to 17. I. II. :.'V. on! w t" tiiL J i. toJ u ev o an i:::.::ei i .'New tork, Nov. 17. Heavy offerings were absorbed od a comparatively moderate de cline In the cotton market her today and rallies followed with January advancing 11 points and closing flv points up. The gen eral tut dosed steady at net decline ot from I to f points. .. ; ; ' 1 ' ; ' - ' 51 - - Ths; maritst-opened-"baraly - steady ata decline of S to 1 points fender a contlnua tlon at yesterday's sailing movement and In response to relatively easy cables. Ral lies of I to I 'points quickly followed on buying supposed to be for local spot Inter est and apprehensions, of another spell of unfavorable weather, but the market soon weakened again under continued . Wall Street and scattering liquidation. " The cotton seemed to be pretty well ta ken on a break of about SO to IS points from the high level of last Monday, morn ing, however, and pressure then became less urgent with the market steadier during the afternoon, There were rnmors that Russian trade Interests had been among the early buyers, and some of the, local spot people gave the market moderate support on the upturn whloh carried price to a shade over last night's close, Reactions of for t point were attributed to realising. ' - Press dispatches from" London denied ru mors that the Sue Canal had been, closed. The cotton futures closed steady. ..:: Oonn. Hlsh. Low,4 Close. ) uecemoer.. ., 11-51 ; U.SS 11.48 11.49 January,, ,, ; ... 11.07 March., ,, ... .11.10 May,, ,, ,, 1J.8S July,.. tut 11.71 11.S0 ll.SB 11. 7 11.08 11.11 ja.u 110! 11.08 11.17 11.07 11.11 middling uplands opot eottonv quiet; 11.70; na sales. KET LDSS CF 2 0 4 POINTS IN NEW ORLEANS COTTON Now Orleans, Nov. IT. Cotton was de pressed today presumably by liquidation of speculative long lines. The market opened at the decline and was at Its lowest In .the early trading, . when prices were I to points down. There was some recovery around the middle ot the day and later prices were 1 to 1 points over yesterday's close on a rumor that a private bureau re ported MJO.OOe bales ginned to November 14. Only .momentary strength was shown and the market closed at a net loss of i to 4 potnta Weather reports from the Interior were bullish and much damage to the rrop was olalqied as the - result of the recent cold snap, but. this did not stimulate demand, although It gave the market a fairly steady undertone. A feature of the-day- was the report that spot Interests were absorbing borne ot the contracts the longs were un loading and there were signs ot a better demand for spots In the Interior. futures closing bids: December 1 1 87: January 11.60; March 11.82; May 11.88; July 11.18. Spot cotton, quiet and unchanged: sales nn the spot 88 bales; to arrive 1,180; mid dling 11.18. , NEW YORK COTTON REPORT. Port Movement. Mew Tork, Nov. 17. New Orleans: Mid dling 11.18; receipts 5.848; .exports 8,575; sales 1,115; stork 38(1,497. Galveston: Middling 11.50: receipts ,l5; exports 14,440; sales 700; stock 26,81. Mobile: Middling 11.11; receipts 1.392; sales 15; stock 12,087. Savannah: Middling 11.50; receipts' 1,850; ales 1,111: -stork 203.083. Charleston: Middling 11V; receipts 820; tork 81,702. Wilmington t Receipts 1,271; stock 45.867. Norfolk: Middling 11.11; receipts 2.264; sales 160; stock 16,011. Baltimore; Stock 1,018, . Boston: Miaanna 11.10: recetots i: stoca . 1.000. I Philadelphia) Middling 11.15; receipts 13; tork 1.101. New York: Middling 11-70; receipts 294; exports 1,161; stock 301.556. Minor-ports: Receipts 4,485; exports 4,495; tork 47,871. L Total today: Receipts 86,046; exports 14. 781; stock 1,151,176. Total for week; Receipts 36,862; exports 88,511. Total for season: Receipts 2.727,212; ex ports 1,641.183. - - Interior Movement. Houston: Middling 11.60; receipts I.06T; Shipments 1,147; sales 4.833; stork 81,417. Memphis: Middling 11.28; receipts 8,921; shipments 6..005; sales 850: stork 361,167. Augusta I Middling 11.15; receipts 1,000; shipments 1,180: sales 1.496; stork 178,178. at Louis: Middling 11 H; receipts 1,508; shipments 682; stock 12,967. Cincinnati i Receipts 1,474; shipments 1, 115,; stork 9.760. , Little Rekt Middling 11. 6H: receipts 942; shipments 941; sales 143; stork 11.425. ' Dallas: Middling 10.95. Montgomery: Middling 11.11; sales 197. Total today: Receipts 21,210; shipments 14,192; stock (79,094. CHICAGO GRAIN. Chicago, Nov. IT. Scarcity of ocean ton nage brought about fresh declines today In th price of wheat The market, although teady at th close, was to to 1 to 1 cent net lower, with December st 1.01 and May at 1.06 to 1.06. Corn finished to cent down; oats off to and provisions unchanged to 32 higher. WHEAT Open. High. Low. Close. 1.03 Dec. ..1.04 1.06 1.03 May.. .. ....1.06 1.07 1.05 105 CORN Dh ., .. .60 . .