Hbhtpord Couiti Herald PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY Viaaoa 4 Farkar ' J. ROY PARKER Editor JAB. 8. VINSON Huipr SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: Om Twr .11.10 Six Moatha 78 ThrM Moo tee .t i.... .40 ADVERTISING RATES: V?ty raaaonabli sad autd* known on) Jraqoaat. - Entered u ?econd-ciaaa matter Feb ruary 28th, 1910, at the poet office at Ahoakie, N. C, under the Act of March 3rd, 1879. i To the Founder of the Herald To the memory of the founder and long time Editor of this paper, we dedicate this issue of the Herald. And, it is with a feeling of great sorrow and inward pain that we have to perform this providential duty. Little did we think that the first issue'of the Hep-aid printed on a newly installed press would have the sad duty of chronicling the death of its founder and former editor. What had been forecasted as an event of rejoicing has been suddently transformed, by the working of God, into a aad and solemn occasion. It is hardly necessary to introduce to you the subject of this sketch; you?the readers of the Herald? have known him and have had a weekly message come into your home from this man for nearly six years. But for him, the people of Hertford County would not have enjoyed the weekly visit of the County newspaper. He was the man who first gave to Hertford County a permanent, substantial, and lasting newspaper. Although , for several years he labored to pub- . Hah this paper at a distinct loss ] ' financially, yet he never for once j halted in his efforts and teal to make it a permanent institution. inougn you may Know dm writ ings, we feel that this office and its Manager and Editor know him even better! Surely, our* is a more per sonal touch. His life was alwayi close to us, and we feel his loss even the more on Ibis account. James 8. Vinson for almost six years was closely associated with the deceased, ' acting as printer for him, and later ' as half owner and partner for one month. He has also been thrown ' with him in his home life, having ( either roomed or boarded at his ' home for a much longer time. It was under his tutelage, acting w the deceased's employ, that the ' manager of this paper came to oc- ' cupv his present position. Roy Parker, Editor of the Herald, also ' owes practically all of his newspaper experience to the deceased, having worked with him for a long time before succeeding him as Editor. We, the Manager and Editor, owe ! a great measure of our ex perience in newspaper work to him, ^nd we freely give up this column to a tii bate to his memory. It is only a small part of what we would do. A peculiar co-incident connected ' with the death of our friend was the 1 installation of new equipment in < the Herald office, both coming to- 1 gather. Keen anticipation awaited ' the expected arrival of the deceased on Saturday, having previously com municated with this office that he i would spend last week end at home. ] But, the hand of Providence pre- < vented him from viewing the more ] modern office. < Sad though it may be, we freely ; and with a sense of obligation dedi- i cate this oolumn to our friend, ben- ? ?factor, and co-worker, Walter Glen j Smith, deceased. - What is LAX-FOS! > LAX-fOt l| AH WPMIVEO TntffllWl A DimtW* I.i Eo.it, May Apple Boot, Senna Leavee and I>p?tn C'w^Wne?.atren(fth with pala- e labia aromatic taate. Docinnt pipe. SOr p " """ " * SOMEWHERE IIFRANCE-EVFRYWHEREII AMERICA for onn boys 1 HELP THIs IAB T. 1. C. A WAR WORK FUND! / The Nation it Asked to Raise $35,000,000 for thia fond in the immediate future. Hertford County is a part of the Nation. Will we do our duty? Let's answer it by oversubscription! A nation-wide campaign is being conducted thia week in behalf of the War Y. M. C. A. Work. Due to the late notice of the part Hertford County is expected to play in this campaign, a gasoline campaign in the County, and poor phone service, which prevented a haaty organiza tion, the active campaign for thia County will be waged next week, beginning Sunday night at Winton. We are quite anxious that the oeople become informed as to the nature and scope of this War Y. M. C. A. work. There seems to be no general knowledge as to what it really is, a good many having the idea that the campaign is only in the interest of looU Y. M. C. A. work. It is the work being done l!