Mr?J?ader Curtis is visiting Mrs. E. Hays thi? week. Midi Blannie Kuugham of Potecasi it spending (his week with Mrs. 0. G. Powell. Look out for the kitchenette men W. 8. Nelson, Agent. Mr. \Vbit Blackstune of Wind sor wss in Ahoskie Tuesday. Mr. K. J. Baker is rpentiog the week with friends in Herrellsville. Dr. and Mrs. Ruffin of Powells ville were, here Tuesday afternoon. WANTED-B. E. Peas, best prices, at Depot.--C. A - Robertson. Mr. P. D. Parker of Portsmouth Va., is in Aboskie this week on business. ' Mr. Godwin Vaughan returned Sunday from the Hospital very much improved. Messrs EdgsA- Brett and Dof myer oLn Mapelton came over Sunday afusrnoon. Mrs. E M- Wooten and children spent Sunday in Tunis st the hopae of Mrs. J. A: Eley. The second attraction of tlie Lyceum Course will be here Mon day night Nov. in&.jr* Rev. DanceyCaie spent a few days here last week visiting Ins daughter Mrs. C. Gi Powell. Mr. W. B. Out^ind. of Cole rein, |WLSsed through Ahoskie Monday on bis way to Rocky Mount. j? Representative farmer of tlie Biblical Recorder ? tent a day in Ahoekie last week a the interest of his paper. w Mr. and Mrs. 1 it Forbes and Mr. and Mrs. ' homas Forbes spent Sunday with [tlie family of P. Boyette. I .;>&?'>: ?l Mrs. R.'T. Ti on of Raleigh oame down today i n a visit to Mrs. Pleasant Hollomai and other rela tive# in thia count . Mr. Paul L. Vkisrfn, of Mount Gilead. N. C., J spending some time with friend J snd relatives in and around AhoAcie. Look out for (the Kitchenette man W. 8, Nelaok Agent. Mr. B. W. Alexander of A.vden spent Monday nigjit with hie brother Mr. J. W. Alexander, on hia way home from Suffolk. Messrs E. B. Lassiter, A. L. Lnaaiter, W. C. Laaaiter. H. J, Harrell and Prof. Moore of Votecasi were over here Sunday. You can find Order# by Board of Read Supervisors Appointing sJio*d 'Overseers for'gale at the m^jgld office. Price 8 cent per doieffis^ Judge W. M. Bond who i? hold ing the two weeks term of Court in Winton spent Sunday in our place visiting his aunts. Mrs. Gat ling and Miss Anna Darden. We all sympathise with Mrs. S. H. Leery in the announcement of the serious condition of her brother in the Hospital. Mr. Deering sustained a dislocation Of the Mb in a street car accident last summer in Norfolk. ? Among those attending the West Chowan Association ' at Harrells-; ville Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hoggard, Mrs. H. A. Hobbs, Mrs. H. W. Stakes, Dr. <1 G. Powell, Mr. J. R. Fretwell. Mrs J. H. Mitchell, Mrs. Carl Mitchell, Mr. S. P. Watson and Mr. Troy Newsome. ibe Woman's Betterment Asso ciation will give a Halloween Party "Frday Oct. 80 in the Powell building over Dildays store, Every body is invited to come as a gener al good time is in store for all wbo attend. There will be everything good to ekt so be sure you do hot leave your purse st home. ' ? MM , , I .,1 , ? Send your orders to the Herald for^ Warranty Deeds, Mortgagee Chattel. Mortgages and Justice of " JT08C? UHlDKSi T'ie hrM ? I **'" ^^^B'r-the Bcjloo nouM oomBH mv ?/,_ ^ .v^u n i Iflad for kin? hut S^JhT W< J"n vtaittog >nKScC** last ^ at AulaiJ^^B!.... .. ?pP'Tt a ver.v H??d timeHHMJ records u."? I ?_ ? ? ?l*e otftel I or J. l?r?? birth ' r?p?ru. i, iex of '"??''' i tica| Jtatis- I name* | j ai i ?, and so Mfwl ? doctor uBSlI^K 00 t the oh refljmE'<|^B.n^''>Ce] L ... VKH' attend * Ui this i^BM^B IJ Hs' ' I/. tor title HHm of death "?fHKjSBurnisl) ed by tl4|9BEj|2p?he un de'Uk'lK* 8talis tical iteHMi^Lilo ?f birth, fj-om any gud, inf<>rau^^^H 18 no b; um,ertaHm8e|,s ,he^"Bf#Bled to! place a ^HnS^Hte and 1 a print^Bf#?# (both w "I whW%JiV the ? State eacli ' casket. 