. . TBF^~"^U^ ra-W^W1-"^ ""THB^*9^. '?BBBiB B .^#*a"'^^. MaBp<*MW'>"BBk ""B* ?TaapaKaBBp> ma?a/pm |B M .Jl I 1^ ^1 I J i ^B I B ? l fl I j B ^ / B fl ? ^ B J^L THE LARGEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. V6L. 6 AHQSK.IE. N;'C., MARCH 5, 19P5r NO. 7 Tale Machinery 4 Supply Co., LlUlatea, M. C. MACHINEHY SPECIALISTS Everything In Machinery and Supplies Dr. c. g Powell DENTIST /, OFFICE OVER S.J. DILDAYS STORE AHOSKIE, N. C. A/lnborne & Wlnborne Benj. B. Wlnborne Stanley Winbome Attorney a-at-I.aw MURFREESBORO, N. C. . Phones No. 17 and 21. Edgar Thomas Snipes Attorney-at-Law Loana Negotiated Real Estate Bought and Soldi Office: 2nd Floor J. W. Godwin. Jr? Bldg AHOSKIE. N. C. ft. R. ALLEN Dealer In BASH, DOORS. BUNDS, WINDOW GLASS, HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholesale and Retail No. 927 Washington Square HtKFOI.K. VA. BASH. DOORS. HARDWARE, PAINTS, LIME. CEMENT. SEWER PIPE. CART MATERIAL. MILL SUPPLIES, 8TOVE8, RANGES AND ETC. CLOSE PRICES. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED . AND OBLIGE. , E- L FOLK CO. No. 017-010 Washington Square SUFFOLK. VA. W. W. ROGERS Attornoy-at-La? Prompt Attention Given to All J" Eoaiaeoa. " AHOPKIE. N. C. C. Wallace Joaes Attorney end Councelor-At-Law WINTON. N- C. Praetiee in ell rourta. Loans negotiat ed. Soecial attention to collections. Located in Bank of Winton 0. L. THOMAS GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILpER Plana and Specifications furnished upon application Cement and Tile Work Brick Werk a Specialty AHOSK1E. N. C4 Roawall C- Brldger Attorney-at-La? WINTON. N. C.. -i J. R. EVANS Practical Tin Roofer and Sheet Metal Worker Prices Right. MURFREESBORO. N. C. " '' ' " FRANK G. TAYLOE Notary Public Arobkii, North Carolina. DR. L. G. SHAFER ?? ? 8PKCIAI.I8T ? in the examination of the Eye and fitting Glasses at "MANHATTAN HOTEL" Aboakie every 8rd Wed nesday. Artificial eyes made to order, perfect fit and match guar anteed. Home offie Rocky Mount, N. C. Oombridge Hotrfl Building, First Floor, .Phone 668. An Yoi RhMmUtlc??Try Sloan's. If you want ifuick and real re lief from Rheumatism, do what so many thousand other peopl are do ing? whenever an attack comes on, bathe the sore muscle or joint with Sloan's Liniment. No need to rub it in?just apply the Lini ment to the surface. It is won derfulty penetrating. It goes right to the seat of trouble and draws the pain almost immediate ly, Get a bottle of sloan's Lini ment for 35c. of any druggist and have it in the house?against Cold?, Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago. Soiatica and like ail ments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief. Adv. Helps lor Home-Maters. Edited by tbe Extension Department of Tbe State Normal and faf duetrial Coll.**. KOOD8?Prepared by Miae Miaaie I. Jamleoa. Director of tbe Domeetic Selene* Departmeat. SALADS. Cold Slaw. Shred tbe cabbag. Soek in ?alt ed water balf an hour. Squeeze dry and cover will* dressing. Salad Dreeria* No 1. Butter, 1 tablespoon, beat. Vinetfar, i cup, heat. Egg. 1. Salt, i teaspoon. Milk, k cup. Celery salt, i teaspoon. ?Cayenne to taste. Beat tbe ewe. add milk, salt, sugar and cayenne. Pour tbe but vinegar over tbe mixture and re turn to tbe stove. Cook very, very slowly, or the mixture will curdle. Tliici* a nice dressing (or lettuce or tomatoes, and is an ex cellent dressing for potato salad. Salad Prowled So. X. Mustard, 1 tablespoon. ( I Flour, 1 tablespoon. Sugar, 1 tablespoon. Salt. 1 tablespoon. ' Mix with cold water to paste. Hot vinegar, 1 cup. Eggs, S (beaten separately) Butter, 8 to 4 tablespoons. Cayenne to taste. Whipped cream, i cup. Mix the dry ingredients to a paste. Heat the vinegar, add tbe paste aud the butter, stirring con stantly until thick. After the eggs have been beaten separately mix tbem, and pour the hot vinegar sauce over the eggs. Return to the stove and cook slowly until smooth. Wheu cool add tbe whip ped cream. These dressings are nice for any salad, but if used for meat salads, less sugar should be used. Potato Kabul No. L Potatoes, 1 pt., cold, (left from dinner). Parsley, 1 tablespoon. Halad d res dug No. 1. This may be varied by grating a little oniou, and adding a little chopped celery, or fined chopped white cabbage. Potato Halad No. X. Potatoes, 1 pint (cold). Parsley, 1 tablespoon. Black walnut meats, to taste. Onion (chopped) to taste. 