Hertford county Herald PUBLISHED WEEKLY VINSON * PARKEB OWNERS AND PUBLI8HEB8 J. BOV ,1'AitKEB Editor W. B. JOHN SON Contributing Editor SUBSCRIPTION PKICE: One Year ... .$1.50 Six Months .75 Three Months , .40 ADVERTISING RATES: Very reasonable and made known on request. En ed as second-class matter Feb ruary 25th, 1910, at the post office at Ahoskie, N. C., under the Act of March 3rd, 1878. Buy a Bond! If you can't buy a bond; buy a War Savings Stamp. If you can't buy a War Savings Stamp, buy a Thrift St^mp. And, when you have bought either on" of these, don't j stop there. Buy some more. The Herald has many times out- j lined the future mapped out by | ~~ the prognosticaters who?aw?al-_ ways ready to look askance at any industrial enterprise; and, itj expects to continue its walkj down the thorny way! of the Fourth Estate. ?_ THE HERALD TO CONTINUE I * With this issue of the Herald we are happy to announce that this paper will continue to reach the home of Hertford County and ; th*- adjoining counties, (even though its owners are away aid ing in the great fight for Demo- j craey. The management has | been fortunate ii> making arrange- j ments whereby the County paper j will not b*1 abondoned during the duration of the war; but, have been even fortunate enough to j secure, in addition to its present i service, telegraph news of war activities, and state news. This news will be gathered over wire on the very day that the paper goes to press and every item will be "fresh." The same local news service and weekly news letters from this section will be carried as usual ii) every issue. The editorial department will beveither in charge of the present Editor, or placed in charge of a local writer who has had consid erable newspaper experience. Definite arrangements have not beon made at the time this article is written. Our office at Ahoskie' will be open as usual ami all business connected with this paper must come through this office. The local reporter and business mana ger wilt be in this office every <lay. In making this announcement we must need impress upon our readers that we have gone to no little expense 111 making it pos sible for th' paper to continue publication preferring to give our people an improved paper rather thah allow it ot continue. In stead of providing a "substitute" in the way of a newspaper, we have made it possible for our sub scribers to receive an eight-page paper every week, full of news of the town and section, and with latest authentic dispatch's from the battle front. Io severing activ? relations with the paper, the present man agement does not intend to re lease ita interest in the paper and in the people who support it. Though we be in active military aerviee, our readers may look for ? ... ,w,i L ... > "news from the front." It is 1 the hope of the present *ditor to continue in charge of the editor ial department of the Herald. HON. W. ?. JOHNSON OON TRIBUTING EDITOR Hon. W. R. Johnson, who has done newspaper work consests to strengthen the editorial depart ment of the Herald, by contribu ting specially prepared editorials from time to time. i The Herald is indeed fortunate to secure the valuable services of Mr. Johnson, and the readers of this paper will be glad of an op portunity to follow the pen of this former newspaper man. In justice to Mr. Johnson, the management of this paper will add that this gentleman is re ceiving no compensation for this work, haying kindly consented to do this work without compensa tion, upon th solicitation of the present editor. OUR SUPREME DUTY By Champ Clark, Speaker of the Bouse of Representatives Somebody lias said that duty is the sublimest word in our lan guage.Our supreme duty is to carry this war to a successful con clusion. We have never been beaten 'n any war in which we have been engaged, and the Amer ican people are determined that we shall not be defeated in this titanic struggle. President Wil son and the Congress have solemn ly dedicated to this cause all of "our national resources in men and property?>f need be. The two most important things in war are men and money. The Congress will vote them from time to time in such numbers and such amounts as are deeme d to the accomplishment of American purposes. Another large bond issue>s im pending and it is to be hoped that the bonds will promptly subscrib ed for. Those of us who are over the military age or for any reason other reason are debarred from fighting van pay, and it 's our solemn duty to do so. I practice what I preach and invested ev^ry dollar I had, and some I borrow ed, in bonds. Well Known Lady From winsdor Va. The letter printed below was pub lished at the special request of Mrs. K. E. Johnson, known by thousands of people in southeastern Virginia and Siotheastern Carolina. Windsor, Va., Sept. 21, 1917. j I>r. J. E. Masrow, Norfolk, Va. Dear Doctor: I have been a sufferer with my eyes, , headarhes, sleeplessness and nervous. nena for a good many years and on account of my eyes, 1 had severe pains running down from behind my ears down the back of my neck. At times I could hardly move my head with out pain. Seeing where so many people from mv county had been relieved of dif ferent eye troubles I decided to try you myself. I made a trip to Norfolk to consult you. After examining my eyes you prescribed glasses for me. That was about a month ago and I have received greater relief since I have been wearing your glasss than I 1 have ever had in my life before. I am writing this letter with the re quest that it be published, ao other sufferers* may be benefited as I have. I sincerely recommend you to any orfe suffering with eye trouble or in apy way in need of the service of any eye* sight specialist. With best wishes for your contiguous success, 1 am, Yours very truly, Mrs. K. E. JOHNSON _i * 9 Dr. Ma scow's office, which in loca tol on the fourth floor of the Dickson Building, corner of Oranhv and Ta*e. 