1r ? ' ==2==s3ss=s=sssBaamaaan If Grandpapa Were Santa Qaus! If Q rind pa pa were Santa Claus, how happy we would be 1 \ When toyshop toil was finished he would take us on each knee. He'd tell us all his secrets-and he'd name the pretty toys He'd made and kept in hiding for the other girls and boys. We have a real, live Grandpapa 1 He visits us each year, And he is quite a bosom friend of Santa Claus, I hear. Although he owns no reindeer, and of playthings no great store? If Grandpapa were Santa Claus, we could not love him more 1 GENE MORGAN. EMOTIONAL VALUE OF DAY Christina* Spirit Almost Universally Fslt, But What It I* Remains a Mystery to Many. The emotional value of Christmas may be said to be universally felt. Something happens at Christmas that, if only for a day or two, does the whole world good. What that some thing Is remains tor many a mystery. A number of persons who feel the renewing Impulse are like Fa list when the notes of the Easter song arrest his snlcidal Intent: they take and en Joy the moment's deliverance and con tinue to regard the source of the boon as nothing more than mythology made potent through human associations. Others are moved through supersti tious fears; they approach the great season with consciences crowded with uncomfortable memories. Marley's' ?? I Bon't onto Bo | in Holiday Firr Caution H| Do act decorate your Ckritttnii ||| tree with piper, cotton or fUmjr Do oot aoe cotton torepreeentuow. Do not peralt children lo light Do oot leave matches within reach I . of tfeo chaMrrn. H| Do oot plate Chrhtmai tree oear |R - W oialaw nrtnu or (aa fixtures. Doe metollle tiaiel and non-infiam Use eobestoolibef to represent snow. I fcet the tree apoal Oghot?lisYstnad- | II A -?? _| m*erimonl la iKon II wo IBWl IHirill ^9 PvlICi UwHl ftl |j ? Hare aa eitiatfdsber or o lew ||| Uchate JuU of www aear too M tree, readjr for ooo ia aa caw- I foacj. ghost Is after them, but, unlike Scrooge, their new heart la only for Christmas week. Another group sim ply fall in with an ancient custom and are surprised, and Indeed pleased, when the dry bones of their unbeliev ing minds come together, take on Beth, and begin to live. A vast mul titude meet the great day with buoy ant expectation, take with thanks Its new happiness, return to their work In this exalted mood, and ask no ques tions about cduse and effect. A few philosophize on the phenomenon, and they are willing to stake their lives on the substantial truth of their In sight.?George A. Gordon, In Atlantic Monthly. rr - ^ n FRIENDLY ADVICE. i at> you suggest something for me to get for ray wife for Ohriitm*?r' l>e asked at the shopkeeper. "ToE"d bettor get her a boa of cigare, I expect." said the shopkeeper. "8he wai In here thl? morning and bought g lace parasol for you." ISJLEMfif Gathering of Plant Saored Rite in Oruidical Religious Festival*. Alto Considered a Potent Remedy for lilt, a Belief Which Still Exists In 8ome of the Remote Places of Europe. fE decorate our homes with sprays of mistletoe at Christ mas tlme? but few of us know the history of It as a Yuletlde symbol Pretty girls are kissed under It and a great deal of fun and nonsense Is carried on apropos of It, bat no one stops to think of how ancient a dec oration it Is or' how sacred' It was onoe thought to be. Almost everybody has a vague knowledge that the Druids of old had something to do with the gathering of mistletoe, but lust what that some thing was is not clear to the average mind. The fact la that the ancient Celts In . ?their druldical religion had two great festivals, one In June and the other in December, the latter being equivalent to our Christmas. In both of these great festivals the gathering of the mistletoe was a sacred rite. Pliny In his "Natural History" de scribes the ceremony. Speaking of the Druids' worship of the oak, he aays: "They believe that whatever grows on these trees is sent from heaven and la a sign that* the tree has been chosen by the god himself. The mistletoe is very rarely to be met with, but when It is found they gather it with solemn ceremony. This they do especially on the sixth day of the moon, because by the sixth day the moon has plenty of vigor and has not run half Its course. "After the preparations have been made for a sacrifice and a feast under the tree they hail It as the universal healer and bring to the spot two white bulls whose horns