_i. 1 L.iL 101 our own euimteu men, wui m home and abroad) from a moral, physical and mental standpoint; and from the standpoint, for the men of oor Allies under arms, inasmuch as possible. The work is of most vital impoatancfe and herewith are (riven the estimates of President Wilson and other noted men of the nation: Your President says: The spirit of our forces and the efficiency in battle will be vitally affected by the environment surrounding our train ing camps;" Secretary Daniells says "From every standpoint, military, political, and moral; it is our duty to protect these youths so we can say to the mothers when the war is over 'we return your sons as worthy of y?ur family circle as when they left;" General Pershing, in com mand of our boys in' France, says; "The work now being done by the Y. M. C. A. for the comfort and en tertainment of our afctdiers in France is very important, As - an organi sation, its moral influence is highly beneficial. It performs a real ser vice that makes for contentment. I*he Y. M. C. A. has won its place by unselfish personal'devotion to the ?oldiers' welfare and deserves itaunch support bv the people at Some." As Chairman of the campaign work for Hertford County, I make in appeal to every man and woman to do their patriotic duty in behalf >f the movement. Give American lighting men on land and sea every shance for their lives. The more efficient the Army ^nd Navy tne luicker victory will come to us and the fewer lives will be lost. The United War Service and Y. M.. C. i. are working to keep Ameri ans inspired in their task. ' It is ione at the request of the secreta ries of the Navy and Army. Shall the citizens of Hertford County be termed slackers? It is left for them to say. The county is asked to con tribute 11600 to this cause. Surely t population of 16,000 people, who lave subscribed leas than $60,000 for Liberty Loan Bonds, will go far seyond this apportionment. The campaign will be conducted rery largely through township ral lies, which will be held for both white and colored races, at 7:80 >'cIock on night, and at the places recording to the tchadnle published >elow. p WHITE RACE *7 Winton. Sunday night, Nov, 18, kt Baptist church; Harrellsville, Monday night, Nov. 19, at Baptist :hurch-, Ahoskie, Tuesday night, November 20, at Baptist church; it. Johns, Wednesday night, Nov. il, at Baptist church: Murfreeebo ?0. Thursday night, Nov. 22, Meth Mlist church; Co mo, Friday, Nov. 8S, Buckhorn church. COLORED RACE it. Pleasant Baptist church, Sun lay rmorning, November at 11 i'clock; Bethany Baptist church, fond ay night, Nov. 19th; Winton, Waters Normal, Monday night, lov. 19th; Pleasant Plains Baptist ] hurch, Tuesday, Nov, 20; Ahoakie. olored Baptist, Wednesday night, ] ? Not. 21; St John* colored Haptmt church, Thursday night. Nor. 22; Murfreesboro, colored baptist, Fri day night, Nov, 23; Como, Mill Neck colored Baptist church, Sat urday night, Nor. 24. The people are urged to attend the rally nearest to them and please everybody try to he present. We expect to have A SOLDIER from some one of the training camps to tell abont the Y. M. C. A. in the caippa?what it is and what it is doing. We also expect to have other speakers from a distance pres ent. A special appeal is made to the committeemen of the townships? and pastors of all churches to let the people know the dates of the rallies, by personal work and an nouncement*. Next week will tell the title, and may it be a story of oversubscription for the County of Hertford! H, J. VANN, County Chairman. Hertford County Commission ers Meeting. ? .(Continued from page one.) A. P. Sears & Son, supplies to County Home 6.51 W. f. Powell, splicing ferry rope.. 5.00 S. P. Winborne, amtl paid for Maneys ferry 20.00 J. E. Jones, prisoners' board 64.83 W. P. Shaw & Bro., pipe for Courthouse..' 1.20 J. G. Hall, painting celKi &c. 10.50 Cowan Barnes Co., I limber,. 3989 Matthew Wilson, keeping Tar Landing ferry 22.60 Jack Collins, keeping B. H. ferry ? 22.50 Town of Winto, light bill.... 1,50 Edwards & Broughton, sta tionery Reg. of Deeds office 16.05 J. J. Piland A Co., supplies for jail IT..".... .... 12.83 C. F. Clayton, tax receipts .. 20.00 D. R. McGlohon, supplies C. S. C. office 8.61 Town of Winton, Oct. lights. 