*?*+ <WW ? RICHARD WINBORNK. eats. W. H. WINBOANE. vtca-eeta | NORFOLK. VA CHOWAN CO.. N. C ( WINBORNE & CO., INC. COTTON AND PEANUT FACTORS Commission Merchants, Norfolk, Va. PEANUT WAREHOUSE- SUFFOLK. VA, NORFOLK, VA. ' Shipment* solicited. Market information furnished. Reference. Seaboard National Bank. Norfolk, Va. Alwava before buyinif iret our prices on Peanut Bags, Bagging and Ties. It pa.vs. ithe Ponce DeLeon. | s* /" We Imve added to oar stock a X full line of 0. L. Hall's opti- J (nEWHOCO ?# fttitOXPIECC) cal supplies. An optioinn will ? \ F ^x' 'J b0l>erecver.v3month*. Watch <> \ / for announcement in this apace. 1 i . - ? ? ???a??????????w??a?a?aw?? , , J. D Gardner, Proprietor, Ahosfcie, N- C. i; OtQtOiOOOiOiO>Q>. ? T UMBER. TtRICKS. I ? | i > V Reduced prices on all Building .material < > T September 15th, 1915, < > + Write for new price list, < | ^ "" Big saving in material of all kinds. Orders filled promptly. Usually same X ? day they are receiued. 2 Nice new stock oij hpnd. , ? ? ? ? _ - _ ? w | J' J?House & Company % Successor to X * Carolina Building & Hardware Co. ? ? AULANDER, 1ST. C. % :: Rxc,uRsiQNsTj ? < > (, $26.90 STATE CAMP. FLA. (Near Jackson ville)and return National Rifle Tournament. Tickets on sale October 3rd, ?? 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 12th, 13th, 11 and 14th. Extensiou of final (, limit to November 29lli may be obtained by deposit of ticket with A Kent Union <' Station, Jacksonville, not < I later than October 13tli and payment of fee of 50c. 4 $9.25 JACKSONVILLE, FLA. V $1125 TAMPA. PLA, * F and return, tickets on sale for {( all. trains September 28th, 1915. Returning all tickets 1' void after midnight October <1 5th, 1915. <, $6.50 WASHINGTON, D. C. ,, and return, tickets on sale <, September 25 26-27th, return ing all tickets void after mid- < I night October 15th, 1915. ,, (, Fur rates, reservations or any information, i>hone or write the f ? ATLANTIC COAST LINE t r "The Standard Railroad of The South" i ^' J. H. ROBERTSON. AKent, Aboskie. N. C. i Why this man bought a Remington Junior Typewriter "I have been investigating several of the recent makes of machines, seeking for one of simple construction for ordi nary manuscript and letter writing. I was nearly ready to buy a machine of another make when I just happened to too for tilt first time the Remington Junior, and found it to to the very Iking I wonted. , The man who wrote this is the postmaster of a small Southern town. He is only one of thousands who have recently bought a Remington Junior. But his reasons apply to everybody?they apply to YOU. The Remington Junior is our latest product and the latest idea in typewriting.. . It is strictly a high-grade machine. y ? It has the Remington Name, the Remington Guar antee, the Remington Quality?everything Remington / except weight and bulk. / A "Simplified Remington" describes it exactly, j And its price is $50.00 / Remington Junior Typewriter* will lie rent "on examine- / tioa," without obligation to purchaie. / Easy payment terms eta ie arranged if desired. / 1 r ' / Please send me .your illustrated Remington Typewriter / . a / . I shall be gUd to have II ??!? ? ? II itir r / you send me a Reining Lompany / t<? >?? T??*nu* on * * / examination This request Qesiiri inli I) / does not obligate me to pur 224 Plume 'Street. / * Norfolk. Va. /_ _ . ? - To DriM Oat Malaria Aad Build Up Tbo System Takethe Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. Voa know what yoa are taking, aa tba formula ia printed aa avary label, aborning it ia guiniaa and Iran ia a taafolr? form. . ina Oaininc drhraa oat malaria, the boo build, ap the eyetra SO cant* _ ? Must Build On*'* Own Fortune. Man ore the architect! of their re spective fortune! It U the flot of tote, from which no power of genius ton absolve you. Genius, unexerted, is like the .seer moth that natters around i candle till It scotches Itself to death ?Wililsm Wirt. . ^ " Teachers' Examination. Au examination of applicant* for teacher?