IS TOUR 111 01 BUR MAIL LIST? ?: 'T WILL YOU RECEIVE ONE OF OUR HANDSOME NEW JEWELRY CATALOGES THIS WEEK? This is the week that thousands of home* will receive our New Jewelry Catalog. Whig book in your home Christ mas Gift Buying ia made a pleasure instead of a burden. With it you can ait right in your own home amid *11 the comforts and choose the newest, beet and most appropri ate Gift Things the market* of the world afford. Every thing shown ia* fully guaranteed and no matter what you ' order from us you must be preased or your money will be cheerfully refunded. tPaui- Sale- Sreen wood Cd., Snc. "jCmrynt f*uttUrs Sent A" Granby Street at City Hall Avenue, Norfolk, Va. We tell Vktrolas and Edison Diamond Dim Phonographs | - A HOUSE FULL {I < > of Stap'.e Grocer las awaits your selection and purchase. i > i > Fancy Groceries also. < > * > Buy what you w?.nt from the Premier Grocery Store in Town. ^ | Our goods are as good as the best. 4 > ;> J. P. BOYE1TE, Ahoskie, N. C. ij ^ The Welfare of Our Depositors ' 0 = u I, It has been the continuous policy of this bank, since its establishment in 1903, to keep in mind, at all times, the welfare '1 of its depositors, regardless of the size of the account. < i ? * The success of the SMALL BUSINESSMAN is ?f as ^ (, much interest to us as that of the Mtui of Big Business, and our > ' facilities are equally available to both. ,, (' We invite the ooportunity to demonstrate our ability to i t <i meet your banking requirements. ' merchants and Farmers Bank !? WINTON, N. C. | For Strength and Durability Buy a Standard Weber. * For Sale by % H Uann $ Bro* flboskie, n. 0. ? ? . ' > ? A COMPACT I I ELECTRIC I I U6HT AND I ? POWER PtANT I ? FOR YOUR 1 ^FA^MbR^' I SELF CRANKING I I AIM COOLED I I THIQt PLATS I ' ? IONO-UVCD I ?ATTSRV I BALLBEARINGS I |BI?w~M?HB Over 40.000 owners of farms, country homes and stores, throughout the world, representatives of over sixty different lines of business, are finding DELGO-LIGHT to be a dependable and trust ?I worthy electric light and power plant. II SOME OF THE SATISFIED USERS AND BOOSTERS. E. B. Vaughn and H. V. Porker - Mapleton, N. C. II H. C. Faiaon and A. C. Vann - - - Winton, " " H A. L. Jefferiea and O. H. Britton ? - (Afield, "" ? M. T. Wilson. Colerain, " " V J. C. Benthall, > St. Johns, " 9 \ ?J. A. ELEY, AGENT,! ? TUNIS. N. C. < ?. ? 4 , ? ============= Administratrix Notice Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of Harriett 1L Chitty, deceased, late of Hertford County, North Carolina, this i$ to notify all persona holding claims against the said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 8th day of November, 1918 or this notiee will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona indedted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This November 8,. 1917. Eva E. Cowan, Administratrix. Administrator's Notice Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of Alma Hall, deceased, late of Hertford County, this is to notify all persona, hold ing claims against the said estate to present them to th$ undersign ed, duly verified, on or before tbe 29th nay of October, 1918. or this notice will be Dlead in bar of their recovery. All Dei-son* indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. Bessie Hall, aduiinistratraix of Alma Hall, deceased. Roswell C. Bridger, atfcorliev. October 29, 1917. Notice! ItKTI 1 SiriKltl CM1KT IKimtlCHm I KKItl'IKI TKBI 1(18 Npra Askew vs John Askew The above defendant above nam ed will take notice that at) action entitled at> above has been com menced .n the Superior Court of Hertford County, North Carolina, to obtain a divorce "A VINCULO MATRIMONII" and the said de fendant will further take notice that he is required to apoear at the term of the Superior Court of said County to be held on the first Monday before the first Monday in March, it being the 25th day of February 1918, at