3a1t,"to taste. Mix with Mavonnaise, or any good vinegar dressing. Chicken Salad. Cbiclten, any amount. Celery, i to J the amount of cbicken. Salt to taste. Mayonnaise to mix, or Salad dressing No. 1 to mix! Mayonnaise Dressing. Olive oil, 1 pint. Vinegar or lemon juice, 2 table spoons. Eggs, i yolks. Salt, 1 teaspoon. A dust of cayenne. ? Whipped cream, i cup if desired. Beat the eggn, add a little of the salt, then add the oil. a little at a time, until the first gill has been added. The oil may be added more rapidly after this. When toe thick, add a little good vinegar or lemon juice. Add the. seasoning. Wesson's Snowdrift oil makes good dressing and costs about one fourth as much as olive oil. The Wesson oil dressing will sepa rate if set on ice. Keep in a cool place, but not io a refrigerator. If the mayonnaise, b-gin with i new yolk and add, a little at, < time, all of the separate mixture. A little patience will reap a re ward. Fresh eggs are necessary for good mayonnaise. If celery cannot be found on the market and you wish chicken salad, use Kalamazoo pickled celery (one jar to two large chickens), and mix with finely shredded white cab bage. This makes delicious agd is a little cheaper. This is especially nice where a large quantity is needed. * Mm Cured fn 6 to 14 Dajn Yotrr dru?ri?t will rtinkl money U PilO Tbt flrit appll??tion ri?. few ??4 *?*. As. Depot; Sberil! Harrell Killed. * _ Mortally Wounded When Coanteble Cherry Fired at Fleelnd Negro. WERE TRYING TO ARRA8T RAIL WAY CAR BREAKER*. Deputy Sheriff H..Grail Harrell of Wen tern Branch district, died about noon Friday in King's Daughters' hospital, of shot wound received by him about It o'clock Thursday night near Bain's creek on the Southern Railway. Harrell was mortally wounded accidentally by Constable James P. Cherry, when the latter fired a shotgun in an effort to stop the fight of James Dayis. colored, caught by the officers in the act of robbing a freight car. Harrell and Davis, who was also wounded in the leg by the same shot which inflicted mortal injusies to the deputy sheriff, were brought to the local hospital about two o'clock yester day moaning. Harrell's condition was regarded as serious from the time the doctors reached him at Bain's creek, and little hope was entertained for hie- recovery. Ia Search el Carbreakcrs The deputy sheriff and Constable Cherry went to Bain's creek late Thursday night with A* L. Lump kin, special agent of the Southern Railway. That road has been troubled considerably of late by carbreakers, and the mission of the officers Thursday night was to try | to apprehend them. Tbey timed their departure so as to arrive at the creek shortly before the regu lar southbound Southern freight reached the bridge, at 11:45 o'clock. It was agreed that Harrell was to stay on the north side of the track, while (Jherry and Lumpkin were to remain on the other side, in a ditch eloee to the rails. As the train pulled up at a bridge Lump kin and Cherry saw a bo* of freight thrown out of one of the cars, and they realized that the carbreakers were at work. As the car movad.past them Lumpkin no ticed that laizes were piled in the doorway, but they could discern nobody in the car. Suddenly they snied a negro a short distance from them. 'When be realized he was discovered be tried to swing on a grab iron on the side of one of the cars. Constable Cherry ordered him to halt. The negro paid no heed to the command, but ran. Cherry fired his shot gun at the negro, who fell. When he and Lumpkin ran forward they were surprised to find Deputy Sheriff Harrell on the south side of the track. He said he had been shot. They thought at first he was joking, but a moment later saw that he really was wounded. Mr. Lump kin advised Constable Cherry to go for a doctor, which he did. Crowed Railroad. It is believed that Deputy Sheriff Harrell saw the negro on the south side of the tracks about the time Constable Cherry and Mr. Lump kin discovered him, and he crossed over from the narth side, where, according to agreement, he was to stand himself. H? was in the line of Constable Cherry'* fire when he discharged bis weapon at Davis, and received part of the load. Constable Cherry was much depressed yesterday. He and Deputy Sheriff Harrell were the best of friends and were always towetber on just such expeditions as that of Thursday night. Dequty Sheriff Harrell was 28 years old. He is survived by his father, James E. Harrell. and three sisters, Mrs. T. A. Beaman of Port Norfolk, and the Misses Blanche and Nannie L. Harrell, the latter two of Gates county, North Carolina. Five brothers also survive him; they are Job Harrell of Port Norfolk, George F. Harrell of Rocky