InI I ZXhL| |J I f I A serious coal shortage facet the entire Nation* and it is expected to become even more serious before the cold weather has far advanced. We advise buying now. Fortify Before too Late. . - . ' . ? ^I ? ? ' I ' I ? ^ I FALL WALK-OVER MODELS! i.. i, j';, ' The most beautiful shoes ever offered at our store. We have bent every effort to make oar Fall Dis play and showing of Walk-Over Shoes?the Classiest and Cleverest we have ever had. We have been helped greatly by being one of a ""Chain of 7000 agencies. You will see in our store the same models, patterns and creations as are shown inJVew York, hicago, Frisco, New Orleans or Kansas ity.?We do feel proud of these clever Chic -ttylet and we know that every 'Walk-Over wearer will share this feeling with a pair on the feet?and this feeling will grow the longer they are worn. * . Your inspection is solicited U. Yataghan's "1 he Quality Store" MURFREESBORO, N. C. i.. ' ? JF?- ' * V^ ? ^ I WYNN BROS. | ! ? Murfreesboro's Greatest Store < ? > Murfreesboro, - - - N. C? ^ a - \\ o o < ? o Our Mammouth Fall and Winter Stock is now ? 0 rfpen for your inspection. Bargains, Rich, Rare <> < ? and Dependable greet you on every side and your ( , 1 * time spent examining our Tempting Offerings will < > J * be well worth your while. { J < ? x New Fall Fashions in Suits, Coats and Dresses < I for women. Prices ratiging from $8.00 to $35.00. > ^ < > Beauty, Correctness and Remarkably modest prices i> | | are characteristic of our display in this department. | J <> Beautiful Line Street and Afternoon .?ownt in o < ? Satin and Taffetta in the newest modes. ** ' * * <& Ladies Voile Waist in most fetching models. Also ax- < i ? qusite line Georgette and Crepe de Chine waist. i F Newest creations straight from Fifth Avenue in Ladies < X Neckwear. | > < ' Autumn's new styles in Women'vand Men's fashionable , > | | Footwear?Smart Dress Boots fur Ladies in Famous Queen < > , 4 t Quality, Dolly Madison, and Maxine?Star Brand and < > > Brown Shoe Oo.'s Shoes for men. | * ' ? ? ' Biggest line Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats ever < ? ] | shawn. i > i t? II - o ? _ - o ?Millinery! Millinery'! J | Latest Creations. You are cor- <> J; dially invited to inspect it. <; Miss Naomi T.Wiggins \[ < > (WYNN BROS. BUILDING) < > mm??t?tt???? UZ WEEK'S DOINGS I AROUND AH0SK1B ? Mrs. S. B. Carter (pent Sstarday awl Sunday with friends of Snm mmton. Mrs. J. N. Vann returned Wed Ciday from a visit of several day* Edenton. While there ahe ma the houae guest of Miaa Jessie Mo Vullan. Paul Vinaoo. of Norfolk, spent Tnesday and Wednesday with friends In Ahoskie. Attorney Jno. E. Vann, of Win too, wan in Ahoskie on legal buai nesB Tuesday. Pembroke Baker and Eric Gar rett returned today from a week'a viait to Baltimore and Norfolk. Mrs. W. G. Borden, Jr., and Miaa Eva Burden, of Anlander, visited friends in Ahoskie Wednesday af ternoon. Ahoskie and vicinity can vie with other towns and cities in the ahort age of both sugar and gasoline. It ia a rarity that either of theee com modities can be bought*' on this market. Chriatmaa tweets are sure to be rare. December 17-26 will be Member ahip Campaign Week for the Na tional Red Cross, when a nation wide drive for new members will be vigorously waged. The Ahoskie Chapter haa been asked to turn in 800 new members? a task that will require a concerted effort on the part of every local member. Ser vice flags and membership buttons have been received, and a deter mined effort will be made to secure our allotment of new members. Have you bought your Christmas Red Crosa Seals? Ws have. Send your friend the Hertford County Herald one year for a Christ mas present. A. T. Baker, of Eden ton, was in Ahoskie a few days this week. M. D. Curtis, of Washington, was the guest of relatives Mrethia week. Only a few more days before Christmas. If you have anything to aell, it is time you were advising the trade. Do it throngh the col umns of the Herald. Mias Florence Gerock left last week for a visit to friends in Frank lin, Va. Rev.'C. L. Dowell preached at Roberts Chapel last Sunday night. In his absence, the young people had charge of the services. After the regular program, a second col lection was taken for the Thomas ville Orphanage, owing to the small number present at the special Thanksgiving service last Thursday night. ' Miss tola Woo ten spent the holi day season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Woo