TllK LAM2KST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PR&TKD IN EASTERN NORTH CAKOLI.VA. ~ - ? ? VOL.6 " -p'"#. ' AHOSKIE, N. C? FEBRUARY 5. 1915. _ m* 3? Tale Machinery 4 Supply Co., UUMm, N. C. MAOHINEUY SPECIALISTS Everything in Machinery end Supplies Dr. c. g Powell DENTIST OFFICE OVER 9. J. DILDAY'S STORE < AHOSKIE. N. C. A/inborne & Wlnborne Beuj. B. Winborne Stanley Wlnborne Attorneys-at-Law MURPRBESBORO, N. C. Phoney No. 17 end 21. Edgar Thomee Snipee AtUiniey-et-Lan Loans Negotiated Real Estate Bought and Sold] Office: 2nd Floor J. W. Godwin. Jr? Bldg AHOSKIE. N. C. ' 1 ? 1 ? 1 ' R. R. ALLEN Dealer In SASH. DOORS. BLINDS, WINDOW GLASS. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholesale and Retail No. U27 Washington Square SUFFOLK. VA. SASH.. DOORS. HARDWARE, PAINTS, LIME. CEMENT. SEWER PIPE. CART MATERIAL, MILL SUPPLIES. STOVES. RANGES AND ETC. CLOSE .PRICES. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND OBLIG& E- L. FOLK CO. ? No. VI 7.018 Waahlofloa Square SUFFOLK. VA. ' ' *1 * W. W. ROGERS Attorney-at-Law Prompt Attention Given to All Buaigaaa; AHOSKIE. N. a C. Wallace Jones Attomoy and Councelor-At-Law WINTON. N. C. Practice in all roarta. Loana neROtiat ad. Soecial "attention to collectiona. Located in Bank of Winton* D. L. THOMAS "GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Plane and Specification! furniahed upon application Cement and Tile Work Briek Work k Specialty AHOSKIE. N. C.: Roswelt C- Bridger ?? Attorney-at-Law WINTON. N. C. J. R. EVANS Practical Tin Roofer and Sheet * Metal Worker Prices Kitrht. MURFREESBORO. K. C. FRANK G. TAYLOE Notary Public Ahoskie, North Carolina. DR. L. G. SHAFER ? specialist 1 in tbe examination of the Eye and fitting Glasses at "MANHATTAN HOTEL" Ahoskie every 3rd Wed nesday. Artificial eyes made to order, perfect fit and match guar anteed Home offie Rocky Mount, N. C. Gombridge Hotel Building, First Floor, Phone 662. Kmp It Handy for Rbeumatlam No use to squirm and wince abd try to wear out your Rheumatism. It will wear you out instead. Ap ply some Sloan's Liniment. Need not rub it in?just let it penetrate all through the affected parts, re lieve the soreness and draw the pain. You get ease at once and feel so much better you want to go right-cut and tell other suffer ers about Sloan's. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of any druggist and have it in the house?against Golds, Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief. Buy a bottle to-day. Adv, ^ ? 1 " \. ' ' * L,l v >' '? * , J ? Helps lor Hom-laker. Edited by lb* Extension Depeiimsnl ot The State Normal end Industrial Col leds?food: Prepard by Miss Mlnale L. Jamlaea, INreetar ot lite Domestic Science Department, KUs. If the young chick is developed from the egg without the aid of any external agency, save beat, it follows that eggs contain much protein . (tissueforming material) and mineral matter, because these are the materials out of which bone and blood are built. Composition. Hie white of an egg is made up orincipelly of albumen and water. The yolk contains not ouly prote in, but fat of a very assimilable nature. Yolks of eggs are especi ally rich in ^the quallity of the mineral matter, also. These are phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassi um and magnesium in the form of salts and other chemical com pounds. The latter foods are nec essary in making the chemical changes of the body, if health is to be maintained. They are also necessary for the development and growth of the honey structure of the child's body. Because of this fact, and the large percentage of protein and aasimilable fat in the yolkaofeggs, these are valuable food, especially for children and anaemic people. The white of eggs is a valuable maAuaa /*# nsotain u tl.a aiaIt Qa OVUI VW VI ??? UK>U 1VI Wild OlVfta W cause of the mild flavor, the white may he combined with milk and many other cold drinks to in crease the nutritive value of a liquid or semi-solid diet. Effect of lleat Heat hardens and toughens albu men. Albumen coagulates below the boiling point. At about 160 deg. F. the albumen of the egg is a soft, tender, white jell; there fore eggs cooked below the boiling point are more digestible and wholesome. . v Soft Cooked Eggs 1. Pour boiling water over the eggs, four to one quart; cover the vessel, allowing it to stand where the water cannot boil from seven to ten minutes, depending on con tiatency desired. 2. Pour boiling water in both compartments of a double boiler. Put the eggs in the inner division; keep covered in a warm place for eight minutes. 3. Put eggs in cold water; bring the water to the boiling point. Serve immediately. Hard Cooked Eggs 1. Pour boiling water in both compartments of a double boiler; put the eggs in the inner division, cover, and place on the back of the stove where water will not boil for forty-five minutes. The yolks will be granular and the whites will be firm, but not tough. Egg yolks cooked in this way are very valuablq for under nour ished children and convalescents. 