I WEEK'S 1 I IIMDI?(TO 1; Be a booster, don't knock. If you can't pay aa you go you had be'ter not start. AH roada lead to our subscrip tion book. Are you traveling! W. P. Stephenson of near Win ton was in town Wednesday. ? Mr. W. L. Curtis is confined to" his room by sickness. Mr. T. E. Browne spent several days this week at his farm near Murfreesboro. Misses Dolly McDonald and Rita DerruiK of Norfolk are the guests of the Misses Leary. Miss Lnndia of Murfreesboro spent the day in town Tuesday in the home of Mrs. R. L. Phelps. Miss Zola and Elaine Ilarrell, of Eure spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Claud Greene. Mr. M. L. Tayloe of Aulander was in town Wednesday shaking hands with old acquaintances. PwMr. and Mrs. A. H.'Garrett, of Norfolk, spent several days with relatives here this week. A number of Ahoskie citizens at tended the meeting of the county commissioners at 1 Wiulon Mon day. Mrs. Ida M. Biowne returned trom Kich Square last Friday, where she visited [the home of J. P. Hollomou. Mr. I. B. Parker, residing on route 2. was in tbwn Wednesday. Mr. Parker is just\ recovering from a spell of the mumps. Get everything in readiness for Booster Club days in Ahoskie. February 16 17. Help to make laese days long remembered. Miss Lucille Majette left Mon day to visit relatives at Tarboro before returning to her home in . Wilson. , It is easy to own ab automobile these days. All you have to do is to ftitTVbushel pf wheat to make the exchange, Mrs. E. H, Grizzard, Jr.. and son, Hinton of Weldon. are visit ing the borne of Dr. and Mrs. J. " D. Gardner. Misses Earl and Mary Ellen Parker, of.Wlialey ville, Vs., spent last Friday and Saturday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Sav age. The many friends of Mrs. H. A. Ilobbs will regret to learn of her serious illness with pneumo nia. A trained nurse came Tues day to be with ber. Mrs. W. G. Smith and sister, Miss Lucille Majette, returned on Saturday evening from a visit to the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Winborne, Como. Dr. J. H. Mitchell has been con fined to bis bed for several days with sickness. We are pleased to learn tbat reports of his condition this Thursday afternoon, are eo courging. In the" future there will be preaching at the M. ?. Church in Ahoskie on the first and fourth Sunday nights, there will be no preaching on the first Sunday in the morning. APPOINTED COUNTY SURVEYOR. At the meeting of the County Commissioners held in Winton Monday Mr. Lloyd Parker was appointed county surveyor to fill vacancy caused by the death of Mr. J. D. Parker. BOOSTER CI.UB TO MEET. Members of the Booster Club are requested to meet at Gerock'e store Friday evening at 8:30 o'clock. Business of importance to come before the meeting. IN NORFOLK HOSPITAL V Mrs. Ernest Hays, who under went an operation at one of the Norfolk hospitals Tuesday of last week, is reported as doing'as well as could be expected. We hope to have her back again soon, well gad hearty. Coast Line Freight Train Derailed One End of N?w Depot a Mas* of Wrack A derailment of several Coast Line freight cars at the Station in Ahoakie Sunday furnished much excitment for the people. One eud of the handsome depot was torn to pieces, and it was fortunate that the depot agent, Mr. J. H. Robertson, bad not come on duty since dinner. Had, he been in his office chuuces are that he would iiave been mangled beyond re cognition. Jernigan-Garrett. A quiet but pretty marriage was solemnized Tuesday afternoon st 2 o'clock, in the spacious parlor of the borne of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Garrett, when their daughter. Miss Jessie, became the bride of Mr. Roberts Jernigan of Harrellsville. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. L. Dowoll, pastor of the Baptist church, in the presence of immediate relatives of the families. The bride was attired in a dark blue suit with hat and gloves to match. Immediately after the ceremony the bride and groom left on the north bound train to' visit north ern points of interest. A fiye course luncheon was served at the home of the bride at 12:00 u'clock M. The out-of-town gcesti were: Mrs. Jernigan-. Miss Janie Sharp of Harrellsville; Mrs. Stanley Winborne, Murfreesbor; Mrs. Frank Pierce. Coleraine; Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Garrett, Norfolk. "Taffy Club" Mi.is Blanche Gerock was hos