the Courthouse in said County at Winton, N. C* and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 20th day of October 1917. ^ ? D. K. McOloiiun;? ?Clerk of SnperrorCourt. C. W. Jones, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Sale. By virtue of the power and au thority given by a certain mort gage, executed by J. T. Dilday and wife. Mary T. Dilday, to L. J. Lawrence, Trustee, which .is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for the county of Hert ford, in book 31 page 50 the fol lowing property will, be sold at public auction, viz: The Old Montgomery Mill prop erty, situated in Winton township in said Hertford County, and the State of North Carolina, formerly owned by J. B. Sumner, and also formerly owned by J. H. Mitchell and conveyed by the said J. H. Mitchell and wife, Lila, by deed, to the said J.' T. Dilday. which deed bears date October 26th, 1905 and recorded in the office of Reg ister of Deeds for ?aid Hertford County, in book 26 on page 462, to which reference is hereby made for a better description. Place of sale: in front of Court house door in Winton, N. C. Time of sale: Monday, Decem ber 3rd, 1917, at 12 o'clock M. Terms of sale: Cash. This October 15th, 1917. L. J. Lawrence, Trustee." Notice of Sale Under Mortgage! By virtue of the power and authority given by a certain mort gage, executed by J. E. Artis and wife Annie to E. W. Sessoms which is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for the County of Hert ford in book 86, page. 298, the fol lowing property wflL be sold at Public Auction, viz: A certain tract of land known as the Martha Hayea lot, adjoining-the-land of P. J. Vann and W. & P. Railroad Com pany, beinejon the cerner of Cath erine Street and First Avenue, said tract containing 1-4 acre more or les.M. Place of Sale: At CodH House door In Hertford Cpunty. Time of Sale: Monday December 10th, 1917. at 2 o'clock P. M. Terms of Sale: Cash. This 8th day of November, 1917. E. W. Jessoms, Mortgagee?. Administrator's Notice He ving qualified as administra tor of ZMary Jenkins, deceased, this is to notify all persons hold ing claims against said estate to present the same o the undersign ed, for payment, on orbefore the 87th day of October, 1918, or thi? notice will be plead in bar of their, recovery. All partiea indebted to said es tate wilt please make immediate payment. This 27th day of October, 1917. Roswell U. Briduer. Administra tor of Msrj- Jenkins, dece>i?e<t CALOMEL DYNAMITES A SLUGGISH LIVES Oruhes into sour bile, making jou sick and you Iom a day's work. Calomel salivatasi It's mer cury. QaltWel acta like dyna mite on a sluggish liver. When oalomel comes into contact -with sour bile it crashes into it, oaosing cramping and nausea. If yon feel bilious, headachy, constipated and all knocked out, just go to your druggist and get a 50 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone, which is a harmless vegetable substi tute for dangerous oalomel 1 Take a spoonful and if it does not start your liver and straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel and without making you siok, you just go back and get your money. ? ? If you take oalomel today, you'll be sick and nauseated to morrow; besides, it may sali vate you, while if you take Dodson's Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great, full of ambition and ready for work or play. It's harmless, pleasant and safe to give to children; they like it Notice of Summons North Carolina, Superior Court. Hertford County, Bessie Hall and husLand, L. P. Hall V8 Clarence Cbavis. Dennie Gbavis, and wife, Mary Chavis, Starkie Chavis and wife, Florenft Ghavii, Hunter Clmvin, Claudie Hall and 1 husband, Geo Hall. The defendant*, Dennie Chavis and wife, Mary Cbavis, Starkie Cbavis and wife, Florence ChayiS, and Hunter Chavis. will take no tice tbat an action entitled aa above, baa been commenced in tbe Superior