NOTARY^ PUBLIC WALTER I.. CURTIS AIIOSKIR N. r. ' IllUllllllUl lllllllllillilllllllillllllllllllilll ..ah ? rHHIH TOBACCO SALES." | Octobei 17th., We TOBACOO PLANTERS WARE- jj A HOUSE CO. at Rockv Mount, N. C , sold the past week A Three Hundred and Forty Thousand Pounds of Leaf X Tobacco for Forty-Seven Thousand and Eight Hundred X I and Eighty-Eight Dollars. i Many wagon loads were sold at from twenty to twenty- JK five cents average. These wet* the highest sales we have rt; A made since the crop begin to move. Ship us your Tobacco X W and we will sell it on arrival for the highest market price w ? and mail you check promptly. W M Yours to serve, VV " I TOBACCO PUNTERS WAREHOUSE CO. I % f.C. VESTAL, Manager, | % Rockv, Mount, - - - - - N. C $ X* W V V- ^L- W^L*1^ V ^ i ?asmsm'mwrmMss<a)s>mmsamamrawisssssumssusa MONTAUIi ICE CREAM TOUCHES THE SPOT ^ |j Fills the demand for a dainty dessert, a* go other dessert can. It's the choice of toother, father, sister and brother? and the boarders, if there be any. It's one subject upon which the whole fsutily agree JSThat's because Montauk Ice i ! ? Cream is so pure, rich and delicious. Try iu THE MONTAUK COMPANY, INC., .Makers of "Purify" lee Cream sad lees. , H 275 Gra 'by Street NORFOLK VA. s c>esNam<a<suissmasmii>mmsswassssm>mtmswwsssssi iDONSPENALL YOUR EARNINGsf Put Home aside fur imssible siokuess. or misfrtune. M Wa welcome email accounts as well as la rue ones. 'Z The umh who lias a little money saved Is the one who is Z in a position to open the door when Opportunity Knocks. Don't run the risk of toes by fire or thieves, deposit your V surplus earning-* witli us. m TUB BAJSTK OF WUSTTOMJ WINTONt N. C. ? 1 j| THE SURE WA Y TO PROSPER 8 is to save some money sll the time. The sefe way to save Q is to put the money in BANK. Not necessary to make larg deposits. Small and fre- . r J; ipient additions to yuur account will make your hank j N balance grow amazingly fast. We pay 4% on Time Certi- N s ficatea. Depocit your money with U 0 FARMERS-ATLANTIC BANK I 1 AHOSKIE, C. He. v/V f, ' ^ "?"$&' r v l'?y+9?09t?99999+t999?099?P+99999 + 9+9?9?0?0?fr+9?0? 0 9994 I MILLINERY! I B Fall and Winter opening, Pattern Hats from New York ! will be on display. I am carrying tho bigeat line of Ladies \ and Children fruits and Cloaks. "A specialty on Corsets." i 1 Come and dress up and look good. . I11" 1 ? i" i1 . Mil , i.I.I11 mi 'ii ! MRS. E. C. BRITTON, Ahoskie, H. C. : >eeeeeceses?6??e??seeeoet?te>e?e>eaes?eseee?eee?e???j? |AGAIN WE THINK YOU! i > To oome to our store and look over the many things Q < ? whicli you muet have to be comfortable, as the sesson sd- Jj ( > varices your needs must be supplied end we are in a position y i ? to furnish the most of them, at interesting prices, so don't \ ' ' i i fail to give us a call. This mouth makes ten vears which < ' . i > we have been in bosiness, and we are proud to think we m> < > lojr the confidence of all with whom we have deelt. * | 4 L Thanking you tor your good will and patronage. 4 , We are yours, 4 1 yaOARD& STOKES, AHOSKIE, N. c. '? C> <i Mh Subscribe for U/)0 herald? *? . "j, T - :J,iffiL ' 'kH*-' ? ? * : Almakie, N. C., Sept., 23rd? 1914. ip us an net mttm. Our yiiv it in better elm pa then aver before we are giving <U good resulu aa any gin in ibe country. Baging and tiea one dollar per bate. Market prioea paid (or cot ton in seed or lint. Higbeat mar ket price paid for need. Ahookik Oinino Go. ; - ?J ' - OUR LINE OF STAPLE GROCERIES ran be relied upon as being always pure end Ireeh. Heuaekeepere who know end appreciate good Coffee, Tea, Sugar Spices end GROCERIES OP ALL KINDS will be thoroughly satisfied with our goods after the Oral purchase. Lowest Cash Rices to be , Found in Town J. P. BOYETTE, AHOSKIE, N. C a * ? ? ? r | We're Opposed | Mail Order Concerns i Because? pricaa CM l?M right Ken. II without delay ia tecarnag gooda U mi the fu.Aikt ?l ?tehee I ia iUiat eedeee. I But The ulHtl baoii kail M to Day wmw floods era cncspest. Local pddei. easily acoed mj ia the paee el tie m Therefore Mu. ma* jam quay itiliili Advertise! I The local Md ia jam. AO || you ac?d da fa to mil jam. II epH ef tbeappoftuaaiaa?4md. II