Hertford County Herald ** ' A PAPER WORTH WHILE ?-? i * i. VOL. 9p AHOSKIB, N. CM FRIDAY^MAY 24, 191$ NUMBER 18 COMMENCEMENT > AT CHOWAN COLLEGE, The commencement exercises of Chowan College began, Saturday evening, May the eleventh, with ap pro piate exercises given by the Sen ior Class. The play rendered by theae young ladies was written fey Miss Genevieve Hsrtman. prof, of English in Chowan College, and was entitled, "The Good Fairy ef Eigh teen." After the play was given a aociat hour wae spent on the campus ltafreahments were served and Miss Kate Jenkins of Murfreerimro, sang moet artistically popular songs. Sunday, 11:00 A. M. Dr. Thes. W. O'Kelley, pastor of the Pint Church of Raleigh, preached the Baccalaureate Sermon. His theme waa "The Power of a Ministering Life." At night Dr. O'Kelley preached the Missionary Sermon. His message was baaed on the thrice repeated words in the 10th chapter of.Matthews: "Worthy of Him." Dr. O'Kelley is simple in stile, charming in eloquence apd brings all his powers to play in making Chiist and Ma cross attractive. Monday evening. May 18th. the Annual Concert was the leading feature. A large audievce waa en tertained by the studenta of exprea aion, voice and piano. ' Tuesday, II A. M. the Literary add rem waa delivered by Lieut. Gov. 0. Max Gardner, on the timely aubjeet,?"The Eaohling Kffecti of the Red proas Work Upon the Womanhood." Mr. Gardner waa introduced by Hon. E. F. Aydlett of Elizabeth City, who in very fitting terms presented him aa the next Gov. of N. C. Hon. Mr. Gardner ia one of Jforth Carolina's strongest and moat eloquent sons and the peo ple of the Chowan country gladly heard him. Hon. J. H. Matthews made a brief talk for the Board of Trustees pledging the loyalty of all the mem bera of the Board to the welfare of the College. The patriotit spirit of the girla waa manifested by the purchase of two liberty bonds throught the Lu es I ian and the Aiothinean Literary Societies tor the College. The following studenta received Leola McCullers, the Anaie W. Bailey Medal, for the beet eaaay; Janme Parker, the Winston Medal for the beat work in Household Ec ?con.; Elisabeth Griffith, the Home Medal for the beat work in Voice; Either Shearon, the Muaic Medal for the moat improvement in Pkno; Rubv Shearon, the Alathenian Med al for the beat work In the society. After delivering the diplomas to several young lidia*. Pres. G. E. Lineberry. ip a very beautiful and tetrf" ?ddreas gave a parting word to the graduates.^ Thus closed the Seventieth Session pf Chowan Col lege. i e ADIIMSTUTOR'S NOTICE % Having qualified aa administrator of Walter Lang deceased late of Hertford county N. C. this is to Notify all persons having claims i against the estate of said deceased , to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of May 1919 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of this recovery < i Ail persona indebters to said estate , will please make immediate payment ? ; This the 18th day of my W18 Jutra Lan* Administrator Jno. E. Vann atty T? Core ? CoM la Oas Day. T.k. LAX ATI V* nOKOChlMkJ. It ax** tha oS ta? Cold. FOWELLSVILLE NEWS The.teacher* of PoweltoviJJe graded school left last Thursday for their respective homes. Mr. W. L. Rouse and family of Aheskie were in town Saturday Misses Maud and Nora Me Keil of Walstonewrg N. C. spent several days in the home of their uncle Mr. 3. W. Mc Keil last week Messrs Jack and Jim Barker of Wilson N. C. were the guest of Mr. George Baker Saturday and Snoday Mr. Thellie Blanchard of Port Norfolk was in town Friday to attendjthe burial of his unele Mr. Bill White of Coierain. Miss Lucie Taylor {s spending some time with Miss Janice Misell, of Windsor Dr and Mrs. I? " A. Nowell ?f Coierain were in town, Sunday Mrs Brewer, Mr and Mrs Lyman Holloman of Roxobel were the gueat of their sister Mrs. L. R. Sessoms Sunday. Miss Lettie Mizelle spent Sun. day in Windsor visiting relatives Mesners Joe Pyrd and Silas Mc Keil were in Windwr Friday Mrs J. Leon Alstcn was in Nor folk several dnys last week. Miss Elizabeth Parry who has been spending some time in Windsor with friends and relatives returned home Monday Utile Miss Evelyn Phelps is spen ding some time with her grand mother Mrs. W. S. Taylor Mr and Mrs. jp* White of Cole rain were visiting in the home of J. J. Alston Sunday. Mr and Mrs Talmage Wynns, Lillian Holloman and Miran Harrell spent Friday night and Satnrday in the home of Mr Frank Harden of Quitsna. Messers Willie Tjylor and Koee well Overton were callers in Wood land Sonday. