WEEK'S 'DDdDDRKBS * ?, " Mia* J. S. Hite, of Franklin, is spend ing some time with re latives. Miss Bettie Williams Taylor, is Inline from Clmwan College. Mr. Robert Jernigan, of Harr ellsville, was in town Sunday. Miss Eye Britton. who has beer) attending Chowan College, is with' her mother, Mrs. Mary Britton. Messrs. Roy and Lee Parker, who have been attending school |U Wake Forest, are at home to epend-tbe holidays. Prof, and Mrs. J. I. White, of Whitakers, are spending the holi days with the family of Mr. J. A. Copeland. Mr. Samuel Burbaire, of Como, spent several days in town the first of the week. Meagre. Willie Hinea. John Tay lor and James Darden are spend ing the holidays with Home Folks in Union. Mr. V. H. Garrett who has been attending A. and M. College, is home to spend several weeks. Mr. W. M. Corwin was in Norfolk Tuesday. Mr. S. W. Kenny, the new Re gistrar of Deeds of Bertie, was in town Tuesday. Mr. T., t. Browne, of West Raleigh, was in town Tuesday, Plenty of time will begivpn our correspondents for our Dext issue, wtiioh will be issued on New Year. We trust they will send them in as heretofore. Mr. aud Mrs. J. H. Copeland speut the day. Tuesday in Norfolk shopping. Attorney J. H. Matthews of -^Windsor was in town on legal business Monday. Miss Hattie Harrell returned last week fiom Whiteville, where ?be has been teaching, tbe session having closed on account of scarlet fever. Mr. Sol Cherry, of Windsor, 1 was in town (Tuesday. Wanted several cords of wood, pine or hardaujpgft'-'' Apply at the Herald office. On account of services on Mon day of the "Week of Prayer," the Chowan Club will meet on Tues * day Jan. 5th, at 2 o'clock with Mrs. M, D. Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. L. 8. Savage leaves ThurtM to spend several days wili? relatives in Suffolk. Mrs. W. L. House and children are visiting relatives near Whita* kers. Mr. Chas. Gerock, of Mays ville, arrived yesterday morning , to spend some time in tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. EL J. Gerock. f \ 1 Miss El-ma Boyette, who has been teaching near Murfreeeboro, is at home to spend tier vacation. | A number of Ahoskie merchants wiir observe Christmas Oav in order that their clerks may enjoy the day. The Farmers'-Atlantic Bank will keeD open until 8 o'clock Christmas Eve for the benefit of merchants and customers. They will observe Christmas Day. Citizens of Murfreeabort>"#ere pleased last Saturday night when the electric current was turned on in that place. Murfreeeboro has one of the best installed systems in this section. Mr. J.,E. Melson, of Peters, burg, VaM is spending several weeks with relatives in this sect- ' ion. Mr. M. D. Curtis has been noti fied by the International Harvester Company that the prize offered their salesman for the one selling the most goods, has been awarded .to him. The prize was a $35.00 traveling bag. This speaks well for Mr. Curtis as a salesman and shows that his serpicgs are ap preciated,. ? The Bank of Ahoskie will close Thursday afternoon at the usual hour and be open from 8 to 9 o'clock at night for benefit of merchants desiring to make de posits. They will observe Christ mas Day. No Sunday School Enter tainments. There will be /<> Sunday School entertainment* for the white Sun day Schools of Ahoskie during this Christinas. For the Children. Fur tlm benefit of the children we publish a number of stories and interesting reading matter on nage two of thi? issue. Pictures of BanU Claus will also be found on this page. Shop Early. We urge our tenders to do tbeir shopping early ami not put it off until the last minute when every thing is likely to be picked oyer. If you will do this the merchants will appreciate it, and the clerks who have stood behind the coun ter from early morn to late bed time will appreciate the favor. Business Good Before the Holidays. A representative of the Herald called on several business houses of Ahoskie Tuesday nigbt and Wednesday morning and mode in quirry as to how they were pleas ed with their trade. In nearly every instance the reply was. "Business has exceeded our ex pectation considering the times." Opened to the Public. The new passenger station, which hag been under construc tion. for the past few months in Ahoek'e, was opened to the public Monday by the Atlantic Coast Line. The building has many conveniences over the old building. The old building will be used as a freight depot altogether. Electric Lights for the New Year. We are reliably informed that on New Years Day the town of Aboskie will enjoy the privilege of electric lights. Messrs. Herring and Smith have been hard at work to com plete the job before Christinas, but they have had some 'mighty bad weather as well as other draw backs. ? 