1 1 11 LOCAL ITEMS *> Mr. E. J. Gerock has goue north to buy new spring good*. Mr. T. J, Teaster, of Aulauder, Was in town last Thursday. Mr. L. L. Stancill of Tarboro was in town a few hours Tuesday, Dr. C. O. Powell has purchased of W. S. Herring * Son a Paige Car. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. RobeeUon returned Sunday i.ight from their bridal tour. Mes dames H. B. Vann and M. R. Herring, of Winlon. wera in town Wednesday. J. Roy Parker is spending the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Parker. Mr. Roger B. Johnson has ac cepted a position as salesman in Mr. Magruder Earley's store. I Mr. L. Mageette returned to Wilson Friday after visiting his daughter, Mrs. W. G. Smith. Messrs. H. W. Stokes snd E. Hayes returned Friday from the north where they purchased new spring goods. Miss Lucille Magette, after spending several days with rela tives, returned tocher home in Wilson Saturday. Mrs. Sallie Harrell and Miss Edith Moore returned to Aulender Monday after visiting relatives in Ahoskie. Miss Hilda M. Johnson went to Windsor Monday evening where she will spend several days visit friends. Miss Annie Bus Winborn? re turned to her liome at Ctuao last Saturday aflgr spending several days with Ahoskie relatives. Miss Mine Hotlomon returned to Rich Square Monday, after spend ing several days with Iter parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Iloliomon. Misses Mamie Nicliole and Mar garet Morning of Windsor spent a few hours Monday with Misses J tune Cherry and Bettie Sessoms. An unusually large number of farmers from the surrounding country were in town Monday to purchase guano and other supplies MiesSybil Harrell of Woodland, was among the out of town attend ants at the celebration of the I2lh anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Smith on last Thursday even ing. / The Betterment Association will give a play at school building on Friday night of this week. Adults 10c, Children 5c. Cream will be served after the play. Mr. H. 0. Sharp, of fjarrells ville, was a welcome visitor at the 'Herald office Wednesday. Mr, Sharp is given up tu be the best read man in the county, and you canimt loose bim in the war tones. The Baptist Philatliea class will, give a free Recital at the Ahoskie school building Tuesday evening, April 20th., followed by a box Social Luncheon for all at 35 cts. per box (for two.) Everybody cordially invited. Rev. J. A. Morris will preach in the Ahoskie Methodist church every First Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock till further notice. He held bis first afternoon serviee last Sunday when he preacbdd his Easter sermon. He announced as his subject for first Sunday after noon in May, "A Bad Bargain." Announcement has been made of the engagement of Mr. Alfred H. Moon, of Pennsylvania, to Miss Harriet O. Snipes. Miss Snipes is the second daughter of tW late E. T. Snipes, of this county, and Mr. Moon is a member of an old and prominent family of Pennsyl vania and a nephew of Ex-United States Senator Jonathan Chace, ot Rhode Island. The regular meetiug o(' the Woman's Missionary Society of Ahoskie Baptist church will take place Friday afternoon promytly at 3 o'clock. We earnestly request a full-attendance, as this promises to be one of the best meetings yet. Mrs. John Freeman is expected to be with us, and a treat is in.atore for all who come. Please be on time and don't forget your offer ing, for "Home Missions." Ah! The Invigorating Wtalfl of the Pine Forest. How it clears the throat and head of its mucous ailments. It is this spirjt of Newness ond- Vigor from the health-giving Piney Forests brought back by Dr. Bell's Pine-tarHoney. Antiseptic and healing. Buy a bottle to-day. All Druggests, 25c. Electric Bitters a Spring ToDic.. Adv. Meeting County Board of Education. Tba county board ?>f educatieu net in Winton Monday and had a busy aaaoion. Another meeting of the board will be held April 86tb. County Tax Amaaaara The following taxaaaesaora have been named for their respective counties by the atale tat commit aion: Bertie, W. H. Pritchard; Gates, H. O. BenUfo; Hartford, A. L Parker; Northampton, J. S. Grant, NO COUKT MONDAY Slteriff Garrett baa been notified by Judge Ferguson that court will convene next Tuesday, instead of Monday. Thoae who go Monday will go on their own accouut. Coaat Line Freight Derailed. Four freight cart of a north bouDd freight train waa derailed juat beyond the Ahoakie atation Monday morning, causing several hours delay of paaaenger traina. Passengers, mail and baggage waa tranaferred. No one waa injured. Ice Cream Supper and Fancy Sale The Pbilathea