'well streets, is perfeetlly equipped ' with every modern scientific eye.test ing device. He makes no charge for J consultation and his prlee* for glass es'are moderate in keeping with the ' neenrsey and helpfulness of hi) work. When desired, appointment may be ' made liy phone, or letter. Qfflc* hours, 't 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.?Ad*. I * ? ? '? > ,'j.' TRAVELS 40 MILES FORMORETANLAC Hawkins Says His Wife Gained 15 Pounds on 3 Bottles of Medi cine. ' f I'm taking a forty.mile trip to get more Tanlac," wah the remarkable statement made by J, D. Hawkins, a well-known and* prosperous farmer, in Jacobs Pharmacy, Memphis, Tenn. * * Yes, sir," continued Mr. Hawkins, "I live at Bartlett, Tenn., and I drove eight miles to Baleigh this morning and caught a trolley car there for .Mem phis, which is twelve miles more, so you see when I get back home I've tra. veled forty miles, and that ought to be ^roof enough of what I think of Tan lac. liI declare I never saw or heard of a medicine doing a smuch good as Tan. lac. My wife ha# gained fifteen pounds on three bottles of - it and besides it has gotten her over her troubles that have been weakening her down for nearly twenty years, and I don't aim for her to be without it. She suffered awfully with indigestion and was grow ing very weak and badly run.dofwn. Every single thing she would eat made gas and gave her severe pains in the 'stomach. She had no appetite at all land what little she would force her ?self to eat hurt her so bad it seems she would have been better off without eating it. She suffered terribly with Nervous headache and couldn't sleep on account of it. She was so tired all the time she never felt like doing a thing. In fact, she wasn't able to do her housework at all. She had tried every thing without getting any relief and I was about to give up in dispair when I read about Tan lac and got her a bot tle of it. "I just can't say too mueh for Tan lac for my wife's improvement ha* been wonderful. 8he can do all her housework now and before she could scarcely get around at all. She is re. lieved of the indigestion and has a good appetite. She eats most anything ^he wants and is relieved of the gas and pains she used to have. Her nerves are quiet and she sleeps good at night and don't have the sickheadachen like she did. As I have already said she has gained fifteen pounds in weight snd is gaining strength and health all, Ibo | time since taking Tanlae. She looks ho much better all our neighbors are talk in about her improvement. It cer tainly has done wonders for her and I wouldn't let her be without it for any thing, and that's the reason I'm taking this fortv mile trip today to get more of it for her? I certainly do indorse Tanlae for I think it is the greatest medicine in the world." Tanlac is sold in Ahoskie, N. C. by Z. V. Bellamy. If te German drive on the wes tern front was a defensive?and the Kaiser insists his war is a de fensive one?we should not like to witness a German offensive. ASTONISHING EEPOET FOR AH08KIE 0?0?0 The wife of a merchant had ?tom ach trouble xa bad she could eat noth ing but toast, fruits and hot water. Everything else would sour and fer. ment. ONE SPOONFUL buektlior i in Alder i ko benefited her INSTANTLY. Because Alder_i_ka flushes the ENTIRE alimentary tract it relieves ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach or gat and prevents appendicts. It has QUICK EST action of anything we ever sold. Z. V. BELLAMY, DruggUt FOB BILIOUS TROUBLES 0?0?C To promote a healthy action of the liver and correct the disorders caus ed by biliousnes^, Chamtyerlain 'a Tablets are excellent. Try them and see how quickly they give you a rel ish for your food and banish that dull and stupid feeling. IF I WEBE A FABMEB If I were a farmer I would keep at hand a few reliable medicine* for minor ailments that are not so ser ious as to require the attention of a physician, such as ChambeVfain 'i Colle and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel complaints. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs, cold and croup. Chamberlain's Liniment for sprains, bruises and rhematic pains. Chamberlain's Tablets for stomach troubles, billiousness and constipation. By having these articles at hand it would often save the trouble of a trip to town in the busiest season or in the night, and would enable me to treat slight ailments as soon as they appear, and thereby avoid the more Aerious diaelse that s? often fol low. . .? . u.acssgassaggTOq??a?WW ? POLITICAL NOTICES ? NOTICE! To the voters of Moneys Neck Township: I hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax Col lector in said Township, Bubject to the Democratic Primary. F. T. Railey. c? Road las Dua. Notice is i.ereby given that the Aboskie Township Road Ttx is now due, and should be paid to the un dersigned on or before the 16th day of May, or you will be required to work the roads roads for six days in lieu of same. The tax is three dollars. L. K. WALKER. ^ 