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Rayner spent SundaXin the home of Mrs H. A. Hobbs of Akoekie. Mr.Ben Mc Keil who has been in school for the past term ?t Trinity returned home Monday to spend his vacation. Master Will Chitty Morris return ed to his home at Theltna Tuesday ofter spending the winter here In school. He was accompaniec by Mrs J. J. Alston and Miss Mary Alston. Mr Britt Byrd of Durham was in town Saturday to attend the burial of his brother-in.lsw Mr. Bill white. Mistress Henry Waters and Tal mas* Wynns spent Frityy in Ahos. kie 0 Notice 01 saie. On ifursday, June 6th. 1918, we will offer for able: 1 horse: 1 heifer-hog: I buggy:'lcart: farming implements household and kitchen furniture. Sat* tobe held at the W. Mc T easier home pi ace. R. L. Teaster Executor Maud Sumner Basemore, Ex?c atrix. ; Commencement at Union ? The Union Qraded School Com mencement will be given Thursday and Friday May 80-31. Thursday night short plays, can tatas. etc. Friday morning. Com mencement exercises. Address by Judge J. H. Kerr. Friday evening. Patriotic play, "Claim Allowad." All are cardlally invited to attend o SATURDAY I VHEATLESS BOARD ELECTIONS MEETS At a meeting of th? Board of El ections for Hortford County held on the 20th of May, 1918, in the town of Wioton, N. C., the following member* of the board being present: L. J. Lawrence Chairman; W^A. Perry, Secretary; and I. F. Snipes; the following candidates were elect ed without opposition for nomina tion in the primary election to he held June 1st, 1918, and were da dared nominees of the Democratic Party as follows. MANEYS NECK TOWNSHIP County Commissioner, S P. Win borne; Tax Collector. F T. Railey. MURFREESBORO TOWNSHIP Representative, Stanley Winborne County Commissioner, C. E. Boy ette; Tax Collector. T. T, Parker. HARRELLSV1LLE TOWNSHIP > County Commissioner, J. A. Pow ell; Taa Collector. 4no. D. Lowe. ST. JOHNS TOWNSHIP County Commissioner, J. M. Eley; Tat Colloctor, M. R. Sumner; Jus tice of the Peace, C. N. Britton, O. R. Vaugban, L. P. Nichols; Town ship Constable. C. W. Howard. / AHOSKIE TOWNSHIP. Tax Collector, Jas. A. Doughtie. The following complied with the law and were declared the candida tes for the office* of Sheriff and County Commissioners, in the Pri mary Election to be held June 1st * For Sheriff:- A. E. Garrett, B.' Scull. * . ; V County Commiasionera: E. J. Gerock, F. G. Tayloe. W. A. Perry, Secretary. o Red Cross Meeting and Ban quet On Thursday night the local Red Croaa Chapter held an interesting and instructive Maaa meeting in the High School Auditorium. Music was rendered by Attorney W. W. Rogers and Miaa Agnes Johnaon. Several speeches from different men of Ahoekie were made on the Red Croaa movement, also a speech by some Englishman, who re lated some of the acenes of the old country. After the ? peaking was over the audience was called upoif for subscription for the Red Croaa. About $900.00 waa subscribed in a very few minutes. After this the meeting adjourned and the people journeyed out to the lawn, and there partook of a bounteous repast, consisting of ice cream, chicken salad and several other daintiea. At a late feour they departed.' o MENOLA NEWS We are hoping that our oeople here will do their full tha!re t<t help make up Hertford Caunty's quota in the Red Cross Jwork. We had Mr. W.R. Johnson of Ahoakie with us at Menola Church on Stniday morning and he made a stirring ap peal to his audienceln favor of this great work. Mrs. Dora Vinson and daughter. Miss Ida, spent Tuesday of last week in Woodland visiting relatives. Mr. and Mts. H. U. Griffith and daughte, Anna Higgi, Mrs. C. W. Parker, Miss Janie Brown, and Mr*. J. M. Eley attended tki? Red Cross Meeting at Jackson on Mon day. * Mrs. Mary Brown ?and family spent Sunday ofternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peele near Rich Square. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Par ker of |Mt. Tabor, and daughter* Carrie and Lola, attended services here on Sunday morning and dined with Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Griffith. J ? HORTON'S PERSONALS Sevetal of our people attended service* at Conaritsa Sunday. llfa. Robert H arret I of Kelford visited relatives here last week. The sunshine looks good to us rfnee t?fe have been too wet to plow for a *hole week. Little Inez Rountree has bean very rifck but is improving at pres ent. We hope for her a speedy re ' A. cowry. # Mr*. Julia PoweH is on the sick list thi* week.