I ?l RE INSURANCE ^ | NOTARY PUBLIC WALTER I.. CURTIS MS ?S S?e?> ?????> tSM?eOS?S?j J&fW Jf-y-y yyWTW'Wi 9-99999999A f BIGB T0B1CC0 SALES.1 | ? 1 Octobei 17th-, We TOBACOO PLANTERS WARE- , f ? HOUSE CO. at Rockv Mount, N. C-, told the past week i ) Three Hundred and Forty Thousand Pounds of Leaf ' 1 Tobacco for Forty-Seven Thousand and Eight Hundred 1 I. ^ and Eighty-Eight Dollars. J | Many wagon loads were sold at front twenty to twenty- ( | i five cents average. Thefee were the highest sales we have i j made since the crop begin to move. Ship us your Tobacco I | and we will sell it on arrival for the highest market price 1 ' fsnd mail you check promptly. ' [ # ' - ' f gK V -?Tours to serve; I f I TOBACCO PLANTERS WAREHOUSETO. } P. C. VESTAL, Manager, j 4* Rocky, Mount, N. C. if ^A????t??8C??tC(?C???^ MONTAUK ICE CREAM /touches the spot F*UI? tfekumand for* dainty dessert, ss no other dessert can. It's 1fie choice of mother, lathar, sister and brother?and the boarders, if there be any. Ia? one subject upon whicb the whole family agree. That's because Montauk Ice 1 L Cream is ?o pure, rich and delicious. Try it: THE MONTAUK COMPANY, INC., ?gliUm af "Purify- lea Cream aa4 lees. ; 275 Gran by Street NORFOLR. VA. ! WMSWMMMMMMSSSSSSSSSSSSMISSSSSSSMSasaWISSMSM Sdont spend all your earnings! Put some aside for possible sickness, or misfrtune. Jt mf We welcome smajl accounts as well as Urge ones. Z A The man who has a little money saved is the one who is Z 7 in a position to open the door when Opportunity Knocks. Don't run the risk of loss by 6re or thieves, deposit your W surplus earnings with us, ... . m JTHE BANK OF WIN!W{ I ? - WINTON, N. C. :< f''' - - \ 8 THE SURE WA Y TO PROSPER U is to save some money all tlte time. The safe way to save u is to put the money in BANK. ? Not neoeeear.v to make Urg deposits. Small and fre | quent additions to your account will make your bank N balance grow amazingly fast. We pay 4% on Time Certi ? ficates. Depocit your money with FARMERS-ATLANTIC BANK i AHOSKIE, y. c. *'-? - -A ? ""1 11 t 1 " >' . , ^ - ??? * ' o?4 * ROOK 0 TRIP hABS TO TARBORO, N. G. I ? i VIA THK X m ATLANTIC COASTLINE SAILROAD $ m _ The Standard Railroad of the South JK k Including Admission Into Fmlr Grounds T October 26th-29tb" Inclusive. 5jf Mk On account of The Bdgeeumb County Fair, the U| jJi Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, The Standard Railroad of Jfa W the 8outb, has plsced Into effect this very low round Mr jA trip rste to Tsrboro. Wf af v Tickets on sals for sll ttwins from November Srd 6th. ^ rfc inclusive, limited returning to reech original starting point Mr Zb not later than midnight of November 7th, 1014. *wB Children between ages of 5 and 12 years, half fare^ W Apply SlMM'tApilf lor ljp{bai? Your attacks of Lumbago are Dot- nearly so hopeless as they seem. You can relieve them Al most iustantly by ? aiuable appli cation of Hloan's Liniment ?o the hack and loins. Lumbago is a 1 form of Aeumatism penetrates quickly all in through the sore, tender muscles, limbers up Abe back and makes it fee) fine. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 29 cents of any druggist sod have it in the house?against eoldt, sore 1 neuralgia, sciatica and like ail ments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it doea give almost inatant relief. Adv. - ? : ?i mi ? ' ** . ou* unmstatl* GROCERIES cut be railed upon M balnf always pure end freah. Houeekeepers who . know end appreciate food ? Coffee, Tee, Sugar Spices end GROCERIES OP ALL KINDS will be thoroufhljr eattafted with our foods alter the first purchase. Lowest Cash Prices to he Found in Town J. P. BOYETTE, AHOSKIE, N. C Hupmobile TK? ow mt TK? ^H iMllllb f+m lh> Economy TTfco not si vcrsi ropjiir cost of the Hup owner is less than 2 mills per mile, jJ That's mm atrflring of Hup economy. But Hup economy else in eludes low gasoline cost, low oil cost, low tire coat It includea,too, low depre ciation. \ * Hup owners figure the Utter at one cent a mile. Prove these facts for your _ self. Ask cup Hup owner. Then give us a chance to tell you? Why the Hupmobde costs leu to run? Why the Hupmobfle com mands a higher second hand price? Why the HupmobOe it The Car of the American Family." These Hup reasons are important?let us give them to,you. HUPP MOTOR CAR 00- DETROIT E. O. HINE.S, ? - LOCAL. AGENT AIIOSKIE - N. C. Constipation NewLifefffls --^ryirnSa No."Six-Sixty-Six ?i? fcN-k any and <f t.ksn Uwo aa ? to*lc the Fever not ft seta on life iWct Fetter than Cskwul .ad IB* ?9?