i -?* ?*?-! -J.H- . '^ii win i RICHARD WINHOKNt Mil W. H WINBORNE. VICt-P??? ' "JBBlOlireCK. V* CHOWAN CO N c WIN BORNE & CO., INC. j COTTON AND PEANUT FACTORS Commission Merchants, Norfolk, Va. PEANUT WA1EH0USE- SUFFOLK. VA-, NORFOLK. VA Shipment* solicited. Market information furnished, Reference. Seaboard National Bank, Norfolk, Va. Always before buyinir iret our prices on Peanut Hairs, Baggiofr and Ties. It pays. * " ' '? : ?^ 1 * - - ? ? ? .r- ? : Open a Savings Account Today ijj Add U> it frequently nnJ your power in dollars increases, you will be aroused to a consciousness that .vou liave the \ \ ability and strength to acooinplisli much. Tbink it over. ] 4* INTJCREST ON SAVINGS ; ? Bank ofAhoskie : AHOSKIG, N. C. seeeM>eoe<*?>oo???oe??eoefr?fr?fr??eo???o?e?e?oee60o??i' r* . ? . ^ "v-7 ' i ?_ From this?to this "Through with the pen? YES, FOREVER!" "I have just bought a new ' Remington JUNIOR Typewriter" BITTER follow the lead of t!.;? wise man and do the iam?. It is the first chance you have crcr had, or that anybody has erer had, to buy a bmsid new Reming ton-made machine, carrying the iron-clad Remington guarantee, at such a low price. 1U Mill larwhyww tti> yom a?4 a typewriter. Imj [>/? :v'.MHHHRM1 '' ,? n? tf a i tail kaa ??uMd Hi aakto ?? you tad to s^sstASsr*??? S??SBX!SK7SSSES!t ? wWwitMliit It !**? totoer tl.au pro ? tiling. '<?* llw hot pra WrMot: It t? m?<I mow WfiMu ; It U mow t? liWi-li ke; it permit* tii* n.aLiuf w?>w?*ta wrttiig. wttiiill y*oi**ii|iuMiMi BU WtM(ry?H?(llMiinMi??.<tMMfarrnCf UMTS Mom ia TahmttU. Y?HJK turn wJ r? hkf __ ?I?. TOP to 11 MtomtowrHo ml it mi M to I>1H thwe Mtora look hori?? Uto. tad ton at* otlwr nmom why yoa bm4 ?type writer. la awrj home. wiwclaUy where there are ynug Mill, tkooa la aHrayv % place ?or ? writiaf aawWnc. ***^oma ? yea edtew tfemeht of th~. Uiec*' Bww't 7?a rftaft mU to r?tmU7 It I wiM oaly r* ? !?? wHWr tor ?'-0 <?. tM I know ?m M-cImi la *wj wmj, I wwUd Uif ?/ ' II?IK.??mo4b Ho?o ?U U0?; ?4 mm or* ttaJi THI ly?cwillor fw Tfc? bim "llomnfW U iwraute* 4 It* wmh aad Um Bmhbc Ft ,W 4-~* II 4iJrr 1MB tk. 11WVOO itoiwUrd ??? ln?*>, nwtwUf IHi.UUr *nd *moUr?+mt I. *11. Itli M.4 I'ttitt for tho wKIb r?i>fo of ?ml ivtjufrcd Hi tko kvrJBn IllsliutU jKHforatrslflhtwrillMC??Otoo ?nipt or Uttora. Aud ft (k*m ????*?? iom coo l IM* It. It i. bKoik m4 II 4w? o? b-*?t>N? 1** trrftiuc m fm ?*? r bow. And II ^ w aHoyi? ImM HaI OOJVU' CON ?!?? ??? It ?DO IcMMMM It H V*o V iwwrtU-r forwhlofc fOO tor. W?? wo|t t?C. Don't woll ?ny U<of*r bo I iftUr OOV. Dor i?no? on f? ot? roth. Ou Ui? Kmv pBerpyrt |*oay? wW ?*# (S.^-?^Wi=,ra55W- "a At IlkM Hnw ft>- oraoyoao. ?M lor AT 0?d ??o4 tk* Ottoelf <1 onopuo, cut il??t, M?u Iw iu, iod v* wiMaoad Um aocfctao. Remington Typewriter Company [IwniHWiitiill 224 Plume Street. Norfolk* Va. unmkmmtorn Typewriter Ceatpany Llliliiii htrewitk 9VM. oa wipt?lwfckk?Ue. wn4 ?? ? Rrmlnrinu Junior Tjiwwritrr. It It uo4?n\ap4 DMlIatfnanilktMtkiM. if I item, within tea ?Uyt U ita r?c?iyt ??d lU?t y?i will refund kOMthi ?&.?? **"?' I ZJmtl ?nTtTT 1 km kwrtNtlw nWlttnenl mum ?t 9M.W. In aontiUr P^Mto vt fe.90 ??*, LJ Hmm ni ? fcirtlrt#*? full drneHpUmm U fUwiucio* Junior T>|?writor i gome to Cbis Office j For All Kinds of JOB WORK. | Every order you give us, large or small, will receive the attention of experienced?simply un- S beatable?printers, who are not novices in this 2 IQuality"As Good As The Best i A Partial List Of Work We Do: 1 Letter Heads Bill Heads Pofessiona) Cards Postal Cards ? Note Heads ShippingTags Visiting Cards Order Blanks Envelopes Programs Circulars Invitations Statements Tickets Circular Litters Everything A S Bring in or Send us Your Order Before ? J the holiday Rush. 5 z Our IPriccs a?e Just as jCow as jtny~ J $ tody's. Quoted Tip on SI]e quest. 