mm an hsihiii PUBLISHED WFEKLY BY W. U. Smith, Editor and Prop, at AHOSKIE, N. C. Subscription Price: One Dollar Per Year in Adrance Advertising Rates: Very Reasonable and made known on request. Entered as second-slats matter Feb ruary 25th, 1910, at tne post office at Ahoskie, N. C., under the Act of March 3. 1879. You cannot reason with a man who it posessed with an idea; you mutt wait until the idea hat spent itself. Many people claim they have been healed by the laying on of hands; It often works that way with children. Our homes would be brighter if there was more singing, and less complaining, more sunshine and sympathy and less selfishness and criticism. Some folks would rather go two miles out of their way to find some ^difficulty or some unpleasantness than find something pleasant and M^helpful right at haud. Other countries will be sending millions of dollars to America for foodstuffs during the next year or two. Are we preparing to reap our fulk share of this harvest? Plant?grow?harvest?sell! Any man who seeks to embroil our uation with any of the nations now engaged in war, or who seeks to stir up strife among the nations ?'f the world is a traitor to his country and an enemy to mankind.. In these days of strenuous busi ness rivalry, the man who thinks he can winwuccess in his business without advertising, is doomed to disappointment and failure, He can no more make a fortune that way than he can fly to the moon. The distraction of the European war and the disturbed state of Mexico inteferea to some extent with an adequate celebration of the hundred years of peace be this country and Great Britain. All the same the fact remains that for a full century the United States and Canada have lived side by side h. concord and friendship. ? Not a gun has been fired in anger, no large garrisons have con fronted eacii other, and no guns have been pointed menacingly at one another. It has -been a real peace and not an armed truce. The world has never presented another spectacle quite the same, and-itisall the more remarkable as the boundry dividing the two countries is really artificial, as lakes and rivers are not considered natural boundaries in any military sense. . , H During the century many grave and intricate questions affecting ?both countries have sprung up and called for thorough consideration and tactful statesmanship, but thev have always been ^settled without the drawing of a sword of the shedding of a drop of blood. It is safe tossy that such a happy _ result would not have been reached if the border had been fortified and patrolled by armed forces. The truth is both nations have acted on the principle, when at peace prepare for more peace. What a pity the nations of Europe Jikve not acted towards each other in the same spirit. If they had the world would have been spared ti e dreadful horror of the present conflict. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Regard for any case of Catarrali that cannot be cured by Hall'* Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY * CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney (or the last IS years, and believe him. perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to oarry out any obligations made bv his Arm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, _ ' TOIIIQ. C. Hall's Catarrh Curs (a taken inter nally, acting directing upon the bloodi and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free Price 75 cents per bottle Sold by all Duggista. Take^HalCs Family Pills for con NEIGHBORHOOD OTS J Winton Waveletls i Busy Pcoylr Proa ? Buoy Towa ^Compiled lac Anipi) by lb* Hei.ld Con~poodat a?gc i =Baae= Tbe recent rains hnve caused our streets to lie quite sloppy; They need more saud. Several horse-traders passed through town Sunday euroute to Gate?ville. Miss Elva Owen is spending some time with her sister Mrs. J. B. Ruffin at Powellsville. ' . Mr. D. R. Brit tod* and family of Coleraine spent Sunday lti town. Mr. J. E. Vann tender his re signation, as town commissioner at a special meeting of the Board, last week. Messers J. H. Jenkins, C. V. Byrd and T. L. Lassiter attended court at Gatesville Monday. Mrs. A. M. Johnson and two daughters of Eure spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. I. V. Turner. Mr. B. B. Pearce left Wednes day for Port Norfolk. Mr. R. C. Bridget* has returned ?from VVilliamston, Raleigh and Greenville. ( Mrs. A. J. Pearce left Tuesday for Plymouth toattcud the funeral of her'aunt. Miss Kate Liverman left Thurs day for Eqre, where she will spend sometime with her sister Mrs. Brack Hill, Dr. C. F. Griffin left Tuesday (or Raleigh at which p!ace he takes little Tazwell Vinson for treat ment. Mrs. W. H. Larsiter visited friend* in Eure last weak. Mr. lfuke Eure of Suffolk spent Sunday with Mr. I. V. Turner. Mr. C. Wallace Jones was in Rich Square Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. liines spent Sunday with his father Mr. F. E. Hines near Winton. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Stone of Tunis spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. E. L. Jenkins. Mrs. Fannie Hsrrell is visiting Mrs. U W. Wall. There came near being a whole sale jail delivery here last Satur day night, several negroes confin ed in a cell, dug a hole under the frame of the cell into tbe hall of the jail, and were engaged in breaking through the outer wall when a white prisoner gave the alarm. The jailer and helps ar rijed in time, to prevent their escape through the wull, but while they were trying to locate the prisoners who had secreted them selves on top of the cells, one of them made a break for the door, which had been left open and made his escape. The others were safely locked in another cell. Prompt Action Will Stop Your Cough. When you first catch a Cold VTMfiTndWrKd by a sneeze or cough), break it up at once. The idea that "It does not matter" of ten leads to serious complications. The remedy which immediately and easily penetrates the lining; of the throat is the kind demanded. Dr. King's New Discovery soothes the irritation, loosens the phlegm. You feel, belter at once. "It seem ed to reach the very spot of my Cough" is one of many honest testimonials. 50c. at your Drug gist. Adv. Hovell-Kitchens. A quiet but pretty marriage was solemnized Thursday after noon February 11th, in the beuuti ful parlor of the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kitchens at Como, when their daughter Miss Glennie became the bride ot Mr. Thomas Howell of Mapleton. The ceremony was "performed by their pastor Rev. L. E. Dai ley in the presence ot the immediate relatives of the families. Immediately after the ceremony the bride and groom teft for their future home near Mapietoh. IfSSIifi .., fiarreHsville ? Compiled and Arrsrvgfd for Herald Readers by our Regular Corretpondect Rev. J. A- Morris filled his re gular appointment at the M. E. church Sunday1' morning, preach ing a very interesting sermon to quite a large congregation. 1 Mr. and -Mrs. R. H. Jernignu spent Saturday night in Ahoskie with their parents. Mr. And Mrs. J. R. Garrett. , We are glad to see Mrs. R. F. Lowe out again after being right sick for several days. Mrs. J. T. Williams visited her husband, Mr. J. T- Williams Sun day who is sick at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. W. Greene at Ahoskie. ' The past two Sundays were ideal days, about the prettiest Sundays we've had since Thanks ? ? 1 if, giving. Little John Lowe has been very sick for the past ten days, had a hard chill daily for eight days, but glad to report him improving. The rain Tuesday kept a crowd of our people from attending the Chatauqua at Ahoskie, at least those who expected to go on cars. . ' i ? . Rev. f. A/ Morris and daughter, Miss Carrie, spent Saturday night in the honoe-of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Taylor^ Mr. H. S. Basnight spent Thurs day and Friday in Norfolk on business. Mr, H. H. Taylor and family accompanied by Miss Clarine Scull speut Sunday with relatives in Anoskie. Cunts Items Sorry to report Master John Edgar Brett no better at this writing. Mr. Lou Griffin and wife of Como are visiting Mrs. M. Bryant this week. Miss Helen Harrrll visited her aunt, Mrs. Jno. Eure, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. G. R. King spent a short' while in Oak Dalje Sunday after-' noon.l Glad to report Mrs. K. R. Israel and children much improved and able to be out driving Sunday. Mr. John Piland was on our streets Sunday. Mr. Edgar Bazemore of Cofield spent Sunday afternoon in town with friends. Mrs. J. H. Ho^gard spend Mon evening in the home of Mrs. G. VV. Brett. Mr. Robert