I Sunday Excursions. ? TO THE f ]\ SEASHORE. I ! > Round Crip Fart From Hbosklt to norfolk < ? ;; i -gl.ir> ^ ;; 4 > Tickets aold only for trains specified below on Sunday, < [ < ? limited to date of tale. < i \ * SCHEDULES GOING; v SCHEDULES RETURNING; O Lv. Abo*kie_____5:17 A. M. Lv. Norfolk 5:50 P. M. ? ? Ar. Norfolk 7:35 A.M. Ar. Ahoakie 7:58 P.M. < ? < I 4 > For further particular*!, tickets, etc., apply to, 4 > < ? J. H. ROBERTSON, Ticket Afent, Ahoakie, N. C- < M 4\ . i R - * II ' ? 111 1 1 1r ] \ W. J. CRAIG, T. C WHITE. * \ , > General Traffic Manager General Paaaenger Agent < > - ? WILMINGTON. N. C. < > < ? . .?u?II | 1 1 1 i .1 =sesBB < ? o Atlantic Coast Line Jt J \ The Standard Railroad of the South * J | INDEPENDENT?YET SLATO Americans have a custom of celebrating their indepen dence. If the truth were told, the only ones who are really independent are those who either have money by inheritance, or have saved and banked, I Are you financially independent! Then resolve to make yourself so. Vou can save if you want to. Only the man with a very weak will is unable to save. We'll help you all we can by keeping your funds abso lutely safe for you and by giving you the best of ' modern banking service. - .J,. i ^Farmers-Atlantic Bank, Ahoskie, N- C. 1837 GUILFORD COLLEGE lW OLDEST COEDUCATIONAL COLLEGE IN THE STATE IROROUSN TRAINING HIGH MORAL TOW IDEAL LOCATION Course! in Arta, Science!, end Kim).; T,n PRICES MKJSIIALLY LOW SPEClAi ARRANGEMENTS TOR WORTHY STUNTS Tor Catalag and further infermatlen address THK PHBSIIIKNT. (iullford CollrRe. N. C, _ ^ - ? DrinK Bottled COCA-COLA It's Better. CoCd'Cola was male to please you and refresh you and to quench your thirst. That it was made for* you is proved by the fact that each of some ninety million Americans claim it was made especially for their delight. Demand the genuine bottled ?0Cd*?0la by it's full name?nick names encourge substitution. r ] Delicious Hnd Refreshing. I ; ; i i ?> ' ? ? ? ( If Your Dealer Dosn'i Handle \ S it, Insist That he Does. 1 (Ell U IK I. L | I Kelford, N. C. j ?mpireues w wi Tti* hJ SldU j TWOU Stkndard |mf?l awolki olilk Maic, o*ovrs Tonuu ck.ii toVio..^. ? JlkMrio.rm.dKMW Hood. Wilds u? II* arMrm. A M. Taata. For iM? m4 cWMoto. Mb ?* > i ? S&fcrl Illfes^Sg [? l . a? %/. - Report of the Condition of I armer*-Atlantic Bank AlMeMe. N. C. At tbe clone of business June 23ra., lirio. '/ RESOURCES Loans and discounts $42,557.08 Overdrafts unsecured.. 170.87 Furniture and Fixtures 2.184.08 Due from Hanks and Bankers 10,188.88 Cask Items 381.84 Gold Coin 257.60 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency. 625.50 National bank notes and other U. 8. notes 1,287.00 Total $57,648.03 . LI ABILITIES Capital stock paid in $10,000.00 Undivided profits, !<*.* current expenses and taxes paid....... 742.01 Time Certificates of De posit ......... 19,112.07 Deposits subject * to check 37,682.48 Cashier's Checks out standing .....* 64.71 Certified Checks ??LIS Total $57,648.03 State of North Carolina, County of Hertford, as: I, C. G. Powell, President of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. G.-Powell, President. Correct?Attest: L. T. Sumner, W. W. Rogers, J. H. Mitch bli , Directors. Subscribed and Sworn to before me, this 6th., day of July, 1915. J. L. Parker. Notary Public. Report of the Condition of Bank ot Ahoskle Ahoskle, S. C. At the clone of busiaees June 23rd., 1915. 'j resources Loans and discounts --$107,041.67 Overdrafts secured, $579.38; unsecured lWl.M..tff.t?... 1,084.30 North Carolina State Bonds * 1,000.00 Premium on Bonds... 20.00 Banking Houses, $1, 81) 1.75; Furniture and Fixture rs, $1,558.56. 3,420.31 All ether real estate owned... 167.50 Due from Banks and bankers 14,275.36 Cash items.99.43 Gold coin............ 517-00 Silver coin, including all minor coin cur rency 512.12 National bank notes and other U. S.notes _JL504dJ0 Total $130,641.69 uasiutiks Capital stock paid in..$ 14,750.00 Undivided profits, less currant expenses and taxes paid 18,383.61 Time Certificates of Ds l>osit 35,294.22 Deposit subject to check 49,259.15 Saving Deposits 12,701.40 Cashier's Check out standing . 