INCREASED FREIGHT RATES ARE GRANTED ,\c ??t*~? EASTERN RAILROADS ARE AL- j LOWED INCREASE OF FIVE FER CENT. _i I THE PRESIDENT IS PLEASED t "jr ? Wilson Expect* Decision to Haw* Immediate Effect en business. Wilt A<W ?5ft#oo,ooa Washinicton?Further increases In freight rate* were granted to the He*tern ra'lroads by the Interstate Commerce Goinmlselop in a decision from which Chairman Hallan and Oommisaloner Clements dissented Xtgoiwesiy. Except on lake and mil traffic, coal, coke. Iron ore and certain other traf ?c. upon which the commission here tofore has fixed rates adjudicated "reasonable," sill railroads operating te the territory between the Atlantic seaboard and the UiaslseUppi, north of the Potomac and Ohio rlrsrs, ware ?Hewed the flat fixe per (opt increase for which they hare been asking for tor years. The railroads hoped to get increases which would add to the annuel rev eaues some $50,000,000. The commis sion's decision Is expected to give them additional revenue approximat ing *30.000,000. The roads east of a North and South Hne drawn through Buffalo. Pitts burg and Charles ton. W. Vs.. won by today's decision -from the increases ether than upon the traffic excepted which were denied them la the com missioner's decision last August The reads west of this line, which got par tial advances in the August decision, received further advances; so that ?ew all the roads in what is describ ed as official classification territory will enjof uniform advances In both class, and commodity rates. The majority of the commission held that the roads bad established In the latest hearings a greater need of ad ditional net Income than ever before. This was due, the decision held, to ex igencies arising ont of the wer and to an already existing necessity for addi tional revenues to maintain the rail road properties. Chairman Harlan In hi4 dissenting opinion, held that sufficient aid had been given the roads by the August decision and that the findings of the majority was "morally wrong." Com missioner Clements based bis dissent upon what he regarded as the Inabil ity in taw, of the commission to take cognizance 0f anything in the making *f rates other than their justice and reasonableness. UP AND AT >EM NOW. England Rises in Angar?Would Avenge Scarborough. London.?Although there aaama no donbt the Ruaslans are retreating, and that for the preaent any expectation the Allies may hare held of an early Invasion of Germany muat be dle nt iaaed. considerable mystery sur rounds the reported decisive German victory which Berlin celebrated. Vienna gives a few details of fight- ' Ing In the Bart. The claim la made that the Ruaslans have been driven ' from their positions north of the Car pathian mountains from Krosno to Snktlcyn which would Indicate that pari of the Southern line of railway ?a Galicia again ie In the hands of 1 fbe Auafrfans and that Plotrkow and another Central Poland town have been inarmed, but silence Is main tained xT to North Poland where the ' German vicotry la aald to have been ' achieved. "Avenge Scarborough! Up and at , "em now." Mexican Bullet* Still Flying. Naco?Fire Bullet* from the Mexl e*n fighting around Naco. Sonora, . ?truck near ahelters built by United sitaces troops on thd border. Many other *bota fell on United Bute* tor- , - ifitory. Intermittent Brine on the Mexican ( aide continued all day. Hill's Cairan- , an troops, defending Naco. seemed to , by doing most of tbe shooting. tA' , I Method* Still Asundsr. Atlanta.?No definite action on the , proposed amalgamation of tbe Nortb ern and Southern branches of tbe Matkodlst Church was taken by the Church Commission on Federation, which adjourned here after three days . of deliberation Three bishops from the Southern Church, four bishops ! of the Northern Church, six ministers and six laymen comprised the com mission. All sessions were strictly executive, but It was stater that more progres was made than at any time , I^jMppSlk / 2 Teach Farmers to Sell. Atlanta, Oa.?Establishment of a "marketing agent" in every state "who will Instruct farmers In the scientific marketing of their crops ' was advocated by Judge E. R. Kone, Texas commissioner of agriculture. In J an