;; vSunday Excursions. | <? TO THE o SEASHORE.' o i> - ... <? ! > Round Crip Fare From Jlboslti? to Rorfolk 2 !t ? ? ;> ] I Ticket* sold only for trains specified below on Sunday, 4 > < y limited to date of sale. < > < > SCHEDULES GOING: SCHEDULES RETURNING: <> <? Lt. Ahonkie 5:171k. V. Lv. Norfolk 5:50 P.M. ? < > Ar. Norfolk 7:85 A. H. Ar. Ahoskie 7:58 P. M. ? 4 > For further particulars, tickets, etc., apply to, 4 , <> . J. H. ROBERTSON, Tidwt A*ent, Ahoskie. N. C- < ? 4 > j ,11? i > t W. J. CRAIG. T. C WHITE, \ j }> General Traffic Manafer General Paaeenfer Afent 4 ( + WILMINGTON, N.C o Z AtlanIic Coast Line <! T The Standard Railroad of the South I" ' ; ?' ? 1 ? ' ? 1*37 GUIIlFORD COLLEGE xoxti OLDEST COEDUCATIONAL COLLtGE IN THE STATE THOROUGH TRAINING HIGH MORAl TONt IKAl LOCATION Courses In Arts. Sciences. and Music Ten Buildings with all Modern Conveniences Ample Athletic Facilities PRICES UNUSUALLY LOW SPTCIA ARRANGCMLNTS 101 WORTHY STUDEV^t fee CaUtof a ad further Inlonnatiea address THK PIIKSIDKNT. Guilford Collede. N.C. ?cmz=n m \ ===^m B Meet Me At . The Coca-Cola Booth | STONY CREEK PICNIC JULY 29. 1915. "KELFORD" on the crown, label or bot tle of SODAS means as much to the consumer as a team does to the farmer. Uniform".'superior in qualify, perfectly delicious and refreshing. LAST BUT NOT LEAST, it's a guarantee that every bottle has been thoroughly sterelized, . which insures you from "SOUR" goods caused by xiirty bottles. i- . The water from which we carbonate our goods is obtained from a depth of ONE HUN DRED AND FORTY SIX feet in the ground. We have the analysis of this water framed in our office, subject to public inspection. <J 1 ? ? - -. . Drink Bottled COCA-COLA Its Better. -Bottled from pure filtered water in a sanitary manner by, ii ni ci. Kelford, N. C. *? -? ? ? ? ? ? n x, No.*Six-Sixty-Six Thia ia ? preacription prepared eapedally lor MALARIA or CHILLS A FEVER. Five or til duaea will break any caae. and if taken then aa a tonic the Fever wi|l not return. It acta on the iiver better than Calomel and doea not (ri^e or aicken 25e Snbacribe far this us c. . r i i, .j m Necessity ot Labor. , Labor ts Dot only requisite to pre serve the coarser organs In a state fl for their functions, but It Is equal!] necessary to those finer and more Sell cste organs on which and by whlcl the Imagination and perhaps othei powers act?Edmund Burfca. i POiriGS OF THE VAN LOONS Isn't Father ol an awfully envious disposition - / MB ^HAKPl V IIVH l I ?6N- To I MIXH / f MK \V TMil *1 To IVT <?MM T??.tA ^ /j.?cl^ht SUNKWILIC \ . <*"*** ,fT (/ I *fc<?iYtt? 1<V? ?MM 1 WjA. Bg_goTTEM > y 1 At m <?*>? IN AMAMtt L tJTMZz1 P**Wrfl V V /\ a?1 ??l? Fo* TWFfeS 1I?T " I / \*??**?> . Too MMN Mt? AVfr X nX' V 1 ?-'HEUe. i>B ?66AA ? TKimC To cfrn I P?R ABOUT 1 TWO MOUTH* AHt> I" NOW t'M 30 RVVMED A I ?XM1 TI/*N AtaAO I How WIU. I E-VEA ] ,ELVER <Jar A >j) Jet u ^ ?mth ^ I Wk A <A,iK) I / WHAT* vau \ I TBUL HIM TO 1 C6Ht?ME OTWtKS^ I t>AV ,' | mmsnt \ "*-X?*>t TIMEL TO ,| c'OUKT HOHlt.J f. i haift a \1 ' 11 w1! "?*. mcmtms c'mo ejiv* m* mm iwc ft oo' ? (thwc <Ss3> ? Fp-g Tluixi Mr*. A. C Moore apent Suit dty in Norfolk with Iter daughter. If you are due us anything on subscription we have ready use for the money. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Curtis Sunday evening, a bounc ing baby buy. A big time is in store for those who attend the Masonic picnic at Stony Creek Thursday. In another column-Will be found the advertisement of Fenner's Warehouse, Rocky Mount. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hobbs re turned Thursday from awisit to relatives in Gate* oounty. We are pleased to see Mr. Staik.v Barnes out, after being confined to Ins room several weeks by sickness. The machinery : for the basket factory has arrived and the work of placing same is being pushed rapidly. Tobacco curing is on in earnest throughout this section. At the present the croji promises to oe above the ordinary. Dr. mid Mr*. C. G. Powell end Mr. and Mr*. D. L. Myers went, to Kich Square. Potecasi and Woodland Sunday on Dr. Powell'* car. >1.10 1* the price of a return ticket on the Coast Line Excursion to Nor/oik next Tuesday, August 3rd., see advertismeut on last page. There if some improvement in the condition of Mr*. R. B. Dar den ijjlio has typhoid fever. A trained nurse is with her. Mr. 0. R. Odom and children were in Norfolk Sunday to see Mrs Odom, who is undergoing treatment in a hospital at that place. We are getting nub the paper ? little early this week in order that the Herald force may attend the Masonic Pgmic at Stony Creek Tnursday. Mr. L. T. Sumner spent Sun day with relatives near Colerain. He