte have also been guests In Mr. Kirkpatrlck's home for the past week. ' -Miss Mary Lee Rankin returned Wednesday from a visit to Rock Mill. s. C.f where she was the guest of Miss Esther McMurray. Miss Bemle) - White Stanford of Clinton, 8. C., who hag for the Past two weeks been visiting: her grand parents, Mr. and1 Mrs. -Charlie Stan ford, has gone to Visit her aunt, Mrs. Walker Griffith, In Ebenezer, The Ladies' Aid Society gave an Ice cream supper at Mrs. J. Q. Brown's Monday night. 4 i. r., ' Rev.. C. II. Little, and auite n. num. ber of his congregation attended th Klders and - Deacons Convention at Mulberry Tuesday.; : ; Rev. C. H. Little, Mr. Moore Rea, Messrs J. Ll and Parks Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. R. W Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeArmorjt motored to Hendersonvl'-le Wednesday.. They will be gone several days. ? Mrs. W. A. Alexander and daugh ter, Margaret, are spending some time in Greenville, 8. C. with Mr. Alexander's brother, Mr. M, O. Alex ander. Chalmers Memorial Sunday schoo'. had Its annual picnic at Sharon yes terday. The day was enjoyed by all. especially the little folk. The specia; feature of the occasion was a ball game between the Chalmers and Sharon teams in the afternoon. The home team was victorious, the score being 4 to 2. The singing; school taught by Floyd Alexander at the Mary Graham schoolhouse closed Wednesday. The friends and neighbors were Invited to join the school on this last day. Rev. R, Is. Brown of eastern Ohio, who has been spending his vacation with his father, Mr. J. C. Brown, leftfor his home Wednesday. Miss Recie ("ulp, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Raiina ('ulp, returned to her work In Char lotte Thursday. . - --- ADDS TO FACULTY, Klon CoUcire Nw ilan Kx Tea-hor In MumIo Department. , (Special to The Observer ) Klon Colege,Aug, 27. Klon Col lege announces the addition to its mimical facu'ty of two members, making six In all as follows: Miss Anna M, Baker, graduate New Ena land Conservatory of Music and a special student under many noted instructors, director; Miss Mabel Harris, Henderson, graduate New England Conservatory, organ and as sistant In piano and voice; Miss Lola Bald Davidson, Greensboro, graduate of Elon and New Eng'and Conser vatory, assistant Irt piano; Edwin M. Betts. Raleigh, graduate of Southern Conservatory., assistant in piano; 4 Victor P. Heatwole, director of col lege band; Talhiadife Henry, Mays vine, Oa., director of orchestra and teacher of violin. - Additions to the pol'ege faculty are: Oscar R. Randolph, M, A . pro. fessor of geology; R. C. Cox. M, A, assistant In English and history: K. K.-MyrlckrgtstanathernatlcBT w. j. cotten. assistant in Latin. a C11E.T CROWDS ATTEXD. Much Interent In Revlal at Lincoln r ton. L'ncolnton. Aug. 17. -Ths Brown ing tnt meeting la rapidly growing In Interest aa evidenced by th large crowd for the morning and night services. The seating capac.ty of the tent la about 2.000 and at the night service especially th tent Is crowd ed to its capacity with hundreds on MECKLENBURG th outside. The music I a great help to the services. The choir Is composed of singers from all denominations, and people from all part of the county. The congregations take to th old and new hymn with vim. Th business men clone (heir stores and places of bus'nena from II to 11 In th morning and from I to In the evenlns. -- Th chautauqua began thla after noon foe a thredaya stay. ' - Wtiltehead-Ifnwcll. Elisabeth Otr, ' Au. 27 Special. Miss Herth AHc Howell and Mr. 1'aul I Whitehead er mar ried Wednesday at th home of the Krlde s father, Mr. W. K. I towel!. In TV rqu! m a n County. The cerem o n r s performed by Rev. James T. Old of this cltr. 7 Woonsockct Slubbers 12,,x6"72 spdls each. 14 Woonsocket Intermediates 10"x5"-j-102 spdls. each. i 32 Woonsocket Speeders 7"x3y3"176 spds each. GOOD CONDITION. Space these machines occupy needed for other purposes. 