246.12 Certified Checks m?m-Ll2 Total. $130,641.69 State of North Carolina, County of Hertford, as, I, W. L. Curtis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. L. CURTIS, Cashier. Correct?Attest: L. S. Savage, Ernkst Hats, J. N. Vahn, Piractor*. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7th., day of July 1915. ,T. A. Copbland, Notary'Public. Report M the Conditio of the Farmers Bank of Eure, cure. J*, c. At the clow of business June 23rd. 1916. resources Loans and discounts.... 9 18.116.40 Overdrafts secured, and unsecured 827.23 Sanking Houses. (1,725.88; Furniture and Fixtures, JM, 448.75 8,174.63 Due from Banksand Bankers - 1,496.89 J Hash Items ?? 12.00 loU toin 147,60 Silver soin, including all minor coin currency 76.25 National bank notw and , other U. S notes (68,00 Expense over profits from orgnixation through Jan., 1 7, 1914 862.74 < Total t 22.164.64 ' liabilities Hapita I stock paid in 8 6,100.00 1 turpi us fund.... 214.99 ? tills Payable 2.000.60 I Time Certificates of Deposit 7.013.08 i Jeposit subjects to check? 7,680.40 i Hashier's Cheeks outstanding 166.17 Total 8 22.164.64 State of North Carolina, County of Jstea. ss: I, R. Hill. CaaMer of the above lamedWik. do solemnly swear that he above statement is true to the best f my knowledge and belief R. B Hill, Cashier. lorrect- Attest: M. D. HA BULL, C. E. Sawyer, K. R. KabrUj.. DircctorR Brantley's drove Items My! what a nice rain last week; the crops wera in need of it too. The wiiwi was noi very guud fdi Uie corn through tbia section. We miss a (treat many face? t mm our Sunday School and won der where they can be. We have a faithful Superintendent and a (food set of teachers. You can en courage these by your presence and attention. Miaa Eloise Morton left last week for Murfreesboro to attend school. Messrs. Gordon Hughes and Walton Bryant and Miss Fannie Bryant, of Colerain. visited friends here Saturday and Sunday. Miss Nannie Hughson of Hick ory Ghappel spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. W. R. Will oughby. Do you know of a better |ilace to go on Sunday than to Sunday Schonl. I Miss Bessie Horton is visiting relatives near Aulander. Misses Dessie Brinkley and Lou Overton were guests of Miss Ber tha Willoughby Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Greene] visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs J. V. Jenkins Sunday. "Miss Jessie Horton spent the week-end near Hickory Chappel. Misses Nina and Loo Overton and Dessie Brinkley visited Misses Sarah and Eunice Willoughby Sunday afternoon. Glad to report those on the sick list much improved. The Sunbeam Mooiety and the W. M. U. will have their regular meetings Saturday afternoon at the church. All members are re quested to be present. Pocket boot Prayers. A presumably insane crank took a not shot at J, P. Morgan, the New York money baron, and im mediately we commenced to read j in the uress that "prayers are being said in many of the churches for hia recovery." All of which would be very good and commendable if it didn't begin with Drayenr for Morgan and stop with prayers for] Morgan. We have nothing personal agalnt Mr. Morgan, who may be a very descent sort of person for all we know to the contrary, but we can not suppress a feeling of nausea as the manner in which certain ministers rushed into the limelight bv sending up prayers for the re covery of the man who has money, i Mr. Morgan's olaim to fagie is due solely to the fact that he is the son of his father and one of the richest men in the country. He has never set the world afire by any of bis personal deeds, and just why he should he singled out for special prayers when others of equal merit can not get even a chirp ia beyond pur jayman's compre hension. To the man who maki s a practice of analyzing things as he find them it is rather tiresome?in fact, it is something of a reflection upon the sincerity of those preachers who pray for the rich and forget the poor. We wjsh Mr. Murgen wall, a? we do the beggar in the street, but we fear many of those prayers were aimed at the Morgan pockot book and ascended no higher than the ceiling. Itir Peatmen, Th? moat curious lattar carrier ret heard of >eema to be one that ooTarad a small route In far-off Alaska some months ago?nothing leas than a bear harnessed to a bicycle on which bis | master fastened the mall tack. Brain hauled the load while his master steadied the wheel, and ao much in terest was excited by this strange combination that the outfit was taken to England for exhibition purposes,? St. Nicholas. .. - 1 ; ? Th? Corn of Long Ago. Many ways of cooking corn art , hpown. bet the simpler are the better. 