Hertford County Heram) THE LARGEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. VOL. 8 AHOSKIE, N. C? DECEMBER 7, 1917. NO. 47 ? P? - ???????? KMD conn WW SCRIBED I. II. C. A. FUND 2,300 DOLLARS RAISED Comity Chairman and Treas urer Herewith Submit Re port* ef Amooat Snbecribed Exceeded Quota bj Sever al Hundred?The "Ti<ht . -** er.r.j ? i *i - ? wio jcorea ' The following amount* have been /?ported to me m subscribed by the in cash and piedcm, to the Y. It C. A. War rand: Maney. Neck, $480.00 HarrellsviUe, 438.00 Murfrseeboro. 428.66 St. Johns, 400.00 WiatM, US.00 Aheakie, 260.00 Total . 2301.66 J. R. Vara, County Treasurer, Whan the County Treaaurer in famed me ef the amounta subscrib ad by Herrsilsville end St. Johna township. to the Y. M. C. A. War rand, I wee assured we would cornel eel victorious la our effort! to raise a quota ef 11600. The reeulta from thee* townahips wa? the great ?at auiptlso of all for everything seaamd eo diaeouraging in each at Ufa beginning. But after thaoe Mad people had beau aomewhat In hiimad ia to what their duty waa they determined to "go over the top" aad to be aatisfled with noth ing leas than a decisive victory. TWf are entitled to special mention a* they got a late start. The figures given on this page by the treaaurer riiosr that something ever $2*00 has been subscribed for the fond. This result shows up very well for the County, but is not a dollar more than should hare ben given, in fact, not as much. Our people were thoroughly uninformed at the beginning of the campaign H aa to the nature, scope, ane possi bilities of the Y. M. C. A. work in ear own army and eavy aad these ad ear allies. And quite a greet aaaibw of them are still uninform ed. Could our entire constituency bare been iaatrueted we would have reached the $6,000 mark. I was somewhat doubtful myself about obtaining the $1800 asked from the County. But after I knew 'more thoroughly what waa being aecom pHshed by the work for which this dent ear people would far exceed the quote, if only we could present the awtter to them la an intelligent way. We have attempted to do that vary thing and the citizenship of the County, and a good people thv are, have measured up to eve ry expectation. I accepted the chairmanship with great trepida tion, but all my doubts and feats vanished after I had bean In the campaign a few days. Bat please tot honor be bestowed whan it is doe. The results would have been unobtainable with out the most loyal and active 'co operation of the township chairmen and their ?istsnts. They have been an faithful; and I know that esvenri of them have made sacrifl aas both as to themselves and their time. To eaeh and ail of them ? wieh to sipi?i my most grateful thanka. And, I most not forget to mention and thank the preachers of the County both colored and white of all denominations, for their as sistance. In fact I wish to include la the Hat each individual who has been of any service at ail In the campaign. Bat, avovs all' things much credit Is due our aolored friends for their unfeigned liberali ty. They have Riven more than their proportionate share of the ' aum raised In my own township almost half of the amount reported waa given by the colored people. ' And It Is very gratifying to know that se many individuals have eon tribe ted. So far aa I can learn the (Conttnued on page dgnt) I ? V , ? VINTON JVAVEtETTS I The Thanksgiving service in the Baptist Church Thursday night was simple b?jt impressive. Short talks on Thanksgiving war* made by the pMtor, Rev. 8. N. Watson, and Mr. John E. Vann. There waa special music by the choir. One hundred and fifty dollars will be sept u> the Thomasville Orphanage aa a Thanks giving offering. ?Misses Helen Tamer and Annie Lee Carter spent the weak and with Miss Francis Griffin in Gatea Coun ty. Dr.Y-M. Barber, of M'acdee field spent Thanksgiving with friends here. Miss Bert Matthews, teacher of 5th and 7th gradea of the Winton High School, waa pnabie to teach Monday and Tueada* on account of Miss Roth Davenoort of. the Rich 8quare High 8chool, spent Thanks giving with bar mother, Mrs. Loula Davenport. Sergeant Adrian Mitchell, of Camp Sevier, South Carolin a, spent a few days the past week with his parenta, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Mitch ell. Mrs. R. 8. Courting and children, of SJTUliamston, are visiting Mrs. Oour ting's sfafr. Mrs. H. Br Jones. Dr. W. B. Pollard want to Nor folk Sunday morning to attend the funeral of his father, who had been