Court (before the Clerk) of Ufirllurd County, for ait a<rtu?l partition of a certain tract of land situated in Hertford County. North Carolina, St. Johns Town .ship, beini; the .'lands devised to Bessie Hall, nee Cbavis, Cliirence Chavis and Alma Hall, nee Chavis deceased, by the last will and tea tament of J. N. Holloman, deceas ed. And the said defendant* will further take notice that they ard required to appear at the office of tbe Clerk of the Superior Court at the Courthouse in Winton, at 10 o'clock A. M., oiy Saturday, the first day of December, 1917, and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action or the plain tiffs will apply m the relief de manded in said complaint. D. R. McGlohon, Clerk of Superior Court. This 29th day of October, 1917. R. C. Bridg-er, attorney A Notice of Sale i . By virtue of an order made on the 29th day of October, 1917. by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Her ford Codnty, North Caro lina, in a special proceeding pend ing in said Court, entitled Belle F. Wall, administratrix of J. L. Wall, deceased, et als. vs Eva A. Wall, tbe undersigned Commis sioners will, on the 3rd of Decem ber, 1917, at 12 o'clock M.. offer for sale to the highest bidder -for cash, in front of the Courthouse door in Winton, North Carolina, the following described piece, parcel on lot of laod. to-wit: That certain pieob or parcel of land sit uated in Murfreesboro Township, County and State aforesaid, known as the "C-olored School lot", bounded by the lands of tbe said Belle F. Wall, the lands of K. C. Bridger, the heirs of W. N. Wiirgins, containing one acre, more or less, and more fully de acribedJn the Maid- order-made in said special proceeding, to which reference ii hereby made for a better and more complete descrip tion. This October 30th, 1917. C. Wallace Jones, Lloyd J. Lawrence, Commissioners. ^UB^O^PAIN' with good oil Hhiment, That's ( i the sureft wav to stop thetn. ; ]. The best rubbing liniment is , MUSTANG LINIMENT Good for the Ailments of Horse*, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Qood for your own A cha. Pains, Rheumatism, Sprain*, Cut*, Burnt, Etc. I | aJc. 50t lit At all Dealers. \ J ___ ' Tobacco aad Youth. VtaMTw <H?m? o( opinion titer* mmr be among antaitMu phyatntam ?aooerninc tta edecta ot tobeooo in nodarate nee by adalta?and. aleo, * lot at featon au?okel??6ere la no dl rtaon of mind upon the queetlon of tbe harmful Influence of totaaoo 1b PmOl ladled. thta U not a quuetloa at opinion, tat ot tact. It la a wa|l ?atarbllahed Sect ttat tta youth, that la. tta lad under twentrona, who 1* H|? in tobaooo In any form la phyat sally and mentally weakened by tta oareotlc. Tbla taa been thoroughly Aemonatrated br an extended aeriea al Mate ot tta fhyaiaal aide by Dr. WHICH BRIGHT RYU, A CLEAR BRAIN, A HEALTHFUL BODY or A Rhys leal, Meats I, Moral WreokT Olgprettee In Youth Make the Differ enoa. Bearer, Physical Director at Vale, and various other authorities; and on (ha mental side by Dr. Bub, Profee aor of Physiology at Vermont, and numerous other itudenta. A 700th, la reasonably good health, require*00 stimulation, and ha can ? endure the aottlon ot a narcotic bbt eral time* a day. To the narcotic In flneooe of tobacco may be assigned, we think, the veil grounded prejudice against the cigarette. In popular opin ion. The young tod who aoqulres the cigarette habit to treading very dan geroaa ground, tor while ha la paaalag ?trough the formntlTe yaara and anb Jact to the greatoat temptations his moral defense u reduced by the sooth ing or dolling effect of tobacco, ao that ha la Indeed a lucky youth U ha eosnee through to manhood's aetata un tainted and unaeathed. ma la not the obeerratlon of a theorlet or a moralist, mind you; it Is the belief of the experienced physician. Parents too frequently atqntoaoa to the tobacco habit or tafl to erect the atrleteat pledge