Br WEEK'S WXRXMGBSt Mr. J. C. Beuthall went to Nor folk Wednesday. Mr. T. J. White, of Aulander, was in our nlaco Monday. Ex Sheriff W. E. CuPensj of llarreiisville was in town fuesduy. Miss Blaneli Baugham, of Pote casi is visiting Mrs. C. G. Powell. WANTED-B. E. Peas, best prices, hi Denot.-G. A- Robertson. Messrs. Pembfok Baker and E. L. Garrett spent Sunduy in Nor folk. Mr. A. R. M.vrick, of Suffolk, was here Tuesday in the interest of Ilia peanut corporation. Messrs Tuotnus Sears and T, N. Charles, of Union, were in Ahoakie Sunday afternoon. Look out for the kitchenette man W. S. Nelson, Agent. Mrs. Pora Brown, of Winton,' and Mrs. Julian Brown visited Mrs. Prank G. Tayloe Saturday. Sheriff A. E. Garrett, Messers. J. W.Powell and Frauk G.Tayloe were in Winton on business Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Nash Carter, of Richmond, Vs.. are spending some time with Mrs. Carter's mother, Mrs. S. K. Newsome. > Mrs. E; M. Wooten, and Messrs J. N. Vaun aul J. E. Over tun attended the buriai of J. Ht. Brett Tuesday afternoon. Lu>ok out for the Kitchenette man W. S. Nelson. Agent. Messrs. William Myers, Walter Sumner, Hugh Odum and Ja*. S. Vinson spent Sunday with Mr; MyW parents near Colerain. ' ; Miss Ama Hrown, of Kslford, and Miss Margie Spivey. of Lew iston spent several days here in the home of Mr. K. J. Baker. - ? -? ? ? Sore doses 666 will break any ease of Fever or Chills. Pries 25 cents. Miss Esther Wynne, of the faculty of Chowan College was here Wednesday on her wijyout to her aunt's, Mrs. Geo. E. Askew. In the death of James E. Brett at his home in Union Monday night, Hertford County loses one of its most worthy and. respected citizens. - j Dr. Paul H. Mitchell left Tues-1 day to attend the 8th.. annual ses-1 sion of the Southern Medical Con vention which meets at Richmond, Va.,this week. Mr. W< P. Brit ton, of St. John's called in the Herald office: Wednesday and extended' his sub scription -twelve months. Mr. Britton appreciates bis home paper. You will 6n Smith, secretary and tresure Mrs. J. N. Vann, reporter Miss Beltie See some. Each member was assessed the small sum of four cents permorfth. Va 'aunt J. W. Godwin and Wil liara House were appointed as a committee to Set* all the old m:m bers and find out if the,)' wanted to rejoin. Many new ideas were discussed, as to how interest might be main tained in the club. Those who joined were: Mes datnes M. D. Curtis, J. W. God win, R. L. Phelps, 11. H. Honey cutt, W. .G. Smith, William House, J. N. Van:: and Lillie Gar rett, Misses Patty Leary and Bet tie Sessoms- 1 The - club met with Mrs. W. G. Smith Thursday afternoon November 12lb., 1914. A Big Day at Meherrin. American George Lodge No. 17 4m* been invited and will lay the corner atone of the new Ueherrin Baptist. Church just outside of this town on' Wednesday, November 18tli. The Grand Master, J. T. Alderman of Henderson will be .present and also the Grand Tyler, -ft. H. Bradley of Raleigh, and the Lodges at Jnefcaon, Pendleton. Potecasi, Rich Squhre, Ahoskie, Winton and 'fTSTKrellsville, have been invited to be present. It is the intention of the congregation also on that day to liava special service, and ss I understand it', will serve a public diuner onVthe grounds. k r \ .These people have constructed and: furnished at a c6vo statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. * AAN P. BOYETTE. Correct?Attest: . W. W. Rooers, w. m. Cohwin, J. H. Mitchell, Directors; Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7tb., day of November. 1914. W. L. Coktis. Notarypublic. ? Report of the Condition of Bank of, Ahoskie Ahoskje, ft. C. At the close <>f business Novem ber 3rd., 1914. RESOURCES Loans and discounts...$133,982.71 Overdrafts secured, $813.(i2; unsecured, $256.25 1,071.87 North Carolina Slate Hoods l,00(LQa Premium on Bunds... 20.00 Banking Houses. $1, 86l.75;Furnituresnd Fixturers.ll, 558.56. 3,420.31 All ? otiier real estate owned J 167.60 Due from Banks and Bankers : 11,137.74 Cash items ' 1,894.63 Gold coin ... 617.00 Silver coin, including all minor coin cur-' rency ..... .'. 1,245.80 National bank notes and other U. S. notes _^J253;00 Total.. $157,710.56 LIABILITIES Capital stock |iaid in..$ 14,750.00 Undivided profits, less current Expenses and ?taxes paid .. 17,460.42 Bills payable 18,400.00 Time Certificates of De posit ... 46,836.40 Deposit subject to check 44,225.24 Saving Deposits 15,075.66 Cashier's Check out standing ^T. - 473.24 Certified Checks _4t89A0 Total $157,710.56 State of North Carolina, County of,Hertford, 9s. I, W. L. Curtis, Cashier of the above named bank;~thr-?olemul.v swear thnt the above statement is true to the best ?f i?y knowledge and beiief. W. L. CURTIS, Cashier. Correct?Attest: Ernest Hats. L. S. Savai - e, J. R. Garrett, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 10th., day of November, 1914. J. A, COPEr.AND, Notary Public. Report of the Condition of the Farmers Bank of Eure, CURE, N. C. At the close of business October 31st., 1914. RESOURCES Loans and discounts ._.