(1 .60 .80 May 04 .64 .61 .61 OATS tC 18 .18 .88 .88 May.. .. 40 .40 .39 .39 PORK JaB.. .. .. .. il.TO K.T0 N.ST 16.8T May 18.61 16.6T 18.61 16.67 LARD Jan.. .. .. .. 8.10 9.15 9.05 9.10 May.,' ...... 9.15 9.12 9.15 9.17 RIBS"- Jan.. .. .. .. LOO 9.11 9.00 9.11 Mar.. .. .... 9.15 9.11 9.15 9.1T NEW TORK PROVISIONS. Jfew York, Nov, IT. Butter, firm; re- cslpts 1,111; creamery extras (91 score) 11; creamery (higher scoring) 12 to 31; firsts IT to 21; seconds 16 to 26. Eggs, irregular; receipts 8,078 : fresh gathered extra fine 41 to 44; extra firsts 40 to 42; firsts so to ; seconds is to 14; nearby hennery whites, fin to fancy, 68 t 61. !; - " - Cheese, firm; receipts lot; Stat whole Milk lists held specials 16 ; do. average fancy 16, to 18; do. current .make ape dials 16 to 16; do, average fancy 11. Dressed poultry, steady; Western fresh chickens, barrels, 16 to Hi fresh fowls, Ired, 11 to IT; frosen turkeys 19 to 18. Live, steady) - Western chickens 16; fowls tt to 111 turkey II t 10.- r - .- J ' 'KANSAg CITY CASH CRAIX. Kansas City, Nor. If. Wheat, No. t bard l.l to 17; No. t red 1.11 to 1.11. . Corn, No. 1 mixed B to fi No. I white II to 11 s N I yellow II to 1. Oata No. 1 white 17 to 17; No. I mixed U U IS..." . ' CHICAGO CASH ORAIX. CMrago, Nor. 17. Wheat, No. t red 1.11 Id 1.1S No. red 101 to l.; No. t hard 1.04 te 101; No. I hard i to HI. Cornt No, I yellow, old, 6; No, 4 ye. low, sew, 11 ' ts 40; No. 4 white, new, IT te 17, M , t -. Oata, No. f white S to 11; standard 11 to. Is. ' Rye, no hales barley IT te II; timothy 1.11 to 1001 elover lift ta iai. , . . HTJBBARDoJBEOS. & . CO. 1 COTTOir MERCHANTS ' '" HMOTrf rVrnare, K. Y, " v ' MEMBERS - -i Kew Tork Cotton Exchangt. New Orleans Cotton Exchange, New York Produce Exchange, - Aseoclata Mens hers lierpol Cotton Assoolatlon, Orders solicited for the purchase and gale , of Cotton and Cottonseed Oil for future delivery. Special Attenthnn and Liberal Terras given for corulccaienu M spot euttoa lof dclrrery. " ' ' v ' - v ITirS JCew Tork, Nov. IT, Extensive speculation at higher prices In securities' of all descrip tions, sxcept 'rails and similar Investment Issues, attended today's early trading with sharp recessions toward the close. During th afternoon Oil the' coppers, automobile Issues, sugar shares oils and some recent favorite- Itke Lackawanna- Steal,' Crucible Steel and Baldwin Locomotive, advanced t to II points, while Bethlehem Steel rose 14 to 484. - K ' V ' ' Consolidated Gas and other utilities, as well as express company stocks, recorded average gains of 1 points, i Rails did little Wore than hold their own with moderate 'strength In some liign trade shares and minor Issues, Including Seaboard Air Una, . -v n.- . Partial explanation for the movement In th oopper group cam when announcement was made of th forthcoming dissolution of th Guggenheim- Exploration Company which, has large holding 4n om of th more active., metal .Issues. . Evidently th term of th separation were not approved by holders Of these stocks, some of which receded 1 to t points. ' 'V ' Before the announcement, however, team Inactive specialties fad yielded : much of their advance, while rails, gradually receded; Bethlehem Steel lost 14 points, closing at 480. United States Steel, which had risen to 80,- tell back to IT. ; - The undertone at th end was Irregular. Total sales totalled 1,080,000 sharea The bond market shared their conditions In stocks. ': 7 -7 '' " " . ' T Total sales, par value, aggregated 16,475, 000. - - - - . . - " United States registered 4 declined per cent on call. . . -v STOCK USX. - "') - NAME Or STOCK. IS 3 i c Alllo-ChOlmers. , . . . . Amen Beet Sugar.. Amer. Can.. .. .. ,. Amor. Car Foun.... Amer. Cities pfd. otd.. Amer. Cotton Oil. . ... . Amer. Locomotive. . . Amer. Bmeltlng . . .... Amer. Sugar,. ... ... Amer. Tel. Tel Amr. Tobacco . . . . , . Anaconda Copper. . . . Atchison A. C. L.. .. .. ... Baldwin Locomotive. . R O ... Bethlehem Steel.. .... B. R. T Canadian Pacific. ...... Central Leather. .... C. 4 O.. ...... ... t. M. A St. P C, R; I. P Consolidated Qas Crucible Steel Erie General Hlectrlc. .... General Motors.. .. ... Groat Northern pfa.... Illinois Central Inter. Con. Corp.. ... K. C' Southern... .... Lehigh Valley LAN Liggett A Myere Lorillard Co M., K. A T. pfd 80 15 11 (8 00 81 58 " 70 69 60 II 46 68 70 98 229 T0 126 12 ...! 7 81 14 i 51 Tt 141 158 100 97 741119 117 128 117 128 47 129 '91 108 124 94 221 (28 89 107 8 "i'l 21 108 111 -120 120 94 4T1 89 94 IS! 10 48 27 494 30 480 89 187 63 61 185 68 (2 94 186 6.8 63 94 10 (2 14 96 87 91 167 11 2 142 1 144 79 T6 41 177 74 428 8 41 178 177 402 405 195 126 ii 23 IT 118 12 109 67 11 11 13 81 125 13 82 81 256 156 256 163 15 92 66 Mex. Petroleum. 