address to the final session of the . annual meeting of the Association of Agricultural Commissioners of the . Southern States here. Judge Kone said that "the most Importnat work of ' a state department of agriculture lies ; la teaching farmer* bow to profitably , market their crops." Aliee Advance at Arret. a Paris.?The French war office gave out aa official communication as fol lows: "The day of December 17 was marked, ae we said recently, by an advance on our part In Belgium, where every counter attack undertaken by tbe enemy failed. In the region of Arras a vigorous offensive made us master* of several trenches. Thesa are located _ at Auchy. La Gassee. St. Loarent and Blangy. At this last mentioned place we occupied a front more than oae kilometre long almost the first lie* trenches of Urn enemy." NISS DOROTHY DRAKE -J ? *''1 -**?& ^MHk. MIm Dorothy Drake, on# of the pratti eet of tho Washington debutantae of tho holiday season, la a sleter In-law of Commander Adalbert Alt house, U. 8. N. ADVANCE MADE BY ALLIES AUSTRO-GERMAN FORCE8 ADMIT FALLING BACK TO OLD POST TION IN WEST. -J" Replenished Suppllm From the Aus trlono Driven Back From Bordaro of tho Little Country. London.?The offensive movement of the French and the British has be come general and la being pushed with strong forces, particularly in, Flanders, the Argonne, the Woevre. and Alsace. While the French oialm success at all points except Bteinbach in Alsace, the general official reports from Berlin say the Allies' attacks have been unsuccessful at several places. On the whole, however, it would appear that the Allies, who now have a superiority In numbers as well as in artillery, have made some progress and have withstood vigorous German oouner-attacks. In the Argonne region the French say: "We have made progress and main tained our advance of the preceding days." ? The force which has been checked at Steinbach is the left wing of the army which for some time has been lighting Its way toward Muelhausen and which baa cleared a considerable part of Alsace of Germans. It is evi dent that while the Germans are pre pared to offer stubborn resistance to attempted advances in the regions mentioned in the official communica tions they expect the main attack of the AlBes to be made in another di rection or themselves are preparing for an offensive, for they have gath ered considerable forces at CourtraJ-,, from where they could be transferred quickly either to Flanders or south ward across the French frontier. The Austrlans again have crossed the Carpathians, and, according to their own account, are driving the Russian left back toward the River San. This Austrian army assisted by German reinforoements, has under taken to force the Russians to with Iraw from in front of Cracow and also Uso to relieve Pnemysl. The Aus trlans apparently have met with at least partial success in the drat pro tect. 8END WARSHIPS TO CANAL. r? Enforce Regulations of Radio Sta tions of- United States. Washington.?President Wilson and tils cabinet decided to send American warships to the Canal Zone to guard ' ?gainst neutrality violations by bel ligerent sblps. Just how many ships 1 *111 be dispatched will, be determined > ifter a full report has been received 1 From Governor Goethals, of the Canal Zone and Captain Rodman, naval offl- 1 ser at the canal. 1 Both Secretary Garrison and Secre- 1 tary Daniels made It dear that the 1 lelay la acting on Colonel Goethals 1 request for destroyers was due to a 1 ark of Information. Mr. Garrison ex plained that the colonel had asked for lestroyers without specifying the pur pose of their use. In reply to a mes- I ?age of Inquiry, Colonel Goethals ex- < plained that wireless regulations were < >elng violated In canal waters and re- I 'erred to the misuse of the Canal Zone I is a base of supplies. l Moore Troops to Naco. Washington.?Further demonstra tion was made by the United States 1 government of Its determination not to tolerate continued ftclng by the Mexican factions at Naco. President Wilson, after a. brief discussion with his cabinet. Instructed Secretary Gar rison to comply with the request of Brig .Gen. Tasker H. Bliss at Naco. Aria, tor reinforcements to