2 I [jEBTFOBD [OPHTY flEBAlD | Colda d? not l.envi* . Becauae a cold ie aluhborb ia no reaaon why,you sbouKi 'jjn. lu au-ad <>l ''wearing" it VHi get suro relief lm- taking DrgtKitigV N?W ? Di^nery, l^ia?M..u? bronchial mid luijtr ailobenqt often follow ? aid which haa been neg lected ut, t-ttu beginning. AV your body faithfully battle* those cold genua, no betuy aid cau be given than the use off tbi? remedy. Ita merit lies b^en tented by Jfid and young. Oet a bottle tamy. 50c and $1.00. Adv. i OUR LINE OF STAPLE GROCERIES ran be relied upon u being always pure end fresh. Housekeepers who know end sppreolste good Coffee, Tea, Sugar Spices and GROCERfeS OF ALL KINDS will be thoroughly satisfied with our goods after the Arst purchase. Lowest Cash Prices to be Found in Town J. P. BOYETTE, AHOSK/E, M C. "NOTICE." mm Those desiring Jack services this fall $10.00 insurance see W. Jos. Mitchell, or J. E. Kahi.y, Aboskie, N. C., R. 1. -? HOW TO AVOID PNEUHOHIA. Principles of Right Living Highly Recommended. ^ "1 am nn old man nod am much afraid of pneumonia- How can 1 avoid the diaeaae tliia winter!'' Kepl.v: Pneumonia ia a germ diaeaae and ia usually brought on by Ibe enlargement of the' pneu moccua germs in the membrnnoua tissues of the throat or lungs. If a person ia well and strong these germs are not likely to hurt him seriously. A slight cold may l>< ilie result. But if he is run down dissipated, or if lie in any way Iin? a weak constitution, his chance are not slight. It is not difficult U> guard Hgain?t pneumonia if one writ avoid un reasonable exposure and at the same time will practice the rules of persona! hygiene or right living Working too hard or excessive exercise with extreme exposure is a common factor ia preparing the way for pneumonia. Overheating, particularly if there is an excess of meat in the diet, ia another thing which often injures the bod.y and lowers the vital resistance to disease. Alcohol, in whiskey, patent med icine or otherwise, is one of the most powerful allies of the pneu monia germ and even moderate drinkers show a much higher death rate from this disease than abstainers do. But bad air ia, of 'all bad in fluences, perhaps the most impor tant in its effect on colds and nneu ?noma. People who live much in the open air, who never close the windows in the winter, and who bathe daily, almost never catch colds, or if tbey do, the colds are light ones and do not run into pneumonia.?Health Bulletin. Notice. By virtue, of the power* con tained tn a certain Deed of Trust executed on the 13th day of July, 1891, by 8. M. Aumack and wife, Hallie Aumack, to Joo. E. Vann, Trustee, which Deed of Trust ia duly recorded in the Register ot Deeds offiee for Hertford County in book 4, page 4o, the undersign ed Trustee will ob the 6th day of December, 1915, offer for sale' at the Court House door of Hertford County, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tract of land, to wit: A tract ot land situated in HarrellsvilleTown ship, Hertford County, N. C? known as the old Duniell land, commencing at the old Nicholas Harrell's corner on Chinqueoin Creek and running said line to tlt? public road leading from Pitch Landing to Harrellsville; thence up said road toChin^uepin bridge, thence down the various courses of said Creek to first station, con taining by estimation 200 acres mora or less. It being a tract of land whereon the late S. M. Au mack lived and died, and known as his home place. This the first day of Novem ber, 1915. Jno, E. Vann, Trustee. Notice. By virtue of the powers contain ed in a certain Deed of Trust exe cuted the 1st. day Of August, 1918 by B. L. Doffehnyre and wife, Euxalia Doffermyre, to John E. Vann, Trustee, which Deed of Trust is duly recorded iu the Reg ister of Deed's office for Hertford County, in book 51, page 2, the undersigned Trustee will on the 6th day of December, 1915, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door of Hertford County, the following described real estate, to