The accompanying cut ahowt part of the crowd which attended the meeting of the West Chowan Association1 at Ahoekie. The pfcture was taken while the crowd were repeating on the ground*. ?' ii ig ii i IB Style DEMONSTRATION Of Will be Conducted by Miss Sadie B. McClary, November 19th* 20th and 2l?t. IN OUR CORSET DEPART MENT EVERT WOMAN in' our city is invited to it tend. Hear what Miss McCIsry will say on the sudject of Scientific Fitting jt and Correct Corsetry, The Madame Grace Corset is a revelation in Style and Fit and must be seen to be appreciated. Don't fail to step into our Corset Department during the exhibit. I HERRING & BE ALE, W1NTON, N. C. I I I 1 . ? m ; WYNN BROS. | ? Murfreesboro's Greatest Store <> ? Murfreesboro. - - - N. C. <? * i ? 1 . 1 o ? = < > ? i > * < * * Our Mammouth Fall and Winter Stock is now 4 [ ? open for your inspection. Bargains, Rich, Rare < ? ? and Dependable greet you on every side and your \ \ time spent examining our Tempting Offerings will < ? | be well worth your while. {J ? New Fall Fashions in Suits, Coats and Dresses < > | for women. Prices .ranging from $8.00 to $35.00. < \ ? Beauty, Correctness and Remarkably modest prices ?> * arc characteristic of our display in this department. * | ? Beautiful Line Street and Afternoon gowns in < > ? Satin-and Taffetta in the newest modes. * * < i ? Ladies Voile Waist in most fetching models,--Also ex- < i ? qusite line Georgette and Crepe de Chine waiat i > Newest creations straight from Fifth Avenue in Ladies < ? ( Neckwear. J > * Autumn's new styles in Women's and Men's fashionable , > | Footwear?Smart Dress Boots fur Ladies in Famous Queen - < ? * Quality, Dolly Madison, and Mazine?Star Brand and < > ? Brown Shoe Oo.'s Shoes for men. ' * * Biggest line Men's and Boys'. Suits and Overcoat* ever < > ' shown. < > : . - , ; ? ? ' ~ . < | Millinery! Millinery!! ;: Latest Creations. You ape cor ? dially invited to inspect it. ? > Mis* Naomi T.Wiggins \\ (V^NN BROS. BUILDING) < ? ? Ai* ' *? THE WEEK'S DOINGS AROUND AHOSKIE Subscribe for tbe Herald. Dan Boyette spent Thursday in Norfolk. MUe Lucille Williams of Harrells ville, was in Ahoskie Thursday. Attorney Jno. E. Vann, of Winton, was Ahoskie Thursday on business. Mr. Jno. R. Slider, who has been erecting the Herald's new press, left Thursday for Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Carter spent the past Sunday with the latter's parents, in Homeville. They made the trip, by automobile. Let every citizen of the County attend some one of the rallies in con nection with the War Y. M. C. A. work next week, and hear wnat the "men in khaki" have to say about the matter. You man who say you are a patriot and would enlist, if you could, to fight for the dignity and honor of your county show your patriotism by contributing to ' the Y. M. C. A. war work fund. The flower of our young manhood is going, we must give. Sergeant Talmage Baker, of Bat tery E. Field Artillery, at Camp Jackson, arrived Thursday-morning, to spend, a abort furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Baker. Sergeant Bake? was among the number of Hertford County boys sent to Camp Jackson in the first draft. Ahoikie Baptist Church. , All of the members of the Aho kie Baptist Church will please take notice that very important meeting will be held at the church Sunday morning, November 18, at eleven o'clock. It is desired that every member of the church tie present. Those who read this notice please tell others. C. G. Powell, Committee. Cotton in Hartford County. There were 543 bales of cotton counting round as half bales, gin ned in Hertford County from the crop of 1917, prior to Nov. 1, as compared with 2093 bales ginned to Nov- 1, 1918. A. T. Newsome, Special Agent. ~ ii? ? ? < Hertford Conn tv Soil Survey. "Soil Survey of Hertford County, N. C." is the title of a recent publi cation, which is now ready ffor dis tribution and can be secured by ad dressing a request to Hon. Jno. H. Small, House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. A copy should be In" every home in Hertford Coun ty and It takes only a three cent let ter to secure one. One of the fea tures of this publication is a large colored map of the County. Write for one today. I. R. Garrett Painfully Injured. Mr. 1. R. Garrett was painfully injured about the right eye last Tuesday afternoon, while working around the saw mill of Garrett and Lawrence. A slab of lumber thrown by the saw, struck him in the face, just above and below the eye, caus ing ugly gashes, but probably not injuring the ball of the eye. Drs. Green and Walker dressed the wounds, taking a few stitches. Ow ing to the inflamation, the exact damage done could not be ascer tained. Mr. Garrett left fer Nor folk Wednesday to enter a hospital. Operetta at High School Building. There will be ?n Operetta riven by the high school student* of Ahoa kie Graded School on Friday -No vember 23. Be sure to ahow your intereat in the achool by attending this enter tainment. Let's give them a full houae. T Importaat Meeting of The Better meat Aaaociatioa. The Betterment Aaaociation will hold ita regular meeting on Wednes day, November 21, at three o'clock. Thia is a very important meeting so all members of the Association and other patrons of the achool are urged to be Dreeent. Come and show your intereat in the school. There ia no better way to become interested than to visit the achool. Late Thia Week. _____ Owing to the manifold difficulties in securing power to pull our new press, the HeraM appears late thU week. It seemed almost impossible at times to think of publishing the paper, but by