handle a 1 possible emergency situation. Three i regiments of Infantry and three bat- 1 (eries of artillery were ordered to Naco. Send Ship to Belgium. Now York.?The commission for re lief In Belgium announced that In fu ture It would aeslitn ahlp* to each state aaklng for them, and that wben srer donation! of the states were not : quite sufficient to All the ahlpa the commission would bur la that state to far as practicable foodstuffs to complete the cargo South Carolina. North Carolina and i Oeorgla are co-operating to load an < satire ship thet will sail from Char I as ton early la January. Llndon W. Bates Is rice chairman. MEXICAN ARMIES ? STILL ON BORDER h ?V 'r ?: ," l , GENERAL BLISS REPORTS THE I RESULT OF HIS DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS. NO ULTIMATUM ISSUED YET Denies to Socrotary Garrison That Ho - Has Mads Doflnlto, Final Domands on Grnorol Maytorona. Washington. ? Secretary Oarrlaon gave President Wilson the latest re ports from Brig. Sen. Bliss on the sit uation at Naco, where the Mexican generals have not yet moved their forces to avoid firing Into American territory. The reports showed that the situa tion had undergone no apparent change, although little firing was In evidence. While the United States Is determined, it necessary, to open fire on the two Mexican forces to com- ( pel them to stop shooting Into the State of Aiisona, It was feared that no decisive action was planned, pend ing efforts to Naco to Influence the two factions to adjust the situation. The general belief In official quar- J tors was that some satisfactory un derstanding would be reached. Agents here of the Gqtlerres Gov ernment to which General Maytorena Is loyal, claims that he Is preparing to move his force down the railroad south of Naco, so that he can con tinue to besiege the Carransa force under General Hill with the Ameri can border out of the range of fire. ' While reports from General Bliss to the War Daprtpment were not made public It Is believed they Indi cated that he thought he had persuad ed General Maytorena to stop firing t across the line. Until there Is a dell- t nite understanding on the whole situ- B atlon, It it thought General Bliss has- t warned General Hill not to take the f offensive, which would draw the fire e of the Maytorena troops. , a RUSSIAN ARMY RETREATING. 1 Falling Back From Poland to Get ? Better Baae of Operations. f London.?"The Rnaalana are retir- ? lng along the entire front In Oallcla 0 and Poland." This statement officially Issued at b Vienna la the outstanding feature of j news from the battle fronts. While h there Is no confirmation from other 0 sources, such a move on the part of n the Russians would be in line with the ? announcements In Petrrograd dis- c patches that the Russians threatened ? on both flanks had decided to take up a new positions where they could better 0 meet the Austro-German onslaughts u from the Carpathians to the East Prussian frontier. The Russian delay In fulfilling ax- , pectatlons that they would prove a t serious menace to German territory c is dlappolntlng the peoples of the Al- t lied countries, but military men ex press the view that It Is better for c Russia to fight In her own territory, where means of communcatlon would he more on an equality. " K Admlral Fisher Talks of Efficiency. * Washington.?Five years would be G required to put the United States <j Nary in the highest state ' of effl- s clency to meet a hostile fleet, accord- j lng to a statement by Rear Admiral s Flake before the House Naval Com mittee. The Admiral, who la chief of the Bureau of Operations, member ? of the general board and a former president of the Naval Institute, said *' the Navy was deficient In air craft, * mines, scout cruisers, torpedo-boat dp- 1, stroyers, submarines and in number of trained officers and men and had no mine sweepers. Members of the committee were particularly Interested In Admiral . Ftske's view as to the possibility of foreign air craft dropping bombs on American cities. He expressed the opinion that an attacking fleet might " begin sending Its airships on bomb- '' dropping fights over New York from * S range of 500 to 600 miles oft the ? coast