U MOM AT w MTpr 1 <: You can buy one of the nicest faruis in Craven County ' ? very eheap, and on the same liave 1< .veare time to |aiy. ? fl This farm is located at a thriving village, pu railroad (food ' H liealth.v high, and dry only six' miles of New Berne, N. C, j ? good roads only 80 minutes drive to New Berne, has six pas- ? I sanger trains, four mails, and two freigbUi daily. H This neighborhood has eight months graded school, build- j ingis brick, also has two large brick stores, two large wooden ? J stores all doing good business, also has three great brick fac- ' I lories saw mills, and all employ near three hundred laborers, J' Q which gives good market fur any farm produce. On this farm there is a- fine Dwelling which has six large Q rooms deep piazzas wide hall, and is nicely finished?good ' I water, and a beautiful lawn stables, and barn, also good tenant R house. The place is fenced with American Field feuce. Any crop will thrive 011 this land?will grow a bale of cot ton per acre, and ten acres of which will easily produce 12" to lft barrels of corn per acre. The ten acres mentioned is a black swamp lijnd, end is under laid with Tile drain, which inspres a good yeald each year. Now, if you are ever going to buy a farm this is your best opportunity as you can buy at a great sacrifice, and at the same time have twelve years to ps.v for the place. ' You can pay for ? the farm with ouly part of your money crop. | H In case you are interested see or write to 1 H John G. Anderson (Attorney) Snow Hill, N. C. M This property must go at some price. I :? ' SB = >?>tl ? ????????????????ounded on the South by tire pub ic road leading from Harrellsville o Pitch Landing; on the West and forth by the lands of John 0. . Vskew; and on the East by the ands of the heirs of E. D. Lewis, sonteining 16 1-S acres, more or ess. This the 27th. day of November I 914. i JNO. E. VANN, ( , Commissioner. ( : UU ?f Iwtk (.r*lin,T It Tk* 0?ntj ?f Btrtftri / Siperitr C?irl Btckt Bcrukltr Is. I ,f ?rUr Eatkewi * C*. j Kik,?" Ult~ By virtue of an execution direct cl to the undersigned from the luperior Court of Hertford Coun- ( V in the above entitles action, I ^ rill, on Monday, the 4tb, day of anuary 1915 at 12 o'clock M., at 6 he Court House Door of said 'ounty, sell to the highest bidder " or cash, to satisfy said execution, II the Right, Title and which said '. W. Carter the defendant, has in lie following described Real Es ite, to-wit: One tract of land on the Blue I1 "oor road leading from the Oak 11 Mils Farm to Reid's Crossing, 0 eginning at a pine on the East ide of said road the Southerly lung said road to Deep Creek, hen along said Creek to the line etween lots No. 5 and 6 of the J. I. Mathews division, then North rly along said deviding line to a larked pine, then Westerly along ] ine of marked trees to starting s ioint, containing 35 acres more or iss. Also, one track of land bound iy the Union and Barfield road on I: be South and the Cofield road on he East, containing 12 acres, each , orming a part of lot No. 6 of the 1 I. H. Mathews division. 3 Also one house and lot in the t own of Winton, 25 by 100 yeards oining the land of E. L.' Jenkins ?Iso Main and Murphy Streets, it teing the house and lot in and on vhich the said C. W- Carter now ives. This 2nd. day of December 1914 A. E. GARRETT, ? Sheriff 1 ' FOR SALE. My House and Lot on Donovan [lights cheap on easy terms. Ap pl.v to? J. F. P&abce, Ahoskie, N. C. . Notice! ? __ { There will be* meeting of .the County Board of Health in Win ton on January 4th., 1916. For the purpos of electing a Superin tendent of Hfetilth to succeed Dr. 0. N. Harrell resigned. S. P. WInbobne, Chairman. Valuable Real Estate' for ?Sale. Two nice corner lots with good residence, situated on Chufch Street. . One nice lot containing one acre with Tobacco Warehouse on Main Street, in town Ahoskie, N. C. Three nice farms near good towns with good trans potation facilities. F\>r full information with , prices, See Diiie Land 'and Investment Go.1 cuinion, n. e. H. H. JONES, Manager. , , j Notice! All persons will take notice, that the undersigned have this day been appointed and qualifi ed as administrators of the estate of