THE LARGEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. Tatt Machinery & Supply Co., UltMHi n. c. MACHINERY SPECIALISTS Everything in Machinery and Supplies ? : * Dr. c. g Powell DENTIST OFFICE over 3. j. d1ldav3 store AHOSKIE. N. 0. Af in borne A Wlnborno BanJ. B. WInborn# Stanley Winborne Attorneya-at-Law 4 MURF^EESBORO, N. C. Phones No. IT and 21. Edgar Thomaa Snipee Attorney-at-Law * plans Negotiated Rami Estate Bought and Sold] Office: 2nd Floor J. W. Godwin, Jr., Bldg AHOSKIE. N. C. , R. R. ALLEN Dealer In SASH, DOORS. BLINDS, WINDOW GLASS, HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholeeale and Retail No. V27 Washington Square SUFFOLK. VA. SASH. OOORS. HARDWARE. PAINTS. LIME. CEMENT. SEWER PIPE. CART MATERIAL. MILL SUPPLIES. STOVES, RANGES AND ETC. CLOSE PRICES. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND OBLIGE. E- L. FOLK CO. No. 9I79I9 Washington Square Suffolk. va. ?' W. W. ROGERS Attorney-at-Law Prompt Attention Given to All Bueineae. AHOFKIE. N. C. C. Wallace Joaes Attorney end Coo nee lor-At-Lew WINTON. N. C. Practice in all court*. Loan* negotiat ed. Soeeial attention to collection*. Located In Bank of W in ton ~ ZT* D. L THOMAS ? GENERAL CONTRACTOR AN0 BUILDER Plan* and Specification* furnished upon application Cement and Tile Work Brick Work a Specialty AHOSKIE. N. C.: ~~ Roawall C- Bridger Attorney-at-Law WINTON. N. C. J. R. EVANS Practical Tin Roofer and Sheet Metal Worker Pricee Right. MURFREESBORO. NT C. FRANK G. TAYLOE Notary Public AHoeaia, North Carolina. WHEN IN NEED ?OF? Flooring, Ceiling, Weatherboard ing, Casing, Boxing etc., Call on. J. T. BARNES, AHOSKIC, N. C. MANY DISORDERS COME FROM THE LIVER An You Just at Odd* with Youraeif? Do Yo^, Regulate Living? Are you sometimes at odds with yourself aud with the world! Do you wonder what ails you! True you may be eating regularly and sleeping well. Yet something ii the matter! Constipation, Head ache, .Nervousness and Bilious Spells Indicate a Sluggish Liver. The /tried remedy is Dr. King's NeaJ Life Pills. Only 26c. at .vonI Druggists. Bm/.- en's Arnica Salve for Skin Erihtiobs TlJ (MM TMDMMMMIkM of (ti tonic and laxatWe effct, LAZA TiJvh rromoquininb Is bettartlMie ordinary Xriu iSmSSg tWfilf am* ud lp IVMMM" <* K. W. ?ROVE. SC. Old Hickory Chips. Washington, D. C., Dec. 29th. By the rules of war one tough turn deserve* a rejoinder. The worgt thing about firing across the border i* that it might ruin the movie films. From appearnoes Egypt's khedive will shortly receive the model of Class 23. The British city jhat was built upon a hill found the scriptural statement only too true. It's poor policy, to look a gift horse in the mouth or a fleeing battleship in the rear. Even though Mars should be enshrined as the world god, he's an improvementouBilliken. When the Kaiser's throat pains him, be just takes a fresh gargle on the news from the front. Reports that war is making in sane people would ring almost as true us she other way. The If act that old Francis Joseph swore like a trooper over his army's defeat sort of warms up to bim. , Copying Napoleon's words the Japs find many ways for getting into new territory, but none for getting out. A new York Husband has quit his wife for a freak, but some wives remain faithful through a similar preference. "Building burned with $500" says a headline. Couldn't some body have kicked in with $1,000 and made it a conflagration"! From the way Jim Mann fe urging economy on bis beloved enemies it would seem that the message made at least one convert. Mexico has something to be thankful for. Three verities of cur rency are in circulation. Let us hope, at all events, that Santa ?Claus found the air routes safe. ? . As the Battleship Dresden views the situation it is better to be in terned than interred. The Kaiser's sore throat will hardly prevent him from giving three cheers. - Now a tidy little police flrtitia to keep the fighting away irom these coats would help a'good deal and would prove an excellent example to Europe. Before we enter into any union of neutrality with South America the latter should be required to promise not to ship us any more tango dances. * President Wilson avoids the words in that part of the diction ary where President Boosvelt used to get the kind that stirred things Vp- ' Apparently Gen. Carranza is no mean strategist, having dug him self into the national box office, with the road clear to a foreigu