am at n has cleared up OOVMMOR MAYT.ORENA HAS MOVED HtS TROOPS 12 MILES * FROM BORDER. * A "CONVENIENT DISTANCE" t". ' ' ' " I , I Miiujm to Washington Have Been Very Batllfictory and Affair la Endad and No Bloodshed. Washington.?Consular Agent Cerp thera telegraphed the stale depart? Kent that Governor Maytorena eom K an ding the Villa forces besieging Naco, Sonora. wag preparing to with draw his troops 10 or If miles front the border to eliminate the poesihifc ity of further firing into American territory. Brigadier General Bliss, command ing the artillery. Infantry and cavalry concentrated about. Naco, Arir., to enforce the A mer lesn government's demand that firing across the line ccese reported that Maytorena ap parently had wtthdrawn. This, how ever, has not been verified. As-? result of these reports, of ficiala here were confident that the troublesome border situation was about lo be cleared up. It'Is under stood that when Carotbers con ferred with Maytorena he was given a complete outline of the Villa lead er's plans for withdrawal. Enrico Ltorente, repersentatlve hers of President Ontierres, made putrftr a 'telegram from Ms chief oTi^tlng. a message the latter had received from Governor Maytorena announcing that the force besieging Naco had been or dered withdrawn to a "convenient dis tance." In obedience to Instructionfi from the pepltal. Msytprena reported, his troope did not fire a shot at Naco all day although several casualties in their ranks were caused by fire from the Naco garrison. r DR. J. R. WILUNGHAM DEAD. r Secretary it Foreign Missions of the Southern Baptist Convention. Richmond, Vs.?Rer. Robert J. Wll llngham. D.D., general secretary of the foreign mission board of the Southern Rapt let reinvention and rec ognised as one of the greatest mis sionary secretaries In the country, was stricken with apoplexy while on his way to Sunday school here and dlWtwo hours later In a hotel to which he was taken. IMor to becom Um socretsrv to tho mission bosrd In 1893. Doctor Wllllngbam had Berved as pastor at churchea is Talbot ton, C.a . Chattanoea Tenn., and Memphis. Tenn. Pr. Wllllnpharn was horn in Beaufort District, South Carolina, In 1854. end was graduated from the University of Georgia, preparing for the mtaistry at the Southern Theo logical Seminary at LoulsrlHe, Ky. He Is survived by his Wife, live sons and four da u c 11 te rs . '?! Muck Holly I* Shipped. Warsaw, N. C.?The holly shipments from Kay tern North Carolina have ended [or this year, with the excep tion of' only a few scattering ship ments to be made and although the prices that have been received have not been quite as high as some former years, the season aas been a.very 'suc cessful one. Judging from tbe best, information obtainable. Duplin county leads in this Industry. Magnoiia is the first town in the county, and possibly in the state, as the eastern section Is especially noted for the shipment of this evergreen. Thirty-eight carloads have been shipped from this point, and Rose Hill comes second with 25 cars. It has brought $150 a car. Germans Evacuate Dixmude. I .ondon.?A dispatch to the Ex Oban*" Telegraph Company from Amsterdam says: "The Germans have evacuated Dixmude, but the report that the/Al lies have taken Mcddelkefke la un true,' Kaiser Claims Divine, Help. _ Kactsrulie.?Grand Duchess Louise at Baden has received the following telegram. from Emperor William: "Field .Marshal von Htndeaburg has Just reported that the Rhrsian Army, after desperate fighting, re'reals and is being pursued along the entire front. H Is evident thai the laird aided our he?oic troops. To Htm alone Is due,-"'" honors." Eqjpsror William also tl^anked the _Four..e< nth Army Corps, which participated prominent , ly In the fighting on the Russian cen ter. Soldiers Fccm Tropics Suffer. * Loudon ?Troops from the. tropic* are severing Intensely from the cold lu Belgium. fhis is especially I rue of the Senegalcv Iu many cases theti toes or feet liave been frozen so badly that amputation has been ne cessary. according to Mrs. Hany -j Floyd, chief cetnmlssion'er of the French wounded emergency fund, who has Just returned from the Frenct hospitals. Mrs. Floyd says many hos