One foreign Navy, which was nhm- 11 sd, the Admiral said, was more effi- *' cient than the American fleet In gun- * aery. This he declared however, was " so only because the American marks men had not been given adequate op portunity for practice. Norwegian la Ashors. ^ Colon. ? The Norwegian steamer ^ Palk has been ashore on the San Bias d roast near Dtable for several days, according to advices received here. tI She has little cargo and her position b. Is regarded as dangerous. She car- t) rlea no passengers. p, Libns Eacapa in Naw York. New York.,?Six trained Hons escap ed from their cage on the stage of an b East Eighty-slth street theater and T bounding info the audience, consist- b, lng principally of women and child- a ren. created a panic. One lioness. Alice, largeat of the pack, escaped h. Into a crowded street. Policemen j, pursued her Into the hallway of u n apartment and shooting at her, prob- g| ably fatally wounded Sergeant Daniel n, Glenn. Two other offlcera were slight- C1 ly wounded by the claws of the beasts ,t In a battle at close range. Reviled Dud List. Hartlepool. England. Tia London.? The latest official estimate of ttie cas utttes resulting from the German ul bombardment of Hartlepool, says that a< M parsons were killed and about 25# m wars wounded. at a! Sailed With Horses. In Newport News, Vn.?The British steamer Anglo-Patagenoe, carrying a ei cargo of 1,000 horses for use by the ei Allied armies In the European war a sons, sailed from this port for Bor ty deeux. Prance,*" lo is?. ? A -J : CAPT. JOHN C. GLOSSOP | '? Captain Gloaaop la commandar of tha Australian Cruiser Sydnay which cornarad and daatroyad tha Qarman cruiaar Emdan at Kacllng Island. IDOPT COTTON LOAN FUND HEN FROM THE 80UTH DISCUSS ED PLANS FOR USE OF LOAN FUND. Eotl mated Thut $70,000,000 at Loaat ?f the $186,000,000 Pool Will Bo Applied for by Qrowora. Washington.?The 1135,000,000 col on loan fund plan to finance the sur ilua cotton crop, was approved unani mously by representatives of contmlt ee which will aid In handling the und In Southern States. The repres ntatives held an all-day conference rith the cotton loan committee, which as final supervision of the fund. "Although no definite statements rere made at the meeting as to bow nuch cash will be drawn from the und to carry the surplus crop, esti mates ranged from 310,000,000 to 370, 00.000 and members of the cotton 1 nan committees were confident htm- - reds of applications for loans would ?e forthcoming before January 1. lost of those present believed that letween 4,000.000 and 5,000,000 bales >f cotton must be carried over until iext year. It as estimated that about 159,000,000 would be needed to take are of this cotton, and It was the :eneral opinion that unleas there la natural expansion of credit through ?ut the South the loan fund will be aed to aid cotton producers. There was evidence that many of he state committeemen agreed with he Idea adjvanced by officials here hat cotton producers next year must ut their cotton production. The cot on loan committee will .use every leans to convince growers of the ne essity of curtailment. *> The representatives from 10 states icluded: Moorhead Wright, Arkansas; R. F. faddox, Georgia; Sol Wexler, Loulsl na; Z. D. Davit, Mississippi; Joseph 1. Brown, North Carolina; A. C. 'rumbo, Oklahoma; R. G. Rhett, oath Carolina; Henry D. Ltndsley, 'exas; E. L. Rice, Tennessee; and tate Senator MIRon, Florida. The cotton loan committee was spresented by W. P. G. Harding and aul M. Warburg, of the Federal Re erve Board; J. P. Forgan of Chlca 0, Festus J. Wade of St. Louis, A. 1. Wlggln, New York, and Levi Rue, hljadelphla '? ?;> ? DANIELS FAVOR8 NORFOLK. ? 1 C I Plaes for Dry Dock?Recommends- , tlon to tho Committee. , Washington ? Formal announce- i lent of successful naval tests of coal 1 ?om government-owned fields In 1 laska was mad# by Secretary Dan- t sis before the naval committee of the t ouse. Trials by the cruiser Mary ind about 10 days ago, Mr. Daniels l kid. had demonstrated that the Mat nuska coal was as good as any to be innd. Three recommendations were made , y Secretary Daniels. They were: , Appointment of all second lteuten nts In the navy hereafter as "act- ( IS second lieutenant!" so that those r ho do not measure up to require- c lents after appointment may be c ropped. 