ten. She has returned to Robersonville, where she is attending school. L. O. Thompson and mother, who have been residing in Ahoekie for the past two years have moved to Portsmouth, Va.t where Mr. ThomD son has accepted employment in the Government Navy Yard. Misses Hilda and Amelia Lane, of Norfolk, spent two days last week with their aunt, Mrs. S. H. Leary. j Mrs. Leary entertained the Misses Lane at an informal card party Fri day night. ' . Myrtle Greene, the young daugh ter of Mf. and Mrs. Vsssie Green, is in a Norfolk hospital, where she will undergo an operation, upon de velopment t># X-r?y photographs that were taken one day last week. Mr. Jno. C. Miller, of Harrells ville, was a visitor to Ahoskie Tues day and Wednesday. Mr. Miller has moved to Colerain for the com ing year. Last Thursday and Friday were lolidays at the Ahoslde Graded School. The teachers spent the holidays at their respective homes: Hisses Walton at Gatesvills, Banks U Eure, Parker at Rocky Mount, Freeman at Colerain, and Vann at RaleiRh. ? Hugh Harrell, of Norfolk, spent the Thanksgiving: holidays in Cole rain and Ahoskie. You can get the choicest floweti by calling phone 30. Place youi Christmas order early. It is understood that PowellsvilU will soon have a bank of its own Work has begun on the building. Reports retching Ahoskie tell ol the robbing of the Roxobel post office Tuesday night. The safe wa blown open and money stolen. ? 1 P' ?" ?" ". Csalarsoc-' at Baptitt Cknrch. Bvary member at the AhoakJ Baptist Church ia asked to be prea ent ^ the regular inawhlag hour Sunday morning?11 A. M. A eon-1 ferenee will be called relative to the securing of a pastor for the ap proa^bing year. Some definite ac-1 tion will probably be taken at this time and a full attendance Is want ed. Betterment AaeeHaHna Meeting The Betterment Association twill meet Wednesday, December 12th-1 This is one week earlier than the usual time, in order to make defi-1 nite plans for the basaar, which will I be held on Friday, December 14th. Every single member is request-1 ad to attend this meeting, as it is a very important one. Stokes-Deam. Mr. Edgar L. Stokes and Miss Mary V. Deans, both of Colerain, were quietly married by Rev. L. M. I Chaffin, at the Methodist parsonage in Ahoakie, last Sunday afternoon. They returned to Colerain immediate-1 ly after the'ceremony. The greom is well known in Ahoe-1 kie, having made his home here a I few years ago. The bride is the member of a prominent Bertie Coun-1 ty family, and haa a wide circle of I friends both In and out of her na-1 tive County. GET READY FOR BAZAAR IN AHOSKIE. In last week's Herald there waa al statement to the effect that the I Woman's Betterment Association of the Ahoalde High School would! give a in Copeland's Store I Building on Main Street, Friday evl ening, December 14th. The worn-1 en of the Association are working hard to make It a howling success; I but they readily realize, as does ev erybody else, that they themselvea, I with ant the hearty co-operation ofj all the people of the town, cannot make it a great success. It is understood that the mer chants of the town, as well aa the women, are contributing liberally of their to this Worthy eause. All sorts of refreshments and good things to eat; all kinds of fancy work will be on sale. There will be something on sale that will satisfy the moat varied tastes. So come and get what you want. It ia understood also that the Asso ciation is making arrangements to have a band to furnish entertain ment for the crowd. Since the Association is going to spend the proceeds for the benefit of the school, it behooves every per son, who haa a burning dealrs in hia bosom to see educational conditions under which the children of Ahoa kie and surrounding community are trained made better, to do his bit.?By Press Agent. Some One You Know has It ?, ? + ] A number of people in Hertford County aye now having Delco-Light installed at their farms or ? country home. Users of Del co-Light are 'glad to show it to their friends and neigh bora. If you would like to see a farm home lighted with JDelco-Light we can probably tell you of some one not far from tour place who is en joying this modern convenience of country home. Tell us where you live and we will see that you have an opportu nity to sea Delco- Light in opera tion.I , J. A. ELEY, Ajent for Del co-Lifht, Tunis, N. C. See display advertisement on page eight of this issue. Adv. ? 