have never been bound before. A priest clad In a white robe climbs the tree and with a golden sickle cuts the mistletoe, which Is caught In a white cloth. Then they sacrifice the victims, praying that Ood may make bis own gift to prosper with those upon whom he has be stowed It. . / "They believe that a potion pre pared from mistletoe will increase their flocks and that the plant la a remedy against all poison." It was believed to be a remedy for many Ills, and this belief Is still to be found in many remote places In Eu rope. In Holstein, tor example, the mistletoe Is regarded as a healing remedy for wounds, and in Lacaune, France, It Is always administered by the native people as an antidote for poison. They apply the plant to the stomach of the patient and give him a solution of It to drink as well. The Gaelic word for mistletofe Is "an t'nll loc." which means all healer. In the northeast of Scotland people used to cut withes of mistletoe at the March full moon; these they bent In circles and kept for a year to cure bee tle fevers and other troubles. In some parts of Germany the mistletoe Is es pecially esteemed as a remedy for the ailments of children, who sometimes wear It hung around the neck as an amulet. In Sweden on Midsummer eve mis tletoe is diligently sought after, the people believing It to be possessed of many mystic qualttles< and that If a spr'lg of It is attached to the celling 'of the dwelling house, the horse's stall or the cow's crib, the troll# will then be powerless to injure either man or beast. Branches of the plant are com monly seen In farm houses hanging from the celling to protect the dwell ings from all harm, but especially from fire, and persons afflicted with the fall ing sickness think they cab ward, oJ all attaeks of the malady by carrying about with them a knife which has a hanow- ef mistletoe. A Swedish remedy for other com plaints is to hang a sprig of mistletoe round the sufferer's neck or to make him- wear on his finger a ring mads from the plant. Moreover they fash Ion divining rods of mistletoe or of four different kinds of wood, ene of which must be mistletoe. The treas ure seeker places the rod on the ground after sundown, and when it rests directly over the treasure the rod begin* to move as If It were alive. Like their Swedish neighbors, many German peasants consider the mistle toe a powerful charm against evil splr ?Its. Aj similar belief seems to have lingered among the Romans; whose re ligion at a very early date was some what similar to thaf of the Druids. When Aeneas descended Into HaA%'< h* gathered to protect himself from the Infernal powers a branch'of mistletoe which Vergil calls the goiden bough. "15 TW1 TERM?" liM HIT'S de las' thing I heah when I tun out de light. "Is 'a cumin' ternlgbt. mammy? Comln' ternightr* En de good Lawd knows, dough 1 sex "Not yit," Day's a-astla' me still wbut day gwine -w *ter flt En I projick an plan, an I skimp en squeese, Rn I hurries apas' all de winders I sees. 'Cass da cbllluns agptfe's dat he'll bring 'am a lot ? En day think he's de sany dat de White Folks got "Is 'a comln' teraight, mammy? Comln' temlght?" Lawd, I wlsht in mah soul dat 'a would an he might! I wlsht in mah soul dat Vd coma down da flue Lak I use tar believe dat 'a sholy would ^""ile. When de chflh&ns on dress an day jump In to bald. En I tuck up de quilt 'roun' eacH po' ll'l haid, Dan I set down en wfsh, an I wish lak I pray, Dat 'e find out da place 'fO' hit coma Chris'mas Day. Why, de chill una believes! Dey Is sho* dat hit so. En dey countin* on him lak a man dat dey% know. En dey~talk er de things dat he sutten ter brine, 'Twell dey set up in bald en dess holler en sine- ~~! En I tell 'em w'y sho* food ole^Santy 'II come Wid a doll en a sled en a railroad en drum. En dey drif off ur sleep wid a smile on dey face En dey ain' not a cent I kin spalh in de place! f Hit's de las' thine I heah when I tun out de light: "Is *e comln* ternigbt, mammy? Comln' ternlght?" En% I lauehs wid dem all w'en dey plan whut dey do - ? Wid de things dat he'll bring?en I say hit's all true!: En de white e>U!na up whah I*s wukln', dey 'low Dat ole Santy he'll come* en won't miss ?em nohow. "Is *e comln' fernight?" Lawd, I wlsht hit 'ud be Dat he's com tyuh en fix up dls 'poblem for me! | Except ye become as a |l little child ye shall in no | wise enter into the Joy HI of Christmas time. When and Why. "Do you go to Sunday school now, Georgia?" Inquired Oeorgie's uncle. "Yep; Christmas Is comln'!" "Don't you go etcept i just before Christmas'"' "Yep; I go just before the summer picnic, too."