Books and magazines. 1 . . 1 ?11 I have accepted the ajjmicyW the Washington News 'Com I puny and will have on hand weekly a supply of Magazines and Story Books, such as Red Hook, Blue Book, American, Every body's and all the latest books and Journals. | Z. V. BELLAMY, Ahoskie I | 1 . p ; ' v. .Vv^ f v ? .11/ m \ 1 mm\\ iihhumiiimfii |i' 1Mil1' " ; Jour competitors , are saving.% V Do li/cenhse Am/ tfou \ urill have the necessary capital * ***"" / / ' ,?i ACCOUNT to keep pace With f, IS THE il0J;' best kind them in business ^QF INSURANCE Come in and'inquire about our rates of inteoest and discount. : i FARMERS- 4 TLAN'TICSpjANK ANOSKIE. N. C. I Patromize Your Rome ] | market " ? ^ j =r= " r " T ? Patronize your home market andsave$25to 4 $30 an acre by selling your tobac-cq^at the ? ? Basnight Warehouse, ? AHOSKIE, N. C. Richest market Price Absolutely j Guaranteed. SAVE THE HIGH COST OF SHIPPINO i TO A DISTANT MARKET. | PHAUP & Go ODE, i I PROPRIETORS. f n Get to Know This Old Jewelry -Honse?The pome of Satisfactory?The Birthplace ol Reliability. We have little doubt tbat you. like the many thou sands we are serving, would delight in knowing this old Jewelry Hotiae after your fir?t order. We alao believe tbat we're operating juat the atore that you have often wondered if auch a place existed, and now that we're telling you about it don't fait to make good uee of your information by sending ua a trial order We have the very things you want of finest quality, at prices you'll love to pay. Should you visit our city this summer don't fail to let us ahow you through this old store. ? ' 1 1 . R Paul-6ale-6reenwood Co., Inc. "Largest Jewelers South" Qeanby Street, Corner City Ball Avenue Norfolk - Virginia t MM Ml MM IB It 11U1K MME 1K11 IB MW1 Faculty of 33: 427 Students, from 20 States. Accredited by Virginia State Board of Educa ? tion. Hundreds of graduates now teaching. 3160 per year in Academic Dept.; $200 per year in College Dept. The Leading Training School for Girls in Virginia Where can parents find a College with as fine a record, with nn fYnpricncp*! management, at such moderate cost? For catalogue address i 0. P. AI>AM8, Sccretsry, JBLACKOTONK, VA. rtwifr illtiTilth- rJf ..'it Pviiil* * - V'. , (V-e litxs a->2 Ilwa5is*si New AdytrtlseoMats. The Busy Store has a new ad vertiseuient in this issue. Z. V. Bellamy haa some news in bia advertiemeiit in tbia issue. The Farmers-Atlantic Bank baa a new advertieemeut in this issue. At Ooat is the headline in tbe new advertisement of Garrett ft Baker this week. Paul ? Gale - Greenwood Co., jewelers for the people, have a new advertisement in this issue. We invite your attention to the advertisement of Chowan College Murfreesboro, to be found on the opposite page^ Mr. B. F. V\illiams, of Harrells vllle, is in town. Mr. C. C. Hoggard was in Norfolk Tuesday. Mr. C. Greene returned from Norfolk Monday. Mr. W. W. Myers went to Harrellsville, Monday. Mr. Pembro'te Baker'returned from Norfolk Monday. Mr. Jno. O. Askew Jr., of Harrellsyille, is in town today. Mrs. J. M, Forehand, of Tyner, is on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hobbs. The usual excursion will be run over the W. ft. P. K. K. to Stony Creek tomorrow. Mrs. W. A. Hayes, of Norfolk, is visiting tfie home of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Baker. Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Brown, nt Union, Monday night a twelve pound boy. Mr. and Mr*. W. N. Carter of Richmond, Vs., are on a visit to the home of Mrs. Sumner New some. Mr. and Mrs. D. C- Mason and children, Vivian and Georgia, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Williams, Church St. Mr. Geo. Harrell, of Lexington, Texas, was in town several days last week the guest of Mi. Hugh Harrell. Last week's rains have brought out the corps considerably. There will be a shortage in old corn on account of the draught. The committe on the Stony Creek picnio are making prepara tions for the largest crowd that ever attended this annual gather ing. The Ahoskie ball team defeated the South Rocky Mount team on the local diamond last Saturday by ?core of 6 to 2. A large crowd watt here to wit new the game. Mr-,W. M. Corwiu and Misses Bettie and Margaret Seasoms and Miss "llur Boyetta motored to Windsor Sunday afternoon. After taking tea with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pruden they returned home. Misses Hilda and Meriam Wein stein of Lumberton, are the guests of Misses Lillian and Bessie Feld man. Misses Weinstien are just from Wrightsville Beach where they attended a week-end house party. Mr. Jno. C. Goode returned from Richmond Monday evening. He