1 Stomach Trouble and Constipation Those who are afflicted with stomach trouble and constipation should read the following; "I have never found anything so good for , stomach trouble and constipation ai Chamberlain's Tablets. I have used them off and on for the past 'two years, fhey not only regulate I the actioft of the bowels but stimu< ? late the liver and keep one's bod] id a healthy condition," writes Mrs Benjamin Hooper, Auburn, N. Y. WMt is LAX-FOS L K-ft'i 15 AM IMPihiVCD CASCMA . A IXciHi t 2.fquid LaiitWe, Cathartk [ and 14ver Tonic. Contains Caacars Bark ? Bine Hag Root, Rhubarb Root, Blacl Root, May Appls Root, SennaLeavec am 1 Papain. Combines atrenjjth with pala table areoutic taste. Does not gripe. SO _ , ? , , y , ,, . Mf, | Better Goods | | Better Service * "11 * * Che Busy Store E. J. Qerock | | Ahoskie, N. C. Ready to Wear Suit or Overcoat, $10.00 up to $18.50 We can truly say that at no previous season have we ever shown a larger and more beautiful collection of such high class garments at these popular prices. Every Suit, every Overcoat, English Slant, are expertly tailored. Every favor ed model, every desirable color, every wanted material, every size is here at $10.00 to $18.50. MADE TO ORDER, $12.50 to $37.50. Little Boys' Suits in Mixture and Blue Serges, $3.00 to $7.50. Young Men's Trench Overcoats, the latest style $11.00. Youth Suits in all cloths and colors and Knickerbocker trousers $5.00 to $1500. * Men'8 and Boys' Sweater Coats, cotton or wool. The popular colors, 75c to $5.00 t 4 ?e busy store y Cr AHOSKIE-N.C. ?i?MM?J LEARN THE WORLD i For $1.98 we will deliver to yon an attractive, nicely fin- - iahed wall map, (about 70 z 88 inches.) One aide of the map show* a large drawing the United States, with every County in the Union. Other side gives the entire world, with separate maps of Cuba, Porto Riea, PhiHptae Island!, and Panama Canal Zone. Fill out the order below and if not perfectly satisfied with our map, return it and have your money refunded. (CLIP AND MAIL THIS) 0. Etheridge Magazine Ageney Elizabeth City, N. C. Enclosed find money order for $1.98 for which piease mail to me the above described map on your satisfaction guar anteed offer. Your Name .... Your Address Notice of Meeting. The Hertford County Farmers Union will hold its regular quarter ly meeting at Ahoskie on Wednes day after the second Sunday in De cember. All locals will please take notice and send delegates, as this will be a very important meeting; election of officers and other things that will need your attention. Place: Ahoskie, N. C. Time: Wednesday, Dec. 12. 1917. R. H. Overton, Pres. Jas. H. Mitchell. Sec. Report of the Condition of ^ Merchants and Farmers Bank Wlnton. North Carolina At the close of business Nor. *20, 1917. 1 RESOURCES: Loans and discount* 188,881.89 Overdrafts, secured, unsecured, 100.60 United States bonds on hand 600.00 All other stocks, bonds, and mortagees 600.00 Premium on bonds 8.76 Banking houses and fixtures 7,600.62 Due from national banks 82,912.83 Due from state banks and bankers 48,246.61 Cash items 1,284.39 Gold coin 160.00 Silver coin, inrlnriing- minor coin currency 621.78 National bank note* and other U. S. Note* 8,724.00 Liberty Bond account 294.00 Total 279,841.84 Liabilities: Capital stock paid in 10,000.60 Surplus fund 27,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid 4,086.47 Deposits subject to check 104,860.84 Time certificates of deposit 1,689.68 Savings deposits ' 126.442.00 Cashier's decks outstanding 1,117.61 Certified cheJu 8.79 Due to State Banks, Bankers, snd Trust Companies 4,487.66 Total . 279,641.84 State of North CaroUn?County of Hertford, 1917. I, J. P. Mitchell. Cashier of the sbove-nsmsd bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge snd belie/. J. P. Mitchell, Cashier. Correct attest: J no. E. Vann, J. W. Boone J no. A. Shaw Directors. subscribed snd sworn to before me , this 6th day of Dec.. 19l7. < W. P. Shaw Jr.. Notary Public. ? V. I Catarrh Cannot be Curad with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, ss they 1 cannot reach the (eat of the dlaeaae. Catarrh ia a local disease, greatly In fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order tc core it you must take an internal remedy- Hall's Catarrh ' Medicine ia taken internally and acta thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine was prescribed by one of the beat physicians in this country for years. It la composed of