-'- ' ?; The Christmas Robin, la many parts of England the robin la associated with Christmas-tide There la a belief that on Christmas ere these birds will sing near a boose where a person Is dying, to sheer him. Hi M GIVE Helpful Christmas Present Sug gestions for those Who Are Puzzled. Unabridged Dictionary Will Appre ciated by Chlldrgp of Kindergarten - Age?Other Suitable Qlfte for Young and Old. f NUMBER of correspondents who have requested sugges tions of- books suitable for Christmas gifts will find an swers. to their queries la the following: Among the many attractive gift books for very little boys might be mentioned Professor Rausmlssen's "Analogy Between the Monogamous Protoplasm and the Silurian Mole cule." We can think of no book that would be a greater source of delight to the child that Is hot yet out of short dresses. It tells In easy words of eight and ten syllables of the sports and pastimes of the protoplas mic faintly and draws beautiful moral lessons from the corpuscles of the carboniferous era. It Is handsomely Illustrated with representations of the agile animalcule and will be sure to delight the heart of the little boy or girl who finds It in bis or her stock ing, as the case may be. Another dainty idea for a child of three or fopr years is the Unabridged Dictionary. The simplicity of style observed hi this Interesting narrative recommends It at once for children who have reached the kindergarten age. The plot Is not so complex and the characters are sufficiently varied to bold the unflagging Interest of the little ones. We have In mind a gen tleman who gave his little son a dic tionary last Christmas, and he as sures us that the lad simply devoured the book. A pretty present for a child Is the clinical report of the county hospital. This comes nicely printed on clean white paper, with bizarre illustrations showing the rise and tall of the tem perature, amount of protolds eaten, official count of the germs, statistics as to microbes and many other amus ing and entertaining Ideas. A rare source of pleasure with this book Is to have the little fellows pronounce the long words first the way they are spelled and then read them backward and see what difference. If any, there Is In the sound. 8ome boys would rather do this than go skating. In the line of pure romance there Is nothing more entertaining from Prof. T. It. Escopex's "How the Spec trum Caught On in Saturn." This highly original historical tale tells host the spectnim reyealed the secret of 8aturn's rings, showing that the planet was warm and dry and that the two rings were for lee water. It comes In four large volumes, with 22 pages of logarithmic calculations that are sure to delight young and old. As a gift book for a member of a temperance family there is nothing pleasanter than "The Complete Bar keeper." This tells exactly what goes Into the stuff that men put In their mouths to steal away their brains, and will be of valuable assistance to any person who wishes t6 apply sat isfactory tests and determine whether or not he has been equipped with brains and would Inspire larceny. "One Thousand Ways to Cure a Cold," by Burton Bales, is a beautiful ly written book, giving all the reme dies for cold that were suggested to Its author In one day. There are 89 variations of the quinine andw whisky treatment, and the other Pit reme Hloa nnnglot rtf (ha aama nwoaorlntion without the bitter quinine.^ This Is a good book to hare la any house. "The Servant Question and Its An swer" will deceive many people, but it night do for a gift to a young mar ried couple. The answer Is quaintly given: "Board." WILBUR D. NE8BIT. MORE SLIPPERS COMING. ?The time le at hand." eaJd the preacher. With wrath ehowln*plaln on each feach "Whelt allppera will be BhoeFerid down upon me ... y.v* Bf avery Feminine ereaeher." Life Without Christmas. To take Christmas out of Ufe. would be to take the perfume out of flowers, (he sweetness from ell songs, the color from the rainbow, the soul from the bed;, Qod from the sk/. VALUE OF A CHILD'S GIFTS Those Made With Thalr Own Hands Taach Good Lessons and Glva Inspiration. If we stop to. think about oar Christmas giving