* certificate will lie given in the Court House st Win ton on ThujfdayOclobar 14th, for white iuid oft Friday, tiie 16th, for colored applicant*. ' Examination will be given on the following branches:. *|>elling, reading, writing, drawing, lan guage and composition, arithmetic, English grammar, geography, his tory of North Carolina, history of the United Stales, physiology and sanitation, agriculture, civil gov ernment, and theory and practice of teaching. v Examination will begivenatthe same time for state teacher's certi ficate. All applicants foy this certificate should file tiiere appli cation with the State Superintend ent before the 10th of October. Blanks for this purpose will be furnished by the County Superin tendent. N. W. Bfitton, County Superintendent Schools. NOTICE. I wish to call attention of dog owners or those who have dogs in their possession, or those l aving minor children who have doge, that the license tax on dogs in the town of Ahoskie.is long since past due. This is the last time you will be asked to pay it. If you do not pay same to H. W. Stokes, Treas, of the Town, who will give you proper receipt for same, on or before Oct. 4th. I am advised by the commissioners to proceed to collect by warrant. This becoming necessary you may rest assured that the cost of col lecting will in every'case be added to the tax. Should you be inclined to ques tion my right to collect this tax by law, I refer you to a recent de cision of the Supreme Court hand ed down by Chief Justice Clark, and beaded "Warren Dog Law Upheld," which appears in this issue of the Hertford County Her ald. Take notice, and do not blame me if you fail to attend to tbis matter. F. G, Tatlok, Mayor. Sept. 27, 1915. North Carolina, \ Hertford County | Having qualified as adininislra tor de bonis non, cum testaments annexo, of Jos. H. Vinson, de ceased, late of Hertford Count.v, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having yet unpaid claims against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of September, 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All perrons still indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 14th day of September, 1915. D. C. Barnes, Administrator, d.b,n,c,t,a. CloUcd System Needs Attention, Are you bilious, dixxy and list less? Dr. King's New Life Pills taken at once seises upon consti pation and starts the bowels moving naturally and easily. Moreover it acts without grip ing. Neglect of a clogged sys tem often leads to most serious complications. Poisonous mat ters and a body poorly function ing need immediate attention. If you wish to wake up to morrow morning happy in mind and en tirely satisfied, start your treat ment to-night. 25c. a bottle. Adv. FOR SALE. A valuable seventy-five acre farm about two miles from Alios kie. Thirty five acres in cultiva tion; all can be cultivated. ^Suita ble for all crops. Has a three room dwelling. Write or see me. R. B. Fctbell. Alioskie, N. C. FOR SALE. CYPRESS SHINGLES 3 inches to 6 inches X 20 inches also Plastering Laths $2.50 per m. Copki.and * Taylor, Harrellsville, N. C. . , mm RUB-MY-TISM Will curt your Bheniaaiiim Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains. Bruises, Cuti and Burns Old ^^s^Stiagso? laaxym ternally and externally. Price 25c. *'"*! ..1 ' - mtrliimm,}c#tlT A. L. Jeffreys and wife, Tinaie Jeffreys va Agnes Anderson, Martha Ander son, Halite Anderson, Henrietta Anderson, Frank Anderson, Alonxo Anderson. Albert Ander son, Willie Anderson. Mollie An derson, Henry Anderson snd Ella Banks. The defendanu, Henrietta An derson^ Willie Anderson, Henry an Anderson and Ella Banks, above named, will take notice thatacl ion entitled as above has commenced in the Superior Court of Hertford County, for the possession of n certain parcel of land, situated in Winton Township and known as the John Anderson house and lot in said County near the A. C. L. i i||ht of-way at South Tunis; and said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Hertford Coun ty to lie held on the sixth Monday after the first Monday in Septem her, 1915, at the Court House of saidCounty in Winton, N. C., and answer or demur to the complaint in the said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in the said com plaint. This the 26th. day of August, 1915. D. R. McOlohon. Clerk Superior Court, "LOST." My Hupmobile top cover, the