Hertford County Heraed TIIE LAKOE8T WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED JN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. VOL 5 AHOSKIE. N. C.. t>ECEMBER 25. 1914 NO 49 i . M Tate Machinery & Supply Co., Littlatea, N. C.* MACHINERY SPECIALISTS Everything in MttM|fery ?nd Supplies Dr. c. g Powell DENTIST OFFICE OVEK S.J. DILDAY'S STORE AHOSKIE. N. C. Afinborne & Wtnborne Benj. B. WJnborne Stanley Winborne Attorney s-at-Law M U RFKEESBORO, N. C. Phone. No. 17 and 21. Edgar Themaa Snipes Attoroey-at-Law Loana Negotiated Real Estate Bought and SoldJ Ofllce: 2nd Floor J. W. Godwin. Jr., Bldg AHOSKIE. N. C. ft. ft. ALLEN Dealer In BASH^ DOORS. BLINDS. WINDOW GLASS. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY S Wholesale and Retail No. 027 Washington Sqnare SUFFOLK. VA. SASH. DOOR8. HARDWARE, PAINTS. LIME. CEMENT, SEWER PIPE. CART MATERIAL* MILL SUPPLIES. STOVES. RANGES AND ETC. CLOSE PRICES. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND OBLIGE. E- L FOLK CO. No. 017-019 Washington Square SUFFOLK. VA. W. W. ROGERS Attorney-at-Laur Prompt Attention Giren to AU Business. AHOSKIE. N.C C. Wallace Jones Attorney and Cooneelor-At-Law WINTON. N. C. Practice in all courts. Loana negotiat ed. Soecial attention to collections. Located in Bank of Winton 0. L. THOMAS GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Plan* and Specification# furnished upon application Cement and Til- Work * - Brick Work a Specialty ., AHOSKIE. N. C.; ????????????77? Roawall C- Brldger _ Attomey-at-Law WINTON. N. C. J: R. EVANS Practical Tin Roofer and Sheet Metal Worker Prices Right. MURFREESBORO. N. C. FRANK G. TAYLOE Notary public Ahoaeib, North Carolina. WHEN IN NEED ?OF? Flooring, Ceiling, W eatherboard ing, Casing, Boxing etc., Call on. ?). T. BARNES, AHOSKIE, N. C. MANY DISORDERS COME FROM THE LIVER Arc You Just at Odds with YoaraolfT Do You Retulate Uvlog? Are you sometimes at odds with yourself and with the world! Do you wonder what ails you! True you may be eating regularly and .sleeping well. Yet something it the.matter! Constipation, Head ache, Nervousness and Bilious Spells indicate a ^luggish Liver. The tried remedy is Dr. King's New ? Life Pills. Only 25c. at your Druggists. , vBucklen's Arnica Salve for Skin Eruutions n* OoWm TWImMMMTIiM B?tM( of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXAr TIVH BROMO 0CININ8U better than ordinary aeae* 4A*a "ot ranae flfrvOOinRtl nor rinyinV la head Remeraber tke (nil name aad leek let Um alcaatare o? E. W. GROVE, r*. North Carolina A Cora Produc ing State. . in I II I -2^ . ? A ? Id 1911, Chas. J. Parker. Jr., of Menols, N. C.. raised 885.6 bushel* of corn on one acre of land Of this everybody waa beard. But ha* everybody heard of the acre of land on which the corn wa* raiaedf In 1909 young Parker, (hen a member of the Boys' Corn Club, cultivated this aatne acre in corn, and made 67.5 bushels. The next year, his father, wishing to encourage a younger son, took the acre away from Charles and gave it to bis brothor. The younger son made 126.6 bushel*. The next year, 1911, this sam?_Sire, remem ber. was given back to Charlesand be made bit record breaking yield on it of 235.5 bushels. And this record bas not been broken, by any member of the Boys' Corn Club anywhere in the whole coun try. The record of the land owner i,| the truly remark.bl, thing about it. The ready response Of our soil treatment is simply pheno menal. Four hundred and twenty Oine and five tenth, bushels care fully measured corn from one acre of land in three years without any rotation staggers credulity. No one would believe it. were the fig ures not official. This is an aver age of more than 143 bushels each year. An acre of land brought up in three year, from a yield of 67.5 bushels the first year to a yield of 235.5 bushels the liUt year. This need be no gnusal experience with North Carolina lands. George West. Jr., of Lejuoir County, who won the Stale-wide prize for lar gest yield of corn at least expense in the Boys' Corn Club contest of 1W12, made hi. 184 bushels on an acre of land that he had been im proving just three years. When he betf.ii on k^wou^h,ve Fro than 25 bushels. Improved North Carolina lands lose nothing by comnarison with the naturally rich Mils of some of the great grain growing States of the Northwest. Towa, the greatest corn growing State in the Union, reported for her four highest yields in her Boys' Cprn Club-of 1?12 the following yields: First, 141 bushels; second, 131; third,' 128; fourth, 123. North Carolina the same year reported 188, 184, and 162 bushels rfespecti vely. The difference between the two highest yields is 47 bushels i0 favor of North Carolna. The difference between the sums of the four high est yields is 184 bushels in North Carolina's favor North Carolina is ahead