pltals are badly in need of anaes thetica. tetanus serum surgic al Insiru meats and surgeons. Build Light and Water Plant. Allendale?The coniraj'ttL.Ior Uui'.d Ing the ^Jectrlc llgV and waterworki plant have been awarded and the construction work is expect<4 to be gin at an early date. With On amount, I66.0W), fiSvm sale of bondi voted by the town several mouths age a thoroughly modern plant will h constructed not only with full rdulrt ments for prevent needs hut ,wlt1 ample rapacity that may be draw, upea la future as the town growl The enures of water supply Is an aj j tea Ian well which is Bearing comph I DIRECT FEDERAL WATERWAY CONTROL ???....? SENATOR NEWLANtTS PLAN SOB MITTEO TO INTER-DEPART MENTAL CONSIDERATION. | TO SUBMIT AN AMENDMENT to tne Kivcra ana ciamore Appro priation Bill .Providing For the ^ CommaaHon. ^ypshlngtoa. ? Senator Newland'e "TfTiin. generally approved by tlie Pres ident and the lnter-departmental com mittee of the Cabinet, for a comtnis aton to dlrert Federal waterway con trol and ImproveinenU, waa the sub ject ot an extended conference at the White House recently. Whether the plan should be pressed at this session Of Congress was ponsldereil but left undecided. The question will be tak en np again at a date not Axed. Cab inet officials reported on tbelr ipves ligation of the subject and Secretary Lane announced their approval of the general plan. Conferring with the President were Secretaries Garrison. TtedHeld. Lena and iiuu-'on Senator Newlsnds and George If. .Maxwell of Chicago, ex ectulve iffialrman.of the National Irri gation Association The proposed* Commission" would hay* authority Oven questions relating to development, ' Improvement and corrfhol of navigation as a parr of In terglate and foreign commerce; and related questions of Irrigation. .Torek try, fisheries, swamp ldn3>" reclame tlon clarification streams, flood regit lation and water power utilization. It has been '? suggested that an amendment be submitted in the Sen ate ,to the rivers and harbors appro priation bill providing for the organi zation of *the commission to lnveatl gate the broad waterway scheme out lined. Suoh an amoMmeot was de feated when the big rivers and har bors appropriation was blocked at the last session by a filibuster. Approprla tlona for the scheme, according to the Newlands bill, would amount to *60, , 000.000 a year fpr 10 years or a to'al Of *<00,000,000. , , ^ Honors For Americans. Vienna, aria JjOudtnt ? Emperor Francis Joseph has conferred on the American. Ambassador Frederio Court land Penfleld, Bear Admiral Aaron Ward, U. S. N? retired, commander of American Red Cross ship Red Cross and the American minister to the Netherlands. Or Henry Vandyke, the Red Cross medal of merit for their aervlres In connection with the Amer ican Red Cross mission to the dual empire. Recently the emperor deco rated Mrs. Penfleld with the grand cross of the Order of Elisabeth for es tablishing a hospital at Vienna. The Red Cross order was founded by the emperor la commemoration of the genii-centennial of the Red Cross So ciety, organized In 18(4. !? OOVJVVI ?l (RlfUllJ. . Washington ?tireat Britain ha* ad dreused a note of imiuiry ^o the Stat# department In regard to Charges' which that gdverrunent allege* Colonel Goethals had admitted were baseleaa against the eond :ct of certain British colliers l| the waters of the Canal Zone. The communication Implied that the British ship captains were harshly treated. So far Secretary Daniels has not learned Just what led to'the recent dismantling of the Tadlo apparatus of a British collier at Pana ma .even the name of the ship betas Unknown. Money For Withheld Salute. Washington.?The house passed an urgent deficiency bill carrying W.VMc 905. Including $554,.17I to cover lin er pectei expenses Incurred hy the Army In theooenpatlon 6T Vera Cru* During the debate Republican ! -ender Mann attacked the Admln'stration's Mexican policy. "This bit),* he aald, "carries half a million dollars to pay the expenses (if our troops at Vera Crui, sent there to obtain a salufe of 21 guns, which has not yet been given." Thaw Back tp New York.' . Washington.?Harry K, Thaw loat his fight In the supreme court of the tlnited States 'against being extradi ted from Hampshire to Hew York The court held that the celebrated prisoner should he turned over to the New York authorities to answer an in dictment for conspiring to. escape from Matteawen asylum. Whether his escape, while, as his counsel contend ed, be was Insane, constituted a dme. the court dismissed with the,s?jnment that they could not enter In a habeas corpus proceeding. French Claim Gains. Paris.?Progress all along the line Is claimed to the' French official state tnent given out In Pari*. 