Hertford County Herald Tate Machinery A Supply Co., v,. jE Littleton. H. C. MAOHiNKBY SPECIALISTS Everything in Maehinary and Supplies Dr. c. g Powell DENTIST " rOWTC* OVEH 5. J. Ott-DAY S STORE AHOSKIE. N. C. ? 111 " _ ' ? Winborna A Wlnborna Ban], B. Winborn* - ' Stan lay Winborne Attarnays-at-Law > - MURFREESBORO, N. C. PhonaaNo. IT and 21. r " * ? * Edgar Thomaa Snipaa Attornejr-at-Ijiw Loana Negotiated Real EetataBougbt and SokQ OflUa: 2nd Floor J. W. Godwin. Jr, BWg' AHOBKIE. N. C R. R. ALLEN L - Dealer In IASU, DOORS, BLINDS. WINDOW OLASS. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholeaaia and Retail M*. Ut7 WaaMadtea Hquare SUFFOLK. VA. SASH. DOORS. HAROWARE. PAINTS, LIME. CEMENT. SEWER PIPE, CART MATERIAL. MILL SUPPLIES, STOVES. RANGES AND ETC. CLOSE PRICES. MAIL ORDER8 SOLICITED AND OBLIGE. E. L FOLK CO. Na. PI7-PI9 Waabiagiea Square SUFFOLK. VA. W. W. ROGERS Attarnay-at>Law Prompt Attention Glean to AH ? . AHOfKIE. N. C. -*?? E. C, HOBBS1 Attomey-at-Law Ufa and PfraTnauranea ' AHOSKIE. N.C. R& i . i C. Wallace Jones Attorney and Cooneelor-At-Law WINTON. N. C. Praetiee ia all eoarta. Loam nagotiat ad. Soaaial attention to eollaetiona. Located in Bank of Winton O. L. THOMAS GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Plan* and Specification* furniahedupon ' . . application Camant and TUa Work Brick Work a Specialty AU08KIE. N. C.: Roowall Q- Bridflor Attorney-*t-L?w WINTON. N. C. J. R. EVANS Practical Tin Roofer and Sheet Metal Worker Prices Right. MURFREESBORO. X. C. FRANK O. TA*J/)E t Notary Public . / Ahoskib, North Carolina. WHEN IN NEED ?OF? Flooring, Ceiling, Weatherboard ing, Casing, Boxing etc., Call on. J.T.BARNES,* AHOSKIE, N. C. DR. L. G. SHAFER in the examinatltWof the E.ve and fitting Gl*n?ea it "MANHATTAN HOTEL" Ahoskie every 3rd Wed need ay. Artificial eyes made to order, perfect fit and match guar anteed. Home ofBe Rocky Mount, N. C. Oombridgo Hotel Building, Pi rat Floor, Fboad MS. ' . :T, Thanksgiving Proclamation _WMhijiidfla^ Qnt. fB'-Pwi dent Wilson today issued a pro clainatioii designating Thursday, November 26th, as Thsngagiving day. The President's proclamation which refers to the fact that the Uuited Stales is at iteaoeyliile the rest of the world is at war, fol low: "By the President of the United States of America:?A proclama tion. "It has long been the honored custom of our people to turn in the fruitful autumn of the year in praise and thangsgiving to Al mighty God for his many blessings and mercies to us as a nation. The year that is now drawing to i*, close since we last observed our day of national thanksgiving has been, while a year of discipline be cause of the mighty forces of war and of change which have disturb ed the world, also a year of special blessing for us. "It has been vouchsafed to us to remain at peace, with honor, and in some part so succor the suffer ing and supply the needs of those whosre in want. < We have been privileged by our own peace and self control in some degree to steady the counsels and shape the hopea and purposes of a day of fear and distraaa Our [>eopIe have looked upon tbeir own life as a nation with a deeper compre hension, a fuller realization of tbeir responsibifitiesaa well as of bjessings, and a keener sense of the moral and practical significance of what their' part among the nations of the world may come to be. "The hurtful effects of foreign war in their own induatrial and commercial affairs have made them feel the more fully and see the more clearly their mutnsi inter pendeuce upon one another and has stirred them to a helpful co operation such as tbey have seldum practiced before.Ttiey have been quickened by a great moral stimulation. Their ur.mi.. akable ardor for peace, their earnest pity aod disinterested sympathy for those/ who are suffering, their readiness to help and to think of the needs of others, has revealed thedt to themselves as well as to the world. "Our crop* will feed all wbo need food, the eelf-poaaeasion of our people amidst the muet serious anxieties and difficulties and the steadiness and resourceft^hieas of our bnainess men will serve other nations as well as our own. '"The business of the country lias been supplied with new instru mentalities