8 The secretary said the navy was < ?ying to put Its yards on a business t asis with Industrial managers, trying d >e plan at New York. Norfolk and c erhaps some other plants. v Turkish Cruiser Torpedoed. London ?A communication Issued y the official bureau announced the urktsh battleship Messudleh had sen torpedoed h7 a British sub- 1 isrtne. 4 The Messudleh aa a very old boat, I living been built at Blackwell, Eng- 1 ind, In 1874 and reconstructed In a enoa In 1804. In the war with Greece t Is was reported badly damaged In a t aval battle in the Dardanelles. She 7 srrled a crew of 600 men. "When 1 ist seen thp Messudleh was sinking c r the stern." I - Austria Admits Defeat. London.?The most striking feature 1 the day's official news Is the candid ? imiatlon by the Austrian Govern- r ent of the defeat of the Austrian t rmy In Servth and apparently the t bandonmept of Its third attempt to c va'derits Smalt Slay neighbor. t While attrlbntlng the failure to the t lemy's superior force, as all Gov- t ?nment bulletins explain failures, the It ustrlan War Office announces plain- 4: an attended retirement and heavy 1 sses. ?' x 6ERMHNS BOMBARD THE ENGLISH COAST I -? WHITBY, SCARBOROUGH AND HARTLEPOOL ATTRACTED BY J? SWIFT CRUISERS . ESCAPE UNDER COVER OF F06 Caauilty Llat Total* 110, Doad SI; Big Pro party Lota?Unuaua! ExeltomanL London.?For the flrat time In centuries England hat been atrook by a foreign foe. A squadron of swift German crnisers crept through the fog to the eastern roast and turned their guns against the Britons. When day broke they began bom bardment of three important towns? Hartlepool at the mouth of tha Teea, Whitby, noted as a pleasure resort. 16 miles beyond. Hartlepool suffer ed most There two battle cruisers were engaged. The British war oSloe Uses the number ot dead at Hartle pool sb seven soldiers and 21 civilians. At Scrabroogh, shelled by a battle cruiser and an armored cruiser, 11 casualties are reported while at Whitby two were killed and two were wounded. Men, women and children of the civilian population were left dead or wounded struck without warning whHe at work. In all the casualty list totals 114, according to the of ficial estimates, of whom 21 are known to be dead. At Hartlepool, churches were dam aged and the gas works and lumber yards were set afire, while the ab bey at Whitby was struck. The Bal moral Hotel at Scarborough received the full effect of a shell. A number of houses and shops were shattered and partly burned in each of the towns. The hostile squadron escaped In the mist after an encounter with coast guard vessels. CARRANZA AND VILLA CRASH. Armies in First Big Battle Cast of Torreon. El Paso.?The first Important battle between the Carransa and Villa arm ies la in progress near San Pedro de las Colonies, east of Torreon. Several columns of Carransa troops from doe hulla Statet, aggregating about 5.000 men under Colonel Illfonse Vasquez, are engaged by a slightly larfier force under General VIUs. Both sides have ample artillery and the fighting Is described as desperate. The Carranzs forces made a threat ening movement to take Torreon and to shut off* Villa's communication ?rith the North. Villa garrison in Northern Mexico have been depleted by the movement into Mexico City tnd troops from the National Capital probably will be aent to the northern theater of war. It appears that Carransa, from Item Cruz, has ordered a general movement Into the North. Four hun Ired men from General Hill's forces In the extreme eaat of Sonora are moving on Joans, held by a small Fills garrison. Five hundred Car -anza troops from Cbahnila recently passed below Sierra Blanc a, Texas, on their way toward Juarez. U. 8. Navy Bhort of Plana. Washington.?Th? navy la "from 10,000 to 50,000 men abort of Ita needs is laid down In tt^e confidential war riana of the war college." according :o Franklin D. Roosevelt^ assistant lecretary of the navy, who testified at he' house naval committee's hearings >n the naval appropriation hill- Mr. Xoosevelt explained that many addl JonaJ men would