reports crops in that section in 1 splendid condition; especially the tobacco crop. . Mrs. yy. G. Smith and children are expected home Thursday, after spending a couple of week's with relatives at Milton, Danville. Va., and Wilson. About the moat auccessful dip lomat we know of is the fellow who can compliment two women at tha same time and not make one of them jealous. We ire pleased to see Mr. Paul Jenkins out frequently here of late. He has had a hard time with the rheumatism, and enjoys being rolled out in the fresh air. Every man has his good traits, but one of the best to be found in any man it speaking wall of others and saying a woid for the home town. When he does these thing lie will not go far wrong in others. AUCTION SALE. Commencelng Saturday,- July 10th? and on each Saturday there after until disposed of, I will sell at auction a stock of Patent Medi cines, Toilet Articles and other , goods. Sale wiliJbe at the stand formerly occupied by J. R. Carter. W. W. Rookss, . To D*va Out Malaria t Aad Build Up The System r T?'Jh* 01,1 Standard GROVE'S ' TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know ? what you are taking, as tha formula it I printed on every label, showing it is ' ?"m" ?nd Iro" in ? tasteless form, rhe Quinine drives oat malaria, the roa builds up the system. SO cents sammmmuBHBHBimHBummiumumiHMBm^mm^^^^M - - ...1 ? j he North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Young idcii seeking to equip themselves for practical life in Agriculture and all its allied brancliea; in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering; in Chem istry and Dyeing; in Textile In duatry, and in Agricultural Teach ing will find excellent provision for their chosen careers at the State's Industrial College. This College fits men for life. Faculty for the ooming year of 66 men; 767 atudeots; 36 buildings. Admir able equipped laboratories in each department. County examinationa at each county-seat on July 8tli. For catalogue, write E. B. Owen, Registrar, West Raleigh, N. C. Notice ol Sale Under Mortgage. By virtue of the power and authority given by a certain mortgage, executed b.v II. W. Outlaw to A. P.. Robertson and Cora A. Robertson which is re corded in the office of Register of Deed for the County of Hert ford in book 54, page 43, the following property will be sold at Public Auction to the high est bidder for cash, vir: That certain tract or parcel of ^and lying and' situate in Hert ford County, HarrellCville town ship N. C., and known and desig nated as follows: Commencing at a cedar tree on the public road leading from Powellsville to the old pine on Pitch landing, thence a westward direction down said road towards Powellsville to a pine tree, a corner for Ernest Perry, thence down said Perry's line to John Aulston's line to "a corner for Perry, Aulston and Robertson, thence down said Aulstdn's line to a stake in a ,ditch, thence up said ditch to the first station, a cedar tree on the public road. Containing bt estimation si*ty acres. Place of Malei Courthouse door in Winton, N. C. Time of Sale: Saturday, August 14th, 1915, at 12 o'clock M. ? Terms of Sale: CASH, j. This July 1?. 1915, 1. P. Kstertus Hi C?r? 1. Iibrtui, IWtglgMi. J. V. Mwii. is Mr if ltrtgigt, W. I. Mimi, tttj. ? " ? " "" - 11 ??'.in I Chowan Motor Co. PASSENGERS-MAIL-EXPRESS Daily Except Sundays'. NO STEAMER ON SUNDAYS'. Lv. Murf reesboro T: (0 am.?t: 30 pm. Ar Mapleton-Como 8:10 am.?3:50 pm. Ar. Sear* Wharf.. 8:40am?4:20pm. Ar. Winton .... 8:50am.??:?pm. Ar. TUNIS ......10:10am.?5:30pm. Lv. TUNIS ......11:30am.?0:06pm. Lv. Winton ......11:60am.?8:20pm. Lv. Sears Wharf.. 1:00pm.?7:30pat. Ly. Mapleton-Como 1:30 pm.?1:00pm. Ar. Murf reesboro 1:60 pm.?8:10 pm. Passengers going to Suffolk. Nor folk, Richmond, and points North, are notified that the CALUMET does not make connection at Tunis with train No. 48. arriving #8 Tunis at 1:61 p.m. In order to make 8uffolk. Norfolk. Richmond and Northern points, pas sengers should take boat leaving at T:50 a. m. Passengers coming from the North or South, for Winton, Sears Wharf, Como, Mapleton, or Mufreee boro, can take boat leaving Tunis ail 11:30 a. m. or 8:05 p. m. Passengers going South, can take boat leaving Murfrwboro at either mo an. <? ?:?0 p. m. URIAH VAUGHAN. Mgr. This November 23rd., 1914. Littleton Colloge "3? A well - established, well equipped, and very properous school for girls and young women. Fall term begins September 22nd, 1915. . For catalogue, address J/M. RHODES, Littleton. N. C. - - ! ! ..J Sl.lO Ahoskie to Norfolk and Return Lar test Excursion of Seaaon. Tooaday, August 3rd. Don't forget the Date. A viait to the Thriving City of Norfolk ia worth man.v timea the price of a ticket. Sufficient time ia givin to viait all of the points of interest is, and around the Oily. A Dip in the Surf is only one of the many attractions of the adjacent Beaches. Train leaves 18.20 P. M., and leaves Norfolk returning, August 4th.. 8.00 P. M. Via Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. W. J. Ckaiq, T. C. WHITB, Pa <s. Traf. Mgr. Oen. Pass. Agt. NOTICE. Having qualified as Executors of W. P. Taylor, Deceased, late of Hertford County, N. C.. this is to notify all persons haying clains against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 21st, day of July 1916. