HIS m-1 III HE Who loat money on the election? The primary is over and you will have to talk about something else. Sheriff Scull was in town Wednes day. Mrs. S. B. Carter spent the week end in Gatesville with her parents. Miss Ruth Gatling of Mapleton is visiting in the home of Mr. M. P. Gatling on Church St. Mrs. W. J. Myers and little son, of Hopewell, Va., spent this week end with her mother, Mrs. S. H. Leary. Pembroke Baker is in Raleigh this week attending the commence ment exercises at St. Mary's School. Mrs.' A. Lee Copeland left this week for Dendron, Va. to spend sometime with her mother, Mrs. C. C. Hart. Mrs. J. I. White ar.d children returned to\heir home in Nashville tMondiiy .after spending a few Hsys in town. Master Harry Copeland accompanied them home. Mesdames T. M. Forbes and J. P. Boyette left Wednesday for Rox obell. They will visit Mrs. S. F. Bowers. All subscriptions to Second Red Cross War Fund are now due and we would like to have them all paid up by last of this week if pos siable. To save time see V. D. Strict land at Farmers Atlantic Bank-. H. W. Stokes Chairman. Mr. Mrs. O. W. Hale of Eure N.C. I arrived Monday to soend the sum mer here, Mr Hale has accepted a postion with the Bank Of Ahoskie. The Local Board has received a call fdr seventeen negroes to be ent rained for Camp Taylor, Louisville Ky., June 19th. These men, must 1>e qualified for penpal military service. Miss Thelma Bolton of Fayettville has been a guest in the homeof Rev, f. J. Bark er on Church St.' for the past week. Several young men from Ahoskie motered to Norfolk Saturday night and spent Sunday at the beach. June 28th. will be War Saving Day. Everybody get ready buy Uncle Saqi out. Who is it that does not think it would be a good idea to give streets of Ahoskie a little attention. Why Take Calomel? Dr. Thacher's Liver & Blood Syrup . will do all thai calomel will do ana i without the "after effects." Years ago, when people were hi lions, when the liver got luy and failed to do its work or the stomach was out of condition, calomel was the standby. By aud by the us rs of calomel found (hat the "after effects" of taking the ilrug wer? as bad and more often worse Than the ailment for which it was taken. Dr. Thac'.ier. in peeking a medicine to take the place q( caioinei?one that would do all thi .?o;,iI that oalomel would do, and yet leave none of its evil 'tfects perfected Dr. Thacher's Liver & Blood Syrup. Tliia was in 1852, and itch year-si nee has Added to the confl uence of those who have used it. Miss Susie Brewer, of Chattanooga, Tenn., trial calomel. She was suffer ing with a very serious cold and grippe and had no appetite whatever. After the calomel failed nhe tried Dr. Thach er's Liver <fc Blood Syrnp. She felt better after taking three dosjs and she soon got entirely well. "I think Dr.' Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup is a wonderful medicine," she said, "and J ?m very thankful 1 tried it." i For nearly three<)uartera of a century this sterling preparation has been an "old stand-r>y" in thousands of home* in treating rheumatism, dyspepsia, in digestion and other stomach and liver complaints. It is a powerful tonic and blood purifier and can be used with the utmost confidence. Write Thacher Medicine Co., Chat t anooga, Tenn. for a copy of "Thacher's Family Doctor," % book giving cause, symptoms and treatment of 47 com mon diseases. Dr.Thacher'sLiverand Rlooji Syrup for sale by dealers In medicines every where. SUNDAY WKEA1XESS Jt&A lAsrvtmaoAr . awn UulllV OWUlMMVMUr VpV 0 To Cure a Cold In On* Da-. Take LAJtATlVK BROMO Qulnifa Itatopethe Couth and Hea.U -ha aril trorka oB the Co!.). I>ru?l>t? refund money it it (alia to cure. K. W. GROVE'S ate nature on each box. JOo. NOTICE OF LAUD SALE ; ' By virtue yf the power and au thority vested in the undersigned by the term* and conditions of a certain deed of trust executed and delivered by Alexander Lasiter and wife, Lizzie Lassiter, Mittie Lassiter and others to B. B. Winborne, trus tee, of record in the office of the Register Deeds for Herdford Coun ty in Book 52 page 325, default having been made in the payment of the notes secured thereby, and having been requested by the hold, er of said notes so to do, the under signed Trustee will on the 29th. day of June 1918, j at 12 o'clock M., ot Courthouse door in the town of Winton, N. Carolina, 9ell to the highest bidder for rash, the follow ing real estate in the Couty of Hertgord, and state of North Car olina. to? wit: Ith: The Geo. W. Lassiter home place, adjoining lands of the Wm. Marsh heirs, the old Nathaniel Doughtrie tract, the Bertie and Hertford Cotnty line, being the same lands as sold by & C. W. Mitchell* Mortgagee an the 29th. day of January 1911, at the Court house dcor in Winton and purch, aset at said sale by Alex. Lassiter, Trustee 2nd: The one fourth inter est of George W. Lassiter, decease-^ in and to the Natinel Doughtrse* tract of land sold under of Court, by Geo. Cowper, , Commissioners, subject to the agreed divisions of Hfta tract as ageea upon oetween ,Mr8. J. E. Holloman ann C. W. Mitchell, said C. W. Mitchell be coming the purchaser at said sale or March 12th 1912. 