, That is our business? savins money for yru. You \8> A are too busy MAKINO the money to devote much time to sjk SAVING it. Let this bank do your saving for you, and 'y we will pay you 4 per cent interest while it remains on de- jir A posit in out savings department. Thus we take eare of jjL your money for you, and when you want it we give you ^a\ "P back more than you gave us. jp A Doesn't this appeal to you, young man? And older w men, toot And ladies and young ladies, toot. * ' Ht * BANK OF AHOSKIE ? X AHOSKIE, N. C. \ GASPARILLA } vi > TAMPA, FLORIDA CARNIVAL rj " } < Mardi-Cras ) New Orleans > Mobile and Celebration ) Pensacola Excursion Tickets will be sold for the above occasions rom Ahoskie, N. C., on February 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, at fares named below, by the Atlantic Coast Link Ths Standard Railroad of the South Tampa, Florida.,. $25.25 New Orleans, La $26 ! Mobile, Ala .$$1,90 Pensacola, Fla $23.90?' Tickets will be limited, at time of purchase to February 26th. but an extension of final return limit to March 15th/may be obtained by depositing tickets prior to expiration an < OUR LINK OF STAPLE GROCERIES can be relied upon a* being always ?> pure and fresh. Housekeepers who know and appreciate good Coffee, Tea, Sugar Spices and GROCERIES OP ALL KINDS will be thoroughly satisfied wtth our goods after the first purchase. Lowest Cash Prices to be Found in Town J. P. BOYETTE, AHOSKIE, N. C just mop " T,'T 8hakeepesre Without Word*. "I toll you," said the young man with the Inky lingers, "there's a great future for dramatic genius now." "Do you think so?" "Surest thing you know, and I'm ''?going right to work and get a first -mortgage on the new deal." "How?" ^ "I am going to rewrite all of Shake speare's plays for.the mortes."?New York World. . f Overzealous. Publisher?How la the new reporter doing? Managing Editor?I had to discharge him. "What for?" "He was far too enterprising." "What do you mean?" ? "He made a specialty of announcing surprise parties In advance." An Illustration. "How many men there have been whose merits were not appreciated till after their death," said the expert In gloom. "Oh, well," replied the patient per son, "that's the way It Is all-tbrough nature. A turkey struts around a whole lifetime without any Idea of what It "Is really good for." Pari* Prices. "Your prices an higher than those of others." "We dress our own beef, mum," said the butcher by way of explanation. "Dress your own- beef, eh? Well, you must think you're the Redfern of the trade." * One of the Requisites. "Pa's going to-pe a millionaire some day." "That so? Has he got much toward It yet?" , "Oh, he hasn't the million, but he'd already got the Indigestion." y AN EXPLANATION. Jeweler?Your watch seems to be magnetized. Have you been near a dynamo lately? Young Man?No; but I?er?called .on a very attractive young lady laat night. An Impreealon. To keep up with the style you try. As you ?orget the past. But somehow every hat you buy 1 Looks funnier than the last. ? T . * Worried. "" "That dog at Black's will be the death of me, barking at me every time I pass." "But barking dogs don't bite." "1 know, but I'd rather be bitten at once than be kept In suspends." Detached. "Pa, what Is a savant?" "A savant, my son, Is a learned man who is apt to know more about the In habitants of Mars than he does about the people next door." Just Becoming. "What do you think? I met the young widow you pointed out to me, and she wore a stunning green suit" "Oh, I forgot to tell you she was a grass widow." ; -s^??. Naturally. " ? "Did you hear that Bill's business la all going up?' "Poor fellow! By the way, what la his business?" > "He's an aviator." Cautious. Edwards?Will you dine with us this evening? We are going to have a pheasant. Eaton (fond of his stomach)?And how many guests? Defined. "Pa, what Is a club?" "A clr'j, my son. is a place where persons who have nothing to do con gregate to do it" , Turkeys For Sale. I have some Mammouth Bronze Turkeys for sale. Apply to W. T. HOLLOMON, R. F. D. No. 4, Ahoskie, N. C. The Qshdas That Dsaa Net Affect The dead lm, or this notice will b< pleaded ih bar of their recovery. All parties indebted to sale estate, will please make immedi< ate payments. This, the 