mm my mid. F'-Il ? ?7 ? M ? ? ? v ? PUBLISHED WFEKJ-Y ) v BY W. U. Surra, Editor and Prop. at -ji AHOSK1E, N. C. Subscription Price: One Dollar Per Year in Advance I Advertising Rates: Very Reasonable and made known on ? request. ? | Entered as second-class matter Feb ruary 25th, 1910, at tne post office at Aboakie, N. C., under the Act of March 8. 1819. It is not Riven to many to be heroes, but everyone can be a use ful citizens and that is always in order. Between tbe great things we ceiinot do and the small things we will not do there is great danger of our doing nothing. By the common consent of all moralists war is regarded as a sin against humanity, and it is equally true that the wages of sin is death. " If yon cannot see the great im provements which have taken place in our town within the past two years you are blind. And when we say improvements we do not mean in any one particular, either. There have been enor mous improvements made In the way of residence building and re modelling, there have been im provements in the way of added business henres, and above all there has been an improvement in the moral tone of the place. It has not been long sinoe it was a common sight to see men disagree ably drunk on the streets, while now it is a very uncommon sight to see any man under the influence of liquor. And in every other way the town lias greatly im prayed. A general wave of pro greseiveness and a feeling for higher morals appears to have taken hold of our people, and here as elsewhere public senti ment regulates public conduct. When public sentiment demands a higher moral life the result is always a better place, and when the public agrees that they live in the very best section of. the coun~ try then improvement begins, and this infection Spreads even to the stranger that is within your gate. We have the very best town and is situated in the very best section of the state and our own people have awakened to the fact. There is still a greater and better town coming. A^e you aiding in the forward movement t The spirit of Christmas! What is the spirit of Christmas! It is the geoerous spirit, the spirit of giving! Yes, but that is Dot all. There will be millions ,of gifts made between now and the new year, and they will not all express the Christmas spirit. Some will be made out of pockets of plenty and thus entail no personal service; some will be made under compul sion of supposed necessity. How many people give things at this time because thev think they must' They must give to tnoee who, they hope or fear, will give to them. It is almost unfortunate that giv ing and taking has become such a feature of our Christmas celebra 4ion because the mere gift is in capable of expressing the spirit of this occasion, and the occasion it self has become a burden to mauy because it has been so much abuse. It is not by giving lavish ly that we honor Christ whose birth we celebrate, but by sharing unselfishly every good thing we posses. This puts the best things of Christmas within reach of every human life and enables every human being however poor in goods to give generously of whatever else he has. IJWs all have much. Is money denied us. then give what is better, a word to cheer, a smill to awaken hope, something out of our hearts' treasure. Who would not rather get a cordial message from a friend that would express his thought and appreciation, than to get a dollar trinket! What heresy to think that we caDnot express an unselfish love at Christmastime except by lavish us of money. favtgoratiag to the Pale aad Slcklj ? ?srjs,aa.'a-aKrst IN m ZONK tMiclal KepiirU I r.*i> Hfmtqiwrlent of Wflllibi* .Nations. Al'K'IKIA. Vienna, via "London, Dec. 21.? 11:53 Tbe following offi.1 cial communication was issued to day: "In, the Carpatiaos our attack" in tbe District of Upper Latorcza are progresHtng well. To tbe northeast of Lupkow Paw, on the front north of Krusnow and Tu obow aud oil the Lower Dunajec river, severe lighting continues. "The situation iu North Poland is unchanged." PRANCE. Paris, Dec. 21? 10;50 p.m? The following official communica tion was issued by ther-war office to-night: "The British, trjj>oi>s have -gt tacked and this morning regained most of tbe trenches previously lost. Before Lihons the enemy delivered four successive attacks fo^jie purpose of recapturing the trenches which we had previously won in that region, but all of them were repulsed. "In an attack to the northwest of Puisalenne, south of Noyon, we have gained a foothold in the enemy's trenches of the first line and have make progress in the wood of Saint Mard. "There has been no other report of any note on the day's-oper*? Lions-*' _jrrrT--_ GERMANY. ' Berlin, Dey 81 By Wireless to London. 