and the commerce of tlie world with new channels of trade and intercourse. The Pana ma canal has been opened to the commerce of the nations. The two continentsof America have been bouud iu closer tie* of friendship. Now instrumentalities of inter national trade have been created which will be also new instrument alities of acquaintance, intercourse and mutual service. Never before liave tbe "people of the United States been so situated for their own advantage or the advantage uF rbeir neighbors or so equipped to serve themselves and mankind. "Now,i Therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States of America, do hereby de signate Thursday the twenty-sixth of November next as a day of Thanksgiving and orayor, and in vile the people throughout the land to cease from their wonted occupation" and ia tbeir several homes and plaoes of worship ren der thanks to Almighty Ood. "In witness whereof I have hereunto aet my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. "Done at the City of Washing ton, this twent.v-eighth day oi 'October, in the year our Lord one thousand nine hundred and four teen, and of the independence ol tbe United States of America, the one hundred and thirty ninth. . "WOODROW WILSON, "By the President: "ROBERT LANSING, "Acting Secretary of State.' f5 "1; gjplfv, y '- 4?| America Perpiiied to :>pply^'o^, Thia Country U Taking AC tan tat* or Opportunists for Trade'tand Cum aaereo Afforded by Uraaoijof Strua llr in Europe. PrssldciitV'VoHcv of Neutrality Moke, thia Partible. In dualriea ara Booming in A Ij Porta of the Land. From all section** of tin] country evidence ia at hand thaltl Uuited States is profiting by the ?pporto nity to furnish the entirt world. es|)ecially tbe warring i>< were of Europe, witlj vast quan Aiea of food supplies. That ibis oppor tunity exists because of Resident Wilson's wise and firm adaitiietra tion of the Government (s(univer sally conceded. 1 1 "J Tbe magnitude and w?H distri bution of tbe benefits D ttecru ing indicate that the Unl'-d Slates is entering upon an era Ibf unex ampled prosperity. Thlrlrofits" to all classes of AmericaK f frectly attributable to the WilsJT Adtnin istraiion, will pay the Vk* tax a hundred times over. I tan to be remembered, also, thatlthe new federal tjflserve banking I, -u-m is about to go into 0|>erati(A a cir: cumstance which will vally aid m keeping the increared triAr- which the foreign war is creatiiA. Here are extracts frdti many newspapers, published dAiitg (he past week, which show Aw good the American outlook is:l Hammonds port, N. Y., Act. 12? Work ia being rushed at |n* Our ties Aeroplane Gompany'ylauton six replicas of the traiatluntic flying boat, America, for Aipment to England. All tlie exfca men who can be employed in tn plant are working day and nign shifts on this and other foreign < fe'rs New York. Oct. 12.?-Uifler ur gent instructions to eoiistri&f as semble, and si>ip them as An m human ingenuity can eonstim-, an order for 290 heavy motor Bucks for use in the Kussian arm.vft be ing filled b.v the Garword ?oior Cooipany in its shops at-K0th street and River A venutSshe Bronx. In the last Week and a hall 120 of these truck* have been shiled. Bloomiiiglon, III., Oct. If.? Zhic factories of central : are being rushed with orderffor spelter to be used b.v Eunkm nations in making ammunitioil Thirty carloads consigneitko New York for export piltd through here today.' Mercer, IV, Oct. 12?Ike Resnor Stove Company today Hk ceived an order for 50,000 sip metal tent stoves to be used b.vfce French and English armies duAg the coining winter campaign. I New York, Oct. 9 The !? York Fur Auction Sales Corptft tion, which was organized a#t direct result of the European wflri and the purpose, of which is It take advantage of thy new tr&j conditions, has announced the lj tails of the project for holding!] New York City auction, sales II furs similar to those which hfl been held in London for yeaU and the continuance of which B now made impossible because ? the War. New York, Oct. 9.?The SpanS governmert has entered ttyi Amefl can market for the immediate dl livery of upward of $10,000,0? worth of ordnance and rifle-mall ing machinery, a vast variety c dredging