Mount, N. 0., and Aubrey P., W. W. and ,T. C. Harrell of Gates county North Carolina. The body was taken to the un dertaking establishment of J. E. Snellings ft Co., where is was viewed at 5 o'clock yesterday after noon by the following coroner's (Continued on Page 8.)' Thirty-Two Lectures Fight Tubercnlosis. Many Bill* on Prevention of DiaeaM Beta* Discussed. Bill* dealing with tuberculoeie are now being considered in 32 ?tale legislatures, according to an announcement made today by The National Association fur the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, In 6 states, Alabama, Arizona, California, Iowa, Tennessee, and Washington, lulls are being con sidered which calls for the report ing and registration of all living cases of tuberculosis. Alabama. Connecticut. Iowa, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia are working for laws which will require that consump tives who refuse to observe sani tary regulations and are a menace to others may be removed and de tained in hopitals. In Alabama, Arizona, California, Illinois, Maine and Missouri, legislation permitt. ing the establishment of county or local hospitals for tuberculosis are being discussed, and in California, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Missouri and New Hampshire state subsi dies of $3 to $5 per week per patient are being asked for such institutions. In North Carolina more adequate provision at the State Sanatorium for the care and training of her tubercular sick is under consider ation. A more or less complete reorganization of the state health work is sought in several states, especially Kansas, Michigan, Min nesota, Nebraska, Texas and Ari zona. In Indiana and Alabama bills providing for full time county and city health officers are beiug considered. As an aid in furthering these and similar bills the National Asaucia^ tion has issued a phamphlet en titled "Tuberculosis Legislation." which contain? a digest of existing laws in this field with comments and comparisons of some of the most important ones. Our Corn Market , The Division of Markets is send ing out k circular in which is listed one hundred and fifty-one merch ants who have reported that they buy 1,000 bushels or more of corn annually from outside the State. Altogether they are purchasers of 970,000 bushels of corn each year from outside the State. This list should be of service to growers in finding a market for their corn. A large list of grain, apple, butter, and egg dealers was published in the January Farmers' Market Bulletin, copies of whicfi have been sent out to the growers of the State. Many merchants have stated that they would buy North Caro lina corn in preference to Western corn in so far as it could be had, and that they would pay Chicago prices for the same grade of home grown corn as for Western. A few merchants say they would pay more for North Carolina corn if they could obtain it, This is certainly all that the growers can expect. Several merchants have indicated that shippers should be careful to put the corn up in uni form grades and in good sucks with a uniform weight of 112 pounds per sack. The growers in the Eastern part of North Carolina who have sever al hundred thousand bushels of corn for sale should be able to sell llbeir corn for fair prices in these markets if they will first make satisfactory trial shipments. ' As an evidence of the -value of the Market Bulletin Mr. Camp says: "We have just received a letter from one farmer on our Bulletin list who says he has al ready sold over 1,000 bushels of peasand'had received a&out 100 inquiries in regard to same. The Bulletin is published for the bene fit of the producer and is sent free to al| who apply." ? Jt Th? WQTMr.iM^iio mmlUrol kcmfcMcataadi^, tBffStiSmSfLm a*. j&'SS ' -Vi ? Eierjbody tort Let's everybody go to work! Let's forget ebout the herd times bugaboo and work?work? work! Let's bring a stream of gold in to this community as a result of the next year's work tbat will ctisse the wolf away from even tbe humblest door in the township. Let's put gold into- the pocket of every individual?by work. L?t'a feed every stomach with tbe best in the market?by work. ? Let's fill our banks with the pro fits of the labors of the next twelve months?by work. Let's write PROSPERITY in capital letters?by work. We can do it?IF WE WORK. Any community can do it?by work. It only requires confidence, in telligence, and WORK?plenty of WORK. "No work to be had" is often a phanton of the brain. It seldom exists for the man who WANTS TO WORK. There