$ 17,790.91 Overdrafts secured, 96.21 Banking Houses, $1,725.88; Furniture and Fixtures, $1,448.75. 8,174.63 Due from Banks and Bankers 1,133.12 Cash items ' 109.22 Gold coin.". . 112,60 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency...... 44.74 National bank nates and other U. 8- notes .' ' , 454.00 Expense over profits (from. ?* ,organization),. 849.20 Total-?-J ?.?... .-.$213,263.78 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in... $ 6,100.00 Bills payable? 6,200.00 Tinje Certrfied of Deposit.. 6,784.14 Deposit subjects to check.. 7,114.21 Cashier's Checks outstanding 65.88 Total * 23.263.72 State of North Carolina, County of Gates, ss: , I, R. B. Hill, Cahhier'of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R, g. Hill, Cashier. Correct?Attest: C. E. Sawyer, D. S. Harrell, J. W. Godwin, Subscribed and sworn to before me, 1 this 10th.. day of November, 1914. W. L. Curtis, Notary Publle.* t - Plies Cered In 14 Daya*^. Tow drunlat will refund money If I OINTMENT (ail, to cure any care of ItchiaC, Blind. Bleeding or rroi radian PI lea intlo ndaya. The firatapplication civet Saw ao4 Rest. 90c. Notice Sale of Land. Undor and by virtue of tha (low er and authority conferred uikhi me by the Deed of Trust executed by Om E. Daugbtry and wife Mamie Duuglitr.v to me on the 16th., day of January 1910. and registered in the Office of tiie Re gister of Deeda in and for Hert ford County N. C. in book 44 at page 433. default having been made on the payment of the in debtedness, seemed therein and ro quest being made by the owner sucli indebtedness so to do, 1 will us Trustee, on Monday the 7th., day of December, 1914, sell for cash by public auction to the high est bidder* at the Court House door in Wiriton, North Carolina, the following descridcd tract of land situated in the said County of Hertford. St. Johns Township State of North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: The same being the four fifth in terest now owned by the above named Osa E. Dauglitry in thai trapt or parcel of land on which the late E. X. Dnughtry died and of which he died seized and possessed of. The other one fifth interest in said land is ownod by Kelly Daugbtry end will not be sold bv this trustee. (But the re version which the Said Osa Daugb try owns in the said one fifth in terest of said Kelly Daugbtry after, the death death of Mrs. E. T. Daugbtry will be sold.) The said tract contains iu the ngfegate one hundred and eighteen Veres more or less. Aud the whole is bound ed as follows towil: Bounded on the East by the lands of Norfleet, on the South by the lands of *W . A. Liver man and on the North by the lands of W. H. Brown and others. The ? four fifth ' interest owned by ?he said Osa E. Daugb try have been allotted to him and that is the part of the above de scribed land which will be sold as above advertised. Sale will be between twelve o'clock M' and one o'clock P. M. This November 2nd., 1914. / I. T. Blanchabd, Trustee. AV. H. S. Bckoctn, Attorney. IHTI CIMLiil ) . tacskii Ttvisair. UKTtoucwm J C. R. Overton vs Sam Freeman. The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued attainat said defendant on the 4th. day of November, 1914, b.v J. H. Mitchell a justice of the peace of Hertford Countv, North Carolina, for the sum of $25.00, due said plaintiff by account, which 'sum mons is returnable before said justice, at his office in Ahoskte in said county, and in Aboskie town ship on the 7th. day of Decemlier, 1914. The defendant will also take notice, that a warrant of attach ment was issued by said justice on the 4th. day of November, 1914, against the property of said defen-' dant, which warrant' is returnable before said justice, at the time and . place above-named for the return of the summons, when and whei^ the defendant is required to ap pear and answer or demur to the Complaint, or the relief demanded will he ([ranted This 4th. day of Nov., 1914. j J. H. Mitch ell, . Justice of tire Pence. W. W. Roogbs, Att.v. ? ? I ? - ? ' , . .Jf- ; Administrator^ Notice! Notice is hereby (riven that the undersigned Martha A. Lee has this day qualified, before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Hertford County, Administrator of the goods and Chattels of Lemuel F. Lee deceased. All parties indebted to said estate must pay at once or claims will be placed Tn the Jiaiids of proper parties to take the proper legal steps to collect same. And all parties holding claims against said estate must present same to the undersigned, ad'ftiiq istratrix of said L. F., Lee within twelve months from the date of this notice or it will be pleaded in bar of its recovery. This 24th. day of/October 1914. ^ Martha A. Leb, WinborneA Winbore, Attys. TW trocat sum. no matter el how low at.wliaa, ut cared by tat wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porttrl Antlaaptic Hcallni Oil. li r, litre, "tin tad Hctla at Uk hum tint. 8c, 90c, H.0? ? COM UH HSR flSWIlIM; .... - 0 ATTORNEY CJENCP.AL GREGORY SAYS PLAN DOES NOT VIOLATE FEDERAL LAW I , ' ' * " ' x success to aovEKcrrrsuEe I !