Aa adreitiaemeiu in due paper II will cany youa anwaaa iota II Waailiaiti al hnwm ia thu cone. II await,. It ia theauran aeedwat II al lulling your (paten cow- II padax. A apace thie naa H nal con much. Ceaoe la ? aad aaa ua about it ? ' ??' ..U==f ?Sweet Oil J was made famous when ...Olive Oil was used. The- same kind that - - baa made its reputa tion and make* it a valuable remedy ia used when you get CLIMAX BRAND I 10 and 25c bottles. i. ?. , . - Roberts Drug Co. II: Suffolk, Va. | i M ii 1 ii id -. :? - : ' ~ I Coughs 1 Kill If Yoii Let Them. laetaad kfcyater Caafh wdk WL KING'S NEW MCeVEKV. H kaak MNW Tkraal aad Last*. IhiaiuN la M 1 ia vflop# hanafHed hv W JUO wy Dr. King's New Discovery Heavy laah V k fdb r-" ^-"7) -~i V;,SNkV Bouts ire Wanted 'IJwp* ' V - ii ' At Ik* IMi. are Hooa ?j There is no place where a good book ia more appreciated then at the Slate Sanatorium fur the treat ment of tuberculosis. Tlnre the patient* have nothing to do but to got well and everything bringing cheer. a new viaion or an uplifting thought into then liven is a direct aid in the process. To those who are not confined to their beds, leading i> a ?whotesome euwrutfu uient and speeds many a heavy footed moment on. Some of the IMtlents learn there y> read for their first time and eagerly Uke tins opimrtunity lb learn to read and write while they gain in weight and strength. A good library at the Sanatorium would in no wise fail in the true mission of a library. Its educa tive, entertaining and inspiring offices would be entered into and Hpprociated. Aa a source of com fort. ho|ie end light its influence would be as the widness of the sea. This need of the sanatorium opens up a splendid opportunity to individuals, societies, clubs, orders and other organizations to make donation^ either in books, magazines, daily and weekly pa t>er?, or in other equipment for a good up-to-date reading room. Those having good books of fiction, of verse, biography or copies of the standard writers, that they have read, might as well pack tbem up and send to the Sanatorium in stead of packing them away to be come dust eaten and mouldy for lack of use and with age. Books have their seasons like other tilings. Don't wait, tijl Uiev have |oat their savor and have become stale to send them. Let theirs be timely messages. T'lftfF^r .-'-'-I Administrators Notice. Hiving qualified at adminis trator of the estate of Walter G. Ootnus deceased late of Hertford County, N. C.. this it to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersign on or before the 27 day of October 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate Hll please make immedi ate payment. This the 27. of October 1914. H. W. Greene, Admr. Win borne A Winborne. Attys. v . . Executors Notice. Having qualified as executors of L. N. Parker, deceased, late of Hertford County, N. C.. this is to notify- all persons having clains against the esta'te of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 14th., day of September, 1915, or this notice will ke^plead in bur of their re covery. AJI Persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This September 14th., 1914. P. D. PARK KK, W. H. Bbtaht Jr., Executor. W. W. Rogers, Attorney. Valuable Real Estate for Safe. Two nicn corner lots with good residence,,-situated on Church Street. One nice lot containing orte acre with Tobacco Warehouse on Main Street, in town Ahoskie, N. C. Three nice farms near good towns with good trans potation facilities. For full information with prices, See Dixie Uod and Investment Co. Ointofl, n. ?. H. H. JONES, Manager. i ? 