112 95 6 91 6 National Lead 6 New York Central 41 N. T., N H. A H 12 N. 4 W 10 103 101 102 80 119 117 60 81 63 108 19 41 69 168 103 14 '80 15 16 119 65 88 116 81 41 88 T9 79 118 118 Northern Pacific 12 118 110 69 88 52 107 18 41 59 14 101 Pennsylvania 41 Reading .. ..101 63 81', 51 " Rep. iron Steel ...... 21 Rep. Iron A Steel pfd. 8 10T 18 B. A. L 1 8. A. L pfd 4 41 68 Bloss-Shef. 8. A 1 4 Studebaker Corp T8 Southern Pacific 68 Southern Railway.. .. IT 163 102 24 24 Southern Railway pfd 63 60 181 16 188 64 87 116 79 48 87 Tnn. Copper.. ....... 16 Texas Co 82 Texas A Pacific .- 2 l!n8hn Pacific 169 U. a Rubber 12 U. 8. Steel 1040 V. a Steal pfd.: I 13 Utah Copper 1566 59 180 16 128 54 8 118 79 Va-Caro. Chert 28 Western Union 7 47 87 West. Electric. . . ..194 71 63 88 i I i I HVBBARD BROS. CO. (Special to The Observer.) , Vw - IorkvNov.-42T market- was quiet and absorbed a large quantity ot local selling In a manner which was rather of a surprise to those who kept watch on the amount of cotton sold, apparently a long arcount selling out and going short. Other wise the transactions were limited In' char acter. Much stress was put upon on the small export demand as probable to bring about a lower market and of the pessimist tic views held by exportera On the other hand, more demand for llnter has appear ed, showing the constant Increase In th demand tor munitions of war. ST. 1,01118 CASH ORAIX. St. Louis, Nov. 11 Wheat, No. t red 1.17; No. t hard nominal; December 1.01; May 1I0SH to 1.0SH. Corn, No. i, 0Vi to el; No. I white IDVs to 11; December 57 H; May 1 to (1. Oats, No, 1, It; No. I white nominal; December 15 H; May 18. MONEY MARKET. New York. Nov. 17. Mercantile paper I to IK: sterling! 19-day bills 4.61; demand 4.17; cables 4.I7.7S; franca: demand l.l; cables S.SS; marks: demand 10 ; cablea 1)0; guilders; demand 41Vi; cables 41: lire: demand 4 48; cables 8.47; rubles: de mand 11; cables 11. Bar silver SI; Mexican dollars 3; Gov ernment bonds, easy; railroad bonds, irreg ular. L Time loans, steady! (todays and, 90 days 2 to J; S months ! to I. Call money, steady; high 1; low 1; rul ing rats t; last loan li closing bid 1; of fered at I. METAL MARKET. New Tork, Nov. 17. Copper, firm; elM trolytlo li.00. , Iron, steady and unchanged. Metal exchange quotas tin firm, 41 St to 4160..' ..'---TT , At London; Spot copper 71 ps, 15s; fu tures 71 pi, fs; electrolytic tt ps, 10s; spot tin 174 ps, 111; futures 171 pa, Ss; antimony1 115 pa - II'KSTOCK. " Chicago, Nov. 17 Hogs, steady; bulk 1.00 to US i light S I0 to I.4S; mixed I SO to I.T0; heavy 1.80 to 1.70; rough S.0 to 1. 10; plga ITS to MS. , Cattle, steady; native beef steers S.I to 1.10; cows and belters 17S to SIS; calves 1.0 to 10.0s. ' Sheep, Ann; wethers S.IO to 1.21; ewes IS t S.SS; lambs SO to 111. UVERPOOI, COTTOJf. Liverpool, No. IT. Cotton, spot, steady; good middling Ml; middling .7; loW mid dling 1.41 sales 1 4,04s; for specula ttoa and xport 1.S0S; receipts- 11,400. . Futures, steady; November. November. December, December-January .7;. Janu ary-Febmary 1.71 ; Tebruary-March I T7 March-April 1.77: April-May 1.71; May. June S.7H June-July s.71; July-August I.T1; Augast-Septembar 4.41 I September October; October-November S.4I. . . , ; COTTOKHEEOf OIL. New Tork, Nor, IT. Cottonseed ell ad vanced I ta I points today oa short cover lag Inspired by the strength In lard, bat ear th. close hedge pressure developed with a consequent sharp setback. Final price Were point lower te 1 aet higher. Bale I L 701 barrel. , . Th market cloeed aalr; spot f.TI bid; November 7.17 to 7.17; December T.T to f.TI; January 1.71 to T il; February f.l to 111; Jtfarch til tl April 4 4 U1.7f May 111 to 111; June I II t 111. " sro.tR ami corrcE. " ": New Tork, Nov. 'IT. Raw sugar, easy; centrifugal S.ll;t molasses 4.24; refined, aulet. Coffes, spets, butet: Rio No. T. TH t Tjl fantos Ko. 4. f to Hi,- 1 LOT it SOS ! - i- . j!.- I g in i ; i- of .North Carolina fr lr,p we.-k enthfrar Satur day, XovrmUT IS, aa reported to the d 1 v i -mon of markets, wre as foliows: t hiirlotte: 1'orn fi-c; oats 60c. lJurham: Corn 85c; oais 55c; cow peas 12; Irish potatoes 12; eweet potatoes 75c; ap ples IS. ' Fayettevllle: dom 80c: oats 47c; cow hm il: Trlnh tont.tnpa aweet nota- ! toes 60c; apples $3.60. Greenville: Corn Sac; oats B5c; cow peas $1.50; Irish potatoes 42 60; sweet potatoes SOc. - Maxton: Corn 80c; oats 80c; potr peas $1.80; Irish potatoes $2; sweet potatoes 10c apples $2.75. " Monroe: Corn 80c; oats 80e; sweet pota toes 80c. . Newborn: Corn Sc; oats 50o; cow peas $1; sweet potatoes 45c. . ' Newton: Corn 78c; oats 40c: cow peas $1.75; Irish potatoes $1.25; sweet potatoes 40c; apples $2. . , Prqxlmlty: Corn Toe: oats Sic; cow peas $1.60; irlah potatoes sweat potatoes 40c apples $5-3.50. ' , Raleigh: Corn 90c; Oats EOcj cow peas $1.60; Irish potatoes $2 ; sweet potatoes 60o. Rocky Mount! Sweet potatoes SO. ' .Salisbury: Cora 16c; eats 66c; cow peas $1.50: Irish potatoes $1.15. f - Scotland Neck: Corn 86c: oat I So; cow peas $1.76; Irish potatoes $2n sweet pota toes (6c, - Vanceboro: Corn 80c; oata 7 5c; cow peas $1.60; sweet potatoes (Oo, -' Wlnston-Salera: Corn TSO) eat (tor Irish potatoes $1.90; sweet potatoes 40c; apples 11.60. -,- - ' ! . -Atlanta, Qou Cow pas $1.60; sweet pota toes 60o. 1 . - - i Savannah, Oa.r Corn lie; eat tSo; Irish potatoes $2.15; sweet potatoes (5c; apples $160-4.,, a-.t ,j,.i-i-.