the late Frank P. White of Murfreesboro, North Carolina, by the Clerk of' the Superior Court of Hertford County, N. C. ' All i parties indebted to said estate will make immediate pay ments of their debts, and those holding claims against said estate will present the same to the ad ministrators within twely? months from date of this notice, or it will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This December, 18th, 1914. Drehr E. White, ' John T. White, Administrators of P. P. Whits. Winborne A Winborne. Attorneys. Farm for Sale. Known as the L. N. Parker tome place on west aide of county ?ead leaking from Ahoekie to Dofield near Brantley* Grove 3hurch. For further particulara iddreaa. P. D. PARKER, (W1 Mt. Vernon Ave. Portsmouth, Va. Land for Sale! I have for rale a' few choice >uildinga and lota in Ahoskie; alao wo farms in the country, Terms say. E. T. Swipes, AJioskie, N. C. Notice. Noticeis hereby given that the irm of Powers and Baker doing a general automobile repair business s desolved this the 15th, day >f December 1914. Powers and Baker. $49.40 To Havana and return Via iey West or Tampa thence teamer to Havana. Rates cover meals and >erth on Steamer. Tickets' on sale January rth, limited to return Janu iry 25th 1914. Children at lalf fare. For any detail informa ion, write to Mr. F. M. Jolly Traffic Agent, Wilmington, N. C. /ia The Atlantic Coast Line 'The Standard Railroad of the South." Notice. Having qualified as executor of J. E. Brett deceased. Late of Hertford County Nort^i Carolina, rbia is to notify all persons having claims against Itbe estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 14th. day of November 1915. Or this notice will be pleaded before the bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 14tb. day of Novem ber 1914. J. C. BRETT, Executor. Tired! Am v?a HrWt m lanaf It mnrAlal r* fc ?? ?*<"> No I HUM IUUM. VM III. TM ?IW Mifc ? wU. TwfllMlrt. Wain u4 lifN ?W ulnta* Nuhta* wUI A tkU IMW Au Electric Bitters SO?. ?nd >1.00 All Dm**lu? NOTICE. Chowan and Roanoke Telephon^Co. has just com pleted Ifne which gives con nection with .Plymouth, Williamston and other points in Washington and Martin ind adjourning Counties.. Executor's Sale of Lard By virtfte of the power and au thority given use aa Executor un der the last Will add Testament of Jos. H. Vinson, Deceased, late of Hertford County, North Carolina, and for the purpose of making as sets with which to pay the debts, and costs and charges of Adminis tration, I will, on Saturday, the 2nd. day of January, 1916 at 18 o'clock M. before the Mayor's Office in the town of Murfreesboro, offer for sate to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land in Murfreesboro Township, Hert ford County, North Carolina, be longing to th6 said Jos. H Vinson and known as the Elislm Vinson Horns Place and bounded on the North and East by the lands of Randolph Powell, on the &outh by the lands of Ei L. Chilly. Sarah Gal-riss and Thos. H. Vinson, and on the West by the lands of Mike Vinson, containing seventy seven acres, more or less. - . ? This the 3rd., day of December, 1914. J. E. Vinson. Executor. Executor's Notice. Having qualified at Executor under the last Will and Testament of John C. Drake, Deceased, late of Hertford County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said Deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th., day of December, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded^ in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate pryment. This the 3rd., day of December* 1914. Julian C. Drake, Executor. Como, R. F. D.. N. C. D. C. Barnes, Attorney. mn cutuii | > II TIC KrttMl CM IT. mirtu mm I Lottie Mthick ?8. Edoenk Mtbick. The defendant abovenamed will take notice tbat an action entitled as above baa been commenced in the Superior Court of Hertford County for tbe purpose of obtain ing a divorce a vincula by the plaintiff from the defendant, ana the said defendant will further take notice that he i'e required to appear at the neat term of tbe Superior Court of tbe aaid County to be held on the first Monday be fore the first Monday in March, 1916, at tbe Court House door in aaid County in Winton, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in aaid complaint, This the 21at day of December, 1914. \ D. R. McGlohon, Clerk of the Superior Court. r *. 