Tate Machinery & Supply Co., llttletea, N. C. '*?" MACHINERY SPECIALISTS * ' Everything in Machinery and Supplie ?Dr. c. g Powell DENTIST OFFICE OVEK S.J. DILDAYS STORE AHOSKIB, N. C ?Vinborne da Wtrborne -v. Benj. B. Winborne Stan ley Winborne Altorneya-at-Law MURFREESBORO N. C. Phones No. 17 and 21. Edgar Thomas Snipes ? Attorney-at-Las Loane Negotiated Real Estate Bought and SoldJ office: 2nd Floor,J. W. Godwin, Jr., Bldj AHOSKIE. N. C. ft. R. ALLEN Dealer In SASH. DOORS. BLINDS. WINDOW GLASS, HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS* GENERALLY Wholesale and Retail No. 1127 Washington Hqnare SI/FFOLK. VA. SASH. DOORS. HARDWARE. PAINTS. LIME. CEMENT, SEWER PIPE, CART MATERIAL MILL SUPPLIES, STOVES, RANGES AND ETC. CLOSE PRICES. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND OBLIGE. E L. FOLK CO. Ne 917 ()l? Washington Square Sl'FKOI.K. VA. W W. ROGERS Attorney-at-Law Prompt Attentldh Given to All Buaineas. AH0FK1E, N. C. E. C HOBBS Attorney-at-Law Life and Fire Insurance AHOSKIE. N.C. C. Wallace Jones J Attorney and Counselor-At-Law WINTON. N. 0. I I .'ructic*? in all court*. Ixiftnc negotuf il attention to collection. Located in Bank of Winton* / | D. L. THOMAS GENERAL CONTRACTOR AN ! BUILDER Plana and Speeificationa furnished u mi application Cement and Tile Work j Brick Work u Specialty AHOSK1E, N. If Roswelt O Bridget Attorney-at-Law WJNTON. N. C. 1 7.rjevans Practical Tiri Roofer and Sheet Meta Worker Prftij Right. MURFMSESBORO. N. c. FRANM G. TAYLOE N.l ,ary Public Ahoshe.INokth Carolina. wthisn in need Floorint^peiling, Weatherboard ing, Oa^Big, Boxing etc., Call on. j. jr . siornes, E. N. C. drjfjw$ shater J/9 a bpbcxalmfr ??. in the ex mi nation of the Ey e and fittiiutOlj aaea at "MANHATTAN HOTEL} Ahoekie every 8rd Wed nesday. - Artificial e.ver made to order, |ie feet fit and match guar hm ik Rooky. Mobnt, N. C. Con rrirfj eilotel Building, Fi?, Nr Tt* *J Uftwsds ft9 lotart of a child Ipfc fca+ly l^" humilia ? tiun. it i fun of punishment "L to b?M'q'-1m? it, hut mi rare an these Is^kric w that the safe ri I is tuwvoid i altogether, j " ferenM between wie i correction and faUumli pjfioti. he one learn tlii The family circle, parti jhuly ?t part of it com - pose if the Ider members, is a sort innital law picking society eachjif wlioi makes a continual i ViVf' of trading up the sbort cutnL. of tbu boy or girl for pubf inspection. Tins is humiUMB tiofli its ver>' worst form a vf lUtnaAfcjng to make takf ind tMiiBviitive cliili^iof fer mougbl through making a mi 'i*!*- wM&ot having tbe dis ag ^ iliie tfwfig flaunted in its (in,* two J &ipg* must result frfn ii?^fiuMM%>H. Tbe child! eiier suffers'.with a broken heart; fajhivingitsj wwwensitive spirit M|iiy woundjed bg tbe coolinual tliu-i- or it' wili grow careless ai i Inoghtie *? of faults. Correct tin -lint-id s< rve ouly onS pur po?i'. and tin it is heU*IU?ei?t ofj Sue-not obj?*ct to having its faults ifeiiriectei . and if the correction is 111,(1* in the right spirit, it rill at oner nro it by it. Bu t lere is vs-l diffi irence lietween rightfully correclii g s child nod overhumili stinc it. II tppj ? if that home in which ilieie is m> self-s pp linled o itic? 11 us I colt-eyed individual who is always I nd forever taking notice of the arjidesirs'jli things the .> oun- - iter meaibeirjjvf ? family do, picking >0t iht- la..hs, and bring ing out uMjpmectioii the unfor lunate fa ibiti jhat tlie boy or giri is inafcu g a good light to subdue. ine inoiner or tne lamer, the older bijotber or lister, the uncles and aunts a lio appointed them selves cajtics for the young, are sometimBs more harmful tliuii all the evil-Hgainst which the brave l? | proved. SiuM the program was (believed to lA such an inipsrtap> (factor towan a b>\"t,-r understand 8y of tboflnrp,,^. the associ* wa-defoi'tcd Ull ttt after was given. Miss Annie Barnes, of Af urfree-boro, descuae ed in her usual charming manner, "Tlie Social Si.ie of Home Coming Day," and illustrated it effectively at the noon hour. Miss^Lois Vann of Chowan College, "The Financial Aim of the Alumnae Association" and having viewed at close range its low aiio ip tbe past, was able to make the members see to what extent tliemliad fiiled in their dm to their flr# Mater; Mis- Can ie McLean, J'Tlie Rela tion of the Alumnae ? the Col lege's Future." Her t?3k was very much enjoyed and (bowed the necessity of cooperation on the part of all former stu'Cnts. Mrs.