Hertford County Herald 441 45 1!% H'iU ? 1 lln TKfrnl liiiiri , . . - - . ? " ' Is ,* . , . , , mmm THE LAHOEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. VOL. 7 ' ; r AHOSKIE, N. C., AUGUST 4. IW6. . NO. 29 ' j J- -J-J-J ? ? dr. c. g Powell DENTIST OFFICE OVER S.J. DILDAY'S STORE AHOSKIE. N. C. Winborne <& Winborne Ben). B. Winborne Stanley Winburn* Attorn*y*-at-Law MURFHBESBORO, N. C. Phone* No. IT end 21. ? , it i . . i Edgar Thomaa Snipes Att?rney-at-Law Loan* Negotiated Real Batata Bought and Sold' Office: 2nd Floor J. W Godwin. Jr.. Bldg AHOSKTE. N. C. erf I . R. R. ALLEN Dealer In 8ASH, DOORS. BUNDS. WINDOW GLASS. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wheleaale and Retail No. U27 Washington Squnre Kl'FFOI.K. VA. SASH. DOf?RS. HARDWARE. PAINTS. LIME. CEMENT. SEWER PIPE. CART MATERIAL. MILL SUPPLIES, STOVES. RANGES AND ETC. CLOSE PRICES. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND OBLIGE. E- L. FOLK CO. St, 917-910 Washington Square SUFFOLK. VA. ROGERS e inU 1 town read the words printed or the large banners, and never for s i a minute forge^ the words, "Wei , come to Ahoskie." W/ISIE MMl UNO PES IU! MEM_F0R IS Experiment* Show that Wheat ia More Expensive Than Peanut* x and Peanut Meat?A Good - " Lewon in Community Stock Selling. West Raleigh, N. C., A usual, 2.?"In a teat concluded on July, 22d it waa found that waite |>eu nuU and peanut meal both have great value for bog feeding," my* Mr. Dan T. Grav. The teat waa conducted for tbe |>urpope of de termining the relative value of wheat ahorta, waste peanut*, and peanut meal, and waa made at the Edgecombe Teat Farm at Rooky Mount, N. C. "At the end of the teat the hogs averaged over 2t>0 pound* in weight aud were shipped to the Baltimore market, where thev Mild for $10.30 per hundredweight. Only one lot of hogs on the mar ket Mold higher than these. "In tbe test the pigs were di vided into three lots. The first lot was fed on a ration of two thirds corn and one-third wheal shorta; tbe second, on two thirds corn aod one-third waste peanuts: the third, on two-thirds corn and one-tbird peanut meal. They were kept in the fattening pen for a period of 140 days. During this period the pigs in the firat lot gained at the rate of seveu-tenths of a pounds per pig per day. Those in the sagteid lot gained at the rate of eight-tenths of a pouad pe> pig per day. Thoi-e of the second lot also gained at the rate of eight-tenths of a pound per pig per day. It m*y be *#e& from this that, as far as daifjr gMfiia are'feortCern ed, both the waste peanuts and peanut meal were superior to the wheat shorts. The cost of the grains, of course, depends on the price of the feeds and the valuq allowed the waste peanuts. In this test, however the corn was valued at $1 per bushel, the waste llfMihrr^o|MflWM t of North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one < , > purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall Term L begins September 26, 1916. For catalogue and other information address, < > ; ROBT. H. WRIGHT, President. o ^ Greenville, N. C. * . Fire insurance. Rental Jfaents. ? The Guarantee Company, Inc. I W. L. CURTIS, Pres. J. O. CARTER, Secy, ft Trees. \f *7 777779777777077777 I. f. Uriw, rrm. V. Viirhti. lin-Pm. P. E. Jrikim, lin-Pm. jj\ l?cw Wit mi, (iikler. W. 1. IritUkn, int. Cukirr. djf I THE PEOPLES BANK | * MURFREESBORO, N. C. I jg CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $25,000.00 to ___ * 4S Is better prepared than ever to take care of ^ 1 its customers during the coming months when the X ^ farmer needs financial assistance. It pays to patro- W 1 nize a bank so prepared. X Correspondence invited. W x'V WV WWWo WWW w w | Read! Reflect! Rejoice! Respond! We are now ready to show you our large and complete < , Y assortment of the latest and best Spring Fabrics. The pleas- < y Y ure to serve is ours. The opportunity to save is yours. / , J NEW GOODS. OLD PRICES. < > | J. P. BOY EftE, Ahoskie, N. C, ;i M 'li