be needed for pnr toses other than manning ships now a commission. Asked why service able vessels were laid up In reserve, le said no nation kept all of Its ships constantly In commission. Mr. Roose relt explained a table worked out lome months ago by the navy de partment. according to an established ormnla. showing the strength In levies In "points." It placed the trmored fighting craft of various hree leading powers as follows: England, 7.T68: Germany, 3,818; Jnlted States, 3.562. Goethals Again Asks for Fleet. Panama.?Governor Goethals has igain cabled to Secretary' Garrison etting forth need for destroyers In anal ports to preserve neutrality. Colonel Goethals says he has no neans of preventing the use of canal ir Panaman ports as i a means of communication and that these porta ipparently are being used to that end. "olonei Goethals expressed opinion hat there was as much necessity for lestroyers at canal ports as at any ither American ports where they rere stationed to prevent breaches. Right Side of Balance. Washington. ? November foreign rade statistics show a balance In fa 'or of the United States of 379,299, >17. For October the balance was 56,630.650, for September 816.3*1,722, rhlle in August it was 319,400,406 gainst ths United States. Novem ter's exports announced by the De partment of Commerce totalled 3205, 66.424 and Imports *126,467.007. There, as a decrease of 371.000,000 In cotton exports compared with Novem ier, 1912. Ratified Safety Convention. ? Washington. ? Tho International onventlon tor eafety of life at tea, lgned at London Janaary 2, 1*14. by a any world powers was ratified by be Senate after a resolution had >een adopted reserving the right to mact higher standards than the restj- prescribed for health and safe y on American vessels and to Impose hem upon all foreign vessels within ts territorial waters. Champions of ha {Medina gasman's bUI Insisted that rtthoat tbe reservations the treaty sight nullify Immigrant bill. TTTw . ? ? "HANSI," ALSATIAN ARTIST ? ? " . ; " - " r " ? ? " ' -1 Mn? Inn. ..n . ?<lil "wi wuj ogu ? uiuu ocuBBiiun wH created when John Welti, en Alsatian artist and writer, widely known under m the pseudonym of "Hans!," was con demned by the German authorities to " a year's lraprtsonmant on account of a book for children which be had written and illustrated. In this book, which was called "Mon Village," be dealt in a humorous and satirical rein with life In his native village, and he was lavish both with pen and pen cil In criticism of the German masters of Alsace-Lorraine and praise of the French, Its rulers of yesterday. Since then "Hanst" has produced another work, which, together with Its predecessor, has become so enormous ly popular In Prance since the out break of war against Germany that copies are scarcely to be obtained. I This, "The History of Alsace for Lit tle Children. Told by Their Vncle -Hanst," gives little Xlaatlans a survey , ui iuo uwij oi mt'ir nauve uoo loai , Is antl-Oerman In every line. And while this book and "Moo VUlagd" are sell ing like hot cakes In Prance and doubtless being smuggled Into Alsatian homes by the hundred, there to be scanned with delight aploed with the thought ot what may befall U "the men from across the Rhine" get wind of the treasured volumes, "Hansl" himself Is fighting In the Prencb army against - the natlou which he has so consistently and humorously criticised In word and picture. NO COFFEE FOR SMOOT 1 Senator Reed 8moot. In coose- f~~ qnence of hla Mormon training, naea no atimulanta?no tobacco,, alcohol, coffee or tea. No one who baa ever undertaken to go through life without the use of coffee or tea baa any Idea of the petty annoyances that such ab stinence entails. A man ran quit drinking malt, rlnous, or spirituous liquors, and his friends merely re mark: "On the wagon, ehr* and let It go at that. They don't ask why he quit, and usually do not Insist on bis drinking, regardless of what may be the prevailing notion to the contrary. Anybody knows that when a man quits drinking he does so because he does not wish to take all the natural finish off his Insldes and die ahead of schedule, or have a befuddled brain, such as one can see on the