'There Is no! a singtm mentlotr of a German success or a French' repulse. Gain's, although slight, are recorded In Belgium, he taper the I.ys and the Aiane. In -the Champagne county and In the Ar gonne At one point an advance, ol 1.200 yards Is recorded, and at anoth er the French madefiOO yards. Prog res* lias been made between th Ar .gonne and the Mouse. _____ ______ ? Cauliflower in Cases. Wash, separate the flowerets and boil Id aalted water. When done, drnlr and put tn a cream sauce. Bcoop oui the Inatde of some breakfast rolls ' toast them to a nice'brown and fll ' with the creamed cauliflower. Brush Hint I > ^When washing or scrubbing bail ' brushes. If they are-put ta dry witl > the brlsl lya downward they will las f twice as long. W turned thd otbei * way the water soaks into the wool and rots ^e brffPM. DUCHESS OF WESTMINISTER New photograph of the Ducheaa o? ) Weatminatar, who, at her awn ex- I panae, equipped and took to the war 1 zone a corpe of trained Red Croaa I nurses. ? i I : : -11 ARMIES NEAR THE BORDER ?e-? ? GENERAL BLISS REPORTS THE RESULT OP HIS DIPLOMATIC I RELATIONS. ? Denies to Secretary Garrlaon That He Haa Made Definite, Final Demands on General Maytorena. Washington. - Becietary Garrieon gave President Wtladn the latest re ports from Brig. Gen. Bliss on ttie alt nation -at K'aoo, where the Mexican generals have not yet ntoved their forces to avoid firing Into American territory. The reports showed thai the situa tion had undergone no apparent change, although little firing was In evidence. While the United States is determined, U necessary, to open fire on the two Mexican forces to com pel them to stop shooting into the State of Arir.ona, it was feared that no decisive actfbn was planned, pend ing efforts to ffaro to influence the two factions to adjust the situation. tars wae that some satisfactory un derstanding would be reached. Agents here of' the Gutierrez Gov ernment to which General Maytorena Is loyal, claims that he is preparing 10 move his force down the nillroad south of Naco, so that he can con tlnue to besiege the Carransa force tinker General Hill with the Ameri can border out of the range of fire. While reports from General Bliss to the War Daprtpment were, not made public It Is believed they Indi cated that he thought he had ed Genera) Maytorena to stop firing across the line. Ujrtll there Is a defi nite understanding on the whole sttu- . atlon. It Is thought General Bliss has warned General Hill not to take the offensive, which would draw the firs of the Maytorena troops. RUSSIAN ARMY RETREATING. Falling Back From Poland to Get Better Baae of Operatlona. I-ond on.?"The Russians are retir ing along the entire Tront In Qellcla and Poland." Thia statement officially Issued at Vienna la the outstanding feature of news from the battle fronts. While there la no confirmation from other sourcea, ffiich a more on the part of the Russians would be In line with the announcements In Petrrograd dis patches thet the Russians threatened on both Jlanks had decided to-take up new positions where they could better moot the Anatrd-Gertnan onslaughts from the Carpathians tolthe East Prussian frontier. The Russian delay In fulfilling ex pectation* that they would prove a serious menace to German tc-rltory is dtappolntlng the peoples of the Al lied countries, but military men ex press thd view that It la better for ' Russia to Bght In her own territory, where means of communcatlon would be more on an equality. Admiral Fiahar Talks of Efficiency. Washington.?Five years would be required to put the United States Navy In the highest state of effi ciency to meet a hostile