1 . VERY LOW PRICES. Greenoboro Supply Go. . Greensboro, N. 0. ':-v;i-;;;; SOUTHERN AUDIT COMPANY ' (Incorporated)' - ' PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS and AUDITORS. Offices 0i-03 Independence Bldjt., Charlotte, N. O. ' 811 Chamber of .Commerce Bide, Richmond, V. Onicer9--C. ti. Smith, Pres. A St Asst. Treas., Walter .Cfcamlei-, Mrs. Robert Marshall. Mount Airy, Aug. 37 Special. Mrs. Robert Marshall died yesterday of tuberculosis at the aff of 30 years. survive. r 7 Mount Airy, Aug. 21 - Special. Mrs, Jesse ngel died at her home here yesterday. She was advanced 4n yarr had been U: for aevtral weeks and Is survived by several grown children, Mrs. A. J. Stowc. Elizabeth City, Aug. ' 27 Special Mr. M. H. 8. Rollinson of this dty was called to Hatteras Wednesday by a telegram announcing the death o his sister, Mrs. A, J. Stowe of that place. -Mrs. Stowe's death was a shock to retatlves and friends in this city, as no news of her Illness had reached here previous to the telegram Wed nesday morning which stated that she was dying. A message a few hours later brought the news of her death. . .. . Mrs. Mary K. Reeves, Aehevllle, Aug. 27. Special. Mrs. Mary E. Reeves, the wife of T. . E. Reeves, one of Buncombe County's best known farmers, died at ber home a short distance from this city yester day following a protracted illness. The deceased had been tn poor health, for the past several months although her condition did not become alarm ing until a few days ago. She was 50 years of age and Is survived by a hus band, & father, three sisters and four brothers. The funeral was conducted this afternoon at Long's Presbyterian Church In the Lower Hominy section t of the county. Clifton Pitts. Morganton, Aug. 27. Special. Clifton Pitts, One of Burke County's most prominent young men, died sud denly from heart-failure today at noon in the store of hi father, j. D. Pitts, at Glen Alpine. 41e was 22 years of age and bad been In per fect health and was preparing to re turn fo college, at the University o Tennessee. He was formerly a stu dent at Trinity College, He was fast developing Into a successful business man, hav ng been closely associated with his father tn many of his ex tensive operations, and was an earn est student at college. Mlsri Annie Lea llnw. Fayetteville. Aug. 27. Kpeclal. Miss Annie I.ea Rose, prominent in the so cial and 'church, life of Fayetteville, died at the home of her brother, George M. Rose, In this city at 10 o'clock Wednesday night. Miss Rose, who was 61 years old. had been 111 for several months. She waa one of the most useful members and most devoted workers of tne First Presby terian- Ch urchr furvtvin g-nrr antst p r,T Miss Maggie R. Rose of Fayetteville. and four brothers. O, M. Rose of this city. Rev. John M. Rose, p. D.. of Laurinhurg, Thomas M. Rose of Ham let and Duncan Rose. The funeral services were held from the First Presbyterian Church this af ternoon at 5. o'clock, and the Inter ment was made at Cross Cree Ceme tery. Miss Rose's nephews were the pallbearers. , Ilobba-Prasrr. Elisabeth, City, Aurf. 27 Special. Mr. Thomas V. Hobba and Miss Sarah Gertrude Kraser. both of Norfolk, wer , married here Wednesday by Rev. Q. V. Smith, pastor of the First Methodist Church. 1 D ; Tho Mechanics Perpetual Building and Loan Acspciction .Assets .