vary iU for several months, and died Saturday, December 1. Miss Leola McCullers. of Chowan Oat tags, ipsnt the week end with Mias Kate Taylor. Mrs. Braxton Hill and children, of Bare, have been visiting their parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Liv erm&n. Meadames H. B. Knox, C. W. I Carter and James Newaome spent Friday in Norfulk shopping. Professor N. W. Britton attend ed the Taachers Meeting in Char 4ottf last weak. * Mrs. D. A. Holland and daughter. I Mrs. G. W. Hayes and Mim Clyde Holland, and Mim Iaaquelda Saun ders, of Franklin, Va., were the gua*{| of honor of Mrs. J. H. Lee the past wade. Rob Britton haaneeapted a posi tion as assistant cashier of the Bank of Eure. # Miaa<Thelma Mitchell has charge of the New RoAs School and began teaching two weeks ago. She speods Saturday* and 8undays at her home here. n.1. Horton's Personals. Owing to the indament weather last Thursday, the Thanksgiving services was postponed. We didn't quite gat our crops oat by Thanks giving this time. We aire sorry to report Mrs. Ju Ha Powell on the sick list this week. She is badly missed at Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Parker spent! last Sunday with relatives near Kel ford. ,Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Howard, of Aulander, visited relatives here Sun day. Mrs. H. W(. Greene went to Rox obel Monday 'to have some dental work done. ] M'. J. P. Parker went to Alioe kie one day last week So business. Mr J. W. barker attended court In Windsor a part of last week. Owing to the illness of Pastor Davis. Mr. Herbert Jenkins, of Au lander, filled his appointment here fourth Sunday P. M. Although not a preacher. Mr. Jenkins is a good talker. He mads a vary good talk, using a selection from Revelation. We are now prepare! to do yo?v Job Printing on short notice. Phone No. >0, AhosUe, N. C. SfSKkt* ? / * TWO STORES ROBBED Robber* Entered Two Ahoekie Bu iness Houses Snadsy Ni<ht? Several Articles Stolen. A robber! entered the atorea of Z- V. Bellamy and Carter Broa. and Co. on Monday night and appro* priated about two or three hundred dollara worth of merchandise. En trance in both inataneee was made through the rear window; Ihe ro guish visitor waa evidently a person adept at valuea, for in each case he was painstaking enough to secure articles of immediate personal Tom. rather than taking anything that came into sight. The windows in the store of Z. V. Bellamy, beaidea being locked, were barred, but the burglar prised it up and broke the bare in making his entrance. Hd alao prised open the window in the store of Carter Bros, ft Co., thus making an easy entrance. Almost fifteen dollar* in cash waa taken from Bellamy's caah register, the money being the amount taken in on Sunday. Not a penny did he overlook, and Iras so discriminating as to sort ont and leave the soda checks which Were alao in the regis ter with the money. Other arti cles taken from this store included cigars, knives, a cheap razor, and a highly prised shot gun and hunting coat, the latter articles being the personal belongings of Mr. Bellamy. A Red Croat gift box waa likewise robbed of Ita contents and the bro ken box cast into the street The total value of merchandise taken My a hundred dollars. From the store of Carter Broa. ft Co. the "gentleman" secured four suits of clothes, an overcoat, two paira of shoes, several suits of un derwear, and an expensive suit caae in which to transport his supply of merchandise. He, however, failed to take the pants to three of the stolen suits, and also dropped the fifth suit at the window before get ting away. Ha was ..evidently an gered at finding nothing in the m> ney drawer, which be tore open and cast on the floor under the store counter. No trace was left behind, bqt the local authorities are on a lookout for a glimpse" of any or pait of the stolen goods. A report from Cofield received hefe Tuesday morning, stated that Britten's store was also burglariz ed Monday night, and about thirty dollars in cash and several articles of merchandise stolen. It is alao reported that a Kelford store was broken into last Friday night. Ev idently the same peraon or persona did the mischief at all three towns. Mapleton News The brightness of ramhwr has long departed, and winter frost and snow are here. The leaden trees heavy branches against the leaden sky look drear. The gardens now are blank and empty, no res tate of bright flowers there. Its handsome robes have faded quietly and a mourning gown it now does wear. TU sad to see this deso lation, In contract with fair sum mer's smite, but though things look 30 bleak and barren. 