Glaaa of Powella ville are to give an Ice Gream Supper in conneetion with a Fancy Work Sale on Friday night April the 16th., in actiool auditorium. Every odo ia invited. Proceeda are to send delegatea to Baracca Pbilathee Convention. Fire Monday Morning The fire alarm aroused many of the inhabitants of Ahoakie last Monday morning at 3^'clock. Mr. Tink Downs discovered the fire in the storage warehouse belonging U> G. G. Uoggard. and notified tiie watchman at the Branniug mill who gave the alarm. * The blaze waa slowly making its way in a lot of atored peanuts, but was checked before mucb damage was done, Parker Hotel to Open. Tim Parker Hptel, Win ton, has just received a new coat of paint inside and out, and a thorough renovation preparatory to opening fur the public on Saturday of this week. This will be good news to many people of the county a8 well as from a distance. That Mrs. Jordan will have charge of this hotel ia sufficient guarantee that the public may expect the same courteous treatment as in the past. JORDAN-CLARK. Mr. W. Mills, Jordan and Miss Emily Clark, of Winton, were married Sunday night in Elizabeth City. Tbey left home Sunday after-1 noon, accompanied by Dr. C. F. Griffin, who secured the marriage license and witnessed the cere mony. The bride is a favorite in her home town and has a wide circle of friends. The groom is a son' of the late William Jordan and has a bright future before him. For Rent in Ahoskie. Dwelling houses for both White and Colored. Also for sale one Ford Touring Car in thorough running condition. E. T. SNIPES, 3-2 2t. Ahoskie, N. C. HELP WANTED. We will employ 25 good laborers. Apply to format* at our plant. Chowan Cooperage Company, Inc. Tunis, N. C. A CAND-UF HA?IKS. We wihIi to iit? iIih method U thank <N r friend* ami neighbor*, for their kindness du.ing the illness end death, of our wife and daughter, Mra. 8. Y. Earl.v. Each act of kindiesn will always be remembered by it*. _ . S. Y. Earley, 8." B." Rogerson. Ilaalth I'roiiiot.-M U?ppla?i%, Without health, genuine jo.v ia impossible; without good digestion and regular bowel movement you cannot have health. Why neglect keeping bowel* open and ruk be ing sick and ailing) You don't have to. Take one amall Dr. King's New LiTfe Pill at night, in the morning you will have a full, free bowel movement and feel much better. Help* Your appetite and digestion. Try one to night, Adv, Notice I la hereby given that the Board of Town Commiasionera in regular fteasion, called a convention for the nomination of all town officers, and four trustees for the Graded School to be held on the 23rd., day of April 1915, at 8 P. M., in Newume's Hall. earnestly requested that all qualified vuters of the town and graded school dhitrlot be present. H. W. STOKES. .... ?Secretary to Board. NOTIC^ OF ELECTION. __ The election for the town of Ahoskie. and for the graded school district, was oalled by the order <>f the board of Cqmmiaaion era of tbe towiy.o/ Ahoskie to be' held for the said town, and said Graded School district on the third day of May, 1&15, for the election of four trustees for tlie graded achool, three commission ers, mayor and oonatable for said town. \ The registrar and judges of the election are as feHowat -R C. Hobbs registrar, Kobt. Hoi Ionian aod C. N. Godwin judges of the election. This the 29th, day of March 1915. W. W. Rogers, Mayor. D. L. Myers, Com. E. Hayes, Com. 4-l-4t. S. J. Dilday, Com. CERTIFICATE QF DISSOLUTION. r1 Whereas, It appears to ray satisfact ion. by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous con sent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, thaCthe Citizens Realty and Investment Company, a corporat ion Of his State, whose principal office is situated in the town of Murfrees boro. County of Hertford, State of North Carolina (D. C. Barnes being the agent therein and in charge there^ of, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21. Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolut ion. '? Now. Therefore, I.J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of. the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 80th. day of Harph, 1915, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said cor poration, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said consent and the yeeord of the proceedings aforesaid, are pow on flie irf my said office as provided by liw. In Testimony Whereof, I have here to set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 30th, day of March A. D. 1915. " J. Bryan Grimes, r . Secretary of State. NOTICE. For Jack service this 9pipg, $10.00 insurance, see W. Jos. Mitchell