mm MY HEBflLD. PUBLISHED WKEKLY -r. . ? '? -/? Jf * ; ' . ! W- M- SlOTi. Editor and Prop / 4H0SKIK, N. 0. Subscription Pries: One Dollar Psr Year in Adranoe Advertising Rates: Very Reasonable and mads known on request. Entered as second-class matter Feb ruary 25th, l>10, at tne post office at Ahoekie, N. C., under the Act of March X 1879. ?She* If ynu are feeling peeved and out of sorts. take a brisk walk. Ynu will feel better. If j'our brain is 'overburdened and yuur mind is sluggish, net in motion again, for your legs are gtkid doc torn. A brisk walk exercises the dormant muscles, stimulates the circulation of blood and brightens the mind. It is good for good v people and better for the bad ones. It is all to the good. Do you know that it is impossi ble to contract malaria without first being bitten by a mosquito? It's a fact, for mosquitoes alone spread the malarial germ. The mosquito gets in its deadly wofk in the darl( hours of; night, when the weatiier is hot and the windows are open and the people longing for a little fresh air. H undreds of thousands of lives might be saved if more attention were( paid to the screening of windows and doors, and especially is this the case where little children ire growing up. The lime for the mosquito is at hand?put up your screens and saye your children. The gathering of the great in ventors and scientists of the couu try together and the formation of a board to cooperate with the navy department at Washington causes one to stop and ponder the "why" of this sudden activity on the part of the secretary of the navy. Is the country in danger of in vasion by a foreign foe? Is the government in posession of secret information which impels this sudden gathering of the brains of the nation in the aid of national defenae? It is a question which we can not answer and wbicli of course the government will not answer, yet one can not suppress the thought that beneath the surface calm a volcano lies ready to burst. No candidates for the nomina nation of Lieutenant Oovenor b.v the Republicans have been openly mentioned by the leaders of that party for the reason that there are no chances even remote of election and then they only talk about the big places?for as everybody knows "talk is cheap"?so they only talk of the big places. But the Demo crats have some big timber in tl.e political woods from which to make their choice and the Hon. O. Max Gardner, of Shelby, has already announced hi meet f for Lieutenant Goveuor. He is young in years but old in ex|>erience. He has served several terms in the State Senate and has been president pro tern of that body. He understands every detail of that body and would make a splendid Lieutenant Gove uor, as a Urge part of his duties would be to Dreslde over the de liberations of that body by virtue of the office which carries with it the Presidency of the Senate. This is of importance to the State as he has the anpoimment of the various committees. The Wil mington Star referring to Gardner says he is "young and stalwart, puseaaes many elements of a pro gressive, though far from radical.' Hon. H. Neill Pharr. of Clay ton, has also announced himself for this office. He too has had large experience in the State Sen ate. been President nrotem of that body. He is well fitted for the place. At this writing it is hard to make a forecast of the outcome in this race but Gardner is going to be a bard man to beat. He is a fighter by nature but be fights fairly and will not strike below the belt. 4< is going to appeal wonderfully strong to the young Democracy. ? rwt ?? welter > how lee# weritet. ?eowd^f tee[ wegrri old r?JUblc l f I Winton Waveletls Busy People lie* ? lluey Towe C>apil?d mm. Atea?ed hy Um Mr. J. CJ. Carter was carried to the Hospital in Norfolk on tbe 6 o'clock train Monday morning. for an /iteration. He attended church services Sunday night hut later in tbe night was taken suddenly ill. It was decided that an operation would have to be performed before he co'ild be relieved. Dr. Pollard and Mr. and Mrs. C. Wallace Jones went with him to Norfolk. Mr. Chesley Lee, while in bath ing Saturday afternoon in the Chowan river, cut his foot on a piece of glass; he is not suffering much pain but cannot use his foot. "Aunt Tiny" Jenkins, as we all love to call her, was very ill last week, but her condition is ? great deal better. Mr. Willie