2. Boil thirty minutes. * Poached Edge Break the eggs, one at a time, in a saucer, and slip them into a pan of boiling salted water. Remove at once to a cooler part of the stove where the water cannot boil. As soon as the egys are set, serve on buttered toast. Sgjfinkle with I la ? pepuer huu emit, v/uij umu ckks can be poached. . v Scrambled EUi ? , Do pot beat the eggs. Cot the yolks just enough to mix with the white, sprinkle with salt and peper, pour into a hot, greased pan, and cook until set. Now lift the nan slightly and at the same draw back with a spoon the part already set.. If the cook is care ful, this will make a pretty dish of white and gold. Creamy Omelet Eggs, 4 Salt, 4 teaspoon Cream sauce, 4 cup pepper to taste. Beat the yolks, add cream sauce, salt and pepper; then fold in well beaten whites. Poiir into a hot, buttered pan, cook slowly until set; fold turn out, and serve at once. Cream Saace Milk, 1 cup Butter, 1 tablespoon A Booster for Ahoskie. Patronize the Chautauqua Coming to Ahoskie Feb ruary, 16th., 17th., and I8th. riiere is now a Dew spirit abroad in the world. It is the spirit of democracy, the spirit of getting together, the spirit of cooperation. This spirit is finding expression in small groups, in clubs and lodges, in unions and federations and in a growing spirit of unity among the churches. It is beginning to seek embodiment in terms of civic consciousness, in better national unities and in world policies. Because of the isolation and in dividualism of the smaller towns and cities this spirit is slow in finding means, of expression. The swaller towns are social units of great importance, in some respects of more importance than thelarger cities. The strongest and most aggressive men of the cities have come from the country or the smaller towns. The greatest men in the professions,' the greatest leaders in politics and statecraft, in indurtry and commerce have come from the country or smaller towns. The greatest man that ever lived came from the little town of Nazareth. - It is possible to make these smaller towns places .of great in fluence and power. An old method improving a town was to get some man of wealth and public spirit to give it a fountain, donate a monument or put up a library. These are all important, but it is far more important to do tbiDgs that will develop a public spirit, a spirit of unity apd furnish an opportunity and a channel through which this spirit may. be expressed for the common good. The first problem of these smaller towns is to see themselves and their needs clearly. The great est object of their citizens should not be to get as mauy dollars np they can and keep them as lon^s they can. but to build tbe besf^ town they can and to produce tbe best type of boys and girls, men and women, tbe best churches and schools, the best forms df amuse ment and recreation and to boost with enthuiasm anything that will give an opportunity for commun ity expression, to things making for the common good. The mid winter chautauqua festival'that is to be given in our town during the days 16, 17 and 18, in Newsome's Hall, affords J ju?t Hucb an opportunity and chan I nel of expression. It should have the cooperation of every citizens of our town. Its session should be aiinouuoed by young and old. Our largest auditorium should be filled with enthusiastic boosters. If this is done, and well done, it will be worth many limes its cost to our town. The Radcliffe Bureau of Wash ington, D. C., is furnishing in these festivals wholesome amuse ment, valuable instruction and a lofty inspiration. The towns and cities where these festivals Have been held are loud in their praise and sav that it is making good on this great program. By concentrating the twelve performances into three days it is possible to make a much greater impression than if they were given one every few weeks extending over many months, and in addition it does not cost our town one half as much. This festival will give our peo ple a larger vision of individual and social life. There will be discussed and set forth in this program the great constructive forces of civil izatioiv the great achievements that the human race has made up to the present time and some of the great problems that are now before the world for solutiop. It will do our town much ytood. It will give us eager visions and higher ideals. It ought to make for cleaner streets and yards, better sanitation, the development of more beauty spots in our town and a-wide-awake public spirit. " Out of it ought to grow a per manent organization such as a Boosters Civic Club, possibly also a County Farm Bureau. These would^p.much to bring the town and surrounding country into a much closer fellowship. Most important of all we should decide to make the Festival an annual event. Join hands with the public spirited men of our town who have become guarantors and workers to bring this Festival here. Be a booster, buy a season ticket at once i if you are not supplied, attend the | meetings and help to make it a great success, this year, next year and the years following. -. Teachers' Meeting. The next regular session of the Hertfort County teachers' meeting will be at Winton on the 5th., of Fedru&ry beginning at 10:30 o'clock. Teachers will note that the meet ing will be on Friday Instead of Saturday as heretofore. This change has been made in order that every one may have a better opportunity to attend these meet ings, and that such attendance may work as little hardship as possible to any. The schools may be closed for Friday and no d? duction made from the teachers' salaries, provided they attend the county meeting. Let us have an interesting and profitable session. N. W. BBITTON, President, flour. 