? I ? ! 1 , , ? -=-g= Oifts That are Practical, Servicable and Reasonable in Price. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE UTTEL FOLKS. Hobby Horces,- Sulkies, Go-Carts, Shooflye Rockers, Express Wagons, Doll Carages, Pianoes, Horns, San Pails, Monkeys, See Saw, Dolls and Etc. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE GROWN FOLKS. Toilet Sets, Manacure Sets, Cuff and Collar Boxes, Shaving Sets, Work Boxes, Rocking Chairs, mission finest and up holster ed, Checker Bords, Games, Pictures and Etc. , , M ??? , , ? * . ? . ; ~ o'. '.w. Tvk" ? ? //;?. %r;."' Guns. Rifles, and Amunition, Fruits, Candies, Nuts, Raisons. Santy Clause can fill his Xmas Sack right here for all; Sweet Hearts, Beaus, Little FolksXJrown folks, both yound and old. Special attention to Sunday School orders. 1 ?? Yours to please, J. E-. ODOM ?. CO. Opposite Depot AHOSJ^IE, N. C. ?i???/ >?? til CI ??????????+?????????????????????????????????? FIRE INSURANCE I NOTARY PUBLIC j : 1 ? 1 - ~ ? 1 ?' ? J V\. < ' - WALTER L. CURTIS ahoskie: n.I c. | I fro SraisE5! ??i ? October 17th., We TOBACCO PLANTERS WARE- ^ m HOUSE CO. at Rocky Mount, N. C., sold the past week yb % Three Hundred and Forty Thousand Pounds of Leaf & i Tobacco for Forty-Seven Thousand and Eight Hundred w 1 and Eighty-Eight Hollars. " ? " ,W Many wagon loads were sold at ^om twenty to twenty- If | five cents average. These were the highest sales we have made since the crop begin to move. Ship us your Tobacco \b i and we will sell it on arrival for the highest market price W 1 and mail you check promptly. W I Yours to serve, yb ; TOBACCO PUNTERS WAREHOUSE CO. | 1 .... P. C. VESTAL, Manager, ? ' Nc ? ^CCC^C^CCX f ???????> la ??.rything yon do nn ndbrt? Nat k la M Taa art ill. Yaar ?filial aaadaaiiala. Yonr ItMuek. KMaara aal Urar aaal Mirrlsl w?. M || I I _|M -* - .LI. k.OM .L.. notaiag a# tola n?'W Clectric i Bitters ?Q?. mai $1.00 AIDwIlto \ Executor's Sale of Lar.d r s. , By virtue of the power and au , thorit.v given trie u Executor un , der the lint Will and Testament ol , Jo* II. Vinson, Deceased, late ol Hertford County, North Carolina. ' and for the purpoae of making aa sets with which to nay the debts and coats and charges of Adminis tration, I will, on Saturday, tlx Snd. day of January, 191&, at IS o'clock M. before the Mayor'i Office in the town of Murfreeeboro offer for aale to the highest blddei for cash that certain tract of lane in Murfroesboro Township, Hert j ford County, North Carolina, be toogiug to the aaid Jos. H Vlneot ' and kuown as the Elisha Vinsoi Home Place and bounded on th< j North and Eaat by the lands ol Randolph Powell, on the South b> F the lands of E. L. Cliitty. Saral Garriss and Tbos. H. Vinson, and on the West by the lands of Mlkt | Vinson, containing seventy sevet * acres, more or lees. ' This the 8rd., day of December, f 1914. * J. E. VlHBON. Executor. !. ? 3 ? I 1 Executor's Notice. Having qualified aa Executoi ' under Ibe last Will and Teatemenl of John C. Drake, Deceaaed, laU of Hertford Comity, North Caro lina, this is to notify all peraoni having claims against the EstaU ' of said Deceased to exhibit then 1 to the undersigned on or befor? 