fleet, accord ing to a statement by Rear Admiral Fiske before the House Naval Com mittee. The Admiral, who is chief of the Bureau of Operations, member . of the general board (aad a former president of the Naval Institute, said the Navy was deficient In air craft, mines, scout cruisers, torpedo-boat de stroyers, submarines and In number of trained officers and men and had no mine sweepers. Lions Escape In New York. . -New YotJifpSii trained lions escap ed from their cage on the stage of an East Kighty-sllh street theater and i hounding Into the audience, cpfistst- ' Ing principally of women and cblld 1 ren. created a panic. One lioness,1 Alice, largest of the pack, escaped Into a crowded street. Policemen 1 . pursued her into the hallway of an j apartrncnt and shooting at her, prob ably latally wounded Sergeant Daniel : Glenn. Two other olficefs were slight ly wound vl ty the claws of the beasts In a battle At close range. ; WITH NAPOLEON AT THE END Belgian Peasant Was Emperor's Quids j an That Mamorabls <1 una Day > at Waterloo. Certainly a place in history ta aa , TO red to Jean Baptists Coster, who i ?aa Napoleon's guide on Uia day of I Waterloo. Ha waa born a- boo rain. , and.waa fifty-three when hh did* that > *mat day's work. The wit did not eoote to him willingly, Tie waa cap tared by tha Preach an<] taken early ?"Vv V . V,. UMSTi SUMP IN LOIR HOUSE ? ? ? s*h* HEPRtSENTATIVES HEF^IN AND MOON COME CLOSE TO ACTU AL BLOWS. DISCUSSION OF POSTAL BILL a?? Rule for Amendments Made ' Subject of Bitter Passages, Involving < Several Members. Washington,?After two days of hot r<frd? which culminated In' birhahge >f invitation* to personal combat be tween Representatives Heflln of Ala- ( bantu aijd Moon of Tennessee, the house adopted a special rale to con ilder legislation for reforms demanded J t?y tbe poatotTiee 1b connection with i he annual appropriation bll). A de tection of democrates defeated a sim ilsr rule, which provided for a con- | -iteration of an amendment decrees- ' ing postmasters' salaries, elimination of assistant postmasters, experlinent ?1 substitution of contract service for ' he rural de.ltverv ?errlce. Increase of lalarloa for rural carriers, chances In the compensation pah) rgllronds for tarrying the malls and other reorgan isation plana of the department. Tlip rule was passed late with pro- I vision* for cutting postmasters' sal aries, abolishing assistant postmasters ind the rural service substitution ichome eliminated A speech by Represen tatlve Moon ifter defeat of .the original rule, In K which he intimated that "some rail : ( road Influence" had operative to shift Democraye vote* caused a hIMe.r de bate here. Representative Heflln de nounced Mr. statement as "false and untrue." Mr. Moon rhsl- ' lenged him to make the same state ment olT the flooV of 'the honse, and Mr Heflln expressed hl| willingness to do so. The two representative* ' were advancing threateningly 'towwrd* each other.'when half a do ten mem bers stontied In between them. 1 Republican lender fMann, who bad led the light afgalnst the original rule, later renewed tJfp controversy. . J "The charge has been made on this I floor." he es'd. "that the influence' of railroad Interests has been felt In. this honse. I believe Iti* the flnty pt the ' house, if tha charge is not true, ho re pudiate the charge and condemn tha man who made It. If It Is true, thou the house owes It to Itself tp lnvt?sil- 1 gate the charge and punish those men whose votes have been changed by j railroad Jafluenee" v ' !' Representative. Rjigsdale of ftootb Carolina said-that "when the gentle-1 men rharge that there la railroad IfP duerco enough ofl.the Democratic side of the house to defeat this legislation ' I (Jo not believe ft and repudiate ft." ' "Well, the gentleman ha* his opin ion." replied Representative Moon. "If the hit dog yelps, let him yelp/1 Representative Webb of 'Vesth Car- I oltna said he "was not Influenced hy railroads, but by my own eoBeaguea. who 1 think are high-minded, honest and conscientious men." ?A little later Representative Moon In a brief speech disclafmed any In tention to "reflect on the honor or in tegrity of any member of the honse." He said