* Glad to report Mr. D. J. Rawis condition much improved. Mr. And Mrs. f. L. Howard visit ed relatives here Sunday. Rev. Jamee l/mg wilffill his first regulat appoint?at here nest Sat urday and Sundag. Messrs. S. W. Greene and R. F. Daniel went to Roxsbei last Thurs day on business. Mr. J. C. Jenkins, reports his peanuts arp rotten in the grown. Sorry towpprt Mr. W. F. Min ton an the sNk list at this writing Scfcednle of - Meetings. May 27th. 8.S0P. M. At Ahoakie Graded sehool, May 28tt. 8.30 P. M. at Oak Grove School, 8t. John's Townahip. May 2?th. S.S0 P. M. at Mill Neck School: Harrelaville Tow nahip, May 29th. fk 30. P. M. at Harrelaville School Harrelaville Townahip, May 26th. 8. SO. P. M.at Co mo Graded School Mannys Neck Townahip, May Slth. S. 36. P. M. at Oak Grove School, Murfreesboro Townahip, May Slth. 8. 30.. P. M. at Menola school St. Johns Townahip Jane 1st. 3. 39. P. M. at Holly spri ng Winton Township, Theae meetings will be"held prom ptly at the hour stated in order that farmers attending may get home early. If possble to arrange for lantern and slidea the lecture will be illuatr ated. Admission free. Every body invited. Moat Register With local Board at Alioekie The registration on J one 5 of young men in Hertford county who have become 21 since the registration of laat year will register with Hertford Caunty Local Board at Ahoakie be tween 7 a. m. and 9 p. m. The Local Board has issued the following notice: *'AU male per sona who are eitixens of the United States who have since the 5th day June, attained the age of 21 years must register "ci l i;u a ouvn peiviiiB iitiiik iu ncruuiu county, will-register with the Local Board of Hartford County at its office in Ahoakie on June 5, next, between the hoar* of 7 a. m. and 9 p. m. "Failure of any peraon to regis ter ia a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for one year and may result in hia immediate induction into the military service. W. R. Johnson, Chairman Local Board Hertford county. A Valuable Farm For Sale In Gate* County. I have for sale a farm of |bout 120 rcrea, 1-2 mile |from Gates Sta tion; A. C. L. R. R. New Two Story House, New Out Buildings, fine lo cation, good neighborhood, 2 miles from best school in the county, also several churches nearby. iThis farm can be bought for S8.000.00, 1-3 cash terms on remainder. If inter eatad write G. IX Catling, Roduca' N. C immediately. ? . o Send your Job printing to tfie Herald office. I IN MEMOKIAM Mrs. Lily Walton Baker died at her home at Ahoakie N. C. April 6th 1918, following a weeks illaaa of pleoriay, aged 57 years. Our Heavenly Father ia constan tly calling hia^loved onaa home and we , call his ways mysterious. Why do oar loved ones alip away from ja leaving a vacant place that never can be filled? Skill when we realise that their going ia so precious to oar Lord we know why it is that Heaven is so fast fill ing up with the e^pke spiritsiofearht. Her going was not a surprise to h?r many frieoda for she suffered much pain fof several days, bat without a murmer, so perfect was her submission to Gods will.' and as her loved ones watchedby her side they could almot see the very courts of Heaven opened to receive her seul. Mrs. Baker was a faithful mem der of Harresville M. E. church where she Joined when quite young. She was also a member of Harre llsville and Ahoskie, Ladies Aid Soc iety. Mrs. Baker was a devoted mother more than teat she waa a companion, a bosom friend, her children were never afraid to corrfide in her any aecret they aonrht her advice, they never raftered but that she suffered the more for them. Never waa dfcvotion more beaut iful and companionship more angelic than exiated between this mother and daughters. / - A devoted mother has departed; there is great grief in the church and the town in which she lived at the passing of this lovely ^aracter. There went forth from hi* pure Gentle life a bright holy influence that sweetened every life comming vtithin her touch. Everything possible was done to relieve her by skilled physicans ner se, and other tender loving hands that ministered at her bedside, but all unavailing, she bore her suffer ing with Christian fortitude and at God's call she was found ready and waiting W go to her blisaful reward. J oat i short while before she pars ed away she tAld her loved ones she had just read the 5th chapter of Matthew and asked that they sing over her "In thy love" one of her favoratee songs. She realised