We are purchasing agents for our customers, and un less we buy the best goods obtainable at the least possible price, we are not serving their interest to the best ad vantage. ? We buy Weber wagons because they are stronger, will last longer, and are lighter draft. Ask the man who has one, or let us show you. 3. n. Uann St Brother. Ahoskie, n. c. J^Get Ready N< >\v% /(S Start The New Year With A Savings Account, ijj iiV M'i OJ H...', . ' r W # EVERYBODY WANTS MONEY at Christmas time, ^ W but not everybody has as mufcli to spond as tbey would like. W 2 Those who started a savings account a year ago and kept it w T up have plenty of money to spend this Christmas, Those W jg who didn't wish they had. W jF THE BEST TIME to liegiu saving is right now. Deposit Jw what is left from your Christmas buying- in this bank, and W 2 keep adding to it each week until next Christmas. It is good ? t advice, the advice that guides you along the road to wealth * 2J and happiness. W | THE PEOPLES BANK f 4 MURFREESBORO, N. C. & dT^iT MT& *&** Otr&L? Ja^ wwWWvO^WWwwWWwi I Another cycle of time is almost | I complete and our | | Reasons Greeting's | 4fc To the Great Family-Friends and ? & Users of Bottled A | COCA-COLA I S "the most refreshing drink in the world." J As runs the old proverb?"A man that hath J X friends must show himself friendly"?so we S !have repeatedly pledged our word and resources X that we will make COCA-COLA that you may A enjoy it's deliciousness as much as we profit by A making it for you. Enjoying these mutual bene- W fits we have journeyed through the past year, ? continually adding to our numbers of satisfied X customers. S Not often, sometimes not more than once a ? year, do we pause in the regular duties of the wc*k-a-day to express our appreciation of your ZE patronage, but in another way our every effort, m day by day is to put such values in the manufac- W| ture of COCA-COLA that you will note the ? appreciation, and although not always expressed in words, it is, neverthelesss, as real with us and JX as constantly before us as if we were speaking to X you face to face. i As our New Year Greetings we want you to feel our heart felt thanks for your past patron- X age, and we sincerely solicit your co-opferation during the coming seasons. A Very truly yours, Keiford Goca-Gola'Bottliog Co. g Kelford on the Crown, Label or J V Bottle means genuine superiority and X a guarantee of absolute Cleanliness. 2 , y r ? ? \ , . . - ; _. ? ? ' .u :j Pay now and Get a * as Pocket Book Free. 4 Notice. Pursuant to law I lier? under make statement of the'amounts audiu'd mid paid the several Cnun ty Commissioner* for tiarvicax from first Monday in December 1914, to first Monday in Decem ber 1915; I certify that the Board was in session 14 days during the year: C. E. Boyette 14 days Servians at $2.00 28.GC 168 mile# >me way at 10eta., 16.80 Extra services performed 11.80 $56.60 J. A. Powell " ? 10 days services at $2.00 20.00 120 miles one way at 10 els.. 12.00 Extra services 22120 $54.20 H. H. Jones 13 days services at $2.00 26.00 Extra services 29.80 $55.80 K. J. Gerock 14 days services at $2.00 ' 28.00 126 miles one way at 10 cts., 12.60 Extra services 4.80 $45.40 8. P. Winborne 14 days services at $2.00 28.00 190 miles one way at 10 cts? 19.01) Extra services 18.40 $60.40 J. N. Hoilomon 14 days services at $2.00 28.00 112 milesone way atlOcts., 11.20 Extra services , 16.80 S56.00 I futher certify that no bills not verified or sworn to were paid by Ibe Board. Winton, N. C., December, 6th 1915. J no. A. Northcott, Clerk to tbe Board. Notice of Sale. On Monday, the 27th day of December, 1916, at the store-bouse formerly occupied b.v L. R. Duffer rne.ver in the town of Mapletun, N. C.', at 11 o'clock A. M., I will offer for ante to the highest bidder for cash the stock of goods. ware* and merchandise now in said store bouse and being a stock of dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, hard ware and other goods, making up s general mercantile stock. The sale will be made of the stock as a whole and offered upon a percent age basis on tire oiiginal coat. Stock open for inspection at any time prior to the sale. This the 83rd day of November, 1915 E. Brett, Administrator. D. C. Barnes, Attorney. OUR UNB OP STAPLE GROCERIES o*n be relied upon u being always pure end (reeh. Houeekeepers who know end appreciate good Coffee, Tea, Sugar Spices end GROCERIES OP ALL KINDS will be thoroughly satisfied with our