that his speech was made "In the heat of debate" and "may haye been a little too rough." He offered to withdraw any "offensive language" he might have passed. SMALL GAIN8 AND LOSSES. All Sides are Claiming Seme Few Successes. ? In the offensive operations "of the atllee In the western war arena. In teresting feature* ere the loss In the neighborhood of Nure. Chapelle of several of the trenches recently Rap tured by the British and an advarre by the East Indians toward Riche bourn l'Avnuve. as reported In the latest French official communication. This statement also indicates that the Germans have not been lacking In tbs offensive. It records*. In addition, tbe annihllalation of-a German column at LI bona. In the east th* situation is still in doubt. According to the official State; ment from -Petrograd. tbe Germans have been repulsed In an attempt to cross to- the right bank of the Vistula river In Poland and lighting ha the Bzura rtver district is developing. Re garding the victory which Germany was reported to have won In Poland, Berlin remains silent. Austria claims important successes In tbe hattle of IJmanowa in Galilcla, where 26.000 Russians are said to have fallen into their hands. A Berlin dispatch says that Em peror WilMam has neid s visit to the wouuded soldiers at Totadam Army Gsta All Asked For. Washington,?:The army approprt etlon bill, aggregating flOl.OOO.noO agreed upon by the House military committee, carried a special fund of $16,000 for United States military ob servers In Europe. The hill closely follows the War Department's esti mate., "We gave thsm practically all they askPd for," said chairman Hay, referring to appropriations for ammu nition and other materials for defense, j Increase of 26 regiments In tbe regu lar arlny wsji proposed by a bill In troduced by Representative Anthony, i r r - X r. n.r r u-,r, ^ ..... JULIUS KAHN Representative Kahn of California It president of the National Defense league and holds that,prspgrsdosss for war Is the only Insurance against war.' GERMANS MAKE BIG RAID WHITBY, SCARBOROUGH AND HARTLEPOOL ATTRACTED BY SWIFT CRUISERS. h ? ? >7T'T? "?!''? . T .?#r Casualty List Totals 110, Dead S1; Big Property Loee?Unusual ... Excitement. London.?For the flret time in centuries England has been struck ?y a fore 1st) foe. A squadron of swift Herman crulserr crept through the fog to the eastern roaet and turned yjeir. (una against the Brttops. When day bt%k? they begsn bom Sardnient of three Important towns? Hartlepool at the month of the Tees. IVbitby. noted as a pleasure resort, 15- miles beyond. Hartlepool suffer cd most. There two battle crullers were encagpd. The British war office Sxes the number of dead At Hartle pool as sevph soldiers and 22 civilians. At Rcrtfbrougtt, shelled by a battle -reiser' and an armored cruiser. IS iajiUaLtles are - reported while at RTiitby twq were killed and two sere wounded. (den, women and children of the civilian uopdtation Nrere left dead or wstmzrga SEfuqJt without warning while it wbrk. In pll-^hS casualty list totals, llO, according to tbe <?f Sclal estimates,- of whom 31' are known to be desd. At Hartlepool, churches were dam aged and the gas works and lnraber card* were set aflre. while the ab bey at Whitby waa struck. Tbe Bal moral Hotel at Scarborough received the full effect of a shell. A number of houses and shops ware shattered and partly burned In each' -of the towjts " Tbe hostile squadron escaped In the mist after an encounter with, roast guard ? rt^saela.. CARRANZA AND VILLA CRASH. Armies in First Big Battle East -of' Torreon. El Peso.?The llrst "important battle between the Carranza and Villa arm ies is in progress near San Pydrcddi las Colonies.