4 p.m The following official statement was issued late today: "French attacks yesterday at Nieuport (Belgium) were repulsed. "Between Richebourg L'Avoue and the Canal ?f La Bassee we at tacked the positions of the Anglo Indian troops, stormed and cap tured their trenches, and dis lodged them from their positions with heavy losses. We captured one piece of artillery, five machine guns, two mine throwers and 87(1 Anglo-Indians, including ten offi cers. The trenches we lost to the enemy December 18, near Notre Dame De Lorette, have been re captured.'j It&ns given out for publication by the official press bureau in clude: Bulgaria has notified Vienna, Nish and Bucharest of the depar ture of Hungarian steamers on the Danube with war material for Bul garia. "Commercial circles in Genoa again have protested against the seizure of cargo boats by British warships. The Corriere d'ltalia demands energetic steps by the Italian foreign minister in the case of the Italian ship Verona, bound from New York, which had been arrested by a British cruiser." U1881 A, Petrograd, Dec. 21?The official communication issued by the Rus sian general headquarters says: " In the region of M&iwa (Nor thern France) the Germans have fallen back towards the line of Lautonburg-Neidenburg (across the frontier into East Prussia.) "On the left bank of the Vis tula tbere is no incident of impor tance to report. "In Galicia the Austrian offen sive is being greatly hindered by our troops, and the operations in this region have taken on a charac ter extremely favorable to us. One of th* Austrian divisions which was operating in the vi cinity of Dukla Pass was easily defeated by bayonet'charge made by our troobs. "The enemy left on the battle field five hundred kiljed and we Captured ten officers and more than a thousand soldiers. "The attempts of the Przem.vsl garrison to' break through the Blous line have been definitively repulsed. The garrison was forced back into the line of fortifications with heavy losses." The following official communi cation was issued to-night from the headquarters of the army of the Caucasus: "In the direction of Van, on December 20, engagements oc curred which resulted in the defeat of the Turks, among whom there were a great number of wounded. During the pursuit of the enemy we captured a piece of mounted artillery with 600 other pieces of equipment. "In the direction of 9ary-Kam ysh there have been several en gagements of no importance." ( | Coi.ipilcd and Anangwifix Herfald Keadoo by oui Hegulai II Cpneapqudeiit M.' . ? - ' I ' The Christmas ] entertainment 1 will be given l>y the Sunday] School children at the Baptist! church on Monday,pighi Decern-g\ ber Will. V Mr. Joe Will Sopll of Rocky 1 Mount is visiticvtr relatives in out P town. I, Mrs. W. B. Hare and sister Mis* ? Annie Gopeland of Suffolk visited E their brother Mr. VV. Q. Copeland | who is very ill, last week.' Mrs. Edward Greene and little g son Fred of Wilmington are vnit-l ing their parents Mr. and Mra/IJ W. Q. Copeland. Mr. James Cotton and StarkeEV Downing spent Saturday in Sufi. folk shopping. Miss Lucille Williams came home Saturday from Chowan Col- t| lege to spend the holidays with ber _ parents Mr. aud Mrs. J. T, Wil- r lianas. Mrs. B. N. Sykes and children | spent Saturday in Aboekie shop- | ping. I Miss Charine Scull left Monday I to spend Christmas with her cousin | Mrs. J. E. Ward at Robersonviile. M School ended Tuesday for Xmas the teacher Miss Nora Mason left on Wednesday for her home at Edenton to spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Sharpe of Winston Salem are visiting theii parents Mr, and Mrs. S. Sharpe. Mrs. Hallie Baker and children of Aboskie are spending Xmas witli their parents Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Williams. Miss Maggie Williams left Mon to visit relatives at Powellsville. - The school children presented their teacher Miss Mason a very pretty manicure set for a Xmas gift. Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Britton and children of Norfolk?will arrive Thursday to spend Xmas with re latives here and at Coleraine. ( __Mr. H. S. Basnight will leave : Wednesday to visit his parents Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Basnight at ? CreswelJ. R Miss Lucille Williams spent M Tuesday in Norfolk shopping. II Every one is so sorry to learr> M of the illness of Mrs. Lineberry r in Murfreesboro and wish her a H speedy recvvery. There is more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other diseases put together, and until tin iest ftw years was supposed to be in curable. Eor a great many years doc tors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by con stantly failing to cure with local treat ment, pronounced it incurable. Science has prfved Kataarh to be a oenstitu tional disease, and therefore requires constitional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, mauufactured by F.|I. