MM Ml! MO. . PUBLISHED WFEKLY BY W. U. Smith, Editor end Prop, at AHOSKIE, N. C. Subscription Price: One Dollar Per Year in Advance. | Advertising Rates: Very Reaiwnabtr and made-, fcnown o?^ request. Entered as second-class nutter Feb ruary 25th, 1910, at tne post offle< at Ahoskie, N. C., under the Act of March 3. 1879. Other people's ideals are help ful to them, but if you want to be helped you must set up your own - ideals. ' The only true way to make sure of the future life is to make the best of this life, and that is done by doing all the food possible. j. It is a mistake to seek to do only the easy things of life. No de velopment of character can come that way. It is as hard tilings are attempted and overcome that more strength, fortitude and widened experience are attained. Someone has recently said thai ''fullness of mental power is nol reached until one has reached the age of twett.v-five. It is expected that all the coming high school and college graduates throughout the country will protest that re flection upon them. There are a few people that as sert most loudly that the biblQ i* an outgrown bcok and that its moral teaching is very imperfect. All the same, people generally will .do well to fashion their lives after the teaching of the Ten Command ments and the Sermon on thr Mount. February is a conspicuous month hi American life, for it marks tlx birthdays of two of tbe greatest men thie country has ever pro duced?Washington and Lincoln. But to tbe lovesick swain who wants to send his best girl the Saint Valentine, whojs supposed to contrqf the hearts and destinies of young people, far outweigh in importance the'two great Ameri can presidents. And what subtile ingenuity and resourcefulness are expressed in the valentines that on February 14 Gill tne postman with dismay by their multitude unless he re members his own youthful days and retain in his heart a tender feeling for sentimental young men and maidens. What touching emblems and poetry appear on the valentine es pecially on those wonderful crea tions of art the buying of which make a deep hole in the young man's pocket. Blood red hearts, saucey-faced cupids, dressed in nature's garb in freezing weathei and armed with bow and arrow to pierce the susceptible, hearts, hands joined iu loving grasp, which no divorce court can ever unloose, amorous verse full of tender adjectives and nouns and exclamations, young couples walk ing hand Mod hand together along a narrow winding path to a pictur esque little church perched on a . hill top?these are among the won derful designs that the fertile miud of sympathizing man has created! And after all, why not? This old world would be cold and gloomy without sentiment and romance, and what better time in life is there for it but that of youth, "when man's fancy lightly turns to tboiights of love." There fore let the valentine have the ' right of way and long may Saint Valentine exercise his benignant rula. How's This? iWe offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for guy case of Catarrali that cannot, be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all buaineaa transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made v by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo. C. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directing upon the blood and mucous surfaces or the system. Testimonials sent free Price 75 cent* K* ;aar bottle. Sold by all Duggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for eon i pat ion. Adv. - -ae? Winlon Waveletls limy IVuple I'roa ? limy T?w? Compiled UC A-v*a?cd bf.?ka Mecald Con^poftdent Rev. S. N, Watson filled his re gular appointments at the Chowa;. Baptist Church Sunday morning ind night to a large audience. Mesdames C. F. Griffin and W. !. Pollard spent last Thursday in unis with Mrs. J. A. Ealy. Mr, Jannie Eure spent Satur day and Sunday in Eure. Mrs- Mitchell of Suffolk is visit ing in the home of Mrs. J. C. Carter this week. Messes J. J. Piland and C. V. Byrd were in Norfolk this week. Mr. Bernard Banks^of Ahoskie was home for a short time Sunday. The Hertford County Teachers meeting met here Friday. A large number of teachers were present. *? Mrs. M. R. Herring and Miss Ruth Vann were in Ahoskie Mon day having dental work dupe. Mr. H. C. Fairsou was in Nor folk last week. ( Mr. John Askew of Norfolk visited Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Lassi ter last week. Mr. C.' Wallace Jones spent Monday in Gates County attending to legal business.. Mrs. C. W. Carter returned