of Iowa to the extent of young George West and hie acre of corn. All the reports for 1214 are not yet in; but the corn growing State of Ohio reports for her highest yield in ber Boys' Corn Clubs contest of this year only 143 bushels. Durham County reports 160 bushels. Just so much ie Durham County's improved eoils plus North Carolina climate a bead of the rich glacial soils of Ohio for corn growing. - What incentive for soil improve mentl Soil impovement is the fundamental problem of Southern agriculture. The climate is here Make the soil. Then the South will become the greatest agricul. tual country in the world G M GARREN. ^ J ij DR. B. W. SPILMAN ILL. *? Exposure on Trip to Baltimore Give* Severe Cold. Kinston. Dec. 20.?Dr. B. W. Spilman, field secretary for Sun (fay school work of the Southern Baptist convention, is ill at his home on North Queen street here >?ith what is said to be a severe cold. His sickness is not expected, to develop to a worse stage, it is said today. Dr. Spilman was made ill by exposure when en route home from Baltimore to at tend the funeral of his mother in law, the late Mrs. John A. Pol lock,?News and ()bserver: Hk Stamp Act The Historical Stamp Plays a New Hole. If the government can raise millions of collars to meet the de ficit caused by the European war by the sale of stsmps; if the gov ernment can run it# great post office department by the sale of ?tampa, mostly the one and two cent kind; streetcar companies end the five and ten oent stores of Woolworth and Kress can grow rich on uiekles, North Carolina can raise a sufficient sum to stamp out tuberculosis in her borders by the sale of Bed Cross Christmas Seats. The National Association for the study and prevention of Tubercu losis has placed on sale in the United States one hundred and fifteen million of these stamps to be sold at a cent a piece. This means that $1,500,000 will be rais ed to fight tuberculosis, in case all the stamps are sold. 'North Caro tin* hopes to sell two million Seals and thereby raise $20,000 for tbe fight. Winston-Salem now leads in tbe sale, having7 placed a hundred thousand and given ber order for fifty thousand more. A New Bern lady sold seven thousand in one day; a Hendersonville lady sold three thousand in one afternoon, while a lady in Southern Pines sold a thousand in one morning and drove to tbe Sanatorium in ber automobile for three thousand more. The outlook for tbe largest sale North Carolina has ever had is bright and promising. "Despise not tbo day of little things." Buy your share of Red Cross Christmas Seals now. ? ? m ??? Recieuiog Tobacco Seed. la 1810* tki Botany Division ?fl the State Department of Agri culture begun the cleaning of to bacco seed for the farmers of the State. That year we oleaned- en oitghaeed to plant about 300 acre* in tobacco. The work baa been gradually growing, however, until, during the winter and spring of 1914, we recleaned enough tobacco seed to plant over 43,000 acres. The season for this work is on again and we want to advise the tobacco growers of the State to take advantage of this opportunity, atonce, to get their seed cleaned free of charge, as the rush will be on a little later in the season and some wilt have to be returned un clearned. Let us have the tobacco seed at once, therefore, in order that we may serve you to the best advant age. Address the -Division of Botany, State Department of Agri culture, Raleigh, N. C., and put name and address of sender inside the package. Jas. L. Burgess, Agronomist A Botanist. ^ Social Service Meeting. .. ?' ? Plan* for State Meet in* on Social Service for Next Month. The executive committee of the North Carolina Conference for Social Service met in President Poe's office last night to formulate plans for the third annual meeting The wealth that sticks is the wealth that counts.?News Letter. The Swart Potato 8tate. North Carolina leads the wtytle United States in the production of sweet potatoes. Oar 1913 crop was 8,000,000 bushels.?News Letter. Filled to Send Chili to Sdml. Firm! PrOMCUttoa la Wake Schools Far Violation Compulsory Attendance Law. The firit prosecution in the Wake county schools under the compulsory attendance law, oc curred last Thursday afternoon when A. D. Atkins, a citizen of Swift Creek township, was tried for failing to put his nine year old child in'school. Mr. Atkins was found guilty and upon recommen dation of tiie attendance officer, lie was only taxed with the costs. This law has tjen in force for over a year, and prosecutione hare been made by the attendance officer of the Baleigh schools, but tbet was the first trial in the coun ty. This case ie of vital interest to the committeemen, and patrons of the school* of the county will no doubt be anxious to learn of its ending. The defendant was proaecuted by Attendance Officer