1 v sturdy race of ptoneers throve oq uush aa.i milk and corn pom etd ho* ? rake. Civilisation and luxury bate led 1 -he children of theee pioneers to look 1 sith dindiHn on oorn, snd to prnfur to 1 ?ecure It* groat health-giving prop- 1 irtles through other mediums. We 1 tars been taking ear corn by way of K>r* snd beef.?Msysvills (Ky.> Bulls- I a*. i I - Ptee Knglnc'i Beginning. It in not until the cioee of the 1 iliteenth century that the handaqulrt 1 ire* Introduced into England, and titer < vera Mtenalrely used In the greet ' London are In MM. Boon after the ' lomnienceuient of the seventeenth 1 jentury the Londoners perceived the I -onvenieace that would arise front 1 bring these squirts to a movable eta- I am and ansiMno ?kal* tkaA.'.Mlt 1 ..m-mnrrf-t ??? CTgWf - l.t means of a lever, and the Ural an- I lire (bus obtained was considered a mint Dichinicil tchlevcib?Dt irya, mc pern ai sco.eveaeni. nivri1 'lMi 'I I'tniir Notice ol Sale Under Mortgage. By virtue of the power end authority given by a certain mortgage, executed by H. W. Outlaw to A. P. Robereon and Cora A. Robertson which is re corded in the office of Register of Deed for the County of Hert ford in book 54, page 48. the following property will be sold at Public Auction to the high est bidder for cash, viz: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and situate in Hert ford County, Aboskie, township, N. C., and known and desig nated as follows: Commencing at a cedar tree.on the public road leading from Powellaville to the old pine on Pitch landing, thence a westward direction down said road towards Powellsville to a pine tree, a corner for Ernest Perry, thence down said Persy's line to John Auleton's line to a corner for Perry, Aulston and Robertson, thence down said Aulston's line to a stake in a ditch, thence up said ditch to the first station, a cedar tree on the public road. Containing by estimation sixty acres. Place of Hale: Postoffice door in Ahoskie, N. C. ' Time of Sale: Saturday, July 24th, 1915. 12 o'clock M. Terms of Sale: CASH. 1. f. triertMS tit Cm 1. bkrtui, lirtjifim J. W. Mail. MStr if Iwtftfi. w. B. Mum, tttj. Notice o! Sale Under Deed ol Trast By virtue of the power and authority given by a certain Deed of Truat, executed by V. W. Newsome and wife Sarah P. Newsome to C. C. Hoggard trustee, which is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for the County of Hertford, State of North Carolina, in book 44, page 392, the following property will be sold at public auction vis: That certain lot of land in the town of Aboskie, N. C., lying on the north side of First Ayenue and more folly described and defined as follows: Adjoining the lands of the W. & P. R. R, Co., Ahoskie Ice C? and Cbas. Trommel, beginning at corneT of said lot on First Avenue at corner of Cbas. Trammels lot, thences westerly along said ave nue forty nine feet to right-of way of W. A. P. R. R., thence northerly along said righ-of-way of W. A P. R. R. Co., 39 feet to Ahoskie Ice Co., line, thence easterly along said Ahoskie Ice Co., line sixty (60) feet to Chas. Trommels line, thence southerly along said Trommel line twenty seven feet to First Avenue at first station. Place of Sale: Jn front of Haggard and Staff's stpre in town of Ahoskie, N. C. Time of Sale: Between the hour of two and three o'clock on the 14th., day of August 1915. Terms of Sale: Cash. s This the 6th., day pf Jnly 1915. C C. HoeoARD, Trustee. FOR SALE. CYfRESS SHINGLES 3 inchee to 6 inches X 20 inches also PlasterinK.Lflthg per ?. Oqpslanp * Taylor, Harrellsville, N, C. < i ll Chowan Motor Co. \ PASSENGERS?MAIL?EXPRESS I Daily Exceps Sundays'. t NO STEAMER ON SUNDAYS'. La. Murfreeaboro 7:60 am.?3. 