> - - - 1 President Wilson Asked the Attorney for An Opinion.?Up to Now England Eankero. Washington.?No violation of Fed eral anti-trust laws Is threatened by the cotton loin fdnd plan recently perfected by bankers and iuembers ot the Federal Reserve Board, accord ing to an. opinion handed donrn'by \ Attorney General Gregory at the re- j quebt of ^President Wilson. > Success, of th* $135,000,400 pool ; now to believed by treasury officials ' to be assured. More than $30,000,000 ; of the $100,000,000 to be raised among J northern hankers already Kits been J subscribed and practically all of the \ remainder. It Is understood, had been ' promised on condition of a favorable opinion from the Attorney General. J New England financiers. It was said, < v.-ere reluctant to enter the p'nn until J definitely assured that the method ot t raiting the fund would not be con- * a trued as unlawful. 1" Attorney General Gregory's opinion j was rendered after a conference with < President Wilson. The Treasury Dc- 3 partmeht made public the following < correspondence: -"The White House, "My Depr Mr Attorney Genera): J "I am sending the enclosed papers, \ submitted to mo byjhc Secret:: y of J the Treasury, In orfffr to ascertain I whether'In your opinion the proposed J cotton loan fund may be lawfully j formed. 1 know that It Is contrary 3 to the practice of the department 'of j give opinions beforehand as to cqn- < templafed transactloijp, and I think J that such oplnlona ought never in or- 1 dlnary etrcumstances to be given, but j the circumstances with regard to the 3 handling ot the great cotton crop j which have bgen created by the Guru- ? peen war are most extraordinary and j seem to Justify extraordinary action. < It Is for that reason that I venture to J ask jpu to depart in this case from t the usual practice of your department. J "It oacurs to me that the fund aon- 3 rcmpltied stands in a class by Itself. J It Is hardly conceivable thai such ar- . rangements should become settled < practices or furnish precedents which , would be followed B the fegu&r J course of busineis or under ordinary i conditions. They are as exceptional In ? their nature as the circumstances . they are meant to deal with and can * hardly be looked upon as, by possi bility even, dangerous precedents. It , la for this reason that I feel the more Juttlflc-d'in asking for your opinion in the premises. "Cordially and alncerely yours, (Signed) "WOODROW MIGSON." Mr. Gregory replied at once to the President's letter staling that he was tumble to see bow such a plan could be thought to fall wtthtn the purview of the anti-trust laws. Don't Delay Treating Your Couhjt, A slight cough often become serious, Lungs get congested, Bronchial Tubes (ill with mucous. Your vitality is reduced. You need Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Jloney. It soothes your irritated air pass ages, loosens mucous and makes your system resist Colds. (live the Baby and Children Dr-. Bell's Pine Tar-Honey. It's guaranteed to help them. Only 25c. at your Druggist. Adv. Notice. _y 1 am. cutting some 3 and 4 inch c.vpress shingles. If. in need of any call E'. O. IIinics. Union. N. O. We buy Yellow Poplar, Cypress and Ash Lumber, and send inspeptor. MI, LUMBER eOMPAKY '* 59 PEARL ST. / NEW YORK. How To Givo Quinine To Children. FEBRILtNK 1* the tra^e-ntfcrk name given to an improved Quinine. It is aT - f ' ? r\ :* f. ^ L-i l ?? / f.i x - that, it will pay you to do your shopping^at the f \ "Busy Store." | ; Note the Special Prices on the following Items for { : Next Week, Bgining Monday 16 Closing Saturday 21: ? i ^ 1 I Standard ' I ?''??? ' < ? Is now open for your in spection. Every department is filled to overflowing with , all of the newest in Up To The Minute Merchandise. * i * Wynn Bros. * ? * BiG DEPARTMENT STORE MURFREESBORO, NO. ? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? .u MISS NAOMI T. WIGGIN'S --WYNN PROS. BUILDING; ?H-s > MUBFBEESBOBO, HOBTH cabouna. 9 . ... f You are cordially invited to ex amine my Fall and Winter line of Millinery which is noto on display. ? Miss ftaomi T. Wiggins \ Wwn Bto*. Building Murfreesboro, N. C. S