-.,:.t,. Chicago, 11.: No. t white corn 63 -65c (delivered In Raleigh T8-10c); No. 1 yel low corn (4-((c, (delivered In Raleigh T3-80e). - ,. No. 1 potatoes, per bbl.t'New York-J'1.60-1; Cincinnati $1.75. : i No. 1 sweet potatoes, per bbl. t New Tork $1-1.60; Pittsburg $1.(0-1.(0; Philadelphia 30-45c (basket); Cincinnati $1.75; Cleveland $2.80-1. i...;. Raleigh canned goods. No. 2 standard: Tomatoes $1.01 per do.; string boans $1 per do.; No. 2 standard: Blackberries T5c per doa ' - Butter, Egga and Poultry Prices, f Cbkrlotte: Butter 35c; egga 30c;-chickens 16c; hen 12c. Durham: Butter 30c; eggs 25c; chickens, 18c; hen 10c. - - ''- - -- -- Fayettevllle: Butter JOc; eggs.25-30c; chickens 10c; hens 16c. Greenville: Eggs 10c; chickens 45o each; hens 60-40o each. - ; . Hickory; Butter 11c: eggs 14-38. - Lumberton: Egg 10c. Max ton: Butter ISc; eggs 10c; chickens lie; hsns Ho. Monroe: Butter 10c; eggs 2Tc. Newton: Butter lie; eggs 25o; chickens 11-llc; hens 10c. -Proximity: Butter 31c; eggs 30c. Raleigh: Butter 10c; eggs 25-t8c; chick ens 16c. ...... Rorky Mount: Butter 12c; eggs 11-tOo; chirksns 10c) hens 16c. Scotland Neck: Butter lOo; eggs 30c; ohlrkens ITc; hens lie. Vanceboro: Eggs 25c; chickens 18c; stock 15c. Winston-8alem: Butter lie; eggs ITo; chickens 14e; hens 10c. Atlanta, Oe: Eggs 30c; chickens 17c; hens 14 c. Savannah, Ga. : Butter tic; egga 26-Slc; chickens 16c; hens 14c. Chicago: Butter !!-!0c (creamery); eggs 30-80 Mi c (firsts). New York: Butter 80-Jlc (extra): egga 39-42o (extra fine). Tsw Orleans: Butter 30c (fancy cream ery); eggs 26-27c (Western). Weekly Price Report. Prices of cotton, cotton seed and cotton seed meal: Charlotte: Middling cotton Thursday 11c; cotton seed, per bu., S2c; I bed meal for ton seed 2,000. Durham: Cotton 11 He; cotton seed 6 Sr. Fayettevllle: Cotton lie; cotton seed ISc; lba meal for ton seed 2,000. Oriynville: Cotton 11c: cotton seed 62c. Lumberton: Cotton 10c. Maxton: Cotton 10c; cotton seed 50c; lb meal for ton seed 2,100. Monroe: Cotton 11 c; cotton seed 65c. Newton: Cotton 11c; cotton seed SOc; lba meal for ton, seed 1,000. Proximity: Cotton 11c. Raleigh: Cotton 11c; lbs meal for ton seed 1,000. Salisbury: Cotton 11 c; cotton seed SOc. Scotland-Neck t Cotton 11c; rotton seed 64c; lbs. meal for ton seed 2.000. Vanceboro: Cotton lto; cotton seed 62c; lbs. meal for ton seed 2,000 Atlanta,, Ga. : Cotton llc; cotton seed 60c. Savannah, Oa.; Cotton 11 c; cotton seed 69c. Norfolk. Va.: Cotton II. lie. I. Whit Standards. . Middling price and difference in price between grades paid at leading spot markets of the United States, Wednesday. November 10: , - Mid. St. Oood St. Fair 0 M. Mid. Mid. 3 1. L.M. S.U.O. O O. On On On ' On MIO Off Off Off Off Norfolk 100 75 SO 26 11 25 37 100 160 200 Augusta 76 1 50 26 11.25 -IS 75 125 I7S Savannah 100 76 60 25 11.50 :ih s 128 18 Montgomery 100 75 60 26 11.13 f,r 100 150 181 New Orleans 160 94 67 25 11.26 37 11 145 201 Memphis.... 125 76 60 25 11.-10 , 100 163 200 Little Rock 85 76 60 , 25 11.03 f.0 100 150 200 Dallas 100 75 60 26 1 1. on f0 100 175 260 Houston.. 100 75 60 25 11.60 60 115 175 260 UalVeston... ...... .....110 M 60 25, 11,50 00 115 .188 250 Boston.. .. .... V;.... T....T I15 H" '9 25 42 92 165 2.10 Average 105 74 61 16 11.35 46 " 99 168 111 JJOTE: To find price paid for grades above middling add points "on" to middling prlre; to find value of srades below middling subtract potnta "off ' from the middling price. Example: Minniing is quoted at n.nuc ior eavannan ana uooa Miaunng is do '"on." Therefore, 11.60 plus 50 equals IS cents, which is the price paid for Good Middling. COMiEGE ON WHEELS. tiotithbouisd Railway Announce Visit Agrtcaltnrl Can to Davidson County. (Special to The Observer.) .. Lexington, Nov. 17. The Southl bound Railway announces that a miniature agricultural college on wheels w(U be conducted in Davidson County Thursday and Friday, Decem ber 9 and 10. Th tram win consist of six cars furnished by the Nor folk & Western Railway and the lec tures will be in charge of the A, & VI. College, the State Department ot Agri culture and the publicity department of the Norfolk & Western' Railway. Two