'Tia only for a little while. There will be a play entitled, Miss "Prim's Kindetgarden," at the Graded School Building here Friday evening, December Tth, at 8 o'clock. Everybody cordially invited. Re freshment* will be served. Mr. and Mrsf J. W. Whitley spent Wednesday afternoon -in Murfreee boro. Mrs. L. rf. Hollanon is suffering from a severe attack of neuralgia. Mr. 8. L. 'Griffith spent Wednea> day in Winton. * Do it now. Snbaeribe to the Hertford County Herald. $1.60 buy* It for twelve months. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hare, spent Wednesday In Morfreesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Whitley and children of Maneys Neck spent Son day in the home of Mr. S, L. Grif fith. ? g."' 7:' ?" WHAT MOTHERS CAN 00 Mother* An Asked to Ce-Operate With Quarantine Officer to Coa trol Contagions Diseases. Winton, Dee. 8-?Nobody know* what it meona to have a sick child like the mother, therefore, I am asking the mothers of this County, especially, to co-operate with me, their county quarantine officer, and by all working- together, to keep down those preventable diseases like whooping cough, measles, scar let fever and diptherta, as far as is possible. Some old fashioned mothera used to believe that whooping cough and measles were like taxes, just hA to come, and the sooner "it came and went" the better. But now moth ers know different TJhey know that even should children have the diseases when they grow up it goes less hard with them then, and they are more likely to recover without defects and impairments. Why, when a mother's baby, has measles if it is leas than five yeara old, she never knows whether it is going to be left blind, lame, or with weak ened heart or kidneys, for Hfe. Tip safest plan is to take no chances with any of these so-called children's diseased. Children don't have to have them, and why not protect them? Some of these things mothers can do to keen down whooping cough, measles, scarlet fever, infantile pa arlyais and (fiptheria in their homes and communities are, first, to sus pect the disease and keep home the children having the first symptona, such as sore throat tw heed eolds, particularly if any contagious-dis ease is in the community. Second, in case no physician ia called to at-; tend the child, the mother should ' see that the disease is reported at once to the county quarantine offi cer who will thai tell her what to do and how to treat the case. The law reqaires her to do this. Third, every mother should reapect the Quarantine Law. It may inconven ience her a little but what will a few days of inconvenience mean if it saves a child's life or even if it saves him from a lifelong defect, like blindness which is often one of the after effects of measles. The moth er who disregards the Quarantine Law is not only an undesirable citi len to hare in the community but is an enemy of little children. The number of cases of conta gious diseases in this County last month reported to me were: Mary Louise Deans, Ahoskie, R. F. D. diptheria; Bertha Lasslter, Aulan der. R. F. D/> diptheria. W. B. Pollard, M. D., County Quarantine Officer. ME OF SJUl I shall offer for ?ale on the 12th of Decem ber, 1917, at the resi dence of the late J. Tt Williams to the highest bidder for cash, all the farming impliments used1 on this eight horse farm. One and Two florae Wagons, Cart* and Wheels, Buggies, Plows, including one Three Horae Sulky Turning Plow, two Ferguson Cultivators, and various other Cultivators, Corn and Cotton Planters, Guano Distributors, Pea and Bean Huller, McCormick Mowing Machine, Hay Rake, Hay Baler, Log'^Wagon, Peanut Picker, Btaonis Tobacco Trans plantar, eight Tobacco Trucks, Paris Green Guns, and other things usually found on a large (arm. One Mule, two Horses, two Brood Sows. ? Sale to commence -at 10 O'clock A. M. December 12th, 1917. ? v ? . MRS. 11 WILLIAMS Harrellsville, N. C. - MARS HILL HEWS The Athenian Literary Society held a public meeting November 30, at 7 P. M. The program consisted of the following; 1. Devotional exercises, by Herman Davidson. 2. Quarlet, "Sweet and Low," by Misses |Fage and Miller, Messrs. Tom Whedbee and Lee Miller. 3. A debate, "Resolved that Litera ture Exerts a More Vital Influence in the World Than Invention Does; Affirmative, Lillian Coefleld, Jodie Lee; Negative, Ruth Matthew* and Edna |Harrell. 