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please niade immediate payment. A. W. Taylor i P. H. Taylor | Executors. Jno. E. Vakn ) North Carolina. I > Superior Court. Hertford County I W. D. Boone, Administrator of Marmaduke Boone, deceased, vs Suise Copeland and husband .James Copeland, Deborah Pope and husband John Pope, Mis souri Hall and husband Albert Hall,Carrie Jones and husband Starlcie Jones, Roger, Booqe, Cheater Boone, Horace Boone and Alexander Boone, heirs at law. i. The defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior court of Hertford County, North Carolina, to seR the lands of Marmaduke Boone, deceased, to make assets for the payment of the debts of the said Marmaduke Boone; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are requir ed appear before the clerk of the Superior Court of Hertford County at his office in Winton in said'county on the 11th day of August, 1915, and auswer or demur to the petition filed in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the coqrt tor the relief demanded in said petition. This 14th day of July, 1915. D. R. McGloiion, Clerk of the Superior Court. Land for Sale. I have in hand for sale a valua ble tract of land containing about forty acres, situated one mile from good school, one mile from church and about two miles from Rail road station and boat landing. Tins land is adjoining the .Public Road and has on it a two story house and all necessary buildings. Any one interested can see me at my office for price and terms. C. Wallace Jones. FOR SALE. CYPRESS SHINGLES 3 indies to 6 Inohes X 20 inches also Plastering Laths $2.60 per m. Copiland a Tatlok, Harrellsville, X. C. Renew your subrcription. ' Notice at Sale Under Deed ol Trnst By virtue of- the power and authority" given bv a certain Deed of Trust, executed by V'W. Newaome and wife Sara|i F. Newaome to C. C. Hoggard trustee, which is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for the County of Hertford, State of North Carolina, in book 44, page 392, the following property will he sold at public auction vir: That certain lot of land in the town of Ahoskie, N. C; lying on the north side of First Arenue and more fully described and defined as follows: Adjoining the lands of the W. & P. R. R. Co., Ahoskie Ice C? and Ckas. Trummel, beginning at corner of said lot -an First Avenue at corner of Chas. Trummels lot, thences westerly along said ave nue forty nine fs?;t to right-of way of W. ft. P. R. R., thence northerly along said righ-of-way of W. ft P. R. R. Co., 39 feet to Ahonkie Ice Co., line, thence easterly along said Ahoskie Ice Co., line sixty (60) feet to Chas. Trummels line, thence southerly along said Trummel line twenty sevm feet to First Avenne at first station. Place of Sale: In front of Hogg-arcf and Stoke's store in town of Ahoskie, N. C. Time of Sale: Between the hour of two and three o'clock on the liih^ day of August 1915. Terms of Sale: Cash. This the 6th., day of July 1915, C. C. Hogoakd, Trustee. ? | NOTICE. Having qualified as administra trix of tlie estate of W. B. New some deceased late of Hertford County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit tliepi to the under undersigned on or before the first day of July 11916 or this notice will'Be plead in bar of their reooyery, and all per sons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment of such indebtedness. This the 1st., day of July 1915. Mas. Willi* B. Newsome, Administratrix. Jno.