re fuge. ? South Carolina has but a few more days of Cole Blease and then it will lose its place in the spotlight?which will .be a great relief. This year gets off on the wrong foot, beginning on Friday. _ How ever, 191? began on Thursday and what good.did it dof Uncle Sam is entirely too big to have Mexican hairless dogs of war. An outfit of war mastiffs would be more becoming. , That Atlantic storm calmed after doing a bare $760,000 worth of damage. But it employed no forty to contimeter guns. Many brave men went 'down in the recent sea fight, It is painful to.yiink bow many more are fated 60 go. j If.nations must fight why have any rules of war) These do noth ing but embarrass tbc neutral nat ions, to whom all the belligerents appeal to enforce the rules against the other fellow. Evidently the Cruiser Dresden was not made of the fragile china for which Dresden is famous. I Subscribe for the Herald American Naval Designs Copied bj British. Though Differing In Detail They Have Duplicated the Ceater IJaa ?' Armament. Washington, D. C., Dec. tt.? That British naval constructors have copied from designs of Amer ican constructor in certain essen tial points in the building of super dreadnaughta, is the statement made by Fred T. Jane, the noted British naval authority, in a pa per distributed by the Navy Lea gue. Speaking of the "Ameri canizing" of the British naval de sign in all British super dread naughts, Mr. Jane says: "Though differing in detail, the arrangement of armanent of all the super-dreadnaughts followed the American ceuterlined system, an interesting indication of the prog ress of the United States navy from the days, not so very long ago, when American warship design was more or less a 'pouire faire rire." ttv. ? .? * ? . .? * it is none the lees interesting from the fact that in all the ear liest designs in all ahipa carrying more than two turrets, the center line was the only arrangement ever built or even considered. Yet when an increased number of turrets came ibto being the Amer ican navv was the only one that followed the original practice. In all other navies ideas of the period of 1870 1880 when strong end-on fire was considered an all import ant essential, influenced deaign, America alone appreciated the prophecy long made by Admiral Colomb to the effect that whatever else might temporarily obtain; broadside to broadside would al ways be reverted to in battle, on the grounds that thus, and thus only, could the maximum number of guns be used. "It is proper here to remark that tbougb the Americans adopt ed the centerline from the outset for practical reasons, this disposi tion became more or lees a neces sity (for the British navy), when 13-5's (inch guns) came in. owing to the infinitely greater strain on the structure. This has been oo casionly used as an argument against American influence having made itself felt, buttbe balance of evidence shows that, even bad the 13.5 inch not appeared, the (Amer ican) centreline system would have figured in our navy.?Ex. ... f~ ? Mast Paj lor Newspaper. Bill Valid When Publication la Ac copied, 8aya Nebraska Judde In Mecaat Decision. Columbus, Nab.?Judge Geo. Thomas, of Columbus, recently decided that if a man accepts a. paper that is sent him he must pay .fpiJtf, The decision was rendered in the case brought by the Colum bus Telegram {against a man for $2.35. The Telegram had been sent to the man's home and he had ucceptad the paper. When called upon to pay for it, be refused to and suit was brought. When Judge Thomas heard evidence he instruct ed the jury to bring in a verdict for the Telegram. J udge Thomas ruled that the old common law principal that what a man received and used be was bound to pay for applied in this instance.?Ex. ' 7' ' ' ' 1 " : ?