1 tablespoon Salt, 1 tea spoon White pepper to taste Cream the butter and; add milk, and bring slowly to a boil, stirring albthe time. Add salt and white pepper, Onelet Eggs. 3 Salt. } teaspoon Milk, 1 cup Pepper^ to taste Cold grits, 1 cup Butter, 1 tea spoon. Heat the. milk and cold grits; separate the eggs and add the well beaten yolks, salt and pepper to the milk and grita after it is cool, fold in the well beaten whites and bake in a buttered omelet pan, y V'- '' Escaped 12 Years Ago. Negro Wanted by Wake Authorities 18 Located in Petersburg, Va. After enjoying freedom for 12 years following his escape from the Wake county road force James Thomas, alias Kid Thomas, negro, will be brought back to complete a sentence of four years. Thomas is now serving a sentence on the Petersburg, Va., chaingang and will be delivered to the Wake authorities upon completion of bis sentence in April. He was con victed and sentenced to serve four years in Wake county for larceny and receiving in 1903. He escap ed shortly after beginning his sentence, getting away from a supervisor at work on the Gary road.?Exchange. mm ? m ? m ?. COTTON GINNEI) IN HKRTFORD COUNTY. There were 5,125 bales of cot ton. counting round as half bales, ginned in Hertford County, from the crop of 1914 prior to January 16, 1915, as compared with 4,435 bales ginned prior to January 16, 1914. A. T. NKWSOMB, Special Agent. now To dive Quliaue To Children. nnmiXJNK U th? trade-mark mama ghea to am improved Quinine. ItieaTaeteieasSyrnp, pleaa -ut to Uka and does mot disturb the stomach. Children take M and merer kmow It Is Qmlmiasa. Also especially adapted to ad alts who cannot take ordinary Quinine. Docs not nauseate nor cause nervousness nor ringing In the bead. Try It the mext time you need Quinine lor amy par* poss. Ask for f-onnce original package. The ?UMFBBJUIuUifttoblowaUbotU?r? cants A Real State-Wide Primary. The people of North Carol inn expecting that there will be passed by the present General Assembly a State wide primary which will be the real thing and that behind it there will be a corrupt practices act which will mean business. It is time that the bills be con sidered by the House and the Senate, and the expectation of the people is that there will be ' no makeshift. The people are to be considered and' the Democracy is the party to consider the people. The naming of party candidates should be directly in the hands of the people of the various parties. If we have correctly diagnosed the sentiment of the peoole of the State?and we believe we have? then the. call is for a legalized State-wide primary for all parties and for all elective offices on the same day, the expenses of the pri mary to be paid by the State and the counties as they are affected. "Trust the people," said Secretary Bryan, while in Raleigh, and be waa uttering the correct Democra tic doctrine. And we can well trust the people to select the men whom they wish to elect 'to office. The Henderson. Gold Leaf speaks up for Vance county, and what that paper says will be said by many papers in many counties. Declaring for the State-wide primary that paper has the follow ing in its latest issue: "If the Legislature or anyone else wants to know whatsentiment is in Vance county (out side of professional politicians, if really there are any such in this county) in regard to a State-wide primary, the Gold Leaf believes it is in position to say that at least two, opt of every three Dempcratic voters in the county favor such primary properly safeguarded by law. As to our Republican friends, we could hardly undertake to say with accuracy what percentage of their voters in Vance favor the State-wide primary, as we have not talked quite so freely with them on the subject The people of Vance are tired of the politici ans' primary and want a people's primary."?News and Observer. . ? Cunis Items Miss Minnie Brinson visited Mrs. K. R. Israel last Sunday. Mr. H. A. Piland and wife was the appreciated guest of Mrt. Piland's parents Mr. and Mrs. John Eure last Sunday. Mr. B, G. Tebout and Mr. 0. R. Eason passed through town Monday P. M.. on their way home from Gates County, there must be some attraction over in Gates for them. Mr. M. T. Mullen was in town Saturday. Mrs. W. M. Eley is in town visiting Mr. J. A. Eley and family. Mr. Ben Baker has gone to Aulander to take charge of the section on A. C. L. Railroad, he will move his family at once. Mr. Brinkley has taken his place here. Miss Carrie Parker is visiting friends in Ahoskie this week. Glad to see Mr. Lewis Stone out on the streets after being con fined to his bed for two weeks with pneumonia. Sorry to report Mrs. Ealey Brit ton on the sick list this week. Mrs. C. L. Scott and children and Mrs. W. D. McGlobon were callers at the home of Mrs. Joe Bass Sunday P. M. Mies Almeda Miller and Miss Ethel Basnight spent one day last week in the home of Mrs. S. P. Parker. Mr. E. R. Isreal is having a new store house built, will be tflad to see it completed and filled with new goods. It seems like it will never stop raining and the roads and streets are so bad a person can hardly get down them riding. Glad to see Miss Addie Miller out again after being ill for some time* ;| FIRE INSURANCE ;| | NOTARY PUBLIC f", WALTER L,. CURTIS !! aiiohkib' n. c. fl ssl v i'|;fi || : ^ ? x^mm | DON'T SPEND ALL YOUR EARNINGS t ^ Put tome aside for possible sickness, or misfrtune. & ? We welcome small accounts as well as lar|(e ones. 2, ' & The man who has a little money saved is the one who is Z X in a position to open the door when Opportunity Knocks. I Don't run the risk of toss b^ fire or thieves, deposit your ^