JUk? I J o If lie buy* hie home paper He's* bully spied fellow; If he borrows from hie neighbor Hie hide ie quite yellow. Sunday ie St. Valentine's Dev. Mr. M. D. Galling wae in Nor folk Wednesday. Mr. J. D. Earlv of Earlye wae in town Wednesday. Mr. F. D. Flylhe is confined to his room by sickness. Mr. J. M. Eley of Woodland wae in town Tuesday. Mr. Robert. Vifiin of Wiuton wae in town Wednesday Mr. H. (J. Hollomon of Coflald was in town Wednesday. Mr. J. W. Godwin returned from Norfolk Wednesday. Mr. M. R. Taylor of Harrells ville. was in tdwb Tuesday. Mr. H. 8. Ba?night of Harrells ville was in town Wednesday. Come on brother! Our pocket is still yawning for that dollar. Mr. and Mrs. J T. Barnes spent Sunday with relatives at Harrells ville. Mr. and Mrs <S. E. Harris spent the day Sunday' with relatives in Union. , Mr. Geo. T. Brett of Lewiston was in town Wednesday booking orders.' Mrs. J. G. Raby of Tarboro is on a visit to her parents at Har-1 rellsviile. Mr. E. V. Grissom of Harrells ville yas in town Monday having I some/ dental work done. Miss Lizzie Flytbe returned Sunday from a visit to friends in Hamilton and Scotland Neck. Mr,?.B. P. Baker of Wbaley ville. Va. is spending several days with liis daughter, Mrs. L. S. I Savage. ' Be hopeful! A wave of prot-l perity is. on the 1 stay, sod t-he | ground bog couldn't see his I shadow. Mr. I. T. Piland of Tunis was in town Monday and dropped in at tha Herald office to se about bis I subscription. We welcome to Ahoskie Misses Bessie and Mae Tayloe.who reside in the dwelling recently vacated by Mr. C. G. Askew. Miss Mary Belle Elliseon of Suffolk arrived Wednesday to visit her cousins, Messeers J. H. and C. A. Robertson. Misses Annie Stokes and Minnie Gray of Windsor spent spveral hours in the homer of C^C? Ses-I soma and H. W. Stokes Tuesday. I Miss Mina Hollomon, a teacher in the Rich Square high school, is spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Robert Hol lomon. ?* _ a * - ? A ?1 1 mr. <i. Ei. l^ang, ui Auianaer. was in town the first of tbe week shaking bands with bis many friends, wbo are always glad to see him. There is a fellow around town who never read* his home paper, and people often wonder at his lack of knowledge concerning local affairs. We don't. Let Clyde Sewell, at Wynn Boss, Murfreesboro, have your order for that spring suit on open ing days, 19th and 20tb. he will give satisfaction in every way. During the past few weeks we have mailed out notices to those out of town due us for subscrip tion to the Herald. We are thank to those who have responded, but there is a number who have not responded. Some of these have had more than one notice. Unless we hear from jlou during the re mainder of February, your paper will be discontinued March first* Bear this in mind. Ten Dollar Reward. ? For return of Black Purse con . taining 2 ten dollar bills. 3 fives, 1 two and eigh or ten ones. This purse was lost Saturday between Cofield and Bank of Winton, Fin der will return to 0. H. Britton, Cofield N. C, . / Chowan Club. The Chowan Club (if Ahoakie met with Mrs M. D. Galling Feb 3. 1915. After the club waa called to order by the president and the devotional exercises; Miss Lander, the Domestic Science teacher of Chowan College, gave a lecture on serving "formal and informal din ners." Then ahe gave a recipe fur fruit aalad. also preparing the aalad and serving it which was very helpful and instructive. The club meets with Mrs. Ear nest Ha.ves March 1, 1915. <m ? m Epworth Leagne Social. On the evening of Fedruary 5tb a delightful social was given under the direction of the Third De partment of the Epworth League at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Worrell, Murfreesboro, An interesting contest was en tered into, the answers to the questions being the name of trees. The price was won by Miss Eva Gary. Fruit salad, nabiscoes, mints and salted nuts were served. The next meeting of'the Third Department will be of a Literary nature. J. R. PARKER, Reporter. Union news Messrs. A. M. Browne and J. C. Brett were in Norfolk Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. Brett went to purchase a horse. Meads roes J no. Freeman and E. Howell attended the missionary meeting in Winton last Tuesday. Mr. Wave Dukes left Monday for Girl and, N. C. where he has accented a position. Misses Bertie Matthews and Donia Lawrence attended the Teachers meeting Jield In Winton Friday, kiC*** Mrs. Mattle Freeman spent several days last wbek in the home of Mrs. A. P. Sears. We regret very much that Misses Bessie and May Tayloe have moved to Ahoskie. They will be greatly missed in the community, esiiecial ly so in the church and Sunday school work. Owiqgtoa number of visitors expected to spend this week-end in tuwn, the