we realize that a .gift means more .to the -giver than It 'dees to him whp receives. It It Is given In the proper spirit the donor finds out to the toll that It Is really 'more blessed to give than to re ceive," a tact that Is lost sight ot In an age of'the commercial spirit. With children there,Is a great edu cative value W their present giving if It Is- encouraged to be really their Own giving. If ths mother, however, stmply prepares some tittle remem brance, and says "Mary,, this Is your Christmas present to Aunt Ellen," the gift has no meaning In the thoughts of the young giver. And not only has It no meaning, but It becomes actually harmful for the reason It pre sents the Idea to the child that the gift without the giver Is really a gift. And the child has put no thought or self sacrifice Into the giving of that present, r _ . On the other hand. 11 the child be given pocket mbney which It may con sider its very own, or, batter still. If It Is enabled to earn pocket money and Is then encouraged to set aside a por tion of Its very own money for peas ant making the Idea of true giving Is acquired. The sac rill ce. the fore thought, the love necessary to make a gift a real gift are there. The home-made gifts of children have many' valuable lessons to teach tJa young givers. Many lessons la sewing, raffia, bead-work or painting may be given under the guise of mak ing a gift. Ir one family, where the elder sister had never made gifts, and really never learned to sew well until she was eighteen years of age, the younger slstefj a girl of ten. In spired by the example of a small friend, wished to make birthday gifts for her family. Once she asked her mother to teach her how to crochet; another time to scallop, and before she was twelve years old she had be come as proficient a little seamstress as one would want to see. Thus practical lessons are learned, while the child Is Inspired with the idea that "Not what we give, but what we share; the gift without the giver is bare." A FEEL IN THE CHRI8TMA8 AIR. By JAME8 WHITCOMB, RII>EY. xneys a aina <r reel j la the air to me When the Chrts' mu times sets In That's about as mueh of a-mystery As evefr I've run ag'ln. Fer Instance, now. whilst I gain In weight And glneral health, I swear (JJ^ l> They a a roneneae A ? somer* I can't ?u quite state? A kind o' feel in the air. They's a feel in the Chrls'mas air goes right To the ?pot where a man Uvea.at! It gives a Mler a appetite? They ain't no doubt about that! And yit they's some pin?I don't know what? That f oilers me here and there And ha'nt* and worries and spare* me not? A kind o' feel In the air. They'a a feel, &a I ?ay, In the air that's jest Aa blftmed-en sad ' :r 1M a~vn< III the same ra-sho as I feel the best And am the spryest on my feet They's alius a kind o* sort of a ache That I can't locate nowhere. urn 11 comes wun i nns mag. ana no mis ?f take? > -? ? kind o' feel *n the air. Is It the, racket the children raise? Why, no! ? God blew 'eqv no! Is It the eyes and the cheeks ablase. Like my own wu% long ago? Is It theNbleat o* the whistle and beat o- the little toy ? drum end blare O" the horn? No, bo! It Is Jest the sweet? The sad-sweet (eel In the air. One MlQnt. "Thej are to be married on ChrUt m|? dnv." "Would you call Oat Tulo-UaAJ*" .. s8'?' . . 1 is ? mhwional simpm Lesson (By S. O. SELLERS. Ac-time Director of Sunday School Course.) LESSON FOR DECEMBER 27 JESUS, THE WORLD'S SAVIOR AND? KING. (Review.) " READING DEMON-H Coi. (rtt-a. GOLDEN TEXT-Ear b<- II from me to xlory. save In ths crow ?( out Uird Jesus Christ?Oal. ?:1? R. V. With the exception of tbe temper ance leeaon, all tbe leaaons of tbe quar ter bare to do with tbe deatb and res urreotlon of our Lord, la tbe Brat quarter we considered Jeaua aa tbe treat Teacher; In tbe second. he la preaented chiefly as tbe seeking Savior; In tbe third, we observed him as he anted la Judgment upon Israel and sin; In this last, be Is seen In his supreme offlce aa Savior and king. Tbe king of love, he la also the world'a Savior, Deny him his kingship, refuse ,|o become a subject of that kingdom of which he Is the head and we bring upon ourselves the condemnation of a righteous Judgment. This past quar ter particularly reveals him In that Bnal ministry which resulted In tbe Initiation of the hew enterprise of pro claiming bis gospel, to tbe end that his kingdom shall be