wit: A lot or parcel of land in the town of Manleton, Hertford County, N. 0., bounded on the West by the Wipton and Mapleton road; on the North by the woods road; on the East by the land of C. W. Stephenson, and on the South by the land* of E. B. Vaugnan, and known as the late E. T. Boyette Home and Store lots, containing 1) acres more or less. This ad vertisement is made at tiie request of the Administrator of the said R. L. Doffermyre, also his widow, and Mr. K. B. Vaugban, the bol der of the notes secured by the Deed of Trust. Ttiis the 1st day of November, 1915. : . Jno. E. Venn, Trustee \ f w / diMi r- ?, p 1 I ? North Carolina, 1 Hertford County, J ?tllie Im lartia *af ttkert, jM1(:e |( ?Hit Ml* VIimi iH ttktn. UU *llA | B.v virtue of ao orderj of the h Judge of tlie Superior Court of i Hertfoid County, in the auit of i Mollie Sun Martin and others, v?. 1 Olive Belle Vinaon and other*, 1 the undersigned, will veil at public outcry, at the Court Houae Door in Winton, North Carolina, on the Aral Monday of December, 1915, it being December 6th, 1915, the following land in Murfreeaboro Township, in aaid County, viz: 1st A certain tract of laud situate and being in Murfreeaboro Township, County and State afore said, adjoining the landa known aa the "Old Crocet Getting and old John Parker" lends, and the John Briiton tract et al, and containing seventy Kva acrea more or less. 2nd. A certain tract of land situate and being In Murfreeaboro township, County and State afore said, known as the "Jack Hrilton" tract, adjoining the landa of the "Old John Catling and William Jones" tract and others, and con taining fifty acres more or less. Terms of aale, one-third cash 1 on day of aale, one-third payable twelve montbe from day of sale, with interest from day of sale, and one-thjrd two years from day of sale with interest from day of sale. Notes to be given for de ferred payment*. Title retain un til all purchase money ie paid in full. This the 30th day of Cctober, 1915. Roswell C. Bridges, Starlet Winbore, Administrator. North Carolin, I Hertford County J flat futM sat *tkw*- 1 MTlfT #T W UMUU MnM IIum sat rihn. 1 By virtue of an order of the Judge of the Superior Court of Hertford Countr. in the suit of I Elmo Parker and others, vs.! Spurgeon Vinson.and others, thel undersigned, will sell at 1 outcry, at the Court House Door in Winton, North Carolina, on the first Monday of December. 1915, it being December 6th, I 1915, the following l*nd in Mur freesboro Township, in said I County, vist I The Old Beal?Western tRct in Murfreesboro Township, in said Connty, devised in Item Ten of R. D. Bridger's will, bound by the public road leading from Union in said County, over Knight's Bridge to the Mt.l Tabor audBentball Bridge Road, by Potecasi Creek, the lands of J. H, Vinson aqd Jessie D. Sewell, containing 210 acres more or less. Terms of sale.l one-third cash on day of sale;! one-third twelve months from day of sale, with interest from day of sale, and one-third two years from day of sale, with in-j terest from day of sale. Thel land to be sold subject to lease for the year 1916, but purchaser to be entitled to rents for year 1915. Notes to be given for de ferred payments. Title retained until purchase money is paid in full. This, the 30th day of October, 1915. Roswell C. Bkjdgeb. Stanley Winbobne. Commissioners. ?v ?? ?? "" Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Chas. Jenkins deceased, late of Hertford County, N. C. This ie to notify all persons having claims against the eata^ of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 17th, day of September, 1916, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all person* indebted to said esUte will please make immediate payment of such indebtedness. This the 17th day of September 1*15. Hcnteb Jenkins,, Administrator. To Drive Out Malaria And Build KJb The