.?? ?-JJ?<? Tate Machinery & Supply Co., Littleton, N. C. ^attrineby smuAxism Everything in Machinery and Suppliea DR. C. G POWELL DENTIST OFFICE OVER 9. J. D1LDAYS STORE AHOHKHL N. C, ' ip Mlnbornn & Wlnbttrne K B?nj. B. WioJtesgM, Stanley Winborne Attorney ?-at- I^vr 11U RFREE3B0R0, N. C. Phopes No. 17 and 21. . . ' . .. IpF'j Edgar Thomai Snipea AUornay-aLLan Loan* Negotiated Beat Estate Bought and SoldJ Omee: 2nd Floor .L 'W. Godwin. Jr., Bldg AHOSKIE, N. C. aa 1 1 ? ? '? -!????- i? ? 1 ???? R.R.ALLEN Dealer In 8ASH. DOORS. BLINDS, WINDOW GLASS. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDINS MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholesale and Retail No. U27 Washington Square SUFFOLK. VA. SASH. DOORS. HARDWARE. PAINTS, LIME. CEMENT, SEWER PIPE. CART MATERIAL MILL SUPPLIES, STOVES, RANGES " ANOETC, CLOSE PRICES. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED ? AND OBLIGE. E- L FOLK CO. No. IM7.DM Waaliinglon Square v SI I M.'I.K. VA. ? W. W. ROGER? ? ^ttorney-?t-I<w - . ? - Prou.pt Attuntlnn Giren to A if? Basineaa. % AHOSKIE, N. C. 1 E. C. HOBBSJ - _ Attorney-at-Law ? ? ' Ut? and Fir* Inaursnee AHOSKIE. N. C. ' C. Wallace Josss Attorney and Connector-At-Law . WINTON. N. C. Practise in all courts. Loan* negotiat ed. Soecial attention to collections. Located in Bank of Winton* D. L. THOMAS GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Plana and Specifications famished upon applies tion Cement and Tile Work j 'Brick Work a Specialty AHOSKIE. N. C.I 1 111 ? 1 ? ? j' Roawell O Bridger Attorney-at-Law WINTON. N. C. J. Rt EVANS Practical Tin Roofer and Sheet Metal Worker Prices Right. MURFREESBORO. N. C. FRANK G. TAYLOE . . Notary Public Ahoskie, Nqkth Cabolina. WHEN IN NEED .44 -OF- . Flooring, Ceiling, Weatherboard ing, Casing, Boxing etc.. Call on. J. T. BARNES, ? AHOSKIE, N. C. DR. L. G. SHAFER : ? ' SPECIALIST ? ill the examination of.the Eye and fitting Glasses at "MANHATTAN HOttS," Ahoakie every 8rd Wed neaday. Artificial eye* made to ordej-, perfect fit and match guar anteed. , Home offie Ilock.v Mount, N. C. Oombridge Hotel Building, Firit Floor, Phone GM. " "' : -.' t | Jv- i *? Tuberculosis is State Problem "PtW. g, iuu. wnrvcsfrimi-ms Htlon Southern Medical Association Tuberculosis is a State Droblein and, as audi ought to be handled by the State with a central agency fur the re|K>rtiiig of every case and a method of attaca strengtliened by a co-o|>erative sanatorium es tablished by the State and main tained by various agencies, politi cal, aocial, business, insurance, fraternal, and religious iu the Slate. Tliii Is the opinion of the Slate Board of lfealth and will las the central theme of the Secre tary of the Statu Board, Dr. \V. S. Hankie, when he addresses the ICighth annual meeting of the Southern Medical Aaesociation in Richmond, November 912. At the eighth annual moating of the association, the North Carolina State Board of lfealth will be re presented by its president. Dr. J. Howell Way, of Waynesville, it* secretary and treasurer. Dr. W. S. Rankin, of Raleigh, and by Dr. L. B. McBrayer, superintendent of the Slate sanatorium for the treatment of tuberculosis. On Tuesday, Dr. Rankin ad dresses the association <hi the "State's Policy in the Manage ment of Tuberculosis." He ap proaches his subject in the light of "Tuberculosis as a , State Pro blem," and shows that the State's death rate is .a responsibility be loiigtug directly to the State Board of Health, and that one fourth of this responsibility is due to the preventable death rate from tuber culosis. He says in part. "Tuber" cuh>i>is is therefore clearly and distinctly a State health problem of such magnitude as to call fur a definite end comprehensive State policy." In determining this (state policy lie points out the average State's inability to bear in to the weight of this-burden and suggests plans and policies as follows: "While the average State cannot herself carry her burden of tuberculoid^ she can have it carried. The State can divide the burden into many parts; the State can carry the lar ger part, a part large enough to encodrage by her example the cooperation and assistance of all the political, fraternal, religious, business, social and insurauce or ganizations within her realm; she can correlate and direct the co operative elforts of these multiple agencies and so bring to bear con certed attack all along the retreat ing iilie of the greatest enemy of the race." He suggests as a means of * pro perly grasping and apportioning the tuberculosis prdblem that there be a State law requiring the re porting of tuberculosis to a central office on a suitable blank