- ' V It Really Does Relieve Rheumatism. Everybody who is afflicted with Rheumatism in any form should by all means keep a bottle of Sloan's Liniment on hand. The minute you feel pain or soreness in a joint or muscle, bathe it with Sloan's Liniment. Do not rub it. Sloan's penetrates almost immedi ately right to the seat of pain, re lieving the hot. tender, swollen feeding and making the part easy and comfortable. Get a bottle of Sloan'% Liniment for 25c. of any druggist and have it in the house ?against Colds, Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago. Sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but Jt Roes give almost instant relief,. BUy a bot tle to-day. A<lv. \ Bryan to Qolt Boon, is Belief ot Friend. Tlx Commoner Ixinu for Return to ?loom Life, Hayi Judge Howard, of Nebraeka. Lincoin, Neb., December 88.?. Judge Edgar Howard of Colum bus, Neb., long the close friend and follower of William Jennings Bryan, makes tbe guarded state ment that President Wilson's Sec retary of State may retire from the Cabinet at no distant date. Judge Howard disclaims any 'nside information, and says he does not aspire to speak as tbe personal representative of Mr. Bryan, but in an extended visit lie made recently to Eastern and Southern sections of the country, including Washington, be found a general impression that "Tbe Commoner" will not much longer retain his chair, at the right hand of President Wilson, and he adds: "ily own judgement is that Secretary Bryan would have retir ed to private life some time ago, if be felt be could do so and still display that high loyalty toward President Wilson which has mark ed his career as Secretary of State ever since bis assumption of diplo matic duties. "The Secretary is naturally domestic in his tastes, a lover of home life, something which has been denied him during tbe years of his public career. No mortals ever built more beautiful air cas tles than Mr. and Mrs. Bryan build on tbat new plantation of theirs on tbe Atlantic coast of Florida. "There cannot he a tithe of truth in the stories which tbe re sctionery Democrats are telling about a lack of harqpony between the President and Secretary. They are in perfect accord."?Ex. 1 ? Craieo is Prosperous. H*n Moncv la CireaUtlaa During Holidays Tkaa Last Year. New Bern, Dec. 27 There are do "hard times" in New Bern. Tbia is a fact that ia undiaputable .aid aa much as the pessimist may rave, there ia ample evidence at band to prove that tjiere has been more money in circulation in New Bern and Graven county during the past four weeks than there was during the same period last year. The farmers who had cotton have in many cases disposed of this aod have put the money in circulation. Others have stored their cotton aod secured warehouse receips for it and used these as collateral. In addition to this, thousands of dol lars have been paid out for tobacco and this money has not been hoarded. The leading merchants of New Bern claim to have bad the largest hotidayr business-io many years and there is a general feeling of optimism prevailing all over the county.?News and Observer. L r&j. ?' "M V.j'i Nash County Fnrmora in Good. Some of our farmer frieode are tickled io their sleeves when they hear the expression of "pity for the poor farmer/' Why, blew your soul, honey, there never was a time when so large a percentage of the "poor farmers" had as much "money in their jeans" as thev have now, war or no war. It is true, many of them'have* only a small amount; a few have com paratively none, yet taken as a whole, there's more money among the farmers of Nash County today than ever before. And why shouldn't there be. Practically eypry product of the farmlhas sold at high figures; take for instance meat, corn, wheat, tobacco, lard, hay butter, chickens, eggs, pota toes, and all other articles except cotton. Many pf them are not only able to hold their ootton, but some of tbem are talking about buying some at present prices and not planting best' year.?Nashville Graphic * i5L. \ Burglars at Scotland Neck. Two 8tor*a Mobbed of Caoh and Quantity of Provisions. Scotland Neck, Dec. 27.?Wed nesday night betweeu the hours of 12 and 5 o'clock a burglar broke into the Jere Bunch Grocery Co., and made good bis escape with a little money that had been left in the safe over night for change. It appeared that the robber either had a skeleton kf.v or else was locked up inside the store, for When Mr. Raymond Bunch came to open the store the next morn ing the door was unlocked. Thursday night the wholesale grocery of R. J. Madr.yf was also broken into. This tnxi? the thief went in by way of the window and made his escape by the back door. \ ? Cash being unavailable, be cided to take with biny' a goodly supply of rations, for when an inv ventory was taken if was found that he had taken seveVaJ sacks of flour, sugar, meal and a quantity of freak?News and Observer. Atlantic Coast Inventors. The following patents were just isssued to Atlantic Coast clients reported by D. Swift ft Co., natent lawyers, Washington, D. C., who will furnish copies of any