Lowe and wife pass ed through town Sunday. There will be an entertainment at Holly Springs school house on Friday night, Feb. 19th. The pub lic isvcordially invited to attend. Miss Catherleen Buck of Win ton is visiting her sisters, Mes dames Black'and Lilly. Mr. M. T. Mullen and family s?ent Saturday evening in town yisiling their many friends. Mr. Elbert Jordan' of Cofield was on our streets Saturday. Mr. Eley Britton is on the sick list. Mrs. Sawyer and two daughters, Mrs'. Powell and Miss Gladest, of Gates county, visited Mrs. Jim Umphlet lust week. Mr. W. D. McGlohon spent last Monday in Winton. * A T?l for Uver Complaint Mentally I n happy?Physically, Dull. The Liver, sluggish a Dd inactive first shows itself in a mantal state ?unhappy and caitical. Never is there joy in living, as when the Stomach and Liver are doing their work. Keep your Liver active 1 and healthy by using Dr. King's New* Life Pills: they empty the Bowgls freely, tone up your Stomtch. cure your Constipation and purify the Blood. 25c. at Druggist. Buck ten's" Arnica Salve excellent for Piles. Adv. .?v., Murfreesboro News Buay People From a Bury Town rHVi W JHji1 Cooi piled and Airu?ed by ike lUmj Herald Ceneapaedaat Miss Naomi T. Wiggins lefl Monday for Richmond, New York and Baltimore to buy her Spring and Summer stock. Prof. C. W. Mitchell Jr. spent Saturday and Sunday with bis parents in ^uhmder. Mr. Llod Sewell, of Windsor, was a visitor in town t^tpday. Don't forget to attend the Spring and Summer Tailoring Opening at Wynn Bros, this Friday ahdSat day. ,. Mrs. W, E. Cotton and little daughter, Rosalee, are here on a visit to Mrs. Cotton's mother, Mrs' Wynn. The steamer, Calumet, is being rapidly repaired and is expected to be on her regular run in time Tor Winton court. Mr. Sawyer, the popular sales man of the "4 Co.," was in town | this week. , Electric lights have been install ed in the three churches of the town, which is a great improve ment. Rapid progress is being made on the new dwelling of Mr. Godwin Jenkins on Main street. When completed it will add much to the appearance of our town. Wynn Bros, are expecting you to attend their Spring and Summer display of Clothing samples on Friday aud Saturday of this week. Mr. H. W. Chitty has accepted the position of salesman for Stieff Piano Co., Richmond, Va. Attorney L. J. Lawrence was in Ahoskie Monday on legal busi ness. Mrs. H. P. Sewell, of Windsor, has been in town this week attnnd jng her daughter. Miss Edna, who has been sick at college. > t Sunday School loatitutc. There will be a Sunday School ? Institute at Murfreeaboro Feb ruary 38 March 2. Delegates who will attend and wish entertaiument will notify at once. R. SEWELL. Chm'n. of Con. Union llcws Mr. S. N. Watson filled his regular appointnent here Sunday morning and night. Misses Mary Lawreuce and Bet tie W. Tayloe, Chowan College, spent the week-end at home. ?t Miss Janie Parker, Clnyiran College, was guest of Mrs. A. M. Browne from Saturday till Mon day. "" *' Miss Mabel Lawrence, Menola, spent Saturday and Sunday at home. ' Messrs Clayton Parker and W. Barrett, Murfreesboro.. were guests in the home of Mr. J. J. Dukes Sunday. Miss Mary Chitty^ Murfreea boro, visited Miss Maggie Dukes last week-end. Miss Nellie Lawrence, Rich Square,-.spent ' from Friday till Sunday at home. Miss Helen Wifliams, Chowan College, accompanied Miss Bettie W.. Tayloe, home. Mr' Fred Parker, .Menola, spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of Mr, A. M. Browne. Messrs Cleveland Vinson and Stanley Browne, Menola, attended the Valentine Party Saturday night. , ? J4r. J. W. Moore, Powdtlsville, was guest in the home of Mr. W. A. Miller Sunday. essrs. C. R. Dunn and S^i". Bowers, Ahoskie, spent Sunday in toWn. Miss Janie Parker, Mt. Tasor, jfas guest of Miss I ma Dukes on ! Aulander News Cceyied and Arrurged (? Herald Reader! by out Regular Correapondeol HiM Mildred Lassiter of Sena tobia, Miss. ia viaitiitaf friend* end relatives in this section tbis month. Miss Lassiter is a daughter of Mr. Pat Lassiter who was a native of tbis county and this is her first visit here. 2 ? Mrs. W. W. Moody of Wilson has returned home after spending some time with her friends here. Mr. Cheater Dunning has rc turnd home from Richmond. Dr. W. J. Harrell has been very ill for several days but ia improv ing. The nurse from Sarah Leigh hospital has returned. Mrs. Har rell is also improved. . v | Mr. and .Mrs. J, B. Saunders, and Mrs. I. M. Mizell and Mrs. Verna May Mizell, of Lewiston and Windsor respectively were guests of friends in town last Sunday. Mr. Thomas Casper and family have movedhere. Mr. Casper re cently sold mT farm and has enter- ' ed the grocery busiuess here. / Dr. J, L. and Mr. W. 8. Pritcb- j * i d were here last week to bm I Mrs. W. M. Priichdfd who ha> been ill.