f Hertford County Herald ~ A PAPER WORTH WHILE 11 ???? . ,i VOL. 9 AHOSKIE, N. C., FEBRUARY 22. 1918 NO. 5 VINTON NEWS ?? Those who attended the ser vices in the Baptist Church on Friday evening were fully re paid for the effort they made in going. Mr. Daily's address was full of information on the prohibition question. Seveal signed the pledge cards to help support the Anti-Saloon Lea gue. Mr and Mrs. Cotton de lighted the audience by sing ing a duet: "Gently Lead Us" Mrs. Cotton also sang a solo, "Have I done my best?" This was the first time that Mrs. Cotton had sung in public in Winton; and everyone was charmed with her voice which is a clear sweet, soprano. At the meeting of the Chow an Club with Mrs. H. H. Jones Monday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Mrs. Wilie Daniels, President; Ms. W. P. Shaw, Jr., Vice-President; Mrs J. W. Boone, Secretary; Mrs. Julia Newsome, Treas.; The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Newsome. The Winton High School will observe George Washing ton's Birthday Friday, Febru ary 22, by giving a short pro gram appropriate for the oc casion. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Cotton went t* e day, made by Asistant Sec/ tary Ousley, was that the fj mers as far as posible make ' the deficiency in farm laboi?d the employment of patrpig < women and children. The"** J perts visite?i >earby farmsa_ | obtain informal ; I . l S. N. C. ? i- - \ ' ? i i* . >?.. I .1 MILL NECKJERSOHALS Seeing in your paper, asking letters from different sections, for the "Boys," Several from this community are in the va rious camps. A few weeks ag indications were that we would soon hear of the boys coming home, but our boys all seem loyal to the Flag and wil fight for a world's victory, and wear a hero's honor. Mrs. J. S. Winborne is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Fred White of Harrelisville this week. Farmers are busy preparing tobacco beds, since we have had a week of sunshine. Mr. William Lassiter, of Sou. Norfolk, was brought out last Thursday, and buried in the family plot of Mr. Thomas Tay lor. Mr. Lassiter was reared in this section, married Miss Nannie Taylor. For five or six years he has made South Norfolk his home. Most of his life was spent in this commu nity, and he was a good and useful citizen and a christian. We will ever remember his heartfelt talks. He would so oiten say "1 can only express | my feelings in an humble way" We extend our sympathy to his loved ones. Mr. and Mrs. Rae visited" relatives in Aulander Sunday. Several from this section at tended the oyster supper at Harrellsville for the benefit of the Red Cross. Master Luther Win borne is sick at this writing. We hope his stay in bed will not be for" long. We regret to report the death of another Confederate Veteran?Mr. William Blount Norvell, in his 82nd year, and oldest citizen in this communi ty. It was his pleasure to at tend the Reunion of the Con federat Soldier comrades. The unveiling of the Confederate monument in Winton was the last time he was able to meet with them. Mr. Norvell was a useful cit izen. For a number of years he was the only blacksmith in this section. His health has been declining for several year but his last sickness was brief, being only a few days. Bu rial services were conducted by his pastor, Rev. Lineberry of Colerain Baptist Church of which he had been a member for many years, and he was a regular attendant as long as his health permitted. A large concourse of friends attended his burial. We ex tend our sympathy to his three sons, who are left to mourn his loss. ?c~?/ Enjoyable Dance The dance given in the rooms of the Tuscarora Club last Friday night was one of the most enjoyable affairs giv en her ein quite a while. Kemp Orchestra from Norfolk furnis hed music for the dancers. Those dancing were: Misses Louise Norfleet of Kelford, Selma and Edna Guilford of Rocky Monnt, Emily Mizelle and Anna May Freeman of Le wiston, Miss Sales of Norfolk, Mrs. E. W. Gaither of V/inton and Mesdames J. N. Vann and S. B. Carter; Messrs. Herbert Paschall of Lewiston, John Hill Spivey of Woodville, Joe Ses soms of Colerain, Thornton Northcott' of Winton, C. L. Blount, John Askew of Harrel sville, Eric Garrett, James Vin son, John Sesoms, Cecil Nevil le), G. C. Britton, S. B. Carter, V. D. Strickland, E. R. Carter and Roy Parker; stags' Jethro Masrette of Como, R. W. Nor Jfcnflt of Shreveport, La., Mr. /VritAns of Lewiston. pith laddition to those that par tnow Vted in the dancing there lolutef present many out of town Xhoskie people attending. >' For Rami ar Sala Ctrfr ?hef A Rood one hone farm contain Jy* 22 ?cre? about one mile from h3,hoskl?. Seven room dwelling and ?ittpod outbuilding*. Terms very rea ?nd ?ble. See or apply to Mn. A ^'^nton, Ahotkie, N. C. howeveA NEWS FROM COMO Dr G N Harrell, of Mur freesboro, was in Como Mon day Among those from here who were shopping in Franklin during last week were: Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Riddick, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Winborn, Mr. and Mrs. F T. Raily, Mrs. J. B Whitley, Mrs. Edd Hill, Mrs. J. T. Lassiter, and Mr. Wilbur Whitley. Rev. Paulette from Newsoms Va., was in our midst one day last week. Mis Margaret Magette and Mr. J. B. Worell were in Mur freesboro Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Railey visited relatives in Hampton, Va. last week. Mr. J. B. Magette spent the week end in Goldsboro. Mrs. T. I. Burbage, Mr. and Mrs S. P. Winborne are in Nor folk to attend the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Ella W. Sav age, who died at her home, on 1714 Clairborne Ave., Monday morning. Ms. Savage is sur vived by five children?an on ly son, Winborne, and four daughter* Mary Lee, Kik, Margaret and Mrs. W. P.