|rip?orlkkw. 25c Home Coming Day at Chowan .College M'boro (Continued from page 1.) thaw* of Windsor introduced the ?pecker of the occuioo, Rev. Right C. Moore, of Raleigh. Mr. Moore spoke on "Symmetrical Culture,"showing bow incomplete an education is unleae the physical, intellectual, and moral nutnre of the Individual are developed. The addreea was impressive because of bis choice lauguage and sound reason, but its greater impress Isy in tbe personality of the speaker who illustrates so forcibly the lesson he gave. * J' Among the guesta from a dis tance were Mr#. L. L. Dameron, New Bern, Mrs. Hight C. Moore, Raleigh, Mis* Carrie McLean, Charlotte. Mr*. Sallie Will* Cobb, Mis* Elizabeth Savage, Mre. R. J. Knight, Mre. J. B. Crocker, all of Franklin, Va., Miss Annia R. Wills, Delaware, Va., and Mrs. J. R. Peterson. Clinton. ? . i Illiteracy Among Martb Carolina . ^Rnral Population. Washington, D. C., 88,?The need of more and better rural school# in North Carolina is made manifest by conditions revealed in. a recent cencus report showing the percentage of illiterates among tbe native white farming class of this State. The figures show that the per centage of illiteracy in tbe rural districts of North Carolina ia 18.6 and 4.9 per cent iD tbe citiee and villages of tbe Stale. North Carolina has 291,497 illiter ates and >90,966 of tbem live on the farms. There are 189,141 boys and men and 181,611 girls and women oh tbe farms of this State that can neither read nor write. _ Tin Alto id to Field. ' Quit* * common tight ir North Carolina to tee farmer* drive to the harvest field in auto mobiles. It take* a solemn turn of mouey to buy an automobile jand it taken good roadt, at-well at gasoline, to run them. A joy ride iptbe harvest field of this State it pop of the most exhil arating experiences that it availa ble on this-continent and one that would charm a tourist and con vines a* home-seeker. A speedway lined with growing crops and bloodpd stock it t landscape that one seldom toura in a lifetime. In mapping out automobile routes the North Carolina harvest fields should Im given prominent posi tion. Why. not a "See Rural America First" campaign! Tbe Friends ol to Firmer. The plan of the Saint Lou it btnker to assist tbe cotton farmers of the South is a further indication of the nation-wide interest which ?s being manifested in the probems of the men who follow the plow. The movement is not intended as a plan for purchasing cotton, bnt is designed rather to make availa ble a fund of 140,000,000 to loan on oottorv at not to exceed six cents per pound for the purpose of mak ing cotton a liquid asset, stabili sing its price and bringing about normal conditions again. It baa been said that it great calamities to develop oar friends and the present crisis is proof positive that the farmer has friends in every Hne of industry who are willing to share hit mis fortunes and lighten shit burdens. Strong men are strong only as they co operate with other men, end the spirit of friendliness on tbe part of the businese men towards the farme. argeea well for the future of the agricultural interests of (he nation. aaSU*?r Haaltbly A vigorous Stomach, perfect working Lisrcr and regular acting Bowels is guaranteed if yon will use Dr. King's New Life Pjff,. They insure good Digestion, oor rect Constipation and have an ax eel lent tonic effect on the whole system?Purify yoor blood am) rid gou of all body pojsons through the Bowels. Only f5c. ,t yodr Druggist. Adv. i or 6 4o*n eWwdthMpk spy cmM uffbversr Chills. Pries* (Conceded From Page 0n?) Absolute confidence exist between the children and the parent*. When a boy commit* a wrong, if be is a very small boy, be ifoe* at once to bis mother and tell* ber of 1t. If he ie an older boy. be goes to.his father and makes the seme frank confession. The boy w*y taught from eertieiichlldhood that be cap use hi* faults for aeff im T>rcfremear if twiddle witi byv be has bo hesitancy in going to his father or mother with tbem. Tbe rest of the family may* never know what tlie faults were or bow they occurred. These are matters that are held sacred and never re yealed. So the boy improves; he gains strength to own his misdeeds and to profit by them; he gets an , early appreciation of honesty and authority, and he loees all desire to correct another's faults. Though filled, with a besy-t of love and a spirit of fergfveuess, be