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only Consti- ? totional cure on the market. It if E taken internally. It acts directly on n the blood and mucous surfaces of the ? system- They offer one hundred dol- Q lars for any caae it fails to cure. Send f for circulars and testimonials. Ml Address: F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Lives grow UDward like the I trees or like the buildings that men st] erect. People do not build houses . from the roof down at least not in this country, but from the founda- at tion upwards. hi to WANTED. r' ~ ~.. ?_ g0 Wanted to employ an indust rious, sober boy, good home for bright boy. J. D. EARLY, Earlya, N. C. ' m k ? i I ? ? I # m Notice or norse tor bale ? Saturday afternoon, December the 19th, at 2 o'clock, I will sell to the hightest bidder for cash, in froDt of the Bank of Aboskie, in Ahoskie, N. C., one good bay horse about ten years old. J. T. Saunders. Nations and individuals arealike in that they must progress or be left behind in the strugle of life. Unfortunately there are both na tions and individuals that seem in capable of advancing. How To Give To CMklmu ntB*ILIN*I? thetrade r* Dame riven to an improve,! unlnin*. It UaTMUleen (Trap. pMon. Isss&rzrMflfSS 17. ^mSSt^SSjSrJS ? f J.rtk Cirtliu 1 Riprlw Ctrl- 4 HfrlftrR (Hit;, J Ftkmrj Tew Ittt. + Fleet; teitk, ) ? ??. WTItt M SlIMU. Will talU I V Tlio defendant above named will ?> take notice that an action eutitled T as above has been commenced in ^ tbe Superior Court of Hertfort ^ County to obtain a divorce A. ^ Vinculo Matrimonii; and tbe said + defendant will further take notice ? that he is required to appear at T the term of the Superior Court of ? 1 said County to be jield on the firat ? Monday before the first Monday I of March, 191fi. it being the 22nd, ^ 'day of February 1915, at the ? Court-house of Mid County in _ Winton, North Carolina, and . answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tbe re lief demanded in said complaint. ' Titos. I). Boone, C. 8. C. This tbe 24th, day of November, 1914. _ Rosweix C. Bridges, Attorney for Plaintiff. Wa^^J^DeSs for sale at the erald office 26c tliedozcn. ' ?' i ? r>w wr mime PROSPEROUS HBW YEAR. jj If the end of the year doen't find you happy, remember that it ISN'T TOO LATE to make amends. OOME iN and talk over a BANK ACCOUNT with ua. Save Your Money and You'll Get Rich as Sure as You Live. . ' We have a burning desire to help you get rich. We want to be your Prlend. A Saving Account j? a friend in adversity. To-Day is the Time to do. Begin to Save Now. This Bank receives deposits for any amount. We pay 4% interest ob time deposits. Call on us for anything in the line of Banking. 'We cordi ally invite you to make this your Banking Home. Checks on any Bank Received Here. FARMERS-A TLANTIC BANK ^^4/fOSK7E, y. C. jj FOR SALE! f v Carriage Business in Colerain? ? will sell my Carriage and Black uith business in Colefain, includ- _ X tools, machinery and supplies, , a reasonable price end terms. I ive too much on me and desire i devote my time to machinery1 ? id automobile repairing/ The .ledoea not include the property.' This is a good opportunity for a. lod man. Apply oi ?.!*eto, J. S. Deans, Colerain. N. C. | m I : CURACHE jf relieves the ache "w?,I ing head and rheumatic joints. In tablet foim 6 doses, io cent. , - Roberts Drag Go. SiDttt, Va. I II ?==ll !? AGAIN WE THANE YOU To come to our store ai?4 look over the' many things which you must have to be comfortable, as the sea sou ad vances your peeds must be supplied and we ere in* position to furnish the most of them, at interesting prices, so don't fail to give us a call. This month makes ten years which we have been in business, and we are proud to think we en ' joy the confidence of all with whom we have dealt. Thanking you for your goodwill and patronage. We are yours, HOOGARD & AHOSKIE, N. C. , 1 U. Vaug'Han's 5 *4 The Quality Store99 1 * . > ?*.- - MURFREESBORO, N. C. , I [^ADIE'S $0|TS! [WS QUITS!! r * y ? ' "?J" I We have just received and opened up a nice assortment of Ladie's Suits and Coats and Children's Coats. We bought them way under the market value, and can save you from $5.00 to $8.00 on a Coat or Suit. Out jCadie's Siabmacaan Coat at S5.00 is a 77jonei/ Saver, : If in need of a Coat or Suit come to see us and be convinced that we can Save You Money. U. VAUGHAN Murfreesboro, N, C. ; j?II II If- II II II I EVERYTHING TO FURNISH THE HOIE ON THE | EASIEST CREDIT TERMS. Here the Poor Man's Promise Equals the I Rich Man's Money in Furnishing the Home. I Small Weekly Payments Foot the Bill. t-- ? - i 1 * 1 * - - - * ? ?? . . . ??i??? ?; - ( ?' ?' ???"'v, - F ; We have just received from the factory a car load of ?Furniture that we bought to sell on easy terms. . j ' , You be the judge as to whether or no We offer better values than others who sell for cash. GARRETT Sr BAKER ' Ahoskie, R. . ' ?