1 We hopex the business houses and private families will show the proper spirit to this enterprise and there will be no cause for com plaint. mm ciiiuii i nmu ciiin I lITIESirEKMCMKT. Lottie Mybick vs. Eugene Mtbick. TliG r? fr a (\/iiFAnn mn A ml 11 AUV uoiciiuniiu nuwtciiauicu nm take notice that an action entitled as above has been .commenced in the Superior Court of Hertford County for the purpose of obtain* ing a divorce a vincula by the plaintiff from the defendant, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court 6f the said County to be lield on the first Monday be fore tbe^ first Monday, in March, 1915, at the Court House door in said County in Winton, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action.or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint, / This the 5?let day of December, 1914. D. R. MCOlohon, Clerk of the Superior Court. COLDS & LaGRIPPE 5 or 8 doses 060 will break any case of Chills & Fever, Coldk & LaGrippe; it acta on the liver better than Calomel and doea not tripe or sicken. Price 25c. Cunis Items ' Turkey* are feeling sud at pre tent. Christmas bell* Will noon be ringing, and little stockings will soon be filled. Mist Myrtle Harrell and titter, Mitt Einma, of Eure, visited Mist Carrie Parker Saturday and Sun- j day. Misses Otfel Jenkins and Carrol Umph|pt visited Tunia Sunday. The stork visited the home of Mr. K. K. Israel Sunday morning, and now he is the proud father of a bouncing boy. Messrs. 0. K. Eason and Bennie Teabout were callers in town Sun day evening. Miss OdoI Eure. who has been staying with her brother at Pam arlee is borne to spend Christinas with lie parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Eure. Mr. Ruben Hedgspeth was seen on our streets Saturday. There must be suine attraction in town fur him. -i 1 Tlie public school entertainment given at Roily Springs last Friday night was quite a success, and euery one acted their parts well. A large crowd witnessed the exer cises and seemed to enjoy it very much. ., I Misses Gladj Sawy or and1" Carrie Powell, of Eure, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Jim (Jmphlet. Mr. Clayton Parker spent Sun day in Aboekiein the home of Mr A. G. Bazemore. Mr. Ben Stone has moved oo High St. ? Mr. P, Deans and family passed through town today on their way to Winton to live next year. They Cime from Orifton, N. C. Mr. M. H. Israel wm in town a ' short time today, on business. There was a corn shucking at Mr. Clifton Brett's Tuesday night. Miss Gurdie Buck, of Winton, is visiting her sisters, Mesdames Black and Lilly. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Umphlett - spent Saturday in Norfolk shop ping. ... ,l " 3 Be good little children! Santa 4 Claus will soon be here, and be is 4 watching you now. DR. L. G. SHAFER < . ?T>mnTAT.T?T i in tbe examination of the Eye'and * fitting Glasses at "MANHATTAN \ HOTEL" Aboskie every 3rd Wed- < nesday. Artificial eyes made to | order, perfect fit and match guar- < anteed. Home offie Rocky Mount, N. C. ? Oombridge Hotel Building, First | Floor, Phone 668. i < I ??? I ? " ' A s Children'* Cough*?Children'* Cold* 1 Both are Scriou*. When one af your little ones 4 shows symptoms of an approach- , ing Cold, give-it Dr. Bell's Pioe Tar-Honey at once. It acts . quickly, and prevents the Cold growing worse. Very healing? soothes the Lungs, loosens the mucous, strengthens the system. It's guaranteed. Only 25c. at c your Druggist- Buy a bottle to day. t Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Sores, e ? 