$1,470,905.00 W have, as usual, taken cars ot our last MATURED SERIES, ths 63rd., paying out as already announced. In cash and cancelled mortgages, tho large sum of 1113,200.00, "and we are now ready for our NEW BERIE9 our l(th. Applications for LOANS and Subscriptions for new shares ar coming In every day and we are looking forward to a large Issue Payments can be made at any time after (September 1st. Applica tions for LOANS received sny time. We want your business and can promise you prompt ahd cour teous treatment we ar glad to etplaln our methods and systems as we wish our customers to undergtgnd thoroughly our contracts. Make a start and do It NOW. There la room for everybody la the Uth Series. , B.E. COCIHtAlTE, CvC- &nd .TrcMM-nrcr-. Tress.; Jno. V,,Todd, Vice Pres. SedUrjr. . Piedmonts Norte, it. Co THE ELECTRIC WAT BETWEEX CHARLOTTE AND OA8TONIA. Effective May 11 Lv. Gaatohla: Lv. Charlotte: 7:00 am. 9:00 am. 11:00 am. 6:00 ni. 7:00 nm. 1:09 pro. .lOjinuJ 1:00 pm 1 l:ra. prn, pm. aw pm. Connect at Gastonia with 0. A N. W. Ry. for Cheater. Torkvllle. Llncolntoa. Newton, Hickory nc Renoir. C. ft ALLEK. Sttpt. MorfolkCoiilIienrDailroail llpw Jhnrt liniib v 1 1 iivis , vuau Pullman Chair Car Servtc Between Charlotte and Raleigh. Wo. 10-Dally, leaves Charlotte 1:10 a. m. Raleigh and local stations, connects at fctnr tor Asheboro, arriving Raleigh at 1:!0 p. m., making connection for Wilson. Greenville and Washington. No. 62-Mlxd train, daily, exoept Sun. day, leave Charlott l:0v a. m., arrives Star 1:30 p. m. No. 11-Dnlly, leaves Raleigh T:10 a, m. for Charlott and local stations, mak ing connection at Star from Aberdeen and Vlnehurst. arriving Charlott at 1:6 &o. 63 Mixed train, dally, except Sun day, leaves Star 5:10 p. in., arrives Charlott 10:10 p. m. Cor furthsr Information 'phone 111 1. K. POWELL, Agent, Charlotte. N, C. J.V. MITCHELL, T. P. -C Raleigh, N. C. ? II. S. LEARD, o. p. a., ' Norfolk V. ANNUAL POPTLAn KXCURSIOX TO RICHMOND, VA., VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th, 115. Southern Railway will operate an nual September excursion to Rich, mond on Tuesday, September 7th. IBIS, from North and South Carolina territory. Special train consisting of both day coaches and standard Pullman sleep ing cars will leave Charlotte at 9:11 p. rn., on Tuesday, September 7th, ar riving Richmond following morning at 7:20 a. m. Returning, these tickets will be good on all regular trains leaving Richmond Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday, September Ith, Ith and 10th. Can spend three whole days and two nights in Richmond If desired or can return on any regular train Wednesday. Thursday and Fri day, September 8th, 6th and 10th. Passengers from a'l branch line points can use regular trains into Charlotte, Salisbury, Greensboro and other Junction points, connecting with the special train. This will be tho Inst excursion to Richmond this season and will be a first-class trip In every respect. Amp'e time to make aids trips to Norfolk, Petersburg and City Point. Following low round trip fareg will apply from stations named: CHARLOTTE, . ...$ 4.60 Concord , . . , , ... ..... . 4. SO Thomasvtlla . . , , , , , .... ,. 4.25 Morganton ., .. .. ., .. .... S.OO HtatesvHlc n ,." 6.0ft Rock Hill. . Blacksburg . Mooresvllle . SALISBURY 6.00 t.00 6.00 4.60 4.K0 4.26 6.00 S.OO 1.00 6.00 "5.00 ft I l.exlngton High Point . . . . Hickory,, .. .... OA STOMA Chester . . Shelby ,, St Newton Kares from all thcr Intermediate points on same bssls. Pullman reservations must be made In advance, Kor further Information apply to any agent Southern Railway, or R. It. De BUTTS, D. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. J. H. 7EAR1T, 6:00 pm. 1:00 am. T:00 pm. 10:00 am, 1:00 pm. 11:00 am. ,l:00jmi.,. i:00 unv 10:4 pm. 4:00 pm. 5:00 pm. ' -OFFICE OF-- II Tr.c Cry , : 12th tl .y r-f . . 5 o'clock, A. M., v.r.1 a v. - i i . : est bld.liT of;, riis t i I i i . during the 1'ro of t s t, lilKhent percentage .f U.a i - ; nual reeclpts. an eWtric l:t: power franchise, granting ti r to use the streets of the city I r t purpose of operating electric ligh.t. power, fuel, and heat plants for a pe riod of Thirty Years. All bids mUHt be accompanied by a certified check for one hundred dol lars. , Sealed bids will be received, but any bidder present at the opening of the sealed bids will have the rimht to raise the highest sealed or oral bid. The successful bidder, within thlr fty days after the awarding of the franchise, must file a bond running to the city, to be approved by the City Council, In the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars, conditioned tiat such bidder shall well and tru'y ob serve and faithfully perform each and every term and condition of the franchise.. r . All bids will be received at the office of the City Manager, who. upon re quest, will furnish any additional in formation desired. The city reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. a C .CORNWELL, ' - : ; : City Manager; Hickory. N. C. ATTRACTIVE LOW ROUND TRIP FARES VIA ... SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South. $84.15 Charlotte to Los Angeles and San Francisco account Call fornlu Expositions. Tickets on sale dally until November . 30th, good for three months from date of sale, allowing diverse routing and stop overs a'l points In both directions. 28.50 Charlotte to Chicago account .naiiuuui joapusi ..onvniun, On sale September 5th, 6th . and 7th, final return limit ' Septenrber-ith: $10.95 Charlotte to Atlanta, GaT, ac count National Association Building Owners, On - sale September 12th and 13th. final limit September 20th. $12.20. Charlotte to Washington, D. Caccount49th- -Encampment Grand Army of the Republic. On sale September 26th, 2th and 27th, final limit October 15th. ' Low round trip fares from all other points on same basis, R. II. DeBUTTS, D. P. A.. Charlotte, N. C. Southern Railway Premier farrier ef th Seulh. Schedule figures published only as Infor mation, not guaranteed. No. 294:40 a. m. Dally, Birmingham Spe. clal for Atlanta and Birmingham. Full man drawing room sleeping cara obser vation rsrs and day roaches New Tork and Washington to Birmingham. Pull man drawing room sleeping cars, Rich mond to Birmingham, Dining car service. No, - SI 5:00 a. m Dally, the Southern's" Southeastern Limited for Columbia. Sa vannah. Aiken. Augusta and Jacksonville. Pullman drawing room aleeplng cars for Augusta and Jacksonville. Dr coaihea Dining car aervlce, Through train for Augusta. No. 441:1)0 a. m. Dally, local for Wash ington, D. ('.. and Intermediate nnlnta. Through reclining chair car Charlotte to Raleigh, connects at Greensboro for Winston-Salem, Mount Airy, Wtlkesboro and Intetwiedlats points. . No. IS 41:40 a. m. Dally, local train for Columbia and Intermediate polnta No. 117:11 a. m Dally, local for Atlanta and Intermediate polnta No. Is 1:6 a. m. Dally, local for States vllle and Taylorsvllle, connecting at Mooresvlll for Winston-Salem and at Stateevllle for Ashevllle nd points west. No. 1710:11 a. m. Dally. New tork and New Orleans Limited, fast through train, carrying observation, dining and sleeping cara Solid Pullman train, connerts st New Orleans with "Sunset Limited," fast 