~esst of Torreon. Several columns of Car ran 2a troops from Coa hulla Statet, aggregating about 5,00(1 men nadir Colonel lllfonse Vaeguez, are engaged by a slightly'larger force under Oeneral Villa. Both nidea have ample artillery and the fighting ie described as desperate. The Carranza forces made a threat ening .movement, to take Torreon and to shut off. Villa's communication with the North. Villa garrison in Northern Mexico have been depleted by the movement thto Mexico City and troops from the National Capital probably will be sent to the northern theater of war. It appears that CaTranza, from Vera Crus, has ordered s general movement into the North. Four hun dred men from General Hill's forces In the extreme east of Sonora are moving on Juarez, held by a small Villa garrison. Five hundred Car ranza troop# from Coahulta recently passed below Sierra Hlahca, Texas, on their wty toward Juares. ? ; Goethals Again Ashe for Fleet. Panama. Governor Goethals has again cabled to Secretary Garrison setting forth need for destroyers in canal ports to preserve neutrality. Colonel Goethals says he has no means of preventing the use of canal or Panaman ports as a means of communication and that these porta apparently are being used to that end. Colonel Goethals expressed opinion that there was as much necessity'for destroyers at canal polls as at any other American ports where they were stationed to prevent breaches. Right Side ot Balance. Washington. ? November foreign trade statistics show a balance In ta vdr ot the United States <A K?,299. ?lf; ? For October the balance was 66$,620,660, for September 116,341,722, while in August it wn# 6 hS.400,406 against the United States. Novem ber's exports announced by the De partment of Commerce totalled 6206, 766.424 and Imports 6126,467,007. There as a decrease of 171,000,000 In cotton exports compared with Novem ber. 161* INCREASED FREIGHT; RATES ARE GRANTED | EASTERN RAILROADS ARK AU < LOWED INCREASE OF FIVE ? PER CENT/ . 'J : : I THE PRESIDENT IS PLEASED ' / m ; . . i WHion Expects Decision to Hay* Immediate Effect on buelneee. Will 1 Add $30,000,000. (1 KBlllMjnuu.?'V mumr IIKIWUHJB IB freight rates were granted to the Western ra'lroad* by the IpteraUte Coramarof Commission in a derision from which Chairman Hallan and Commissioner (Semen ta diaaented vigorously Kxcept on lake and rait traffic, coal, coke, iron ore and certain other traf fic. upon which the commission here tofore liar fixed rates adjndirnted "reasonable," '#11 railroads operating in the territory between the Atlantic syaboerd and the Mlaeiaailppl. north of the Potomne nod Ohio riser#; were ' allowed the flat flee par rent Increase . for which they have been aaking for ( four years. _ The raliroada hoped to get Increase* which would add to the annoal rev- ( enuee aome $50,000,000. The eommla eion'a decision la expected to giva them additional revenne approximat ing $30.000 000. ! The roe fir eaat of a North and Sooth line drawn through Buffalo, Pitta bur* and Cbarieston. W Vs., won by today "a dectalon from the increases . other than upon the traffic excepted . which were denied them in the com- . mlssloaer'a decision last August., The . roade weat of thie line, which got par tial adranrea In the August derision, receleed further ad ranees; ao that now all the roada In what li deerrib- , od ax official ciaaxiflcatlon territory will enjoy' uniform adranrea in both . class and commodity rate*. The majority of the cornmleeion held that the roads had eetabllabed in the latest bearings a greater need of ad ditional net Income than ever before, t This was due. the decision held, to efe i igenclys arising out of the war and to. i an already existing necessity for addl- I tlonai revenues to maintain the rail- I road properties. i flhglrman TTarlsh in his dissentIng opinlon. held thai sufficient aid had < been given the Triads hy the August decision and that the findings of the majority was "morally wrong." Com missioner Clements based hi* dissent | upon what be regarded as the tnahil- | ity (n taw of the commission to take . eognls'nnce of anything In the making , of rates other, than their Justice and i reasonableness. ' ^ ? ' i UP AND AT 'CM NOW. ' England Rites In?Anger?Would i Avenge Scarborough. ' ' . Immlon - -Although there teem* no doubt the Russians ere retreating, end ; that tor the preeent any expectation i the Allies may hare held of u early Invasion of Germany mutt be dis missed, rontlderable mystery tor- i rnunda the' reported decisive German victory vrtaich Berlin celebrated. Vienna given a few detalis of light ing in the Kent T,he rial ok la made I (that-the Russians have bee^ driven ; t from tbl !r poeltiona