or J. E. Early, Ahoskie, N. C. Positively Must Be Sold. > You are missing bargains every day you let go > by and fail to secure some of the may sacrifices we > are making in our line of Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes, t~ These goods positively must be sold, and we i want you to share in the great reductions now > being made. MITCHELL & ECKLIN ahoskie, n. c. NEW SPRING GOODS Every woman liken to be becomiugly gowned for soring? end it in just as pleasing to tbe men to eee their wives end daughters so gowned. We extend you e invitation to visit our store end inspect pur New Spring J3ood?. J. P. BOYETTE, Ahoskie, N. C. SPRING MLLINERY. j You are cordially invited to examine my Spring and 1 Summer line of Millinery. I em showing some of the 1 greatest Hat values ever offered in this section. MBS. E. C. BBITTON, Ahoskie, N. C. j ewwwwwwwwwwwwswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwie jl Beforo it gives the highest motor car service at IE ? lowest cost, the Ford is the one car you'll find ijj' in large numbers and in constant use, in every land. It's Abetter car this year than ever before?but it sells fur $60 less than last year. If) j ? *',?the Ford is everybody's motor car because everybody can easily understand and safely o|<erate it. Doesn't take a skilled mechanfc to !jj operate or car for the Ford. Less than two cents * mile to operate and maintain the Ford. With "Ford Service for Ford Owners" your Ford car is never idle. T j Buyers will share in profits if we sell at retail ^300.000 new Ford cars between August 1914 and August 1915. Runabout $440; Touring Car $490. G, J. MEWBERN, Ahoskie, N.,C. |||| ?II M 181 ' It If?1 STILL DEEPER CUTS THE [ - RWWMET ? s Prices Reduced Si/I Further * s to Move Spring Goods. All $10.00 and $11.00 Suits now $ 6.95 | " 12.00 and 14.00" " " *7.95 k " 15.00 and, 16.00 " " 9.95 " 18.00 and 20.00 " " 12.98 Owin? to the Late Spring wc are. , Sacrificing Goods in Every Line. 5c Ladie's Handerchiefs for lc I2j4c Ladie's Hose for - 8c 10c Qhildren's Hose for 6 and 7c 75c "Corsets for - - - - 47c I $1.25 Counter Pains for - 98c 7c Calico for - - - 3^c yd 75c Dress Goods for - 49c yd ?35c ? - 23c yd 8c Apron Ginghams for 5}4c yd 10c Bleach Cotton for 7}4c yd ! i We Give You a Brief Outline of tbe Savings Possible. $3.00 Collonial Low Quarter Shoes $1.98 2.50 " " " " 1.48 SEE OUR DISPLAY. ' ' ' ? I Many bargains all over the store in Small Notions, Pins, Soap, Envelopes, Cornbs, Garters, Hosiery, Suspenders, Neck Ties, Shirts and Etc. Satufjy Will be the Biggist Day ol This Sale. Don't Tail to Attend if Saving Money on What : You Have to Buy Means anything to you. 1 Yours for values, J. E. ODOM (81 CO. Opposite Depot AhosKie, N. C. j 31 h , , ifinr , icd f BUY IT HERE _ There's a reason why you should buy everything here for your Spring and Summer wear. ' - ? I 1 I Is! ?-mmmmmmmm-mmf Buy Your Shoes Here. This is the best store in town for shoes. It is the place * for you to buy them. Our Walk-Over and Ralston ? lines fit, wear well, they do not cost much, they are The Shoes for You. Get in a pair. Buy Your Bats Bere. -?a??. Our line of Hats and Caps for men and boys are the latest stylet out and will almost tempt you to buy whether you are ready or no. If you want to be well dressed wear one of our panamas. BUY YOUR HOSIERY HERE. | Attractive line of Woman's and Misses Silk, Silk Lisle and other makes of hosiery, in all sizes and colors, for Spring and Summer wear. Also Men's half hose, plain and fancy patterns, all weights, very servicable and in all colors. BUSY STORE \?~ AHOSKIE-N.C Invigorating to th? Pale and Slcklj M?l*>ii.*nricht? the Mood, buildsuptho .ratem, a true Tome. Far adult. aad ckildrou. Me. P~ >a_ ?? I '? .. Tin qmm Tint >?? Nat Mtat Tin Ikai Bmm* of H? took end laxative effect. LAXA TIVE BROMOQUINIMRi. betterthan ordinary Ouinfne end doe* not canee nerrotwnean Mr rlnrin* In bead Remember the fall neare and look for the eicnatare of k. w grove 25c. ! WYNN BROTHERS j * Murfrcesboro's Greatest Store < > i> < ? j Murfreesboro, - - N. C. <; T <> 0 == < ? * i ? * < * 1 Our Spring and Summer t Goods are being opened ;t | this week. j; * < v < ? GOME.! ? | IWYMM %ROS. | Murfreesboro's Greatest Store ^ $ Murfreesboro, N. C. 5 ]j Miss Naomi T. Wiggins | < > (WYNN BROTHERS BUILOINO.) <> . O ii UP TO DATE MILIMERY. f \\ * ? | < ? Miss Wiggins has just visited the x | * markets of Richmond, Baltimore, Phila <> delphia and New York where she has ^ selected a most seclusive [line of Spring ? < > and Summer Millinery. i ? ^ ?? Miss Naomi T. Wiggins I

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