28th day of January 1916. ,M. (T. Mullen, < Administrator. k1' By R. C. Bkipgsji, Attorney Notice ot Sale Under Mortgage By virtue of the pouh;^ ?r authority given by a certain ^mort trage, executed by J. T. Askew and wife Henretta to W. P. Wit louirlibv which is recorded in tlx office of Register of Deeds for tlx County of Hertford, in book 37 page 321. the following propert> will be sold at Public f Auction, viz: First tract known as a part ol tbe Sumners land ' adjoining tlx lands of J. T. Askew, containing one hundred and four acres. Sec ond tract, known as u part of tlx Wilson Askew land adjoining | the lands of Joseoli Holloman, Wright Holloman. Mary A. Hollo man containing thirty acres lying 'and being in St. Johns township. Hertford County, North Carolina. Place of Sale: Court House door Winton, N. C. " "" " I Time of Sale: March 1st, 1915. Terms of sale: Cash. Ahoskie, N. C. January 27th., 1915. W. P. WlIXOCGHBT, Mortgagee. NUte ?f Itrtk Cartlilt, I 11 TIE ('??it; .f Itrtfwl, J UTEIIH CHIT lew I; C*. I Vi. > Htki ?r Exeeititi Site. Inee ttatliig. J By virtue of an execution direct ed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Hertford Coun ty in the above entitled action, 1 will, on Monday, the 22 day of February 1915 at 12 o'clock M., at tbe Court House Door of said County, sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the Right, Title and Interest which said Bruce Gatling the de fendant, has in the following de scribed Real Estate, to-wit: ? Known as the Jeff D. Gatling farm, adjourning the lands of Chowan College, J. R. Lawrence, C. W. Scarborough ftid others. Same lands in Murfreesboro Township, Hertford County, North Carolina. , This 19th., day of January 1915. A. E. Gabrett, Sheriff. Notice! Taken up at the home of J. B. Futrell, at the place known as Mark Johnson place, one bull .Yearling, about two years old; black with white tail, white spot in face and white hind feet. The owner can get this yearling from Mr. Futrell by proving ownership and praying all costs. If not claimed same will be sold, t J. A. Northcott, Register of Deeds. Notice. 1 take this method of informing the people that I no longer take in traveling people or serve meals and lodging. MRS. W. Q. COPELAND, Hprrellsville, N. C. NOTICE Chowan and1. Roanoke Telephone Co. has just coip pleted line which gives Con nection with Plymouth, Williamston and other points in Washington and Martin and adjourning Counties. i > Notice. 9 _____ * Having qualified as Executrix <>l tlie estate of W. Q. Copelsnd de ceased, late of Hertford County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at ilarrellavilie, N? C^-on or before the 14th day of January 1916, or ' this notice will be pleaded in bar i of their recovery. All person* * indebted to said estate will please ? make immediate payment. Lillian E. Copelnnd, r Executrix of W. Q. Copeland. > This 14 day of January 191&. i " - x I State tf Iwtk (artllu 1 II TIK C?iatj *f ItrttarS J ll'KUU CHIT hilt ftmlbr C?. 1 utta* .f ' (artar UtUeiri ??. i By virtue of an execution dir ected to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Hertford County in the above entitled act ion, I will, on Monday, the 1st., day of March 1915 at noon, at the Court House Door of said County, sell to the'highest bid der for cash, to satisfy said ex k ijcution, all the Right, Title and 'Interest which saidC. W. Carter, ' Ttrf defendants, has in the fol lowing described Real Estate, to-wit: One tract of land on the Blue ' Floor Road, leading from Oak Ville Farm to Reid's Crossing. ' Beginning at a pine on East , side of said road, thence South erly along said road to Deep ' Creek, thence along said Creek ' to the line between lots No. 5 and 6 of the J. M. Matthews division tlienoe Northerly down said, dividing line to a marked pine, 1 thence Westerly along line of marked trees 'to starting point, 1 containing 35 acres more or less. This 30tli *ay of January 1915. A. E. Gasbbtt, Sheriff, 1 Executors' Notice. Having qualified ai Executor* under the last Will and Tea Lament of Louzania Hall, deceased, late of Hertford County, -State- of North Carolina, we hereby notifiy all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of Decem ber, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. , This the 23rd day of December, 1914. J. R. Weaves 1 D. E. V)'eavek f ExecoU)r8 Change of Schedule Effective from and after thli data, and until further notice, the Steamer CALUMET will observe the following scheduler Lt. Murfreesboro 7: SO am.?3: 80 pm. Ar Mapleton-Como 8:10am.?3:60pm. Ar. Sears Wharf.. 