finder will kindly send same to me and receive reasonable reward. I. V. Tuknek, Tunis. N, C. --- WANTED. Highest Cash Prices naid for Green and Salt Cow Hides, Fat Cattle, Hams. Chickens and Eggs and fat Hogs. See me before you sell. J. W. GODWIN, Ahoskie. N. C. Land for Sale. I have in hand for sale a valua ble tract of land containing about forty acres, situated one mile from good school, one mile from church and about two miles from Rail road station and boat landing. This land is adjoining the Public Road and has on it a two store house and all necessary buildings. Any one interested can see me at my office for price and terms. O.-Wallace Jones. Executors Notice!. Having: qualified as Executor of J. T. Williame deceased, late of Hertford County, N. C. This is to notify all persons having: claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of August, 1916. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payments B. F. Williams, Executor, Chowan Motor Co. PASSENGERS?MAIL?EXPRESS Daily Except Sunday*'. NO STEAMER ON SUNDAYS'. Lt. Murfreesbora t:60am.?3:30pm. Ar Mapleton-Como 8:10 am.?3:50 pid. Ar. Seara Wharf.. 8:40am.?4:20pm. Ar. Wlnton .... 8:50am.?5:10pm. Ar. TUNIS 10:10 am.?5:30 pm. Lt. TUNIS 11:80 am.?8:06 pm. Lt. Wlnton 11:60 am.?4:20 pm. Lt. Sear* Wharf.. 1:00 pm.?7:30 pa. Lt. Mapleton-Como 1:30 pm.?8:00pm. Ar. Murfreesbora 1:60 pm.?3:20 pm. Passengen going to Suffolk, Nor folk, Richmond, and point* North, ar* notified that tb* CALUMET does not make connection at Tunis with train No. 48. arrlTing at Tunis at 2:58 p.m. In order to make Suffolk, Norfolk, Richmond and Northern points, pas senger* should take boat tearing at 7:60 a. m. Passengers coming from the North or South, for Wlnton. Sean Wharf. Como. Mapieton, or Mufrees boro. can take boat 1 earing Tunis at 11:30 a. m. or 1:05 p. m. Passenfen going South, can take boat tearing Murfreesboro at either 7:60 a. m. or 3:l0 p. m. I. URIAH VAUGHAN. Mgr. Thjs Norember 23rd.. 1914. Waaarar Yost Need a Oaaaral Tonic Take Oram's The Old Standard Orare'a Tasteless chill Tonie to equally ratable aa a General Tonic becanaa It contains the ?*l! knows tonic srssatiesui QUI WIN a sad IRON, lt acts on the User, Drires out Malaria, Bnriches the Blood and ftuilds up the Whole System. 50 cents. v Notice of Sate. By virtue of h judgement of the Superior Court of Hertford Coun t.v, rendered by hie Hon. C. C. Lyon. Judge etc., August term 1916, in the cause entitled "Mollie Sue Martin and husband and dtbeis, versus, 0'ive Belle Vinson, Roger N. ViniKgy and others," therein pending. The undersigned commissions will on the first Mon day in October, 1916, between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M., and 1 o'clock P. M., In front of the Court-house d<-or of Hertford C>unty, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder the fol lowing described real estate, to wit: 41st.) A certain tract of land situate and being in Murfrees boro township. County and State aforesaid, adjoining the lands known as the "old Crocet Oatling and old John Par'rer" lands and the John Britton tract et al and containing seventy five acres more or less. (2nd.) A certain tract of land situate and being4h Murfrees boro township, County and State aforesaid known as the "Jack Britton" tract, adjoining the lands of the "old John Gatling and William Joces" tract and other and containing filtekacres more in less. "ft?9 Terms of saWone-third cash on day of sale, one third in one yes< after dav of sale and one-third iu two years after day of sale, defer ed payment to be secured by deed of tru"t on the lands, costa of which is to be paid by the pur chaser. Sale made subject to confirma tion by the court. This 10th day of August. 