tess oil Friday evening, at her home on Chur&i Street, when she entertained -very delightfully the members of the Taffy Club and a few additional guests. The party, after being received were ushered into the north parlor. Here many interesting games were played, directed? by Mr. W. M. Corwin. Instrumental and vocal music was rendered by Miss Janie Belle Baker and J. Stanley Leary. At eleven o'clock a delicious repast was served consisting of candies, popcorn and fruits. After wards a short business session was held and Miss Nancy Leary invited the club to meet with her on the evening of February twelth. Miss Gerock's guests included Misses Janie Belle Baker. Margu rette Sessoms, Idare Henry, Nancy Leary, Florence Gerock, Misses Earl and Mary Ellen Parker of Whaleyville, Miss Rita C. Der ring of Norfolk; Messrs. \V. M. Corwin, J. 8. Leary, D. P. Boy ette, J. O. Carter. W. P. Sumner, W. J. Myers, RobeH Gerock, J. H. Robertson and A. Lee Cope land,?Reported. CORPORATE LIMITS OF AIIOSKIE - ENLARGED. At a meeting of the city fathers on Monday night, it waa decided to enlarge the corporate limits of Ahoekie so as to include the set tlements beyond the Baptist Church and the settlement around the school building. This will add several hundred to the population of Ahoskie. Few kicks have been made against the decision of the board. Mr. Lloyd Parker, the newly appointed sur veyor had been buisy making the survey today, Wednesday. I oar CoM is DanSeroua Break It Up ?Now A Cold is readily catching. A run down system ? Susceptible to (ierms. You owe toto yourself and to others of your household to fight the Germs at once. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is fine for Colds and Copghs. It loosens the Mucous, stops the Cough and soothes the Lungs. It's guaran teed. Only 35c. at your druggist. Mr. t dates mixed Iii the article on front i<tge w? should Imve stuted the Chautauqua would be held io Aboskie Feby., 15, 10, and 17 inetead of 10, 17, and 10. Keep the dates iu mind. TO THE MERCHANTS. Merchant* and others desiring advestisintf matter and apace in the Herald for next week *bould place their orders at once. We oonnot accommodate all if they wait unti! the last d*i. See us at once and contract for space want ed. How's This? We offer Oae Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Cntarrah that cannot be cured by Hall'a Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY 4 CO.; Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, hare known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and believe' him perfectly honorable in atl busineaa transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo. C. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally. acting directing upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle Sold by all Duggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Adv. Important to the Farmers. If you wish to exchange your Cotton Seed for Cotton Seed Meal it will be to your interest to see me at once. Will buy your seed and sell you meal, or exchange. Will pay to those who do not want meal a fancy price for their seed the days I load on car. 8. E. DILDAY, Aboskie, N. C. Parker D. Robbins Painter and Alabastine De corator. Home six miles North East of Ahoskie, N. C., R. F. D. No. 5, Box 49. ? . ? V Farmers' Institutes. Held Under the Auspices of the State Department of Agriculture in Co-Operation With the Farmers' Institute Committee of Hertford County, at Ahoskie, Tuesday, Feb ruary 9th., and Murfreesboro, Wednesday, February 10. Institute Will Open at 10:30 O'clock. OiscassioD od Farm Operations, Crops, Live Stock, Marketing, Etc. I; 1. I. VrtKl, ?f IwkiiftbM Ctiitj, J. I. Itllwk, ?f IttiftH Ctiitr, u4 ?Ucrt. There Will be Held at.tbeJSeme Time end Piece A Woman's Institute Conducted by Mrs. Jno. W. Robinson, oY Catawba County, and Mrs. Henry Slagle. of Macon County, to which women are invited to come and join in the discus sion of subjects pertaining to Household Economics, Health in the Home, the Education of our Children, and other topics of interest to Mothers and Home-makers. Three premiums will be given to women and girls living on the farm as follows: A year's subscription to woman's magazine will be given to the woman over 20 years of age, living on the farm, who bakes arid exhibits the highest scoring loaf of bread. A year's subscription to a magazine will also