1 1 V No. 669 TUa i. ? pieeulprlou prepared eapeclalb for MALAHIA or CHILIS A FCVE*. "I?e or ?ixdoswyill break any ease, aad ? (ahaa than w a toale the Frrer will MX rejar^ ll am on tha Brer barter than . Notice of Sale. By virtue of the power and authority given in a certain con tract, executed by and between C. F. Johnson, L. C. Johnson. Audrew Vaughan and wife Alice E. Vaughan. Fannie Lessiter, Andrew Futrelleid wifePaHieA. Futroll, Jesse R. Joyner and wife Sadie A. Joyner, J. N. Vinson and wife Carrie T. Vinson, Tallie H. J oh i won and Ferdinand B. John son, parties of the first pert, and S. H. Johnson snd wife Haiti* Jahnesa, pasties of I he sennnri, part, which is duly recorded in the office of Register* of Deeds for Hertford County, North Carolina, in book 25, on pages 550 et Sep., the undersigned will offer for sale at public outcry, in front of the Mayor's office 10 the town of Mur freesboro, in the County and State aforeeaid, on Tuesday. December 1st., 1914, at uoon, upon the fol lowing terms, via-one half cash, and the remainderv in equal amounts in one and two yeers from date of sale, to be evidenced by the notes of tiie purchaser and secured by a deed of trust on the . follow ing described real estate, which will be sold by the undersigned at the time and place aforesaid, to wit:? The tract of land situate in Mur freesboro townsmu, Hertford County, North Carolina, whereon Henry H. Johnson resided at the time of his desth, known as the "H. H, Johnson Home Place," lying on the public road leading from Murfreesboro to -St Johns, N. G., adjoining the lands of the heirs of L. B. Warren, T. J. Vaughan and the laods of Jas. Brett and others, and containing one hundred and tMrty nine acres, more or less. The purchaser may anticipate the deferred payments, if he so desires, and pay the whole of the purchase money in casli. This October 28th., 1814. L. J. Lswkkmcb, Attorney-in-fact ? Notice of Sale! By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Hertfrrd Coun ty entered in a special proceeding there itending wherein J. B. B.vrd, Guardian of LucreticB.vrd. Minor, is t<etitioner ex parte to the court. I will on Saturday the 38th., ?ay of Novemlter 1914, at one o'cloek P. M., expose to public sale at tbe court house door to Winton, N. C., to the highest bidder for cash the following bounded and described tract or parcel of land in Hertford County, North Carolina, to wit: That share or lot of the Simpson Pierce home place tract of laud which was allotted to Lucretia Pierce,in the Simpson Pierce laud* division as shown by same of reeod in book 34 page 583 Hert ford County Register of Deeds office to which reference is made for accurate description of said land, and being lot No. one in aaid land division and adjoins the lands of the J. W. Perry Raynor farm and others and contains 31 acres i more or leas. Place of Sale: Courthouse door 1 in Winton, N. (J. Time of Sale: One o'clock P.* 1 M., Soturday November 38, 1914. Terms of Sale: Caah. This October 23rd., 1914. J. H. Matthews, Commissioner. Winston ft Matthews, ?4 Attorneys.'^ GHOWAN MOTOR CO Pawengert-Mail Exprws j ichodul* la effect November IT, 1111 1 ">etweee Taala (A. C. L. R. R.) anr ] gtufreeeboro. N. C? aa4 Intermedial. j points. | JL.V. Maxfreaaboro T.-IOa. I:Mr ! Lt Como-Mapletoa I:t0a. l:40p L* Heart WtaaH ...... ,1:40a. l:10p Lv. Wlatoa .....4:49a. ?:10| It Trail .*.?????*..?.IS: 10a. S:S4r Lv. Taala 11:00a. 0:04p L.V. Winton 11:10a. 4:ttp Lv.-gears Wharf II: top. T:?l Lv. MapletOfrCome 1I:S0?. T:IOp *r. Mwtreeaboro lilto. I:l?p (a) ?tearner Imvm OB arrival ol ttale. Will wait aa lata aa 1:00 ?. but la so cut lator. Tka abort Schedule Is sabfest U hasps without notice U. VAUGHAN, GENERAL MANAGER Ittttrtrttsboro* -11. E. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Oeya Toor hn.,riW will refund moMr * P*XO (Concluded From Pag* Ona) French government for 6,000 torn of bayonet mod saber steel. "New York, Oct. 16 ? American industry continues to feel the sti mulus of foreigu purchases. Four hundred truck* end engines for automobile*, said to be for use in the Euro|>e*n war. have been loaded on the steamship Bugura. of Frbre Line, at Brooklyn. The Bugura is to sail for Liverpool New York. Oct. 14.?A steady demand continues for surgical and. medical materials. An order has been placed at Biddeford, Me., fur 600,QQ0yaid* of cotton material! for hospital purpose, wbilesnothei requisition is reported from Fall I Biver for 1,260,000 yards of light weigh cotton goods for gauze bendgages. An inquiry for 1.000,000 pairs of cotton bslf hose for use in hos pitals is also reported. Woolens are iu heavy demand, one concern receiving en order for 20.000 pairs of woolen hoiaery. Philadelphia reports inquiry for several