form, and proposes ns a plau of attack,, a cooperative sanatorium to be con structed by the State and main tained by the various cooperative agencies above referred to; the correspondence school to be main tained out Of the maintenance funds of tile sanitorium and to have as its fuuctious: First, to re ceive the reports of the cases of tuberculosis in the State under the law requiring such retmrts to be made; yecond, to bring together the needy, incipient and moderate ly advanced consumptive case and the organization of one -kind or another that lias interest in the case; third, to matriculate all cases of tuberculosis reported uot in the sanitorium as members> of the cor respondence shoot. \ West Chowan Association. ~ The West Chowan, sending re presentatives of more then 12,000 Baptist, met iu its thirty-second session at Harrellsviite. The Ban Usts of liarrellsville had rebuilt their church, enlarging and beauti fying it, and w.ere ready for the visitor*- This little town has- one of theniceet churches iu the State fur the aiasof the place. Pastor Honeycutt and his splendid people ' Sr.- ' 'fk. "t< lire to becnngmltilated. Tbe representative of tbe Ro jfti ds.r._Killt .it-JuunUat-ul-i'U'eri, wee entertained in tlie splendid home of Mr. Brother J. T. Williams. Pee lor W. B. Welf pretched the introductory sermon from the word*: "Will a man rob Godf Tbe sermon ia worthy of tbe audi ence of every North Carolina Ban tiat The officers: Thomas Gillam. Moderator; J. 8. Mitehell, Vice Moderator; N. W. Button. Clerk: Dr. R. P. Thomas, Treasurer; and Rev. R. B. Liuberry, Historian, were reelected. No association could boast of more capable offi cers. The watchword of the West Chowan is - development. Many churches are 'making progress, while others are making little .or no progress. But with the strong pastors and tlie many aggressive laymen there is no doubt but tluil the West Chowan will remain, as she has for years been, one of the most powerful Baptist bodies in the bounds of the Southern Bap tist Convention. UlKiwan College has made this country a veritable Baptist, Eden. The women of culture and. refine ment throughout the Association make it a place moat enviable to live in.- Chowan College is pass ing through a crisis but ''we have no do.u1>t that the result will be a furtherance of every good cause and the strengthening of the Col lege. The men of this section kuuw what the College has meant to the entire Association and the State will rally aroifud the school and President Lineberry and free it of debt, and it wilt take its place among tbe foremost finalist colleges in our Southland. The West Chowan is one of the most ?y?l bodies to every de nominational enterprize that wo have in the Slate. When the masses of this grest Baptist As Huciation shall have been develop ed to the point that many have al ready attained, it will be that there is no rival in all the laud for the position and influence of thisgreat Association.?By J. S. Farmer. Philata Class Business Meeliog. The Plnlathea C'nas of Almskie Baptist Church met Id the home of Mr*. S. ?. Dilday at 3:3o o'clock November 9th,, 1914 for its re gular business meeting. The. class was culled to order by president and she read a scrip ture lesson and led in prayer. Then the reports front the stand ing committees were received. A motion was uiude and carried that wo uae the envelop system , hereafter in securing the class ; pledge for.the orphanage. Misses Doris Joskins and Ruth Odom were appointed as Pastor's Aid eofcomiUee for the next two t weeks, r-3 Then a rising vole of thanks, was given to the committee who cleaued and arranged the claw room during the laat month. It was voted that we acrid a handkerchief shower to the oldest , girls at the orphanage for a X ma a present. Money was pledged with which t to purchaae correspondent cards for class. Miss Sarah Brett and Mesdames ( M. D. Curtis and Z. V. Bellamy were appointed a* nominating . committee. It wus moved and carried that we ask Mrs. Honeycutt to act as assistant teacher for the eiass for the remainder of the year. The assistant teachers for the Sunday School for thereat month are Miss Nannie Newsome, Met dauies Hallie Baker und C. (}?. n 11 jtowuii. "Hp Can Count On Me" was then sung and we were dismissed by repealing the.platform. After this the hostess served home made candies and wo ad journed. to meet again Monday after the second Sunday in Decem ber with MrajW. L. Curtis. Qlasa Reporter. _ 4 State Teachers Readj to Meet. ? Kvosy t'laeo ilip iiaried program of tlte North Carolina Teachers' As4s*nbly and its allied organizations. which meet i?i Char lotte, Novcrnber 