-E, Van*, Atty," NOTICE. Having qualified aa executor of the estate of E. F. Rice, deceased, late of Hertford County, N. C.. this ta to notify all persona having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhihit them to the undersigned on or before the 24th, day af June 1916, or tLis notice will be plead in bar of tbeir re* covery. All persons indebted to said eitate will please make im mediate payment. This 24th,'day of June 1915. stanley winroknb, Executor. FOR SALE One 1914 Overland Automobile in fii-st class shape, one 35 horse steam stationery engine, one four horse portable gasoline engine with saw rig. Prices right to quick buyer. W. W. Lawrence, ' Ahoskie, N. C. Coughs Kill II You l^t Them. Instead kill your Csuali with OR. KINO'S NEW DISCOVERY. H keels IrrKaM Thrust and Leone. Thousands In last 40 years benefited by Dr. King's New Discovery hion.r Bask If It FaOe AN Druggist 80s, mm* ?UN> . m " ll-L 1 -!?I L 1' ? J"? Ugh! Calomel Makes Yon Deadly Sick, Stop using daugcruua drua before It ?all votes you! It's horrible! You're bilioue. sluggish, coneti-J. imted and believe you need vile,:* dangerous calomel Ui start your* liver and clean your bowels. Here's my guarantee! Aik your druggist for a. SO cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone and take a spoonful tonight. If it doesn't start your liver and straighten you right uo better than calomel ^ and without gfiping or making you sick I want you to go bacfcto the store and get your money. Take calomel today and tomnr- , row you will feel weak and sick | and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work. Jake a spoonful of harm lew. vegetable Dodson's Liver Tone tonight and wake up feeling greet. It's perfectly harmless, so let them eat anything afterwards. ?Ad?. lorlreesbofo CommissioDers Meet Murfreeaboro, N. C., July IS, 1915.?Meeting of Board of Town Commissioners, preaent J. C. Vinaon, Mayor. Q. N. Harrell, M. E. Worrell. Godwin Jenbina, L. J. Lawrence, Commiaaionera. Minutes of laat meeting read - and approved. L. J. Lawrence commissioner took oath of office. Treasurer reports $27.00 special At tax paid in by constable, balance due town $27.88. On motion constable is i net rod- v ed to have street wells in front of Stanley Winborne's and W. 8. Traders residences cleaned ont and curbs put in good order. On motion L. J. Lawrence and >M. E. Worrell are appointed a committee to inspect drain leading |from C. W. Gardners, J. G. Liver mans and O. K. Hawes re sidences and report their Conclus ions to the Board. On motion constable is instructed to replace bulb* on all electric | light hoods that are broken or do not hum. Secretary is instructed to nego tiah loans for town for $900,00 for ? 4 months. On motion J. C. Vinson and L. J. Lawrence, are appointed a com mittee to investigate what sources of (axes, special or otherwise, are escaping taxation and other sources from which additional revenue may be derived. The Miowing accounts were approved and ordered paid: Hines Buggy Go., 60 cents, M. E. Worrell $14.75, J. L. Wall $28.90. On motion the Board adjoined. E. N. Etaws, Secy. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To all to Whom True Presents Mat CoMM?Greeting: Whereas, Itappcsrs to my ulkfir tton, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous con sent of all tha stockholders, do posited . in my office, that' the Now Suqply Com pany, a eerpeuretipu of this State, whose principal office is sstaatod in the town of Murfreesboro. County of Hertford, State of North CeroMiia (B. B. Win borne being tha agent therein and in charge thereof, upon when pro cess may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21, Revival of 1906, entitled "Corporations," pre liminary to the issuing of this Certifl eate of Dissolution: Now, Thbrkvobr. t j. BRYAK GRIMES, Secretary of Stats of tts State of North Carolina, do hereby ' certify that the said corporation did. on the 29 day of May, 19X6, file in. my officy a dasty executed and attested con sent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said con sent and the record of the proceedings aforsaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereop, I have hereto set my hand" and affixad my official seal at Raleigh, this 29 day of May, A. D. 1916. J. BRYAN GRIMES, t . Secretary of State. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured by local application*, a* they cassct reach the diseased portion of the tar. There i* only one way to cure deaisesa and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by ?n inflamed con dition of the mucous (inning el. tlfl Eustachian Tube. When I his tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can I e taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearirp will he de stroyed forever; nire cars? out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothirg but an inflamed condition of the mu cous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars far, my esse of IVs frees (caused by" catarrh) that csnrot he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for djoJ.... free. F. J. CHENEY * CO., Taiedo, 0. Sold by Druggist, 78. Take Hall's Family Pilla for consti pation. AdT.

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