was accompanied by Mrs. Goode, who will also make her home in Ahoskie during the tobac co season. We extend tiie glad hand of welcome to her and hope her stay may be pleasant. A delegation composed of the following gentlemen were in Rich mond Monday to place the advan tages of the Ahoskie market be funf-the American Tobacco Co., TheJKxport Tobacco Co., and# the Iinjteiial Tobacco Co; Chas. Ppaup, J. N. Vanu, J. R. Garrett, E. M. Wooten, D. P. Boyette. R. J. Baker, Ernest Hayes, H. S. Basnight, S. E. Vaughan and S. P. Watson. They were advised that their petition would receive due consideration. (Other Locale on page 8) Funeral of Mr. J. D. Parker. All master masons are invited and requested te attend the funeral of our deceased Bro. J. D. Parker at bis late home near Woodland on Sunday, August 1st. at 8:30 o'clock. Services under the aus pices of Luke McGlohon no. 504, A. F. A A. M., Ahoskie, N. C., of which be was a member. L.T. Sumner. W. M. A. T. Wilouobbt, See. ?.'i' > i . ? Germans Sink Another American Ship. London, July ?Tlie Ameri can steamship Leelsnuw, for Bel fast willi a cargo of flux was sunk today bv a German submarine off the northwest cost of Ireland. All members of the crew were saved. I Methodist Quarterly Meeting. Methodist Quarterly Meeting will be held in Murfreesboro, next Sunday and Monday, August 1st, 2nd. Rev. R. H. Willis, presiding elder will hold the meeting. A Basket Party.' The Philathea's of Powellsville will give a basket party Wednes day night August 4th, refresh ments to be served on the Baptist cburcb yard of Powellsville. Public cordially invited, proceed ings are for the benefit of building suuday school rooms. A Good Thiag?Push it Along. The secretary of the navy has asked, Thomas A. Edison and many other's of the greatest inventors of America to serve on an advisory and research board for the purpose of devising new inventions for re pelling an attact by a foreign foe. It is a good move and comes none to soon. It would have been a better move a year ago, and a still more effective one five years ago. These men have the brains if they are allowed the time for the development of their ideas and the manufacture of the engines of de struction. But will they have the timet YOU AND THE CHURCH Speak a good word for tbe church! - It never speak* ill of you. It does nothing to your detri ment, and much for your benefit. It is not your enemy, and it is your friend. As a friend, it is entitled to your reepect, your consideration, your support. And more, it ia entitled to your presence?it ought to have your presence. What is good for the church is good for you. Keep it in mind?speak a good word?remember your friend, and go yourself. Welcome will greet you at the door. Union Items. Misses Donia and Nellie Law rence and Maggie Dukea have re turned from the summer school held at Chowan College. Misses Olive and Lydie Toller, of Norfolk, are the guests of Mrs. W- D. Kellam. Messrs. John Taylor and J. C. Brett spent from Monday till Wed nesday in Washington, N. C. Miss Bettie Wtliiams Tayloe is visiting Miss Marie Jenkins of Ikulander. v Mrs A. C. Lawrence and daugh ter, Miss Mary, are visiting rela tives near Boykins, Va. Misses Lucille Bolton and Effie Baugham.of Rich Square are the guests of Miss Maggie Dukes. Mr. F, A. Beale of Thelma, N. O., spent the week-end with his father Mr. W. D. Beale. Messrs. J. C. Brett and R., L. Brown and Misses Donia and Nel lie' Lawrence, visited Murfrees boro, Conway and Jackson Fri da>V ? - Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brown and Mr. J. H. Lawrence called in Rich Square Sunday afternoon. Miss Easie Wynn is repeating her visit to her sister, Mrs. J. E. Story of Lynnhaven, Va. ^ Mr. Gordon Brett of Boykins spent last week-end in town. Misses Bernice Dunn and Jen nie Ponders accompanied Mr. Britt home Sunday. Messrs. T. W. Sears and John Taylor called in Aulander Sunday. Miss Mae Tayloe of Ahoskie, was the guest of Miss Blanche Vaun Saturday and Sunday. . lit (Mm TlMt Dim Not Affwt Tin Nmi Because of Its took and laxative effect, laxa tive svoifo oitiwins la better tbaa ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness not riaftaf tat bead. Remember the full name and tool for the tliutart of E. W. GROVE. 