some of the beat tonics knoMn, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect < oombinotion of the Ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is wpstproduces such wonderful resuls ill catarrhal eoodl- I tions- Send for testimonials free 1 F J CEENEY a CO, PJopa, Toledo, 0 all druggists 78c Hall's Family Pills for Constipation, ad Remarkable Power Of Canlac Arouses Uast Interest fiere Famous Medicine Has Be come SenMtion of Medical World. . Wide spread interest has been aroused in Ahoskie, regarding the unusual powers attributed to Tan , lac, the bew medicine which has i been accomplishinir such remarka > bla results in North Carolina. ' Hundreds of communication* | have been received at the Tanlac offices from people who claim to have eiperienced astonishing re ; suits after taking the medicine. > these people, who come from all walka of lite, have declared that ' this famous medicine has compiete i ly restored them to health and . strength after every other medi ? cine and the most skilled medical treatment bate failed. There ia hardly a city, town, village or hamlet in North Carolina which does not contain lojral and and enthuaiaatic friends or Tan lac, who aing its praises to friends and neigh bora. Never before, perbape, in all biaiory haa a medicine been the cauae of ao much dtscusaion aa that cauaed by this remarkable prep aration. Distinguished lawyer*, bankers and educatoi* have openly come out for it. Noted miniatere of the gospel have nubliely endors ed it. The people at. large have recommended to their frienda. Tanlac ia the aensation of the medical world, and it baa been de clared to be the greatest medicine ever offered to suffering humanity. Tanlac ia eold exclusively in Abo* kie by Z. V. Bellamy. ??. Report of the Cooditioo of The Peoples Bank M urfr?tbo rt, M. C. At the clow of besinoea, dot, loth M7. RESOURCES loans and discounts (19o.228.ZS Overdrafts secured, $. ; unsecured, $ .96 Jorth Carolina State Bonds 8,600.00 J1 other stoeks, bonds sad mortgages 2.800.OO 'remium on Bonds 71.2S tanking Bouses, $3,400; Furniture and Fixtures $2,600.00 6,000.00 ill other real-estate owned 2,000.00 >oe from National Banks 6o,69&fi )M fmm State Benin and ~ Bankers l,o46.22 lash Items 87o.M '.old Coin 1,960.00 liiver coin, including all minor coin currency 882.SB National bank notes and other U. a notes 8,199.eo tevenue Stamps 99.oo total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 80.000.oo iurpins fnnd 5,000.00 Jndivided profits, leas current expenses and taxes paid 6,768.81 lotes and bills rediscounts 7,600.oo lilla payable deposits subject to check . 97,907.88 Savings deposits 116,182.80 Cashier's checks outstanding 46.26 Certified checks 87.60 Iccrued interest doe depositors 660. oo total 268,09170 State of North Carolina?County of iertfor, 1917. I, Roger Watson, Cashier of the ibove named Bank, do solemnly iwear that the above statement is :rue ta the beat of my knowledge Roger Watson, Cashier. CORRECT?ATTEST: T. H. Nicholson, D. C. Barnes. t- R. Sewell, Director*. Subscribed and sworn to before ne this 1st of December, 1917. Isaac Pipkin, Notary PnblK my commission expires 2-26-19. Report of the Condition of Bank of Ahoskie Ahotkle, K C. At the cIom of buaineaa Nov, 20th, 1917. RESOURCES Loan* and discounts 226,218.12 Overdrafts secured, $880.99 unsecured, 660.98 1,49191 United states Bonds on hand 10,900.00 North Carolina State Bonds 1,000.00 Banking House*, $1,860.00; Furniture and fixtures . $1,700 $,680.00 All other real estate owned 167.60 Due from "National Banks 83,618.84 Due from State Banks and Bankers 22,27:).36 Cash Items 1.817.86 Gold Coin 649.00 . Silver coin, including all mi nor coin currency 816.71 National bank notes and other U. S. notes 6,774.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid la 20,000.00 Surplus fund 20,000.00 Undivided profits, leas car rent expanses and taxes __ paid 3B896.78 Dividends unpaid U ~288,00 Bills payable Deposits subject to check 143,726.69 Time certiflcstes of deposit 70,067.86 Savings Deposits Cashier's checks ?S&33TO| -9.86 Certified cheeks ' J6.00 Due to 8tate Banks' BankersM&*J| and Trust Companiea TOTAL 867,686.7V STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA County Of Hertford, 1917. L W. L. Curtis, Cashter of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement ie true to the beat of my knowledge and ^atiaf. CORRECT?ATTW* ' jim ?""dSSI. Subscribed aad sworn to before ma,