frcas their growing born A father may smoke If he vd; hl? character U formed, bat ha ahoald narar forget that hla boys are atiU plastic, and much mora sabject to s* tarnal tnOueaoaa than to the good ta ??aaoaa at the bona, fat thses modern Tweaty-one years ought to be Itie minimum ace at which a youth might Indulge In tobacco. Twenty-Are yeare to yowag ufaoagh far moat man to tab op the weed. Our lawi are too lax In this respect. A boy to a boy un til be baa baoome a man la every ?ens* of Ilia word, and It le the dia P*oe of clrMliatlon that ao many of Mr boys are phyaically, mentally and morally tainted before the age of man hood to attained. Be It el early understood, we do not Intimate that a youth may not smohs and still preserve bla moral oharaptor on tainted; we merely apeak from long medical expedience when wa aaa that It to * mighty dlfflcoh thing for a boy to do ao nowadays. Here to a aerrloe mothers may do for their growing boys. A mother's appeal win reach the heart and afcoll of any eon. * Let every Mother exact from her boy* a solemn pledge not to smoke an til twenty-one, and thoae boya will be glad of It whan they are old enough to know enough to app>? elate a good mother. QUESTIONS AND ANSWIRS. Bad Teeth Indletad. b it tme that bad teath oanaa rheu matlamT Should tonalls that gat acre occasionally be removed? ' Answer?Ta* Bad teeth eaoae many things Including labor sleep, b^upr, dis position and money. Accord l ng^fft Osier decayed teeth le a medium for IsfeeHon of rheumatism and tabercutoeU. Dla eaaed toaslla should Invariably be re moved, especially If there le a family tendency to diisfnsee, tuberculosis or rheumatism. But for an occasional en largement with simple eore throat, re sulting from caraleee personal hygiene; and where the family history la good the advice of a good specialist should be eought before oonsldortag an operation for removal. rind Out the Rani Trouble. For twenty years I have ?u*srsd from head catarrh. Can yon tall ma what to do for a relief? Anewer?Too are probably good for at leeet twenty years- more sjrfertas. be cauae head catarrh never kins: and toe afflicted oae le kept so busy thlnklag (and talking) about It old age creepe oa aa awarae. Seriously speaking, however, the word eatarrh means Inflammation What Is omamonly called "head oatarrh" Is elthsr due to a deviated esptum ta the noee. Inflammation In the nasal er fron tal sinuses, or the eustachian tulwa. Or it may be simple hag fever, a dlesees das to the pollen from . certain weeds aad (lowers. The only remedy Is to W to dlsoover the eaoae aad remove It. li the trouble Is In the noee er throat a surgi cal operation might give relist. Opec sJr steeping the year round aad the avoid Tnci of aatremee at heat and cold, spe cially too hot rooms or railroad trains, wtH most eertalaly ha* a great djaL Plata food, simply prepared. anT tftj ahetinenee from aloohehe beverages will also help a great deal. TINKERING WITH OLD SORES. All external mm > and many inter nal era are nothing bat old sor*s to th* he tinning. Old ooId sores oa the lip which do not heal within a reasonable time; eld warts or pbnplss on the taoe wtloh aknoat heal up, when beoocne Irritated, Mead a Uttlo, scab over and almost beal up a*aln, only to becoms irritated once mors, and so on. Ihsrs la a real deal of foolish prej udice against vbst Ik* craok with an ?Decad cancer care llkss to call "the knits" This prejudice mar hare bean JnatUad In the ancient days whan an operation was pafcifnl and isrr dan gerous ; than th* doctor* had no anaa thetloa and knew nothing ahont th* ways ot pr*reotins ? blood-poisoning, and so an operation was a rsry s*r CASK,THE MAN.) WH Ol s KNOWSj^A DONT TINKER WITH OLD SOUKS. Lot Your Doctor too Thorn.?They May bo' the Beginning of Canoor. loua adventure, no matter how trifling, ?t present, with either, chloroform, oxygen or nttrooa oxide, (laughlns