- Mrs. Pritchard is nu- j proving. j The Chautauqua series began Sunday eVening when Dr. Brizzell preached at the Baptist Church. A large crowd attended and beard one of the best sermons ever preached here. The meetings will be held on Monday afternoon and avening, Tuesday afternoon and evening and' Wednesday after noon and evening at 3 and 7:30 o'clock and a fine program ia anticipated. Little Jessie May Dunning daugher of Mr. and Mrs. Godwin R. Dunning is very sick. Miss McNemarh of West Vir ginia gave a recital here last Thursday evening, which was en joyed by a good crowd. Mr. James A. Dunning and family have moved from here to Suffolk, where tbey will in future reside. Mr. Dunning is interested in the peanut machinery business there. Mrs. Marie Lassiter is a guest j of friends here tbis week.' 1 Mrr. J. C. Early who has been \ ill is improving. 4 A great many of our citizens at- 4 tended court in Windsor last 4 week. 4 Mrs. T. T. Speight and Miss j Lula and Mr, Floyd Speight were j visitors here last week. 4 Miss Harrell, a trained nurse of / Norfolk was a guest of Mrs. W. i M, Parker last week. Mr.Johnson of Tarboro has ac- j cepted a position with Standard fa Oil Co. and will move here in the j near future. ^ Mr. E. L. Rice was in Windsor 4 last week on business. 4 i Hertford County Infected With j Southern Cattle Tick. j (Continued from page one.) j under quarantine.- The Bureau of \ Animal Industry is offering to help j eradicate the cattle ticks in these J counties so they tnay be put above j the quarantine line. The propo- j sition is soon to be put up to Hert- I ford county. In order to eradicate j the cattle tick it is necessary for J all cattle on tick-infested premises J to be disenfeoted, by spraying or i dipping, once, every two ipeeks, j therefore, it is impossible to free i a county from ticks and quarantine J until after the stock law is adopted. J The Federal government spent i $400,000 and the slate of North i Carolina $15,000 last-year id tick 1 eradication. Of course the tax i payers of Hertford county con i iributed their share of it; but what J did they benefit from itl Quaran- i tined cattle, such as the Hertford j county cattle, bring from to two i and a half cents a pound less than i non-quarantined cattle. J M. G. Skito, J Veterinary Inspector, I U. S-Bureau of Animal Industry. 1 ? ** J I How To dive Quirt!oe To Children. ? -Mwr tmk,\:"S dor "'?,urb \ i^&5?^*2a&isSE! saSfiSfterS 1 >,? . iMM t B.Ji ? 1 ^IP*?? U. Vaug'Han's "The Quality Store" MURFREESBORO, N. C. IS THE PLAGE TO BUY YOUR Hardware, Farm and Garden Tools i Plows and Casting and | American Wire Fencing. The j kind that has been tried and 4 :: aven to be the best. il 1 ? _ _ . ? j Car had just received, 6 and 12 inch mesh, 3 to 5 feet high. PRICE? RIGHT. Get Our Prices Before Buying. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. U.VAUGHA / ? ?" * - ' : " Murfreesboro, N. C. L ' j IF YOU ARB A FARMED j K you will be interested in a lot of S things at this store?riot only household goods, but articles you ^ jjf -need on the farm, around the ' * barn, practically everywhere on W ground that belongs to you. We | keep a splendid selection of every j? thing for the farmer, except the (heavy machinery. In fact, we jji probajaly have many things yon I have not seen yet, and we would like you to come and look them over. 2 I Furniture f K W i ? w | Rugs Carpets I H ? . ? i .? ? A saving of substantial proportions is jjf K j made on every purchase made at this store. Jf Whether it be furniture, rugs, carpets, JL bric-a-brace, or what not. our price for jm quality can not be duplicated anywhere else Jf tin this community. This we know to be a positive fact, and our customers have known Tt % if for years. V - S [mm ^ p? I wL y J*. IAftoskie, N. C. g

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