* Higbt C. Moore, of Xaleigh, dis cussed "The Possibles of the College'1 citing the itustrious his tory of the college, covering near ly three quarters of acentury, the work done among th< students by such teachers as Mrs. E. F. Tatum. and Kev. 4. W. Scar borough as prophethtuf its future greatness. Interest!g talks that aroused great enthiinsm among the members were nrde bV Miss Elizabeth Savage offranklin. Va. Mrs. L. L. Duiiieronlf New Bern, Mrs. Norma Deanetof Murfiees boro, Mrs. J. C,. Sprborough of Willton. and Mrs. Jj JR. Peterson of Clinton. ' Mrs. D. R. Brili wished to make some gift to II college ' in memory of her fatft" and asked that a committee bt ppointcd to i iMhsult with the pi iidnt on its present needs. Till ommittee on I the loan fund report that the ex penses of the studeis supported by the association lere paid to i date, and there was! surplus of ( $86.30. The commloe on time i recommended that tJ time of the meeting be changeliege, mred into the where Be tables were 1 hea\T|>^Jii{len wiAood things to eatAoftpf this iBIome - Coming Day," the stwts whispei ed, "let it last fnre And a day." In the aftemoBwith fitting and Kressive wortftr. J. H. Mat (Contiiiu A page fi.) ' I ? ? Au land ex News J Complied and Araltgrc1 f? I let old Readers Ky OPT ReguUi Cortrtpacden. The District invention of the Woodmen here iafl Thursday war^ a big success in gvery paiticulari and a day to b) Remembered by 1 those who ait-mrled The large hall was decora ted under the direc j tiou of Mrs. MaUie Pittman and presented a sp endid scene. Ban uers were float ing across the street welcoming visitors" and strangers to the town. A great number of ' visiting W.o linen and their wives , were here and all ol them enjoyed the day. The morning aesaioii opened at tl o'clock) following the 1 procession hf school children from the depot where they met the Sl>eakers and visitors. Mr. A, O. Kiff was chairman of the conven tion and made a few remarks upon ipeniug. Dr. ?. II. Horton in a masterly address intrpuduced the ^speaker, Hon. A. Ouray, of Jauies Mr. Corey made a splendid Tgl 111 enthusiastically gram dinner wwA*erv?i. f.t ?r>.s just such a dmoer ai might tie ex- > i>ected by the good 'ladies of this 'section. Haa, chicken, beef, pota toes, pickles, tomatoes, com cab laige. cake, preserves, bread crack ers, biscuit, freahjpig, olives, were pleu^^ggha|lreerved in various vi^Kf it was a fine dinner. The afternoon session was a business meeting of the lodge. In the even ing at K "'"dijfflti. speeches . were marie by Mr. Bryant, the stkper visor, Mr. Kitf, Dr. Horton and Mr. Corey who made the principal talk. Mr. Oorey'ssubject was op portunity and lie made a good iui prossion on-the assembly. Mr. J. L. Harrington also made a short talk. The building a/as dedicated in the morning service during which an impi'essive ceremony was used. The town of Aulander and the country generally are proud of the Woodmen building, a large handsome structure well built in a fine location. One of the speakers said it was the first Woodmen building in the state owned by Woodmen to be dedicated. The dedication of I lie building and the services in connection with it pass ed off as one of the bitf days fdr 1 Aulandei. E\erybody enjo ed it and all wish tlnrt more sucli con ventions may be held here in the future. The organization of the Woodmen has grown until it is one ' of the strongest in the country 1 They are doing a good work with a lot of loyal members. May they 1 continue