goods after the first purchase. Lowest Cash Prices to be Found in Town aI P. BOYETTE, AHOSKIE, N. C. Couth* And Cold* Are Daaderoua. Few of un realize the danger of Coughs and Colds. We oonsider them common and harmless ail ments. However statistics tell us everv third t>erson dins of a lung ailment. Dangerous Bronchial and Lung diseases follow a neg lected cold. As yoiir bodv strug gles against cold germs, no belter aid can be h?d than Dr. King's New Discovery. Its merit has been tested by old and young. In use over 45 years. Get a bottle to-day. Avoid the risk of serious Lung ailments. Druggists. Adv. i ,i . COLDS ft LaGBIPPE S or 0 dotes 000 will break any case of Chills & Fever, Colds & LaGrippe; it acts on the liver better than Cnlotnel and does not tripe or sicken. Price 25c. Christmas and New Year Excursion Fares. Between ell uointe <>u tbe Atlan tic Cue mi Line and noint* on con neclinu lines. TictieiH on sale December 17tb, 18th, 23rd, 24tb and 2Slh, limited retun.inn until midnight of January 10th, 1916. Atlantic Coast Line Kailkoad Tbe Standard Railroad of tbe South For Ticket and Pullman reserva tion and any desired information call on J. H. Rohebtson, Alient. Ahoskie. N. C. Notice. \ -- < By virtue of the authority con taiued in a certain De?d of Trust executed ou the 28th day of April.H915. b.v P. P. Harreliand wife Corgana Hatred, to the un dersigned Trustee, which Deed of Trhst is duly of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hertford County, in Book 55, Page 23, et seq., default having been made in the payment of the debt therein secured, and at Hhe request of the holder thereof, 1 the undersigned Trustee, will on the 1st day of January, offer for sale at the Court House Door of Hertford County, between the 1 hours of 11 o'clock A. M.. and 1 1 o'clock P. M., to the highest bid der for cash, the following de scribed tract or parcel of land: A certain tract or parfcel of land situated in Winton Town ship, Hertford County. North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Walter Porter. W. P. Britton. Thotnan Manley 'and others, known as a part of the Pritchard lands, and bounded as follows: Begining at Pennine Gumbo's, J. T. Simmons, corner,Nn Wal ter Porter's line, to W. P- Brit ton's line; thence Easterwardl.v along said Britton's litre 184 yards to a chopped black gum. >n Thomas Manley's line; thence Northeasterly along said Brit ton's line to a path in Walter Porter's line: thence up said path along Walter Porter's line to a post oak at first station, contain ing thirty acres more or less. This, the 30th day of Novem ber. 1915. _ Roswfll C. Bridger. Trustee. Notice. By virtue of a certain Deed of Trust executed to the undersigned Trustee, on the 14tb day of May, 1914, by Isaac Norman and Bessie Norman hia wife, which Deed of Trust is duly of recdrd in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hert ford County, in Book 55, Page 45 Default having been made in the payment of said debt according to the terms of said Deed of Trust, the undersigned, will on the 22nd day of January, 1916, between the hours of It o'clock A. M., and 1 o'clock P. M., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate: A certain tract or parcel of land in Winton Township, adjoining the lands of George Keene, Isaac Jar nigan, Mac Hall. Zilla Hicks and others, and bounded as follows: Vix; on the North by the nablic road leading from Harrellsville to Winton; on the East by the lands of Zilla Hicks and Mac Hall; on the West by the lands of George Keene, and better known as the William Pope Old Home Place, containing forty seven acres more or less; same being the land where on said Isaac Norman now lives. For a better description, reference is hereby given to Deed executed h.v J. H. Sessoms and H. E. Sessoms to Isaac Norman, which Deed is duly of record in Book 32. Page 63, Office of the Register of Deeds for Hertford County. This the'2Srd day of December. 1915. Boswell C. Bridger, Trustee. Place of saAe, in front of Court House Door, Winton, N. C. Chowan Motor Co. PASSENGERS>-)IA1L?EXPRESS Daily Except Sundays'. NO STEAMER ON SUNDAYS'. Lt. Murfreesbore 7:80 am.?1:20 pm. Ar Mapleton-Como 8:10am.?S :50 pm Ar. Sears Wharf.. 8:40 am?4:30pm. Ar. Wlhton .... 9:60am.?6: 10 pm. Ar. TUNIS ...... 10:10am.?6:30 pm. Lt. TUNIS 11:30 am ?(:06 pm. Lt. Wlnton .. . .11:00 am.?? :J0pm Lt. Sears Wharf.. 