9|H^MuCti' as und^^HH^np fill ?"t ancM^ilgKiticatn with tJpfr* iHRi The fie come8 I^BPBPoi^e [r in ev^^^^MHjpabio. B? your 1,8 ?ocal in Vl touch HH^H| birth Bl or As every H^K the State . eve?MBJ^Bflrring l'" withmHHjH^H? vory good trar and deatha borhoo^Hpyti^H tngy be ? Al 3 j^How send tfcSj Ul ton ' W 4U| ? * v | TJree Bibies^Scortd Pertec IWtier llnbir. ( obU .I BIS *?????. The ?ecund annual Jt.Uei Bal Contest held at the State Fair \ in all points a great success. 'I I examination* sljoyed three 1001 [cent babies. Of tlie three ;bal I scoring uerfeet. Joseph I am Wunljle, of Osrthuge, t e months, was voted. U* Ute tub as the best baby?the /State /Im Dion Better Baby for 191 ? ?t hira waa awarded the gold joe. li- offered by the Woman's do I i- Companion. The other < idii i-Hons, who received bronze i ^ -/according to divisions: I t Champion city girl, Aimifl H I. Coppege, Kaleigh, acoie lOt! ! | Champion city boy, John! ! , Vernon, Burlington, score 9 Champion rural girl, Efl i Randolph Miller, Oriental,! 100* f Champion rural boy, EH , Joeeph McCsliill FranklinffiJ score 99* I As gratifying as the contest ?.?1 whole proved to be to lite or I ters. tliey regard as of ?r J value the following points iu I d'ence: A keener and more -I ' cured interest on the part of il| parents, a deeper appreciation S the meaning of the Belter Buhl movement, and the higher score I the average baby. *As an oxan I of this; the prize winning Bab;1, I this year acored only 96 last y< .1 the mother through the conw I last .v^gr learned the ataudard I a perfect baby and returned bom! to give her baby the benefit of lirfl knowledge. Another mother whorH li.ib.v last year Won a prize eiitei M another prize-winning baby i JP year. (~ Let the spirit of the fiettiri Baby movement reached eve*- ' mother in the State. Notice of Sale. By virtue of the power andil authority given in a certain con 1 tract, executed by and between C.M F. Jobnion, L. C. Job rue >i iff Audrew Vaugiian and wife Alidtf Ee, Vauglmn, Fannie Lnssiteff Andrew Futrell and wife Pattie'? . Futrell, Jesse R. Joyner and wil 6 Sadie" A- Joyner, J, N. Vinson an d wife Carrie T. Vinson, Tallie i . lolmsou and Ferdinand B. Join - ton. parties uf the first part, an i i. H. Johnson and wife Hatti e iolinsofl, parties of the secon i ?rt, whicli is duly cncoided intli ! | I iffice of Register'of Deeds fur fertford County;, North Carolin?, ~ ti book x?? on pages &60. et sep.. i Ire undersigned wilt offer for sale ^ t public ifeicry, iu front of tire 4 fayor.'s uffsu in the town of Mar reesboro, in the County and Slats j foresaid, on Tuesday, December 5? it, 1914, at noon, upon the fol 0 ?wing terms, viz-one half cash1. A nd the Remainder in equal C> nount* inone and two years froo 1 TI ite of sale,' trf^e evidenced by tli; ^ irles-ulthe purchaser and securer I (> v a deed of trust on the follow ? # \g described real estate, whicl 1 ill be sold by the undersigned a t A ieU>ime and place aforesaid. 11 C> r ~~ ^ The tract of Jand situate in Mar ^ eesboro t >wnshio, llertfun I * runty,'North Carolina, whereoi 1 eury H. Johnson resided at th neof his death, known as th II. H. Johnson Home Place.' ing 011 the public road leadini A urn Murfreesboro to St. Johns , ?! C., adjoining the lauds of th i {| irs of L. B. Warren, T. J . A lughan and the lands of Jai . J ett and others, and coutainin \ r| e hundred and thirty nine acre , A ire or less. v jt The purchaser may anticipat s v| s deferred payments, if he si M sires, and pay the whole of tb s *5 rchaso money in-cash. - I (ff fins October 28th., 1014. I /|\ L. J. Lawrbbck, j JL U. I Attorney-in-fact. ff, loskie, S.C., Sept., 28rd., 1914. jjl LET LI <11 TKk CSTTM. ,? HI )ur gin is in better shape tha Atw ?? before we are giving as goo< alU as any gin in the country f|j ging and ties one dollar pe dk e Market prices paid for cot ^in ?ed or lint. Higliest mar "fj price paid for seed. /A i Ahoskib GIMIXO Co. J: ? I ? I Notice. ? ? 