0 House for Sale. One two story dwelling house tnd lot on Church street, in the t town of Ahoskie near the Baptist Church. Terms i cash, balance on t long time. Apply to R. J. BAKER. I A Useful Gift is a Compliment tp lowr? Intelligence"'Whether You I Give or Receive it I IN**' Read the head lines again?"A Uuseful gift is a compliment to your intelli- j " Kence?whether you give or receive it." Keep that in mind when you set out I on your "tour of inspection" next week and you will, "naturally" include the I "Busy Stor?" in your list of stores to be visited. 1^^* ^ nrW? This store is a "family" store, particularly at Christmas-time, for here every i member of the family may quickly and satisfactorily secure useful gifts for every ? other member of the famity, and when in doubt as to what to give? sQIVE HANDKERCHIEFS'^^ The gift of a half-dozen handkerchiefs strikes a good many people?giver and recipient?as just , about right, for relative or friend; man, woman or child. And each year we sell more handkerchiefs than the year before, which is conclusive evidence that this store is the place to get your Xmas handkerchiefs. For Man or Women?How About Kid Gloves? Just Rright! We have the best that can be bought to retail at $1.00 for women, $1.00 to $1.50 tor men. The Gift of a Pair of Shoes or Slippers are Most Acceptable, so if your mind should run in this particular line we can supply you. A gift for the dining rooom is usually very acceptable, so if you do not know just what to give?get something for the table; a linen table cloth, a set napkins, a set knives and falks, a set silver tea spoons, a set silver knives or falks, a silver gravy ladle or berry spoon will make a nice present. We have done our best to get Christmas goods of the most worthy character, realizing the conditions of things at this time, we suggest the giving of useful gifts. And too, we have not been forgetful of the children, we have made ample preparation for them. > l So you see we have for months planned, to bring together articles that we know will be thoroughly appreciated by those who select them, and doubley so by the recepieot. The whole store fairly breathes of Christinas?every nook and corner ia full of suggentiona, that will be of valuable assistance to you in deciding just what to give. In this limited space we can not hope to cover the numerous lines here for your viewing but we invite you to come and give yourself the satisfaction of a personal inspection. ffiE^ BUSY STORE ^ - Cr AHOSKIE-N.C. I M??MMI??8?? ?? I?? mJ THWM OF-EDROPE | stands for everything that banking <? houses oppose^ War means destruc- <? tion. Banking houses mean construe- < ? tion. War creates waste, while bank- <1 ing houses are steps to the habit of A I saving. s o " ? ? < ?, ^Let us Aid You ss \\ to create the habit of saving. Your account with \ | us is a step in the right direction. < ? n ? i o CITIZENS BANK | has lately closed another fiscal year, with a record < * of having made in net earnings twice as much as < ' the year before. o " " ?- ' < * Let us Have Your Banking Account. A ii'i . -1 1 1 < ? Grow, as we Grow. Prosper as we Prosper. < > < > i CITIZENS BANK, I [ M urfreesboro, N. C. <t CHRISTMAS TREK DOINTS. ^ Don't leave a lighted tree with hildren alone. ; Don't put cottot^ on or under . he tree to represent snow. Too asy for it to become fire. * x Don't let children, especially mall enes, touch the tree. Don't use paper or cotton bat ing on tree. Doat allow celluloid ornaments in tree. Don't remove presents from roe while lighted. WANTED?B. E. Peas, bt^t irioes, at Depot.-C. A. Robertson. Go After ? Business ??#$!: , i ? ' In a business way?the Advertising way. An ad In this paper offers the maximum service at the j minimum cost. It reaches the people of the town and vicinity you want to reach. Try It-: It Pay$ 1 i.*' .... Wynn Brothers] BIG DEPARTMENT STORE 0 MURFREE5BORO, N. C. 8 XMAS OFFERINGS! J FOR THE NEXT 10 DAYS wc arc offering our Winter Stock of Ladie's Suits and Cloaks, Men's Suits and Over Coats at Greatly Re duced Prices * ? .... ??? - - FOR CAS flu Wynn Bros, j BIG DEPARTMENT STORE g MURF-REESBORO, N. C. J Mr Subscribe for Ufye Herald ? ? - ' -A

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