30 pm. Kr Maple ton-Como 8:10an).?8:50 pm. kr Sear* Wharf,. 8:40 am.?4:20 pm. Ar. Wlntoq ,,,, 8:50am.?8:10pm. kr. TUNI8 ,,,,,.10:10am.?6;S0pm. Lv. TUNIS .,..,,11:30am??:05pm. I Ue. Wlnton 11:50am.?5:20 pm. j UT. Sean Wharf.. 1:00pm.?7:30pm. , i,y. Mapleton-Como 1:80 pm.?8:00pm. Ir. Murfreeaboro 1:60pm.?8:20 pip. Paacengera going to Suffolk, Nor- - 'oik. Rlehmond. and polnta North, art lotlAed that the C ALU MKT doea not nake connection at Tunla with train Vo. 48, arriving at Tunis at 2:51 p.m. 'n order to maka Suffolk, Norfolk, Uchmond and Northern polnta, paa lengera abould take boat leaving at 1:60 a. m. Paaaan-ers coming from he North or South, for Wlnton. Snare k'harf. Como, Mapleton. or ifttfree* >oro. can take boat leaving Tunla at 11:10 o. m. or 6:05 p. m. Paaaengera tolng South, can take boat leaving ar f. .. ?V^H, ftUkft, t.IA'ft ft. ft* i:io p. m^riah vaughan M Try It! SgbstitnU for Nasty Calomel Staffs yuui live. without iBaauOl yon akk tad can not salivate. Every druggist in town?your druggist and everybody1* druggist baa noticed a great falling off iu tlie sale of calomel. They all give the aame reaaon. Dodson'a Liver TotM i* taking ita place. "Calomel is dangerous and peo ple know it. wbile Dodson'a Liver Tune ia perfectly aafe and give better results," aaid a prominent local ! druggist. Dodson'a Liver Tope ia peraoaally guaranteed by every druggist who sella it. A large bottle en at* 60 cent*, and if fails to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggishness and con stipation, you have only to ask for your money back. Dodson'a Liver Tone is pleasant* i testing, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no bill* iousness, sick headache, acid stomach or constipated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause inconven ience nil the neat day like violent calomel. Take a dose of calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak, -ick a >1 nauseated. Don't lose a tlay'a work! Take Dodson'a Liver Tone instead and feel fine, flail of vigor and ambition.?Ady. NOTICE. Having qualified an executor of the estate of E. F. Rice, deceased, late of Hertford County, N. C.. tbia is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 24th, day af June 1910. or tLis notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This 24th, day of June 1916. Stanley Winbobnk, Kxecutor. NOTICE. Having qualified aa administra trix of Uie estate of W. B. New some deceased lata of -Hertford County, N. C., thia ia to notify all periona having claims against the estate of aaid deceased to exhibit them to the under undersigned on or before the ft rat day of July {19)6 ur thia notlee will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all per sons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment of such indebtedness. This the 1st., day of July 1915. Mas. Willie B. Newsome, Administratrix. Jno. E. Venn, Atty. FOR SALE One'1944 Overland Automobile < in &n?t clans sliat>e, one 36 horse steam stationery engine, one four horse portable gasoline engine with saw rig. Prices right to quick buyer. W. W. l^vwRcecE, Ahoskie, N. C. Land for Sale. j I have in band for sale a valua- , ule tract of land containing about ' forty acres, situated one mile from ( food school, one mile from church t ?nd about two miles from Rail- ( "oad station and boat landing. t This land is adjoining the Public f Road and lias on it a two story ? muse and all necessary buildings. Any one interested tw.rfe me at ny office for price and terms. (!? waij-acb Jones. \ ? i . ? HELP WANTED. . " We will employ 25 good .borers. Apply to forman at our b >lant. ^ /bowan Cooperage Company, Inc. . Tunia, N. C. I Tired! f ?i tan>iMfmtanr>ifW ti k nwrtUM ?? <? mm mUmnf Nat n, kbM lubM. Ym ara HI. Yaar ?) II ?? ???<? a MU. TmlnMA Bkw u< Umi mmmd itlrria* mm. f NmUM Offl ?a thla kMHf tbaa b! Electric ? -OlJjg??g#~J_J_LLJ 'J! Murfreesboro Commissioners Meet Murfreevboro, N. C., June ? 1915?Meeting of tlie Board of Town Commissioners, prevent J. . C. Vinson, Mavor, G. N. Harrelt, l D. C. Barnes, Godwiu Jenkins and | M. E. Worrell, Commissioner*. 