1 am ciiiiifit :s hiiiI'4 incl ? c.vpr*aa aliingies. -flf in need ol I ?n.y call ' i e. <). iiinm. ? "V ft'Union. N. C. ? I ? "f I Plastering Laths I W? can *up|>l| your wants iu' copblavij * t*ruj?, f Harp llsville. N. C. B ? ?? ? I I Farm for Sale, ? ? fotown at the L. N. Parker llmme place on W?-t side of county Hroiid leak it'* t* 'i Ahoskie U> Hfufield near $ a title,v* Grove l)t>urch. For fw titer pitrtioulutie ? dd.ass. P.f>. PAUKKK. ? 6dl It. Vernon Ave. ? * Pyrtamouth, Va. ] pHoTORcT n -? ? Jataengari?Mall Express ? . in ???? ? 9 . AeOaU la ?Sact Noraaikar r. 1011 Taala JllBSr.iihoro i.MOl. l:tO? ' iljl Camo Ifaptatoa 0:10a. l:00r LBSaarfWWf 0:40a t:Wf> I.M WtaUa 9:60a. t:19| \jTunl. 10:10a. ?:10l LW,T*al? i. .11:00a. 0:0*1 :>?. Wlnton 11:90a 0:?6i l/r. Sear? Wharf. ^ 1110*. Tr?v L?. Mmplot n Cono.. ,.11.50?. 7:60p Ir. Harfrooboro 1:16a. t:16p < (a) Steanar Imtm oa arrival CI , traia Will wait a? lata M 0:00 p. bat a ao tu? lator. Tit above Sohrdula la aafejast to ?he comfortable, as the season ad- * ' Ivances four needs must be supplied and we are in a position * 1 ?to furnish the most of them, at interesting prices, so doa't Vail to give os a call. This month makes ten years which ?we have l>een in business, and we are proud to think we en- * Joy the c .jifrdence of all with whom we have dealt. * J \ Thabking you for your jgiod wjll and patronage. < > I We are /ours, | | liOGGARD & STOKES,'.: AHOSKIE, N. C. <> fp-^1.4S = f j* ROUND; TRIP RATE? to SUFFOLK, ?a. * ; ?||L',|i ' VIA Ting Z i, ATLANTIC COAST LINESAILROAD s ?? Standard Railroad of the South ^1/ ^ Including Admission Into Fmlr Grounds ^ v November 4th-6th Inclusive. t .On account of The*^ansemond County Fair, the |^| l Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, The Standard Railroad of Z * the South, has placed into effect this very low round W | trip rale to Suffolk,' l||^f , Tick^Ufdi sale November 4th 6th, inclusive, limited 1 waning to reath original starting point not later than W \ midnight (if Ni veuil>er 7th, 1914. I^1 1 Children between agesof 5 and 12 years, half fare Mr W. J. iDRAG, T. C. WHITE, ^.rpiiyeger jraffio Manager. General Passenger Agent. tIt S r 'i' '1 l^f^w^t!b ' '?* ' % A \ -0 (& ^ " AMOSK^I-ftC. ;' - ??? Wirmrnounce \ readiness for the Fall and Winter Season. ' , 1 / Every Department is ready for you to begin your Fall and Win ter Shopping. I Jtli of our 3>aii and Winter j Soods are new. Values are conservatively stated We | would rather -agrteably surprise with ; value, than to have the value fair short ; of your expectations. k ii^''v''^1^ r"' ' ' % ,v !5S ' -* gnj Our Offerings are Always Goods of Merit.= WMIMV??MMMAANMAMIMMIAAAAAA*A*MtMiMI(Mll^aiiiARj3H 1 I??awi*M??AA?AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA<>AAAR*aaaaaaaarnaaaaaaaa Richard Winborue, Pre#. W. H. Winborne, Vice-Pree. Norfolk, V*. Chowan Co., N. C. WINBORNE & CO., INC. I < COTTON AND PEANUT FACTORS Commission Merchants Norfolk, Va. PEANUT WAREHOUSES; SUFFOLK. VA.; NORFOLK. VA. Shipment* solicited. Market information furnished. Refer- } ence. Seaboard NationaLBank. Norfolk, Va. Alwas* before buy- J ,\? ing get our prices on Peanut Bags, Bagging and Tie*. It pa.vs.N V Wynn Bros.] BIG DEPARTMENT STORE * MURFREESBORO. N. C. | B ? j ? (J ? Is now open for your inr> * spection. Every department |j is filled to overflowing/with . ' J I all of the newest in VUp To" TWb Minute Merchandise. ' J II l . . ^ 1 ,] I " 1 ? '? Itu . ? Wynn Bros.l BIG DEPARTMENT STORE ? MURFREESBORO, N. C. ? mNAOMI T. WIGGINS W i i WYNN BROS. BUlLDiNGsaBaabaaar fl ? MUBFDEESBOBO, NOBTH CABOUNA. I 1 You are cordially invited to ex* | amine my Fall and Winter line of Millinery which is now on display. Miss Maomi T. Wigginsl WvimB?o?.Bua