hundred thousand sweaters of khaki color, New York, Oct. 16.?All silk are ranning to capacity, and the impression is general that the volume of production will be greatly increased in the 'next few weeks. Heavy demands for silk here ere report to have been made upon American manufacturers by Cana dian < dealears, who heretofore bought their silks in Europe* New York, Oct. 16?France lias booked contracts direct with tbe manufacturers for 1,800 tracts on the strength of its investigat ions at Bethlehem and testimony of American exports who were consulted. ; Although reports are pot yet of ficially confirmed, the probable contracts wiU be something like ihi.- A Wfaite Compand (Cleveland) 600 two-ton trucks.* Pierce-Arcow Motor Company (Buffalo), 300 two-tun tracks. Packard Motor Company (De troit), 280 two-ton and 816 three ton trucks. Kellt Springfield v (Springfield. CT.), 360 Two ton trucks. Thomas B. Jeffery Company (Kauoaha, Wis.), 60 one and oDe lia If-toh "quad" tracks. Alton, III., Oct. 14.?An order for ammunition recei ved by a local cartridge company yesterday will necessitate the employment of several hundred additional men and the operation of the factory day and nignt f jr six months. New York, Oct. 11.--Refined sugar, wheat, flour, corn oats, and rye eontinue to be exported in large quantities to Green Britain, France, Sweden, the Netherlands and Spain. According to figures given out yesterday at the Cuatom House the oxporte of refined sugar to Eng land, Ireland and Scotland during the first ten days of October ag gregated 408,861 bags and 79,860* parrels. During the previous ten da.vs England took 78.824 bags and 5.460 barrels. Besides refined sugar, 414,453 buabela of Wheat, 11,600 bushels of oats and 68,698 bags and 1,080 barrels of wheat Hour were exported to Great Britain from October 1 to October 10, inclusive. ?? ?" |HH minute you feel pain or aorenees io a jertflt or nautcle, bath it with Sluea'a Liniment. Do not rob it Sloan'a penetrates almost immedi ately rignt to the Mat of pain, re lieving the hut, ten.h-i<, s woolen feeling Httd making the part eaay and comfortable a bottle of Sloan'* Liniment for 3ft cent* of any druggist and have it in tha houae?eiraioct oolda. aore and nwoIImi joints, rheamatlam. neural gia^ eciatica and like ailments. hot it doea give almost instant re lief. Adv. TUOPENTINE 1 it largely used in the I home, a* there are | many adulteration son X H the market, be anre II you are right and get II CLIMAX BRAND | 5,10 and 25c bottloa. | Roberts Drag Co. I l| I , smelt, Vl ? I I I I I I. lie Hupmobile 1M cmf mr IM W.M 9RM jj' Service r|fJ Day fa and day oat? Month in prttfP? out Year in and year out? The HupmobUe fa "on the job." The chief Joy of the Hop yets from his car. And that constant, con tinuous service is an economical service, too. For the Hop costs lees to ran. It costs less for tire* feryas olrne, for oil, for repair.s. Service?economical id ?? ice- built into each and every part of the Hap mobile. Yoa |et real service?a// the time?if y?a buy s Hup. And, in addition, yoa,get the fas sib ?iiu imcm give you ?wherever end wh - you need iL HUPP MOTORCAR CO, Ofcl WOIT E. O. HINESr LOCAL AGENT AHOSKIE - N. C. ?' v Oe|y One "MOMO QUOWtB" i mm*mnw????" TIKE HOSPITAL. We have just opened a gem ral Tire Repairing Shop and have a modern machine to do this work with, we" can repair anything about Tires or Inner Tubes and guarantee all work stand- or no charge. ; Our Machine will Vulcanize anv size Tire from 2}4 r inches to 4% and we can fix an^sista Blow Out, Rim Cut or Tare and can reline whole tire of necessary. 1 1 ??-eeBBMBgap We slav do. s General Automobile iepair Business and will apprecinte your sending or bringing u; any kind of work. Our ; charges are reasonable and work guanjr teed. We hare installed Gasoline Engine to Run Lathe, Drill, Press, .Pump, Jack and etc., and have te\ e>.v thing ready to do your work. You will find us at H. H .lone* oW store. 1 - 1 I" * ' ' 11111 Gasoline IS cent per Gallon. Iir^ WINTON GARAGE bgeo. n. winbornb. mik dnest. E^rr W. BgirroN. Vulcauizer Ect. vrov,' NORTH ?CAROLINA, j

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