hour stops will be made at every station in Davidson County and lec tures will be delivered in two of the cars and at all the echooi aud toriuma, Farming; exhibits of all kinds will be shown and demonstration in domestlo science and household economics given at each place. The train will start from Wadeabofo Monday and stops will be made in Anson, Mont gomery and Stanly Countlea ft'so. It is an effort of the agr cuiturlstg and the rallroadg to pool their efforts fcr an Intensive development of the resources of the Yadkin country, along the banks of which stream probably the largest developments In the State's history are beginning to take place. This section is going to need enormous quantities of food and foodstuff during tho coming years and an effort is being" put forth to help the farmers set ready to meet an In evitable demand. ' Dr. T. J. Kinbbs Dead, Williamsburg". Va., Nov. tt. Dr Thomas Jefferson Btubbs, 14, for 17 years professor of . mathematics In William and Mary Collets, and a dis tinguished scholar, died suddenly in his home hers today, , " COTTOW DROItERS . Mereben New York Cotton EtcKafi bnd New York Product Exchange, Orders solicitsd for purcbiM or sale el cotton ami cotten-ietd ail for ruturi ; . deli very." V Correspondence invited. " Market Wttm and teleriphie advicH tent ua requeit without charfo, ciiAS. rAintSimb co. V WILLIAM ST NEW VOKK , . Cstebllshed 1W4 "- rents. 1 1, Savannah, c., J1. 56; sales 100; reef v. 17. i urpentine, firm, A$ 335; shipments 118; Stork 11,6S5. Rosin, Arm; sales 1.004 ; receipts 1,172; shipments 40; stock 62.862. Quote: A B 6.40; C D 6.424! E 5 45; P 5.47; G 5.50; H 6 52; I I.6S; K (.00; M (.26; N WO (.75; WW J.10, DRY GOODS. New York, Nov. 17. Cotton goods and yarns were, stead today, i Laces were In better demand for trimming purpose. Worsted yarns were In fair demand with prices tending higher. Washington, Nov. 1 J. forecast: North Carolina Fair Thursday; Friday partly cloudy, probably rain In extreme west portion.' . ;"' ';'-. South' Carolina Fair Thursday; Friday partly cloudy. . . Virginia Fair Thursdayt Friday increas ing cloudiness.. ":(. . t-ft. '-'.li Oklahoma Fair and ' decidedly 'colder Thursday; Friday fair and warmer.. Georgia Fair-Thursday except - rata In northwest portion; Friday probably rain. .- Alabama Showers . late , Thursday and probably on Friday, -v Mississippi, Louisiana Showr Thursday; Friday fair and colder. - East? Texas Fair Thursday, somewhat colder; Friday fatr, ; v West Texas Ffclr Thursday and Friday. : Tennessee Fair in east, shower In west portion Thursday: Friday fair In west, showers In east portion, colder. : a o. atto. ' ' ' ' Local Foreoaster, ,.,.,, -..,,. Tempeftturea ' . Stations and ' ". J 4 if I i (taatera Tlmai j - I I . Augusta., ,. .... 66 64 31 .00 Atlanta.. 54 60 40. .00 Boston.. .. .. .. 21 42 14 .00 Charleston. .... 61 64 44 .00 Charlotte.. .. .. 66 60 11 . .00 Chicago.. ..' .... 4 41 S .00 Cincinnati.. .. .: 41 56 10 .00 Qalveston.. .... 20 72 .00 Jacksonville. . .. 10 72 61 .00 Memphis 51 04 42 .00 Mobile.. .. ... ,. 04 8 ,4 ,00 Montgomery. , . 00 64 12 .00 New Orleans. . . 60 60 61 .14 New Tork.. .. .. 11 4 11 .00 Norfolk.. .... 60 54 10 .00 Oklahoma 44 50 44 .12 Pittsburg 41 4ft 14 .00 Raleigh .... 64 62 16 .00 St. Louis.. 54 68 40 .00 Washington. . .. 40 62 23 .00 Wilmington. ... SI 2 ! .00 ( i i 1 TABLE WiANT SOLD. J. It. Jones mds In Sand ford Manu fsvoturlng Company for $8,000. (Special to The Obnerver.) Sandford, Nov. 17. The p'ant of the Sand ford Manufacturing Com pany, formerly operated by H. M. Wetler. manufacturing a high grade of tables, which was put In the hands of receiver In, December, 1914, was sold at auction by order of court today. It was bid in by J. R. Jones for $9,000. subject to confirmation by the courts. This plant, including real estate, buildings, machinery and stock on hand, at time of going into hands of receivers, Inventoried $33, 2(0. The product had become popu lar with trade which extended all over the South and West. It is hoped that the p'ant can soon be started up as It furnishes work for a largo number of high-class workmen. , . (ood, Of t OUD0, (From The Spartanburg Herald.) . The Wilkes County, N. C, superin tendent of schools haa an "honor roll" .for teachers at well as pupils. How about that for an Idea? It can hardly escape notice that ths trans fer front London to Bt. Leuls ef the se cret of dyeing sealskins Is on of the big gest skin games eyer pulled New Tork Evening Telegram. POPULAR COACH EXCURSION TO WASHINGTON. D. C, AND RK TURN, SATURDAY, NOVKMBER 20th, 1913. Southern Railway haa arranged to Operate low round trip fare excursion from ghelny, Blacksburg, Charlotte. Salisbury, Greensboro and other North Carolina points to Washington, D. C Saturday, November 20th, li;5. Round trip fares front some of ths principal points aa shown below: Shelby. I 6.50 Oastotila 6.60 Concord , Mooresville..,. . High Point , WiikesDoro . . .. .. . . , Lexington .... '. Statesville . . Hickory , ., .... ,. .. . . Blackiburg .. .. . . .. . Charlotte... Salisbury . . .... . . . . , , Greensboro , , , , W tuston-Salcm Mount AUy -.... 