1.92 Mary J. Wood, uervices ste nographer 45.00 Everett Waddey Co.,'station ery C. S 3.99 Edwards & Broughton, sta tionery C. S. C 9.05 W. T. Taylor, hauling lumber 2.75 Frank Man ley, keeping Win ton ferry October 21.60 S. R. Armstrong, keeping Winton ferry October.... 14.40 S. E. Dilday, oats, etc. coun ty home ; 11.70 Branning Mfg. Co., lumber. 2.72 Winton Cooperage Co. lumber 6.62 A. E. Garrett, summoning jurors - 9.52 Herring & Beale, cuspidons. .45 E. W, Gaither, County De monstrator. 25.00 State vs Sessoms D. R. McGlohon, C. S.C. 6.20 A. E. Garrett 81.10 G. E. Midygette-.-. 8.00 H. L. Early..-;? 90 R. A. Magee 2.00 A. E. Garrett .." 2.00 E. J. Gerock 2.00 State against Boone D. R McGlohon, C. S. C? 9.85 G. EL Midygette 8.00 A. E. Garrett ......... 22.65 W. S. Trader 1.20 P. G. Parker .60 E. B. Hill 2.80 Roger Watson ..... 2.80 Lewi* Browne ... ... 2.80 H. N. Deans...'. 2.30 State against Askew D. R. McGlohon, C. S. a.. 5.96 P. H. Taylor ? 16 P. C. Parker .80 P.O. Parker 1.16 State against Vanghan D. R. McGlohon 4.86 P. C. Barker . 16 State vs Lem Vaughan . D. R McGlohon........... 2.46 W. G. Lawrence........i.. .15 R. E. Lee . .16 Isaac Pipkin........ 1.00 W. 8. Trader 1.40 J. B. White 2.40 Annie Riddick 2.40 Dillard Riddick 26 Charlie Watson .26 State against Ben thai I D. R. McGlohon ............ 4.80 M. R. Sumner...... .... ... 2.70 W.M Joyner .80 J. M. Eley 1.00 H. C. Snipes. .4........ -10 C. W. Howard 1.66 J. P. Vanghan..... 3.26 Z. T. Cherry.............. 6.46 Prank Chitty.__i.......... 6.J6 Herbert Chitty..... 6.16 Junius Davis... 2.26 State agalmit Parker D. R. McGlohon 6.40 P.O. Parker .80 B. R Sohnson ... .46 R. E. Futrell 1-80 J. W. Hill 1.16 Uoyd Tray lor 1.16 State againat William* ? D. R. McGlohon 9.06 G. E. Midygette 8.00 A. E. Garrett.. 6.90 H. C. Huliumah 1-70 J. P. Cherry 4.00 A. L. Lumpkin ..... 4.00 G- H. Anderaon. 4.00 W. M. Marsh, supplies to Ma ry Laaaiter 8.00 J. C. Benthall, auppliea to Carter children 1.50 J. C. Benthall, auppliea to J. W. Minton... 8.00 C. E. Boyette, anppllea to Mary Vaughan 2.00 H. H. Taylor, auppliea to Mra Hill 6.00 H. V. Parker, auppliea to Jno Griffin 2.00 Judie White, aupportfor No vember .....' 8.00 Pauline Laaaiter, aupport for November ....... 8.00 Adament Joyner, aupport for November.............. 2.50 SUrkey Hare, auppHa to Borch October 2.60 EL R. Squibb* A Son. antitoxin 9.88 E. R. Squibb* A Sen ?.?* C. N. Britton, b'ld'f bride* 171.14 E.R.8Q ibbeASon 10.24' No farther binlni ippaailim before the Board, it adjourned to moot again on the 22nd day of No vember, 1917, at the County Horn*. ( S. P. Winborne, Chairman. Jno. A. Northeott, Clerk. Mae Caret la 0 to 14 Dagra ? _ Drive* Oat Malaria, MMi Up lj ?*?ai Like a Boy at SO Bubbling Over With Vitality?Taking Iron Did It Doctor aajra Nuxatad Iron b trio loot o4 al ilrw|lfc WNn Often tncr?I? the itmitk md wdiimn of doles nervous folk* 100 por cat in tw wooka* tW Haw Tor*. K. T.?Mot Ion* ago a I man (am to mo who waa noarlr half a ' SSturr old and aakod mo to ftro him a i EFfe asB^wusss i the blood pmiun of a fear of 10 and aa i ?Sof nfff^ | jia'oarowon? oad^noarVj^i|{ St *l?ow i Mto. ^^yTtT*ap^*hS>^o?^\y^S? ! estWould owS^ysSu wSu&r 4 KM| ???!? U fM liM w * mUrikl ctvany uU tt omct ? V ? vnL Mm ?*Ty will U mrt off aili>K bw ii it ? *xc*ll?at V Mk uU mmuw.jMM* |M ap,Mk? jroor bM m4, m4 fib M (in of ufc. r. .gj,,| o?? >p??i ??t-mrm *???>?. w A 1 Runs Chtlls Awau f JO? ^sbsssis^^ Tk I CfMhti s V, Whr msJdjJ (ft* oantmmtB et*cmn,yom mrm i* #*?flf, your |re? Um-m-m! That IS Coffee" If? fot the smell and tb? smack thai make you say, "Sat 'am Bp again." For it's always fair weather whan good folks get together over a cop of steaming, sta ring-good Loriernn, Yos don't boy a pig is a poke when too bay Lazianne Coffise. No, Ma'am, ft clearly states that if it dossirt meet your idea of a better cofiee, you're entitled to your money back and ??t -? it Boy a can of Lazianne and r? adjust your idesa of what good cofiee must be. Ask for proflt-ahariog catalog. * ?PZlANNEcoffee The Reily-Taylor Company, Nevr Orleans 1the Chero-Cala z~?c?t/ "In a bottle?Through a straw" I Tl?e true blending of fruit flavors and the "T&x^JmSL. if* S Ji tropical cola-nut make Chero-ColA \\ WHOLESOME?REFRESHING V^5- Ef IT'Tlf XTKfc No Bad Afitr Eff,*i j / IJ~ Chero-Cola