'through train for San Franclwo. No. 1810:15 a. m Dally, United States fast mall for Washington, Richmond and points North. Pullman drawing room sleeping cars New Orleans and Birming ham to New York. Dining car service. Day coaches to Washington. No. It 10:41 a. m. Daily, local for At lanta and Intermediate polnta No. Ill :Jo a. m Loral train for Rock Hill, Lanrster and Columbia. No. 1111:11 a. m. Dally, for Winston- Salem and local points, connecting at Barber with No. Il for Ashevllle and In termediate points and at Winston-Salem for Wllkesboro, Mount Airy and Greens boro, , No. -413:00 p. m. Daily, local for Oreens born and Intermedin! polnta - No, 41 4:5S p. m. Dally, local for Seneca, 8. r. No. 17 4:5S p. m. Dally, local fur Colum bia and Intermediate points. No. 11 4:0 p. m. Dally, (or Oreenaboro, Richmond and Norfolk. Handles Pullmnit cars Chsrlotte to Richmond snd Norfolk,' No. 247:20 p. m. Dally, ejirent Sunday local for MoorcHvllle, Stateevllle and Ty- lorsvllle. ' - No. 38 i:JI p: m. Dally. New York. At lanta and New Orleans Limited. Solid I'ullmsn train, dining rsr service. Draw ing room, sleeping, observation and tluB cara No. 1510:30 p. m Dally, Cnlted State fsst malt for Ulrminsham and New Or leans. Pullman drswing room sleeping csrs New Tork to New Orleans and Hlr. nilnalism. ImhI sleeping rsr Charlotte to Atlanta. Dining .ear aervtce, pay cosch"s. No. 1011:00 p. m Daily. Birmingham Special for Wsehlngton and New "fork. I'ullmsn drawing room sleeping cars t Washington and New York. Dsy roaches to Wsehlngton. Pullman sleeptns . car Birmingham to Richmond. Dining car -service. t - - All New Tork trains of Southern Railway will arrive and depart from the msgnlAcenl Manhattan terminal of the Pennsylvania Railroad, Seventh and Eighth avenues, Thirty-Ural to Thirty-third streets, and will be composed of modern electric-lighted stnel construction Pullman csra Ticket sleeping car accommodatlona and detailed Information can be obtained at Ticket Of Bee, Ne, tt- South Tryon-J R. H. D BUTTS, D. P. A., Charlotte, N. C Seaboard Air Line -Railway T TRAINS LkAVK CH ARLOTTK KrrEC TIVK MAT I. 1II BAST AND NORTH HOUND. Na 141.01 a. m. Thr.ru gh train for Wll mlngton, with parlor Car attached. Con necting at Hamlet with train (or Porte mouth, Norfolk. Raleigh and all polnta north and south, else C A. W. for Charleston. Dining tar aervtre, vestibule coaches and sleeping cars te Washington and New Tork. connecting at Halloa for A. C L. points aorth No. 1411:1 a. in. ror Raleigh, gad Wel don and ail local polnta No. I 1:01 p. m. For Wilmington, Sleep ing ear passenger ran stay ta sleeper all night at Wilmington. This train connect at Hamlet for Savannah. Jacksonville and all points soath and north, arriving Wash ington t l a, m., New Tork tl.?"p. m. No. 1 T I p. m. Cenneetlng at Monroe for Atlanta aad all points south snd oath west, alsa eennecte at Honree with ' fast train for Norfolk, Richmond, Wash ington and New To-k, throaah steel vetl bule eearhee. Pullman etectrle lighted sleeping cars to New Tork. dining cars KU amuad to-New Tork WEST HOl'.ND. No. 15 . a. m Loral f-r Butherfir.l ton, eonaectlng at Hue with '.. C. ti. for all points on thst line to John.. City. Tnn-, C N.-W. .point .iri! av Llncolnton. 1 Sm. 111:11 P m Leesl f'r Rulherf..r! toa. from Rsleish aad.Weidun. connot ing at Lln olnto with C. A N.-W. t .r points en that Una lor further Information !! 'phono 1 ). City tifhce. 13 w. Tre.le St JAMI-H KKIt, JH , T P A, jnHM T. !..- ( . U i A . Kl-inh, ,V t'. dree geeda la good demand. yor Conrtlpatloa evornlshL zzr..i

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