4. Reading, "The Necklace," Nan nie E. Pi'gg. 6. Chorus by the Society. 6. Spelling match by people out of school. The debate waa won by the nega tive. Miss Edna Harrell received much praise for her delivery and graceful bearing on the stage. Pre dictions are that Jodie Lee, second speaker on the affirmative, will make a powerful speaker by train ing. The quartet showed the master hand of Miss Page in training her voice pupils! _? The moat interesting feature of the evening wm the (pelting m^tch. those participating were Menara. Bill Jones, (Captain), Dan C. Miller Cart and Joe Seasons, Babe Miller. 1 against Jot Harrell, (Captain), Mas- i dames Matthew*, White, Feeeman, Arthur Wiggins and F. F. Whed- ( bee. Mr. Harrell't aide went down { wtth Mm. Matthews the last to (all. That left Mr. Dan Miller and Mr. j Jonas to fight out old Bine Black j for the prise. They went (through "incomprehensibility" and others j of like character almost to the back of old "Bine" when Mr. Jones went down bv a slip of the tongue on "allegorize," leaving Mr. Miller champion of the neighborhood on ' Bine Back Speller." ' The next spelling Bee will be be tween the pupils of the high school 1 and those who have finished within 1 the past two years and the neigh- 1 borhood. The text used will be the 1 Blue Black Speller, and the contest 1 will be announced after Christmas. 1 The High School wyi have its an- 1 nual Christmas entertainment on ' the last Friday evening before 1 Christmas at 7 P. M. Messrs. John- : nie and Kaleigh Baker have been ' invited to furnish string music for I the occasion. ?: 1 IHtOHTISI ? ' 4 Will you roffer from this moat 1 dreadful disease when L-Rheumo 1 has proven the Greatest Remedy i for'the past 26 year? Thousands of people testify to its wonderful cures. This famous prescription should be in your home. Have it ready when yon feel that first pain. Ask to be shown your money back . guarantee. For sale by E. L. Jenkins & Son, Winton. N. C., W1GLMitcheH, Au lander, N. C. Adv. - RlPB-ftW.T!3M Will cure y >Tir Rheumatism Neuraljia, Headaches Cramps, Colic, Sprains. Bruises Cuts and Bam '.Oid Sorcj, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 2Sc. Menola News Little Louiae Snipes continues to be very ill: She is a general favorite and all feel anxioas about her. Mm. J. M. Eley returned from Uatesville last Monday after spend insr several days with her brother, Dr. J. R. Parker. Prof. J. Robert Browne, of Looia burg, spent a part of .the Thanka fiving season with home paonk here. Mrs. Mollie Harrell, of Potecaai, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. C. Parker. Mr. and Mra. J. M. Hey attend ad a family reunion last Friday at the home of Mr. John A. Parker's, near Mt. Tabor. A bountiful din ner was served and a general good time waa enjoyed. The guests in cluded Mrs. Minta Parker, of Suf folk, Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Parker and laughter, Miss Mabel, of Gatesville, Mr. and Mra. J. M. Eley, of -Meno la, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Matthews ?nd Mr. Harry Harrell, of Dram Hill, and Misses Carrie and Sibvl Parker, of Woodland. It waa re gretted that Mra. W. T. Ben thai I. Mr. Parker's elder sister, ?ras un able to be present. Mr. Walter Spivey and Miass Martha Bigger* and Guy Holman, of Rich Spuare, visited in the home of Mrs. Mary Brown on Friday night. The Menola Red Cross workers have sent some Christmas packages to the soldier boys in camp. *Mrs. Minta Parker, of Suffolk, is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. M. Eley. to Camp Jackson a short time ago. Is at home for a few daya. What ir, LAX-FOS LU-f Ji II AN MtfUftO CAS CAM A c reative Liqubl Lautire, Cathartic and LiverTonic. Contain!CascaraBark, Blue riayr Root, Rhubarb Root. Black Rout, May Appl- noct.SennaLeavea and Pepsin. Combine* strength with pala table aromatic taste. Doc* not gripe. 50o pMMMWMMWMMIMMMMMWMWMWMlMWMCIOMMMMMHM Are Arriving Every Day. This Store Began Early to Provide PRACTICAL GIFTS for It* Customer*, and we are Strongly Fortified in This Line. ? SPECIAL ATTENTION was given to the selection of Useful Gifts for any member of the family?GIVE SOMETHING THAT IS USEFUL. Christmas is NEARBY, but the time for se lecting the choice gift is HERE AT HAND. ? - I We are also headquarters for the best Hot - .9 and Cold Drinks in town all the time, r . s . ? j P t. 4- - l- i J Hurry along to , i, f ' [ Z. u. Bellamy - - - Ahoskk. n. Mi WM

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