the end was near and assured them that there were no clouds in her life's evening sun set and it made them rejoice to think that when she approached the city the "beautiful gates" would unfold. Her home for many years was in Harresvilie, where it was as a hiding place from the wind as a refreshing stream in a dry place, and u the shadows of a (mt rock to many fainting .mod discouraged ones, who went there for aoceor apd rest and by her were refreshed and invigorated and aent fourth with renewed strength and hope, her* was the preacher's home always. i , Her place ia vacant in the home town and community and in the lonely hearts of her many frienda. for none k new her but to love her. She leaves to mourn their loss, a husband Mr.R. J. Baker, two daug hters Mrs. J. E. Ward of Roberson vllle and Mrs. H. H. Taylor of Har resville, two brother*, Mr. Biamark Skull of Harresville and Mr. Mar quis Scull of Portsmonth and one sister Mr. Jimmie Fly the of Atlanta Ga. also a host of relatives and lov ed ones, whom we commend to our Heavenly Father to try and live such lives so to meet their loved one In thei>eantifnl "Isle of Somewhere" At 2 oclock on April 8th at Har resville M. E. church her funeral was pr eached by h?r Pastor Rev J. J. Barker in a very impressive manner, amid a very large feather ? '? '?<1 ' ?>. . ' 9 ins: of loved one* and friends. The large audience and many beautiful floral tribute* indicated intense love esteem and good will in which this dear friend was laid. Her remains were then laid to reat in the family cemetery beside her loved ones who preceded her to the bellis world. Wh?n the pearly portals opened, Then she entered safe to be. One among the ransomed legions There to dwell eternally. I I hereby announce myself a can idate for nomination fur Tax collec tor In Wlnton Township subject to the action of the Democratic Prim* ?ry. W. L. Matthew. FROM LIEUT. TAYLOl ' Lieut. Hojrt P. Taylor, ton of Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Taylor, Winton, N. C. has arrived aafely In Fane*. Be low <a a copy of a letter written*to his mother. Read carefully and then prepare to subacribe to the preaent Red Cross drive. Saturday. April 20. My Dear Mother:? Although we are about 36 hoora short of our destia*tioa I writ* to tell you that the trip has bean won derfullly pleasant. We are now right in the heart of toe war aone, have seen no sign of aay submarines We are being convoyed a by number of tiny cfeaaers, which run about 30 <fr 40 mi lea per hoar, so we feel comparatively safe. (Fdur days later.) We hav* ar rived safely mother. Sueh a won derful, wonderful looking country. There lota and lota of things I should like to tell you about the country, myself, the trip, etc., but I (hall be compelled to wait until a later date Then too, it would not be fair for me to tell you everything since I do my own censoring. , I can't eve* tell you where-I am, but you caa make one gueaa and you hit it cor rectly "Parle* Vons FrancaisT" We have had a great trip mother, roov l a _ i ?? _ _ -'i ing pictures concerts, aauy news papers and. etc, The weather is realy cold. I had nofdea it wootd be as it is, however I [brought plea- \ ty of blankets^ with me also other equipment necceasary and am com fortable. Slept nnder Ave pairs of doubled blankets last night and it was not too much. Have seen sev eral old friends over here whom I knew in the States. Mother you folks back home h*ve an idea but not a full conception of what ? this war means. ' For good ness sake preach the gospel of uni ty and efficiency. It <is up to the tha people in United States and no where else in the world to win this struggle. It can't by the soldiers alone either. Every time jou pat a piece of wood in your kitchen stove, eat a peace of meat or spend a nickle foolishly think of the Eng lish, French Italian and America soldiers. We are going to need every thing. It makes me so sad to see these -poor women of the country, scanti ly clad, wearing wooden shoes, do ing manual Labor, pushing wheel barrows ud and down the streets, and taking up garbage. Just as soon as I get located I shall write you again, this is just to let you know that all is well, and in case anything ever happens to the contrary you will know about it at once. iLove to you all. Devotely Hoyt. Lieut. Hoyt. P. Tayloy, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Taylor, Winton, N. C.. 371th Reg. Inft. Sailed April 6th, 1918.

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