^J/ Bain, all of whom live in Nor folk.They are all well known Jri Como and, of course,"they have the deepest sympathy in their bereavement Miss Annie Moore Spiers an Mr. J. B. Worrell were in Mur freesboro Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bryant and Mr. Johnnie Bryant, of Ua mnfnn onont thfl wppk PFld fltnill^wil) .. v ? with theit parents here. They left Sunday afternoon, accom panied by their sisters, Ger trude and Mrs. Jim Simmons, who will pay them and relative in Suffolk a short visit. Miss Jo Vann is spending a few days with Mrs. G. N. Harrell of Murfreesboro. The Chowan Club met at the home of Mrs. S. P. Winborne Thursday afternoon. In spite of the beautiful day there was not a very full attendance. The following officers were elected for the coming year: Pres.. Mrs. R. A. Magette; Vice-Pres, Mrs. J. L. Barnes; Sec..Mrs. J. H. Barnes and Treas., Miss An toinette Picot. After the bus iness part of the program, the members were given a contest, A Valentine Romance, it being St. Valentine'^ Day. One was not apt to forget the latter fact, however for symbols of Valentine and festoons of hearts hung all around the room. Before leaving the guests were served a salad course. Mr. J. E. Moyler, of Frank lin, was in Como Monday. Messrs. T. E. Vann, G. C. Picot, J. B. Worrell, and Donal Spiers were in Aho?kie Thurs day. Mr R. A. Magette went to Norfolk Thursday, the 14th, to be present at a'family re-un ion, celebrating the 79th birth day of his mother, Mrs. Vir ginia Majette. Mrs. Majette, better known as "Miss Jennie" has a host of friends here, this ? ? * ? i -c? e* r\ naving Deen ner no mil- iui gu years. All wish to congratu late her upon having reached such an old age and to wish her many more holiday anni versaries. o Executor's Notice. Having qualified aa executor of the eatate of H. A. Jones, deceased, late of Hertford County.North Car olina, thii is notify all persona hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned on or b?fore the 10th day of January, 1919, or thia notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All parsons indebted to said eatate will please make immediate payment to tne undersigned. This 10th. day of Ja?.. 1918. W. A. Thomas, Executor. o Dissolution Notice I hereby give notice that I have sold my entire interest in the Arm of the Ahoskie Livestock Supply Company, and that I am no longer connected with said firm in any ca pacity. L. M. Mitchell has pur chased the entire business, includ I ing a! pepers held by this concern . and all payments should be made to th? sold Mitchell. TMa 6th day of Februsxy', UM8. \ C. L. HOGGARO i \ t ( v , ? HEHOLA NEWS The fine weather continues and we are very thankful. Dr. and Mrs. Raleigh Par ker, of Norfolk, spent Satur day night and Sunday with their mother, Mrs. H. U. Grif fith. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Browin of Union, were visitors in Meno la on Sunday afternoon. Dr. W. E. Snipes, of Frank lin, Va., is on a visit to his sis ters and brothers here. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eley spent Sunday afternoon with their daughter at Mrs. A. P. Sears' in Union. Miss Janie Parker, of Cho wan College, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. H. U. Griffith. Miss Estelle Beale of the Me nola school faculty, spent the week end with he home folks at Pojecasi. Mr. J. L. Snipes went to "Win ton on Saturday. Miss Gertrude Snipes spent Saturday with Mrs. A. M. Browne at Union. Mr. J. M. Eley spent Monday in AnosKie. Women Will Aid War Saving Campaign Over 22000 Women Pledged to Work on War Savings Campaign?Women Will Make W. S. S. "Go Over the Top" Says Governor Bickett Over 22,000 organized worn .en in North Carolina pledged t snake the War Savings Cam paign of this State "go over the top" before the end of this year was the feature of the last meeting of the War Savings Institute held in Raleigh on Wednesday of last week. Fou rteen thousand of these wom en are engaged or organized farm women who are pledged by Mrs. Jane S. McKinnon, State home demonstration agent. The remaining 8,000 were the club women of the State whose pledge was given by Mrs. Clarence A. Johnson, president of the State Federa tion of Women's Clubs. Speaking for the women of the country Mrs. McKinnon said that the country women are patriotic, and