1:00 pm.?T:30 pm Lt. Mapleton-Como 1:30 pm.?8:00pm. Ar. Hurfreeaboro 1:60 pm.?3:20 pm. Passentsrs going to Suffolk. Nor folk, Richmond, and pointa North, am notified that the CALUMET does not make connection at Tunis with train No. 48, arriving at Tunis at 2:68 p.m. In order to make 8uffolk. Norfolk. Richmond and Northern points,' pas sengers should take boat leering at T:60 a m. Passengers coming from the North or South, for Wlnton. Snare Wharf, Co mo. Mapleton, or MaHusa, boro, can take boat tearing Tunla art, 11:88 a. m or 1:06 p. m Passengers going South, ran take boat tearing Murfreesboro at either 7:60 a m. or 6:80 ?. fit. ; URIAH VAUGHAN, Mgr. J This NoTember 23rd.,1914. Notice of Re-Sale. \ ?? By virtue uf an order of Mm Superior Court of Hertford Coun ty. made in a special proceeding entitled: "Mollie 0. Lowe .aod husband William Lowe Ve- Miill T, Green, Mary E. Green and A. O- Kiff," therein pending, the undersigned commissioners will re sell ou account of an up set bid, 01 the first Monday in Jauuary.il bring Uie 3rd day of January 1916 at 12 o'clock M., at the court Iron* door, in Hertford County, N. C. to tlie highest bidder for cash (Mm drat bid being $772.50 the amouni of the up-set bid) the following de scribed tract of land: That certain tract of land lyini and being io Ahoskie township Hertford County, N. C? adjoin itn the Thomas W. Hoggard at* /ephaniuh Brown lands and others and bounded as follows: On Mm North by the lands formerly belonging to Tbornas W. Hoggarc and Zeidianiah Brown, on the Easl by the lands formerly owned bj Zephaniah Brown, on the Soutti by tbe lands formerly owned by Al bert Godwin and Jesse H. Hoggarc and the James W. Dilday lauds, less thirty two acres of said land deeded to C. Green by M. L. Geer and wife, of record in the office ol the Regitter of Deeds of Hertford County, N. C., in Book 26, i*g? 48. The whole of tbe above de scribed tract was deeded to M. L Green by Martha A. Harris et alii which deed is *' of record in lh? office of the Register of Deeds ol Hertford County, in Book K- i>sg< 10. Reference to both of the fore going deeds is given for Mm bettei description of said lands, contain ing 68 i sere-, more or less. Re ference is also made to the last will and testament of M. L- Green, ol record in the Clerk's office of the Superior Court of Hertford Coun ty, N. C. This land is sold subject to the life right of Mary E. Green, widow of M. L. Greed, deceased. The first bid at this re-sale will be $772.50. Place of sale?Courthouse door in Winton, N. C. Time?Monday, January 3,1916. at 12 o'clock M. Terms?CASH. E. T. SNIPES. W. R. JOHNSON, Commissioners. This 14th day of December 1915. North Carolina, . Sup<)rk>r Hertford Count, ( aP^H proceedings E. W. Whitley, W. B, Myrtck, P. C. Taylor, U. Vaughan, G, C. Darden.K. L. Folk, Suffolk Food end Fuel Co., Margaret If. How ell, and all other creditor* of tlie estate of S. D. Howell, deceased, who may come in and prove their claims and contribute to the costs of thi* proceeding?Petitioner* ? John. E. Vann. Administrator of S. D. Howell, deceased. Defend ant. Notice i* hereby giveu to all person* holding claims against the estate of the late S. D, Howell, to file aud prove the same before the undersigned Clerk of the Superioi Court, as required by law, at his office in Winton, N. C., on or be fore January *4. 1915, or they wilt-be excluded from sharing in the assets of said estate. This December 9th, 1915. D. R. McGlohon Clerk of Superior Court of Hertford County. Win borne and Winborne, Attor neys for Plaintiff. Notice of Sale. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Hertford Coun ty. made on the 6th day of Decern ber, 1915. in the Special Proceed ing (tending in said court, entitled, P. C. Parker Administrator of Frances Scott va Tom Scott. Henry Seott, et als., the undersigned Commissioner, will, on the 10th day of January 1916, at 11 o'clock A. M., in front of the Court House door of Mid county at Winton, N. C.. offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, that certain niece, parcel'or lot of-land, situated in Murfreetboro Township, County and State aforesaid, adjoining the lands of Henry Revell, Lennie Jenkins and P. C. Parker, and the public road leading from Mur-j frtoesbcrn to St. Johns, and con taining three acres, more or lest. This December 7th 1915. P. C. Packer, Commissioner. Co Ma Meed Attention. - ? <*- S. Internal throat and cheat troubles produce inflammation, irritation, swelling or soreness and unless cheesed at once, are likely to lead to serious trouble. Oaught in lime Dr. Bell's Ptne-Thr-Honev loosens the phlegm and destroys the germs whiek lisve nettled in the throat or nose. It is soothing and healing Pine IB antiseptic; honey is sooth ing?both together possess eseell ent. medicinal qualities for fighting cold germ*. Insist on Dr. ? Bell's Pine Tar-Honey. 