north of tha Car-1: i patblan mountains from Kronno to : j Zakllcyn whlclj would indicate that p i part of the Southern-line of railway In Guilds again la In the hands of, the Austrian* and that Plotrkow and ! another Centred Poland town have been stormed. but silence Is main tatned as to North Poland where tbe "German vidotry is raid to have been achieved. "Avenge Srasborough! Up and at 'em now." .' Mexican Bullets Still Flying. Naco ? Five Ru'leta from the Mexi can fighting around Naco. Ronora. struck nepr shelters built by United , Stales troops on the border Many I other shots fell on United States ter j rltory. Intermittent tiring on the Mexican side continued all day Hill's Carran-' r.a troops, defending Naco. seemed to by doing most of the shooting. Methods Stt|l Asunder. Atlanta.?h'o^deflnlte action on the ' proposed amalgamation of the North ern and Hottfhern' branches of the Methodist Church was taken by the Church Commission on Federation, which adjourned here after three days of deliberation. -Three bishops from the Southern Church, four bishops of the Northern Church, six ministers! and six leymen comprised the com-1 mission. All sessions were strictly executive, but It was stater that more i progres was made than at any time previous. "? Teach Farmer* to 6*11. Atlanta.' On?Establishment of a "marketing agent" In every state "who will In-'truet farm err In the rcleirtldc marketibg of their crop* war advocated by Judge R. It. Kone, Texa? commissioner of agriculture, fn an address to the flnel session of the annual meeting of. the Association of Agricultural Commissioners of the Southern States here. . Judge Kone said that "the moat importnat work of a state department of agriculture lies in teaching farmers how to profitably market their crops." _ __ ? , j|, ' on Sunday morning to th? farm of RIs aon. where Napoleoit bad apeni tha night "You are to be my guide," said Na poleon. and after some converaatlon it was nettled. The battle began at one o'clock. Napoleon waa on foot, attend ed by.bit a ld<s de-camp and Cotter. He to?>)c out a map, questioned Coaler at to the roads, thought for some time Then be put the map In bin pocket and did not look at It again. The little man stood until four o'clock- often say ing In n dear voice, "It goei well." Then h* mounted Mi horse ana tea his staff to the slight hill oear 1* Hello Alliance. There they remained till seven o'clock, when Napoleon, look ing through bis glass, said' "1 think that I see the Prussian flkg." A gen eral replied; "1 think so. too.'* There upon Napoleon shook his head and turned pale. As they rode on to La Haye Saints a half of bullets assailed them. Cpster ducked his bead. But Napefeon muttered: "8tand straight. ? friend; a ball can bit you as well the right as the left." , i Ben came ldb uum guuura; ?uo duke of Wellington'* man charged, broke the lines, and set the French In disorder. The Prophesied Completeness, ttfe rejoice In life because It seems to be carrying us somewhere; because Its darkness seems to be roIHng on toward light, and even Its pain to be moving onward to a hidden Joy. We bear with1 Incompleteness because of the: completion which Is prophesied and hoped for.?PhllUps Brooks ?u" l.t. . ? = > Popular Objection* : and How to ^leet Them; . ' -j; Br REV. HOWARD W. POPE iV.i.tHM-. MM* . TEXT- When I have a more corvenlaat waaon. I will call lor thee.?Acta U:M. When a*roan says: t have no time tor religion," it means that he la not interested He ui all the time tbsre la, and 1( he con sidered hie sal ration a matter oI much Importance, be rouid take time tor It. He may be so crowded wjtb business and home cares that he cannot attend meetings, b u t that need not pre sent him from being a Christian. Our Roman Cath olic friends, who belong almost wholly to the laboring :laas, and whose time la not their own, la a rule, are the moat regular church loera In the community. The fact la bat people find time for what they :onalder Important I know a young man who wlahed to attend a certain aerlea of meeting* rh* factory whera he waa employed waa running evening*, and every mho waa expected to work overtime for a Few weeka during the busy ?canon. For