Svstem Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you am taking, aa tha formula it printed on every label, allowing it ie Quinine and boa in a tasteless font The Quinine dnrea out malaria, the Iron bailda up the ay item. SO cents Warranty Deeds for aala at the Herald office 86c. the dozen % Notice of Sale. 1 * By virtue of the power and au thority conferred by H.L.Baugb- ;] am and wife in* mortgage deed dated the 17th of January 1911. and duly recorded in Hertford County i? book 37, page 274, the undersigned will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the Court House*door on the fir^t day of November 1316, the following tract of land, to wit: The home place of the said mortagors, bounded by the lands of H. Jones. Foreman-Blades laimber Com pany, and Rowan Gregory, and containing forty acres, more or less, more minutely described in said mortgage deed. This 27th day ot September, 1915. Kulalia Shabv, Mortgagee, Sharp and Ires, Agents. 11 1 ? Notice. > Haying qualified as Administra trix of J. H. Wiuborne deceased late of Hertford County, N. C., this is to notify all persona baying claims against the estate of mid deceased l>i exhibit them to the undersign >? i on or before the 28th day of September 1916 or this notice will lie pjeaded in bar of this recovery. AII persons indebted to said estate mil please make immediate pay ment. September 28tb 1913. Nannie B. WInborne, Administratrix of J. 11. Winborne. North Carolina, t Hertford County.) Having qualified as administra tor of Mills Majette, deceased, late of Hertford County, Nbrtb Carolina, this it to notify all per sons having claims against ths ea sts t? of mid deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned Adminis trator on or before the 1st da.v of October 1916 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their reoovery; alt iiersona indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. Tins the 29th day of Sept. 1916. D. C. Barnes. Administrator. North Carolina, \ Hertford County f Having qualified an Adminsitra tor of Jacob Gatling, Deceaaed late of Hertford County, North Carolina, tbia ia to notify all per sona having claims against the Es tate of said Deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned Adminis trator on or before the 1st, day of October, 1916 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; all persona indebted to the said Es tate will please make immediate payment. This the 29th day of September 1915. D. C. Bashes, Administrator. ? .1, KbenaiatUni and Allied Pains?They Must (in! The congestion of tne blood in its flow causes peui- Sloan's Lini ment penetrates to the congestion and starts the blood to flow fieely. The body's warmth is renewed; the Dam is gone. The "man or woman who bat rheumatism, neuralgia or other pain and fails to keep Sloan's Liniment in their home like a drowning man refus ing a rope." .Why suffer. Get e bottle of Sloan's. 85c. and 60c. $1.00 bottle hold six timet as much as 25c. sixe. Adv. ? Chowan Motor Co. PASSENGERS?MAIL?EXPRESS Dally Excepe Sundays'. NO STEAMpR ON SUNDAYS'. Lt. Murfreasboro 7:(Oam.?J:30pm. Ar Mapleton-Como 1:10an.?l:Hpn. Ar, Sears Wharf.. 1:40am.?4:10 pm. Ar. Winton .... t:S0am.?5:10pm. Ar. TUNIS 10:10 am.?6:30 pm Lt. TUNIS 11:30 am??:05 pm. LT. Winton 11:50 am.?* :20 pm. Lt. Seara Wharf.. 1:00pm?T:30pm Lt. Mapleton-Com* IjlOpm.??:00pm. Ar. Murfraeaborp 1:50 pm.?1:10 pm. Passengers going to Suffolk. Nor folk. Richmond, and points North, ara notified that tha CALUMET does not rl connection; at Tunis with train 41. arrlTtaff at Tunis at 1:51 p.m. In order to make Suffolk. Norfolk. Richmond and Northern paints, pas senger* ahould take boat leering at T:S0 a. m. Passenger* coming from the North or Sonth, for Winton. Sears Wharf, Como. Mapleton. or Mufrees bero, eaa take boat leering Tunis sit 11:10 a. m. or 6:05 p. m. Passengers gelng South, .can take host tearing Murfptesboro at either T:KO