John Ste phens of the Enterprise school, and the trial was before Durrell S. Franklin, justice of the peace, and by a jury of aix men living in the township. After the conclusion of augument, the jury had the case only about five minutes, returning a verdict of guilty. It was then upon the recommendation of Officer Stephens tbet the defen dant was let off with the payment of coat. Under the law,* the at tendance officer is entitled to a fee ? of 25 cents, but Mr. Stephens re mitted bis fee.?News and Obser ver. Impostors and Their Yictims. A "Divine Heeler" wee arrest* ed and found guilty the other day in an Illinois city. There is notb* ins remarkable in that as fakers of all kinds fcre numerous and al ways will ha an long as there are people gullible enough to eocept ' their teachings and treatment as , gospel truth and be willing to part < with hard earned money. And ( that these "healers" make their < calling pay is clear from the risks ' they uke. But the case of the latest "Pro- < feasor" was suggestive for two < things, one of which was that im- ' postures are the more lucrative when given the flavor of religion. , Such pious terms as "Dear Sister < Christ," and "Your Brother in the 1 Lord," have a magical effect in 1 drawing money from simple-mind- , ed folks who innocently believe 1 that anyone who uses cant words 1 and assumes religious guises must necessarily be sincere. , The other noteworthy feature was that the "Divine Healer" has unbounded faith in the value of a beard. The more bushy and flow ing the beard, the greater its value. It imparts an air of wisdom and experience. Fooled by one im postor they listen with undiminish ed credulity to the next one that comes along. WARNINGS. J ? Warnings against fire on Christ- . mas holiday* apply especially to store*, churches and bazaars* Fires in these are likely to occur uuless proper precautions are taken; and they generally mean holocausts. Watch your decora tions, gas jets! Watch smokers! Do not make the slightest change in electric wiring without consult a competent electrical inspector. Many children are burned t6 death every year in'America by fires at Christmas. A little precaution will prevent this. ... 1 i crrru mm. There were S104 bales of cotton, counting round as half bales, gin ned in Hertford County, from the crop of 1914 prior to Deoember 1st, 1914, as compared with 2452 bales ginned prior to December 1st, 1918. Very respectfully, A. T. Newtome, i ' Special Agent. LEI' THE 1 FARMERS' WAHEUOUSE, | Robersonvil/e, N. C. SELL YOUR TOBACCO We Have a Force That Guarantees Prompt Petvrns and Pest o! Attention. Ship us a Crate, Box or Hogshead and J let us prove to you that we look after the j Farmers' Interest every time. A. T. Co., Export Co., Liggett-Myers D Co., J. P. Taylor & Co., and Imperial D Company have buyers on this market. GrimeS'Roberson Co. Proprietors Farmers' Warehouse Robersonville, N. C. Richard Winborne, Pres. W. H. Winborne, Viee-Prea. Norfolk, Va. Chowan Co., N. C. WINBORNE & CO., INC. COTTON AND PEANUT FACTORS Commission Merchants Norfolk, Va. PEANUT WAREHOUSES: SUFFOLK, VA.; NORFOLK, VA. Shipments solicited. Market information furnished. Refer ence. Seaboard National Bank, Norlolk, Va.- Alway? before buy ing get our price* oaPeanut 1W?. Baiting and Ties. It pays. WWWWWWWWWAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW i ^V^VVV ?VVVVVVW V* ?????????????? V BRICKf ? FLOORING, CEILING, MOULDINGS, SIDING. ? f DRESSED LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. * | We make quick shipments of Material. Our < > jr prices are right, and our Material is made right. < ? C* Order from us and get a square deal. 9 f SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. < ? v Prompt replies to all inquiries. Large or stroll < ? orders filled promptly. Write or phone. ? I J,J. HOUSE & CO. | L Successor* to Carolina Building & Hardware Co. 4 ? AULANDEK, N. C.~ t ? e- - ' if : - ' ' ' 'M' ?* ' r*'-i * COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE. Things are arranged here for your comfort and convenience. We are equipped to care for your deposits with absolute safety. We are prepared to aid honest men in developing legitimate _ business enterprises. In short there is no function of a bank we cannot perform to your complete satisfaction. Merchants and Farmers Bank Wlnton, N. C. 1904 1914 THE PEOPLES BANK MURFREESBORO, N. C Capital and Surplus $25,000.00 OLD?SAFE?STftONG?RELIABLE. a Are you one of its many patrons? If so you have aided us in building; up this creditable Institution, and we believe we have aided you in building; up this pro gressive community: Together we have prospered for the past ten years. ? > Join us with renewed vigof for a con tinuation of mutual prosperity. IT PAYS TO BE ONE OF OUR PATRONS. >?? J E&& Subscribe for &f)Q Herald.