which, of courae, they received as- ? Ira pay. He waa not a Christian? but lie *?nt to hla employer and aaked to be excused from working evening* for t week, and ha alao want without hla' ?upper each night In order to attend the aervlre*. Very aoon he hi* beart to Qod, and before the end of the week he had the pleaaure of eee Ing hi* brother converted through hla instrumentality. Not the Real Raaaon. When one offer* the lack of t!u>* ta an excuae for not being a ChrU tlan, it 1* well to abow him by aome ilmple llluatratlon that thia 1* not the real reason. Say to htm. "If. In addi tion to your regular work, you had an bpportuaity to earn ten dollar* each week by one hour of extra work, would you accept the offer?" lie will doubtlaaa anawer. "I think f would." "In other word*. If yon want time for aomethlag extra, you manage to Bnd It. Yon nee. my friend, the alm ple fact la that you do not feel the seed of salvation, and yon are not la tereated la It You are la the condi tion described la Epheslan* 4:11, 'Hav ing the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the Ignorance that Is In them, because bf the hardening of their heart' Wbv i not face the fact disagreeable as It may be. and when people ask you why you are not a Christian, give them the real reason instead of offering a falsa one? And furthermore, It ie well to remember that If you do not take time to consider, this Question of salvation, yon will aoon lose your caghclty to know God. and will be in the condition described In the nineteenth verse of the same chapter, 'Who being past feeling.' gave themselves up to all manner of sin." Remind htm also that the religion docs not consist of sermons and pray er meetings, but In maintaining a car tain attitude toward God, whlcb atti tude he can assume In a moment and maintain in the mldat of the busiest life. Repentanoe toward God and love to one's fellow men does not conflict with any one'a duty, nor Is it a waste of time. On the contrary. It saves time, and sweeten* toil, and enriches the whole life. -I Will Think About It." There are aome mind* which ma ture very slowly, and If oae realty hae nerer considered what to inrolved lq becoming a Christian, It may be well to glee him a little time for reflection. Ai a rule, however, this excuse Is'only another way of saying, "Not now." We should show (he person that already he has all the Information he needs for an Intelligent decision, and that If he waited a dozen years he would not be any better prepared, bat on the contrary, he would be less disposed to decide than new. There are only two things that he needs to know?that he la lost, and that Christ Is the only Savior. These two things he knows already, and all that remalna for him to do Is to ac cept Christ as his Savior. 8bow him that continual thinking on the sub ject will not make the decision any easier, but continual rejection of Christ w|U surely make It harder. It la a great mistake for people to think thgt they can be saved when they please. The only time when a man can be saved 1b when Ood chooses to save trim, and Qod's time Is now; "Be hold. now Is the accepted time; he boid. now Is the day of salvation " No one has a right to say that he will think It over and decide when he Is ready. Ood oalls for Immediate de cision; he commands us to lay down the weapons of our rebellion, and sur render unconditionally. When Mr. Moody was holding meetings In Hart ford, Conn., many years ago. he urged a man one night to accept Christ at once. Finally Ihe man replied, "Well, Mr Moody, I will promise you this: I will attend the meeting tomorrow night and I will accept Ohrtet as my Savior then." That man nsvar reached his home alive. The train Jbn which he traveled raa off a bridge *t Tsrlff vllle and many loot their lives, and among them was this man. '?'.That ex perience," said Mr. Moody, "uuight me a lesson, never to tetany one pff with a promise, bat to press them lard for an Immediate decision, and IU that failed, to show them the peril V ev?r> a night's delay." I ' Tomorrow Is the devil's time. ?Don't trust him He Is a deceiver, aft the father of ll^from the bsgluutA- k

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