25c Dally Thought. Don't flatter youruelves that frlend ihlp authorize you to say dlsagrao abla things to your Intimates.?o W Holmes. Depraved Derma. Federal health experts have decided that the reather bed la Insanitary. A term which wouldn't go to sleep and be perfectly harmless In a feather bed Incarnates total depravity i Business First. The slelght-of hand performer was doing wonderful stunts on the stage. He had handled. cards with ease and dexterity. "Now," will any one In the audience lend me a ten-dollar gold pieceT* hs asked. And the pawn broker In-the fourth row at one# re plied: "On rat?" Hackneyed Shakespeare. "Tea," said Mr. Parvey New. "that fellow Shakespeare has some pretty good Ideas and writes some very good things, but his works are full of hack neyed phrases. Why. I absolutely know that lote of them have been used as common slang ever since I was a mere boy." invigorating to the Fale and Sickly The Old Standard frnerml atrenrthrnin* tonic. CkOVK'S TASTELESS chill TONIC4rIv?a oat Malaria,en. ..hea the Wood, builda op the ayatrm. A true Tonic For adulta and children. Ma Thrashing Wheat. J ~ W. 0. Reynolds, a well known colored man in Ahoskie and Win ton townships. has a good wheal thrasher and separator and is pre pared to thrash wheat and other small grain for the public. He has trashed out 640 bushels this season, having just finished trash* ing a sixty bushel lot for Mr. Asa Earley, R. F* D., Aulander, whom Reynolds says "is a living white man." Reynolds reports the wheat in this vicinity as being of excell ent quality. -> For further information, call on or write W. C. Reynolds. R. F. D. No. 2, Ahoskie,,N? C. Adv. Notice. Br virtue of authority of a certain Deed of Trust executed on the 7th day of May. 1913, by J. E. Brady, and wife to the un dersigned Trustee, which Deed of Trutit is duly of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hertford County, North Caro lina, in book 52, page 147, de fault having been made in the payment of the debt therein secured, and at the request of the holder of said debt, the un dersigned Trustee will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, on Monday, August 23rd, 1915, bstween the hour of 11 o'clock A. M., and 1 o'clock P. M., in front of the court house door in Hertford County, the following described real estate: Two certain lots or parcels of land lying and being in Hertford County, North Carolina, in the town of Tunis, being Lots No's, 24 and 25. Block No. 1., describ ed and contained in a certain map made by W. F. Eason, C. E., which map is registered in the Register of Deeds Office of Hertford County, in Book 45, Page 550. Reference to which Deed is hereby made for a better description of said Lots No's. 24 and 25. This the 23 day of Jujy, 1915. R. C. Bbidgbr, Trustee. 11 FOR SALE. One Studabaker car 1912 model, in good running order, one Inter national saw rig, mounted on 6 horse truck, engine as good as new, one hallow wire lighting sys tem with 2 lpmps and 5 gallon tank and fiO ft. wire. Sold ,cheap to quick buyer, apply to Gabdnek'S DP.UU STORK, Ahoskie, N. G. Jas. Parker, The Old Reliable Pho tographer, will be in AHOSKIE from July 26 to August 6. ; i.' at i = : Stony Creek 29. MMMaaaaaaaMiMMaMaMl ?* 1 Pile* Cured (a 6 to 14 Day, i Your drunlit win refund money If PASO OIjrrXKMT !s!!s to CM# of Itchiac, BMnd. Slecdlac or ProtradlM Him In 14day*. Tfcc firat npplictUon yWtr Bate and Scot. 30c. . A . f 1. , 1 ? BB August Clearance Sale | of Summer Goods, jj In keeping with our usual custom R we are going to make war with all of our R Summer Dry Goods, such as Shoes, I Parasols, Straw Hats etc. " t ' a;-.'7'5 a Commencing August 1st t w and until further advised we offer them to you j AT COST PRICES. | Come on! We have a store full of 1 I them. Our prices are so low that every j H article is a real bargain. I Nothing Will be Charged i at Cost Prices. n /W ^ THE BUSY STORE J? B Cr | Big Reduction For Cash. | ay For the next 30 days I offer my stock of Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes, in fact, all summer goods, at Cost for Cash. :-i ' ? > J. P. BOYETTE, Ahoskie, N. C. | Wynn Bros.! t v- 4 ? Murfrcesboro's Greatest Store | Murfreesboro, ? - N. ;; ? < > $ ffiiggest Shoe Sale Suer 2/et. % ? < * ? $3.00 and $3.50 Ladie's Oxfords now - - $1.98 J J 4 2.50 " 2.75 " " " - - 1.49 <, J 1.50 " 2.00 " " " - - .98 < ? 0 Special lot Men's $4.00 Oxfords now $2.49 only < ? ^ ? ' =g j? I O Ladie's Suits Now Going at Nearly Half the Price < ? ? of our Former Asking. ? < I ^ FuH line Men's and Boy's Palm Beach Suits. ? Tempting Offerings in White Goods, Fancy x Lawns, Flaxons and Poplins. ? i-?? ? , V.11 : < J X New Car Load Fence Wire, j; o ? <? o < ? ? Screen Windows. Ice Cream Freezers, <j x ? <? IWYNN I o > > c> Murfreesboro's Greatest Store <? x "? I X Murfreesboro, - - - N. C/J 0 <1 1 Miss Naomi T. Wiggins \ J J [WYNN BROTHERS BUILOINO.) f ' My entire line of Millinery less f, than half price. j. Miss Naomi T. Wiggins |

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