machines, concret mixers, conveying machines an excavators, locomotives and ston crushers. Chicago, Oct. 18. ?Negotiation] for the purchase'of seversl thous and army wagons, 1,000,000 blan kets, 200,000 saddles and bridles and a Urge supply of rifle cartrid ges for the use'/if the English ant French armies were opened hen today by representatives of thosi , government. East St. Louis, III., Oct. 18, 1 One thousand horses for the Frencl , army liave been shipped from tit St. Louis National Stock Yards. Pittsburgh, Oct. 18.?The 'Cru cible Steel Conpany, of t$ia cit.v today received an order from th ' (Continued on Page Eight.) > "M* , --v ? 1 ? 'X, ? " ""77" * Europe's Warning to America Europe Ta uCEeVii,n we have been aping Kit roue. The ideal of Wash- j ington and the other founders of our nation hat been fading from ov.ny eyes. To not a few Europe lias become "i model. We have adople i many of tbe old world customs. ' \\* have a Navy League, and *yd*juch our dreadnoughts with life playing of bands, and the hurra)is of high State officials. We have Our annual par scores and our annual naval reviews?all just like Euro|>e! We hsvo our swelling naval bud gets, and otrr Sngifaidly ap propria lions for the cause of social UAler mailt, after the European fashion. We have our interminable dial ler about hypothetical utlacks and conjectural penis, and the .fncfcss ant speech malting of colohela and magaziue-writiog and book-making of colonel* and cofamodores. ad tnirals and geuerals||tcUve and re Ured. just as it is all done in Europe. ' We have squandered millions of dollars on fortifications in tbe Philippines and other millions in .Hawaii, and we are about to squander other millions in Panama. We have spent in a few- years over two billion dollars on our uavy, and this is but a trifle com pared with what we are going to spend, if the naval oligarchy en trenched in Washington City has its way. We have learned to talk glibly about naval tonnage, and paval prestige, and to admire fourteen th guns, aud..^iwbli4JtJtU--tures of battleships, even in religious papers. They do it that way in Europe. We have even begun to send our boys to suunner military camns, and are considering thoad visability of introducing military instruction into our colleges and makiug target practice a part of the biglr scliool curriculum. We have cought the fevet. We are in the race. ---- - And now Europe, being in tor ment calls to us: i"0 Republic of ibe West, do not follow my ex ample! Tbere are ways which seem right to a nation, but they lead down at last to the chambers of death. Do not believe the creed which we have long accept ed. Armaments are not guarau lees of peace. They are not in surance. They are not instru-' meiits of reason or righteousness. They create first suspiciou, tljen hatred, and at last lead young man by the million to the fields of blood. Do not choose path which we have followed. Work out your destiny along a different line. Make the new world different from . he old. "Beware of guns. Banish the mplementa of bate from before our eyes. Take your mind off be machinery of slaughter. Cease o delight in the engines of des Lruction. Trust in reason. Have Ixaith in brotherhood. Believe in fttive; Build your civilisation on ?he principal of good will. Bind All the nations of the Western Hemisphere into a federation K;bich, by its fidelity to the law Bl kindness and its devotion to the B'ince of Peace, shall become at Bice the inspiration aud hope of Be world!" Rev. C. E. Jefferson, D- D. B Try This For Your Cough jfcThousands of people keep cough ?k because unable to get the ?Willi remedy. Coughs are caused B* Inflammation of Throat and ^BEinchial Tubes. What you need *Bet<> goodie Ibis inflammation. Bye Dr. King's New Discovery, -??enelniles the delicate mucous ,??. raise the Phlegm and quick VI relieves ' the congested mem K IWinces. Get a 50c. bottle from! [B*r druggist. "Dr. King's New Btovery quickly and completely , WlLeil my cough" writes J. R. e ^Rs. Floydale. Texas. Money V(if not satisfied, but it Marly Ska Adv" ;pnrofr^gj-YYVvvyVV?VkvWWS; | prospered for the past ten years. Join us with renewed vigor for a con- i j tinuation of mutual prosperity. BA* Subscribe fort5/)0 Herald