1? Isrtl Cirtliia ) Xiptritr Curt ??rtr*N (ml), J Mrasrj Tens 1IIS. KMj Smith, ) - ??. mtici ir wimi. Kill Smith ) The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above haa been commenced in the Superior Court of Hertfort County to obtain a divorce A. Vinculo Matrimonii; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said County to be held on the first Monday before the first Monday of March, 191&, it being tile 22nd, day of February 19\5, at the Court-house of said County in Winton, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in said complaint. Tnoa. D. Boonb, C. S. C. This the 24th, day of November, 1914. Roswkix C. Bridges, Attorney for Plaintiff. The Liver Regulate* the Body A SluiUUh L'ver Need* Care Someone has said that people with Chronic Liver Complaint should be shut up awa.v from humanity, for they are pessimists and see through a "glass darkly." Why! because mental states de pend upon physical states. Bili- ' ousneas. Headaches, Dizziness and 1 Constipation disappear after use- 1 ing Dr. Kinjj'fc New Life Pills. ; 25c. at your Druggist. Adv. < ???** North Carolina' ) ' ? ? : " ? Superior Court. w Hart font County ) l Albert Southall v?. S '" I Maggie Southall | Br virtue of an execution in my banda against Albert South all in the case of Albert South all vs. Maggie 8outhall will aell at the Court House Door in Win ton on the 4th, day of Januarr. 1915 the. .right, titled, interest and estate of Albert Southall in the following piece of land in Murfreesboro Township, Hert ford County, N. C., bounded as follows:- On the North by the lands of J. 8. Lawrence and B. B. Winborpe, on the East by the lands of J. A. Boyette and Bill Barnes, on the South -by the public road leading from Mur freesboro to Winton and on the West by the ravine known as the "Tanyaird Ravine." Terms Cash. ( This Dec. 3rd. 1914. | A. E. GARRETT, I Sheriff. I Notice 1 The undersigned executor* of the will of the late L. M. Parker will offer for sale to the highest biddea for cash all ef the personal nroperty belonging to said de ceased, sale to take place in front of \V. W. Rogers' office -?t 13 o'clock M. on the 6th of Jan uary, 1914. No*. ,36. 1914. P. D. Parkbk, W. H. Bbtant, i Executors. W. W. Rookhs, Attorney. UT CI Ml INK CtlTN. Oar gin is in better shape than ever before we are giving aa good result* as any gin in the country. Beging and ties one dollar per bale. Market prices paid for cot. ton in seed or lint. Highest mar ket price paid for seed. Ahoskie Gining Co. The?onteuca,MMttero(howloac*l?adfawl S2? ? WwJS **imudHemicatthehmUm. 2Jc.JSe.UJB CAS LAX has mercy on the baby and gives results. It is Caster Oil made pleasant Wc dottles. Roberts Drag Co., Suffolk. Va. ? I I ? l 1 Change of Schedule Effective from aad~*after thli date, and until further notice, the Steamer CALUMET wlB observe the following schedule: Lv Murfreesboro 7:Warn.?3:30pm. Ar Vfapleton-Como l:I0-am.?1:00 pm. Ar. Sears Wharf.. 1:40am.?1:20pm. Ar. Wlnton 9:50 am?5:10 pm. Ar. TUNIS 10:10 aim?6:30 pm. Lv. TUNIS ...l..11:20am.?(:06pm. Lv. Wlnton . .11:60 am.?8:20 pm. Lv. Sears Wharf.. 1:00pm.?7:30pm. Lt. Mapleton-Como 1:30pm.?(:00pm. Ar. Murfreeabpro 1:60 pm.?1:20 pm. Passengers going to Suffolk, Nor folk, Richmond, and points North, are notified that the CALUMET does not make connection aCTunls with train No. 48, arriving at Tunis at 2:68 p.m. In order to make Suffolk. Norfolk. , RicluAond and Northern points, pas- ' sengers should take boat leaving at 7:60 a. m. Passengers coming from the NOrth or South, for Wlnton, Sears Wharf. Como, Mapleton, or Mufrees boro. can take boat leaving Tunis at 11:30 a. m. or 8:06 p. m. Passengers going South, can take boat leaving Murfreesboro at either 7:60 a. m. or 3:30 p. m. CHOWAN MOTOR CO.. Per Uriah Vaughan, Mgr. This November 23 rd. 1914. - AHOSKIE - T..r - . RUB-MY-TISM Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Solic, Sprains, Braises, Cuts and Barns. Old Sofes, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anotyne, used in- . ! ternally and esternally. Pries 26c.