a m. er 1:10 * m. URIAH VAUGHAN. Mgr. This Norember md., 1114. V.. ^ V Ever Salivated bj Calomel? Horrible! Calomel U quicksilver and acta like dynamite on year liver. Calomel hues you a day! You kitow what calomel ia. It'a mer II cury; quickailver. Calomel ia II Jaugeroos. It crashes into sour II bile like dynamite, cramping and sickening you. Calomel atUokn the bones and should never be put into your ayetem. When you feel bilious,sluggish, constipated end ell knocked out and believe you need a dose of dangerous calomel just re mem bar that your druggist sells for 60e a large bottle of Dod son's Liver l'oue, which it entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and ia a perfect substitute for calomel. It is guaranteed to start your liver without stirring you up inside, and can not salivata. Don't take calomel! It makea you aick the next day; it loaea you a day'a work. Dodaon's Liver Tone straightens you right up and you feel great. Give it to the children because it is perfectly harmless and doesn't gripe. Adv. Notice. Having qualified at adminis trator of the estate of Danial Sharp deceaaed, late of Hertford County, N. C. This is to notify all persona having claims againat the estate of the said deceased to exhibit tbem to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of October, 1916, or this notice will be plead in bar of tbir recovery, and all persons indebted to said estate will pleaae make immediate payment of such indebetness. This 16th day of October 1915. Thomas Shakf, Administrator. ?i Notice of Sale. By virtue of a decree of tbe Clerk of the Superior Court of Hei t ford County, North Carolina, made on the 23rd day of October. 1915, in a certain apecial proceed ings before him pending, entitl ed, "C. P. McGlohon, W. F. McGlohon, Virgie McGlohon, Fannie Mitchell and husband John Mitchell, Nancy Holiomon and huaband W. J. Holiomon, Bertha Horton and huaband Edgar Horton, Allie Misell and huaband Oliver Mixed. Oeorge N. McGlohon, vs Haryey McGlohon, Zella McGlohon, Levey McGlohon, Lucy McGlo hon," the undersigned commis sioner, will on tbe 6tb-day of December, between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M., and 1 o'clock P. M., offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash to make partition, between the tenants in common aboye named, the fol lowing described lands: 1st Tract. A certain tract of land situated in St. John's town ship. Hertford County, North ? Carolina, bounded on the North by the laads of C. P. McGlo$>n; and bounded on the East by the lands of George Watson and Joe Mitchell; and bounded on tbe South by the Joyner heirs; and bounded on the West by the lands of C. P. McGlohon, containg about seven and one-fourth f7t) acres mote or less; being the Mine landi purchased by George McGlohon from H. D. Baker. For better description, reference is hereby made to Register of Deeds Office Hertford County, Book Page...., Also Deed E. H. Joyner to Lacy Bridge forth and C. P. McGlohon, Book 36. Page 422., Office Register Deeds, Hertford County. 2nd Tract. Lying and being in the county and township afore said, and bounded as follws, Viz: On . the North by the lands of Thomas HS11. deceas ed, heirs; on the East by the lands of Benjamen J. Earley; on the South by the lands of Worlhe Mtchell; on the West by the public road leading from St John's to Murfreesboro, The whole tract containing thirty five acres more or less, known as tb*Baker and Britton tract. For better description, reference is hereby made to Deed J. P. Free man. et al., to George and C. P. McGlohon, which Deed is duly of record in Book V., Page 124. Office Register of Deeds of Hert ford Couny. Qnly one-half of the above described tract of land belongs to the.tenants in com mon in this cause. This the 25th day of October. ifrlS. Roswell C. Bridger, r Commissioner. /

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