6.00 i.OO 6.50 ,00 IM .00 COO 6.50 6.00 8.50 S.80 S.60 .6.00 8.00 6.00 6.50 Relds villa . . ...... Morganton . . . . . , . . Marion ... ' Round trip fares from other points on same low basis. , Special train will leave Charlotte at P. M. Saturday, November 20th, ar riving Washington 7 A. M. following ' morning. Passengers from all branch i line points will use regular trains to Hlackeburg, Charlotte. - ' Salisbury, Greensboro and other junction points, connecting with ths special train. . Returning from Wash'ngton tick ets will be. good on all regular trains. except train 17. leaving Washington up ; to ana ' including trim u leaving Washington at 7 P. M. Monday, No vember find. 1116. Tickets for this excursion will not be honored In sleeping ears on either going or return trip.. Tickets cannot be extended. -: " ' , , j Two full days In Washington Am ple time to make aide trlpa toBalU: more. Philadelphia and many other points Of Interest. . . The Southern ServtS ths South. . 4 v For- further Information, set youf nearest agent or write. .. - Jt. H. DeCUTTS. P. P. A. Chaiiti R. d 240'' Klison breaker I.appers. .' j 40" Kitsi' n Intern-cliata Lapperg. 240" rit;;:-!ier .Lsppors. SO 40" Ixiweil Cards, 110 rev. top flats, . 28" dorters, 12" collers. 72 Deliveries; Lowell Drawing; metallic rolls. 12" collers. - . I Kaoo-Lowell Blubber, 11 gpdl. es, 10x5 - .- t5 Fplnnlng Frames, 12 tpdls .ach S" and 3 1-4" gauge. T" traverse. - . , ." .. .. Twister, 4 1-2" gauge, 144 spdg., each. ; - - ; . SPLENDIDCONDITION PRICES VERY LOW ; Greensboro Supply Co, Greensboro, N. C SOUTHERN AUDIT COMPANY (Incorporated) ' : . PXIBUO ACCOUNTANTS and AUDITORS. ftt as 1-tOI Independenc Bldg., Charlotte, H". 0 ' s VItXCCS tl tCIuunber ot CoiniiieKe BUc Ittchtmnd, Vavl . , ' ; OfBcers C. IV. fUnlth, Pre. A Tceaa.1 no. W. TinM. Vice Pre 4 Aaat. Treaa., Walter Charnlay, 6ecreUry. CAT.LIN & C O. NEW TORK : BOSTOIl PHUjA DELPII1A . CHICAGO Commission Merchants Cotton Piece Goods and Cotton Yarns. Southern Office 6 East Fourth St., Charlotte, N. 0. Being Brought to Uie Front. (From The Winston-Sfclem Journal.) Anyway, it can at least be said In favor of Claude KUchln that he hag put the old second North Carolina district on the map. And not only the district, but also full many a flower which seemed to have been born to blush unseen and waste 'ta fragrance on the desert air haa been lifted out of the old second's desert of obscurity and placed upon the mountain top of notoriety. For ev ery day along now The New York Herald la publishing statements from citliena of the second district op posing the stand Congressman KUch ln haa taken against the President s program of preparedness. Of course The Herald's object la plain. The Herald is seeking to convince Mr. Kltchln, who Is just now a right im portant personage In this Republic, that his own people down In Halifax County have turned against him. SPECIAL TRAIN RICHMOND, VA., VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY, WEB. NESDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, IB 15. ANNUAL FOOTBALL UAME BE TWEKN UNIVERSITIES OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIR GINIA THANKSGIVING DAY, ftVJtf. Special train carrying first class' day coaches and standard Pullman sleep ing cars will leave Charlotte at t P, M Wednesday, November 24th, 1815, arriving Hull Btreet Station, Rlch mond, following morning. Returning, special train wilt leave Richmond 12 P. M., Thursday night, November 36th. Sleep'rtg cars ready for occupancy at 10:80 P. M Hull Street Station. Following round trip fares wilt ap ply from stations named: CHARLOTTE $ 5.00 Gastonia. . ., . . .. ,, .. ,. 6.2$ Blacksburg 5.60 Rutherfordton 6.50 Concord 4. CO Taylorsville 6.25 High Point 3 25 Iexington 3.7S 5.50 6.50 S.50 4.04 3.50 5.00 4.00 6.50 6.60 Marlon Morganton . . Hickory . . . ; SALISBURY Davidson . . , Albemarle . . Asheboro . . Mooresville . Shelby . V, Statesville 4.60 Fares from all Intermediate stations on same low basis. Passengers from branch line points w)l use regular trains to and from Charlotte. Salisbury and other, junction points, connecting with the special train. Tickets sold for special train will also be honored on regular train No. 13, leaving Richmond 10:80 A. M Fri day November tlth. Last opportunity of the season to vls't Richmond at low cost and also see great annual football game. Caro. Una wants you there. Pullman reservations must be made In advance. For further Information and Pull man reservations ask any agent South ern Railway, or write, R. H. DeBUTTS. D. P. A.. Charlotte, N. C. OFFICE OF Tho Hcchanica Perpetual Building and Loan Accociation . Charlotte, N,0. , ' .. 