hard work day and night, with the volunteer services of several friends, and a hurried trip to Suffolk and Norfolk attempt ing to aecure a gas engine, we have finally issued this edition. Wir Y.M.C, A. Fund. A rally was held at the Ahoskie Baptist Church Sunday morning in interest of the Y. M. C. A. Fund. Hon. W. R. Johnson made a short talk telling of the work being done by the organization, and was fol lowed by Walter Curtis, Chairman for the Fund in Ahoskie Township. Mr. Heber Vann, County Chair man, has been in Ahoskie a day or two this week in interest of the work. Thesppedpf the Y. M. C. A. is one that should strike eviry person and it should be a highly prised privelege to everybody to be able to aid this worthy cause. Read the article on page one, then read what the Herald said along this line last week, and you can do nothing less than give a substan tial contribution. Let's oversub scribe Hertford County's allotted amount?$1500! Epworth League Meeting. The Epworth League of Ahoskie Methodist Church will render an in teresting program at that church Sunday evening, beginning at 7;80 o'clock. The public is invited. WANTED FARM?1 or two hone farm, within 7 miles of Ahoekie. Moat be good water, good locality. Parties moat be in good standing or they need not reply to thia ad. Prefer to rent on halves but will make other terms. J. F. Leggett, Greenville N. C., route 1. It There is more Catarrh hi this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and for years it was sup posed to be incurable. Doctors pre scribed iocal remedies, and by constant ly failing to cure with local treatmeot, pronounc?p it incurable, Catarrh ia a local disease, gre t[y influenced by con stitutional conditions and therefore re quires constitutional treatment, Hall's Catarrh Medicine manufactured by F, J,1 Cheney ft Cc, Toledo, Ohio, is a can stitutionil remedy, is taken internally and acta tnru the Blood Jon ths Mucous Surfaces 'of the System- One Hundred Collars Reward will be paid for any ease that Hall's Catarrh Medicine fails to cure- send for circulars and testi monials F J CHENEY ft CO, Toledo' Ohio ?old by Druggists. 76c Hall's Family Wis for Constipation ad Job Printing We are here to I serve you with See Us anything in the line of printed ki?- stationery for your business and personal use. ? ? ? ? UttwHwda^ BBIBMds Wedding Invitation. Posters or flannaaasm?N Of Anna* The beat quality of work ' at prices that axe RIGHT if Better Goods J J Better Service f Cbc Busy Store I i | ? * I E J. Oerock | | Ahoskie, N. C. I I Ready to ttlcar Suit or Overcoat, $10.00 up to $18.50 We can truly lay that at no previous season have we ever shown a larger and I more beautiful collection of such high class garments at these popular prices. I Every Suit, every Overcoat, English Slant, are expertly tailored. Every favor I ed model, every desirable color, every wanted material, every size is here at $10.00 I to $18.50. . MADE TO ORDER, $12.50 to $37.50. Little Boys' Suits in Mixture and Blue Serges, $3.00 to $7.50. I Young Men's Trench Overcoats, the latest style $11.00. Youth Suits in all cloths and colors and Knickerbocker trousers $5.00 to $1500. Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats, cotton or wool. The popular colors, 75c to $5.00 Cjf THE BUSY STORE Vr Gr ? AHOSKI E-N.C. 1 ? . . , , ; 'j : [ . > i I * * ~ '*? , *?. v ^ j jSI ? Bounds Motor Co. Weldon, N. C. , ? v - I ! Distributors in Halifax, Northampton and Hertford Counties for ? . J Chevrolet Automobiles Republic trucks Immediate Delivery. Time Payment Arranged. ^ ^ (Want Ads] | One Cent Per Word CASH WITH ORDER * lostr-the news of your community if you do not take the HERALD. Ask us. \ 1 i Wanted-every person who receives a sample copy of this pa per to send us one dollar and a half, and receive the HERALD for twelve months, \ WANTED-ONE OR TwO MEN to sell and collect, i Good pay to right man. Singer Sewing Ma chine Co., Suffolk, Va. 8t men wanted?to subscribe to the Herald. Women just as desirable. Price $1.50 per year. wanted?1000 new sub^cri bera to the HERALD. Apply here for sale-maxwell road stor, run Ave months, good con dition . Terms given, by Applying to HERALD, Ahoskie. tf 5X7 PHOTOS - Big Day at Association . held In Ahoskie, 86 Cents Send Stamps to J AS. , PARKER, 201 Cedar St., 1 Suffolk, Va, ' ' i a bargain?fifty-t 0 is- ' sues of 'the HERALD for one ( dollar and fifty cents. very important that every subscriber to pay his subscrip tion in advance. For Sale Duroc Jersey pigs from ragistored stock. B. G. Williams, Co field. N. C. 111-4 Fill WALK-OVER MODELS! 9 The mort beautiful shoes ever offered at our store. * We have bent every effort to make our Fall Dis play and showing of Walk-Over Shoes?the Classiest and Cleverest we have ever had. We have been helped greatly by being one of a chain of 7000 agencies. You will see in our store the same mqdels, patterns and creations as are shown in New York, Chicago, Frisco, New Orleans, or Kansas City. We do feel prqud of these clever Chic styles and we know that every Walk-Over wearer will share this feeling with a pair on the feet?and this feeling will grow the longer they are worn. Your inspection is solicited U. Yataghan's "1 he Quality Store" MURFREESBORO, N. C., fcmZElS,*BANK^ A Preaches and practices Preparedness. X A Provide* for the needs of its customer*. W ? Pays 4/f interest on time deposits. Protects your money and pays you for the * . j ' X Promptly attends to all items of buisnea*. X I CITIZENS BANK I 4 MURFRCCSBORO. N. C. $ , ?. ? ?? ? - ... .y 1. ? , '? i. \

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