be given to the girl under 20 years of age, who lives on the farm, exhibiting the highest scoring loaf of bread. Only one of the above prize? to a family. A premium will also be given to the girl from the farm baking and exhibiting the best pone of corn bread. For full particulars concerning these premiums, the rules and regulations concerning thern, write to the Director of Farmers' Institutes, Raleigh, N. C; They will also be published in the county newspaper. ..T s Everyone Invited to Bring Lunch and Come Prepared to Spend the Day A Question Box will be opened and the questions answered in a Bound Table Dis cussion in the afternoon. Bring a notebook and pencil. T. B. PARKER,- WTATGRAHAM, Dirictor ot Farmers' Mates. Commissioner ol Agriculture. : GASPARILLA | CARNIVAL j I TAMPA, FLORIDA 1 Mardi-Gras 1 Celebration i New Orleans Mobile and Pensacola i . , ... _ , 1 Excursion Tickets will be sold for the above occasions ! ! from Ahoskie, N. C., on February 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. i at fares named below, by the Atlantic Coast Line The Standard Railroad of the South ? ???????? 1 Tamps, Florida $25.25 New Orleans, La $26.75 Mobile, Ala.?_?/ $23.90 Pknsacola, Fla $23.90 , ( : ; Tickets will be limited, at time of purchase to February 26th. but an extension of final return limit to March 15th may be obtained by depositing tickets prior to expiration and upon payment of $1.00. For Schedules, reservation'etc., inquire of Atlantic Coost ; Line Ticket Agents, or address, W. J. CRAIG. T. C. WHITE, Passenger Traffic Manager, General Passenger Agent, Wilmington, N. C. [?????? ?? ?? ?? ?? GROWTH OF THK Farmers - Atlantic Bank, AHOHKIE, N. C. Jane 30th, 1014 981,765.88 September 12th, 1914 $24,431.32 October 81?t, 1914 . $25,T20.4<J December 81st, 1914 $40,313.321 January 0th, 1915 $54,953.31 We Cordially Invite Your Account, Whether Large or Small. U ? J -i: j|pnA8's (jprniiirj 1 here are times when every first-class I store offers Exceptional Opportu* || nities to women in the matter of wear- I ing apparel, either in fabrics or the ready I made article. 7Jhat TJime is Tfow at Ufi Store, | Every day we are disposing of goods which I must be closed out before we-take up the details of I buying our spring stock, and every article presents a I timely opportunity to the women of this com- I munity. We ask you to come NOW for I the sooner you are here the greater will be YOUR I - - opportunity. - - /J THE BUSY STORE y I |LET OS HELP YOU StVE!f That is our business?saving money for you. You are too busy MAKING-the money to devote much time to Ml SAVING it. Let this bank do your savins for you, and " we will pay you 4 per cent interest while it remains on de- vp f|jt posit in out savings department. Thus we take care of w tyour money for you, and when you want it we give you i back more than you give us. Doesn't this appeal to you, young man! And older men, tool And ladies and young ladies, tool C4i I BANK OF AHOSKIE ? X ;AHOSKIE, N.C. jL f ??? ?? ?? ??????????? . Wynn Brothers BIG DEPARTMENTSTORE MURFREESBORO, N. C. For Gash we are offering our Winter Stock of Ladie s Coats Suits and Cloaks, Men's and Boys Clothing at greatly re duced prices. Big line Winter Shoes which must go to make room for Spring Stock. "*" ?_ I,.; Car Load Fence Wire jus^received made dy Ameri can Steet and Wire Co. Give us a call.. Wynn Bros. BIG DEPARTMENT STORE 8 MURFrtEESBORO, N. C. g [ii?i?naaa?aiiaa?a?a ananc?fcafl B5?- Subscribe for Herald. ? i ie===>i am CasLax is Castor Oil made PLEASANT ? So good the baby likes it, and the laxative properties are unim paired. Have mercy on the baby and use CAS-LAX IOC. Roberts Drag Co., I Suffolk, Va. ON SALE BY DEALERS. ? i 'ieeee3i ' ? ? I ? OUR UNB OF STAPLE GROCERIES ,. can be relied upon aa being always pure end (reeh. Houeekeeper* who knew end appreciate good Coffee, Tea, Sugar Spices end GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS will be thoroughly eetlefled with our gooda after the Hrat purcheee. Lowest Cesh Prices to be Found in Town J. P, BOYETTE, AHOSKIE, N. C The OuWae That Dm Net MM The Head Because ot Ms took and laxatlre eltect. LAXA TIVE BKOMO QUININE Is belter than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nereosanesa nor rinnfna In head. EenMnber the (all name and look for the signature of R. W. oiorx. Mc. k.

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