85-28, ha* been assigned and accepted and the thiri.v-firat aimtnrl Session will be notable this ydfcr. Charlotte took this most favored of (tie conventions from all bid ders. It has Inj^tn six years since the assembly w?nt to Clmrlotje.wid the re?jstrstn i|tfiKt year won* far above any previous or . ucceeditiK convention unti 1911. The Queen City will be exfceted to- cntertaiu l,i)00 this year1.1 State rvoperiH|hndent .Jsraer i . Joyner lias callfd upon the school bourda of everjicrty aud town in North Carolina to give to all teaclicrs who wi.v wish to attend the assembly )eave of nbseuce without lens of pay for FViday succeeding Thu&sgiving on Thurs day, November 26. in making this ri ?iuest DfCtor .Junior declar er Ida belief that the teachers will receive from tlfe association with hundreds of fglluw touchers aud with masters of the profession, such compensation from exchanges of views and experiences as will many times compensate for the loss of tl'.e single day that will actually be missed, from school. All the schools jyvill take Thanks giring and tratijs afe so arranged that almost all vjill be able to leave their homes on Wednesday,prec%d-. ing Tlianksgu ?8g Thursday. thu? attending the entire convention. Every county aupermrendeiit and every school hoard in North Carolina will be urged to grant this to the teachers who bear their own expense lit going to the con veuliou apd oakjsimply for the one' Sty to nitKe W^oust o? their 'op portunities to hear the messages llmt nil teachers bring to Charlotte. There are 12,000. teachers in the public schools of the State and the Raleigh departments would ' con sider "it a feast to have nearly 20 per ceot of the profession in Char lotte gaining the best thought and experience from the master minds. Nations! characters, a half score of them, have accepted the invitation to speak. The jiarenfc teachers" organiza tion, the Not tli Carolina Teachers' Assembly, will be augmented by five associations. While the elder is meeting in College Street High School, these five will be holding sessions in various portions of the r?t f ?; The State Association of Primary Teaches, with Mini Ilattio Parrott. of Kinslon, president,, the North Carolina Kindergarten As sociation, of which Miss Ualtie M. Scott, of Aslieville, is president; Die State Association of Gram mar Grades, headed by Mrs. Hattie ?. Fonuell, of Wilmington, and the North Carolina Music Teachers' Association, which holds its first convention, will meet with the. assembly and Prof. M. 0, S. Noble, of the State University, will preside. The Association of High School Teachers and Princi pals, with Prof. A. Vermont, of Srnithfield, president, has a session of two days. Mr. Vermont is a Belgian of the city of Antwerp and will discuss the schools of Europe. The distinct socisJ feature of the assemble will be the reception given by the Woman's Club, of Charlotte, at the Selwyn Hotel Thursday evening at 10:30. it is the evening at which the .entire assembly will be guests. For the opening session at 8:30 Wednesday evening November 26, Mayor Charles A. Bland will make the welcome for Chartc^te and Prof. H. B. Graven, .of Neiv Bern', wtH respond W it,--Oi3 Philander P. Claston, United Stales Commis sioner of Education, will speak, that evening. Thanksgiving sermon will .be preached Thursday morning by Rev'. E. K. McLarty pastor of Tryon Street Methodist church Th?president's address will be a. part of the Thursday evening pio gram of the Msenibly and Mrs. " "I ' y ' Marietta Johnson, <>f ? Fairhope. ?*i m Alabama, one of the urnrt "tind*v_ of the assembly for 1U14. will tell Carolina teachers now beginning to learn of Iter methods. Friday will be marked by the address of Dr. William Lyon Pheliud of Yale University. Officers will be elected oil that dav. The railroads are making con cessions to the teacbera and put* tinir a visit to -Charlotte within reach of tlieni all. ?*rdMW.^,Akftrd;Va?iViMrt<W Aulander News \ 7*" 111 ?"' Cswpded and Anaitffd for Herald Reedrn by eat Rtfulai Correspondent <>OPWWWvmv ^ Tlve vote in this precinct. Mitchell number two, wee very light on election day, only abont half the qualified voters attending the polls. Miss Nancy Vann^ daughter of Mrs. end the late T. j. Venn. was. married last week to Mr. Win borne of Coleraiiie. The family and near relatives were present at the ceremony, winch took i>lace at the lioine of the bride near lint place. - / Bete Battle, a respected colored man, died here last Tuesday night after a short attack. Battle was tiremau for J. J. House & Co. and had a good ijscord with his employers. Fire completely destroyed the bam and