1 On motion constable was direct ed to order ten a cotta pipe for Tan Yard Hill, Maiu and Syca more street*. On motion constable was direct ed to visit all the main privies that are grving trouble and notify owner* of same to put them in good sanitary condition by Satur- * day night, or the town will do it at owner* expense and to notify them if they are noj kept in good condition tbey will be required to install sanitary privies. On motion D. C. Bernee was ap pointed a committee to coounuui cate with Mr. Boone at Winton to get road plow to put streets in order. On motion constable was allow ed to take gasoline tank in full payment for 164 gallons gasoline furnished town. On motion constable we* direct ed to take down the gasoline lamps sod have same advertised, for sale by the secretary. On motion ordinances No. 22 was ordered amended as follows, by adding at the end thereof the following, "And any person or persons interfering in any way | with hog or hogs impounded under this ordinance or turning them out or removing them from the place in which they ard- impounded shall be guilty and fined 15.00. On motion the Board adiourned. E, N. Evans, Secty. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To six to Whom Tomb PiasBim Mat Comb?Gbbbtdk): Whbbbas, It appears tomy MtisfAc tion, by duly Authenticated record of the proceeding# for the voluntary dis tortion thereof by the unanimous eon sent of all the s took holders, deposited in my office, that the New Suqply Com pany. a corporation of thia State, wheat principal office la aituated la the town ti Murfreeaboro, County of Hertford, State of North Carolina IB. B. Win borne being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whoas pro- V ceaa may be served), has complied with the requiremeata of Chapter 21, Reviaal ef 1906, entitled "Corporatleaa," pre liminary to the ieening of thle Certifi petffi <hf Dituftlutifin' - &. wpmw|wviiftbvo9pm(pmiiwmpppg Now. Thbbspobe, I. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of SUte of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did.on the 9 day-* of May, 1916, Sle h my officy a duly executed and attested con sent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, exacuted by alt the stockholders thereof, which said con sent and the record af the proceedings aforsaid are now on flic in nay said ?1lee as provided by law. * In Testimony W hbrbop. I havw hereto set my hand and affixed any official aeal at Raleigh, thia 9 day at May, A. D. 19X9. J. BRYAN GRIMES. * Secretary of State. 1C Round Crip #??13 Richmond,Wa. The Atlantic Coast line an nounces the above excursion fare from Ahoakie, N. C? on recount of Hie Exertion and OJebrjtion in Oommoration of the Fiftieth An niversary of the Emancipation of iba Negro, which open* July 5th.,, ind closes July 27tb. Propor- "t, uonate fares will anplp from all joints on the Atlantic Coast Lino ind are open to the pnblio Ticketa willbe sold for all trains 1 wti July 5, 7, #, 12, Id, Id. 1?, 21 *. ind 24, limited returning to react* iriginal starting point prior to mdnight of the seventh (7th. J day ollowing date of sale. Sohedulea nd further information, call on, J. H. Kokkrtson, Ticket Agent, Ahoskie. N. a ; V. J. Obaio, T. C. White, i Vss. Traf. Mgr. Gen. Puis. Agt. t Wilmington, N. C. I Catarrh Cannot Be Cured y local apptieslions, al the* cannot each the diseased portion of the eat. here ia only one way to cure deafneta nd that ia by constitutions] remgdite..I leafness ia caused by an inflamed con ition of the mucous tinning of the uitaehian Tube. When this tube la iflamed you have a rumbling aound or I nperfect hearing, and when it is en- l| rely closed, Deafness is the result, nd unless the inflammation can be men oat and this tube restored to its armal condition, hearirg will be de ?.royed forever; nipe cases out of *fs ft caused by Catarrh, whichisnothlrg 1 ?t an inflamed condition of the mo ras surfaces. 'I We will give OnefTijrtdsed Cfcdlsrs for ty ease of Deafness (caused by itarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall'a starrh Core. Send for circulars. CO., Toledo, O.. |

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