3 To the Voter* of Hertford COUNTY. I hereby declare myself a candidate for nomination for the office of Sheriff of tht( County, subject to the Demo cratic Primary. bismark Scull. o To the Vot*rs of Hertf ord Coun ty I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination for County Commissioner, sub ject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. F. G. Tayloe. TOE COUNTY BEPBESENTATIVE 0 0 0 i I hereby announce myself a candi- 4 date tor Representative to the next i sessionn of North Carolina General Aa- \ sembly, for the County of Hertford, subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary. STANLEY WIN BORNE, 4-U.8t. FOB TAX COLLECTOR AHOSXIE TOWNSHIP I hereby announce that I am a can. didate to succeed myself aa Tax Col lector for Ahoskie Townahip, subject to the action of the approaching primar. ies. If nominated and elected to this place, I shall endeavor to serve the best interests of taxpayers in thia Townghip. Your support would be ap preciated. 8. E. VAUGHAN, 4.U-8t. TO THE DEMOCBATS OT MUE. '? FBEESBOBO TOWNSHIP I hereby announce myself candidate for renomination for the offlce of Tax. collector of Murfreesboro Township subject to the action of the Democra tic Primary. This April 9th 1918. T. A. PARKER 4.11 8t WHOOPING COUGH Give Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy to keep the cough loose and expectora tion easy. It is excellent. For Indigestion, Constipation or Biliousness Just try one 50-cent bottle of LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN. A Liquid Digestive Laxative pleasant to take. Hade and recommended to the public by Paris Medi cine Co., manufacturers of Laxative Bromo Quinine and Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, aa they cannO* reach th?? diaeaaed portion of the ear. There la only one way to cure catarrhal deafness, and that la by a constitutional r.mede. Catarrhal Deafness la caused by an In named condition of the mucous lining of the Buatachlan Tube. When this tube Is Inflsmcd you have a rambling aound or im perfect hearing, and when it la entirely closed. Deafness la the r??u1t. Unless the Inflammation can be reduced an<* thia tube restored to Its normal condjtlon, heart nr will be deatroyed forever, Many c^aij of deafneas ere caused by catnrrh. which la , an Inflamed condition Vf the mucous sur 'f0?* Hall's Catarrh MedUflne acia thru the blood on the muooua aurfacea of the system. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot ' be cured by Haifa Catarrh Medicine. Clr* culara fres. Ail Dr-jgg1st a. 71c. - F. J. CHENEY 4 CO.. Tolsdo. a TRY IT! HUBBT1TUTH FOE NASTY CALOMEL Starts your liver without making you tick and can net Salivate Every druggist In town?your drug gist and everybody'* druggist haa no ticed a great falling off In the sale of ealomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better re sults, '' said a prominent local druggist. Dodson 'a Liver Tone is personally guar anteed by every druggist who sella It. A large bottle costs 60 cents, and it It fails to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggishness and constipation, you have only to ask for yonr money back. Dodson '? Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harm less to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feel ing line; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or constipated bowels It doesn't gripe or cause Inconvenience all the next day like violent calomel. Take a dose of calomel today, and tomorrow yon will feel weak, tick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work! Take Dod son'a LIrer Tone instead and feel line, full of vigor and ambition. a??p?p?mmasssBBsm ? u..ij?^^^*gai ?' M - ?? " "-7 A' Something flew For < Spring And Summer ! We have just received a complete line of I Men*8, Boys and Women's Shoes, Hats, Shirts Collars, Ties., and other lat$ Hab- ' , erdashery. '? Every Article Has Our "QUALITY SERVICE" Be ? hind it, and is There With the Style. g Our Line of Boys' Clothing for the Spring and Summer is Complete. s Carter Bros. & Co. , "The Quality Shop" ?- AHOSKIE, - N. C. 1 ? =31 IT M II M fwYNN BROsTi Murfreesboro*s Greatest Store <? ? Murfreesboro, - - - N. C- <> . i[ l Now is the- lime to do Your [ Easter Shopping. II b o ? Every department is replete with choice selections?\ r~ t < * ? A glance at out magnificient line of < > ? Dresses, including Beautiful Taffetas, ? Satins. Crepe De Chines, with clever < ? ? Tunic and Ruffled Skirts, some beautiful- <? ) ly Beaded and Embroidered, others in < | f smart tailored effects < ? t> o I PRICES RANGING FROM $10.00 TO $35.00. * \ ? Nifty Line of Easter Coat Suits and Coats. ? Waist in Beaded Georgette, Crepes, 4? y Satiijs and Crepe De Chines. < > Wynn Bros. \\ ? T | ;; I> My Spring Stock of Millinery is now < ? ? ready for your inspection. - No special \ \ ? opening. Yours to serve, < ? I MISS N. T. WIGGINS ito?Mn-^RFREESBORO' N' c' < I ] BIZIAM*IEcoffee and Good Cheer go together like Possum and Sweet Potatoes < "When It Pour*, It BECAUSE Luzianne make* the best-taating cup of coffee you ever /drank. It'* roasted juat right. The fragrante?you can't forget it. And the flavor ia delicious. Coffee-lovers know that Luzianne just hits th? ?pot, for it's full of punch and pep. If you don't think that this good old Lusianna is worth what jrou paid, then tall your grocer and hall give you back every cent. t i

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