gaa), and other aafe aneathetlca, aa w*U aa the local anaath etica < which render minor oporatlooa absolutely palnloee. there la nothing about Mr ?on to dtoad. and under modern mathoda there la laaa dan par of blood poisoning folio wine an operation than there la after the use of aliased heal ing aaWea and can cor paatao. Rarely It magr bo Impossible, for cama reason, to giro a patient aa anes thetic, and bono# a ccuicar past?'may ba the only choice, but It la a far more dangeroua remedy, aa* far laaa oar tain to cure canoor than operation. Maay little aoraa about the lipo, the Aaat or on the akin anywhere, which rMil In IrrltatM aad refuse to heal tor a period of three montha or longer, n?a akin canc tra, though It may be ?any months., pret years in. some aaaoa, before tha growth will snr?at1 or beoonir e'n- .in .n-? , *?m1 nn*-i"ir y f ro' ? < U to bars inch lores surgically treat ed, by roar physician or A surgeon be win recommend. Take a wart tor to ?tuce. Often enough It resists each and erery alleged remedy and only become* mora Irritated the more yo? tinker wltb Tt Bat; with the aid at a local anesthetic, tt can be remorsd In a (aw minutes, and that Is the sad of the tromble. People like to Itpaglna that this or that application possessee some toys' tartan* "healing" rtrtue. Ho remedy, we care not what Its nature, makes a sore heal The physician prescribes certain remedies to accomplish defi nite things which ha finds necessary to aid Natore In the healing process. Tst the tact remains that Nature al ways does the healtag, and at a rate which cannot be hastened by haman agencies Healing, however, may be retarded or prevented by Hl-a#riaed applications to a wound or sore, and this 1s the reason Why It Is always mora economical to let your doctor de cide what is best to pat on a wound or sore, 'for natarslly he understands such things much better than a mere druggist or a manufacturer or medi cine, or an old woman, or the patient hlmaelf. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Don't Poultice a Boll. Will you tell me what can see bolls? Are they contagions? Not long ago I had one on my arm, now I hare sot eral What Is a food treatment for bona? Answer?A bed. sr "furuncle" ss tlx surgsoas say. Is nothing but aa abscess of the Ala. The <*>ential oeuss is the pus germ. Not in. tlte sense that msasiee or whooping oough is. The pus germ Is ooly capable of pesatratlng the skla la tare Instances. They generally gain ad ntmanee through a hair follicle or "shin" gland. Th.r are ooneeyed from the skin on ens part of ths body to anothsr by contact as soratohlag. Ths. prophylaa Us trsatmsnt consists of cleanliness. A person having one or more bolts should laks a warts bath at Isast. four tlmss a week, using soap tree <Tobi alkalis and fancy perfumery. When a boll first oe curs try to abort It by Soeohlng with purs carbolic acid; and paint around It with tlncturs of Iodine. if It goee on and pus forms, so at onos to a good Sootor, one who gets rsd In ths fass If you suggsst applying a poultice sr greasy salve. A hot oompseas will do all ths good any posltlo* can do and dses It without In curring any danger The right doctor will take a sharp kalis and open thor oughly sad finish by spplylng a stsrtie UtMIBf. Bad Stuff in Cough Midlolni. I" medlolne containing one grain of opium to t&e ounce geod to stop a cough from chronic bronchial trouble? _ %aowte pmah modioli* would b* omn BWy to make the bronohltle muoh wo?e' in the end Opium, morphine. heroin codeine?all*derived from opium?are bad for any cou?rh These narcotic* maralj lull the brain for the time being, nut you forget the couch, but meanwnlle m? dieeaee le getting a firmer foothold, and when you come to thin*, after the flrat bottle le empty, you will dhuovar yvo are worse th*n In the beginning. V*ry rarely n doctor may flr.d It r.dr!fl*We t?? *' i~p diminish a flough tenm'-orn* v ?? '* ? 