Valentine Party will be given Saturday night, the 13th instead of Friday, the 12, as pub lished last week. The public is most cordially invited. I Notice. Having qualified as Adminis trator of Tobe Whitehead, De ceased. late of Hertford County, North Carolim, this is to notify all persons having: claims against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, on or before the 11th, day of February,J916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment. This the 9th., day of February 1915. D. C. BARNES, Administrator. Parker D. Robbing ... - ' V Painter and Alabastine De * 1 corator. Home six miles / 1 North East of Ahoskie, 1^. C? R. F. D. No. 5, Box 49. A Teat for Liver Complaint Mentally Unhappy?Physically, Dull. The Liver, sluggish and inactive first shows itself in a mantal state ?unhappy and caitical. Never is there joy in living, as when the Stomach and Liver are doing their work. Keep your Liver active and healthy by using Dr. King's New Life Pills; tbey empty the Bowels freely, tone up your Stomach, cure your Constipation and purify the Blood.y25c. at Druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve ?xcclltot for Pies. Ady. Branded as a Fraod. The following letter' has been rec'd by Sheriff Garrett id reply to an inquiry about Benton C. Smith going over the County telling book* to teachera:? Mr. A. E. Garrett, Aheakie. N.C. Dear Mr. GarreH, I do not recall eyer to bare heard of Mr. Benton C. Smith. Neither be nor any other man baa any authority from me to make any auch statements, as you aay be ia making to the teachers. I have never even given any written re" commendation to any agent of any booka to be aold to teachera, be cause I want to avoid the possi bility of using my name to induce teachers to buy their books. From what you write, this man ia evi dently a fraud and is perpetrating a fraud upon the teachera; and I would invite you to investigate the matter and help me ttt expose it. I suggest also that you call this matter to the attention of the County Su|>erintendent at once. Veryjruly yours, Y. JoTMfB, Superintendent of Public Instruc tion. 4 The Ronnd Dozen Clnb. The Round Dozen Club was de lightfully entertained by Miss Patty Leary Friday evening Feb ruary 5th, at a Valetine party. After the guests had arrived, in order that they might become bet ter acquainted, half hearts were presented to them and the young men were requested to find the other half of their heart. Then Mr. Herbert Copeland announced that the nest feature would be a Heart Auction. Hearts with des cription in rhyme of the young ladies were read. The young men were to bid in minutes for the des cription of their choice, thus the one who took the bid was allowed the privilege of talking to the young lady the number of minuter which he bid. After each young man had found his lady conver sation reigned supreme until they were interrupted by the hostess with a request that they all repair to the Library to clip their for tunes which they found on sus pended lines in tiu.v red cbeescloth bags with a spoonful of some grocery and attach to each the appropriate rhyme, after they had finished finding <and exclaiming over their fate, tbey were request ed to read them aloud. Then hearts with keys cut from the center, were given to the ladies and the keys to the men who were told to find the heart which his key 'unlocked. ti ai : :i .J ti.? were mjcu uiyivcu m mc dining room, which was beautiful ly decorated for the occasion. De lightful refreshments were served consisting of a salad course fol lowed by ice cream with red hearts moulded in it. While the cream was being served, tiny ar rows to which a small red heart had been attached were passed to the guests aud each requested to write his or her name upon it and then thrust their arrows in the cake. Next it was cut by Miss Mc Donal amid much excitement. Mr. Lloyd Parker whose arrow was nearest the ring was proclaim ed to be the next to wed, and Miss Margaret Sessoms getting the thimble was destined to be the old maid, but this unfortunate fate was set aside by the proposal from two gallant young men. The gudsts returned to the parlor and the remainder of the evening was spent in enjoying vocal and instru mental music furnished by Mrs. J. N. Vann, Misses McDonal and Baskerville and Messers Stanley Leary and Clarence Perry. Those present were: Misses Der ring and McDonal from Norfolk, Margaret Sessoms, Floreuce Ger ock, Nancy Lear.v, Minnie Baker, Patty Leary, Jaoie Cherry, Ida Henry, Bettie Sessoms, Alice Baskerville, Blanche Gerock and Mrs. J, N. Vann, Messers. J. O. Carter, Walter Sumner, Clarence Perry .Stanley Leary, Lloyd Par ker, .Dan Boyette, J. H. Robert son, Lee Copeland, Herbert Cope land and Dr. Walker. r The next meeting