'S. , i - ' Assets, .. .. .. .... ..$1,470,905.00 The 66th Series Which is better known its our September Series, : has been a very successful tine since its opening. ; Thoughtful persons have lubscrih.ed fully up to our expectations. ' ',!;. t ' vr. Room For You I , If you have not yet joined us in the 66th Series, we invite you to. Shares can be had up to November 30th payments, of course, will have to date from fepwnmer jsu For Other Information Inqtiire at Office RE-COCIIIIAITI:,'' Cec. and Treasurer. BRAY BROTHERS STOCKS 4 BONDS aKKvaaoRO, n. a $121.00 PER SHARE BUTB t SHARES GREENSBORO LOAN TRUST CO. BTOCICj which pays I per rent dividend, payable semi-annually, Jan uary ana July. Nearly I per cant aireauy earned oa tula stovk. Book valua about 140. $95.00 PER SHARE BUTS S SHARES ARCTIC ICE COAL OO. T PER CENT PREFERRED STOCK. A large, well-managed, prosperous Com pany. Pays T per rent and no taiea The best paylns Investment we have to offer. Vlret come first served, and the balance go without, or pay higher prices. WE WANT Southern Underwriters stork North Carolina 4 per cent and per cent Bonds. 1)1x1 Fire Insurance Co. stock. SEND YOUR ORDERS TO US, wE do nhso W. WIRE, TDONE OB WHITE US FOR WHAT YOU WANT. LKAUNS TO WRITE AT Vi, t Kx-Govcrnor PpniypiK-kc lAwed by Accident to I'ao Ift Hand. (Phlladelph'a Dispatch.) The ability to write with his left hand is one of the accomplishment ex-Qovernor Penypacker had added to his list. Some time ago hn rolled over In bed and broke his right arm. As head of the State Public Service CommisH'on he had to sign many pa pers, so he began to learn writing all over again. After many weeks of perseverance he cHn now elgn his name legibly with his left hand. His friends say his left hand ch'rofcraphy is better than that of his right. Mr. PennyPacker Is 72 years of age. COt'OHS THAT ARK STOPrKDl Cartef-ul penple see that they are stopped.' Dr. King's New tMaeovery is a remedy of tried merit. It has held its own on th market for 41 years. Youth and old ag testify to Its soothing and healing qual ities. Pneumonia and lung troubles are of ten caused by delav of treatment Dr. King's New Discovery stops those hacking coughs and relieves la grippe tendenclea Money back If It faila SOo. and si te. "HY SCHOOL DAYS" (A Btonograpb) 6y WADE H. HARRIS. Kail Orders Filled by The Neavle Publishing Company Union Square, New York. $1.00 Net. By Mall $1.10. Bookstore Trade Supplied at Usual Rates- XH,WEARN;fv President r 1 14 Ki t ; : i V t 1 : " ( moutn, Jo, i - a i i r . rnrth and ... , iimi C A. & , . i t Charleston. Imhim car servic-, vsnhu; osches r"riiietph'f cars to ' itrtintoa and New Tork, cw. i-ci.iif at 1 n.uo tor A. C L roints No, It U:14 a. m. i or Raleigh and Wel dsn and all lorel p..:r.'t Ho. tt S:0i p. m. lor Wllmlftf t. Sieen- Ing ear pasmnirera can etay in sleeoer sll Bight at Wilmi ngton. Ttus train connects at Hamlet for faavmnnah, Jarknonvliie and ail points south and north, arriving Wain tnaton f a. m.. New Tork ll:o? n. n. Nov Is T:S0 p. m. Conuectlng at Uonroa for Atlanta aud all vlnu south and . outhwest. also connects at Monroe wits : fast train for Norfolk. Richmond. Wash Ins ton and Nsw Tork. 4hroosh steal veati- Tibule eoachea. Pullman electric - lighted": looping ears to New ' Tork, diaiag cars tUshmend to New Tork. . mar noirnm. . No. !(:. a. ml Local for Rutherford. ton, eenaeotlng at Booths with C, C. O. tor all points on that lino te Johoaoo City, Teao, a t N.-W. points aorta at . 'incolntoa. . ... No. II I JS a. m. Local fof Rutherford too, from Raleigh and Weldoa. connect leg at Qnoolntoa wlthi C. N.-W. to PoinU on that line, . ' ror .further Infarm.llna all nhau lla City Otnoa, South Tryoa 8. , sasie ua JR.. T. F. A . J. - ' Charlotte. H. C,' u JOHN 11 WIST. D. P. A.. u , s ' ' oUieigh, MO sjvuwiivi ii , iiuinruj rraaate Catvis ot ita Soatb. - ' S ' 1 ' Schedule flauraa nubltahaA t as late (nation, not guaranteed. -,V"4:' " laUf. Birmingham Spe-2 nai ior Atlanta and Birmingham. Pull man drawing room sleeping ears, obeer- . vaUon cars and day eoachea N Turk . and Washington to Birmingham, pull, man drawing room sleeping cars. Rich-, kVind to Rlrmlflffham. Tlnln M -1 No. IS 1:01 a m. Dally, local for Colum- oia, oarannah and Intermediate point, connecting at . Savannah t Or Jacksonville. Parlor cafe n., tn n...h No. 44 S:00 a m. Dallv. ( OnMilMn Danville and Waahlnatnn Thn.n.1, .Z cllning chair car for Raleigh. n si' i :oo a. ' m.