1916. Koswell C. Bkidokk and Stanley Winbohne. Commissioners. North Carolina, i Suferior Court Hertford County t term. Elmo Parker and wife Cellie Parker, Jessie Parker, Godwin Jenkins and wife Addie L. Jen kins, Mollie Sue Martin and husband Norfleet Martin, Ellen N. Futrell, Rosa O. Futrell, Sarah A. Futrell and husband Walter Futrell, Walter Futrell in his own right, Jno. Bridger R. C. Bridger, Margarett J. Parker and husdand J. A. Par ker. Bell F- Wall and husband J. L. Wall, Plaintiffs: Vs. Spurgeon Vinson, Randall R. Vinson, John Linwood Vinson. Olive Belle Vinson. Roger N. Vinson, Annie D. Vinson, Gladys Martin, S. Dorris Martin, Ireana Martin, Edna E. Martin, Samuel G. Martin, Bettie Walter Jen kins, Mollie Aliferis and husband M. J. Ailferis, Defendants. The defendants,Spurgeon Vin son, Randall R. Vinson. Jno. Linwood Vinson, Mollie Aliferis and husband M. J. Aliferis, will take notice that the above entitl ed action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Hertford County, N. C.. to have /the "Weston and Beale" tracts of land in Hertford County, N. C. divised. in item ten of the late R. D. Bridger, and Codicil to that will, to the plaintiffs Elmo and Jessie Parker, Addie L. Jen kins nee Parker for life sold for division, and that said Spurgeon, Randall R., Jno. Vinson and Mollie Alifens and husband M. J. Alifens are required to appear at the fall term 1915 of our Superior Court to be Kdld in tke court house in Winton the sixth Monday after the first Monday in September 1915, which is October the 18th 1915,. and answer or demur to the com plaint of plaintiffs, or judgement will be rendered or prayed for therein. This the 30th, day of August, 1915. D. R. McGlohon, C. S. C. Hertford County. wlnboenb & wlnbobnu, Attys.. for plaintiff. "NOTICE." u Those desiring Jack services litis fall $10.00 insurance see W. Jot. Mitchell, or J. E. Eablt, Aboskie, N, C., R. 1. Ever Salivated Bj Calomel? Horrible! Calomel i* quicksilver tad acts Tike dynamite on you liver. Calomel loses you a day! You know what calomel ia. It's mer cury {quicksilver. Calomel is dan gerous. It crashes into sour bile like dynamite, cramping and sickening .vou. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put into your system. When yoii feel bilious, sluggish, constipated and all knocked out and believe you need a dose of dangerous calomel just remember that your druggist tells for SO cents a large bottle of Dodaon'a Liver Tone, which ia entirely vegetable and pleasant to take *n?? is a perfect substitute for calomel. It is guaranteed to start your liver without stirring you uo inside, and can not salivate. Don't take calomel! It makes you sick the next dey: it loses you a days work. Dodaon'a Liver Tone straightens you right up and you feel great Give it to the children because it is perfectly harmless and doean't gripe. Adv. North Carolina, ? the Hertford Couty. \ 8uPerior Court Mary Dembry, VS. Andrew Detnbry. Tito defendant above named, wilt take notice that an action en titled as above has been pommenc ed in the Superior Court of Hert ford County for the purpose of having a decree entered between plaintiff and defendant for divorce. A Vinculo Matrimonii, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to ap pear at the term of tile Superior Court of Mid County to be held on the 6th Monday after the 1st Mon day in September, it being the 18th day of October, 1915, at the Court house door of Mid County in Win ten, North Carolina, to answer or demure to the complaint in Mid action, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in Mid complaint. This the 3rd day of August, 1915. D. K. McGlohok. C. S. C. E. T. Snipes, Atty. for Plaintiff. Administrator's Noticel Having qualified- as adminis trator of tire estate of J. J. Brown deceased, late of Hertford County, N. C. This ia to notify all persona having claims against tire estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 20th, day of August, 1916. or this notice will be plead in bar of tbeir recover, and all persona indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment of such indebted ne89. / This the 20th, day of Auguat, 1915. J. W. Bkown. Administrator. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified aa administra tor of the estate of Chaa. Jenkins deceased, late of Hertford County, N. C. This is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 17th, day of September, 1916, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment of such indebtedness. This, the 17th day of September 1916. Huntkh Jenkins, Administrator. Facts for Sufferers. Pain results from iniury or congestion. Be it neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis, toothache, sprain, bruise, sore stiff muscles or whatever pain you have yields to Sloan's Lini ment?brings new fresh blood, dissolves the congestion, relieves the injury, the circulation is ftee and your pain leaves as if by magic. The nature of its quali ties penetrate immediately to the sore spot. Don't keep on saffer ing. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment. Use it. It means in stant relief. Price 25c. and 50c. $1.00 bottle holds six timet as much as the 25c. sire. FOR SALE. Thoroughbred puroc Jersey Pigs. B. G. Wili.iams, 9-17-4t p Cofield, N. C. TSs t.?ii ?? nana nai mkei im Ml ?not of IU to.k tnd laaattrc edact. LAXA ttvr rromo QriNiNRla batter than ordtaary Oniofoe and don net canto narroataaaa nor rinriac la bead. Xcawmbrr ibt tan name and tafk tor tec ilfoainra of ft. w. CttOVB. Uc. Notice of Sale. By virtue of tho (tower end authority given end conferred by the lest Will end Testament of W. P. Hritton, deceased, aa name is of record in the office of the Clerk of lite Superior Court of Hertford County, and acting under the power and authority of an order and judgement of the Superior Court of Hertford County, enter ed in a s|>eeial proceeding there (lending wherein Many L. Hritton, executrix of W. P. Britton, de ceased is petitioner and Zanie W. Britton, Zeb 0. Britton, Addie M. Mitchell and husband, John B. Mitchell and others are defendants, the undersigned Mary L. Britton, executrix of W. P. Britton. de ceased, will on Monday, the 4th, day of October 1915, 12 o'clock M. expose to public sale at the court house door in Wintou, Hertford County, N. C? to the highest bid der, for casb, the following pro perty, to-wit: 1. All the gum timber now standing, growing and being on the W. P. Britton Pritchard tract of land lying on Wiccacnn Creek in Hertfort County, adjoining the lands of David Bazemore, Clarence Perry, and others and containing 1200 acres more or less, down to ten (10) inches in disaster across the stunap when cut. 2. At) of the piae and gum timber now standing, growing and being on the W, P, Britton, Hog gard and Pilsnd tracts of land lying on Wiccacon Creek in Hert ford County, N. C., adjoining the W. P. Shaw land, the lands of N.T. Wallace, and others, and contain ing 200 acres more or less in both tracts down to ten (10) inches in diameter across the stump when cut. r The purchasers will be given ten (10) years time from the day of aaid sals in which to cut and re move said timbers witb the right to use and enjoy such rights, ways and easements as may be necessary to enable the purchaser to cut and remove said timbers cr any other timbers Unit Uiey may own and to build, operate and maintain on and oyer said lands sucb roads, rail roads, and tram-ways ss they may need for that purpose. / S. That tract of land known as the W. P. Britton Slaughter place, adjoining the lands of R. P. Thomas, J. D. Godwin, Robt. Sharp and others, and situated on tlie public road leading from Bethlehem to Winton, and con taining 47 acres more or less. Place of Sale: Court bouse door, Winton, N. C. Time of Sale: 12 o'clock M. Monday, October 4tb, 1915. Terms of Sale: CASH. This August 5th, 1915. US. BUT t. HITTM, bwitrir ?f I. r. IBITTN, SwessW. HINTS! ft IITTBEWX. iUu. Notice. Having: qualified as adminis trator of Martha A. Willoughby. deceased, late of Hertford Coun ty, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of Sep tember, 1916, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im medite payment. This the 3rd day ofSeptember, 1915. E. O. WlLLODGHBY, Administrator. FARM FOR SALE. Two hundred twenty-five acre farm. One hundred acres in culti vation, shipping point one mile and a half from A. G. L., six miles from the City of Suffolk, on rura route, good churches and schools near by.. Apply box 17. Suffolk, Va, Warranty Deeds for sale at the Herald office 25c. the dozen No. 666 TMi I* I prescription prepared atpecialtj 'or MALARIA?; CKiuLft A FEVER. Fire or atx doaea will break any case, and if taken then na a tonic the Ferrer will not return. It acta en the IWer better than 7*loinel and doca not gripe or tiekeo. A* .J, v. :.UdA

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