that many of them were learning to save but what they needed most is to know how to invest safely their savings. Therefore Mrs. McKinnon said, the War Sav ings plan of saving and invest ing was a most welcome oppor tunity and a work the country people would enter heartily into. She b?lieved that the 250,000 or more country wom: en affiiated with the caning I and other club work in the cou ntry could be counted on to take the lesson of Thrift in ev ery home and practically eve ry person in the country. Mrs. Johnson said she con sidered this call of the Govern ment to the club women of the State at this time a tesf of their efficiency. For eight years they have been organiz ed for civic consciousuess and that their experience in organ izing and working together would particularly qualify them for this work, mat tne club women of the State will not fail at this supreme hour was Mrs. Johnson's message. The work of organizing War Savings Societies particulaly the plan of converting existing organizations into War Sav ings Societies was endorsed by both groups of women and this will be the first work that the organized women in the State will take up. The next sixty days wil be a campaign to get every citizen of this State into a War Savings Society. This plan of saving, investing and getting others to save has al ready been adopted by State and National authorities as the foundation and purpose of the War Savings Campaign. M Tto NM Mtev ? R?vai>?e of 111 tonfc and laaatlr* 'l/l/l f TIVK HU(>MOOUININKUb?U"C and lota ao? caaar am nuuinv la h*a.l Immfcrr 111* ^ I Mint lk? aicaalan ol B. W. a fc ^ | t a* i ' 4 MAPLETON^ DEWS ~ In the early morning of the 11th day of February, the an gel of death appeared at the home of Mrs. Marcie Parker, and took to its heavenly horn* the soul of her husband, Mr. David Henry Parker. Al though conscious to the last suffering intensely, he was nev er known to murmur or com plain. He had no fear of the death that he was facing. He went as quietly, peacefully and calmly as a little child falls to sleep in the mother's arms. Mr .Parker had been in de clining health 'for four years, and had been confined to his ' bed for four weeks. He was 70 years old; was a member of the Mt. Tabor Church. Mr. Parker is survivel by a widow four daughters and one son: Misses Rachel and Audrey Parker of this place, Mrs. Rox ie Sides of Norfolk, Mrs. Mae Wheeler of Hampton, Va., and Mr. Stanley Paker of New Yor city, besides a host of close rel atives. The funeral services were held at the late residence on Tuesday afternoon and, were conducted by Rev. Underwood, pastor of the Mt. Tabor Bap tist Church. Interment was at the family burying ground at Mr. D. L. Parker's. We ten der to the sorrow strickeirwfc dow and children our heart felt sympathy and pray that God may comfort them in this their deepest sorrow. Mr. E. W. Whitley made a business trip to Winton Tues day. I Miss Frances Griffith is spending this week at Mr. St. Louis Griffith's. Miss Miriam Boyette, of Nor folk, arrived Wednesday, and will be the guest of Mrs. S. L. Griffith. Mr. Guy Hill was in Mur freesboro Saturday on business Mrs. Irving Parker has as her guest this week her sister. Miss Lillie Vinson, of Murfrees I boro. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Whit ley were in Murfreesboro Sat urday shopping. Mr. Charlie Pearce spent Saturday afternoon in Mur freesboro. o NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina Superior Court Hertford County Before '-he clerk R. C. Bridger, Ad'mr. of D. D. Rey nolds, deceased , against Littie Ballard and husband, Emery Ballard, Idelia Lawrence and hus band, Chas. Lawrence, Fruxy Rey nolds, Catherine Reynolds, Penny Reynolds, Joe Reynolds,, Anarew Reynolds and Jimmie Reynolds, heirs at law of D. D. Reynolds, deceased. The defendant, Jimmie Reynolds, . ? HbOVC'named will take notice 'that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Hertford County, to sell the lands of the above named 0. D. Reynolds, deceased, to make assets; and that the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su peror Court of Hertford County at ten o'clock A. M. Feb. 16, 1918 nil answer or demur to the corHt>'?M"iri said action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This 16th day of Jan., 1918. D. R. McGlohon, Clerk of Superior Court. O AND NOW THEY ARB COOKING TOBACCO TO MAK& IT HI It* For a good many years Tba American. Tobacco Company bars baan conducting a eeriea of experimenta having m their objact the improvement of aaoklag tohacnii, And It la inttreating to know tilat aw of the greatest of thairdiacoverieewasaae of the aimplaat. and that waa, that ceoUog or (OMUnf fooacco improv?i ic m werjf way, just aa cooking tnoat fooda haprxaa They took a real Burtey tohwMwt tn tbla country; toaated it aa yon would toast toaad; moistened It to replace tkg j natural moisture drivea O0 by toeeting; ^ ioi^I ft into cigircttes, f *H tfcflM "LUCKY STRIKE, the^toeetwl dgarett%7 . The result baa beaa tbegi lain! lainj 31"l* Fe*e* Up^iortrsr: BORO,jy~*~?