to grow and work. i Mrs. Ida Howell of Bristol, Tenn. was a guest of Mrs. M. L. Tayloe last week. Mrs. Howell is the wife of Dr. Howell, Presi- i dent of the Virginia Institute in i that city and a relative of the , Tayloes and Willeys in this sec- , tion. ' Mr. George Steigler left last I week for his home in Philadelphia t ifter spending some time with Mrs. Steigl/jr who is visiting rela J tiver here. Misses Little Bell Rice and i Nancy Benthall and Messrs Claud - Grant and Langley Tayloe attend 3f their production here: where on the same farm we may pass and idmire a wondarJjAl growth of heavy green corn, and just to the right or left see cotton growing tnd flourishing as a weed; then itop and study a bumper crop of my beans or peanuts: then inspect fat cattle, sheep, and hogs, lying jy a luxuriant growth of clover ind grass?surely a section which nvites all these conditions on the lame farm, where erosion is un- ? mown, and drouth is not to be ?econed with, looks good to me. F. P. LATHAM, Member North Carolina State Board of Agriculture. Jelhaven, Eastern, N. C. tour Fall Colds Needs Attention. No use to fuss and try to wear t out. It will wear you out in itead. Take Dr. King's New Dis tovery, relief follows quickly. It thecks your^Cold and soothes your }ough away. Pleasant, Antisep ,ic and Healing. Children like it. iet a 50c. 4>ottle of Dr. King's *iew Discovery and keep it in the louse. "Our family Cough and 3old Doctor" writes Lewis Cham lerlain, Manchester, Ohio. Money tack if not satisfied, but it nearly ilwnys helps. Adv. How To atve Quinine To Children. ^KBRILIWR It the trada-mark name given to an mproved Quinine. It isnTastele??8yrup. pleaa >nt to take and doee not disturb the stomach, children take It and never fcnoar it (i Quinine. Mao eepecipMy adapted to idulta who cannot ike ordinary Quinine. Doe* not nanaeate nor " auaenrrvananiia nor ringing in the bead. Try t th? aext tins* yon need Quinhm lor any pur- i sz, sMarus^j; iu* Ifci&lfc ?> . LET THEWPlI FARMERS' WAREB1SU Robersonvil/e, N. C* a SELL YOUR g 'f\': W' *V*j Wc Have a Force That Guarantee* 3 Prompt Petvrns and Pest o! Attention. ] ^ (S Ship us a Crate, Box or Hogshead and 1 let us prove to you that we look after the ] Farmers' Interest every time..* >?? '-L v-3|h A. T. Co., Export Co., Liggett-Myers I Co., J. P. Taylor & Co, and Imperial D Company have buyers on this market, Grimes*Roberson Co. I Proprietors Farmers' Warehouse I Robersonville, N. C. 8 J- D. SESSOMS Can sell any stze farm that a man h looking J. D. SESSCmg'^F B R I C Bf l FLOORING. CEILING, MOULDINGS, SIDIN^C O A ^ DRESSED LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. O We make quick shipments of Material. Our Q priees and our Material is made ridbt, Sf- ? V Order -from,us and get a square deal. ? SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Prompt replies to all* inquiries. Lar^e or sma|I;-.-L>^* orders filled promptly. Write or phone. ysSfjSpM^B t J. J. HOUSE & XJOlf ^ Succeuors to Carolina Building & Hardware Co.. ..if.' m e AI IANUER, N. C. ?0 ft COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE!"fc Things are arranged here for .your comfort and convenience. ] We are equipped to card for your deposits with absolute safety .tfl We are prepared to aid honest men in developing legitimate H business enterprises. In short there is no function of a bank we cannot perfonft^Bl to your complete satisfaction. Merchants and Farmers Bank | Winton, N. C JjER ^ 1 904 THE PEOPLES BAN$ I MURFREESBORO, N. & ISf! Capital and Surplus $25,000.00 1 ? OLD?SAfE?STBONG?BEL1ABLE. I Are you one of Its many patronsPS I If so you have aided us in building' this creditable Institution, and wf believ* H we have aided you in building tip this ptifr- vfl gressive community: Together we have ? jSjj prospered for the past ten years. Join us with renewed vigor for a con tinuation of mutual prosperity. ? IT PAYS T BE ONE OF OUR PATRONSJ J ? ? T Subscribe for X5he Hetijum 1