8:40am.?4:20pm. Ar. Wlnton 9:50 am.?5:10 pm. Ar. TUNIS ......10:10am.?6:30pm. Lv. TUNIS .11:30 am.??:0tfpm. Lt. Winton ....7,11:60am.?6:20pm. Lt. Sears Wharf.. 1:00 pm.?7:30 pm. Lt. Mapleton-Como 1:30 pm.?8:00pm. Ar. Murfreesboro 1:50 pm.?8:20 pm. Passengers going to Suffolk, Nor folk, Richmond, and points North, are notified that the CALUMET does not make- connection at Tunis with train No. 48, arriring at Tunis at 3:68 p.m. In order to make Suffolk, Norfolk. Richmond and Northern points, pas sengers should take boat leaving at 7:60 a. m. Passengers coming from ? the North or South, for Wlnton, Sears Wharf, Como, Mapleton, or Mufrees boro, can take boat leaving Tunis at 11:30 a. m. or 6:05 p. m. Passengers going South, can take boat leaving Murfreesboro at either 7:50 a. m. or 8:30 p. m. CHOWAN MOTOR CO., Per Uriah Vaughan, Mgr. This November 23rd, 1914. LET 118 rUVK IT ? TM The Herald office has just re ceived some uew job type and can turn out neat work at much less than you are charged by the city offices. Let cs prope it to you. ?-?ns* Notice of Sale Under Mortgage. By virtue of the power end . authority given by * oerUin Mort gage executed by Charlee Tram mel and wife to C. W. Spruill , which ia recorded in the office of tlie Register of Deed* for the' , County of Hertford^, in book 48, r Pasre 252. the following property will be aold at Public Auction, via: A lot of land in Hertford Coun ty, N. C? and lying on the east aide of Maple Street, In Aboskie, adjoining the lands of Isaac New some, the county road leading from Ahoskie to Cofield. Con taining three acres. Known aa the lot on which Trummel now lives. Place of Sale: Court House door, Winton, N. C. Time of Sale: 12, Thursday March 18th, 1915. January 30tb, 1915. Winston a Matthews, Attorneys. C. W, Sphuill, Mortgagee. Notice. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Cotist of Hertford .County, made in a special' proceeding entitled, Luther Pierce, Brownie Pierce and Julia Britt and husband va Oracle Daniel now pending in the Superior Court of Hertford Coun ty: this prdef" being duly made and enteyed on the 22nd, day of, January 1915. the undersigned commissioner will on the 22nd, day February 1915, at theCourt House door in YVintonj N. C., at one o'clock P. M. offer for sale . to the.highest bidder for cash, a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Winton town ship, Heitford County, adjoining tire lands ? of Julia F. Jones, . Daniel Newsome et al, and bounded as follows: On the North by the lands of Julia F. Jones and Daniel Newsome, On the West by the lands of the late John Pope, One the South by the lands of John Pope, On the East by the lands of John Pope, On the East by the lands of Bob Daudy. containing twenty four acres more or less. Fof better description reference is hereby made to Book V. Page 540; Book 11 Page 282; Book V. Page 539, Register of Deeds office for Hert ford County. This the 22nd., day of January 1915. C. Wallacb Jojiks, Commissioner. Constipation bMt>toU<4. I? W4? f MIIIM l!1? 'J"1 '""l hlllmhi. Mm, ?tak Haaliiki, hln?i< lima ? MM* mt MhM itmMM MM. r>?-? i*t Imc. fcrwsriss: <>a(Ding baitw fM Dr. King's NewLife Pills All DrmttiM* 38 Mb UTw*crgOTiiwj?y*a IcDRACBE FOR Headache Neu falgia and Rheu matic Pains. In Tablet Form. Six Doses to cents. Roberts Drag Go. Snltott, Yl Ask Your Dealer Fur It. ? i n==qczz=3? I I for Sale. ' / At a bargain to quick buyer one Ketnp Manure Spreader and I "Tiger" Tobacco Transplanter. All in first class condition. A. P. Robertson, Aboskie, N. C. CALCULATIONS ' "Let me aee," said tbe young man thoughtfully, "I've got to buy some flowers, and some con fectionery, and some theatre tickets, and " "Doing mental arithmetic!" in quired the man at the next Desk. "No. Sentimental Arithmetic." ?Washington Star. COLDS & LaGRIPPE 5 or 6 doses 666 will break any case of Chilli & Fever, Coldi & LaGrippe; it acta, on the live' better than Calomel and does not tripe or sicken. Price 25c.