established. We shall consider the lessons under four headings: Story of Love. I. Thtat of Preparation for Hta Pae oion. These embrace the first three lessons. (1) In the first, wo hare the beautlfi'l story of the love which anointed him for hartal, which be ac cepted and immortalised. This was not because of the greatness of the set, but because of the appreciation of himself and of his words. <1) Here we observe him presiding over and in stituting that tasting memorial, the symbolic feaat, wherein the old basses away, and the now dispensation i is ushered In. ft) In the third lesson'we view with awe the,agony of the gar den wherein he dedicated bimaelf to the coming suffering, "Not as I trill, hut as thou wilt"?absolute surrender and delight In the Father s will. II. Those That Preceded Hla Pas sion. These not five lessons load' ua through those dark shadows, yea, through a darkness which is yet un fathomable and which eaded in the total darkness of Calvary. ?) In this lesson Judas Is presented, the incarna tion of evil, end the agent of Satan, who betrayed bis Lord and Friend by a kiss. Hare wa nee the utter ruin of a soul which ehosn private ambition Instead of fellowship with Jesus. (?> This la a presentation of the greatest and moat appalling travesty of justice the world has ever seen. Humanity never deeceadOd to aey lower depths, yet be la serene, calm, dignified and strong. (?) The Temperance Lesson. (7) This lesson considers the heart breaking rashness of Pster. (I) This la ths story of the Ignoble failure of a weak, vacillating, tlme-eervar. Pilate's conscience was keenly alive, yet at last, that he might save himself and retain his position of power, be gave Jesus over to the hatred and malice of hla enemies by ordering him to be crucified. Story of ths CroM. III. Hla Pinion. (9) Thla brine* ua to the story of the cross Itself, a* considered In this sequence of lessons. Before that awe-lnspfiing, wonder creating event we stand with bared head. Here sin was unmasked and did Its utmost. Her also we behold eraco unveiled and active. IV. The Post-Passion Lessons. We are now In a new atmosphere and light, a new glory Is to be seen. (10) In this lesson we behold the empty tomb, for "He could not be holden of death." We Share with them the glori ous, the Joyful consciousness that he whom we have lust seen die In Ig nominy and shame and suffering 1* now alive and "ever Uveth" to be our advocate send ever-present friend. This Is a glorious fact, that of the literal, bodily resurrection of Christ from among the dead. Hallelujah! (11) In lesson eleven this same thought is again emphasised and with the sugges tion of Its accompsnylng obligation, in that "we are witnesses of these thing*." These Brat disciples re ceived their peat * commission and were toM how In infinite pace the Savior and king first of all oalls hi* followers Into fellowship with him self before they are sent out to carry on those enterprises which are the fruit of his death and resurrection. (11) In this Is found the blessed record of those last words of him who "shewed himself alive after bis pas sion by many Infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things concerning the kingdom" (Acts 1:1). Here Is not alone the un questioned certainty of the resurrec tion of Christ from the dead, but the record of his present place 'In the heavenlies," whither be ascended to be with the Rather, and also the glo rious hope of hla coming again "In like manner as ye saw him ascending." Bodily he left this earth, bodily and "In great glory" he Is to return. Praise his name! In "Tarbe'l's Teacher*' Guide" to a good suggestion for review Sunday, via., that/It aertae of elliptical pbraae* be wrlttbn upon a board or chart, that will Sx the chief Idea or serve to re call the lesaoni, aa follow*: (1) Let her alone ... (2) For ye have the poor ... (3) Where soever tl)la gospel shall be preached ... (4) Verily I say unto you. One . . . '.?) For the Son of Man Koeth ...(*) Taja la my blood ... (7) Take ye . . . (g) My aoul la . . ? -if) .'ather, all thing* .. . . (10) Watch and . . . <ll? My God. my . . . (li) Why aeek ye . . . (IS) Ye shall be my . . . These phrases may be written upoa cards or slips of paper and distributed to classes or Individuals, the entire ! sentence to he recited when called tor. ? '?

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