charts la any doctor's office. But with a man who does not ^ drink coffee or tea It Is different. | Everybody desires to know why. Wherever Stnnnt umm tn Hlno n?Anln ? you nervous?" "Don't you drink It for breakfast even?" "Did you ever try that Battle Creek aubetitute for coffee?" "Doee It keep you awake?" And. oh, a great many more. Then aome woman la certain to aay: "Mercy, I've taken a cup of coffee at every meal since I can remember, and I don't think It hurts me a bit." Of late years. In order to avoid a scene. Smoot usually takes a cap of coffee when It Is offered to him. but does not drink K. But this avails him little. Sooner or later hlaJiostees Inquires: , "Do you And your coffee too strong?" or, "Did you get cream and sugar?" Then the truth leaks out an? the questions begin. Even In a restaurant the coffee proposition Is one of Ufa's little Irrita tions In Smoot's case. Every waiter assumes that everybody drinks coffee. The waiter always says: "Will you have your coffee now or later?"?even/ though nothing has been said about coffee at all. Senator Smoot sometimes wishes the "dry" movement would be amended to Include coffee. _ . ' ' ? | MISSOURI BOY SHOWS KANSAS ~1 Everyone In Kansas, and particu larly In the Seventh congressional district, la talking about a former Colombia and Mexleo, Mo., boy. Jouett Bhouae. He moved to Kinsley. Kd-. wards county, from his former home In Islington, Ky., on November II, 1111, and on November S, 1114, was elected to represent the lsrgest con gressional district of .the Union. Shouse Is the son of the late Rev. John 8. Shouse, one of the most wide ly known and beloved ministers of ~ , the Christian church. During the pe riod from 1812 to 1(11, Mr. Shouse had charges In Columbia and Mexico. His son Jouett was a student at the - University of Missouri. 'In 1911, through Shouse's efforts, the delegates to the state convention from the Sev enth went to Topeka with Instructions for Champ Clark. The state conven tion Instructed for Champ Clark. And H Kansas was one of the first states to bare a whirl at the Clark boom. Next year Shouee wu elected a state Senator and his brilliant work in that position resulted In hla election to congress. Only twice before has that dis trict sent a nonTteJtublican to Washington. * I 5 1 MAI. GEN. SAM HUGHES rina r\t tka mnat nlnhiwtuna Utr. ? ' 11 11 1111 '" ? urea in public life In Canada ta MaJ. Gen. Sam Hughes, minister of militia. His admirers call him Independent A and efficient: his critics ear he is a I marvel of indiscretion. He organized * Valcartier camp, where the Canadian contingent was trained for the Euro pean war, and, bossing. the job to suit himself, succeeded in arousing a Jot of adverse criticism. But on his return from England he wiped all that out with this typical speech: ' "1 have it on the word of the late Lord Roberts that Valcartier camp displayed on the part of your humble servant, a capacity for or ganisation and driving power, unsur passed in military history." But Hughes was not long In find ing fresh trouble. General Lea sard, a d French-Canadian officer, who did val- M iant service in South Africa, but who la is ineligible tor active service now on [j? account of failing eyesight, as general ameer commencing uie Toronto district, ordered a surprise mobilisation of troops for the purpose of testing the efficiency of his organisation to meet a possible Invasion of German-Americans. Hughes did not approve. But Instead of' reprimanding the 0. O. a pri vately, he blazed forth his criticism In a public address. Immediately the tat was In the Are. Opposition papers said little. But government papers forthwith demanded Hughes' bead. Consider the Poor. It I* written not, "Blessed is he thst feedeth the poor," but "Blessed Is hs thst consldereth the poor." And you know n little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great, deal of money.?Rue kin. ' jf-. Chang* In Auntl*. Little Margaret'* aunt had been lU for aeveral week* and Margaret had not seen her daring thl* time. Oa tee ing her for the flrst time after her tllne** the cried: "My. auntie, how you bar* evaporated!" JgHB

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