patent for ten cents a piece to our readers. Va. Thomas E. Aud, Herndon, ' life saving apparatus; Raymond. | B. Duval, Richmond, folding paper box; Rudolph H. Waker man, Brock road, Portable folding chicken cood. N. C, Franklin P. White, Shal lot te, wheel bub. S. C. Jos. B. Neil. Filbert, cot ton picking machine; C. C. Meigs, Charleston, producing nitric and sulfuric acids; J. P. Carter, Kirk aay, stork-chopper. Bryan Buys Land at Asheville, N. C Asheville, K. C., Dec. 28?A 10-acre tract of mountain forest, lying partly inside tbe city limits, lias been bought by secretary W. J. Bryan as a site for tbe summer borne be expects to build bere some time in tbe near feature. Tbe land was acquired from E. W. Grove, and forms part of tbe 1,000 acres surrounding Grove Park Inn. Jt adjoins tbe home of F. L. Seely, Mr. Bryan's friends. The tract is served by tbe ex clusive automobile road extending from Grove Park Inn to Sunset Mountain, which renders it easily accessible to tbe city.?Ex. TROOPS TO LEAVE COLORADO. Withdrawal Will B? Gradual Aa _ Bounces Governor Amnions. Denver, -Col., Dec. 27.?The gradual withdrawal of Federal troops from tbe Colrado coal fields, where they have been on strike duty since last April, will begin this week, according to Gov ernor Amortns. who, with Gover nor^fectCarlson, returned from a conference with President Wilson jn Washington.?Exchange Two PIUoo. , (Rocky Mount Telegram.) "A New Jersey man, who Las used tobaoco all his mature life and run la distillery many years bas just celebrated Ins 102nd birth day. Had he never used the weed and kept out of the whiskey busi ness, the chances are that be would live to attain a ripe old age." remarks the Virginian-Pilot. What a great pity that fellow isn't just now beginning his life since in 2016, a fellow that might have ruu a distillery will be some curi osity, according to tbe indications of the wave of prohibition at this time. farlHwatlag to tko Pate and Sick!) Tlw fild SttiuUrd (antral atranftbtnlnt tank, MOTE'S TASTELESS chill ToklC,dn*w ant Itetana.cnriclic. tl,? Mood, ImlMa up tb< ?jratrnb. A Utw^Hte. fn adutk had cklMrta, Mb I LE ITHF B FARMERS' WAItEHODSE, | Roberson vilify N. C. J Ej SELL YOUR TOBACCO 9 We Have a Force That Guarantees E Prompt fietvrns and Pest o! Attention, ft ?hip us a Crate, Box or Hogshead andfl let us prove to you that we look after the Farmers' Interest every time. A. T. Co., Export Co., Liggett-Myers 8 Co., J. P. TaylorCo., and Imperial |s Company have buyers on this market. Grimes'Roberson Co. | Proprietors vl Farmers' Warehouse 1 Robersonville, N. Richard Winborne, Pres. W. H. Winborne, Vice-Pres. f Norfolk, Va. Chowan Co., N. O. WINBORNE & GO., INC. f COTTON AND PEANUT FACTORS Commission Merchants Norfolk, Va. PEANUT WAREHOUSES: SUFFOLK, VA.} NORFOLK. VA. RHH Shipments solicited. Market information furnished. Refer- c , ence. Seaboard National Bank, Norfolk, Va. Always before buy- ( ; ing get our prices on Peanut Bags, Bagging and Ties. It pays, j COMFORT AND CONVENIENGC^ Tilings are arranged here for your comfort and convenience. Q We are equipped to care for your deposits with absolute safety. I We are prepared to aid honest men in developing legitimate I busihesa enterprises. In short there is no function of a bank we cannot perform R to your complete satisfaction. Merchants and Farmers Bank Winton, AT. C. 1904 >? 1914 THE PEOPLES BANK MURFREESBORO, TV. C. Capital and Surplus $25,000.00 4. ||s OLD?SAFE?STPONG?BELIABLE. Are you one of Its many patrons? If so you have aided us in building up . this creditable Institution, and we believe v we have aided you in building up this pro gressive community: Together we nave prospered for the past ten years. Join us with renewed vigor for a con tinuation of mutual prosperity. IT PAY TO QE ONE OF OUR PATRONS. !AGAIN WE mW foul > /v > To come to our store and look over the many things <' , which you must have to be comfortable, as the season ad- * > > vances your needs must be supplied and we are in a position <' y to furnish the most of them, at interesting prices, so don't 4 * > fail to give us a call. This month makes ten years w\icb y we have been in business, and we are proud to think we en > joy the confidence of all with whom we have dealt. 9* ' * Thanking you for your goodwill and patronage. < / (y We are yours, i iHOGOARD & STOKES, | | , A HOSK1E, N. C. I

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