25c. all Drug gists. Adv. ?sisTsae Bests tl llwpme llwt. 2Sc.3ae.tUg Notice of Sale. , Rj Virtue of the power end au thority conferred upon the under , signed by J. H- Jones and hi* | wife. Mat ilia I. June*, in a certain ( mortgage deed dated lite Oth day of January, 1V13, and duly record , ed in the office of the Register of Deed* of Hertford County, in book | 37, page 431, default having been . made in the payment of the note aecured thnrebv, I will, on the lei | Monday of January, 1916, it be ing the 3rd day of the month.* be ' tween the hours of 13 and I L o'clock, P. M., offer for eale tu the highe*t bidder for caah at the oourtbouae door in Winton. North Carolina, that tract of land in Win ! ton Township. Hertford County, 1 North Carolina, hounded and de [ acribed as follow*: That certain tract of land, known > a* the J. W, Jonea lot, beginning 1 at a point on public road, leading i from Winton to Union at corner of Cuyren Weaver, and running 1 along aaid road a south-easterly ' direction twent-fioa yards; tbeoce 1 back at right angles to aaid road | one hundred yards; thence a north course twenty-fire yard* to aaid j Curren Weaver'a line; thence along aaid Curren Weaver'a line ? ! a west course one hundred yards '<> first station. 2nd. lot, starting at the corner of J. B. Collins and J. H. Jonas, running eastward 'weniy five yards to the corner of Curren Weaver, following Curren | Weaver's line northward to Thom as Jeruigan's Jr.'a line, and south ?vard from said point to the oorner ?f J. B. Collins and J. H. 'Jonea' starting point, containing one acre, mare or less. This the 37th day of November. , 1916. S. K. Jones, Mortgagee by J.N. Venn 4k Brother. ' E. T- Snipe*. Attorney, p Notice o! Sele Unlet MMe. By virtue of tbe power and au tbvrity vented io me by a certain mortgage deed executed and de livered by Henrv Jernigau and wife KueetU Jernigau, Lea wife, to George B. Miller, mortgagee, of record iu Hie office of the Re giater of i>eeda for Hertford County, in Book 54, page 84. 1 will on thg Srd day of January 1916, at 18 o'clock. M. at the courthouse door in Winton.'N. C., aell to the highest bidder for cash, the following real,estate in Hert ford County, North Carolina, to wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in llarrellsville township, Hertford County and known and designated as follows: the entire tract of land bought of T. Q. Copeland, and cut off the said Copeland tract and bound by J. J. Piiand and J.'O. Askew and con tains 84 acres more or less. Place of Sale?Courthouse door, Winton, N. C. Time?January 8, 1916, 18 o'clock, M. Terms?Cash. fjeorge B. Miller, Mortgagee. W. B. Johnson, Atty. This December 8, 1915. Notice of Land Sale. Norili Carolina, 1 Hertford County. / < , D. C. Barnes, Administrator of Jacob Galling. *8. George Galling, Ebbie Galling et als. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Hertford Coun ty in the Special Proceeding en titled as above, made on the 27tl< day of November, 1915, I wilt aell at public outcry before the store house of H. V. Parker in the town of Mapieton, Hertford County* North Carotin, on Friday, the 31?t day of December 1915, at 11 o'clock, A.M., thai tract of land in Murfreeeboro Township, known ns the Jaoob Galling Land, and 'leeded to the said Jacob Galling by M. D. Galling, on the east by the lands of Roht. Oatling. on the south by the Hills Ferry Road and on the west by the lands of Jim Liverman. containing three acres, more or less. Terms of sale: Cash. This the 27tb day of November, 1915. D. C. Barnes, Commissioner. "NOTICE." v . It Those desiring Jack services this fall $10.00 insurance see W. Joe. Mitchell, or J. E. Eablt. Ahoskie, N. C., R.1. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains Bruises, Cute and Boras, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Aatiseptie Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Pries 25c. Calomel Dynamites A SloggiJ Liver. 1 Crashes into sour bile, making yol nick and you loan a day'* work I Calomel Salivates! It's mercur M Calomel net* like dynamite on fl sluggish liver. When cmIul I comae into contact with eour bl , it crashes into il, causing cram pi