1 the 10th., day of December, 1JIS, or this notice will be pleaded ic bar of their recovery. All per sona indebted to said Estate will > itlease make immediate pryment. This the 3rd., day of December, 1914. Julian C. Drake, Executor. , Como, R. F. D.. N. C. ; D. C. Barnes, Attorney. i . ..... ? Notice! The undersigned executors of the will of the lataW. W. Holla men deceased will offer for^wrW'to the highest bidder fpe-'^cash tits entire tract of l%ndowned by said \V. W. HoKoman deceased and Jmown as the W. W. Hclloman borne place and all of the personal property belonging to said-deceas ed consisting of cotton, core, peanuts, horses and all farming utensils. Sale will take place at the borne of late W. W. Holjoman on the 23rd day of December, 1914 at 11 o'clock A. M. W. W. Rogers, J. D. Jenkins, Kxeculors.' Slop the Child's Colds Thsy Often Result Seriously v Colds, Croup, ?nd Whooping Cough are- children'* ailments which need immediate attention. The after effects are often most serious. Don't" take the rislj? you don't have to. Dr. King's New Discovery checks the Cold, goothes the Cough, allays the in flammation, kills the Germs, and allows Nature to do her healing work. 50c. at your Druggist. Buy a bottle to-day. ?? ?? i ' .* Whenever You Need a Onaeral tak Take drove's The Old Standard Grove's Taste less chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It sets on the Uver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds np the Whole System. 30 cents. I ?,.T,?cZ Hertford County ) Albert Southall ?u VIL ' Maggie'Southall f f By virtue of sb execution in , my hands against Albert South . ell in the case of Albert South , all rs. Maggie Southall will sell . at the Court House Door in Win i ton on the 4th, day of January ! 1915 the right, titled, interest i and estate of Albert Southall in , the following piece of land in r Murfreesboro Township. Hert I ford County, N. C., bounded as - follows:- On the North by the . lands of J. S. Lawrence and B. B. i Winborne, on the East by the t lands of J.. A. Boyette and Bill ) Barnes, on the -Bouth by the r public road leading from Mur - freesboro to Winton and on the i West by the ravine known as the I "Tanyard Ravine." i Terms Cash, i This Dec. 3nd. 1914. A. E. GARKETT, ? | Sheriff. | Notice! , The undersigned executors of the will of the late L. M. Parker will offer for sale to the highest biddea for cash all of the personal property belonging to said de 1 ceased, sale to take place in front of W. W, Rogers' office at IS 1 o'clock M. on the 6th of Jap ' uary, 1914. ' No*. 26, 1914. P. D. Pabkek, W. -H. Bbtamt, i Executors. W. W. Rogers, Attorney. " in n ?u m ? emu. Our |(in is ig better shape than -< ever before we are giving as good results as any gin in tbe country. Baging and ties one dollar per bale. Market prices paid for cot ton in seed or lint. Highest mar ket price-paid for seed. Ahoskik ammo Go. , .- r ' " ? " , Lta'tsjisUms.1 li'jOc.'SS DISINFECT your hog beds and feeding places with CLIMAX BRAND Carbelic Acid AND Oil of Tar. Avoid Cholera. 5, 10 and 26c bottlea. Roberts Drag Co, Suffolk, Va. ? I I?I u ? RUB-MY-TISM Will core your Rheumaliim Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Braises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, nsed ire ternally and eaternaUy. Price 25c. TIRE HOSPITAL. We have just opened a general Tire Repairing ; Shop and have a modern machine lo do this work J with,, we can repair anything about Tires or Inner Tubes and guarantee all work to stand or no charge. : Our Machine will Vulcanize any size Tire from inches to 4# and we can fix any size Blow.Out, Rim Cut or Tare and can reline whole tire of necessary. We also do a General Autotnpbile Repair Business and will appreciate your sending or bringing us any kind of work. Our ; charges are reasonable and work guaranteed. 'I ? We hove installed Gasoline Engine to Run Lathe, Drill, Press, Pufiap, Jack and etc., and have every thing ready to do your work. You will find us at H..H Jones old store. v. Gasoilne IS cent per Gallon. WINTON GARAGE G?"o. N. WiNBOBXB, Machines!. Elcy W. Bbittoh, Vulcanirer Bet. WINTON, NORTH CAROLINA.