stables of Mr. Calvin Jernigan last Tuesday niglit, and burned three team besidea the feed and other thtngs stured in the buildings. The fire was first seen about 6:30 o'clock by an outsider, Mr. Jernigan and his family being at the. supper table, and when seen'it was too. advanced to be checked. It was impossilde to save tho team, one fine horse own ed by Mr. Star key Bawls, one 1 liorso and a mule owned by Mr. ' Jernigan being'burned to death. Another mule owed by Mr. Bawls*, was tied under tbe shelter and was badly burned before gelling aivay. Mr. Jeruigan's loss is heavy.' The team, feed, |K>>atoes, some clothes, chickens, and buildings amount to nearly $1,500 with no insurance. The town people work ed hard to save the dwelling and ? other buildings .near by. The' fliames were see., a long distance. Mr. 'Jernigan is an indusuioua man, highly esteemed b.v the i>ec ple here and his loss is a source of regret to all Who know him. Zell Wiggins a negro tenant for Mr. J. L. Harrington was killed lust Thursday night at 11 o'clock by another negro named Kaleigh Harman, a shot gun being the weapon used. From all accounts Zell had been drinking aud when he came home started a nun re! with his wife, who is Herman's sister. Harman in defending his sister irom uti auscK, lingered Wiggins wl|o turned on him with the guu. Herman succeeded iu getting the gun away from Wig gins, end it is said Wiggih* start ed on him with a knife, when Hnrtnen shot him owiUi his own gun. Tho IohU entered' Wig gins breast and death eume in a few minutes. Dr. ltnfiin the coroner viewed the bod.y next day. linrman gavo himself Up to the authorities. The Philathea Convention will meet here the first Sunday in De comber. A committee is at work on a urogram including special music and u splendid gathering is anticipated. The moving pictures shown here last week were disappointing. The promoters had advertised Knro penn War pictures, but the pictur es were old and too ^ small - to be interesting; Mr. J. A. Willi turd was in Tar boro on business last week. Miss Mary Harrell who is at tending Chowan College sueut Saturday and Sunday with her father Mr. E. C. Harrell. Site returned to college on Tuesday. ^ ' Miss Freddie Burden gave a 1: (Continued on page 4-) .J'- ??- . ?i j?rr jiw i w?mriroapmv"rJrximurm I LET THE 1 .fmiM' fliiWF Roberson viile, N. C. SELL YOUR TOBACCO We Have a Force That Gvarantccs | Prompt Betvrns and Pest o! Attention. Ship us a Crate, Box or Hogshead and let us prove to you that we look after the a Farmers' Interest every time. A. T. Co., Export Co., Liggett-Myers B Co., J. P. Taylor & Co., and Imperial jj Company have buyers on this market. Grimes'Roberson Co. 1f Proprietors Farmers' Warehouse B Robersonville, N. C. wmmm m m ? ? ?p^ 1 ... Rici#rd Winborne, Pre*; \ W.JU. Winborne, Vica-Pre*. ! Norfolk, Va. Cliowun Co., N. C. WINBORNE & CO., INC. COTTON AND PEANUT FACTORS Commission* Merchants Norfolk, Va. PBANUT WAREHOUSES: SUFFOLK. VA.; NORFOLK. VA. I ' Shipment* solicited Mnrket information f nislicd. Refer- f ence. Seaboard Nktional Bunk. Norfolk, Va. Ar i.vnbefoiebu'jr- 5 inif gat our price* on Peunut Bugs, Bagging and Ties. It J fBRICK! V FLOORING. CEILING. MOULDINGS, SIDING. <? ? dressed lumber of all KINDS. T ~ ^ * ?- ? ? ' ? 4 T W 4> We make qrrick shipment* of Material. Our <? ? prises are riifliL and our Material is made right.- ? v Ordw from ua and get u square deal. ^ ? SATISFACTION GUAKAN TEED. 4> V 1'runpt replies to all iiK.uiriee. Lerue or small 'Ytj ? orders filled promptly. Write or phone. t J. J. HOUSE & CO. | 1 Succeuora to,Carolina Built: . i-iarc!ware Co. 4 aulandkr, n: c. i i 1 ? ? i 1 ?' t? i 1 maaiiMjft)a, COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE. 1 XliiDkS arearramjcd her* tor yotia comfort ami convenience. C We are quipped to care for your deposits will, absolute safely. 5 We are prepared to aid honest men iu develooiinj legitimate business enterprises. In short there i? no function of u. bank cannot- perform I to your complete satisfaction. i - | Merchants and Farmers Bank I ^ W,ni?> A' C. J -?nr ?mnfc 1904 19141 THE PEOPLES BANK | M URFREESBORO,N. C. ,. i 1 Capital and Surplus $25,009.00 OLD?SAFE?STB0N6?BELIABLE. Are yrou one of its many patrons?S If to you have aided us in building up this creditable Institution, and* we believe we have aided you in building up this pro gressive community: Together we have Prospered for the past ten years.: ?y? ' 1 Join us with renewed vigor for c con- -.da tinuation of mutual prospe ;tv. [ IT PAYS T BE ONE Of PER PATRONS. Subscribe for U/>e Herald j& """ . m

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