- Dal I v. Ansnuta Mm. elal, for Columbia and Augusta. Sleep- In Cars, ooaehaa .nil rflnln. ... - Na 1--T:1S a, m. Daily, local for Atleate. and Intermediate points. II 7:69 a m. Dallr. laaai tarn, mttmm. yllle and Tsylorsvlll, connecting at Mooresvlll for Wlnston-Salera and at .Bu.t.v,1' tot AshevUi aad points wast. N 1?:0 m. Dally, New lork and New Orleans Limited, fast through train,' carrying obeerrattoa, dining and sleeping eara Solid Pullman train, . connects si , Now Orleaa with "Sunset Limited." fast . through train lor Ban Francisco. No. II 11:11 a. m. Dally, United State a man ior Washington. Kichmond aad pu.sw nortn. ruuman arawlng room , sleeping eara New Orleans aad Binning : ham to New Tork. Dining car aervtea. Day coaches t Washington. No. 1110:41 a. m. Dally, local to At lanta and Intermediate polnta ,,...1,n:,9 " Lawal train for Bock Hill. ?ncaster and Columbia No. llll.SS a. m. Dally, for Wlnstea Sal:n and local points, connecting at Barber with No. II for Asf.evills and la termedlat point and at Wlastoa-aalem for Wllkesboro, Mount Airy and Oreens. bora. - No. 441:11 p. m. Dally, local toe Greens boro and Intsrmedlat potnta No. 44:68 p m. Dally, local for Seneca, a C No. IT 4 ill p m Dally, local for Colum bia and Intermediate potnta No. II 1:00 p. m, Dally, for Oreensbore. Richmond and Norfolk. Handle Pullman cars Charlotte to Richmond and Norfolk. No. 141:10 p. m. Dally, except Sunday, local for Mooresville, statssviu and Taj. loravllle. No. 11 T:4S p. m Dally, through fast train for Washington and New Torr. Pullman drawing room sleeping cart ta . New Tork and Charlotte to Waahlna-ton. us coach and dining oar service. No. II 1:10 p. m Dally, New York. At lanta and New Orleans Limited. Belid Pullman train, dining car service. Draw ing room. Sleeping, observation and clUs are. - . No. 1510:10 p. m. Dally. United States fast mnll for Birmingham and New Or leans Pullman drawing room sleeping cars Nsw Tork to New Orleans and Bir mingham. Loral sleeping car Charlotte te Atlanta. Dining car ssrvlca. Day coachsa No. 1011:04) p. in -Dally. Birmingham Special for Washington snd New Tork. Pullman drawing room sleeping ears t ' Washington and New Tork. Day coaches to Washington. Pullman sleeping cars Birmingham te Richmond. Dining etf service. All New Tork trains of Southern Railway will arrive and depart from ths magnificent Manhattan termlnol of th Pennsylvania Railroad, . Seventh and Eighth avenues, Thlrty-flrst to Thirty-third streets, and will be com pored ot modern electrlo-tlghted tt onstructlon Pullman ear. Tickets, sleeping cat tcoommcdatloife and detailed Information ean be obtained at Ticket Of Bee, No. It Soth Tryon street - ft. DaBfTTTS. D. P. A.. 7?h aflutter N.- CV" " ' The Seathera Serve- the South. Piedmont S Northern Ry. Co lbs fclcctrie Way Betweea CfaarUU aad tMBtanfas, N. C. Effeotlve August It, 1:11 A. at Trains Lv. Oastonlai Its A. M. 1:00 A. M. 11:00 A. M. 1:10 P. M. 1:M P. M. I H P. M Ml P. M Train Lv. Charlottsl SiM A. M. -10:01 A. M. 11:00 Nte . . I:0 P. bt 4:00 P. M. 0:00 P. M. lit P. M. l:tl P. M. 11:00 P. at ConnecU at Oeseutua with C I K W, M Chester, Torkvllla Lincoln ton, Newtea, tllokory and Lenoir, N. C t also With Sooth era Ry. North and Soathbeund train. C a AUBN, Traffis Uanager, OrMavlila, a C N orfolk Co-lfiern RailroaJ oute 01 cw No. 10 Daily, laavaa Charlotto 6:10 A. M. tor RaJslgh and local sutioaa Coniict at Star tov Asliduoro. arrlv Ing Raleigh at 1:10 P. M., making con. nectlon for Wilson.. OrsanvlUo aad , ma ivn, Np. 62 Mixed train. Pally sxoapt Sunday, leavsa Chartotta 1:00 A. rrlvss Star F. M. v . No II Dally, Lavi Ralalgh I :J0 A. M. for Charlotta and local stations making o irinectlon at Star for Aber deen and Plnehurat, arriving Char lotte at 1 68 P. M. No. 6S-Mlxd train, Daily txeept Sunday, leaves Star 6tt0 P. M.. arrtve Chorions 10:10 P. M . . For further Information phono lit. : J. K. 10V K1X, Agent, - caiarlotte. N. O. ATTRACTIVE LOW ROl'ND TRIP PARES -VIA SOUTHERN 1L41L WAY PHKMIEU OAHRIGR OF TUK SOLTU. i - ' -1S4.14 Charlotta to Las Angeles and ' San Fronolaco account Califor nia Expositions, Tickets, on sale daily unt l NoA-ember JO. A good tor three months from : date of sale,, allowing diverse routing and stop overs all points in both dlrectiona S.S5-Cnarlotte to Atlanta, account , Georgia Harvest and Cattle '.Show. Tickets od sale No i vember 1J, It.' final limit No v;. vember 18. - ' - - ' - 8.40 Charlotto to Ralelsa and re turn account North Carolina Teachers Assembly, Tickets on sals November 21 to 16, Unit November II. Lou sound trip fares from til oth er pol.itg on tame basis Ths Southern Bervpx the South. ; 1 ' R.-tr Dell UTTS. D -Pr A. Charlotte. N. C. You are to be envfc-i If yon ar planning to bull J a homeTor the rral estate ad, are brLnUSij with real up IHJltUUlUcS."