is brave end etrong, with tbe firm resolu tion and strength of purpose that characterise* the tbe reel man.? Dennis H. Stoval. Criffliml Cases TM The following is a list of the Criminal Oases tried last week. Stete vs Frank Sharps for car ring concealed weapons $10 and cost. 1;: ? (, % State ve Dove Lee, for disturb ing public worship $10 and coat. State vs Edge Wilson for carry ing concealed weapons $10 and ooat. . State vs Nathaniel Hopking for carrying concealed weapons $10 and oust. State vsTroy Porter for failure te support wife and children f 10 and eoet.ife/j State vs John Porter for carry ing oonoealed weapon* $$0 and. cost. State vs William* for carrying concealed weapons $10 end eoet. State vs Venie Seseome and son for affray $16 and cost. ? State veSue Bynom for murder Jury verdict guildy. Judgment reserved. k Citizen ol the World. Id polities, m in life generally, I things which loom large momen tarily have a tray shrinking out of I posterity's sight, while events which at the moment nearly es caped remark grow in significance. It is impossible as yet to know just what Woodtow Wilson's place in history will be, depend ent as it is on many and varied conclusions of unfinished business. That he has grown in esteem in very recent months. It would be Idle to deny. His greet grief has made men know him for what they have tMimetimes forgotton him to be: Not professor ouly.jtot states man and partisan alone, but a father?a man with man's respon sibilities and trials; And now the President issues two important documents?an invitation to all persons to pray on a certain day that peace may be restored to Europe; an announcement to his party managers that be will take no "swing around the circle" to mend thp fences of his party's re presentatives in Congress. This decision is not a surprise to any one who knows Wilson and his ! ways. Whatever his defects and ? angles and sonorities?and time will soften them and we shall grow more conscious of his qualities Mr. Willson is an American pat i riot and a citizen, not of bis own oerish only, but of the world. ' His presidency, opening with the enactment of promised legislation, has been troubled by private bereavement, by Mexican explo sions, by partisan ebullitions, and by the greatest J war in present memory. Wbateysr mistake we have charged the President with, we have never charged him with losing his bead. His attitude to ward events in Mexieo and in Europe alike bar been distinguish ed by a Urge mindedness that we frankly envy him. We congratu late this country of ours that he has been our White House ruler in those months of storm?Col ter's Weekly V ;?# Invigorating to tb. PUn.nd Slckh it Inore than a simple mixture of pig ment and oil. The combined art and ^experience of over 50 yeaye of successful pairlt making is back of that which we sell at reasonable prices. Let us figure wit 1 you. jjL M Ro berts Drug Co. Suffolk, Va. I i r i - TI11E HOSPITAL. Wi lave just opened a general Tire Repairing Shop af have a modern machine to do this work with, ' s can repair anything about Tires or Inner Tubes > J guarantee all work to stand or no charge, Our ^ " hine will Vulcanize any size Tire from 2% inchesfc 4# and we can fix auy size Blow Out, Rim Cut oi are and can reline whole tire of necessary. Wi h to do a General Automobile Repair Business and will appreci , your sending or bringing us any kind of work. Our charges i reasonable and work guaranteed. We 1 ve installed Gasoline Engine to Run Lathe, Drill, Press, Pi ip, Jack and etc., and have every thing ready to do your woi -You will find us at H. H Jones old store. Gasoline IS cent per Gallon. ^ WHTON GARAGE I c Gin. N. Wiwbobnb, Macbinent. |l Elbt W. Bbitton, Vulcaniter Ect. WW TON, NORTH CAROLINA. | I XJ| Vaughan's I The Quality' Store" I MIRFREESBORO, N. C. yL Will Like Our I Tailoring Immensely! Becanse everything done p| by the INTERN ATION A L is done right. To b?gin ^ with your suit will be i ' /I made to your own indivi dual measurements and tailored in the most skill . Jul, careful, way. The fabrics at your > disposal, .are without question the * finest product of the Euro pean and American woolen mills. Theories are perfect and the PttlCJBS are the low est in town for Such stu. pendous values. ' I i. , > . ', . "c* Fall Samples N ow on Display. _____ i? 'Vone and See Our St eat jtr I r jy and 7)ress the? I j Sntet national Way. "

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