is invited to be held at the home of Miss Betty Sjsssoms on Friday evening, Feb ruary 19th.?Reported. Notice of Sale. ? By virtue of the authority given in a certain deed df trust executed by John H. Taylor and wife, Martha A. Taylor to D. C. Barnes, Trustee, which is duly recorded in the Register's office of Hertford County in Book 52, on Page 390, default having been made in the payment of the'note secured thereby and at the re quest of the holder thereof and in conformity with the terms of the said deed of trust, I will, on Tuesday the 9th, day of March, 1915, at about twelve o'clock M. before the law office of D. C. Barnes in the town of Murfrees boro, N. C. offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing property: The right* title, interest and estate of the skid John H. Taylor in that tract of land in Maney's Neck Township, Hertford County, North Carolina, known as the Aaran Taylor land, which is bounded on the north by the lands W. J. Boulds, on the east by the lands of Jos. O. Majette's Heirs, on the south by the lands of Sears, and on the west by the lands of C. C. Moore and Eldridge Stuart's heirs, contain ing one hundred acres, mors or less, also one black Jack Mule, being the one purchased by the said Taylor from J. S. Lawrence in February 1913. This the 9th., day of Febru ary, 1915. D. C. BARNES, Trustee. Notice. Having: qualified as Adminis trator of Clyde Bynum, Deceased this js to notify all persons hav ing claims against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, on or before the 11th, day of February, 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All per sons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment. This the 9th., day of February 1915, D. C. BARNES, Administrator. Important to the Farmers. If you wish to exchange your Cotton Seed for Cotton Seed Meal it will be to your interest to see ne at once. Wilt buy your seed ind sell you meal, or exchange. Will pay to those who do not want meal a fancy price for their seed the days I load on car. S. E. DILDAY, Aboskie, N. C. \our Cold Is UanSeroiis Break It I'p ?Now A Cold is readily catching. A run-down system is susceptible to Germs. You owe it to yourself and to others of your household to tight the Germs at once. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is fine for Colds and Coughs. It loosens the Mucous, stops the Cough and soothes the Lungs. It's guaran teed. Only 25c. at your druggist. Adv. Invigorating to the Pale iad Slclclj The Old Standard genera) it renal baaing tonic. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONll\drrr*a oat IUIaria.cnrichc.th. blood, bulldog the antra. A trtta Took. Far adult* tad children. Wo. * * ? ' II n 1 ? Cas Lax is Castor Oil made PLEASANT So good the baby likes it, and the laxative properties are unim paired. Have mercy on the baby and use CAS-LAX IOC. Roberts Drag Co, Suffolk, Vb. ON #ALE BY DEAI.ERS. I ' lES^jll .... I ? ? .. ...... ? For Sale. Three young cows, fresh to pail, Duroc Jersey pigs. B. O. Williams, Cofield, N. C. RUB-MY-TISM Will core your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headache*, Cramp*, Colic, Sprain*, Brni***, Cut* and Burn*. Old Sort*, Sting* of Iniecta Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25c. | February Booster Reductions I J} LITTLE OF FVER Y THING and- ? I Everything for a Little. During the Booster Club Festival and the I remainder of February we will offer all Wjnter Goods at firm cost to make room for our Spring Stock, J. i: mmmmmmmmmmmmm?mwmmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmm i n wrnmmmmmmmm?? This Includes Clothing, Underwear, Blankets, Comforts and Flanel Goods. ?' _ V' , 1 Notice the display of Hats in our Show Window and you will be surprised at the great reduction made on them. _ 1 >*--? ? Big Money's Worth in Dry Goods. * Right now you can find some very attractive selections in every line, both of staple goods and of remnanfcs- and odds and ends which we are closing out. In many cases you get almost double the value of your money. It is a rare and golden opportunity for you. v I j ? ft?E BUSY STORE y 1? -* AHOSKIE-N.c. I ? ^AILORING QPENING. % | . I O ? You and your friends are cordially invited to attend our ^ ? Spring Tailoring Display Friday and Saturday, J J February 19th? and 20th. <> < > < ? II Wynn Brothers || 0 Murfreesboro's Greatest Store 1 Murfreesboro, - - - N. C. g ? ,Msmm 0 ^ On the above dates we will, have an experienced tailor, Mr. Herman X < f H. Cohen, who is an artist in his line and has the knock of making, the < > clothes to fit the figure. Call and see him on the above date and be measur < > ed for a suit with a fashionable fit at a satisfactory sum. ? 1 , ?

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