is work?plenty of it fur people who are looking for WORK instead of a ease, or aeoft snap. If work is slack in one line there is alwavs a demand for labor in other lines. Some one is always wanting men?more men. Far mers are at their wits ends over the scarcity of help. If the job won't hunt you, GOj OUT AND HUNT THE JOB. Don't loaf. Whittling sticks on a street oorner never yet has made a man rich of filled an empty stomach. Swapping lies in the shade of a tree will not bring gold to an empty pocket. It requires work?work?plenty of work?AND MORE WORK. When we wait for money to hunt us the other fellow gets it. But the man who works gets the money?and generally keeps it. The output of this community might be increased jy half?might even be doubled?if everybody worked?worked bard?and kept on working. It will be a great year for some one. for much gold is coming to this country from abroad. Who's out for a big slice of tbat wealth? Everybody speak at once! THEN GO TO WORK! Cunis Items Mr. Parish Trant of Norfolk is spending some time in town this week. He is one of ihe-ttM^mys. Mr. C. L, Scott and family was in town Sunday visiting Mrs. Joe RoSwMrs. Scott's sister. Sorry to report Mr. Oarmel on the sick list this week, he has been in ill health for a long time. MiBs Helen Harrell passed through town Sunday on her way in Hates County. Miss Opal Euro returned home Monday after spending several months with her brother at Par mele. Mrs. Henry Mullen spent last Friday in Gates County visiting friends. Mr. W. ,D. McGlohon spent Sunday P. M. in town. Mrs. Carrie Wright and little daughter and her sister Miss Minnie Parker is spending some time at Gates, in the home of Mr, Wright's people. * A. Ealey and W. M. Ealey returned home from Norfolk Friday. P. M. The Isreal hotel is being rapidly filled with boarders. Mr. George Winborne was on our streets Monday. Mr. Ealey Britton and Joe Ross are spending sometime around Franklin working for the Chowan Cooperage Lumber Company, and Mr. Luke McGlohon is working ih Mr. Ross' place on the depot. Sorry to report Mrs. H. A. Piland on the sick list. The fishermen are not doing much; the fish seem to be scarce. t (Continued on nage 4.) PURE INSURANCE I NOTARY PUBLIC ' I < ? _ w < , WALTER L. CURTIS aiioskieV N, Ci. '*? Sdont spend all your earnings? W Put gome aside for possible sickness, or misfrtune. M We welcome small accounts as well as larKe ones. ? aL The man who has a little money saved is thd one who is A 7 in a position to open the door when Opportunity Knocks. ?Don't run the risk of loss by fire or thieves, deposit your 2 W surplus earnings with us, ' -jMj Sthe bank of wintonJ ^ WINTON, N. C. MONTAUR ICE CREAM TOUCHES THE SPOT i > i Pill# the demand for a daiatjdessert, as no other dessert can. It's the choice of motherfTather, sister, end brother?end the boarders, if there beany. It's one subject upon which the whole family agree. That's because Montauk Ice Cream is so pure, rich and delicious. Try it: THE MONTAUK COMPANY, INC., Makers of ? Purify" lea Cream and Ices. 275 Gran by Street NORFOLK. VA. meaMamwaMPMeswMMaaaaaaMmwaaaMwaMaaawwwiM COMFORT AND CONVEN1ENCE" Things are arranged here for your comfort and convenience. We are equipped to care for your deposits with absolute safety. We are prepared to aid honest men in developing legitimate business enterprises. . In short there is no function of a bank we cannot perform to your complete satisfaction. Merchants and Farmers Bank " Winton, tt. C. ? CABBAGE PLANTS. Every Kind, Millions of Them 9g|l B I $1.00 per 1,000, 3 to 4.000 86c per 1.000, 5 to 10,000 ,75c per V, * 1.0C0. Money with order, been in the business over 20 j'wri. !! t Guarantee satisfaction inevery way. in? I. | JAKE LASSITER, Dich Square, N. C. fTi?? m is often no harder to find than a dollar m when you want one in a hurry. Stjf 4S Annex a check book by opening an ac- W { count at this bank, and protect yourself from such annoyances is the future. We carry many accounts at this bank. 2K jjfj Possibly we have yours, too. m ? If not. we invite you to open an ac- $ % count today. TO We will serve you faithfully. I THE PEOPLES BANK ? I MURFREESBORO, N. C. g ' ^ o^^ A Big Measore of Oar Oats will mean a lot more to your horse than its coat. Our feed and graip put new life in a horse, new strength to his muscles, new lustre to his eye, new glossiness to bis eoat. Try them on yours. It will take but a short, time to prove the advantage of feeding them re gularly. , S. E. V AUG HAN, Ahoskie, N.C. ? Subscribe for Z5/>e Herald