3rd; The en tire interest owned and controlled by C. W. Mitchell, prior to the con veyance, in the said Nathaniel Doughtrie'tract, by virtue of a purchase at foreclocure sale or the rights of Alex. Lassiters, the last named lot being subject to an agreement of division as in the said*second lot, the two last name lots fold by deed of even date here with from C. W. Mitchell, to Alex ander Lassiter and other. Place of Sale Courthouse. Winton, N. Carolina. Time of sale? 12 o'clock M. June 29tn 1918. Terms of Sale cash. This May 24th 1918. B. B. Winborne, Trustee. H WhoopinfCaufh. In this disease it is Important that the cuogh be kept loose and expectotation easy, wich can bej done by giving Chambarlai's Cough Remedy. Mrs. P. H . Martin, Peru, Ind., writes, "My two daugt ers had whooping cough. 1 gave them Chamberlain's Cough Rem?y and it worked like a charm." Don't Take Just Any Roofing ?Get the Kind that is Made not on the "How Fast" but on the "How Good" Principle Then you will never get a poor roofing when you need a good one. The ready-to-lay NepomcT PAROID ROOFING it long on the roof because it is long in the making. It's the only way surely to make a roofing absolutely reliable and 1009b weather- and waterproof. Ahoskie Building Supply Company Notice of Sale. On Thursday, June 6th. 1918, we will offer for sale: 1 horse: 1 heifer-hog: 1 buggy: lcart: farming implement* household and kitchen furniture. Sale tobe held at the W. Mc Teaster home place. R, L. Teaater Exeautor Maud Sumner Basemore, Exec ntrix. .. Do It Now Subacrib To The Hert ford County Hearld. I Nothing else so thoroughly insures happiness in the home as the knowledge that you have laid aside, in the bank/a fund for the future, to take care for any emergency tj?at may arise, For the Protection r t of y o u r home Start such a fund at this Bank Today? 14 ^ ^ K ^ - 1 PURE as , Southern Sunshine I 1KB the soft, beaming sunlight of Dfarie* ' tend, Luzianne brings cheer to meal time?breakfast, dinner and supper. Folks who try it once have a genuine affection for it ever after. Luzianne cornea to you in clean, sanitary, air-tight tins. The flavor stays in impurities stay out. Buy a can of Luzianne. Use the whole can. If you don't honestly believe it is better than any other coffee you ever tasted, tell the grocar to refund your mossy. But, try it. IPZIAf?lBcoffee "When It Pours, It Reigna" | What About Your Grocery Bill? | ? If you purchase your supplies from this dependable groc ? \ ery store, your giocery bill will be moderate, and you will ? get the very best service and goods. <) ? We handle STAPLE GROCERIES $ | J. P. Boyette&Son, AhosKie.N. C. J ?y<l' ?MP-I ? ?? "????' WCT??????w??? Jl!tBS * ll ' f|a MOO MiWffl" * I f That's exactly what it will do, according to the signed testimony f? ? of doctors and druggists and f MEN AND WOMEN [ [ of today who are enjoying increased vim, vigor and vitality; [ 1 > through the taking of 1 > M A N T O N E / ''Kin* ?f EffMilriftlVM" 1 > FULL TREAKMENT GUARANTEED BY ATL DRUGGISTS t i lt==ll IC \%EEEa *' II : II 3 (1 Fertilizer and Cand Plaster Mr. FARMER Stored in Warehose-GET IT ANY TIME For your Late Corn Planting and Second Fer- JJ lizing I can furnish you your needs. Also Land Plaster Come to See me at once as the other fel low is hauling all the while. S. E. Dilday, Ahoskie, N. C. ? ' 1 'i= ? i- ? >'?-i Help us Help You by Subscribing to the Hertford County Herald. H The Farmer's I I Share I Live stock is marketed from former to consumer at a lower cost than almoit any other farm ? product. The United States Deportment of agriculture reported in 1916 that the farmer gets for his cattle "approxi | mately two-third* to three-fourth*" of the final retail price paid by the coo turner for the resulting beef. Under norrpal conditions, the farmer's share of retail priced of various farm products is approximately as follows: Butter 71jer cent I, CATTLE 6^7^ to 7? per eenl Eggs 65 per cent Potatoes 55 per cent Poultry 45 per cent Fruits 35 per cent The difference between farmer's price and retail price represents the necessary expenses of packing, freight and whole sale and retail distribution. Swift ft Company not only performs the manufacturing operations of pre paring cattle for market in its well equipped packing plants, but it pays the HI freight on meat to all parts of the United States, operates 500 branch distributing houses, and in most cases even delivers to the retail butcher. All . this isdone at an expense of less than 2 ?? cents per pound, and at a profit of only about Vi of a cent per pound of beef. Large volume of business land expert management, make possible this indis pensable service to the live-stock raiser and to the consumer, and make possible the larger proportion of retail prices I received by farmers. . Ymt Book of interesting and ( , instructive bets sent on request. I Address Swift ft Company, ifl Union Stock Yarda, Chicago, Dlinoie II j Swift & Company, U.S. A. I iLAND WANTED!] If you have Farms or Lots to sell?write us. We will sell it to your advantage even if it is I rented out for this year. The service we render our clients is complete in every detail. We make necessary improvements on property? sub-divide and attend to the publicity details s of each sale. I ? VI1W OF ONI OF OUR FARM BALIS We Subdivide and Sell City, Suburban and Farm Property at Auction I* Your business in our hands will get reen'.M. j. < Write us for information of our suction methods bcfo.v you l en J consider the tale of your fNrop'-'rty. Fartn Safes Our Specialty. Territory \'-/r ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY tmt hams that jusrirm voirn coNnonNcc j OFFICES: PETERSBURG. V1RCINIA and GREENVILLE, N. CAROLINA ? Reference* i Any Bank in Petertbur*, Va. or Greenville, N. C. ta ? ? * Do it now: Subscribe to (be Bcrald

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