Britton, who has been suffering for some time with appendicitis, left for Norfolk last Friday where he had an operation performed in Sarah Leigh Hos pital. He stood the operation well, and is getting on nicely. Quite a number of ladies from Winton will attend the Annual Meeting of the W. M. U. of the West Chowan Association to be held in Windsor, Wed. July 28* Miss Helene Northcott has re turned home from Boardman, wheie she attended a hi.use-parlv. Miss, Helen and Martha Wright returned home with her to spend a week. Miss Bertha Graves, of Boston; Mass., is visiting her cousin Mrs. John E. Venn. Mrs. Roger Watson, of Mur freesboro, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Rosa Brown. Misses Annie and Ruby Banks are visiting friends in Ahoskie. Mr. Vanu Savage of Churchland, Va., is spending a few days with Mr. Graves Vaun. Mrs. A. E. Vinson spent the week-end with, her brother Mr. Paul Britt, who is ill with typhoid fever st bis home near Mapleton. Mr. Sidney Matthews has re turned from a Ave weeks visit to Wilmington. He spent the time with Rev. W. R. Noc, a former rector of the Episcopal church. Miss Mary Brtdger spent a few days in Norfolk last week. Mr. Richard Jordan, who has been spending somo time in Ga-. returned home last Tuesday. . The Chowan Club met with Mrs. W. P. Shaw Sr. last Monday night Miss Ethel McGlobon of Winter ville*. is visitiug her brother Mr. D. R. McGlohon. The Sunbeamsof Chowan church had a picnic on the river' hill last Saturday afternoon. A splendid supper was furnished by the Blue Circle and enjoyed by all present. After playing various games, the children were carried in automo biles for a drive several -miles in the country. . . -.1 . Two Raleifh Youn< Men Drowned At Ocean View. Raleigh, N. C., July 25.?News came from Ocean View that two t^wleiifh young men spending Sun day there were drowned in the surf this morning. They were Mas 41. Jourdan, jeweler and watchmaker, and George Hollings worth, clerk in the Galloway Drug Store, on Fayettevilje Street. Mr. Jourdan has for sometime been in the employ of the '-'Uncle Myers" jewelry store, a pawnshop on Wil mington street. Both young men were highly esteemed by all who know them. The remains of both will be brought to Raleigh hjr. Jourdan Jiae no relatives here. He has an uncle in Durham and his remains may be forwarded itiere for inteunent. The two young men went from Raleigh to' Norfolk and Ocean View Saturday night to spent Sun day. The first news of the tragedy came through a message to Chief Farmer, of the Raleigh 6re depart ment, from D. C. Lloyd, of the deiMirlment, who was a member of the Ocean View |eit 4a; rtpiireatiti. UalM, Mltct, | tttwaiui. Optiiig ??r Itgt, "th, 1*15. fir I'aUltgit iMreu, JOHN GRAHAM, Principal warrenton, n. c. |.The Ponce DeLEon, | < > The most up-to date Fountain in Eastern Carolina, is offer- | < I iuK to its customers a $30.00 Viclrnla for the one securing the X ;; most coupons. This is the Fountain where you get the latest ? ; drinks. Sanitary in every respect. Ask for a coupon with 6c ? ) > iiurchase. "If we please you tell others, if not, tell us." :: J. D. Gardner, Proprietor, Ahostie, N- C. | fchowan C ollege^S | M^RFRI]ESIiORO, NV C. , 1 ?Jt A hi - i I ' ftocky Mount sells tobacco higher* than any marKet in the East and FENNER'S WAREHOUSE leads the marKet in pounds and prices. : . *4. =' ^TENNER'S WAREHOUSE f W. E. FENNER. Prop. : ROCKY MOUNT, - - N. C. ? U. Vaughan'si "The Quality Store" r MURFREESBORO, N. C. I Reductions =. I During 3uly and August We Are Offering Especially Low Prices For ?a$b On All Summer Goods . Ladies and Men's Oxfords, Palm Beach Suits, Straw Hats Etc. SPECIAL I ^ One Lot Ladie's Shoes and Oxfords Size 3 to 4 1-2 Priced $1.50 to $3.00 Now Going at 98 cent to $1.98. i ?? i i We Sell American Wire Fence. U. VAUQHAN . 'Af urfreesboro, N. C. . | At Cost! I I? In looking over our stock we j? VL find that we have too many sum mer goods to carry over to next season?and in order to move ? them and make room for our fall stock, we have decided to offer all , M Low Quarter Shoes and Summer Underwear at great ly reduced prices-? | Bt Cost Tor (pisb. j I ... . . 1 | I his advertisement will appear a limited number of times, and tq B . make sure of getting some of the ^ bargains come now. jf 1 Buy.Them Today 1 I giRRETT $ pi | I Ahoskie, N. C. | tf . #