home Monday from Norfolk where she spent several days visiting re latives. , Mr. Bob Cowan of Ahoskie was in town Friday. Mr. J. E. Vann, was in Norfolk Friday. ' ? - v". Mr. A. J. Pearce is having some improvements made to his store. Mr. and Mrs, Claude Eure ol Norfolk visited his mother last week. Mr. R. C. Bridger spent Satur day in Norfolk. Mr. J. B. Smith visited St-, Andfew^bospital Friday and re ports Mrs. Smith's condition much better. A large crowd of young people of Ahoskie were on our streets Sunday. Gall again. Ttie correspondent visited the Wiuton High School Tuesday, and saw the great improvments which the Betterment Association had made. These ladies have bought new shades for each room, a large clock which hangs in the front hall, they have inst had all the floors oiled and have put in an1 order for tweuty-five individual desk's. We are glad to see these ladies taking such interest in the school. On last Monday night February 8th, seventeen of the old students of Chowan College met at Mrs. Lula Davenports and organized a Chowan College Club. The follow^ iog officers' were elected, Mrs. Lula Davenport Pres. Mrs. Willie Daniel Vice-Pres. J. W. Boone Sect. Mrs. Julia A. Newsome Treas. The Club has the honor of fiavtag some of the oldest students of Chowan; May this band of women see their efforts just begun, grow and realize a great work for the grand old college. Prompt Action Will Stop Your Cough. When you,first catch a Cold (often indicated l>y a sneeze or cough), break it up at once. The idea that "It does uuit matter" of ten leads to serious complications. Hie remedy which immediately and easily penetrates the lining ot the throat is the kind demanded. Dr. King's New Discovery soothes the irris...' 1or*?HB the phlegm. You feel better at once. "It seem ed to reach the very spot of my Cough" is one of many honest testimonials. 50c. at your Drug gist. Adv. ? Notice. There has been taken up at the plantation of Mrs. Lizzie Jernigan in Ahoskie township one Bull Yearling, color pale red, unmark ed, about one and a half yearsold. The owner of this yearling: can secure same by applying to Mrs. lermgrn and proving his owner ship and paying all costs of adver tising and keeping; otherwise name will be sold after 30 days. j no. A. Northoott, Register of Deeds. Winton, N. C., February 3rd.. 1915. .. rhe worst com*, bo matter of how lone standing, are cored by the wonderfal. old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It retleeea ?aln and Heals at the same time. 25c. 30c. U& ? !iarref/svi!le Compiled and Arranged (or Herald Readcrt by out Regular Correspondent Owing to absence of the writer, there has been 110 news letter to the Herald lately. Rev. H. H. Hone.vcutt preached a very interesting sermon Sunday at the Baptist ehurch from \tbe text, Philippians S: 13-14. Mr Eugene Holloman and Miss Elsie Felton were married last Wednesday evening at the home of the brides mother ner Goleraain. We extend to Mrs. Holloman a .hearty welcome in our midst. Miss Elia Hill of Jackson spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, T. Hill near here. She was accompanied home by her friend Miss Ethel Baker. ' ,? Miss Nora Mason is Improving after being real sick for several days, and we hope to see her out again soon. Mr. N. C. Powell of Portsmouth is visiting his brothel Dr. J. A. Powell. Mr, and Mrs. J; !?. Eley pf Tunis spent Sunday with relatives here, also attended services at the Baptist church. I T Miss Ethel Cullens has been teaching the past week, during the illness of Miss Mason. Mrs. H. S. Basnight returned home Saturday, after speuding some time with her mother, Mrs. Hattie Phelps, of Cr^swell. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Jernigan have returned home from Wash. D. C. and other places of interest where they spent several days on their bridal tour. We heartily welcome Mrs. Jernigan among us. Mr. George Modlin of Lewiston visited relatives here last week. Utile Thomas Mitchell, the 18 months old son of Mrs. M. B. Mitchell, .died at the home of her brother Mr. . George Modlin at Lewiston, N. C. Thursday morn ing after an illness of several weeks caused by pneumonia and spinal mnnifritln. The little body we a' brought here on Friday, the 6lh, and burried in the family hurrying grounds beside hia father who wax laid to rest on Feb. 4, 1913, juat i years from the day little Thomas died. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the grief stricken mother and commend her to our Heavenly Father who alone can heal all broken hearts. We are very sorry to report Mr. J. T. Williams in such bad health and sincerely hope he will soon be entirely restored to health. Sorry to report the illness of Mr. W. E. Miller who lives near here, his health having failed re cently. Hope he may soon be out again. *m e-^??? ?. Branny'* Grove Items The B. Y. Pw U. met Sunda.i afternoon, at its regular monthly meeting. A very interesting pro gram was rendered. Olat to see Mr. L. H. Overton out again, after a few days ol illness. Miss Sarah Willoughby spent Tuesday night with Mrs. J. F. Overton. Sorry to report little Leon and Willie Willoughby on the sick list Ibis week. Miss Norah Copeland left last week to visit friends in Scotland Neck, N. 0.. Glad to report iittlp Herbert Willoughby much improved, aflei being confined to his room for several weeks. Mrs. J. W. Overton, Jr., attend ed tkfe Teachers meeting last Fri day at Winton, N. C. Mr. Floyd Overton left last week fur Kelford, N. C. Mrs. W. W. Willoughby i> much improved after being confin ed to her room for several days. 1 vVneoever Yon Need a Onaaral Toalc Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic ia equally valuable aa a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININK sod IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 90 cents. r J ? > U. VaugHan's "The Quality Store" MURFREESBORO, N. C. IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Hardware, Farm and Garden Tools ! Plows and Casting 1 and > . American Wire Fencing. The kind that has been tried and proven to be the best. Carload just received, 6 and 72 \ ? inch mesh, 3 to 5 feet high. ~ ' ??????? ? PRICES RIGHT. Get Our Prices Before Buying. WG GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. U. VAUGHAN T Murfreesboro, N. C. | COMING TO AHOSKfE I 1 7 he Booster Club Festival Z Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, February 15, 16 g and 17, Each Afternoon and Evening at | Newsom's Hall | THREE BIG DAYS FOR THE GOOD OF ODR TOWN. | N With Splendid Performances Each Afternoon % and Evening By Some of Americas' Most g M Prominent Platform People * | Concert, Entertainments, Lectures, Twice Each Day | S Plenty of trfti# between the Afternoon and Evening Perfor- % V mances to meet old friends and form new acquaintances V V A Three-Day Mobilization of the Community's Industrial, x Q Educational and Social Forces V ! Program?First Day Afternoon ?, 3:15?Forty-five Minutes of Fun for Children and Grown up* with T h e ? Mysterious Mert^n. presenting Magical Illusions. v ', - ? 4:00?Humorous lecture on "Grumblers" or "The Evils of Wor rying," by Dr. H. W. Sears. ( Evenino 8:15?A Half Hour of Fun and Magic with Hal Merton. at ? t? 5 8:45?lecture, "More Taf ia fy and Leas Epi* Uphy" or "TIhj Crisis of Life," by Dr. H. JjV. Sears. Program?Second Day Afternoon 3:15?Concert by The Lyric Olee Club. ' I - . : 3:45?Entertainment by Ellsworth Plum" stead, Impersonator. Evening 8:15?A Medley of Imper sonations, Grave and Gay, by Ella worth Plumatead. ? 9:00?Grand Concert by Lyric Glee Club. Program?Third Day V Afternoon 3:15?Concert by The La- X Dell Concert Com P?".V.., C v . JP 3:45?Lecture, "Element* X of Succe??," bv Dr. " George P. Bible. V Evening 8:15?Lecture, "Life end V Opportunity," by Q Dr. George P. Z Bible. 9:00?Concert by The La Dell Convert Com- 2 pany. g m The Concert Companies, Lecture and Entertainers who will apnear In there pro- 5 ? grams are known to cliautauqua audiences all oyer America and are always received with Sa Z the greatest enthusiam. They will bring to us three whole days of clean, decent, amuse- V ment, new ideas, good cheer, and inspiration. No man nor woman, no boy nor %girl, in X this community, can afford to miss a single event. X 1 TICKET PRICES? I S Adult's Season Ticket - - $1.50 Child's Season ticket - $1.00 S S =Tichets for Single Performances! ^ S S Adult's, any night - - - - 50 Adult's, any afternoon - - 35 K Children, " '* - - 25 Children, " " - - 15 X I Tickets on Safe at E. J. GEROCK'S Store. | ? ?ii ii i?? ii 7 ifL ii N ?-.I ;. Ii Make Our Store Head-Quarters | ! ?to=ia=Duri?k^ tht^ammmmmmmmmsmmm I | ROOSTER QEtJB FESTIVAL : MAKE YOUR FEET JOYFUL ! s by wearing those very comfortable Regjil and Godwin time defying shoes we are selling at the price of the ordinary shoe. The best way to find out about these / is to wear a pair?then you will know apd will not J r ' .want anyOothers. They all say the same?after a trial. "" flARRETT (5Y RAKER 1 ' ? j ? r\ ; Ahoskie, N. C.

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