1 ' . == " Certain Care for Croup Mrs. Rose Middleton, of Green ville, III., bas had experience in the treatment of tbw disease. She ?.Vb, "When my children were imall m.v son had crosp contin >usly. Chamberlain's Coufrb Rem sdy always broke tip these attacks mmediately, and I was never with >nt it in my house. I huve taken 'tmofolf fur rfniirlM und colds with rnod rca^'to." Ad*. A Mr*. P. 0. Stncbell Tell* How gb? Cured Her Son of ? Cold "When my hod Ellis wa* sick wittap cold last winter I gave him Cuamberlaio'a Cough Remedy. It bsiped him at once aDd quickly droke up his cold," wntee Mrs. P. O. Stuchell, Homer City, Pa. This remw^y linn been in use for many years. Its jiood qualities have been fully proven by many thousand** of people. It is.pleas ant and safe to take. Adv. . , gL* f O. J. NEYVBERN, I Agent I Foed Automobile, Ahoekie, N. C. ? Touring Car 1360.(H Runabout 345. l|B F. O. B. Detroit. ' II C. Wallace Jones Attorney and CcunaeUor-At-Law I WINTCW. N. C. I Practice in all court*. Loan* negotiaH ed. All matters given orompt H andfaithful attention. Located In Bank of Win tan- I Walter R. Johnsoifl Attokkht-at-Law Ahokib. Nobth Carolina H Practices wherever service* deair?H 2(4 riMT j. 1. <*4?li III I If ix ROGERS & WILLIAMS ? A ttorneya-at-Law ?? Prompt Attention Given to Air H Buaineae. ? AHOFKIE. N. C. Roawell C- Brldgar Attomey-at-f aH WINTON. N. C! ? 3ASH, DOORS. HARDWARlfl PAINTS. LIME. CEMENT. SEWElfl PIPE. CART MATERIAL. MlLLB 8UPPLIES. STOVES. RANGES ? AND ETC. CLOSE PRICES. ? MAIL ORDERS 80LICITBD AND OBLIGE. E L. FOLK CO. No. 017-010 Washington Square )? 8UFFOI.K. VA. ? i. ?? " .. J. R. EVANS Practical Tin Roofer ind sh? Metal Worker Prices Hight. MURFREESBORO. K. 0. ? ? Edgar Thomaa Snipea Attorney^l-La Loana Negotiated Real Eatate Bought and Sold Office: 2nd Floor J. W. Godwin. Jr.. Bk AHOSKIE. N. C. ' ?fl. R, ALLCM . Dealei In' 8ASH, DOORS. BLINDS, WINDO GLASS, HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholesale and RetaU No. 927 Wa*bio?toa Square HI' Any one desiring to purchai tombeotoaes of any description, see or wfite J. B. MOULIN. Aboskie. N. ( Agents for ' United States Marble Co. ' dr/ C. G Powell DENTIST PHONE NO. 10 AHOSKIE. 5. C.; * ? Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as admmistrj tor of D. B. Reynolds, decease* this is to notify all persons boldin claims against said eatate to prt sent them to tbe undersigned, fa payment, on or before the- 27tl day of Octaber, 19X8. or Una n< tice will be plead in bar ot tbei recovery. All parties indebted to spid et late will please make immediat payment, Boswell C. Bridger, administrate of D. B. Reynolds, deceased. 11 Administrator's Noticel ? ii ?*? v H Having qualified as administrate! of W. T. Askew, deceased, fete <>? Hertford County, North Carolina? this is to notify all persons indebtefl to said estate to present them tH the undersigned on or before thH 14th day of November, '1918, ofl this notice will be plead in" bar oH their recovery. All persons indebted to said estatH will please make immediate payfl ment. H This 14th day of November, 19171 J. R. Garrett, Administrator. I For A Weak atomae ? -As a general rule all ycfli nee(S to do is to adopt a diet suited ifl .your age and occupation and tfl keep your bowels regular. Wbetfl you feel tbat you have eaten Uxfl much and when consaipated, takfl one of Chamberlain's Tablets. acfl No. 666 I .Thin la a prescription prepared eapeclallfl for MALARIA 9t CHILIS A. FEVCrH H ive or tlx dote* will break any caw. an|B if liken then aa a toaic the Ferer will ikS tti"1- I acta on the liVer better ihnU ^?omel and doea not gripe or aicken. To Cur* ? CoM la On* Pay. TikeLAXAttVSaaOMOOalah. Batopettafl Congh and Hraiii >? and worta off tke CoMB Dratflata nlaad montr li M laila to cvrafl ?. w. oaovii s aJsaaitire aa aaafe boa. JOaB I

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